- Computational Biology Institute at George Washington University
- Weill Cornell Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases
Table of Contents:
Install Telescope using bioconda:
conda install -c bioconda telescope
See Getting Started for instructions on setting up bioconda.
Use conda package manager to install dependencies, then
use pip
to install Telescope.
The following has been testing using miniconda3 on macOS and Linux (CentOS 7):
conda create -n telescope_env python=3.6 future pyyaml cython=0.29.7 \
numpy=1.16.3 pandas=1.1.3 scipy=1.2.1 pysam=0.15.2 htslib=1.9 intervaltree=3.0.2
conda activate telescope_env
pip install git+git://
telescope assign -h
A BAM file (alignment.bam
) and annotation (annotation.gtf
) are included in
the telescope package for testing. The files are installed in the data
directory of the package root. We've included a subcommand, telescope [sc/bulk] test
to generate an example command line with the correct paths.
For example, to generate an example command line for the bulk RNA-seq workflow:
telescope bulk test
The command can be executed using eval
eval $(telescope bulk test)
The expected output to STDOUT includes the final log-likelihood, which was
in our tests. The test also outputs a report,
, which can be compared to the report
included in the data
directory. NOTE: The precise values may be
platform-dependent due to differences in floating point precision.
The telescope [sc/bulk] assign
program finds overlapping reads between an alignment
(SAM/BAM) and an annotation (GTF) then reassigns reads using a statistical
model. This algorithm enables locus-specific quantification of transposable
element expression.
Basic usage requires a file containing read alignments to the genome and an
annotation file with the transposable element gene model. The user should specify
whether the data was obtained from single-cell RNA sequencing (sc
) or bulk
RNA sequencing (bulk
). For example, to obtain single-cell TE counts from a BAM/SAM file:
telescope sc assign [samfile] [gtffile]
The alignment file must be in SAM or BAM format must be collated so that all
alignments for a read pair appear sequentially in the file. Fragments should be
permitted to map to multiple locations (i.e. -k
option in bowtie2
The annotation file must be in GTF format and indicate the genomic regions that represent transposable element transcripts. The transcripts are permitted to be disjoint in order to exclude insertions of other element types. A collection of valid transposable element gene models are available for download at mlbendall/telescope_annotation_db.
Input Options:
samfile Path to alignment file. Alignment file can be in SAM
or BAM format. File must be collated so that all
alignments for a read pair appear sequentially in the
gtffile Path to annotation file (GTF format)
--attribute ATTRIBUTE
GTF attribute that defines a transposable element
locus. GTF features that share the same value for
--attribute will be considered as part of the same
locus. (default: locus)
--no_feature_key NO_FEATURE_KEY
Used internally to represent alignments. Must be
different from all other feature names. (default:
--ncpu NCPU Number of cores to use. (Multiple cores not supported
yet). (default: 1)
--tempdir TEMPDIR Path to temporary directory. Temporary files will be
stored here. Default uses python tempfile package to
create the temporary directory. (default: None)
Reporting Options:
--quiet Silence (most) output. (default: False)
--debug Print debug messages. (default: False)
--logfile LOGFILE Log output to this file. (default: None)
--outdir OUTDIR Output directory. (default: .)
--exp_tag EXP_TAG Experiment tag (default: telescope)
--updated_sam Generate an updated alignment file. (default: False)
Run Modes:
--reassign_mode {exclude,choose,average,conf,unique}
Reassignment mode. After EM is complete, each fragment
is reassigned according to the expected value of its
membership weights. The reassignment method is the
method for resolving the "best" reassignment for
fragments that have multiple possible reassignments.
Available modes are: "exclude" - fragments with
multiple best assignments are excluded from the final
counts; "choose" - the best assignment is randomly
chosen from among the set of best assignments;
"average" - the fragment is divided evenly among the
best assignments; "conf" - only assignments that
exceed a certain threshold (see --conf_prob) are
accepted; "unique" - only uniquely aligned reads are
included. NOTE: Results using all assignment modes are
included in the Telescope report by default. This
argument determines what mode will be used for the
"final counts" column. (default: exclude)
--use_every_reassign_mode (single-cell only)
Whether to output count matrices using every reassign mode.
