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Maybe the export functions in |
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I've tweaked this a bit further. A couple of things worth mentioning:
Basically there are some known drawbacks, but maybe one is lucky and has a flextable that isn't tweaked to the latest :) @matt-dray you might be interested in this as well (found your library(openxlsx2) # github with #496 for all tables
### wrapper function to add flextable objects to openxlsx2 worksheets
wb_add_flextable <- function(wb, sheet, ft) {
# get all rows to merge
merge_rows <- function(ft_part, part_rows) {
rows <- ft_part$spans$rows
rows_to_merge <- vector("list", length = nrow(rows))
# base - 1!
base <- min(part_rows) - 1L
for (row in seq_len(nrow(rows))) {
rrs <- rows[row, ]
# last - 1!
last <- which(rrs > 1)[1] - 1L + base
rrs <- rrs[rrs > 1 ]
out <- vector("list", length = length(rrs))
for (rr in seq_along(rrs)) {
out[[rr]] <- seq_len(rrs[rr]) + last
last <- last + rrs[rr]
rows_to_merge[[row]] <- out
# get all columns to merge
merge_cols <- function(ft_part, part_cols) {
cols <- ft_part$spans$columns
cols_to_merge <- vector("list", length = ncol(cols))
base <- min(part_cols) - 1L
for (col in seq_len(ncol(cols))) {
ccs <- cols[, col]
last <- which(ccs > 1)[1] -1L + base
ccs <- ccs[ccs > 1 ]
out <- vector("list", length = length(ccs))
for (cc in seq_along(ccs)) {
out[[cc]] <- seq_len(ccs[cc]) + last
last <- last + ccs[cc]
cols_to_merge[[col]] <- out
# create single column as large as the table
wb_merge_ft_cap <- function(wb, caption_rows, ft_width) {
wb$merge_cells(rows = caption_rows, cols = seq_len(ft_width))
# merge row wise
wb_merge_ft_rows <- function(wb, merge_rows, header_rows) {
for (rows in seq_along(merge_rows)) {
if (length(rows)) {
mm_rows <- merge_rows[[rows]]
for (row in seq_along(mm_rows)) {
m_cols <- mm_rows[[row]]
m_rows <- header_rows[[rows]]
wb$merge_cells(rows = m_rows, cols = m_cols)
# merge column wise
wb_merge_ft_cols <- function(wb, merge_cols) {
for (cols in seq_along(merge_cols)) {
if (length(cols)) {
mm_cols <- merge_cols[[cols]]
for (col in seq_along(mm_cols)) {
m_rows <- mm_cols[[col]]
wb$merge_cells(rows = m_rows, cols = cols)
# some borders
openxlsx2_border <- function(ddims, width, style) {
border <- matrix("", nrow = nrow(ddims), ncol = ncol(ddims))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(border))) {
for (j in seq_len(nrow(border))) {
if (width[j, i] > 0)
if (width[j, i] < 1 && style[j, i] == "solid")
border[j, i] <- "hair"
if (width[j, i] == 1 && style[j, i] == "solid")
border[j, i] <- "medium"
if (width[j, i] > 1 && style[j, i] == "solid")
border[j, i] <- "thick"
# some styles
wb_style_ft <- function(wb, ft_part, dims) {
ddims <- dims_to_dataframe(dims, fill = TRUE)
text_rotation <- ft_part$styles$cells$text.direction$data
v_align <- ft_part$styles$cells$vertical.align$data
h_align <- ft_part$styles$pars$text.align$data
p_top <- ft$body$styles$pars$
p_bottom <- ft$body$styles$pars$padding.bottom
# bg_color <- ft$body$styles$cells$background.color
font_size <- ft_part$styles$text$font.size$data
font_family <- ft_part$styles$text$$data
font_bold <- ft_part$styles$text$bold$data
font_italic <- ft_part$styles$text$italic$data
font_underlined <- ft_part$styles$text$underlined$data
