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rh-che dev guide

Building rh-che

With the exception of the dashboard component, rh-che is a straightforward maven project and can be built as expected. For additional information on the build process for the dashboard component, see in the dashboard subcomponent.


The rh-che maven build accommodates the same parameters as the upstream maven build


The final build artifacts will be available in ./assembly/assembly-main/target/eclipse-che-*/

Basic build of all components:

mvn clean install

Build only only one component and dependents (e.g. dashboard component):

mvn clean install -pl ':fabric8-ide-dashboard-war' --amd

Build, skipping tests and optional checks

Use the -Pfast option:

mvn clean install -Pfast

This is equivalent to

mvn -DskipTests=true \
    -Dfindbugs.skip=true \
    -Dmdep.analyze.skip=true \
    -Dlicense.skip=true \
    -Dgwt.compiler.localWorkers=2 -T 1C

Which can be slightly sped up further by adding -Dskip-validate-sources -Dskip-enforce.

Add license headers to all files (fix license check step of full build):

mvn license:format

Format all files (fix check-format step of full build):

mvn fmt:format

Running Selenium Tests

Rh-Che functional-tests are based on selenium framework with Guice injection. These tests require TestNG profile and listener must be set to com.redhat.che.selenium.core.RhCheSeleniumTestHandler

Readme from the repository contains further details, including instructions on how to run tests from the docker image:

VM options

-Dche.threads=1 -Dche.workspace_pool_size=1"<RH-Che DEPLOYMENT PATH>" -Dche.port=443 \
  -Dche.protocol=https -Dgrid.mode=false -Dbrowser=GOOGLE_CHROME -Ddriver.port=9515 \
  -Ddriver.version="2.35" -DexcludedGroups=github

Env variables


Creating docker images


The scripts in this section assume that the maven build was completed successfully and that built artifacts exist at ./assembly/assembly-main/target/eclipse-che-*/eclipse-che-*

The simplest way to create a docker image locally is to use the provided script:

./dev-scripts/ [docker image name and tag]

which simply automates copying the built artifacts to the appropriate directory and running a docker build.



will create the image tagged fabric8/rh-che-server (the default), while

./dev-scripts/ eclipse/che:local

will create the image tagged eclipse/che:local

Deploying rh-che

Deploying on minishift locally


When working on minishift, it is helpful to make sure you are working in the VM’s docker environment instead of the default. A good practice is to execute

eval $(minishift oc-env)
eval $(minishift docker-env)

before proceeding to ensure docker images are pushed to the minishift docker repository.


When working on rh-che locally, using the multi-user version of the addon, the minimum amount of memory the minishift vm should be given is 4GB (which is the default). This will allow running a single workspace, if that workspace is limited to a max of 1GB of memory. To increase the memory given to the minishift VM, use the command

minishift start --memory "5GB"

Note however that this only takes effect when starting for the first time — you will have to minishift delete the VM first.


Currently, the minishift addon supports minishift with OpenShift v3.10.0 or higher. If you have an old VM on your system it is best to minishift delete and rm -rf ~/.minishift

The simplest way to deploy locally is to use the bundled minishift addon:

First, install the prerequisites — a postgres pod and a keycloak pod, configured with the standalone-keycloak-configurator:

minishift addons install ./openshift/minishift-addons/rhche-prerequisites
minishift addons apply rhche-prerequisites

this can take a while, as the postgres and keycloak pods can take a fairly long time to start. The configure-keycloak pod will likely fail and restart a few times before it can complete.

Once this is done, we can deploy rh-che

minishift addons install ./openshift/minishift-addons/rhche
minishift addons apply rhche \
  --addon-env RH_CHE_DOCKER_IMAGE=[*server image to deploy*] \
  --addon-env RH_CHE_VERSION=[*server tag to deploy*]

The additional parameters are optional; by default the image used will be and can easily be changed once deployed by modifying the deployment config yaml.

