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Developing with Formlets

The WebSharper Formlets library provides a high-level abstraction for working with web forms and constructing interactive user interfaces.

One of the most common tasks in web development is creating web forms for collecting user data. Among other things this involves:

  • Creating forms to collect data.
  • Looking up the submitted data on the server.
  • Validating data.
  • Providing validation feedback to the user.

Formlets address all of the above tasks. The advantages of using formlets for web-form construction are:

Type Safety

Every Formlet<'T> collects data of type 'T, preventing typing errors. The data type is not limited to primitive values, and often includes convenient to consume records and unions.


Complex formlets are built from simple components. In basic composition, two formlets Formlet<'T1> and a Formlet<'T2> can be combined into a Formlet<'T3> using a function 'T1->'T2->'T3. Additional formlet composition methods allow to express wizard-like workflows.


Once defined, a formlet may be reused as a component of many other formlets and pages.


Formlets are aware of the need to validate the collected data and provide interactive feedback to the user.

Declarative Style

Formlets are defined in a declarative way, meaning that you only need to specify the descriptive parts of your form applications, i.e. which controls to include, what validation logic to apply and how to aggregate the result of the sub-forms. All the tedious work of creating HTML elements, extracting the form data and displaying error messages is automated.


The Formlets library contains a set of components for creating primitive form controls, composing formlets, adding validation, and enhancing formlets in various ways.

Primitive Formlet Controls

In the Control module you find a set of predefined formlets corresponding to some basic web form components such as input text fields, text areas and check boxes.

As an example, the TextArea formlet is exposed as a function from the default value to a Formlet<string>.

let textForm = Controls.TextArea ""
let selForm = 
    [ "Option A", "A"; "Option B", "B" ]
    |> Controls.Select 0 
let buttoForm = Controls.Button "Click"

Formlet Composition

The most important property of formlets is the ability to build complex formlets by composing simpler ones.

Static Composition

The Formlet.Yield and Formlet.Apply (or <*>) functions provide the default way to combine formlets. Formlet.Yield accepts a function specifying how to combine the values of several formlets, and Formlet.Apply incrementally provides the formlets to compose.

A composed formlet Formlet.Yield f <*> g1 <*> g2 .. <*> gn at any point in time carries the value of f g1.value g2.value... gn.value. Visually it renders as a concatenation of the component formlets g1 .. gn.

In the following example two string formlets are composed:

let ComposedFormlet: Formlet<string> =
    Formlet.Yield (fun x y -> x + " " + y)
    <*> Controls.Select ["Email", "E"; "Mail", "M"] 0
    <*> Controls.Input ""

The value of the ComposedFormlet is the concatenation of the component formlet values. The result looks like this:

Statically Composed Formlet

Formlets are closed under composition. This means that ComposedFormlet may itself be composed with other formlets.

Dynamic Composition

Dynamic/Dependent formlets are formlets that depend on the values produced by some other formlet. You can specify such dependencies using F# computation expressions:

let DependentFormlet () = 
    Formlet.Do {
        let! x = Controls.Input ""
        return! Controls.Input x 

The formlet above uses the values produced by the first text-box as input when constructing an additional (dependent) text-box.

Dependent Formlet

Enhancing Formlets

The Enhance module provides a set of predefined functions for enhancing formlets with additional properties.

Common for these functions is that they accept a formlet of type T along with additional arguments as an input and return a formlet of the same type extended with some properties.

As an example, the Enhance.WitTextLabel accepts a string value corresponding to the label, and a formlet, returning a new formlet with a label.

let LabeledFormlet =
    let label = Text "Label"
    Controls.Enhance.WithLabel label (Control.Input "")

Labelled Formlet

The function Control.Enhance.WithLegend has a similar signature but instead of returning a formlet with a label, the body of the formlet is wrapped within an HTML legend element, visually creating a small box around the formlet.

