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Instructions for data entry

Ulf Kronman edited this page Apr 21, 2017 · 29 revisions

Guide for contributing data to Open APC Sweden

[updated 2017-04-21]

You may contribute to the data gathering in the Open APC Sweden repository by downloading a template and filling in the fields in the template with data about the publication fees paid by your organisation. The filled template file is then uploaded to the Open APC Sweden GitHub site and your data is merged with other orgnisations' data and enriched with metadata from online services like CrossRef and DOAJ.

Finally, the data is run through an analysis script and the summary result is presented at our statistics page.

Data set

The complete Open APC Sweden data set is composed of all the contributing institutions' delivered tabular datasets. Normalised journal titles and publisher names are imported from CrossRef via automated enrichment routines to make expenditures analysable.

The resulting summary data set is made available as an enriched master CSV file on the project GitHub site.


In the template directory of the project GitHub there are three types of templates for download and use:

  • template.csv - a comma-separated file. Each field is separated with a comma and each publication is to be a row of data
  • template.tsv - a TAB-separated file with a TAB character separating each field and each publication is to be a row of data
  • template.xlsx - an Excel file where data about each publication is to be entered a row of data

The Excel file can easily be downloaded by clicking on its name and then pressing the "download" button on the page or the link above. The CSV and TSV files are a bit trickier, since they are being displayed in the GitHub interface and you have to click the "Raw" button and then save the resulting page to your hard disk.

You may load the TAB-sparated (TSV) or comma-separated (CSV) template into MS Excel to enter your information about publications and APC's or use the Excel template directly.

When you are finished editing, save the Excel or data file as a .tsv (TAB-separated) file. TAB-separated files are preferred, due to Excel using semicolon as delimiter in comma-separated files. You may also upload the Excel file for us to convert or mail us the Excel or TSV file.

Template fields

Every data field is represented by a table column and every article conforms to a single table row.

Example: (scroll sideways to see full table)

institution period euro doi is_hybrid publisher journal_full_title issn issn_print issn_electronic url
mah 2015 2200 10.1177/1468 TRUE Sage Ethnicities 1468-7968 1741-2706

Mandatory fields

These mandatory fields must be present in every contribution:


Institution code in Swepub in lower case for the organisation which covered the APC. You may view an updated list of contributors here.

Example: kth


Financial year (only four digits) of the of APC payment.

Example: 2016

euro (previously named "cost")

Article processing charge. The actual invoice amount for the APC payment for the article in EUR, including all additional fees, but excluding VAT (if possible). If the invoice was paid in a different currency please convert it to EUR. In case an article has been published with a discount (or a coupon), enter the actual invoice amount. If the publication was published without a fee, please enter 0 in the euro column (this is to get a more correct calculation of the average cost of OA publication).

Recommended conversion between SEK and EUR:

  • 2014: 0,11 EUR per SEK (multiply your SEK value with 0,11 to get EUR amount)
  • 2015: 0,11 EUR per SEK
  • 2016: 0,11 EUR per SEK

If you have to convert between another foreign currency like US$ or Brittish £ to Euro, you may either convert the currencies directly between each other or go via Swedish SEK as a middle currency, if you prefer.

You may enter decimal data using a Swedish comma (,) as decimal delimiter or an English period (.) as decimal delimiter, but please be consistent about this throughout the file. If you are entering data in MS Excel, please don't format the cells for euro in Excel currency format, since this includes a space as thousands separator.

Example: 1328,5 or 1328.5 or rounded off to 1329

The OpenAPC dataset does not explicitly track special reasons which might influence prices, like prepayment discounts, central billing agreements or individual waivers. However, institutions can give details on such circumstances in a file which can be added to their individual data folders.


Digital Object Identifier, without the http part. Use shortDOI Service for validation.

Example: 10.1109/IPDPS.2006.1639502

If you don't have a working doi at hand, you need to enter data into the 4 optional fields below.


Enter uppercase TRUE if the article was published in a subscription based journal or uppercase FALSE if the article was published in a fully open access journal.

Example: TRUE or FALSE

Optional fields

If the article does not have a DOI assigned, these 4 fields have to be given as well:


If you don't have entered a working DOI that we can use for lookup against CrossRef we would like you to enter the publisher name in this field. For analysis purposes, we would like to have the publisher name at a Bibsam consortia "contract level", which means that large publishers like Elsevier and Springer should have thir sub-publishers separated. For Springer, we would like you to enter Springer, Springer Open, BioMed Central, and Nature Publishing Group separately. For Elsevier, Cell Press goes separated from Elsevier.

You may view a list of normalised publisher names here.

Example: Elsevier or Taylor & Francis

The data enhancement process will map different publisher names against normalised publisher names, which might result in your entry ending up with a slightly different publisher name in the analysis.


Journal title
Please don't use abbreviated titles and don't add ending periods after titles.

Example: Procedia Computer Science


International Standard Serial Number
An 8-digit code to identify the resource uniquely in blocks of 4 characters each, separated by a hyphen.
If it is known whether the ISSN is for the printed or the electronic journal, use the separate fields for issn_print and/or issn_electronic.

Example: 1877-0509


ISSN for a printed journal, if known


ISSN for an electronic journal, if known


A URL linking to the article full text (fulltextlänk)


Submission of data

There are two ways to provide Open APC Sweden with your data:

  1. By sending a mail to ulf.kronman [at] with the Excel or CSV/TSV file attached.
  2. By initiating a pull request on GitHub if you have an account and knows how to work with GitHub This process will be described in a separate (upcoming) document in the project wiki.
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