font_color <- ft_part$styles$text$color$data
bottom_width <- ft_part$styles$cells$border.width.bottom$data
bottom_style <- ft_part$styles$cells$$data
bottom_color <- ft_part$styles$cells$border.color.bottom$data
bottom_border <- openxlsx2_border(ddims, bottom_width, bottom_style)
top_width <- ft_part$styles$cells$$data
top_style <- ft_part$styles$cells$$data
top_color <- ft_part$styles$cells$$data
top_border <- openxlsx2_border(ddims, top_width, top_style)
left_width <- ft_part$styles$cells$border.width.left$data
left_style <- ft_part$styles$cells$$data
left_color <- ft_part$styles$cells$border.color.left$data
left_border <- openxlsx2_border(ddims, left_width, left_style)
right_width <- ft_part$styles$cells$border.width.right$data
right_style <- ft_part$styles$cells$$data
right_color <- ft_part$styles$cells$border.color.right$data
right_border <- openxlsx2_border(ddims, right_width, right_style)
bg_color <- ft_part$styles$cells$background.color$data
sh_color <- ft_part$styles$text$shading.color$data
part_rows <- as.numeric(rownames(ddims))
part_cols <- col2int(colnames(ddims))
rowheight <- round(ft_part$rowheights * 91.4400, 0 )
wb$set_row_heights(rows = part_rows, heights = rowheight)
# loop over all cells
for (i in seq_len(ncol(ddims))) {
for (j in seq_len(nrow(ddims))) {
f_f <- unname(font_family[j, i])
f_c <- wb_colour(unname(font_color[j, i]))
f_s <- as.character(unname(font_size[j, i]))
dims = ddims[j, i],
name = f_f,
color = f_c,
size = f_s,
bold = ifelse(font_bold[j, i], "1", ""),
italic = ifelse(font_italic[j, i], "1", ""),
underline = ifelse(font_underlined[j, i], "1", "")
t_brd <- top_border[j, i]
t_color <- unname(top_color[j, i])
t_clr <- if (t_color != "transparent") wb_colour(t_color) else NULL
b_brd <- bottom_border[j, i]
b_color <- unname(bottom_color[j, i])
b_clr <- if (b_color != "transparent") wb_colour(b_color) else NULL
l_brd <- left_border[j, i]
l_color <- unname(left_color[j, i])
l_clr <- if (l_color != "transparent") wb_colour(l_color) else NULL
r_brd <- right_border[j, i]
r_color <- unname(right_color[j, i])
r_clr <- if (r_color != "transparent") wb_colour(r_color) else NULL
dims = ddims[j, i],
top_border = t_brd,
top_color = t_clr,
bottom_border = b_brd,
bottom_color = b_clr,
left_border = l_brd,
left_color = l_clr,
right_border = r_brd,
right_color = r_clr
t_r <- unname(text_rotation[j, i])
if (t_r == "tbrl") t_r <- "180"
else if (t_r == "btlr") t_r <- "90"
else t_r <- ""
dims = ddims[j, i],
horizontal = h_align[j, i],
vertical = v_align[j, i],
textRotation = t_r,
wrapText = "1"
bg_c <- bg_color[j, i]
sh_c <- sh_color[j, i]
if (any(c(bg_c, sh_c) != "transparent")) {
if (sh_c != "transparent")
bg_c <- sh_c
if (bg_c != "transparent") {
dims = ddims[j, i],
color = wb_colour(unname(bg_c))
m_rows <- merge_rows(ft_part, part_cols)
m_cols <- merge_cols(ft_part, part_rows)
part_rows <- as.numeric(rownames(ddims))
wb_merge_ft_rows(wb, m_rows, part_rows)
wb_merge_ft_cols(wb, m_cols)
### get flextable dimensions --------------------------------------------
has_caption <- !is.null(ft$caption$value) && ft$caption$simple_caption
has_footer <- nrow(ft$footer$dataset) > 0
vars <- ft$col_keys
ft_width <- length(vars)
caption_rows <- sum(has_caption)
header_rows <- seq_len(nrow(ft$header$dataset)) + max(caption_rows)
