- fix: hide consecutive separators #958 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- fix: spacing icon in the Chip component #957 (@ffffffelix)
- feat: new icon PasteAsReference #956 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- feat: add new icon modified #926 (@ffffffelix)
- QA-15352: Fix dnd issue for ListSelector #493 (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-485: Fix default size icon on MenuItem #494 (@ffffffelix)
- Alessia Bourgoin (@Eevolee)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Geofrey Flores (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-481: Fix color with the ghost Button #491 (@ffffffelix)
- Revert "MOON-462: replace function onKeyPress with onKeyUp (#484)" #489 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON- 474: Fix controlled component story #488 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-482: Add htmlFor on FieldBoolean & DynamicField's labels #486 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-479: Fix border styling #482 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-480: Fix issue with Dropdown width #483 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-267: Improve components typings #428 (@ffffffelix @Eevolee)
- MOON-462: replace function onKeyPress with onKeyUp #484 (@Eevolee)
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.26.0 to 7.26.7 #490 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alessia Bourgoin (@Eevolee)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-471: Create Textarea component #472 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-246: Add Field component #461 (@Eevolee @ffffffelix)
- MOON-338: Add component CardSelector #460 (@Eevolee @ffffffelix)
- MOON-478: Fix issue with long text in Header and Breadcrumb #480 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-476: Unify the styling of selectors #477 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-463: Set background color to parent div of input #476 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-472: Add border radius variables for selectors #470 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-377: Add border variables for selectors #469 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-459: Add Spacing pico and update some spacings components #468 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-469: Add badges to storybook to indicate the statuses of the components #467 (@Eevolee)
- Bump re-resizable from 6.10.1 to 6.10.3 #463 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 #465 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump @jahia/scripts from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 #471 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alessia Bourgoin (@Eevolee)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-458: Add new colors & variants to Chip component #459 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-457: Update colors #458 (@Eevolee)
- Alessia Bourgoin (@Eevolee)
- MOON-460: Add readonly state to TreeView item #457 (@ffffffelix)
- Bump @jahia/scripts from 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 #454 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-451: Add component ButtonToggle #451 (@Eevolee @ffffffelix)
- MOON-456: Add new icon ResponsiveDevices #456 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-422: Remove triggerButtonIcon and isShowTriggerButton #452 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-417: Update dependencies versions #444 (@Eevolee @ffffffelix)
- MOON-454: Update .github with more recent node version #445 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-364: Fix contrast issue with dropdown description #432 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-449: Upgrade to yarn 4 #453 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-436: Migrate tests of PrimaryNav, PrimaryNavItem & PrimaryNavItemsGroup #443 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-438: Migrate tests of SecondaryNav #442 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-434: Migrate tests of GlobalStyle #441 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-433: Migrate tests of ButtonGroup #440 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-442: Migrate tests of Typography #439 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-441: Migrate tests of Tab & TabItem #438 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-440: Migrate tests of SvgWrapper #437 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-439: Migrate tests of Separator #436 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-435: Migrate tests of ImgWrapper #435 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-432: Migrate tests of Breadcrumb and BreadcrumbItem #433 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-437: Migrate tests of ResizableBox #434 (@Eevolee)
- Bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 #455 (@dependabot[bot])
- MOON-455: Remove react-docgen-typescript-loader #449 (@ffffffelix)
- Bump re-resizable from 6.10.0 to 6.10.1 #448 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump es5-ext from 0.10.53 to 0.10.64 #447 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.25.9 to 7.26.0 #446 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alessia Bourgoin (@Eevolee)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-447: Fix lint:scss error on windows #431 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-443: Add 20% opacity tint on all colors #429 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-444: Add new icon Area #426 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-388: Migrate RadioItem story to Typescript #427 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-384: Migrate ImgWrapper story to Typescript #425 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-259: Migrated tests of Accordion & AccordionItem to testing-library #424 (@Eevolee)
