Copyright © 2014 Kurento. Licensed under LGPL License.
Media API for Kurento Web SDK
The KWS Media API project contains the implementation of the Kurento client side Media API for web applications and Node.js.
The source code of this project can be cloned from the GitHub repository.
Be sure to have installed Bower in your system:
sudo npm install -g bower
To install the library, it's recomended to do that from the Bower repository :
bower install kws-media-api
Alternatively, you can download the code using git and install manually its dependencies:
git clone
cd kws-media-api
bower install
Need to know, currently the library can't be able to talk directly with the Kurento Media Server, so it require to use a Kurento Media Connector instace. You can download the latest release from When you decompress it you'll find a README file with installation instructions.
For tutorial purposes, we are going to create a basic pipeline that play a video file from its URL and stream it over HTTP. You can also download and check this example full source code or run it directly from JsFiddle :
Create an instance of the KwsMedia class that will manage the connection with the Kurento Media Server, so you'll need to provide the URI of its WebSocket endpoint. Alternatively, instead of using a constructor, you can also provide success and error callbacks:
var kwsMedia = kwsMediaApi.KwsMedia(ws_uri); kwsMedia.then(function(kwsMedia) { // Connection success … }, function(error) { // Connection error … });
kwsMediaApi.KwsMedia(ws_uri, function(kwsMedia) { // Connection success … }, function(error) { // Connection error … });
Create a pipeline. This will host and connect the diferent elements. In case of error, it will be notified on the
parameter of the callback, otherwise this will be null as it's common on Node.js style APIs:kwsMedia.create('MediaPipeline', function(error, pipeline) { … });
Create the elements. The player need an object with the URL of the video, and we'll also subscribe to the 'EndOfStream' event of the HTTP stream:
pipeline.create('PlayerEndpoint', {uri: ""}, function(error, player) { … }); pipeline.create('HttpGetEndpoint', function(error, httpGet) { httpGet.on('EndOfStream', function(event) { … }); … });
Connect the elements, so the media stream can flow between them:
player.connect(httpGet, function(error, pipeline) { … });
Get the URL where the media stream will be available:
httpGet.getUrl(function(error, url) { … });
Start the reproduction of the media: { … });
Kurento provides an open platform for video processing and streaming based on standards.
This platform has several APIs and components which provide solutions to the requirements of multimedia content application developers. These include:
- Kurento Media Server (KMS). A full featured media server providing the capability to create and manage dynamic multimedia pipelines.
- Kurento Media Framework (KMF). A Java server-side API providing the required abstractions for creating applications that manage multimedia content, calls and conferences involving audio, video and data information.
- Kurento Web SDK (KWS). A client-side HTML5 and Javascript SDK for accessing KMF capabilities
- Kurento Android SDK (KAS). A Java and native SDK allowing easy integration of KMF into any kind of Android application.
To download binary releases of Kurento components visit
Code for other Kurento projects can be found in the GitHub Kurento group.
Information about Kurento can be found on our website. Follow us on Twitter @kurentoms.