takes a yaml config file, parses and deploys a ec2-instance based off of settings
To run this you will need to have Python3.7.7 and run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the required packages.
You will also need to set up a .env file with AWS Credentials to establish a connection with the boto3 sdk
the structure of the env file should look like:
AWS_REGION_NAME = "us-west-2"
once you have the requirements set up and the .env file configured you should be able to run the main.py file using python3 main.py
Line 13 of main.py is where you set the name of the yaml file You must have a priavte key for the users. This will only save the public key to their authorized_keys. To connect you must edit the yaml, provide the public key value, then use the private key to connect