A library for automating detection within benthic habitats (for finding rocks, coral, and other benthic features). This library revolves around Tator.
For production deployment in Tator
# cmd
conda create --name tt python==3.10 -y
conda activate tt
pip install uv
uv pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install cuda-nvcc -c nvidia/label/cuda-11.8.0 -y
conda install cudatoolkit=11.8 -c nvidia/label/cuda-11.8.0 -y
# Example for torch 2.0.0 and torchvision 0.15.1 w/ CUDA 11.8
uv pip install torch==2.0.0+cu118 torchvision==0.15.1+cu118 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
Test out the algorithms using the app.py
script (gradio
# cmd
python Algorithms/app.py
For local testing and debugging algorithms before deployment in Tator. Also useful for data visualization.
# cmd
conda create --name tt python==3.10 -y
conda activate tt
pip install uv
uv pip install -e .
conda install cuda-nvcc -c nvidia/label/cuda-11.8.0 -y
conda install cudatoolkit=11.8 -c nvidia/label/cuda-11.8.0 -y
# Example for torch 2.0.0 and torchvision 0.15.1 w/ CUDA 11.8
uv pip install torch==2.0.0+cu118 torchvision==0.15.1+cu118 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
conda install ffmpeg
The MediaDownloader
class is used to download, convert, and extract frames from videos in TATOR.
from tator_tools.download_media import MediaDownloader
# Initialize the downloader with the required parameters
downloader = MediaDownloader(
# Download the media
media_ids = ["123456", "78910"]
downloader.download_data(media_ids, convert=False, extract=True, every_n_seconds=1.0)
The DatasetDownloader
class is used to download frames / images and their labels from TATOR, which can be used to
create YOLO-formatted datasets. This class expects the encoded search string obtained from the Export Data utility
offered in Tator's UI.
from tator_tools.download_labeled_data import DatasetDownloader
# Initialize the downloader with the required parameters
downloader = DatasetDownloader(
search_string="your_encoded_search_string", # See Tator Metadata -> Export Data utility
frac=1.0, # Sample dataset, if applicable
dataset_name="your_dataset_name", # Output Directory Name
output_dir="path/to/output", # Output Directory
label_field="your_label_field", # "ScientificName", "Label", (or a list of fields)
# Download the data and create the dataset
# View a sample
df = downloader.as_dataframe() # as_dict()
The YOLODataset
class is used to create a YOLO-formatted dataset for object detection. It takes a pandas DataFrame
with annotation data and generates the necessary directory structure, labels, and configuration files.
import pandas as pd
from tator_tools.yolo_dataset import YOLODataset
# Load your annotation data into a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv("path/to/annotations.csv")
# Initialize the YOLODataset with the DataFrame and the output directory
dataset = YOLODataset(
output_dir="path/to/output", # Output Directoy
dataset_name="YOLODataset_Detection", # Output Directoy /Dataset Name -> train/valid/test, data.yaml
train_ratio=0.8 # Training ratio -> train / valid
test_ratio=0.1, # Testing ratio -> (train / valid) / test
task='detect' # 'detect' or 'segment' (the latter needs polygons)
# Process the dataset to create the YOLO-formatted dataset
dataset.process_dataset(move_images=False) # Makes a copy of the images instead of moving them
The DetectionToClassifier
class is used to convert detection datasets into classification datasets by extracting crops from detection bounding boxes and organizing them into train/val/test splits by class.
from tator_tools.detection_to_classification import DetectionToClassifier
# Initialize the converter with the path to the detection dataset's data.yaml file and the output directory
converter = DetectionToClassifier(dataset_path="path/to/detection/data.yaml", output_dir="path/to/output")
# Process the dataset to create classification crops
The FiftyOneDatasetViewer
class is used to create a FiftyOne dataset from a directory of images and generate a UMAP
visualization of the dataset. This can be run from command line or in a notebook.
from tator_tools.fiftyone_clustering import FiftyOneDatasetViewer
# Initialize the viewer with the path to the directory containing images
viewer = FiftyOneDatasetViewer(image_dir="path/to/images")
# Process the dataset to create the FiftyOne dataset and generate the UMAP visualization
The ModelTrainer
class is used to train a model using a YOLO-formatted dataset.
from tator_tools.model_training import ModelTrainer
# Initialize the trainer with the required parameters
trainer = ModelTrainer(
weights="yolov8n.pt", # See ultralytics website for models (8.3.0)
# Train the model
The VideoInferencer
class is used to perform inference on video files using a pre-trained model.
from tator_tools.inference_video import VideoInferencer
# Initialize the inferencer with the required parameters
inferencer = VideoInferencer(
# Perform inference on the video