Below is a list of features we would like to see added to the Starknet Agent Kit. We welcome pull requests (PRs) to implement these features through OnlyDust and merged PRs are rewarded. Please follow the guide to contribute.
- ZkLend
- Nostra
- Opus
- PWN (Starknet)
- 10k Swap
- Carmine Options
- Ekubo
- Haiko
- LayerAkira
- Clober
- MySwap
- JediSwap
- SithSwap
- AstroSwap
- Teahouse Permissionless
- EdgeX
- Starknets (Appchain)
- Zohal
- STRKfarm
- EndurFI
- Bountive
- Pulsar Money
- Spiko
- Carbonable
- Layerswap
- Orbiter
- RhinoFi
- Starkgate
- Banxa
- Ramp
- DexScreener/DeFiLlama data
- Supabase DB backend
- Pragma oracle
- Pyth network
-[ ] Starknet Faucet Sepolia
- Blast Faucet Sepolia
- Alchemy Faucet Sepolia
- Cairo Code Generator
- Braavos
- Keplr