A KSU WebUI to configure tricky store target.txt
This module is not a part of the Tricky Store module. DO NOT report any issues to Tricky Store if encountered.
GitHub release: Tricky Addon: Update Target List
Telegram channel: KOW's Little World
- WebUI: Option to add system apps.
- WebUI: Fixed abnormal gap between content and header in MMRL.
- Handle some vbmeta related prop, enforce boot hash to lowercase.
- No longer auto config security patch by default (old user will remain current setup).
- Fixed issue with disable sucompat.
- More minor improvements.
- Script: Set
in auto config. - WebUI: Option to fetch secuirty patch date.
- WebUI: Fixed
Failed to fetch app list
issue in vanilla rom. - WebUI: Added Polish translation (#18, @Bladius2024)
- WebUI: Update Japanese translation (#20, @reindex-ot)
- WebUI: Minor UI improvements.
- WebUI: Allow import custom keybox from device storage.
- WebUI: Allow custom config security patch in WebUI, save empty to disable auto config.
- WebUI: Update Turkish translation (#16, @berkmirsatk)
- WebUI: Fix wrong changelog version displayed in update changelog.
- MMRL: Display a guide to enable the JavaScript API in MMRL. Directly request API permission on v33045+
- More minor improvements
- Fixed security patch logic, use pif.json to get security patch date.
- No auto config
for security patch lesser than one year.
- Support auto config
for Tricky Store v1.2.1 or higher. - No longer need to add
to Play Store for devices that have security patch older than one year to get strong integrity in new A13+ check. - Magisk: automatically add apps from DenyList to
on boot. To enable this feature, click "Select from DenyList" once in WebUI after update.
- Add
by default. - Handle
if the value is different. - Updated Japanese translation (#11, @reindex-ot)
- Added Turkish translation (@berkmirsatk)
- Added
into WebUI app list. (#10, @ChiseWaguri) - Fixed multiple instances of GMS appeared in the app list when GMS isn't a system app.
- Added auto backup
before replacing it. - Minor animation improvements and code optimizations.
- Markdown support for future update changelog in WebUI.
- Animation improvement: new checkbox animation, new touch ripple animation, and more.
- Adjust save button and prompt position in MMRL.
- Long press on app to select
mode, use this only when the app cannot work without this. - Display gms in app list.
- Show module version in header.
- Rewrite update method, you can now update module directly in WebUI.
- Preserve
during update target in WebUI. - Optimized scripts, thanks to @backslashxx.
- Fixed freeze in weak connection.
- Added Spanish, thanks to @Keinta15.
- Removed restriction on installation but module will still be removed if Tricky Store is not found after reboot.
- Fixed all KSUWebUIStandalone freeze issue, removed visible option.
- Reduced WebUI loading time.
- Added Japanese. Thanks to @reindex-ot.
- Link redirect quick fix
- Abandoned
; No longer automatically update target on boot. - Adapted with MMRL, Magisk user can uninstall KSUWebUIStandalone if you have latest MMRL installed, action button will redirect to MMRL if KSUWebUIStandalone not found.
- New update card for invisible module.
- Improved UI.
- Press any position of app card to select/deselct.
- Invisible module, integrate action button & WebUI on Tricky Store card. You can still use visible option if you found any issue with invisible module. Thanks for idea from @backslashxx.
- To uninstall invisble module, scroll down to the bottom of WebUI and press Uninstall WebUI.
- Add update prompt if found new version in webui, and show module if found an update. (invisible)
- Reduced WebUI loading time
- Added feature to save verifiedBootHash
- New way to detect Xposed module, now can catch all Xposed module apk package name in Deselect Unnecessary option, feedback in Telegram or create issue if missed any.
- Initial support for multiple languages
- Language available: en-US, ru-RU, tl-PH, zh-CN, zh-TW
- Add language or fix translation error? Read here.
- Check in release notes.
- Check in release notes.
- Check in release notes.
- Remove kb prompt on installation, moved into WebUI
- Restore to AOSP keybox during uninstallation
Added aapt binary for app name display
Added app name display
Removed curl binary
Moved boot_hash to /data/adb to prevent overwrite
Stop TSP-A auto target to prevent overwrite
Abandoned action button in KernelSU and Apatch
Magisk action button: open WebUI, automatic download if not installed (optional)
Option to select app from DenyList (Magisk)
- KSU WebUI:
- Added help menu
- Added extra unnecessary app exclude option
- Added no Internet connection prompt
Added curl binary to fetch Xposed module package name from LSPosed webside
Added feature to exclude Xposed module package name
Fixed abnormal color in dark mode
Combined save config and update target.txt button
Fixed some more known bugs
- Added WebUI for configuration
- Fixed update issue (Will start to work in next update)
- Updated something
- Fixed some known issue
- Updated something
- Fixed Magisk installation issue
- Migrate ro.boot.vbmeta.digest from system.prop to resetprop
- Fix config list recognize error on some device
- Refactor code
- Added Apatch Next package name to exclude list
- Fix automatic update target script not working issue
- Minor improvement in code
- Overwrite protection: won't remove previous setup when updating module
- Initial release
- Automated update target list on every boot
- Add exclution and addition list config, config directory: /data/adb/tricky_store/target_list_config (No release)
- Initial version (No release)