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A plugin for MuseScore, Version 1.0 - 14Aug2014

'Microtune' is a MuseScore plugin to apply micro-interval tuning to a score; it also allows to manage ready-made sets of tuning values (presets).

Copyright: 'Microtune' has been made by Maurizio M. Gavioli, AKA [Miwarre] (, AKA [mgavioli] (, fixes for a) a playback bug, b) voice 4, c) to check for a Score being open, d) the move to [GitHub] (, e) (re-)setting plain notes tuning to no tuning, f) Sori and Koron, g) optionally work on a selection only and h) avoid conflict with other plugins that modify the tuning of notes, like [Scales] (, got added by Joachim Schmitz, AKA [Jojo-Schmitz] (

Do with it whatever you like. The authors cannot be held responsible of
ANYTHING in ANY way! You have been warned.


  1. Extract the files in the "plugins" sub-folder of the main folder where your copy of MuseScore is installed in. This creates a "microtune" sub-folder of the "plugins" folder.
  2. Start or re-start MuseScore.

Once run, 'Microtune' creates a configuration file, pluginMicrotune.ini, in the following folder:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\MusE\
  • Linux & Mac OS X: $HOME/.config/MusE/


  1. Optionally select measures to work on, without selection the entire score will be affected.
  2. Select the "Microtune" plugin from the "Plugins" menu list. A dialogue box will be shown with the current set of tuning values.
  3. Select the needed preset from the "Presets" drop list or insert the required value for each accidental you want to tune.
  4. Press the "Apply" button.


Tuning values are in cent. 100 cent = 1 semitone (more precisely, 1 semitone of the equal temperament). So:

  • 150 cent: rise a note by a semitone and a half ('sharp-and-a-half')
  • 50 cent: rise a note by half a semitone ('half-sharp');
  • -50 cent: lower a note by half a semitone ('half-flat')
  • -150 cent: lower a note by a semitone and a half ('flat-and-a-half')

and so on.


Presets are sets of tuning values ready to be selected and applied.

Adding a new preset:

  1. Set each accidental to the required tuning value.
  2. Press the "Add" button. A name for the new preset will be asked. After pressing "OK", the new preset will be created.

Updating a preset:

  1. Select the preset from the "Presets" drop list.
  2. Change the values displayed to the value you need.
  3. Press the "Update" button: the selected preset will be updated with the values currently displayed.

Renaming a preset:

  1. Select the preset from the "Presets" drop list.
  2. Press the "Rename" button.
  3. Enter the new name and press "OK".

Deleting a preset:

  1. Select the preset from the "Presets" drop list.
  2. Press the "Delete" button: a dialogue box will ask to confirm.
  3. Press "OK" to confirm the deletion or "Esc" to keep the preset.

Exporting the presets:

  1. Press the "Export" button.
  2. A dialogue box will be shown asking to select a destination file.
  3. After pressing "Save", all the presets currently defined will be exported to the chosen file.

Importing presets:

  1. Press the "Import" button.
  2. A dialogue box will be shown asking to select the source file.
  3. After pressing "Open", the presets stored in the file will be imported. If a preset in the import file exactly duplicates all the values in a preset already present, a dialogue box will ask if you want to skip or to import it: press "OK" to skip it or "Esc" to import it.


'Microtune' has been tested to work with MuseScore version 0.9.6 beta 2. It may run with 0.9.6 Beta 1 too and should work with all later versions, up to 1.3. It only works on accidentals directly attached to notes, not on key signatures, this is restriction of the underlying plugin framwork.

Any suggestion is welcome!

Enjoy! Maurizio M. Gavioli & Joachim Schmitz