If specified, six output count matrices will be generated,
corresponding to the six possible reassignment methods (all, exclude,
choose, average, conf, unique). (default: False)
--conf_prob CONF_PROB
Minimum probability for high confidence assignment.
(default: 0.9)
--overlap_mode {threshold,intersection-strict,union}
Overlap mode. The method used to determine whether a
fragment overlaps feature. (default: threshold)
--overlap_threshold OVERLAP_THRESHOLD
Fraction of fragment that must be contained within a
feature to be assigned to that locus. Ignored if
--overlap_method is not "threshold". (default: 0.2)
--annotation_class {intervaltree,htseq}
Annotation class to use for finding overlaps. Both
htseq and intervaltree appear to yield identical
results. Performance differences are TBD. (default:
--stranded_mode {None, RF, R, FR, F}
Options for considering feature strand when assigning reads.
If None, for each feature in the annotation, returns counts
for the positive strand and negative strand. If not None,
this argument specifies the orientation of paired end reads
(RF - read 1 reverse strand, read 2 forward strand) and
single end reads (F - forward strand) with respect to the
generating transcript. (default: None)
--barcode_tag (single-cell only)
String specifying the name of the field in the BAM/SAM
file containing the barcode for each read. (default: CB)
Model Parameters:
--pi_prior PI_PRIOR Prior on π. Equivalent to adding n unique reads.
(default: 0)
--theta_prior THETA_PRIOR
Prior on θ. Equivalent to adding n non-unique reads.
(default: 200000)
--em_epsilon EM_EPSILON
EM Algorithm Epsilon cutoff (default: 1e-7)
--max_iter MAX_ITER EM Algorithm maximum iterations (default: 100)
--use_likelihood Use difference in log-likelihood as convergence
criteria. (default: False)
--skip_em Exits after loading alignment and saving checkpoint
file. (default: False)
The telescope [sc/bulk] resume
program loads the checkpoint from a previous run and
reassigns reads using a statistical model.
Basic usage requires a checkpoint file created by an earlier run of
telescope assign
. Useful if the run fails after the initial load:
telescope sc resume [checkpoint]
Options are available for tuning the EM optimization, similar to
telescope [sc/bulk] assign
Input Options:
checkpoint Path to checkpoint file.
Reporting Options:
--quiet Silence (most) output. (default: False)
--debug Print debug messages. (default: False)
--logfile LOGFILE Log output to this file. (default: None)
--outdir OUTDIR Output directory. (default: .)
--exp_tag EXP_TAG Experiment tag (default: telescope)
Run Modes:
--reassign_mode {exclude,choose,average,conf,unique}
Reassignment mode. After EM is complete, each fragment
is reassigned according to the expected value of its
membership weights. The reassignment method is the
method for resolving the "best" reassignment for
fragments that have multiple possible reassignments.
Available modes are: "exclude" - fragments with
multiple best assignments are excluded from the final
counts; "choose" - the best assignment is randomly
chosen from among the set of best assignments;
"average" - the fragment is divided evenly among the
best assignments; "conf" - only assignments that
exceed a certain threshold (see --conf_prob) are
accepted; "unique" - only uniquely aligned reads are
included. NOTE: Results using all assignment modes are
included in the Telescope report by default. This
argument determines what mode will be used for the
"final counts" column. (default: exclude)
Whether to output count matrices using every reassign mode.
If specified, six output count matrices will be generated,
corresponding to the six possible reassignment methods (all, exclude,
choose, average, conf, unique). (default: False)
--conf_prob CONF_PROB
Minimum probability for high confidence assignment.
(default: 0.9)
Model Parameters:
--pi_prior PI_PRIOR Prior on π. Equivalent to adding n unique reads.
(default: 0)
--theta_prior THETA_PRIOR
Prior on θ. Equivalent to adding n non-unique reads.
(default: 0)
--em_epsilon EM_EPSILON
EM Algorithm Epsilon cutoff (default: 1e-7)
--max_iter MAX_ITER EM Algorithm maximum iterations (default: 100)
--use_likelihood Use difference in log-likelihood as convergence
criteria. (default: False)
Telescope has three main output files: the transcript counts estimated via EM (telescope-TE_counts.tsv
a statistical report of the run containing model parameters and additional information
), and an updated SAM file (optional).
