I appreciate your interest in contributing to this project. Please take a moment to review the following guidelines.
You can contribute to plot_phylo in the following ways:
- Reporting bugs
- Submitting feature requests
- Forking the repository and improving the code
- Improving documentation
If contributing to plot_phylo, please ensure that you
- Add any new functionality to the README.md documentation, following the style of the rest of the document.
- Edit function docstrings to include any new variables and include docstrings in the same style for any new functions.
- Add comments to describe how your code works.
- Edit the unit tests to include any new functionality.
- Run unit tests as described here and ensure that they pass and that coverage is 100%.
- Check the code is pep8 compliant.
If you're unsure about any of these steps, please raise an issue and I can help you.
I use GitHub Actions for continuous integration to ensure code quality. You can view the configuration here.
Please review our Code of Conduct before participating. Be kind and respectful to fellow contributors.
By contributing to plot_phylo, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.