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Write Your Own Agentic, LlamaIndex Data Extractor

Refresher on What an Open Contracts Data Extractor Does

When you create a new Extract on the frontend, you can build a grid of data field columns and document rows that the application will traverse, cell-by-cell, to answer the question posed in each column for every document:


You can define the target data shape for each column - e.g. require all outputs match a certain dictionary schema or be floats. We leverage LLMs to ensure that the retrieved data matches the desired schema.

You'll notice when you add or edit a column, you can configure a number of different things:


Specifically, you can adjust

  • name: The name of the column.
  • query: The query used for extraction.
  • match_text: Text we want to match semantically to process on. We use this instead of the query to find responsive text, if this field is provided. If not, we have to fall back to the query.
  • must_contain_text: Text that must be contained in a returned annotation. This is case insensitive.
  • output_type: The type of data to be extracted. This can be a python primitive or a simple Pydantic model.
  • instructions: Instructions for the extraction process. This instructs our parser how to convert retrieved text to the target output_type. Not strictly necessary, but recommended, specifically for objects.
  • task_name: The name of the registered celery extract task to use to process (lets you define and deploy custom ones). We'll show you have to create a custom one in this walkthrough.
  • agentic: Boolean indicating if the extraction is agentic.
  • extract_is_list: Boolean indicating if the extraction result is a list of the output_types you provided.

You'll notice that in the GUI, there is a dropdown to pick the extract task:


This is actually retrieved dynamically from the backend from the tasks in Every celery task in this python module will show up in the GUI, and the description in the dropdown is actually pulled out of the docstring provided in the code itself:

def oc_llama_index_doc_query(cell_id, similarity_top_k=15, max_token_length: int = 512):
    OpenContracts' default LlamaIndex and Marvin-based data extract pipeline to run queries specified for a
    particular cell. We use sentence transformer embeddings + sentence transformer re-ranking.


This means you can write your own data extractors! If you write a new task in, the next time the containers are rebuilt, you should see your custom extractor. We'll walk through this in a minute.

How Open Contracts Integrates with LlamaIndex

You don't have to use LlamaIndex in your extractor - you could just pass an entire document to OpenAI's GPT-4o, for example, but LlamaIndex provides a tremendous amount of configurability that may yield to faster, better, cheaper or more reliable performance in many cases. You could even incorporate tools and third-party APIs in agentic fashion.

We assume you're already familiar wtih LlamaIndex, the "data framework for your LLM applications". It has a rich ecosystem of integrations, prompt templates, agents, retrieval techniques and more to let you customize how your LLMs interact with data.

Custom DjangoAnnotationVectorStore

We've written a custom implementation of one of LlamaIndex's core building blocks - the VectorStore - that lets LlamaIndex use OpenContracts as a vector store. Our DjangoAnnotationVectorStore in opencontractserver/llms/ lets you quickly write a LlamaIndex agent or question answering pipeline that can pull directly from the rich annotations and structural data (like annotation positions, layout class - e.g. header - and more) in OpenContracts. If you want to learn more about LlamaIndex's vector stores, see more in the documentation about VectorStores.

Task Orchestration

As discussed elsewhere, we use celery workers to run most of our analytics and transform logic. It simplifies the management of complex queues and lets us scale our application compute horizontally in the right environment.

Our data extract functionality has an orchestrator task - run_extract. For each data extract column for each document in the extract, we look at the column's task_name property and use it to attempt to load the celery task with that name via the get_task_by_name function:

def get_task_by_name(task_name) -> Optional[Callable]:
    Try to get celery task function Callable by name
        return celery_app.tasks.get(task_name)
    except Exception:
        return None

As we loop over the datacells, we store the celery invocation for the cell's column's task_name in a task list:

for document_id in document_ids:
        for column in fieldset.columns.all():
            with transaction.atomic():
                cell = Datacell.objects.create(

            # Omitting some code here

            # Get the task function dynamically based on the column's task_name
            task_func = get_task_by_name(column.task_name)
            if task_func is None:
                    f"Task {column.task_name} not found for column {}"

            # Add the task to the group

Upon completing the traversal of the grid, we use a celery workflow to run all the cell extract tasks in parallel:


Our Default Data Extract Task - oc_llama_index_doc_query

Our default data extractor uses LlamaIndex to retrieved and structure the data in the DataGrid. Before we write a new one, let's walk through how we orchestrate tasks and how our default extract works.

oc_llama_index_doc_query requires a Datacell id as positional argument. NOTE if you were to write your own extract task, you'd need to follow this same signature (with a name of your choice, of course):

def oc_llama_index_doc_query(cell_id, similarity_top_k=15, max_token_length: int = 512):
    OpenContracts' default LlamaIndex and Marvin-based data extract pipeline to run queries specified for a
    particular cell. We use sentence transformer embeddings + sentence transformer re-ranking.


The frontend pulls the task description from the docstring, so, again, if you write your own, make sure you provide a useful description.

