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Josef Nemec edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 20 revisions


Solution will properly load only in Visual Studio 2017 because it contains ASP.NET Core project with .csproj project configuration, which is not supported in 2015. Otherwise there are no other requirements to build from VS, all references should be downloaded from NuGet.

.NET SDK 4.6.2 is required to build the application.

For building inside VS make sure you are switched to x86 solution configuration.

Development environment

Debug builds are configured to throw exceptions even in cases where Release builds would log error message. This is mainly for cases where Playnite can recover and still work properly, but indicates some issue that should be investigated. If you want to suppress these exceptions with Debug builds then edit Common.config and set ThrowAllErrors to False.

Fullscreen mode development

Fullscreen mode uses custom font files that can't be redistributed with Playnite's source. If you want to develop Fullscreen mode you have to obtain your own license or replace them with compatible ones.

Playnite Services deployment

Several Playnite features are depended on separate Playnite service. Specifically:

  • Steam library import
  • Steam metadata download
  • IGDB integration
  • Patreon integration

To deploy your own services instance:

  • Navigate to source\PlayniteServices\ folder
  • Create configuration file customSettings.json
  • Specify content of customSettings.json based on appsettings.json. For example adding your own Steam API key will look like this:
  "Steam": {
    "ApiKey": "customapikeyhere"
  • You need to provide your own API keys and other values for all empty fields from appsettings.json (just for services that you want to use, you can ignore Patreon values for example)
  • open cmdline and run dotnet run from the same folder
  • server should start and listen on port 5000
  • Optional: Configure root endpoint inside App.Debug.config file via ServicesUrl key if you start service on other port then default 5000.

DO NOT run let development builds connect to production service instance. This might potentially lead to serious issues causing problems to all users!


Requires simple web server serving info.json file with information about available files. URL with info.json has to be configured in App.Debug.config file via UpdateUrl key (http://localhost/update by default).

Example file:

    "latestVersion":  "4.21",
    "downloadServers": [
    "releaseNotesUrlRoots" : [ 
    "packages": [
            "baseVersion" : "4.21",
            "fileName": "421.exe",
            "checksum": "C4CEEA6981242B9087FF9065CE8E5AFD"
            "baseVersion" : "4.2",
            "fileName": "42to421.exe",
            "checksum": "EECEEA6981242B9087FF9065CE8E5AFD"
            "baseVersion" : "4.1",
            "fileName": "41to421.exe",
            "checksum": "BBBEEA6981242B9087FF9065CE8E5AFD"
    "releaseNotes" : [
            "version" : "4.21",
            "fileName" : "4.21.html"
            "version" : "4.2",
            "fileName" : "4.2.html"
            "version" : "4.1",
            "fileName" : "4.1.html"