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File metadata and controls

395 lines (252 loc) · 11.7 KB

Welcome to hireMe

Quick start


  1. Java8
  2. Maven 3.3.1


  1. Checkout
  2. mvn clean install
  3. mvn ninja:run
  4. visit http://localhost:8080/


Installation of Development environment

Installation guide for Eclipse

  1. Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from


To enable a default styleguide for both ide's: Intellij and eclipse, we defined the google-styleguide as default code style.

Installation Guide for IntelliJ

  1. Locate google-styleguide for IntelliJ: intellij-java-google-style.xml
  2. Move the intellij-java-google-style.xml to ${User}/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea${Version}/
  3. Restart IntelliJ
  4. Enable the google-styleguide by Preferences > Editor CodeStyle > Scheme : GoogleStyle
  5. Enable auto-code-style by commit by checking Before Commit > Reformat Code in screen 'Commit Changes (cmd+K)' IntelliJ Screen Reformat Code by Commit

Installation Guide for Eclipse

  1. Locate google-styleguide for Eclipse: eclipse-java-google-style.xml
  2. Import google-styleguide in Eclipse via Preferences > Java > Code Style > Import...
  3. Enable google-styleguide in Eclipse via Preferences > Java > Code Style : GoogleStyle
  4. Enable auto-code-style on save in Eclipse via Preferences > Java > Editor > Save Actions

Eclipse Screen Reformat Code on save

Start gulp watcher

  1. In project root directory execute: ./gulp-watcher to automatically build all distribution asset files (.js, .css) after changing/saving source files (.js, .coffee, .css, .less).


Official W3C Spec on how to use the HTTP-methods



Overview profile (x) to testCase (y) mapping

Profile unit tests executed integration tests executed protractor tests executed
env-dev (default) YES NO NO
env-jenkins YES YES YES
env-build NO NO NO
env-prod NO NO NO
tests-none NO NO NO
tests-unit YES NO NO
tests-integration YES YES NO
tests-protractor YES NO YES
tests-all YES YES YES

Execute reasonable tests for a given environment:

mvn integration-test -P [env-profile]

Example (execute reasonable tests for develop environment):

mvn integration-test -P env-dev

Run other tests than reasonable for a given environment

mvn integration-test -P [env-profile],[test-override-profile]

Example (execute all tests in develop environment, instead of just unit tests):

mvn integration-test -P env-dev,tests-all

Important: Never try to override test executions for environments env-build and env-prod as the tests would be executed on the db connection of the build or prod system!

Note: Protractor tests per default are executed on the mercus grid using the ip-address that the integration tests were started from as server. If you start the integration tests locally be sure to deactivate your firewall, so that the grid can access http://[your-ip-address]:8080/`.

####### Run protractor tests locally

For testing purposes it may be useful to run protractor tests locally and see how the tests are executed. To run all protractor tests locally, first ensure that ninja is running

mvn ninja:run

and afterwards execute protractor:


It is also possible to run just a single protractor test via:

./protractor --specs src/test/javascript/e2e-tests/dashboard/dashboard.spec.js

To change how protractor is run locally, you could change the config file: /hireme/src/test/javascript/conf/protractor.local.conf.js

Building and deploying a release

Environment-specific build

The environment determines which configuration properties the application should be build with.

  • Existing environments
    • env-dev - environment for local development (active by default)
    • env-jenkins - environment for jenkins/tests
    • env-build - environment for build system
    • env-prod - environment for prod system

The configuration files for the different environments are located at: /hireme/src/env/[environment] During the build of the application with an environment parameter, the environment-specific configuration is copied to target/classes, so the resulting target directory is in a form that the application will be using the environment-specific configuration by default.

Command for building environment-specific:

mvn clean install -P [environment]


mvn clean install -P env-build

Deploy environment specific artifacts to nexus

The following command will build with the jenkins environment configuration, runs all tests, build user and operation manual and creates deployment artifacts for use in development, build and production systems.

mvn clean deploy -Penv-jenkins,build-manuals,build-deployment-artifacts

Resulting artifacts pushed to nexus:

  • hireme-[version]-dev.war - war file for development
  • hireme-[version]-build.war - war file for build system
  • hireme-[version]-prod.war - war file for prod system
  • hireme-[version]-site.jar - usermanual
  • hireme-[version]-operationmanual.pdf - operational manual

Create and tag a release

  1. create a release branch (e.g. hireme-0.1) from develop branch
  2. mvn clean install
  3. verify all tests pass
  4. mvn release:prepare (set scm release version (e.g. 0.1), new delevopment version (e.g. 0.2-SNAPSHOT) and tag name (e.g. hireme-0.1))
  5. mvn release:perform
  6. merge release branch to develop branch and push changes
  7. merge release branch to master branch and push changes

Deploy a release

  1. mvn clean install -P[environment]
  2. deploy release to desired system (see commands below)

Deploy commands

  • General deploy command: mvn cargo:[command] -P [system]
  • Commands
    • deploy - deploys the application to the system
    • undeploy - undeploy the application from the system
    • redeploy - Undeploy and deploy the application to the system again. If the application was not deployed before calling cargo:redeploy it will simply be deployed.
  • Deploy system profiles
    • system-build - deploy to build system
    • system-prod - deploy to prod system
  • Examples:
    • Deploy build system: mvn cargo:deploy -P system-build
    • Redeploy prod system: mvn cargo:redeploy -P system-prod

Creating Export-Templates

All Templates must be located in /exportTemplates/` within the classpath. A template consists of a json file that contains the metadata and a template file.


  • All variables that can be used are from model.Profile
  • Lists of String that are annotated are concatenated by default to a String like value1, value2, ...
  • If a List of Strings is annotated by @ExcludeFromStringConcatenation the list will not be concatenated into a string


  • <img src="defaultProfileImage.png> will print the profile image.
  • If no image in set inside the profile the default profile image will be printed

Print all available variables

Add macro inside template <#list .data_model?keys as var> ${var} </#list>


All documentation is written in markdown language. To get familiar with the syntax see Markdown Basics and Markdown Syntax.

Developer documentation

All developer documentation should be integrated in this readme file.

User manual

The user manual gives an overview of the application and answers questions about special non-obvious use cases. It is a manual website which is integrated into the application and can be accessed on a running instance of the application via the Help-Button.

The user manual is written in markdown and compiled to a website. All source pages of the manual are located at


All resources used in the manual files should be placed at


The compilation of the user manual website can be configured in


All pages that should be included in the user manual need to be specified in this file via

<menu name="Anwenderdokumentation">
  <item href="myPage.html" name="My Page Title" />

Operation manual

The operation manual contains all information needed for the maintenance of the application.
It is written in markdown and compiled to pdf. All source pages of the manual are located at


All resources used in the manual files should be placed at


The compilation of the operation manual pdf can be configured in


All pages that should be included in the operation manual need to be specified in this file via

<toc name="Inhaltsverzeichnis">
  <item ref="" name="My Page Title" />

Generation of manuals

The user manual and the operation manual can be build via

mvn package -P [environment],build-manuals


mvn package -P env-dev,build-manuals

The user manual will be compiled to


The operation manual will be compiled to


Technology usages

Web framework (Full Stack)

Ninja Framework Homepage

Javascript framework

AngularJs Homepage


MongoDB Homepage


Maven Homepage

Test frameworks

Karma Homepage

PhantomJS Homepage

Framework helpers

NodeJs Homepage

npm Homepage