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Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA) with TensorFlow

Implemented features:

  • StochasticWeightAveraging following the same code structure / usage of tf.train.ExponentielMovingAverage

    • we will see how to use correctly these two elements.
  • as notices in the original paper, when using the weights from SWA algorithm we need to compute batch norm statistics with these weights (instead of moving statistics computed during the training). So I implemented a MovingFreeBatchNormalization layer (compatible with tf.layers.Layer and keras.layers.Layers objects) where there is moving statistics (mean and variance) and also true statistics, which can be computed/estimated separately on the training set (or a subset). We will see how to use correctly classical batch normalization and this variant of batch normalization.

In examples/, I tried to reproduce some results. I worked with interesting TensorFlow features :

  • I used to feed samples from train/val/test subsets to the network. I combined initializable and feedable iterators.

  • To compute easily accuracy and loss across a subset, validation for example, I used tf.metrics.mean to accumulate the means of theses metrics.

  • I used MomentumOptimizer and AdamOptimizer. In the original paper, weight decay is applied on trainable variables. I used decoupled variants of theses optimizers (tf.contrib.opt.AdamWOptimizer, tf.contrib.opt.MomentumWOptimizer) which applied correctly weight decay (instead of adding L2 term to the loss, which is equivalent to weight decay with adaptive gradient descent methods)

Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA): model ensembling within the weight space

SWA is new kind of ensembling method. Instead of mixing predictions from the 'prediction' space (like averaging predictions from multiple networks), SWA averages different models within the 'weight space'. If you have two models (same network, same sets of trainable parameters), $\theta_t$ and $\theta_{t+T}$, you can average these weights. These weights must come from the same optimization trajectory, with $T$ relatively small (like 1 or 2 epochs) without important changing in the learning rate during the period $T$.

SWA combines the idea of averaging models within the weight space and a specific learning rate scheduling. The goal is to average models from a region around the same local minimum. (you can't average models from different local minimum, it will produce an averaged model placed outside of theses regions). This scheduling aims to go down in one local minimum when SWA starts.

The first part of the training is classical one: you train your model with your preferred optimizer (like MomentumW) with a constant learning rate ($0.01$ for example) during $B epochs$. You obtained a pre-trained model with parameters $\theta$. Now SWA starts:

  • you initialize SWA weights with pre-trained weights $\theta_{SWA}=\theta$ and $n_models=1$ (n_models keeps the number of averaged models).
  • you train your network during $B epochs* more, with the learning rate described in (add Figure). The weights $\theta$ are optimized, not $\theta_{SWA}$.
  • at the end of each epoch, you add the new weights $\theta$ to $\theta_{SWA}$:

$$ \theta_{SWA} \leftarrow \frac{ \theta_{SWA} \dot n_{models} + \theta }{ n_{models} + 1 } n_{models} \leftarrow n_{models} + 1 $$

At the end you obtained two sets of weights for the same model : $\theta$ and $\theta_{SWA}$. You can make inference directly on the model with weights $\theta$ since the batch norm statistics (moving_mean and moving_variance) are already sets for these parameters.

For $\theta_{SWA}$, it's different. Internal statistics of BN layers are not set properly, because it's a new model, from a new region within the weight space. So you need to compute them by making some predictions with training data (full subset ou only some examples). Unfortunately, if you built and trained your network with f.layers.batch_norm it will be tedious to set the moving averages of 'mean' and 'variance' in each batch norm layers.

So I implemented a variant of Batch Normalization for TensorFlow with moving averages of statistics and classical averages of the statistics which requires a pre-inference step, with some training samples to set these new statistics. I called it MovingFreeBatchNormalization. This variant of batch norm is required for SWA weights, but I used is also the classical weights $\theta$.

Here is a first conclusion (with CIFAR10 on a ResNet34): do not use the moving statistics ! Fitting mean and variance at the end of the training (or before each validation) is much more efficient ! See Figure xxx.

So during the second part of the training, when performing SWA updates, at the end of an epoch, if you want to evaluate the model with trained weights $\theta$ you need to make a pre-inference step to set the batch norm statistics.

So after the SWA update, if you want the test your model, you need to:

  • replace trained weights $\theta$ by $\theta_{SWA}$ within the network (I used backup variables to change easily the weights)
  • set the batch norm statistics (it's a new model!) with a pre-inference step.
  • now you can make a complete inference !

For more details about moving free batch normalization with TensorFlow, see part xxxx

Stochastic Weight Averaging is not the first training method that averages weights of a model during the training. There is also the Exponential Moving Average average, which at each iteration step performs:

$$ \theta_t \leftarrow \text{optimizer(...)} \theta_{EMA} \leftarrow \theta_{EMA} * \text{decay}{EMA} + \theta{t} * (1 - \text{decay}_{EMA}) $$

This formula is used at each iteration.

EMA is implemented in TensorFlow, but generally not used correctly ! In the next section we will see how to use EMA correctly with TensorFlow.