Let's walk through how oc_llama_index_doc_query works

Step 1 - Mark Datacell as Started

Once the task kicks off, step one is to log in the DB that the task has started:


        datacell.started =

  • Exception Handling: We use a try block to handle any exceptions that might occur during the processing.
  • Set Started Timestamp: We set the started field to the current time to mark the beginning of the datacell processing.
  • Save Changes: We save the Datacell object to the database.

Step 2 - Configure Embeddings and LLM Settings

Then, we create our embeddings module. We actually have a microservice for this to cut down on memory usage and allow for easier scaling of the compute-intensive parts of the app. For now, though, the task does not call the microservice so we're using a lightweight sentence tranformer embeddings model:

    document = datacell.document

    embed_model = HuggingFaceEmbedding(
        model_name="multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1", cache_folder="/models"
    Settings.embed_model = embed_model

    llm = OpenAI(model=settings.OPENAI_MODEL, api_key=settings.OPENAI_API_KEY)
    Settings.llm = llm
  • Retrieve Document: We fetch the document associated with the datacell.
  • Configure Embedding Model: We set up the HuggingFace embedding model. This model converts text into embeddings ( vector representations) which are essential for semantic search.
  • Set Embedding Model in Settings: We assign the embedding model to Settings.embed_model for global access within the task.
  • Configure LLM: We set up the OpenAI model using the API key from settings. This model will be used for language processing tasks.
  • Set LLM in Settings: We assign the LLM to Settings.llm for global access within the task.

Step 3 - Initialize DjangoAnnotationVectorStore for LlamaIndex

Now, here's the cool part with LlamaIndex. Assuming we have Django models with embeddings produced by the same embeddings model, we don't need to do any real-time encoding of our source documents, and our Django object store in Postgres can be loaded as a LlamaIndex vector store. Even better, we can pass in some arguments that let us scope the store down to what we want. For example, we can limit retrieving text from to document, to annotations containing certain text, and to annotations with certain labels - e.g. termination. This lets us leverage all of the work that's been done by humans (and machines) in an OpenContracts corpus to label and tag documents. We're getting the best of both worlds - both human and machine intelligence!

    vector_store = DjangoAnnotationVectorStore.from_params(, must_have_text=datacell.column.must_contain_text
    index = VectorStoreIndex.from_vector_store(vector_store=vector_store)
  • Vector Store Initialization: Here we create an instance of DjangoAnnotationVectorStore using parameters specific to the document and column.
  • LlamaIndex Integration: We create a VectorStoreIndex from the custom vector store. This integrates the vector store with LlamaIndex, enabling advanced querying capabilities.

step 4 - Perform Retrieval

Now we use the properties of a configured column to find the proper text. For example, if match_text has been provided, we search for nearest K annotations to the match_text (rather than searching based on the query itself):

    search_text = datacell.column.match_text
    query = datacell.column.query

    retriever = index.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=similarity_top_k)
    results = retriever.retrieve(search_text if search_text else query)
  • Retrieve Search Text and Query: We fetch the search text and query from the column associated with the datacell.
  • Configure Retriever: We configure the retriever with the similarity_top_k parameter, which determines the number of top similar results to retrieve.
  • Retrieve Results: We perform the retrieval using the search text or query. The retriever fetches the most relevant annotations from the vector store.

Step 5 - Rerank Results

We use a LlamaIndex reranker (in this case a SentenceTransformer reranker) to rerank the retrieved annotations based on the query (this is an example of where you could easily customize your own pipeline - you might want to rerank based on match text, use an LLM-based reranker, or use a totally different reranker like cohere):

sbert_rerank = SentenceTransformerRerank(
    model="cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-2-v2", top_n=5
retrieved_nodes = sbert_rerank.postprocess_nodes(
    results, QueryBundle(query)
  • Reranker Configuration: We set up the SentenceTransformerRerank model. This model is used to rerank the retrieved results for better relevance.
  • Rerank Nodes: We rerank the retrieved nodes using the SentenceTransformerRerank model and the original query. This ensures that the top results are the most relevant.

Step 6 - Process Retrieved Annotations

Now, we determine the Annotation instance ids we retrieved so these can be linked to the datacell. On the OpenContracts frontend, this lets us readily navigate to the Annotations in the source documents:

        retrieved_annotation_ids = [
            n.node.extra_info["annotation_id"] for n in retrieved_nodes
  • Extract Annotation IDs: We extract the annotation IDs from the retrieved nodes.
  • Add Sources: We add the retrieved annotation IDs to the sources field of the datacell. This links the relevant annotations to the datacell.

Step 7 - Format Retrieved Text for Output

Next, we aggregate the retrieved annotations into a single string we can pass to an LLM:

    retrieved_text = "\n".join(
        [f"```Relevant Section:\n\n{n.text}\n```" for n in results]
    )"Retrieved text: {retrieved_text}")
  • Format Text: We format the retrieved text for output. Each relevant section is enclosed in Markdown code blocks for better readability.
  • Log Retrieved Text: We log the retrieved text for debugging and tracking purposes.