- Alessia Bourgoin (@Eevolee)
- QA-15250: Fix rendering of AccordionItem content by using nowrap columns instead of wrapping ones #422 (@cedmail)
- Cedric Mailleux (@cedmail)
- BACKLOG-22873 Stop propagation menu is opened #421 (@AKarmanov)
- TECH-1639 Upgrade actions #420 (@Janin-Michel-Mathias)
- TECH-1270: Add step to upload the created bom files #419 (@bpapez)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Benjamin Papez (@bpapez)
- Janin Michel-Mathias (@Janin-Michel-Mathias)
- TECH-1270: Add SBOM creation #418 (@bpapez)
- BACKLOG-21345: Add data attribute for tree item depth #411 (@gflores-jahia)
- Benjamin Papez (@bpapez)
- Geofrey Flores (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-416: Fix release #417 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-22393: Allow variable image sizes for Dropdown #416 (@gflores-jahia)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Geofrey Flores (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-407: Add new component Pill #409 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-409: Add additional onChange params for Checkbox, CheckboxGroup #407 (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-402: Add optional titles on ListSelectors #408 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Geofrey Flores (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-408: Improve button loading state #406 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-406: Set SecondaryNav min-width to 300px #404 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-405: Add new icon Sitemap #403 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-404: Add CheckboxItem and CheckboxGroup components #399 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-351: Add highlight state for TreeView and MenuItem #401 (@ffffffelix)
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.22.6 to 7.23.2 #396 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.16.3 to 7.23.3 #400 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump re-resizable from 6.9.9 to 6.9.11 #392 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump @jahia/scripts from 1.2.0 to 1.3.3 #389 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 #398 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 #390 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.22.5 to 7.22.6 #384 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump tough-cookie from 4.0.0 to 4.1.3 #385 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 #386 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Cedric Mailleux (@cedmail)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- QA-14724 Shrink resize handle #381 (@AKarmanov)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Revert "MOON-373 Add z-index tokens (#380)" #383 (@ffffffelix)
- QA-14618: Handle specific transform with empty translation #382 (@tdraier)
- MOON-373 Add z-index tokens #380 (@AKarmanov)
- TECH-233: use script and lint config from @jahia #377 (@tdraier)
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.22.3 to 7.22.5 #379 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.21.0 to 7.22.3 #378 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Cedric Mailleux (@cedmail)
- Cedric Mailleux (@cedmail)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-371: Add iconEnd to Button component #372 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-370: Improve the design of MenuItem variant title #371 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-20712 Trigger release #368 (@dependabot[bot] @AKarmanov)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-369: Prevent reversed style on input when it used in a Menu #365 (@ffffffelix)
- QA-14659 Remove item from right-list only via icon click #364 (@AKarmanov)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-326: Add autosearch option for dropdown menus #363 (@gflores-jahia)
- Geofrey Flores (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-368: Add icon ClearPaste #359 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-333: Fixed warnings #358 (@tdraier)
- MOON-367: Fix storybook deployment #357 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-333: test undefined, fixed find in tree #355 (@tdraier)
- MOON-366: Remove is-react dependency and isHtml prop #356 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- TECH-1127 Add dependabot config #349 (@Janin-Michel-Mathias)
- TECH-1081 Update deprecated steps #347 (@Janin-Michel-Mathias)
- Bump prop-types from 15.7.2 to 15.8.1 #350 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump clsx from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 #351 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.16.3 to 7.20.13 #352 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump react-is from 17.0.2 to 18.2.0 #353 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump re-resizable from 6.9.1 to 6.9.9 #354 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Janin Michel-Mathias (@Janin-Michel-Mathias)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-361: Add new icons #346 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-362: Add story for Dropdown with description #345 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-20485 Get rid of unnecessary vars, add drop targets on lists,… #343 (@AKarmanov)
- BACKLOG-20481: Fix add/remove and dnd #341 (@tdraier)
- Set fetch depth to 0 (all history) #340 (@tdraier)
- MOON-239: Update stories to CSF format #335 (@ffffffelix)
- Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.18.2 #339 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-20304 MultipleLeftRightSelector component #334 (@AKarmanov)
- Fixed observer registration #338 (@tdraier)
