a battlefield series style conquest mod for counter-strike:global offensive
Things that are needed to get this mod completely done
- add unique models for each class
- decals that can be placed on the map (e.G. GameShare/Community logo)
- include a sound class for announcing things like a new level, captured flag, ...
- do not use a menu for displaying the overall flag status and rank information because it will block numeric keys for chosing weapons quickly... (is there any other way?)
- do not respawn if one team got no flag any more. end round if nobody of enemy team is alive
- teamchange after round end
- Download class for downloading stuff like models, logos, sounds
- add grenades to player on spawn
- saved weapons need to be re-assigned if someone changes the team (otherwise you'll fight with chosen T-Weapons against T or vice versa)
- kevlar at beginning, helmet on level 20
- flags should get "neutral" and then captured
- rewrite flag capture stuff (some bugs in there, some conditions missing)