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288 lines (224 loc) · 9.04 KB

File metadata and controls

288 lines (224 loc) · 9.04 KB

Blog Web Application base on Python-Flask framework

开发笔记与文档:《用 Flask 来写个轻博客》


  • Step 1: clone the source code from GitHub
git clone

cd JmilkFan-s-Blog
  • Step 2: building and using virtual environment via tools of virtualenv
virtualenv blog_env

source blog_env/bin/activate
  • Step 3: Install the requirements package
pip install -r requirements.txt -e .

Start service

  • Srep 1: Create the DB for app of jmilkfansblog, e.g.
mysql -uroot -pfanguiju -e "CREATE DATABASE myblog default charset utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;"
mysql -uroot -pfanguiju -e "GRANT ALL ON egis.* TO 'user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'fanguiju';"
mysql -uroot -pfanguiju -e "GRANT ALL ON egis.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'fanguiju';"
mysql -uroot -pfanguiju -e "GRANT ALL ON egis.* TO 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fanguiju';"
  • Step 2: Setup the Configuration.
    Edit the config option connection for etc file etc/jmilkfansblog.conf e.g.
connection = 'mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]:3306/myblog?charset=utf8'

Edit the config option host/server_port/api_port. e.g.

host = ''
server_port = 8089
api_port = 8080
  • Step 3: Init the database
jmilkfansblog-manager db upgrade -d jmilkfansblog/db/sqlalchemy/alembic
  • Step 4: Start the service
jmilkfansblog-manager server
  • Step 5: Start the API service
  • Step 6: Register the account(Have to access the google reCAPTCHA).


  1. ERROR: Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 if you meet this error when you installing the dependency packet from requirements file. Plase check whether installed the MySQL, because the package PyMySQL will be depend on it.

Change Log

============== 2016-11-13 =============

  1. First commit
  2. Completed development environment configuration
  3. Created the base application
  4. Installed the Flask extend: Flask-Script CLI
  5. Installed the Flask extend: Flask-SQLAlchemy
  6. Connect the MySQL with SQLAlchemy

============== 2016-11-16 =============

  1. Created the database myblog
  2. Implements models class User

============== 2016-11-19 =============

  1. Implements models class Post

============== 2016-11-20 =============

  1. Implements models class Comment
  2. Implements models class Tag
  3. Installed the Flask extend: Flask-Migrate

============== 2016-11-23 =============

  1. Added the file
  2. Created the view function for tables
  3. Installed the Bootstrap
  4. Implements the HTML base template of Jinja
  5. Implements the macro: render pagination
  6. Fix the bug from base.html

============== 2016-11-24 =============

  1. Implements the template for view function: home()
  2. Installed the Flask-WTF
  3. Implements the Form class: CommentForm

============== 2016-11-24 =============

  1. Fix the bug for pagination linked
  2. Implements template: post.html
  3. Add the Form class CommentForm() into view function: post()

============== 2016-11-26 =============

  1. Add the template: page_not_fount.html
  2. Implements the Blueprint: blog
  3. Reconstruction project code

============== 2016-11-27 =============

  1. Using the Factory Method to create app instance
  2. Installed the Flask-Bcrypt
  3. Using the Flask-Bcrypt to encipher the password
  4. Using reCAPTCHA
  5. Implements Login and Register Forms

============== 2016-11-28 =============

  1. Fix the bug for reCAPTCHA
  2. Implements view function login/logout/register
  3. Implements template: login.html

============== 2016-11-29 =============

  1. Implements the template: register.html

============== 2016-11-30 =============

  1. Implements the View function: new_post/edit_post
  2. Implements the template: new.html/edit.html
  3. Fix the bug for edit and new the post

============== 2016-12-02 =============

  1. Fix the bug for controller:

============== 2016-12-03 =============

  1. Fix the bug for login/register/net_post/edit_post

============== 2016-12-04 =============

  1. Installed the Flask-OpenID
  2. Implements use the OpenID to login the blog
  3. Installed the Flask-Oauth
  4. Implements use the Facebook and Twitter to login the blog
  5. Installed the Flask-Login
  6. Installed the Flask-Principal
  7. Using the session to confirm the uses login status
  8. Add the table: users_roles and roles
  9. Using the Flask-Principal to implements the role permission
  10. Using the Flask-Login to implements the ensure the user login status