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 #337 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-360: Add icon FileBroken #336 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-353: support description on values in dropdown #332 (@jahia-carp @ffffffelix)
- MOON-358: Add a light color variant for Chip #331 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-339: Make Loading rotate clockwise #307 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-356: Add tests to RadioGroup and RadioItem #333 (@ffffffelix)
- @jahia-carp
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON 357 create radio group component #330 (@jahia-carp @tdraier)
- @jahia-carp
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-355: Update styling of the re-order #325 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-354: Add global styles to provide design for drag-and-drop behaviors #324 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-349: Remove z-index from Header component #321 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-347: Improve color contrast #319 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-346: Fix layout issue with LayoutModule #316 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-344: Add KibanaDashboard icon #315 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-19942: Fix dropdown menu width and add title attribute to dro… #311 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Add ssh-key to actions/checkout (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Remove verbose logs for the release (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Remove publishConfig.registry (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- TECH-568 fix on-merge #304 (@Janin-Michel-Mathias @ffffffelix)
- MOON-336: Add searchContext for Input #299 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-341: Manage isReversed to SecondaryNav #301 (@ffffffelix)
- TECH-568: Fix release workflow #305 (@ffffffelix)
- Tech 568 fix on-merge #303 (@Janin-Michel-Mathias @ffffffelix)
- MOON-340: Remove husky #302 (@ffffffelix)
- TECH-568 migrate moonstone to github action #298 (@Janin-Michel-Mathias @ffffffelix)
- Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 #300 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- @Janin-Michel-Mathias
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-236: LayoutContent and Paper component #296 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-335: Don't use react clone to display the backButton in the Header #297 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-17115: Styling adjustements #293 (@tdraier)
- MOON-331: Remove white background with outlined button #292 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-330: Update typography of Collapsible #291 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-329: Create Collapsible component #290 (@ffffffelix)
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 #289 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-317: Add the ability to set a color to icons and add more icons #284 (@ffffffelix @tdraier)
- MOON-324: Prevent hover style on disabled buttons #285 (@ffffffelix)
- Bump nanoid from 3.1.30 to 3.2.0 #286 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-323: Fix disabled and read-only checkbox state #283 (@ffffffelix)
- TECH-424: Update dependencies #279 (@ffffffelix @tdraier)
- Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 #282 (@dependabot[bot] @tdraier)
- Bump color-string from 1.5.4 to 1.9.0 #281 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-321: Add Controlled/Uncontrolled Input #278 (@ffffffelix @tdraier)
- Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 #276 (@dependabot[bot] @tdraier)
- Bump tar from 6.0.5 to 6.1.11 #277 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-16571 Do not change display type as it affects how siblings a… #275 (@AKarmanov)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-316: Avoid scrolling to top when a dropdown with search is used #272 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-315: Add new icons RotateRight and RotateLeft and prevent an undefined class on all icons #271 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-16471: Simplified component creation (@tdraier)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Release moonstone #270 (@Fgerthoffert @ffffffelix @AKarmanov)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Francois G. (@Fgerthoffert)
- MOON-313: Allow to add className to MenuItem #266 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-312: Add Rocket icon #265 (@ffffffelix)
- DMF-4878 : change search behaviour for dropdown and add focus on the … #264 (@jsinovassin)
- @jsinovassin
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-309: Manage checkbox sizes #262 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-299: Allow to add a width to each cells #261 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-16279: Add data-sel-role tags to table pagination component #260 (@gflores-jahia)
- MOON-301: Table Sticky Header #258 (@vindhya)
- QA-13381 Close menu when onContextMenu is triggered on overlay #257 (@AKarmanov)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Geofrey Flores (@gflores-jahia)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- MOON-307: Add a background-color to the Header component #256 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-306: Add icon ViewTree #255 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- Moon 189 pagination #250 (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-294: Fix the icons ChevronBig and add new icons #248 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-286: WIP Table - Set up table sorting styling and example story #247 (@vindhya @ffffffelix)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- MOON-283: Set up postcss-preset-env (includes autoprefixer) #246 (@vindhya)
