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Programming Assignment for KAIST CS479: Machine Learning for 3D Data

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Moving Least Squares and Marching Squares

KAIST CS479: Machine Learning for 3D Data
Programming Assignment 4

Instructor: Minhyuk Sung (mhsung [at]
TA: Jisung Hwang (4011hjs [at]


Point cloud representations provide a flexible and powerful means of capturing 3D geometry, but they often remain ambiguous for tasks requiring a structured or clearly defined shape. While point clouds can accurately encode spatial information, they are not inherently suited to applications such as direct rendering, simulation, or manufacturing where a continuous surface representation is needed. Consequently, working directly with point clouds can be challenging when the goal is to obtain a precise boundary or closed form.

In this assignment, we address these limitations by converting raw point clouds into an implicit function, then extracting a contour (in 2D) or mesh (in 3D). By transforming the unstructured points into a smoothly varying scalar field, we enable standard algorithms—such as Marching Squares or Marching Cubes—to generate a final structured boundary or surface. This two-step process expands the utility of raw point data, allowing it to be readily used in visualization, geometric processing, and downstream applications that demand well-defined edges, surfaces, or volumes.


This assignment uses pytorch, numpy and matplotlib only. You can use the setup from assignment 4.

conda activate cs479-gs

You MUST NOT import additional libraries

Code Structure

This assignment is done on only one jupyter(ipython) notebook.

├── data                <- Directory for data files.
├── main.ipynb          <- Main file that you should work on.
└──           <- This file.

Task 1: Moving Least Squares for Implicit Function Approximation

In this assignment, we use Moving Least Squares (MLS) to approximate a local signed distance function $f(\mathbf{x})$ given a set of points ${\mathbf{p}_i}$ and their associated normals ${\mathbf{n}_i}$. The MLS method computes $f(\mathbf{x})$ by a weighted average of local contributions from each neighbor point:

$$ f(\mathbf{x})=\frac{1}{\sum_{j} w_{j}}\sum_{i} w_{i} \Bigl(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{p}_{i}\Bigr)^{T}{\mathbf{n}_i}. $$

Weight Function

To capture local influence, each point $\mathbf{p}_i$ contributes a weight $\mathbf{w}_i$. You should use a Gaussian‐like kernel:

$$ w_i=\frac{1}{k_i} \exp\Bigl(-\tfrac{|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{p}_i|^2}{\epsilon^2}\Bigr), $$


  • $\epsilon$ is a radius parameter controlling the falloff of influence (sometimes referred to as the “ball radius”). We use 0.01.
  • $k_i$ is the number of neighbor points within $\epsilon$ of $\mathbf{x}$.


  1. Gather Neighbors: For each query $\mathbf{x}$, identify all points $\mathbf{p}_i$ within a distance $\epsilon$. We provide the code for this.
  2. (TODO) Compute Weights: Calculate each $w_i$ according to the chosen kernel.
  3. (TODO) Accumulate: Form the numerator and denominator as above, summing over the neighbor indices $i$.
  4. (TODO) Evaluate: The scalar value $f(\mathbf{x})$ is the ratio of these sums. This value can be interpreted as a signed distance or displacement from $\mathbf{x}$ to the surface, depending on how normals are defined.

Task 2: Marching Squares for Contour Extraction

In this assignment, we use Marching Squares to convert a 2D scalar field into line segments that approximate the contour where the field equals a given iso‐value (often 0). Building on the code from Cell 5, we first organize a regular grid of scalar values into cells. Each cell has four corners; we check each corner’s sign (above or below the iso‐value) to determine a 4‐bit “case” from 0000 to 1111. The lookup table case_to_edges specifies which edges in the cell are intersected by the contour. We then compute the exact intersection points by linear interpolation between the relevant corners, storing segments of the form “start point to end point” in contour. By repeating this process over all cells, we reconstruct a piecewise‐linear approximation to the complete contour.


  1. Fill out case_to_edges: to map each 4‐bit corner configuration to one or two edges for interpolation.

Please refer to points_to_offset and edge_to_points to check the indexing.


You will receive a zero score if:

  • you do not submit,
  • your code is not executable in the Python environment we provided, or
  • your code additionally imports some libraries, or
  • you modify anycode outside of the section marked with TODO or use different hyperparameters that are supposed to be fixed as given.

Your score will incur a 10% deduction for each missing item in the submission item list.

Task 1 and Task 2 are worth 10 and 20 points each.


Top 90% error Points
0.0125⬇️ 10
0.0250⬇️ 5
0.0250⬆️ 0


Hausdorff Distance Points
0.0350⬇️ 10
0.1850⬇️ 5
0.1850⬆️ 0
Ratio of Degree 2 Points
0.9600⬆️ 10
0.9000⬆️ 5
0.9000⬇️ 0

Plagiarism in any form will also result in a zero score and will be reported to the university.


Programming Assignment for KAIST CS479: Machine Learning for 3D Data






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