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title: Compatibility Guide for Kotlin 1.7.20
- url: /docs/reference/compatibility-guide-18.html
title: Compatibility Guide for Kotlin 1.8.0
+ - url: /docs/reference/compatibility-guide-19.html
+ title: Compatibility Guide for Kotlin 1.9.0
- title: FAQ
description: Every question you could possibly think of, might be answered.
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+[//]: # (title: Compatibility guide for Kotlin 1.9)
+_[Keeping the Language Modern](kotlin-evolution.md)_ and _[Comfortable Updates](kotlin-evolution.md)_ are among the fundamental principles in
+Kotlin Language Design. The former says that constructs which obstruct language evolution should be removed, and the
+latter says that this removal should be well-communicated beforehand to make code migration as smooth as possible.
+While most of the language changes were already announced through other channels, like update changelogs or compiler
+warnings, this document summarizes them all, providing a complete reference for migration from Kotlin 1.8 to Kotlin 1.9.
+## Basic terms
+In this document we introduce several kinds of compatibility:
+- _source_: source-incompatible change stops code that used to compile fine (without errors or warnings) from compiling
+ anymore
+- _binary_: two binary artifacts are said to be binary-compatible if interchanging them doesn't lead to loading or
+ linkage errors
+- _behavioral_: a change is said to be behavioral-incompatible if the same program demonstrates different behavior
+ before and after applying the change
+Remember that those definitions are given only for pure Kotlin. Compatibility of Kotlin code from the other languages
+(for example, from Java) is out of the scope of this document.
+## Language
+### Prohibit super constructor call when the super interface type is a function literal
+> **Issue**: [KT-46344](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-46344)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: If an interface inherits from a function literal type, Kotlin 1.9 prohibits super constructor calls because no such constructor exists.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> * 1.7.0: report a warning (or an error in progressive mode)
+> * 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error
+### Prohibit cycles in annotation parameter types
+> **Issue**: [KT-47932](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-47932)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 prohibits the type of an annotation being used as one of its parameter types, either directly or indirectly. This prevents cycles from being created.
+> However, you are allowed to have parameter types that are an `Array` or a `vararg` of the annotation type.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> * 1.7.0: report a warning (or an error in progressive mode) on cycles in types of annotation parameters
+> * 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error, `-XXLanguage:-ProhibitCyclesInAnnotations` can be used to temporarily revert to pre-1.9 behavior
+### Prohibit use of `@ExtensionFunctionType` annotation on function types with no parameters
+> **Issue**: [KT-43527](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-43527)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 prohibits using the `@ExtensionFunctionType` annotation on function types with no parameters, or on types that aren't function types.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> * 1.7.0: report a warning for annotations on types that aren't function types, report an error for annotations on types that **are** function types
+> * 1.9.0: raise the warning for function types to an error
+### Prohibit Java field type mismatch on assignment
+> **Issue**: [KT-48994](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48994)
+> **Component**: Kotlin/JVM
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 reports a compiler error if it detects that the type of a value assigned to a Java field doesn't match the Java field's projected type.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> * 1.6.0: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) when a projected Java field type doesn't match the assigned value type
+> * 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error, `-XXLanguage:-RefineTypeCheckingOnAssignmentsToJavaFields` can be used to temporarily revert to pre-1.9 behavior
+### No source code excerpts in platform-type nullability assertion exceptions
+> **Issue**: [KT-57570](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-57570)
+> **Component**: Kotlin/JVM
+> **Incompatible change type**: behavioral
+> **Short summary**: In Kotlin 1.9, exception messages for expression null checks do not include source code excerpts. Instead, the name of the method or field is displayed.
