From 10d4af8d1345493a93140f8fb94b587cbd847eb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ryan Liptak Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 06:59:21 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] LibWeb: Don't skip named-character-references test This already passes, so there's no reason to skip it anymore --- Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini | 1 - .../parsing/named-character-references.txt | 4467 ++++++++--------- 2 files changed, 2231 insertions(+), 2237 deletions(-) diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini b/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini index 8773d7960c50..0e366a69f58f 100644 --- a/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini +++ b/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests16.html Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests19.html Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests5.html Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_webkit01.html -Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/named-character-references.html ; Support files (not tests themselves) Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/support/no-doctype-name-eof.html diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/named-character-references.txt b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/named-character-references.txt index 85b96f0ef27d..13f07ae7ad8d 100644 --- a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/named-character-references.txt +++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/named-character-references.txt @@ -1,2241 +1,2236 @@ -Summary - Harness status: OK -Rerun - Found 2231 tests 2231 Pass -Details -Result Test Name MessagePass Æ should match U+000C6 -Pass Æ should match U+000C6 -Pass & should match U+00026 -Pass & should match U+00026 -Pass Á should match U+000C1 -Pass Á should match U+000C1 -Pass Ă should match U+00102 -Pass  should match U+000C2 -Pass  should match U+000C2 -Pass А should match U+00410 -Pass 𝔄 should match U+1D504 -Pass À should match U+000C0 -Pass À should match U+000C0 -Pass Α should match U+00391 -Pass Ā should match U+00100 -Pass ⩓ should match U+02A53 -Pass Ą should match U+00104 -Pass 𝔸 should match U+1D538 -Pass ⁡ should match U+02061 -Pass Å should match U+000C5 -Pass Å should match U+000C5 -Pass 𝒜 should match U+1D49C -Pass ≔ should match U+02254 -Pass à should match U+000C3 -Pass à should match U+000C3 -Pass Ä should match U+000C4 -Pass Ä should match U+000C4 -Pass ∖ should match U+02216 -Pass ⫧ should match U+02AE7 -Pass ⌆ should match U+02306 -Pass Б should match U+00411 -Pass ∵ should match U+02235 -Pass ℬ should match U+0212C -Pass Β should match U+00392 -Pass 𝔅 should match U+1D505 -Pass 𝔹 should match U+1D539 -Pass ˘ should match U+002D8 -Pass ℬ should match U+0212C -Pass ≎ should match U+0224E -Pass Ч should match U+00427 -Pass © should match U+000A9 -Pass © should match U+000A9 -Pass Ć should match U+00106 -Pass ⋒ should match U+022D2 -Pass ⅅ should match U+02145 -Pass ℭ should match U+0212D -Pass Č should match U+0010C -Pass Ç should match U+000C7 -Pass Ç should match U+000C7 -Pass Ĉ should match U+00108 -Pass ∰ should match U+02230 -Pass Ċ should match U+0010A -Pass ¸ should match U+000B8 -Pass · should match U+000B7 -Pass ℭ should match U+0212D -Pass Χ should match U+003A7 -Pass ⊙ should match U+02299 -Pass ⊖ should match U+02296 -Pass ⊕ should match U+02295 -Pass ⊗ should match U+02297 -Pass ∲ should match U+02232 -Pass ” should match U+0201D -Pass ’ should match U+02019 -Pass ∷ should match U+02237 -Pass ⩴ should match U+02A74 -Pass ≡ should match U+02261 -Pass ∯ should match U+0222F -Pass ∮ should match U+0222E -Pass ℂ should match U+02102 -Pass ∐ should match U+02210 -Pass ∳ should match U+02233 -Pass ⨯ should match U+02A2F -Pass 𝒞 should match U+1D49E -Pass ⋓ should match U+022D3 -Pass ≍ should match U+0224D -Pass ⅅ should match U+02145 -Pass ⤑ should match U+02911 -Pass Ђ should match U+00402 -Pass Ѕ should match U+00405 -Pass Џ should match U+0040F -Pass ‡ should match U+02021 -Pass ↡ should match U+021A1 -Pass ⫤ should match U+02AE4 -Pass Ď should match U+0010E -Pass Д should match U+00414 -Pass ∇ should match U+02207 -Pass Δ should match U+00394 -Pass 𝔇 should match U+1D507 -Pass ´ should match U+000B4 -Pass ˙ should match U+002D9 -Pass ˝ should match U+002DD -Pass ` should match U+00060 -Pass ˜ should match U+002DC -Pass ⋄ should match U+022C4 -Pass ⅆ should match U+02146 -Pass 𝔻 should match U+1D53B -Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 -Pass ⃜ should match U+020DC -Pass ≐ should match U+02250 -Pass ∯ should match U+0222F -Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 -Pass ⇓ should match U+021D3 -Pass ⇐ should match U+021D0 -Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 -Pass ⫤ should match U+02AE4 -Pass ⟸ should match U+027F8 -Pass ⟺ should match U+027FA -Pass ⟹ should match U+027F9 -Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 -Pass ⊨ should match U+022A8 -Pass ⇑ should match U+021D1 -Pass ⇕ should match U+021D5 -Pass ∥ should match U+02225 -Pass ↓ should match U+02193 -Pass ⤓ should match U+02913 -Pass ⇵ should match U+021F5 -Pass ̑ should match U+00311 -Pass ⥐ should match U+02950 -Pass ⥞ should match U+0295E -Pass ↽ should match U+021BD -Pass ⥖ should match U+02956 -Pass ⥟ should match U+0295F -Pass ⇁ should match U+021C1 -Pass ⥗ should match U+02957 -Pass ⊤ should match U+022A4 -Pass ↧ should match U+021A7 -Pass ⇓ should match U+021D3 -Pass 𝒟 should match U+1D49F -Pass Đ should match U+00110 -Pass Ŋ should match U+0014A -Pass Ð should match U+000D0 -Pass Ð should match U+000D0 -Pass É should match U+000C9 -Pass É should match U+000C9 -Pass Ě should match U+0011A -Pass Ê should match U+000CA -Pass Ê should match U+000CA -Pass Э should match U+0042D -Pass Ė should match U+00116 -Pass 𝔈 should match U+1D508 -Pass È should match U+000C8 -Pass È should match U+000C8 -Pass ∈ should match U+02208 -Pass Ē should match U+00112 -Pass ◻ should match U+025FB -Pass ▫ should match U+025AB -Pass Ę should match U+00118 -Pass 𝔼 should match U+1D53C -Pass Ε should match U+00395 -Pass ⩵ should match U+02A75 -Pass ≂ should match U+02242 -Pass ⇌ should match U+021CC -Pass ℰ should match U+02130 -Pass ⩳ should match U+02A73 -Pass Η should match U+00397 -Pass Ë should match U+000CB -Pass Ë should match U+000CB -Pass ∃ should match U+02203 -Pass ⅇ should match U+02147 -Pass Ф should match U+00424 -Pass 𝔉 should match U+1D509 -Pass ◼ should match U+025FC -Pass ▪ should match U+025AA -Pass 𝔽 should match U+1D53D -Pass ∀ should match U+02200 -Pass ℱ should match U+02131 -Pass ℱ should match U+02131 -Pass Ѓ should match U+00403 -Pass > should match