- MOON-280: Make onClick Handlers Optional #242 (@vindhya)
- MOON-285: Table row selection with react-table #245 (@vindhya)
- MOON-190: WIP - Table Components #244 (@vindhya)
- MOON-185: Checkbox Component #243 (@ffffffelix @vindhya)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- MOON-256: Create the Header component #240 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- TECH-349: Typescript format cleanup #239 (@vindhya)
- TECH-333 : move Accordion components to typeScript #238 (@dgriffon)
- TECH-346: Migrate TreeView and related components to Typescript #237 (@vindhya)
- TECH-341: Migrate PrimaryNav, PrimaryNavItem, and PrimaryNavItemsGroup to Typescript #236 (@vindhya)
- TECH-343: Migrate SecondaryNav and SecondaryNavHeader to Typescript #235 (@vindhya)
- TECH-339: Migrate GlobalStyle, ImgWrapper, and SvgWrapper components to Typescript #234 (@vindhya)
- MOON-271: Add a loading state to LayoutApp #231 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-268: Add a loading state to LayoutModule #229 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-264: Create the Loader components #227 (@ffffffelix)
- TECH-342: Migrate ResizableBox to Typescript #226 (@vindhya)
- MOON-266: Remove the diamond variant for the Badge component #228 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-220: Avoid to render something when the component is empty #218 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-270: Rename classnames to clsx #230 (@ffffffelix)
- TECH-347: Migrate LayoutApp & LayoutModule to Typescript #225 (@vindhya)
- TECH-345: Migrate Tab & TabItem to Typescript #224 (@vindhya)
- TECH-334: Convert Breadcrumb & BreadcrumbItem to Typescript #223 (@vindhya)
- TECH-337: Convert ButtonGroup component to typescript #222 (@vindhya)
- TECH-336: Migrate Button component to TS and other refactors #220 (@vindhya)
- TECH-338: Convert Chip component to typescript #221 (@vindhya)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- MOON-228: Allow displaying dropdown with an empty array #215 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-219: Fix error when an empty array is used as data on dropdown #213 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-229: Revert changes to Github action to deploy Storybook to Github pages #217 (@vindhya)
- Add babel-helpers #214 (@tdraier)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- MOON-216: Fixes menu truncation issue in Firefox and Safari #207 (@vindhya)
- MOON-212: Adjustment to commands adding github.com to ssh known hosts #206 (@vindhya)
- MOON-217: Update dependencies #208 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- MOON-212: Small updates to CircleCI config and typescript naming convention #205 (@vindhya)
- MOON-211: Fix for images not appearing with ListItem component #204 (@vindhya)
- TECH-282: Fix for Typescript export and various other fixes #203 (@vindhya @tdraier)
- MOON-153: Set up CI/CD with CircleCI #202 (@vindhya)
- Adds NODE_OPTIONS so that storybook build has enough memory #201 (@vindhya)
- Release 0.17.0 #200 (@vindhya)
- Release 0.17.0 #199 (@vindhya @tdraier @Yousria @ffffffelix)
- MOON-205: All icons must have fill=currentColor #197 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-170: Outlined Dropdown Changes After Design Review #196 (@vindhya)
- Add new icon 'Key' #195 (@ffffffelix)
- Adds wording to icon prop documentation #194 (@vindhya)
- Removes .npmrc to remove connection to Jahia npm registry #193 (@vindhya)
- MOON-164: Adds tests for new Dropdown and Menu features #192 (@vindhya)
- MOON-201: Fixes issue with searching when Dropdown Menu has groups #191 (@vindhya)
- MOON-200: Add the new icon Tips #190 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-161: Styling for outlined Dropdown variant #189 (@vindhya @ffffffelix)
- MOON-160: Adds ability to have image dropdown options #188 (@vindhya)
- MOON-199: Run typescript lint script for PRs #187 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-198: Adds ability to search in Menu #186 (@vindhya)
- MOON-159: Migrates Dropdown to Typescript #185 (@vindhya)
- MOON-169: Adds Menu variants for small images and big images which controls width and height #184 (@vindhya)
- MOON-156: Migrates MenuItem to Typescript and Adds Image Support for MenuItem and ListItem #182 (@vindhya)
- MOON-158: Migrates Menu component and custom hooks to typescript #183 (@vindhya)
- TECH-248: Removes unused js icon files #181 (@vindhya)
- Improved template to match the definition of ready of a component #177 (@Yousria @rknj)
- MOON-157: Migrates ListItem component to typescript #180 (@vindhya)
- MOON-168: Migrates Separator component to typescript #179 (@vindhya)
- MOON-135: Design updates to Input component #178 (@vindhya)
- MOON-135: Input Component #169 (@vindhya)
- Changed button style to inline-flex #176 (@tdraier)
- Release v0.16.2 #175 (@vindhya)
- MOON-150: Dropdown and List Item now use Caption Typography Variant; Increases spacing within Tab Item #172 (@vindhya)
- Changes lint test to run on develop branch instead of master #171 (@vindhya)
- MOON-53: Fix for scss not loading properly in storybook build #170 (@vindhya)
- Release 0.16.2 #173 (@vindhya)
- MOON-53: Excludes unnecessary files from build #167 (@vindhya)
- MOON-140: Rebases master #165 (@vindhya)
- MOON-53: Build Changes #163 (@vindhya)
- MOON-148: Remove the link to zeroHeight #166 (@ffffffelix)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- BACKLOG-14310: Fixes font bug issue for Button, ButtonGroup, Breadcrumb, TabItem #162 (@vindhya)
- BACKLOG-14311: Changes font from Nunito to Nunito Sans #161 (@vindhya)
- Fixed map links #160 (@tdraier)
- Typescript compilation and example #159 (@tdraier)
- Fixed toIconComponent when using an image path #157 (@tdraier)