+> If the expression is not a method or field, there is no additional information provided in the message.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> * < 1.9.0: exception messages generated by expression null checks contain source code excerpts
+> * 1.9.0: exception messages generated by expression null checks contain method or field names only, `-XXLanguage:-NoSourceCodeInNotNullAssertionExceptions` can be used to temporarily revert to pre-1.9 behavior
+### Prohibit the delegation of super calls to an abstract superclass member
+> **Issues**: [KT-45508](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-45508), [KT-49017](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-49017), [KT-38078](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-38078)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin will report a compile error when an explicit or implicit super call is delegated
+> to an _abstract_ member of the superclass, even if there's a default implementation in a super interface.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.5.20: introduce a warning when non-abstract classes that do not override all abstract members are used
+> - 1.7.0: report a warning if a super call, in fact, accesses an abstract member from a superclass
+> - 1.7.0: report an error in all affected cases if the `-Xjvm-default=all` or `-Xjvm-default=all-compatibility` compatibility modes are enabled;
+> report an error in the progressive mode
+> - 1.8.0: report an error in cases of declaring a concrete class with a non-overridden abstract method from the superclass, and
+> super calls of `Any` methods are overridden as abstract in the superclass
+> - 1.9.0: report an error in all affected cases, including explicit super calls to an abstract method from the super class
+### Deprecate confusing grammar in `when-with-subject`
+> **Issue**: [KT-48385](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48385)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.6 deprecated several confusing grammar constructs in `when` condition expressions.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.6.20: introduce a deprecation warning on the affected expressions
+> - 1.8.0: raise this warning to an error,
+> `-XXLanguage:-ProhibitConfusingSyntaxInWhenBranches` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.8 behavior
+> - \>= 2.1: repurpose some deprecated constructs for new language features
+### Prevent implicit coercions between different numeric types
+> **Issue**: [KT-48645](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48645)
+> **Component**: Kotlin/JVM
+> **Incompatible change type**: behavioral
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin will avoid converting numeric values automatically to a primitive numeric type where only a downcast to that type is needed semantically.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - < 1.5.30: the old behavior in all affected cases
+> - 1.5.30: fix the downcast behavior in generated property delegate accessors,
+> `-Xuse-old-backend` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.5.30 fix behavior
+> - \>= 2.0: fix the downcast behavior in other affected cases
+### Prohibit upper bound violation in a generic type alias usage (a type parameter used in a generic type argument of a type argument of the aliased type)
+> **Issue**: [KT-54066](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-54066)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin will prohibit using a type alias with type arguments that violate the upper bound
+> restrictions of the corresponding type parameters of the aliased type in case when the typealias type parameter is used as
+> a generic type argument of a type argument of the aliased type, for example, `typealias Alias = Base>`.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.8.0: report a warning when a generic typealias usage has type arguments violating upper bound constraints of
+> the corresponding type parameters of the aliased type
+> - 2.0.0: raise the warning to an error
+### Keep nullability when approximating local types in public signatures
+> **Issue**: [KT-53982](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-53982)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source, binary
+> **Short summary**: when a local or anonymous type is returned from an expression-body function without an explicitly specified return type,
+> Kotlin compiler infers (or approximates) the return type using the known supertype of that type.
+> During this, the compiler can infer a non-nullable type where the null value could in fact be returned.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.8.0: approximate flexible types by flexible supertypes
+> - 1.8.0: report a warning when a declaration is inferred to have a non-nullable type that should be nullable, prompting users to specify the type explicitly
+> - 2.0.0: approximate nullable types by nullable supertypes,
+> `-XXLanguage:-KeepNullabilityWhenApproximatingLocalType` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-2.0 behavior
+### Do not propagate deprecation through overrides
+> **Issue**: [KT-47902](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-47902)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 will no longer propagate deprecation from a deprecated member in the superclass
+> to its overriding member in the subclass, thus providing an explicit mechanism for deprecating a member of
+> the superclass while leaving it non-deprecated in the subclass.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.6.20: reporting a warning with the message of the future behavior change and a prompt to either suppress this warning
+> or explicitly write a `@Deprecated` annotation on an override of a deprecated member
+> - 1.9.0: stop propagating deprecation status to the overridden members. This change also takes effect immediately in the progressive mode
+### Prohibit using collection literals in annotation classes anywhere except their parameters declaration
+> **Issue**: [KT-39041](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-39041)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin allows using collection literals in a restricted way - for passing arrays to parameters of annotation classes
+> or specifying default values for these parameters.
+> However besides that, Kotlin allowed using collections literals anywhere else inside an annotation class, for example,
+> in its nested object. Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit using collection literals in annotation classes anywhere except
+> their parameters' default values.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.0: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) on array literals in nested objects in annotation classes
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error
+### Prohibit forward referencing of parameters in default value expressions
+> **Issue**: [KT-25694](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-25694)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit forward referencing of parameters in default value expressions
+> of other parameters. This ensures that by the time the parameter is accessed in a default value expression,
+> it would already have a value either passed to the function or initialized by its own default value expression.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.0: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) when a parameter with default value is references in default value of another parameter that comes before it
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error,
+> `-XXLanguage:-ProhibitIllegalValueParameterUsageInDefaultArguments` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.9 behavior
+### Prohibit extension calls on inline functional parameters
+> **Issue**: [KT-52502](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-52502)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: while Kotlin allowed passing an inline functional parameter to another inline function
+> as a receiver, it always resulted in compiler exceptions when compiling such code.
+> Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit this, thus reporting an error instead of crashing the compiler.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.20: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) for inline extension calls on inline functional parameters
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error
+### Prohibit calls to infix functions named `suspend` with an anonymous function argument
+> **Issue**: [KT-49264](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-49264)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 will no longer allow calling infix functions named `suspend` that have a single argument of
+> a functional type passed as an anonymous function literal.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.20: report a warning on suspend infix calls with an anonymous function literal
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error,
+> `-XXLanguage:-ModifierNonBuiltinSuspendFunError` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.9 behavior
+> - TODO: Change how the `suspend fun` token sequence is interpreted by the parser
+### Prohibit using captured type parameters in inner classes against their variance
+> **Issue**: [KT-50947](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-50947)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit using type parameters of an outer class having `in` or `out` variance in
+> an inner class of that class in positions violating that type parameters' declared variance.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.0: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) when an outer class' type parameter usage position violates the variance rules of that parameter
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error,
+> `-XXLanguage:-ReportTypeVarianceConflictOnQualifierArguments` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.9 behavior
+### Prohibit recursive call of a function without explicit return type in compound assignment operators
+> **Issue**: [KT-48546](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48546)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit calling a function without explicitly specified return type in an argument
+> of a compound assignment operator inside that function's body, as it currently does in other expressions inside the body of that function.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.0: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) when a function without explicitly specified return type is
+> called recursively in that function's body in a compound assignment operator argument
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error
+### Prohibit unsound calls with expected `@NotNull T` and given Kotlin generic parameter with nullable bound
+> **Issue**: [KT-36770](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-36770)
+> **Component**: Kotlin/JVM
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit method calls where a value of a potentially nullable generic type is passed
+> for a `@NotNull`-annotated parameter of a Java method.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.5.20: report a warning when an unconstrained generic type parameter is passed where a non-nullable type is expected
+> - 1.9.0: report a type mismatch error instead of the warning above,
+> `-XXLanguage:-ProhibitUsingNullableTypeParameterAgainstNotNullAnnotated` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.8 behavior
+### Prohibit access to members of a companion of an enum class from entry initializers of this enum
+> **Issue**: [KT-49110](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-49110)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit all kinds of access to the companion object of an enum from an enum entry initializer.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.6.20: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) on such companion member access
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error,
+> `-XXLanguage:-ProhibitAccessToEnumCompanionMembersInEnumConstructorCall` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.8 behavior
+### Deprecate and remove Enum.declaringClass synthetic property
+> **Issue**: [KT-49653](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-49653)
+> **Component**: Kotlin/JVM
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin allowed using the synthetic property `declaringClass` on `Enum` values produced from
+> the method `getDeclaringClass()` of the underlying Java class `java.lang.Enum` even though this method is not available
+> for Kotlin `Enum` type. Kotlin 1.9 will prohibit using this property, proposing to migrate to the extension property
+> `declaringJavaClass` instead.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.0: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) on `declaringClass` property usages,
+> propose the migration to `declaringJavaClass` extension
+> - 1.9.0: raise the warning to an error,
+> `-XXLanguage:-ProhibitEnumDeclaringClass` can be used to temporarily revert to the pre-1.9 behavior
+> - 2.0.0: remove `declaringClass` synthetic property
+### Deprecate enable and compatibility modes of the compiler option -Xjvm-default
+> **Issues**: [KT-46329](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-46329), [KT-54746](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-54746)
+> **Component**: Kotlin/JVM
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 1.9 prohibits using the `enable` and `compatibility` modes of the `-Xjvm-default` compiler option.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.6.20: introduce a warning on the `enable` and `compatibility` modes of the `-Xjvm-default` compiler option
+> - 1.9.0: raise this warning to an error
+### Prohibit implicit inferring a type variable into an upper bound in the builder inference context
+> **Issue**: [KT-47986](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-47986)
+> **Component**: Core language
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Kotlin 2.0 will prohibit inferring a type variable into the corresponding type parameter's upper bound
+> in the absence of any use-site type information in the scope of builder inference lambda functions, the same way as it does currently in other contexts.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.20: report a warning (or an error in the progressive mode) when a type parameter is inferred into declared upper bounds in the absence of use-site type information
+> - 2.0.0: raise the warning to an error
+## Standard library
+### Warn about potential overload resolution change when Range/Progression starts implementing Collection
+> **Issue**: [KT-49276](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-49276)
+> **Component**: Core language / kotlin-stdlib
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: it is planned to implement the `Collection` interface in the standard progressions and concrete ranges
+> inherited from them in Kotlin 1.9. This could make a different overload selected in the overload resolution if there
+> are two overloads of some method, one accepting an element and another accepting a collection.