The minishift addon can be removed via

minishift addon remove rhche
minishift addon remove rhche-prerequisites

minishift addon uninstall rhche
minishift addon uninstall rhche-prerequisites

The minishift addon uses the yaml files (, rh-che.config.yaml) in ./openshift/minishift-addons/rhche/templates while the dev-cluster deployment script uses the yaml files in ./openshift. These templates are slightly different

Deploying to dev-cluster


The script requires yq, a commandline yaml processor. There are (at least) two projects named yq:

  1. There is the Python-based jq wrapper:

  2. There is the Go-based jq replacement:

The Go-based implementation has not been tested and potentially has issues, but the dev-script is confirmed to work with the Python-based yq with version >2.6.0.

A prerequisite for deploying on the dev-cluster is pushing a server image to a repository. Once this is done (and assuming you are logged into the dev-cluster locally), deploying rh-che is simply done by using the ./dev-scripts/ script:

./dev-scripts/ \
    -o $(oc whoami -t) \
    -e [openshift-project-name] \
    -r [docker image] \
    -t [docker tag]

this will create / update a project with the display name RH-Che6 Automated Deployment and name [openshift-project-name]. The -e, -r, and -t parameters are optional.


The dev-cluster deployment script uses the yaml files (, rh-che.config.yaml) in ./openshift while the minishift addon uses the yaml files in ./openshift/minishift-addons/rhche/templates. These templates are slightly different.

Deploying to OpenShift in general

To be completed

Monitoring in production

Roll-updating running deployments

Once rh-che has been deployed (whether it’s to minishift or the dev-cluster), making changes is done by:

  1. Building a new docker image

  2. Pushing it to your repo (on dev-cluster)

    • If using minishift it’s sufficient to set the env correctly and build

  3. Running oc rollout latest rhche (assuming you’re logged in)

Debugging rh-che

By default, Che deployed on OpenShift will have a liveness probe to check container health. This can interfere with debugging in some cases, as the liveness probe checks /api/system/state on wsmaster. If you encounter this error, the liveness probe can be removed by editing it out of the rhche Deployment Config:

$ oc edit dc rhche
# Find the livenessProbe in the yaml; it should look something like
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /api/system/state
            port: 8080
            scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 120
          periodSeconds: 10
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 10
# Delete these lines and the deployment will automatically rollout.

Enabling debugging in Che is done via the environment variable CHE_DEBUG_SERVER. By default, this environment variable is set according to the remote-debugging-enabled configmap entry when rh-che is deployed.

For deployments done using the minishift addon, the default is "true"; for dev-cluster deployments, the default is false but can be enabled by modifying the configmap and rolling out a new deployment.

Once debugging is enabled, the easiest way to link a debugger is by using oc port-forward:

  1. First get the name of the pod running rh-che:

    $ oc get po
    NAME                       READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    configure-keycloak-j7x2w   0/1       Completed   2          4d
    keycloak-1-q5d82           1/1       Running     6          4d
    postgres-1-bxwv7           1/1       Running     6          4d
    rhche-72-49tt6             1/1       Running     4          19h
  2. Enable port-forwarding to the default debug port:

    oc port-forward rhche-72-49tt6 8000:8000
  3. Connect your remote debugger to localhost:8000

Steps 1 and 2 can be shortcut if only one rh-che pod is present (i.e. you’re not in the middle of a rolling deploy / the deploy pod is not there):

oc port-forward $(oc get pods --selector="deploymentconfig=rhche" --no-headers=true -o 8000

Debugging wsagent pods (workspaces)

See also: upstream docs

To enable debugging of workspace pods, you need to set the env var WSAGENT_DEBUG=true in the workspace config dashboard. Additionally, you can optionally set env var WSAGENT_DEBUG_SUSPEND=true to suspend wsagent start until a debugger is connected

Once the env var is set, workspace pods are started with wsagent listening on a JPDA debug port (4403 by default). The easiest way to connect to a workspace pod is again by using oc port-forward:

oc port-forward <workspace_pod_name> 4403:4403

which will allow connecting a remote debugger to localhost:4403

A shortcut, if only a single workspace is running, is to use a selector to automatically get the pod name:

oc port-forward $(oc get pods --selector="che.workspace_id" --no-headers=true -o 4403

On older versions of OpenShift, it may be also necessary to create a server in the workspace config (in the dashboard) that exposes your JPDA debug port. This is because the JPDA debug server is by default removed from workspaces. It seems that, at least on OpenShift 3.11, you can port-forward to non-exposed ports on a Pod.

