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File metadata and controls

216 lines (204 loc) · 15.1 KB

Tasks To Complete

  • 0. Redis utils

    • Inside the folder utils, create a file redis.js that contains the class RedisClient.
    • RedisClient should have:
      • The constructor that creates a client to Redis:
      • Any error of the redis client must be displayed in the console (you should use on('error') of the redis client).
      • A function isAlive that returns true when the connection to Redis is a success otherwise, false.
      • An asynchronous function get that takes a string key as argument and returns the Redis value stored for this key.
      • An asynchronous function set that takes a string key, a value and a duration in second as arguments to store it in Redis (with an expiration set by the duration argument).
      • An asynchronous function del that takes a string key as argument and remove the value in Redis for this key.
    • After the class definition, create and export an instance of RedisClient called redisClient.
  • 1. MongoDB utils

    • Inside the folder utils, create a file db.js that contains the class DBClient.
    • DBClient should have:
      • The constructor that creates a client to MongoDB:
        • host: from the environment variable DB_HOST or default: localhost.
        • port: from the environment variable DB_PORT or default: 27017.
        • database: from the environment variable DB_DATABASE or default: files_manager.
      • A function isAlive that returns true when the connection to MongoDB is a success otherwise, false.
      • An asynchronous function nbUsers that returns the number of documents in the collection users.
      • An asynchronous function nbFiles that returns the number of documents in the collection files.
    • After the class definition, create and export an instance of DBClient called dbClient.
  • 2. First API

    • Inside server.js, create the Express server:
      • It should listen on the port set by the environment variable PORT or by default 5000.
      • It should load all routes from the file routes/index.js.
    • Inside the folder routes, create a file index.js that contains all endpoints of our API:
      • GET /status => AppController.getStatus.
      • GET /stats => AppController.getStats.
    • Inside the folder controllers, create a file AppController.js that contains the definition of the 2 endpoints:
      • GET /status should return if Redis is alive and if the DB is alive too by using the 2 utils created previously: { "redis": true, "db": true } with a status code 200.
      • GET /stats should return the number of users and files in DB: { "users": 12, "files": 1231 } with a status code 200.
        • users collection must be used for counting all users.
        • files collection must be used for counting all files.
  • 3. Create a new user

    • Now that we have a simple API, it's time to add users to our database.
    • In the file routes/index.js, add a new endpoint:
      • POST /users => UsersController.postNew.
    • Inside controllers, add a file UsersController.js that contains the new endpoint:
      • POST /users should create a new user in DB:
        • To create a user, you must specify an email and a password.
        • If the email is missing, return an error Missing email with a status code 400.
        • If the password is missing, return an error Missing password with a status code 400.
        • If the email already exists in DB, return an error Already exist with a status code 400.
        • The error messages should be in a JSON object. For e.g.; {"error":"Already exist"}.
        • The password must be stored after being hashed in SHA1.
        • The endpoint is returning the new user with only the email and the id (auto generated by MongoDB) with a status code 201.
        • The new user must be saved in the collection users:
          • email: same as the value received.
          • password: SHA1 value of the value received.
  • 4. Authenticate a user

    • In the file routes/index.js, add 3 new endpoints:
      • GET /connect => AuthController.getConnect.
      • GET /disconnect => AuthController.getDisconnect.
      • GET /users/me => UserController.getMe.
    • Inside controllers, add a file AuthController.js that contains new endpoints:
      • GET /connect should sign-in the user by generating a new authentication token:
        • By using the header Authorization and the technique of the Basic auth (Base64 of the <email>:<password>), find the user associated to this email and with this password (reminder: we are storing the SHA1 of the password).
        • If no user has been found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401
        • Otherwise:
          • Generate a random string (using uuidv4) as token.
          • Create a key: auth_<token>.
          • Use this key for storing in Redis (by using the redisClient create previously) the user ID for 24 hours.
          • Return this token: Format: { "token": "155342df-2399-41da-9e8c-458b6ac52a0c" } with a status code 200.
      • Now, we have a way to identify a user, create a token (= avoid to store the password on any front-end) and use this token for 24h to access to the API!
      • Every authenticated endpoints of our API will look at this token inside the header X-Token.
      • GET /disconnect should sign-out the user based on the token:
        • Retrieve the user based on the token:
          • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
          • Otherwise, delete the token in Redis and return nothing with a status code 204.
    • Inside the file controllers/UsersController.js add a new endpoint:
    • GET /users/me should retrieve the user base on the token used:
      • Retrieve the user based on the token:
        • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
        • Otherwise, return the user object (email and id only).
  • 5. First file

