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Libre value smoothing

Johan Degraeve edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 13 revisions

Libre value smoothed with xDrip4iOS.

If enabled, then xDrip4iOS uses Savitzky Golay with filterwidth 5 which is quite an agressive smoothing. When smoothing the values of 8 hours (maximum amount of readings that Libre can send), high peaks (or dips) may be strongly flattened. This would only be applicable if Libre hasn't been read for longer period. If the Libre is read every 5 minutes, then the smoothing of peaks will be less. This is because we only use the last reading. When processing the last reading, then we don't know yet that the reading is a peak (or dip). The algorithm assumes that the readings will continue to go up or down at the same spead as the last 5 minutes. As a result, when reading every 5 minutes, smoothing will be less

The smoothing needs to be enabled in the developer settings

Sample smoothing result for 15 minutes of readings

This is an example of smoothing of 15 minutes of readings.

image 1

image 2

image 3

image 4

image 6