A simple graph library with single-agent pathfinding algorithms, used in my research projects, e.g., time-independent-planning, mapf-IR. It is written in C++(17) with CMake (≥v3.16) build. For usage, see examples.
map format: Pathfinding Benchmarks
To build this library for M1 CPUs, you need to add an argument to cmake as such:
cmake .. -DCPU=M1
You should see an output similar to
Configuring grid-pathfinding for M1 Mac.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: XXX/XX/XXX
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.
Keisuke Okumura is a Ph.D. student at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, interested in controlling multiple moving agents.