All-in-one build and update commands

These commands will do a full build (skipping tests) of rh-che and rollout a new deployment. They assume that they are being executed from this repositorys root directory, and that environment variables

export DOCKER_IMAGE=fabric8/rh-che
export DOCKER_TAG=local

have been set appropriately (i.e. to match whatever is currently deployed). To do a limited build (e.g. if working on the dashboard component only), the maven build command can be modified according to the Building rh-che section.


Ensure eval $(minishift docker-env) and eval $(minishift oc-env) have been executed.

mvn -Pfast -Dskip-enforce -Dskip-validate-sources clean install && \
./dev-scripts/ ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} && \
oc rollout latest rhche


Ensure you are logged in via oc and have push rights to the relevant repository.

mvn -Pfast -Dskip-enforce -Dskip-validate-sources clean install && \
./dev-scripts/ ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} && \
docker push ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} && \
oc rollout latest rhche

Updating Template and ConfigMap for deployment on various infrastructures

rh-che can be deployed on various infrastructures (minishift, dev-cluster, dsaas-stg, dsaas). Different set of rules are applied for modifying Template / ConfigMap depending on the target infrastructure.


The rhche minishift-addon is currently the only possible way of deploying rh-che locally. The / rh-che.config.yaml files from ./openshift/minishift-addons/rhche/templates are used for deployment. In order to change the default values, one needs to modify the dedicated / rh-che.config.yaml files before applying the addon. Another option would be using --addon-env option during applying the rhche addon:

minishift addons apply rhche \
  --addon-env RH_CHE_DOCKER_IMAGE=[*server image to deploy*] \
  --addon-env RH_CHE_VERSION=[*server tag to deploy*]

More details about rhche minishift addon can be found in the "Deploying on minishift locally" section.

dev-cluster / rh-che.config.yaml files from the ./openshift folder are used for deployment against the dev-cluster. Modifying / rh-che.config.yaml files is the easiest way of changing the default values before executing the deployment script:

./dev-scripts/ \
    -o $(oc whoami -t) \
    -e [openshift-project-name] \
    -r [docker image] \
    -t [docker tag]

More details can be found in the "Deploying to dev-cluster" section.


CI job for PR verification, which is triggered via the [test] comment, uses the same / rh-che.config.yaml files from the ./openshift folder for deployment against the dev-cluster and further test execution.

dsaas / dsaas-stg (prod / prod-preview)

rh-che has the following deployment cycle on dsaas / dsaas-stg (prod / prod-preview), which is pretty much the same for all the services:

  • deployment on dsaas-stg (prod-preview) happens automatically after each commit to the master branch of the rh-che repository.

  • deployment on dsaas (prod) is powered by the saas-openshiftio. In order to update the production, one needs to change the hash, which corresponds to the commit hash from the master branch of the rh-che repository. Once the hash is changed and the corresponding commit is merged to the saas-openshiftio master branch, new rhche deployment will be rollout to production.


