- Add tests to the package itself.
- Make user-agent changeable by the user.
- Various refactorings.
- Handle both string/dictionary as input for probe_ids filter for Result and LatestResult requests.
- Fix bug where key parameter was added to the url even if it was empty.
- Fix bug where we didn't try to unjson 4xx responses even if they could contain json structure.
- Now we conform to new API feature that allows for specifying tags when adding probes to existing measurements
- Fix bug we didn't allow user to specify single tag include/exclude.
- Add support for include/exclude tags in changing sources requests.
- Add support for latest results API call.
- Implement HTTP measurement creation.
- Support for python 3 (<=3.4).
- Support for pypy/pypy3.
- Support for wheels format.
- Migrate all Atlas requests to use requests library and refactor a lot of code to have a cleaner version.
- Create an API v2 translator to address several option name changing. A deprecation warning will be given.
- Fix bug where python representation of measurements without a stop time was exploding.
- Make sure start/stop timestamps in measurement create request are always in UTC.
- Implement support for object return in the request generators for probe/measurement.
- Probe/Measurement python representation takes meta data from v2 API as well. Now everything should point to v2 API.
- add object representation of meta data for a probe or a measurement.
- Abandon v1 RIPE ATLAS API and use only v2.
- Fix bug that prevented users from specifying all possible source types when they tried to add more probes to existing measurements.
- Cover case where a user specified really long list of probes/measurements in the ProbeRequest/MeasurementRequest that was causing 'HTTP ERROR 414: Request-URI Too Long'. Additionally, now if API returns error raise an exception instead of stopping iteration.
- Small refactor of Stream class and manually enforce websockets in SocketIO client
- Fix bug related to binding result atlas stream.
- add support for fetching real time results using RIPE Atlas stream server.
- this version and on will be available on PYPI.
- add support for NTP measurements.
- add support for fetching probes/measurements meta data using python generators.
- add support for querying results based on start/end time, msm_id and probe id.
- add http agent according to package version to all requests.
- change package structure to comply with the new structure of atlas packages
- add continuous integration support
- add tests
- enable travis
- enable code health checks
- add required files for uploading to github
- add support for stopping a measurement.
- add simple support for HTTP GET queries.
- add support for adding/removing probes API request.
- use AtlasCreateRequest instead of AtlasRequest for creating a new measurement.
- Initial release.