This html shows a countdown, or a timer. You can put it into a browser source. The obsstudio eventhandler is not implemented as of yet, so check the refres and reload checkboxes in OBS.
clockOnly: If true, it shows a clock instead of a countdown.
- default: false
from: Where to start the countdown.
- Format: HHmmss
- default: 000200
by: Exact time when the countdown should finish. 143000 for example to count down by 14:30:00. 'from' param is ignored if 'by' is provided
- Format: HHmmss
- default: [none]
to: Where to end the countdown.
- Format: HHmmss
- default: 000000
dateTimeFormat: The format of the timer.
- Learn more:
- default: HH:mm:ss
textFormat: Surrounding text for the clock
- Use the word clock as a variable.
- E.g.: "Starting in clock"
- default: clock
align: The alignment of the text.
- Values: left, right, center, justify
- default: left
- default: "white"
- default: "black"
- unit: px
- default: 1
- unit: px
- default: 200
- default: "Arial"
- file:///path/to/sources/countdown.html
- file:///path/to/sources/countdown.html?clockOnly=true
- file:///path/to/sources/countdown.html?from=000005
- file:///path/to/sources/countdown.html?from=001000&color=red