Since EMA is very close to SWA, I implemented SWA following the same code structure as tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage. And we will see how to use it properly.

How to use correctly Exponential Moving Averages with TensorFlow

import tensorflow as tf


# build the model, it contains batch norm layers
loss, logits = build_model(inputs, labels, is_training)
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(...)

# get the trainable variables
model_vars = tf.trainable_variables()

ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.999)

# use tf.control_dependencies to run the batch norm update, then the weight update and finaly the EMA formula
with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)):
    train_op = opt.minimize(loss, model_vars)
    with tf.control_dependencies([train_op,]):
        train_op = ema.apply(model_vars)

# now you can train you model, and EMA will be used, but not in your built network ! 
# accumulated weights are stored in ema.average(var) for a specific 'var'
# so you will evaluate your model with the classical weights, not with EMA weights
# trick : create backup variables to store trained weights, and operations to set weights use in the network to weights from EMA

# Make backup variables
with tf.variable_scope('BackupVariables'), tf.device('/cpu:0'):
    # force tensorflow to keep theese new variables on the CPU ! 
    backup_vars = [tf.get_variable(, dtype=var.value().dtype, trainable=False,
                   for var in model_vars]

# operation to assign EMA weights to model
ema_to_weights =*(tf.assign(var, ema.average(var).read_value()) for var in model_vars))
# operation to store model into backup variables
save_weight_backups =*(tf.assign(bck, var.read_value()) for var, bck in zip(model_vars, backup_vars)))
# operation to get back values from backup variables to model
restore_weight_backups =*(tf.assign(var, bck.read_value()) for var, bck in zip(model_vars, backup_vars)))

# now you can train your model !
for epoch in range(epochs):
    for step in range(steps_per_epoch):
        # running this op performs at lot of things: gradient descent, batch norm updates and EMA updates !, feed_dict=...)
    # now if you evaluate your model directly, trained weights will be used 
    acc, loss = make_inference(....)
    # you need to run operations defined above:
    # save weights
    # replace weights by EMA ones
    # now your network uses EMA weights !
    acc_ema, loss_ema = make_inference(....)
    # before the next training steps, you need to restore trained weights

There are different methods to use EMA weights:

  • play with multiple tf.train.Saver (use full if your are memory limited, there is no new variables)
  • re-build the same network with EMA weights instead of already existing ones !

How to use correctly Stochastic Moving Averages with TensorFlow

import tensorflow as tf


# build the model, it contains batch norm layers
loss, logits = build_model(inputs, labels, is_training)
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(...)

# get the trainable variables
model_vars = tf.trainable_variables()

# use tf.control_dependencies to run the batch norm update, then the gradient descent
with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)):
    train_op = opt.minimize(loss, model_vars)

# create an op that combines the SWA formula for all trainable weights 
swa = StochasticWeightAveraging()
swa_op = swa.apply(var_list=model_vars)

# now you can train you model, and EMA will be used, but not in your built network ! 
# accumulated weights are stored in ema.average(var) for a specific 'var'
# so you will evaluate your model with the classical weights, not with EMA weights
# trick : create backup variables to store trained weights, and operations to set weights use in the network to weights from EMA

# Make backup variables
with tf.variable_scope('BackupVariables'), tf.device('/cpu:0'):
    # force tensorflow to keep theese new variables on the CPU ! 
    backup_vars = [tf.get_variable(, dtype=var.value().dtype, trainable=False,
                   for var in model_vars]

# operation to assign SWA weights to model
swa_to_weights =*(tf.assign(var, swa.average(var).read_value()) for var in model_vars))
# operation to store model into backup variables
save_weight_backups =*(tf.assign(bck, var.read_value()) for var, bck in zip(model_vars, backup_vars)))
# operation to get back values from backup variables to model
restore_weight_backups =*(tf.assign(var, bck.read_value()) for var, bck in zip(model_vars, backup_vars)))

# now you can train your model !
for epoch in range(epochs):
    for step in range(steps_per_epoch):
        # running this op performs at lot of things: gradient descent, batch norm updates, feed_dict=...)
    # now if you evaluate your model directly, trained weights will be used 
    acc, loss = make_inference(....)
    # at the end of the epoch, you can run the SWA op which apply the formula defined above
    # now to evaluate the model with SWA weights :
    # save weights
    # replace weights by SWA ones
    # here, normaly you need to fit the batch norm statistics for this new model !!!
    # I will show up how to do this in the next section 
    # now your network uses SWA weights !
    acc_swa, loss_ema = make_inference(....)
    # before the next training steps, you need to restore trained weights