You may also apply several transformation functions for enhancing formlets in different ways. Below is an example combining the Enhance.WithTextLabel and WithSubmitAndResetButtons functions for creating a text field formlet with a legend enhanced with submit and reset buttons:

let InputForm =
    Controls.Input ""
    |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Label"
    |> Enhance.WithSubmitAndResetButtons
    |> Enhance.WithFormContainer

Enhanced Formlet

Note that the order in which the functions are applied is important.

Adding Validation

By adding validation you restrict the admissible formlet values by putting the formlet into a failing state whenever the current value is invalid. Among other things, this means that the formlet cannot be submitted since no value is available. Some predefined validators are found in the Validator module. Here is an example enhancing a text-box formlet with validation requiring that the input string is not empty:

let ValidationForm =
     Controls.Input ""
     |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Label"
     |> Validator.IsNotEmpty "Enter non-empty value"
     |> Enhance.WithValidationIcon
     |> Enhance.WithSubmitAndResetButtons
     |> Enhance.WithFormContainer

Validation Formlet


Each formlet carries a layout-manager responsible for rendering the visual components produced when running the formlet. You can use the function Formlet.WithLayout to specify the layout manager to be used. Three default layout managers are provided:

  • Layout.Vertical - Lays out components vertically.

  • Layout.Horizontal - Lays out components horizontally.

  • Layout.Flowlet - Creates a wizard-like interface where subsequent components replace the previous ones.

Instead of using the Formlet.WithLayout the above layouts may be applied directly via the functions Formlet.Vertical, Formlet.Horizontal and Formlet.Flowlet.

Displaying Formlets

Since formlets implement the IPagelet interface, they may be directly embedded inside HTML combinators:

let Main () =
    Div [
        Controls.Input "Text-field formlet in div tag"

If you want to handle the values produced by a formlet, you may use the Run method. It accepts a handler that is invoked every time a new value is produced by the formlet, and returns an IPagelet instance corresponding to the form body:

let Main () =
    let input = 
        Controls.Input ""
        |> Enhance.WithSubmitButton
    Div [
        input.Run (fun s -> 
            processResult s


Statically Composed Formlet

Below is an example of a formlet for entering name and email information:

type Person = {
    Name: string
    Email: string

let PersonFormlet : Formlet<Person> = 
    let nameF = 
        Controls.Input "" 
        |> Validator.IsNotEmpty "Empty name not allowed" 
        |> Enhance.WithValidationIcon
        |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Name"
    let emailF = 
        Controls.Input ""
        |> Validator.IsEmail "Please enter valid email address" 
        |> Enhance.WithValidationIcon
        |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Email"
    Formlet.Yield (fun name email -> {Name = name; Email = email})
    <*> nameF 
    <*> emailF
    |> Enhance.WithSubmitAndResetButtons
    |> Enhance.WithLegend "Add a New Person"
    |> Enhance.WithFormContainer

let Main () =
    Div [PersonFormlet]

PersonFormlet defines a formlet parameterized with the user-defined type Person. It contains validation logic to guarantee that the Name field is not empty and the email address is of the correct format.

Person Formlet

Dependent Formlet

Below is an exmaple of using computation expressions to define a dependent formlet:

type ContactData =
    | Phone of string
    | Email of string

let ContactFormlet : Formlet<ContactData> =
    let phone =
        Controls.Input ""
        |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Phone"
        |> Formlet.Map Phone
    let email =
        Controls.Input ""
        |> Validator.IsEmail "Please enter a valid email address."
        |> Formlet.Map Email
        |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Email"
    Formlet.Do {
        let! contactTypeFormlet =
            Controls.Select 0 [("Phone", phone); ("Email", email)]
            |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Type"
        return! contactTypeFormlet
    |> Enhance.WithSubmitAndResetButtons
    |> Enhance.WithFormContainer

This formlet will interactively present either the phone or email form depending on the user's choice in the select box. Each time the user changes the selected option, the dependent form is updated.

Dependent Form