============== 2016-12-05 =============

  1. Fix some bug for Flask-Principal

============== 2016-12-06 =============
2. Add the Remember Me optional box

============== 2016-12-08 =============

  1. Add the Script plug-in with duoshuo-comment
  2. Add the Script plug-in with duoshuo-share

============== 2016-12-09 =============

  1. Fix some bug for Flask-Principal

============== 2016-12-10 =============

  1. Installed the Flask-Restful
  2. Implements restful api GET for /api/posts
  3. Implements restful api POST for /api/posts
  4. Implements restful api PUT for /api/posts/post_id
  5. Implements restful api DELETE for /api/posts/post_id
  6. Implements restful api POST for /api/auth

============== 2016-12-11 =============

  1. Added the database migrate version: Init database
  2. Added the table browse_volumes
  3. Added the database migrate version: Add table of browse_volumes
  4. Fix some bug
  5. Installed Celery and Flask-Celery-Helper

============== 2016-12-12 =============

  1. Implements the celery_runner(Celery worker)

============== 2016-12-13 =============

  1. Installed flower
  2. Setup the timed task
  3. Add table reminders
  4. Implements Remind when registered the user
  5. Implements weekly digest

============== 2016-12-14 =============

  1. Implements email content of weekly-digest digest.html
  2. Installed Flask-Debug-Toolbar
  3. Installed Flask-Cache
  4. Installed Flask-Redis
  5. Implements make cache for post.html/home.html and function verify_auth_token
  6. Using Redis as BackEndStieCache
  7. Installed Flask-Assets
  8. Installed Flask-Admin
  9. Implements the Post-Admin page via Flask-Admin
  10. Implements access File System via Flask-Admin
  11. Installed Flask-Mail

============== 2016-12-15 =============

  1. Fix some bug

============== 2016-12-16 =============

  1. Fix some bug

============== 2016-12-17 =============

  1. Fix some bug for Flask-Admin
  2. Replace the property of Post Model: users to user

============== 2016-12-18 =============

  1. Create a new manager command assset
  2. Pack up the static file
  3. Fix the bug for UnicodeEncodeError

============== 2016-12-19 =============

  1. Implements Flask-Youku extension
  2. Implements Flask-GZip extension

============== 2016-12-20 =============

  1. Packup the extensions Flask-Youku and Flask-GZip

============== 2016-12-21 =============

  1. Installed selenium
  2. Installed coverage
  3. Implements Unit test TestURLs
  4. Fix some bug

============== 2016-12-24 =============

  1. Fix some bug for flask_youku
  2. Installed oslo_config
  3. Using oslo_config to setup the config

============== tag 0.0.1 Done to Python-Flask =============

============== 2016-12-26 =============

  1. Fix the bug for oslo_config
  2. Implements setup.cfg and
  3. Tag 0.0.1 Done to Python-Flask
  4. Source archive v0.0.1

============== 2016-12-27 =============

  1. Installed Pecan
  2. Implements Restful api v1/users via Pecan
  3. Create the db directory
  4. Create the api directory for Pecan RESTful API

============== 2016-12-28 =============

  1. Implements RESTful API v1/posts via Pecan

============== 2016-12-30 =============

  1. Installed oslo_db
  2. Using oslo_db.sqlalchemy.session.EngineFacahe to create the session
  3. Using oslo_db.concurrency to wrapper the operation of database

============== 2017-01-02 =============

  1. Fix the bug for Flask-Admin
  2. Return post_id when response the flask_restful api /posts GET

============== 2017-01-04 =============

  1. Implements the GET v1/posts via pecan RESTful

============== 2017-01-05 =============

  1. Installed oslo_i18n
  2. Try to use the oslo_log and oslo_config

============== 2017-01-08 =============

  1. Fix some bug
  2. Implements console-script via setup.cfg

============== 2017-01-09 =============

  1. Fix the bug for db.api.CONF

============== 2017-03-31 =============

  1. Test the oslo_config

============== 2017-04-03 =============

  1. Fix the oslo_log and jinja syntax bug