当你的组里有很多独立的机器时,比如我的组有9台单机,一共30张卡(RTX 3090/4090),想知道一段时间里这些机器的GPU利用率(一般商用的集群都会有这样的功能),可以用到下面说的开源工具。
- Use jupyterlab_nvdashboard
Run this on the node you want to monitor
python -m jupyterlab_nvdashboard.server 9988
Then you can open a html to see the log
The log is only saved on the web page. No database is used. So you need to keep the web page open.
- use rntop from run-ai
This is better for monitoring multiple nodes. 原理:通过 ssh user@IP nvidia-smi 每个节点,然后记录GPU利用率到一个文件。
Suppose you have a head node. Need to put the head node's id_rsa.pub to all the GPU nodes' authorized_keys.
Run the following in a screen. The output file will be saved to /home/junweil/nv_monitoring/rntop.log
(base) junweil@junwei-home-lab:~/nv_monitoring$ sudo docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $HOME/nv_monitoring:/host runai/rntop --output /host/rntop.log junweil@machine-1-IP junweil@machine-2-IP ...
Then you can upload the log file to https://run-ai.github.io/rntop-board/
and see the utilization over time.