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JShep89 edited this page Jul 6, 2019 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the C-3PO wiki! # Command\n + > ${cmd} last \n + > ${cmd} last [n] to [lang] from [lang] \n\n +

# Parameters\n + > to [lang] - defaults to server default language\n + > to [lang, lang, ...] - translates to multiple languages\n + > from [lang] - defaults to automatic detection\n + > [n] - number of chains to translate, default is 1\n + > [-n] - negative number means only one chain is translated\n\n +

# Examples\n + * ${cmd} last 2 \n + * ${cmd} last to english \n + * ${cmd} last to english, german, french \n + * ${cmd} last -6 to english from german + "```"; // // Custom message (this) //

const custom = __**Translate Custom Message**__\n\n + Translates a custom message entered by user.\n + "```md\n" +

# Command\n + > ${cmd} this: [msg] \n + > ${cmd} this to [lang] from [lang]: [msg] \n\n +

# Parameters\n + > to [lang] - defaults to server default language\n + > to [lang, lang, ...] - translates to multiple languages\n + > from [lang] - defaults to automatic detection\n\n +

# Examples\n + * ${cmd} this: bonjour \n + * ${cmd} this to spanish: hello world \n + * ${cmd} this to arabic, hebrew: I love you \n + * ${cmd} this to de from en: how are you? \n + "```";

// // Auto translate (channel) //

const auto = __**Auto Translate Channels/Users**__\n\n + Automatically translates any new messages in channel and forwards them + to you. Admins/mods can set forwarding to other channels or users in + server. Messages in forwarded channels will also be sent back to origin*. + "```md\n" +

# Command\n + > ${cmd} channel \n + > ${cmd} channel to [lang] from [lang] for [me/@/#] \n + > ${cmd} stop for [me/@/#] \n\n +

# Parameters\n + > to [lang] - defaults to server default language\n + > from [lang] - language to translate from \n + > for [me/@/#] - defaults to "me", admins can use mentions \n\n +

# Examples\n + * ${cmd} channel to english from chinese \n + * ${cmd} channel to en from de for #englishChannel \n + * ${cmd} channel to de from en for @steve \n + * ${cmd} channel to en from ru for #ch1, #ch2, #usr1 \n + "```" + "\n* Translated messages that are forwarded to users include a special id " + "for replying. Simply copy the code and paste into DM window before your " + "message to send a response, example: XX123: your message here.";

// // Auto translate (stop) //

const stop = __**Stop Auto Translation**__\n\n + Terminates auto-translation of channel for you. + Admins/mods can stop for other channels or users in server. + "```md\n" +

# Command\n + > ${cmd} stop \n + > ${cmd} stop for [me/@/#/all] \n\n +

# Parameters\n + > for [me/@/#/all] - defaults to "me" \n\n +

# Examples\n + * ${cmd} stop \n + * ${cmd} stop for me \n + * ${cmd} stop for @usr1 \n + * ${cmd} stop for #ch1 \n + * ${cmd} stop for all \n + "```";

// // Misc //

const misc = __**Miscellaneous Commands**__\n\n + "```md\n" +

# Help\n + > ${cmd} help\n + > ${cmd} help [command]\n\n +

# Statistics\n + > ${cmd} version \n + > ${cmd} stats \n + > ${cmd} stats global \n + > ${cmd} stats server \n\n +

# Links\n + > ${cmd} invite\n\n +

# Supported Languages\n + > ${cmd} list\n + "```";

// // Settings //

const settings = __**Settings**__\n\n + These commands are available only to admins in server channels. + "```md\n" +

# Set default server language\n + > ${cmd} settings setLang to [lang]\n\n +

# Disconnect bot from server\n + > ${cmd} settings disconnect \n + Pvt. DoofusBOTLast Thursday at 12:09 PM doofus Bot - v.0.5.3 Translates Discord messages (based on Google API).

:flag_white: Translate by Reacting new

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⏫ Translate Last Message

#️⃣ Translate Channel (Automatic))

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