    • In the file routes/index.js, add a new endpoint:
      • POST /files => FilesController.postUpload.
    • Inside controllers, add a file FilesController.js that contains the new endpoint:
      • POST /files should create a new file in DB and in disk:
        • Retrieve the user based on the token:
          • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
        • To create a file, you must specify:
          • name: as filename.
          • type: either folder, file or image.
          • parentId: (optional) as ID of the parent (default: 0 -> the root).
          • isPublic: (optional) as boolean to define if the file is public or not (default: false).
          • data: (only for type=file|image) as Base64 of the file content.
        • If the name is missing, return an error Missing name with a status code 400.
        • If the type is missing or not part of the list of accepted type, return an error Missing type with a status code 400.
        • If the data is missing and type != folder, return an error Missing data with a status code 400.
        • If the parentId is set:
          • If no file is present in DB for this parentId, return an error Parent not found with a status code 400.
          • If the file present in DB for this parentId is not of type folder, return an error Parent is not a folder with a status code 400.
        • The user ID should be added to the document saved in DB - as owner of a file.
        • If the type is folder, add the new file document in the DB and return the new file with a status code 201.
        • Otherwise:
          • All file will be stored locally in a folder (to create automatically if not present):
            • The relative path of this folder is given by the environment variable FOLDER_PATH.
            • If this variable is not present or empty, use /tmp/files_manager as storing folder path.
          • Create a local path in the storing folder with filename a UUID.
          • Store the file in clear (reminder: data contains the Base64 of the file) in this local path.
          • Add the new file document in the collection files with these attributes:
            • userId: ID of the owner document (owner from the authentication).
            • name: same as the value received.
            • type: same as the value received.
            • isPublic: same as the value received.
            • parentId: same as the value received - if not present: 0.
            • localPath: for a type=file|image, the absolute path to the file save in local.
          • Return the new file with a status code 201.
  • 6. Get and list file

    • In the file routes/index.js, add 2 new endpoints:
      • GET /files/:id => FilesController.getShow.
      • GET /files => FilesController.getIndex.
    • In the file controllers/FilesController.js, add the 2 new endpoints:
      • GET /files/:id should retrieve the file document based on the ID:
        • Retrieve the user based on the token:
          • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
        • If no file document is linked to the user and the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
        • Otherwise, return the file document.
      • GET /files should retrieve all users file documents for a specific parentId and with pagination:
        • Retrieve the user based on the token:
          • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
        • Based on the query parameters parentId and page, return the list of file document.
          • parentId:
            • No validation of parentId needed - if the parentId is not linked to any user folder, returns an empty list.
            • By default, parentId is equal to 0 = the root.
          • Pagination:
            • Each page should be 20 items max.
            • page query parameter starts at 0 for the first page. If equals to 1, it means it's the second page (from the 20th to the 40th), etc…
            • Pagination can be done directly by the aggregate of MongoDB.
  • 7. File publish/unpublish

    • In the file routes/index.js, add 2 new endpoints:
      • PUT /files/:id/publish => FilesController.putPublish.
      • PUT /files/:id/unpublish => FilesController.putUnpublish.
    • In the file controllers/FilesController.js, add the 2 new endpoints:
      • PUT /files/:id/publish should set isPublic to true on the file document based on the ID:
        • Retrieve the user based on the token:
          • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
        • If no file document is linked to the user and the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
        • Otherwise:
          • Update the value of isPublic to true.
          • And return the file document with a status code 200.
      • PUT /files/:id/unpublish should set isPublic to false on the file document based on the ID:
        • Retrieve the user based on the token:
          • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
        • If no file document is linked to the user and the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
        • Otherwise:
          • Update the value of isPublic to false.
          • And return the file document with a status code 200.
  • 8. File data

    • In the file routes/index.js, add one new endpoint:
      • GET /files/:id/data => FilesController.getFile.
    • In the file controllers/FilesController.js, add the new endpoint:
      • GET /files/:id/data should return the content of the file document based on the ID:
        • If no file document is linked to the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
        • If the file document (folder or file) is not public (isPublic: false) and no user authenticate or not the owner of the file, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
        • If the type of the file document is folder, return an error A folder doesn't have content with a status code 400.
        • If the file is not locally present, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
        • Otherwise:
          • By using the module mime-types, get the MIME-type based on the name of the file.
          • Return the content of the file with the correct MIME-type.
  • 9. Image Thumbnails

    • Update the endpoint POST /files endpoint to start a background processing for generating thumbnails for a file of type image:
      • Create a Bull queue fileQueue.
      • When a new image is stored (in local and in DB), add a job to this queue with the userId and fileId.
    • Create a file worker.js:
      • By using the module Bull, create a queue fileQueue.
      • Process this queue:
        • If fileId is not present in the job, raise an error Missing fileId.
        • If userId is not present in the job, raise an error Missing userId`.
        • If no document is found in DB based on the fileId and userId, raise an error File not found.
        • By using the module image-thumbnail, generate 3 thumbnails with width = 500, 250 and 100 - store each result on the same location of the original file by appending _<width size>.
    • Update the endpoint GET /files/:id/data to accept a query parameter size:
      • size can be 500, 250 or 100.
      • Based on size, return the correct local file.
      • If the local file doesn't exist, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
  • 10. Tests!

    • Of course, a strong and stable project can not be good without tests.
    • Create tests for redisClient and dbClient.
    • Create tests for each endpoint:
      • GET /status
      • GET /stats
      • POST /users
      • GET /connect
      • GET /disconnect
      • GET /users/me
      • POST /files
      • GET /files/:id
      • GET /files (don't forget the pagination)
      • PUT /files/:id/publish
      • PUT /files/:id/unpublish
      • GET /files/:id/data
  • 11. New user - welcome email

    • Update the endpoint POST /users endpoint to start a background processing for sending a “Welcome email” to the user:
      • Create a Bull queue userQueue.
      • When a new user is stored (in DB), add a job to this queue with the userId.
    • Update the file worker.js:
      • By using the module Bull, create a queue userQueue.
      • Process this queue:
        • If userId is not present in the job, raise an error Missing userId.
        • If no document is found in DB based on the userId, raise an error User not found.
        • Print in the console Welcome <email>!.
    • In real life, you can use a third party service like Mailgun to send real email. These API are slow, (sending via SMTP is worst!) and sending emails via a background job is important to optimize API endpoint.