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An overview of the {AgMIP} {G}lobal {E}conomic {M}odel {I}ntercomparison}, url={https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/agec.12086}, volume=45, author={von Lampe, Martin and Willenbockel, Dirk and Ahammad, Helal and Blanc, Elodie and Cai, Yongxia and Calvin, Katherine and Fujimori, Shinichiro and Hasegawa, Tomoko and Havlik, Petr and Heyhoe, Edwina and Kyle, Page and Lotze-Campen, Hermann and Mason d'Croz, Daniel and Nelson, Gerald C. and Sands, Ronald D. and Schmitz, Christoph and Tabeau, Andrzej and Valin, Hugo and van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique and van Meijl, Hans}, @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ @article{Lampe2014AgMIP year=2014, } @misc{FAOSTAT2023FAOSTAT, - title={FAOSTAT Database}, + title={FAOSTAT {D}atabase}, url={https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data}, author={FAO}, note={[Online; accessed 2023-05-11]}, @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ @software{bond_lamberty_2023 } @article{zhao_cmp360, - title={Core {M}odel {P}roposal 360: GCAM agriculture and land use (AgLU) data and method updates: connecting land hectares to food calories}, + title={Core {M}odel {P}roposal 360: GCAM {A}griculture and {L}and {U}se (AgLU) {D}ata and {M}ethod {U}pdates: {C}onnecting {L}and {H}ectares to {F}ood {C}alories}, author={Zhao, Xin and Wise, Marshall}, number={PNNL-34313}, year={2023}, @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ @article{calvin2019gcam DOI={10.5194/gmd-12-677-2019} } @article{bond2019gcamdata, - title={{g}camdata: An {R} package for preparation, synthesis, and tracking of input data for the GCAM integrated human-earth systems model}, + title={{g}camdata: An {R} {P}ackage for {P}reparation, {S}ynthesis, and {T}racking of {I}nput {D}ata for the {GCAM} {I}ntegrated {H}uman-{E}arth {S}ystems {M}odel}, author={Bond-Lamberty, Ben and Dorheim, Kalyn and Cui, Ryna and Horowitz, Russell and Snyder, Abigail and Calvin, Katherine and Feng, Leyang and Hoesly, Rachel and Horing, Jill and Kyle, G Page and others}, journal={Journal of Open Research Software}, doi={10.5334/jors.232},