- Add icons #153 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12731: Fix for overlapping logo in PrimarNav in Safari #152 (@vindhya)
- MOON-132: Fix TreeView alignement #151 (@ffffffelix)
- Vindhya (@vindhya)
- Moon 127: Design improvements #146 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-130: Add Section icon #148 (@ffffffelix)
- Cleaned css naming between element/modifiers, removed nesting and important #150 (@tdraier)
- MOON-131: Add toggleNode to TreeView onClickItem #149 (@vindhya)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-123 add the possibility to add custom properties/attributes to tree items #145 (@DameniMilo)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-122: Add icon Form #144 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-13003 Collapse primary nav when an item is clicked #141 (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-121: Add the spacing option 'none' to the Separator component #143 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-96: Fix styling issue on ButtonGroup hover #137 (@ffffffelix)
- Moon 118: Update Accordion styling #139 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-119: Set a height to Button #140 (@ffffffelix)
- Moon 120: New Chip variant #142 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12940: Add the possibility to extend tab cmp and fix his padding #138 (@FBerthelot)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-114: Improve TreeView shift #136 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-98: Allow to expand a tree node by clicking on the label #134 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-115: Add icons #135 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-111: Remove focus after clicking on a button #131 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-112: Design improvements #133 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-113: Fix the key of Breadcrumb #132 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-109: Add icons #130 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-106: Design improvements #129 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-110: Add title attribute on PrimaryNavItem #128 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12865 : Added icon #127 (@tdraier)
- MOON-104: Fix menu overflow with Safari #125 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-105: Unify button height for the small variant #126 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12813 Make header font size as on figma #124 (@AKarmanov)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12798 pass icon props to the icons so if we are using some mandatory attribute like src, the icon will be displayed correctly #123 (@DameniMilo)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-103: Fix error on Layout/Demo story #122 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12798 pass icon props to the icons so if we are using some mandatory attribute like src, the icon will be displayed correctly #121 (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-101 Align mode icon to be a bit more consistent with figma #120 (@AKarmanov)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- BACKLOG-12278 : do not transform icon, remove icon wrapper size and reduced padding, fixed SecondaryNav resizing #118 (@tdraier)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-12710 add fourth option to hide the separator if it's the first OR last child #117 (@DameniMilo)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- BACKLOG-12710 add property invisible to the Separator so that we can hide it it is the first-child, last-child or only-child #116 (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-96: Fix displaying one button inside a ButtonGroup #115 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-95: Add component props to LayoutModule #111 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-89: Fix error 404 with image from PrimaryNav in a story #110 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-71: Fixed resizable secondary nav : force flexBasis to 0 #113 (@tdraier)
- MOON-49: Fixed min-width #114 (@tdraier)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MT BENTERKI (@Taybou)
- MOON-49: Add Breadcrumb component #108 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-93: Update icons #109 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-90 add tab component #107 (@Taybou)
- QA-12658: Remove height:100% to the vertical separator #106 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-88: Fix flex layout #105 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MT BENTERKI (@Taybou)
- BACKLOG-12504 add Img and Svg wrapper to return icon sized image #104 (@DameniMilo)
- Moon 71: Update min/max width of SecondaryNav expanded #103 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-82 Header for secondary nav #98 (@AKarmanov @tdraier)
- Moon 36: Add active state to MenuItem #99 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-83: Fix PrimaryNav's icon alignment #100 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12327 - cleaned reset, improved usePositioning #101 (@tdraier)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-61 : Export component #97 (@tdraier)
- MOON-79: Menu should be scrollable #96 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-78: Fix PrimaryNavItem button when it's selected #95 (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-61: Create ButtonGroup component #94 (@ffffffelix)
- BACKLOG-12496 : Added transformElOrigin to inverse positioning, use it when component goes too far on the right #93 (@tdraier)
- BACKLOG-12479 Add roles to resizable and accordion item #91 (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-76: Add icons #90 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Moon 68 Badge component #79 (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-73: Add vertical variant to the Separator component #84 (@ffffffelix @tdraier)