The count file is most important for downstream differential
expression analysis. The updated SAM file is useful for downstream locus-specific analyses.
In addition to outputting transcript counts,
bulk RNA-seq Telescope (telescope bulk assign
) provides a more detailed
statistical report of each read assignment run.
The first line in the report is a comment (starting with a “#”) that
contains information about the run such as the number of fragments processed,
number of mapped fragments, number of uniquely and ambiguously mapped
fragments, and number of fragments mapping to the annotation. The total number
of mapped fragments may be useful for normalization.
The rest of the report is a table with expression values for individual transposable element locations calculated using a variety of reassignment methods, as well as estimated and initial model parameters. Comparing the results from different assignment methods may shed light on the model's behaviour. The columns of the table are:
- Transcript ID, by default from "locus" field. See --attribute argument to use a different attribute.transcript_length
- Approximate length of transcript. This is calculated from the annotation, not the data, and is equal to the spanning length of the annotation minus any non-model regions.final_count
- Total number of fragments assigned to transcript after fitting the Telescope model. This is the column to use for downstream analysis that models data as negative binomial, i.e. DESeq2.final_conf
- Final confident fragments. The number of fragments assigned to transcript whose posterior probability exceeds a cutoff, 0.9 by default. Set this using the --conf_prob argument.final_prop
- Final proportion of fragments represented by transcript. This is the final estimate of the π parameter.init_aligned
- Initial number of fragments aligned to transcript. A given fragment will contribute +1 to each transcript that it is aligned to, thus the sum of this will be greater than the number of fragments if there are multimapped reads.unique_count
- Unique count. Number of fragments aligning uniquely to this transcript.init_best
- Initial number of fragments aligned to transcript that have the "best" alignment score for that fragment. Fragments that have the same best alignment score to multiple transcripts will contribute +1 to each transcript.init_best_random
- Initial number of fragments aligned to transcript that have the "best" alignment score for that fragment. Fragments that have the same best alignment score to multiple transcripts will be randomly assigned to one transcript.
For use with single-cell sequencing data (telescope sc assign
), only model parameters are included
in the statistics report. If the user would like the tool to output count matrices generated
via each of the six assignment methods, they can use the --use_every_reassign_mode
option (telescope sc assign [samfile] [gtffile] --use_every_reassign_mode
The updated SAM file contains those fragments that has at least 1 initial alignment to a transposable element. The final assignment and probabilities are encoded in the SAM tags:
Assigned Feature - The name of the feature that alignment is assigned to.ZT:Z
Telescope tag - A value ofPRI
indicates that this alignment is the best hit for the feature and is used in the likelihood calculations. Otherwise the value will beSEC
, meaning that another alignment to the same feature has a higher score.ZB:Z
Best Feature = The name(s) of the highest scoring feature(s) for the fragment.YC:Z
Specifies color for alignment as R,G,B. UCSC sanctioned tag, see documentation here.XP:Z
Alignment probability - estimated posterior probability for this alignment.
- Checks that GTF feature type is "exon"
- Skips GTF lines missing attribute (with warning)
- Added cimport statements to calignment.pyx (MacOS bug fix)
- Fixed warning about deprecated PyYAML yaml.load
- Compatibility with intervaltree v3.0.2
- Temporary files are written as BAM
- Changed default
to 200,000
- Removed dependency on
- Release version
- Support for sorted BAM files
- Parallel reading of sorted BAM files
- Improved performance of EM
- Improved memory-efficiency of spare matrix
- Fixed bug where random seed is out of range
- Added MIT license
- Changes to logging/reporting
- Improvements to
telescope resume
- Implemented checkpoint and
telescope resume
- Refactoring Telescope class with TelescopeLikelihood
- Improved memory usage
- Subcommand option parsing class
- Cython for alignment parsing
- HTSeq as alternate alignment parser
- Python3 compatibility
- Implemented IntervalTree for Annotation data structure
- Added support for annotation files where a locus may be non-contiguous.
- Overlapping annotations with the same key value (locus) are merged
- User can set minimum overlap criteria for assigning read to locus, default = 0.1
- Implemented checkpointing
- Output tables as pickled objects
- Changes to report format and output