dataset_rows <- seq_len(nrow(ft$body$dataset)) + max(header_rows)
footer_rows <- seq_len(nrow(ft$footer$dataset)) + max(dataset_rows)
if (has_caption) dims_cap <- paste0(int2col(1), min(caption_rows), ":", int2col(ft_width), max(caption_rows))
dims_hdr <- paste0(int2col(1), min(header_rows), ":", int2col(ft_width), max(header_rows))
dims_dat <- paste0(int2col(1), min(dataset_rows), ":", int2col(ft_width), max(dataset_rows))
if (has_footer) dims_ftr <- paste0(int2col(1), min(footer_rows), ":", int2col(ft_width), max(footer_rows))
### openxlsx2 part ------------------------------------------------------
wb <- wb$clone(deep = TRUE)
## add data
if (has_caption) {
wb$add_data(sheet = sheet, dims = dims_cap, x = ft$caption$value)
wb_merge_ft_cap(wb, caption_rows, ft_width)
wb$add_font(sheet = sheet, dims = dims_cap, name = "Times")
# sections
wb$add_data(sheet = sheet, dims = dims_hdr, x = ft$header$dataset, colNames = FALSE)
wb_style_ft(wb, ft$header, dims = dims_hdr)
wb$add_data(sheet = sheet, dims = dims_dat, x = ft$body$dataset[vars], colNames = FALSE, na.strings = NULL)
wb_style_ft(wb, ft$body, dims = dims_dat)
if (has_footer) {
wb$add_data(sheet = sheet, dims = dims_ftr, x = ft$footer$dataset[,1])
wb_style_ft(wb, ft$footer, dims = dims_ftr)
# some column width
colwidth <- round(ft$header$colwidths * 9.14400, 0)
wb$set_col_widths(cols = seq_len(ft_width), widths = colwidth)
ft <- flextable(airquality[,])
ft <- add_header_row(ft,
colwidths = c(4, 2),
values = c("Air quality", "Time")
ft <- theme_vanilla(ft)
ft <- add_footer_lines(ft, "Daily air quality measurements in New York, May to September 1973.")
ft <- color(ft, part = "footer", color = "#666666")
ft <- set_caption(ft, caption = "New York Air Quality Measurements")
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
dat <- penguins |>
select(species, island, ends_with("mm")) |>
group_by(species, island) |>
.fns = list(
avg = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
sd = ~ sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE)
.groups = "drop") |>
rename_with(~ tolower(gsub("_mm_", "_", .x, fixed = TRUE)))
ft_pen <- flextable(dat) |>
colformat_double() |>
ft_pen <- ft_pen |>
separate_header() |>
align(align = "center", part = "all") |>
myft <-*5), ncol = 5)) %>%
flextable() %>%
colformat_double() %>% autofit() %>%
align(align = "center", part = "all") %>%
bg(bg = "black", part = "header") %>%
color(color = "white", part = "all") %>%
bg(bg = scales::col_numeric(palette = "viridis", domain = c(0, 1)))
## create workbook with tables
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet("ft", zoom = 150, gridLines = FALSE)$
add_worksheet("ft_pen", zoom = 150, gridLines = FALSE)$
add_worksheet("myft", zoom = 150, gridLines = FALSE)
wb <- wb_add_flextable(wb, "ft", ft) %>%
wb_add_flextable("ft_pen", ft_pen) %>%
wb_add_flextable("myft", myft)
# wb$open() |
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In davidgohel/flextable#430 a
export to xlsx was requested.Though I can not offer this, we still can try to recreate a flextable with
. This is using the first example from is using the row_heights PR (the last line), other than that basic
functions.Pinging @davidgohel and @sjewo
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