datum.js is a javascript utility that makes it easy to print readable dates, e.g. 4 minutes ago.
Install the package from npm
npm install --save datum.js
Just pass a Date object to the function and datum.js will convert it to a readable string.
- year
- month
- day
- hour
- minute
import datum from 'datum.js';
// Create a new date that reflects 2 minutes ago
const oneMinutesAgo = new Date().setMinutes(new Date().getMinutes() - 1);
// Create a new date that reflects 5 days ago
const oneDaysAgo = new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1);
datum(oneMinutesAgo); // => '1 minute ago'
datum(oneDaysAgo); // => '1 day ago'
If the returned value is greater then one, we will add a suffix to the epoch
import datum from 'datum.js';
// Create a new date that reflects 2 minutes ago
const twoMinutesAgo = new Date().setMinutes(new Date().getMinutes() - 2);
// Create a new date that reflects 5 days ago
const twoDaysAgo = new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 2);
datum(twoMinutesAgo); // => '2 minutes ago'
datum(twoDaysAgo); // => '2 days ago'
The parse method takes a Date object and returns a string
The date param always need to be a date object and will always return a string.
datum.js allows you to change the exception value, i.e the value that will be displayed when the date is less than 1 minute to anything you want.
var options = {
exception: '0 minutes a go',
MIT. Copyright (c) 2017 Philip Knape.