Operator overloading is a feature that allows you to define the behavior of operators in your own classes. This is done by defining methods with special names, called operator methods. For example, the +
operator is defined by the __add__
method. The +
operator is used to add two numbers, but you can also use it to concatenate two strings or merge two lists. This is possible because the +
operator has different behaviors for different data types. This is called operator overloading.
Operator's that can't be overloaded
1. Conditional (?:)
2. Scope resolution (::)
3. SizeOf (sizeof())
4. Membership (.)
5. Pointer to member (.*)
return_type operator operator_symbol(){
// Code
class Unary{
int data;
void getdata(){
void display(){
void operator--(){
data = --data;
int main(){
Unary U1;
In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a nameless object refers to an instance of a class that is created without assigning it to a variable. It is a temporary object that is created on-the-fly within an expression or statement and is used immediately.
#include <iostream>
class MyClass {
void print() {
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
int main() {
// Creating a nameless object of MyClass and calling the print method
return 0;
here , the nameless object is created and the print method is called on it. The object is destroyed after the print method is called.
return_type operator operator_symbol(class_name object_name){
// Code
class Binary{
int data;
void getdata(){
void display(){
void operator+(Binary B){
data = data + B.data;
int main(){
Binary B1, B2;
B1 + B2;
class Complex{
int real;
int imaginary;
void setReal(int r){
real = r;
void setImaginary(int i){
imaginary = i;
void display(){
cout<<real<<" + i"<<imaginary<<endl;
friend Complex operator+(Complex C1, Complex C2);
Complex operator+(Complex C1, Complex C2){
Complex temp;
temp.real = C1.real + C2.real;
temp.imaginary = C1.imaginary + C2.imaginary;
return temp;
int main(){
Complex C1, C2, C3;
C3 = C1 + C2;
return 0;
In C++, there are two types of conversions: implicit conversions and explicit conversions. Implicit conversions are performed automatically by the compiler when a value is assigned to a variable or passed as an argument to a function. Explicit conversions are performed using casting operators to convert a value of one type to another type.
Here's an overview of conversion between basic types and user-defined types in C++:
Conversion between Basic Types C++ supports several conversions between basic types, including:
Integer to float/double conversion: An integer can be converted to a float or double by simply assigning it to a float or double variable.
Floating-point to integer conversion: A float or double can be converted to an integer by using a cast or the static_cast operator. The conversion truncates the fractional part of the floating-point number.
Boolean to integer conversion: A Boolean value true is converted to the integer value 1, and false is converted to 0.
Conversion between User-Defined Types User-defined types can be converted to other types using constructor functions, conversion operators, and explicit casting.
Conversion using Constructor Functions: A constructor function can be defined to convert an object of one class to an object of another class. For example, a constructor can be defined in a class to convert from an integer to the class.
Conversion using Conversion Operators: A conversion operator can be defined in a class to convert an object of that class to an object of another class or a basic type.
Explicit Conversion: Explicit conversion can be performed using the cast operators, such as the static_cast and dynamic_cast operators. These operators allow explicit conversion between types, which can be useful when there is a need to convert a user-defined type to a basic type or another user-defined type.
class MyClass {
int value;
MyClass(int v) {
value = v;
operator int() {
return value;
int main() {
MyClass obj(10);
int i = obj; // Implicit conversion using the conversion operator
std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
MyClass obj2 = 20; // Implicit conversion using the constructor
std::cout << "obj2.value = " << obj2.value << std::endl;
int j = static_cast<int>(obj); // Explicit conversion using the static_cast operator
std::cout << "j = " << j << std::endl;
return 0;