The same openshift template is used for rh-che deployment on both dsaas-stg / dsaas (prod-preview / prod). One should be really carefull with the template update, since it would affect production regardless of the hash commit defined in the saas-openshiftio (each time during the rollout update, the template is used directly from the master branch of the original repository). However, ConfigMap rh-che.config.yaml is NOT used for deployment on dsaas-stg / dsaas (prod-preview / prod). In order to update the ConfigMap one needs to create a dedicated HK (housekeeping) issue and ask someone from SD (Service Delivery) team to apply new ConfigMap values on dsaas-stg / dsaas. Example of the HK issue.


che-plugin-registry is a standalone service which provides metadata about the available Che plugins:

    "publisher": "che-incubator",
    "name": "theia",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "id": "che-incubator/theia/1.0.0",
    "type": "Che Editor",
    "displayName": "Eclipse Theia",
    "description": "Eclipse Theia",
    "links": {
      "self": "/plugins/che-incubator/theia/1.0.0"
    "publisher": "che-incubator",
    "name": "theia",
    "version": "next",
    "id": "che-incubator/theia/next",
    "type": "Che Editor",
    "displayName": "Eclipse Theia",
    "description": "Eclipse Theia",
    "links": {
      "self": "/plugins/che-incubator/theia/next"
    "publisher": "ws-skeleton",
    "name": "che-service-plugin",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "id": "ws-skeleton/che-service-plugin/0.0.1",
    "type": "Che Plugin",
    "displayName": "Che Service",
    "description": "Che Plug-in with Theia plug-in and container definition providing a service",
    "links": {
      "self": "/plugins/ws-skeleton/che-service-plugin/0.0.1"
    "publisher": "",
    "name": "che-dummy-plugin",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "deprecate": {
      "migrateTo": "ws-skeleton/che-dummy-plugin/0.0.1",
      "autoMigrate": true
    "id": "che-dummy-plugin/0.0.1",
    "type": "Che Plugin",
    "displayName": "Che dummy plugin",
    "description": "A hello world theia plug-in wrapped into a Che Plug-in",
    "links": {
      "self": "/plugins/che-dummy-plugin/0.0.1"
    "publisher": "ws-skeleton",
    "name": "che-dummy-plugin",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "id": "ws-skeleton/che-dummy-plugin/0.0.1",
    "type": "Che Plugin",
    "displayName": "Che dummy plugin",
    "description": "A hello world theia plug-in wrapped into a Che Plug-in",
    "links": {
      "self": "/plugins/ws-skeleton/che-dummy-plugin/0.0.1"

This metadata is consumed and exposed by the UD (User Dashboard) for choosing the plugins during workspace creation:


che-plugin-registry is deployed on dsaas-stg / dsaas (prod-preview / prod) separately from rh-che and has its own deployment cycle (which is pretty much the same for all the services):

  • deployment on dsaas-stg (prod-preview) happens automatically after each commit to the master branch of the che-plugin-registry repository.

  • deployment on dsaas (prod) is powered by the saas-openshiftio. In order to update the production, one needs to change the hash, which corresponds to commit hash from the master branch of the original che-plugin-registry repository. Once the hash is changed and the corresponding commit is merged to the saas-openshiftio, new che-plugin-registry deployment will be rollout to production.


The same che-plugin-registry.yml openshift template, defined in the original repository, is used for che-plugin-registry deployment on both dsaas-stg / dsaas (prod-preview / prod). One should be really carefull with the template update, since it would affect production regardless of the hash commit defined in the saas-openshiftio (each time during the rollout update, the template is used directly from the master branch of the original repository).

How to get edit right in the *-che namespace

Users created by standard way don’t have write access to the <username>-che namespace. To obtain these rights, add the user ID to the Toggle and update tenant.

Add user to Toggle

Send a request to to obtain an information about the user. It is recommended to search for user by username. The exact command can then seem like that:

curl -s --header 'Accept: application/json' -X GET "[username]=<username>" | jq .data[0].id

Add this to prod / prod-preview feature toggle to the che.edit.rights toggle.

Update tenant

For updating the tenant of specific user you need users Bearer token. The refresh have to be done by API call. The description of API can be found here: For the update of tenant use this request:

curl -s -X PATCH --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

The update of tenant should be enough to obtain edit right. It is possible to reset tenant by running clean and update commands:

curl -s -X DELETE --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
curl -s -X PATCH --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

If the user is provisioned on prod-preview, use instead the production one.