- MOON-36 : Menu positioning #87 (@tdraier)
- MOON-51 update button css to reflect latest changes #86 (@DameniMilo)
- BACKLOG-12517 : remove unecessary and specific css in the header of secondaryNav #85 (@Yousria)
- Moon 70: Update Badge design #81 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-72: UI/UX button improvement #82 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-40: Remove the deploy script #83 (@ffffffelix @tdraier)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- Yousria (@Yousria)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-12: Create dropdown component #56 (@ffffffelix @tdraier)
- MOON-48: Update API of Typography component #72 (@cedricmoitrier)
- MOON-12: fixed onchange in storybook #80 (@tdraier)
- MOON-51 implement buttons, update API and sass, implement storybook, implement test, make all icons available in all tests #78 (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-69 : Fixed secondary nav width #77 (@tdraier)
- MOON-50: Add isDisabled property to Chip component #76 (@cedricmoitrier)
- BACKLOG-12480 : Add possibility to pass typography options, add onCon… #75 (@tdraier)
- MOON-50: Enforce icon size in Chip component #74 (@cedricmoitrier)
- MOON-51 : Fixed icon size in PrimaryNavItem #73 (@tdraier)
- MOON-67 : Fixed styling, handle root node #69 (@tdraier)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- Moon 58: Improve accordion - makes it controllable #59 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-51 update icon api #67 (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-50: Allow CSS customization of Chip component #65 (@cedricmoitrier)
- MOON-50: Allow custom attributes in Chip component #63 (@cedricmoitrier)
- MOON-50: Create Chip component #62 (@cedricmoitrier)
- MOON-30: Add github workflow to deploy storybook on github pages #66 (@ffffffelix)
- Cedric Moitrier (@cedricmoitrier)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-62 fix issue with basic colors #61 (@DameniMilo)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-41 export missing icons ([email protected])
- dgaillard ([email protected])
- MOON-41 : Allow SecondaryNav to be hidden #48 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-62 update colors #60 (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-60: Add a displayName #58 (@ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- dgaillard (@DameniMilo)
- MOON-56: Allow all components to add custom attributes #57 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-46 : Define controlled/uncontrolled TreeView #53 (@tdraier)
- MOON-55: remove undefined height:100% #55 (@tdraier)
- OPENCODE-1 - Updated license to MIT as per approval #54 (@Fgerthoffert)
- BACKLOG-12180: move color into css variables #52 (@FBerthelot @ffffffelix)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- MOON-44 Build icons without webpack, expose them so that they can be … #51 (@AKarmanov)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-43 Transpile icons #50 (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-31 : Update Separator component to become more generic #41 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-23 : TreeView component #43 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-42 : Fix transition when collapsing PrimaryNav #49 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-38 : The children props of PrimaryNavItemGroup should accept one node #47 (@ffffffelix)
- Change the way prop-types are checked and tested #44 (@FBerthelot @ffffffelix)
- MOON-33 : Use the jahia's stylelint config #45 (@ffffffelix)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Moon-22 : UI improvempents #35 (@ffffffelix)
- Moon 19 : Create Accordion component #39 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-26 : SecondaryNav is resizable #38 (@ffffffelix @AKarmanov)
- MOON-29 : Add a11y addon to storybook #40 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-11 : Create SecondaryNav #36 (@ffffffelix @AKarmanov)
- MOON-25 : Create Resizable #37 (@ffffffelix)
- Update README.md #34 (@Fgerthoffert)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Backlog 11280 #29 (@AKarmanov @tdraier)
- BACKLOG-11286: Implement Button in PrimaryNavItem #33 (@cedmail)
- BACKLOG-11281: Move files, update primary nav item component to be able to handle links #32 (@AKarmanov)
- MOON-1 : Fix global style loading #31 (@tdraier)
- MOON-4 : Fixed format of generated index file #30 (@tdraier)
- Alex Karmanov (@AKarmanov)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Moon 14 : Layouts #22 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-4 : Icon Note: Forcing merge due to previous configuration issue with signed commits. #18 (@tdraier)
- Moon 17: Remove @storybook/addon-centered #26 (@ffffffelix)
- Moon 18: Update packages #27 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-21: Document layout global CSS classes #28 (@ffffffelix)
- Moon 16: Add icons from Design System #25 (@ffffffelix)
- Moon 15: Organize styles folder #24 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-6 : Fixed story for PrimaryNav #23 (@tdraier)
- MOON-6 : PrimaryNav definition #14 (@tdraier)
- Fixed cssmodule config #21 (@tdraier)
- MOON-9 : PrimaryNavItem skeleton #16 (@tdraier)
- MOON-10 : PrimaryNavItemsGroup skeleton #15 (@tdraier)
- MOON-5 : Button skeleton #12 (@tdraier)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Updated ignore files (@tdraier)
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Created first version of the moonstone design system
- Thomas Draier (@tdraier)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)
- Francois G ([email protected])
- FBerthelot ([email protected])