This project contains two libraries that are both published to Nuget
Library, contains all HA Discovery DocumentsToMqttNet
a managed way to keep a MQTT connection in ASP.NET
- Support all Home Assistant Discovery (See full list below)
- De(serilization) using
source generators (AoT Compatible)
Contains the following Home Assistant MQTT Discovery Documents as C# classes:
- AlarmControlPanel
- BinarySensor
- Button
- Camera
- Climate
- Cover
- DefaultLight
- DeviceTracker
- DeviceTrigger
- Event
- Fan
- Humidifier
- Image
- JsonLight
- LawnMower
- Lock
- Number
- Scene
- Select
- Sensor
- Siren
- Switch
- TagScanner
- TemplateLight
- Text
- Update
- Vacuum
- Valve
- WaterHeater
This makes it easy to create discovery documents from C# without having to worry about mistyping property names etc.
var cfg = new MqttBinarySensorDiscoveryConfig
Name = $"Recommend Charging",
ValueTemplate = "{{ 'ON' if value_json.recommend else 'OFF' }}",
StateTopic = $"some-node/status/recommend-charging",
UniqueId = $"some-node-recommend-charging",
var json = cfg.ToJson();
Results in
"component": "binary_sensor",
"state_topic": "some-node/status/recommend-charging",
"value_template": "{{ 'ON' if value_json.recommend else 'OFF' }}",
"name": "Recommend Charging",
"unique_id": "some-node-recommend-charging"
var parser = new MqttDiscoveryConfigParser(NullLoggerFactory.Instance, []);
var topic = "some-node/binary/some_sensor";
var message = "{\"component\": \"binary_sensor\", \"state_topic\": \"some-node/status/recommend-charging\", \"value_template\": \"{{ 'ON' if value_json.recommend else 'OFF' }}\", \"name\": \"Recommend Charging\", \"unique_id\": \"some-node-recommend-charging\"}";
var result = parser.Parse(topic, message);
This sets up a managed connection to a MQTT broker with
- Makes use of MQTTnet for the connection
- Dependency injection
Based metrics- AoT compatible
- Home Assistant Discovery integration
In Program.cs
var builder = WebApplication.CreateSlimBuilder(args);
.Configure<IOptions<MqttOptions>>((options, mqttConfI) =>
var mqttConf = mqttConfI.Value;
options.NodeId = "myintegration";
options.ClientOptions.ChannelOptions = new MqttClientTcpOptions
Server = mqttConf.Server,
Port = mqttConf.Port,
// ...
// Remember to register this service in ASP.NET (Or call the .Execute)
public class CounterMqttBackgroundService(MqttConnectionService mqtt) : BackgroundService
private readonly MqttConnectionService _mqtt = mqtt;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
var discoveryDoc = new MqttSensorDiscoveryConfig()
UniqueId = "myintegration_mycounter",
Name = "My Counter",
ValueTemplate = "{{ value_json.value }}",
StateTopic = _mqtt.MqttOptions.NodeId + "/status/counter", // myintegration/status/counter
await _mqtt.PublishDiscoveryDocument(discoveryDoc);
var counter = 0L;
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
await _mqtt.PublishAsync(new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder()
.WithTopic(_mqtt.MqttOptions.NodeId + "/status/counter")
.WithPayload(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new {value = counter}))
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), stoppingToken);