+> Kotlin will make this situation visible by reporting a warning or an error when such overloaded method is called
+> with a range or progression argument.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.6.20: report a warning when an overloaded method is called with the standard progression or its range inheritor as an argument
+> if implementing the `Collection` interface by this progression/range leads to another overload being selected in this call in future
+> - 1.8.0: raise this warning to an error
+> - 2.1.0: stop reporting the error, implement `Collection` interface in progressions thus changing
+> the overload resolution result in the affected cases
+### Migrate declarations from `kotlin.dom` and `kotlin.browser` packages to `kotlinx.*`
+> **Issue**: [KT-39330](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-39330)
+> **Component**: kotlin-stdlib (JS)
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: declarations from the `kotlin.dom` and `kotlin.browser` packages are moved to the corresponding `kotlinx.*` packages to prepare for extracting them from stdlib.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.4.0: introduce the replacement API in `kotlinx.dom` and `kotlinx.browser` packages
+> - 1.4.0: deprecate the API in `kotlin.dom` and `kotlin.browser` packages and propose the new API above as a replacement
+> - 1.6.0: raise the deprecation level to an error
+> - 1.8.20: remove the deprecated functions from stdlib for JS-IR target
+> - \>= 2.0: move the API in kotlinx.* packages to a separate library
+### Deprecate some JS-only API
+> **Issue**: [KT-48587](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48587)
+> **Component**: kotlin-stdlib (JS)
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: a number of JS-only functions in stdlib are deprecated for removal. They include: `String.concat(String)`, `String.match(regex: String)`, `String.matches(regex: String)`, and the `sort` functions on arrays taking a comparison function, for example, `Array.sort(comparison: (a: T, b: T) -> Int)`.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.6.0: deprecate the affected functions with a warning
+> - 1.9.0: raise the deprecation level to an error
+> - \>=2.0: remove the deprecated functions from the public API
+## Tools
+### Remove enableEndorsedLibs flag from Gradle setup
+> **Issue**: [KT-54098](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-54098)
+> **Component**: Gradle
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: the `enableEndorsedLibs` flag is no longer supported in Gradle setup.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - < 1.9.0: `enableEndorsedLibs` flag is supported in Gradle setup
+> - 1.9.0: `enableEndorsedLibs` flag is **not** supported in Gradle setup
+### Remove Gradle conventions
+> **Issue**: [KT-52976](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-52976)
+> **Component**: Gradle
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: Gradle conventions were deprecated in Gradle 7.1 and have been removed in Gradle 8.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.20: Gradle conventions deprecated
+> - 1.9.0: Gradle conventions removed
+### Remove classpath property of KotlinCompile task
+> **Issue**: [KT-53748](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-53748)
+> **Component**: Gradle
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: the `classpath` property of the `KotlinCompile` task is removed.
+> **Deprecation cycle**:
+> - 1.7.0: the `classpath` property is deprecated
+> - 1.8.0: raise the deprecation level to an error
+> - 1.9.0: remove the deprecated functions from the public API
+### Deprecate kotlin.internal.single.build.metrics.file property
+> **Issue**: [KT-53357](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-53357)
+> **Component**: Gradle
+> **Incompatible change type**: source
+> **Short summary**: deprecate the `kotlin.internal.single.build.metrics.file` property used to define a single file for
+> build reports.
+> Use the property `kotlin.build.report.single_file` instead with `kotlin.build.report.output=single_file`.
+> **Deprecation cycle:**
+> * 1.8.0: raise the deprecation level to a warning
+> * \>= 1.9: delete the property