Moving Free Batch Normalization: no more moving_mean and moving_variance

How to use correctly classical batch normalization layers

How to use correctly moving free batch normalization layers


  • CIFAR10
  • ResNet-34 v2 (pre-activation) (from models/official/resnet)
  • 80%/20% for train/validation subsets
  • validation at each epoch (313 optimization steps)
  • validation with moving statistics and with estimated statistics in BatchNorm (pre-inference step)
  • data augmentation : random translation (8pixels), random flip L/R
  • data normalization : per image normalization $x \leftarrow \frac{x - mean(x)}{std(x)}$
  • epochs = 200
  • batch_size = 128
  • 1 GPU (GTX1070)
  • TensorFlow 1.10, CUDA9.0, CuDNN 7.1.4 (compiled from source)
  • about 1H15 per training

Baselines: constant learning rates with Momentum/MomentumW and Adam/AdamW

  • learning rates in : {0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0001}
  • weigh decay : 1e-4 (when MomentumW or AdamW)
  • test with saved model at highest accuracy
model validation validation ++ test test ++
Momentum lr=0.1 89.16 89.49 87.33 88.88
MomentumW lr=0.1 86.86 89.89 84.42 88.17
Momentum lr=0.05 88.88 89.22 87.7 88.2
MomentumW lr=0.05 86.14 89.29 83.75 88.53
Momentum lr=0.01 87.61 88.41 86.55 87.67
MomentumW lr=0.01 87.08 89.47 86.15 88.47
Momentum lr=0.005 87.17 87.60 85.94 86.85
MomentumW lr=0.005 85.89 88.78 80.88 87.94
Momentum lr=0.001 83.05 83.65 81.17 83.04
MomentumW lr=0.001 85.39 88.96 84.66 89.24
Momentum lr=0.0001 65.14 65.18 64.02 64.20
MomentumW lr=0.0001 76.85 80.05 68.12 79.83
model validation validation ++ test test ++
Adam lr=0.05 87.03 87.99 85.87 86.91
AdamW lr=0.05 85.06 87.71 79.94 86.77
Adam lr=0.01 88.81 89.76 87.95 89.15
AdamW lr=0.01 85.96 89.33 85.23 88.94
Adam lr=0.005 87.97 89.41 86.81 88.17
AdamW lr=0.005 85.81 89.56 82.97 89.10
Adam lr=0.001 88.33 89.08 87.25 88.32
AdamW lr=0.001 86.56 89.14 80.46 88.48
Adam lr=0.0005 87.52 88.37 85.68 86.56
AdamW lr=0.0005 87.27 89.12 74.96 88.19
Adam lr=0.0001 82.15 83.52 80.95 82.67
AdamW lr=0.0001 88.12 89.34 xx.xx xx.xx


  • When applying weight decay on all trainable variables (or L2 regularization) it seems very important to fit the batch norm statistics instead of using the moving averages of mean and variance.

Results of SWA


  • epochs = 200

  • epochs before SWA = 100

  • start training with constant learning rate = $\alpha_1$

  • then decrease linearly the learning rate to $\alpha_2$ in 80 epochs

  • and continue training during 20 epochs with constant learning rate $\alpha_2$

  • tuple ($\alha_1$, $\alpha_2$) tested: (0.1, 0.001), (0.05, 0.0005), (0.01, 0.0001), (0.001, 0.00001), (0.0005, 0.000005)

model validation validation ++ validation SWA test test ++ test SWA
Momentum (0.1, 0.001) 90.10 90.09 90.26 89.54 89.67 89.94
MomentumW (0.1, 0.001) 92.52 92.42 92.55 91.29 91.41 92.37
Momentum (0.05, 0.0005) 90.02 90.04 90.46 89.44 89.53 89.65
MomentumW (0.05, 0.0005) 92.15 92.20 92.45 91.78 91.48 91.92
Momentum (0.01, 0.0001) 89.06 88.97 89.14 88.52 88.61 88.69
MomentumW (0.01, 0.0001) 92.13 92.23 92.30 91.47 91.49 91.87
Momentum (0.001, 0.00001) 83.13 83.16 83.10 82.24 82.21 82.66
MomentumW (0.001, 0.00001) 91.85 91.78 91.81 90.75 90.81 91.06
model validation validation ++ validation SWA test test ++ test SWA
Adam (0.1, 0.001) 87.51 87.54 87.80 86.74 86.70 87.23
AdamW (0.1, 0.001) 89.64 89.61 90.06 88.68 88.59 88.91
Adam (0.05, 0.0005) 88.53 88.53 89.04 87.91 87.79 88.01
AdamW (0.05, 0.0005) 90.17 90.10 90.44 89.14 88.98 89.93
Adam (0.01, 0.0001) 90.58 90.61 90.64 89.05 89.06 89.36
AdamW (0.01, 0.0001) 91.62 91.50 91.97 90.98 91.08 92.10
Adam (0.001, 0.00001) 89.87 89.87 90.00 89.05 89.02 89.01
AdamW (0.001, 0.00001) 92.21 92.10 92.26 91.28 91.28 91.52
Adam (0.0005, 0.000005) 88.18 88.21 88.52 88.06 87.96 88.22