- RefTypeTable.xml:
- Added so that Endnote 8 users don't have to modify their ReferenceTypes.
- BibTeX Export to JabRef:
- Bugfix: If Label was missing, entrytype line was deleted.
- Bugfix: Book Section mapped to inbook, now incollection.
- EndNoteRefType added to all output styles.
- Added ISBN/ISSN to export where appropriate.
- Output styles added:
- Magazine Article -> article
- Newspaper Article -> article
- Edited Book -> book
- Electronic Source -> misc
- Manuscript -> unpublished
- Computer Program -> manual
- BibTeX Export to JabRef2:
- Same modifications as above.
- Bugfix: File renamed to eliminate problems with Windows XP.
- EndNote.*.layout/Endnote Import from JabRef:
- Bugfix: Corporate authors were not properly formatted.
- Bugfix: Editors were not properly formatted.
- Bugfix: EndNote.techreport.layout did not export report number
- Updated to use EndNoteRefType field if it exists
- Updated to include ISBN/ISSN if it exists
- Layouts/New mappings added:
- unpublished -> Manuscript
- manual -> Computer Program
- booklet -> Personal Communication (\lastchecked field now mapped to Number field)
Initial version