Step 8 - Parse Data

Finally, we dynamically specify the output schema / format of the data. We use marvin to do the structuring, but you could tweak the pipeline to use LlamaIndex's Structured Data Extract or you could roll your own custom parsers.

        output_type = parse_model_or_primitive(datacell.column.output_type)"Output type: {output_type}")

        # If provided, we use the column parse instructions property to instruct Marvin how to parse, otherwise,
        # we give it the query and target output schema. Usually the latter approach is OK, but the former is more
        # intentional and gives better performance.
        parse_instructions = datacell.column.instructions

        result = marvin.cast(
            instructions=parse_instructions if parse_instructions else query,

        if isinstance(result, BaseModel):
   = {"data": result.model_dump()}
   = {"data": result}
        datacell.completed =
  • Determine Output Type: We determine the output type based on the column's output type.
  • Log Output Type: We log the output type for debugging purposes.
  • Parse Instructions: We fetch parsing instructions from the column.
  • Parse Result: We use marvin.cast to parse the retrieved text into the desired output type using the parsing instructions.
  • Save Result: We save the parsed result in the data field of the datacell. We also mark the datacell as completed and save the changes to the database.

Step 9 - Save Results

This step is particularly important if you write your own extract. We're planning to write a decorator to make a lot of this easier and automatic, but, for now, you need to remember to store the output of your extract task as a json of form

  "data": <extracted data>

Here's the code from oc_llama_index_doc_query:

 if isinstance(result, BaseModel): = {"data": result.model_dump()}
else: = {"data": result}

datacell.completed =

Step 10 - Exception Handling

If processign fails, we catch the error and stacktrace. These are store with the Datacell so we can see which extracts succeded or failed, and, if they failed, why.

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"run_extract() - Ran into error: {e}")
        datacell.stacktrace = f"Error processing: {e}"
        datacell.failed =
  • Exception Logging: We log any exceptions that occur during the processing.
  • Save Stacktrace: We save the error message in the stacktrace field of the datacell.
  • Mark as Failed: We mark the datacell as failed and save the changes to the database.

Write a Custom LlamaIndex Extractor

Let's write another data extractor based on LlamaIndex's REACT Agent!

Step 1 - Ensure you Load Datacell

As mentioned above, we'd like to use decorators to make some of this more automatic, but, for now, you need to load the Datacell instance from the provided id:

def llama_index_react_agent_query(cell_id):
    Use our DjangoAnnotationVectorStore + LlamaIndex REACT Agent to retrieve text.

    datacell = Datacell.objects.get(id=cell_id)


        datacell.started =

Step 2 - Setup Embeddings Model + LLM

OpenContracts uses multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1 to generate its embeddings (for now, we can make this modular as well). You can use whatever LLM you want, but we're using GPT-4o. Don't forget to isntantiate both of these and configure LlamaIndex's global settings:

embed_model = HuggingFaceEmbedding(
    model_name="multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1", cache_folder="/models"
)  # Using our pre-load cache path where the model was stored on container build
Settings.embed_model = embed_model

llm = OpenAI(model=settings.OPENAI_MODEL, api_key=settings.OPENAI_API_KEY)
Settings.llm = llm

Step 3 - Instantiate Open Contracts Vector Store

Now, let's instantiate a vector store that will only retrieve annotations from the document linked to our loaded datacell:

document = datacell.document

 vector_store = DjangoAnnotationVectorStore.from_params(, must_have_text=datacell.column.must_contain_text
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_vector_store(vector_store=vector_store)

Step 4 - Instantiate Query Engine & Wrap it As LLM Agent Tool

Next, let's use OpenContracts as a LlamaIndex query engine:

doc_engine = index.as_query_engine(similarity_top_k=10)

And let's use that engine with an agent tool:

document = datacell.document

query_engine_tools = [
                f"Provides detailed annotations and text from within the {document.title}"

Step 5 - Setup Agent

agent = ReActAgent.from_tools(
    # context=context

Step 6 - Decide how to Map Column Properties to Retrieval Process

As discussed above, the Column model definition has a lot of properties that service slightly different purposes depending on your RAG implementation. Since we're writing a new extract, you can decide how to map these inputs here. To keep things simple for starters, let's just take the column's query and pass it directly to the React Agent. For improvements, we could have a more complex prompt to apps along, for example, parsing instructions.

response ="What was Lyft's revenue growth in 2021?")

Step 7 - Post-Process and Store Data

At this stage we could use a structured data parser, or we could just store the answer from the agent. For simplicity, let's do the latter: = {"data": str(response)}
datacell.completed =

Step 8 - Rebuild Containers and Look at Your Frontend

The next time you rebuild the containers (in prod, in local env they rebuild automatically), you will see a new entry in the column configuration modals:


It's that easy! Now, any user in your instance can run your extract and generate outputs - here we've used it for the Company Name column:


We plan to create decorators and other developer aids to reduce boilerplate here and let you focus entirely on your retrieval pipeline.


By breaking down the tasks step-by-step, you can see how the custom vector store integrates with LlamaIndex to provide powerful semantic search capabilities within a Django application. Even better, if you write your own data extract tasks you can expose them to users who don't have to know anything at all about how they're built. This is the way it should be - separation of concerns!