Description of custom Knights Province types used in the scripting.
- TKMFenceType
- TKMGroupType
- TKMGroupTypeSet
- TKMHouseFace
- TKMHouseType
- TKMHouseTypeSet
- TKMIntegerArray
- TKMInteractionType
- TKMObjectiveStatus
- TKMObjectiveType
- TKMPoint
- TKMPointArray
- TKMSingleArray
- TKMStringArray
- TKMUnitType
- TKMUnitTypeSet
- TKMWareType
- TKMWareTypeSet
Version | Type | Type name | Elements |
- | enum | TKMFenceType Player buildable fences |
fctNone fctWood fctWoodStone fctHouseArea fctHouseAreaGates fctOrchard fctGrain |
- | enum | TKMGroupType Warrior group type |
gtNone gtMelee gtAntiHorse gtRanged gtMounted |
- | set | TKMGroupTypeSet Set of group types |
set of TKMGroupType |
- | enum | TKMHouseFace Direction to which house shall face |
toSouth toWest toNorth toEast |
- | enum | TKMHouseType Type of the house |
htNone htFoundry htWeaponSmithy htCoalmakers htIronMine htGoldMine htFisherHut htBakery htFarm htWoodcutters htArmorSmithy htCamp htStables htSchool htStonecutters htMint htCattleFarm htTowerArrow htRangerShop htWeaponWorkshop htArmorWorkshop htBarracks htMill htSiegeWorkshop htButchers htTannery htStore htTavern htBrewery htMarketplace htFort htTowerBolt htCiderMaker htSawmill htSheepyard htClothMaker htCampfire htCottage htWolfsDen htBearsDen htAny // Abstract type used in requests, when any house type will do |
- | set | TKMHouseTypeSet Set of house types |
set of TKMHouseType |
- | array | TKMIntegerArray Array of integers |
array of Integer |
- | enum | TKMInteractionType Type of the interaction marker |
itExclamation itInfo itQuestion |
- | enum | TKMObjectiveStatus Status of the objective |
osHidden // Objective is not displayed osActive // Objective is active osFailed // Objective has been failed osCompleted // Objective has been completed |
- | enum | TKMObjectiveType Type of the objective |
otMain // Shown in main section otAdditional // Shown in additional section |
- | record | TKMPoint Point with X and Y components Typically gets used for tile coordinates |
X,Y: Integer |
- | array | TKMPointArray Array of points |
array of TKMPoint |
- | array | TKMSingleArray Array of singles |
array of Single |
- | array | TKMStringArray Array of strings |
array of string |
- | enum | TKMUnitType Type of the unit |
utNone utPeasant utPorter utBuilder utWoodcutter utMiner utBreeder utFarmer utCarpenter utBaker utButcher utTailor utBrewer utFisher utStonecutter utSmith utMetallurgist utRecruit utMilitia utAxeFighter utSwordsman utBowman utArbaletman utPikeman utHalberdier utHorseScout utCavalry utSkeletonAxe utSkeletonSword utSkeletonBow utRebelFork utSkeleton utWagon utWagon2 utCatapult utBallista utWolf utFish utWatersnake utSeastar utCrab utWaterflower utWaterleaf utDuck utDeer utBoar utBear utDuck2 utHorse utSheep utAny // Abstract type used in requests, when any unit type will do |
- | set | TKMUnitTypeSet Set of unit types |
set of TKMUnitType |
- | enum | TKMWareType Type of the ware |
wtNone wtTrunk wtStone wtWood wtIronOre wtGoldOre wtCoal wtSteel wtGold wtAle wtGrain wtBread wtFlour wtLeather wtSausages wtBeef wtCowhide wtShield wtMetalShield wtArmor wtMetalArmor wtAxe wtSword wtPike wtHalberd wtBow wtArbalet wtHorse wtFish wtClub wtCider wtWool wtCloth wtGambeson wtAll // All wares, for resulting charts wtWarfare // Everything warfare (weapons, horses) wtFood // Generic food ware (e.g. for warriors, we don't know what food will is be till Porter picks it from Camp) |
- | set | TKMWareTypeSet Set of ware types |
set of TKMWareType |