- Fix media asset declaration on django 2.2+
- Changed deprecated rel.to to remote_field.model
- Fixed migration for example app
- Fixed issues for Django 2.0 and up
- Added support for Django 2.0 and 2.1
- Removed support for Django < 1.11
- Adapted testing infrastructure (tox/travis) to incorporate django CMS 3.6
- Fixed setup.py
- Fixed issue with Django 1.10 and below in AppHookConfigWidget
- django-appdata>=0.2.0 is now required
- Added Django 1.11 compatibility
- Added django CMS 3.5 compatibility
- Implemented django-appdata 0.2 interface
- Removed south migrations
- Dropped support for django CMS 3.3 and below
- Allowed use setup_config as decorators
- Fixed MANIFEST.in typo
- Fixed setup.py issue
- Added locale files to MANIFEST.in
- Added translation system
- Added german translation
- Allowed override AppHookConfigField attributes
- Dropped Django 1.7 and below
- Dropped django CMS 3.1 and below
- Added Django 1.10 support
- Set namespace as readonly
- Added official Django 1.9 support
- Updated readme
- Used path_info instead of path in resolve
- Added support for Python 3.5
- Added support for Django 1.9a1
- Code style cleanup and tests
- Added support for Django 1.8, django CMS 3.2
- AppHookConfigTranslatableManager.get_queryset should use queryset_class
- Skipped overriding admin form if app_config field not present
- Fixed issue where an apphook could not be changed, once set.
- Added optional 'default' kwarg to namespace_url templatetag
- Released first version on PyPI.