U+0003E -Pass > should match U+0003E -Pass Γ should match U+00393 -Pass Ϝ should match U+003DC -Pass Ğ should match U+0011E -Pass Ģ should match U+00122 -Pass Ĝ should match U+0011C -Pass Г should match U+00413 -Pass Ġ should match U+00120 -Pass 𝔊 should match U+1D50A -Pass ⋙ should match U+022D9 -Pass 𝔾 should match U+1D53E -Pass ≥ should match U+02265 -Pass ⋛ should match U+022DB -Pass ≧ should match U+02267 -Pass ⪢ should match U+02AA2 -Pass ≷ should match U+02277 -Pass ⩾ should match U+02A7E -Pass ≳ should match U+02273 -Pass 𝒢 should match U+1D4A2 -Pass ≫ should match U+0226B -Pass Ъ should match U+0042A -Pass ˇ should match U+002C7 -Pass ^ should match U+0005E -Pass Ĥ should match U+00124 -Pass ℌ should match U+0210C -Pass ℋ should match U+0210B -Pass ℍ should match U+0210D -Pass ─ should match U+02500 -Pass ℋ should match U+0210B -Pass Ħ should match U+00126 -Pass ≎ should match U+0224E -Pass ≏ should match U+0224F -Pass Е should match U+00415 -Pass IJ should match U+00132 -Pass Ё should match U+00401 -Pass Í should match U+000CD -Pass Í should match U+000CD -Pass Î should match U+000CE -Pass Î should match U+000CE -Pass И should match U+00418 -Pass İ should match U+00130 -Pass ℑ should match U+02111 -Pass Ì should match U+000CC -Pass Ì should match U+000CC -Pass ℑ should match U+02111 -Pass Ī should match U+0012A -Pass ⅈ should match U+02148 -Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 -Pass ∬ should match U+0222C -Pass ∫ should match U+0222B -Pass ⋂ should match U+022C2 -Pass ⁣ should match U+02063 -Pass ⁢ should match U+02062 -Pass Į should match U+0012E -Pass 𝕀 should match U+1D540 -Pass Ι should match U+00399 -Pass ℐ should match U+02110 -Pass Ĩ should match U+00128 -Pass І should match U+00406 -Pass Ï should match U+000CF -Pass Ï should match U+000CF -Pass Ĵ should match U+00134 -Pass Й should match U+00419 -Pass 𝔍 should match U+1D50D -Pass 𝕁 should match U+1D541 -Pass 𝒥 should match U+1D4A5 -Pass Ј should match U+00408 -Pass Є should match U+00404 -Pass Х should match U+00425 -Pass Ќ should match U+0040C -Pass Κ should match U+0039A -Pass Ķ should match U+00136 -Pass К should match U+0041A -Pass 𝔎 should match U+1D50E -Pass 𝕂 should match U+1D542 -Pass 𝒦 should match U+1D4A6 -Pass Љ should match U+00409 -Pass < should match U+0003C -Pass < should match U+0003C -Pass Ĺ should match U+00139 -Pass Λ should match U+0039B -Pass ⟪ should match U+027EA -Pass ℒ should match U+02112 -Pass ↞ should match U+0219E -Pass Ľ should match U+0013D -Pass Ļ should match U+0013B -Pass Л should match U+0041B -Pass ⟨ should match U+027E8 -Pass ← should match U+02190 -Pass ⇤ should match U+021E4 -Pass ⇆ should match U+021C6 -Pass ⌈ should match U+02308 -Pass ⟦ should match U+027E6 -Pass ⥡ should match U+02961 -Pass ⇃ should match U+021C3 -Pass ⥙ should match U+02959 -Pass ⌊ should match U+0230A -Pass ↔ should match U+02194 -Pass ⥎ should match U+0294E -Pass ⊣ should match U+022A3 -Pass ↤ should match U+021A4 -Pass ⥚ should match U+0295A -Pass ⊲ should match U+022B2 -Pass ⧏ should match U+029CF -Pass ⊴ should match U+022B4 -Pass ⥑ should match U+02951 -Pass ⥠ should match U+02960 -Pass ↿ should match U+021BF -Pass ⥘ should match U+02958 -Pass ↼ should match U+021BC -Pass ⥒ should match U+02952 -Pass ⇐ should match U+021D0 -Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 -Pass ⋚ should match U+022DA -Pass ≦ should match U+02266 -Pass ≶ should match U+02276 -Pass ⪡ should match U+02AA1 -Pass ⩽ should match U+02A7D -Pass ≲ should match U+02272 -Pass 𝔏 should match U+1D50F -Pass ⋘ should match U+022D8 -Pass ⇚ should match U+021DA -Pass Ŀ should match U+0013F -Pass ⟵ should match U+027F5 -Pass ⟷ should match U+027F7 -Pass ⟶ should match U+027F6 -Pass ⟸ should match U+027F8 -Pass ⟺ should match U+027FA -Pass ⟹ should match U+027F9 -Pass 𝕃 should match U+1D543 -Pass ↙ should match U+02199 -Pass ↘ should match U+02198 -Pass ℒ should match U+02112 -Pass ↰ should match U+021B0 -Pass Ł should match U+00141 -Pass ≪ should match U+0226A -Pass ⤅ should match U+02905 -Pass М should match U+0041C -Pass   should match U+0205F -Pass ℳ should match U+02133 -Pass 𝔐 should match U+1D510 -Pass ∓ should match U+02213 -Pass 𝕄 should match U+1D544 -Pass ℳ should match U+02133 -Pass Μ should match U+0039C -Pass Њ should match U+0040A -Pass Ń should match U+00143 -Pass Ň should match U+00147 -Pass Ņ should match U+00145 -Pass Н should match U+0041D -Pass ​ should match U+0200B -Pass ​ should match U+0200B -Pass ​ should match U+0200B -Pass ​ should match U+0200B -Pass ≫ should match U+0226B -Pass ≪ should match U+0226A -Pass should match U+0000A -Pass 𝔑 should match U+1D511 -Pass ⁠ should match U+02060 -Pass   should match U+000A0 -Pass ℕ should match U+02115 -Pass ⫬ should match U+02AEC -Pass ≢ should match U+02262 -Pass ≭ should match U+0226D -Pass ∦ should match U+02226 -Pass ∉ should match U+02209 -Pass ≠ should match U+02260 -Pass ≂̸ should match U+02242 U+00338 -Pass ∄ should match U+02204 -Pass ≯ should match U+0226F -Pass ≱ should match U+02271 -Pass ≧̸ should match U+02267 U+00338 -Pass ≫̸ should match U+0226B U+00338 -Pass ≹ should match U+02279 -Pass ⩾̸ should match U+02A7E U+00338 -Pass ≵ should match U+02275 -Pass ≎̸ should match U+0224E U+00338 -Pass ≏̸ should match U+0224F U+00338 -Pass ⋪ should match U+022EA -Pass ⧏̸ should match U+029CF U+00338 -Pass ⋬ should match U+022EC -Pass ≮ should match U+0226E -Pass ≰ should match U+02270 -Pass ≸ should match U+02278 -Pass ≪̸ should match U+0226A U+00338 -Pass ⩽̸ should match U+02A7D U+00338 -Pass ≴ should match U+02274 -Pass ⪢̸ should match U+02AA2 U+00338 -Pass ⪡̸ should match U+02AA1 U+00338 -Pass ⊀ should match U+02280 -Pass ⪯̸ should match U+02AAF U+00338 -Pass ⋠ should match U+022E0 -Pass ∌ should match U+0220C -Pass ⋫ should match U+022EB -Pass ⧐̸ should match U+029D0 U+00338 -Pass ⋭ should match U+022ED -Pass ⊏̸ should match U+0228F U+00338 -Pass ⋢ should match U+022E2 -Pass ⊐̸ should match U+02290 U+00338 -Pass ⋣ should match U+022E3 -Pass ⊂⃒ should match U+02282 U+020D2 -Pass ⊈ should match U+02288 -Pass ⊁ should match U+02281 -Pass ⪰̸ should match U+02AB0 U+00338 -Pass ⋡ should match U+022E1 -Pass ≿̸ should match U+0227F U+00338 -Pass ⊃⃒ should match U+02283 U+020D2 -Pass ⊉ should match U+02289 -Pass ≁ should match U+02241 -Pass ≄ should match U+02244 -Pass ≇ should match U+02247 -Pass ≉ should match U+02249 -Pass ∤ should match U+02224 -Pass 𝒩 should match U+1D4A9 -Pass Ñ should match U+000D1 -Pass Ñ should match U+000D1 -Pass Ν should match U+0039D -Pass Œ should match U+00152 -Pass Ó should match U+000D3 -Pass Ó should match U+000D3 -Pass Ô should match U+000D4 -Pass Ô should match U+000D4 -Pass О should match U+0041E -Pass Ő should match U+00150 -Pass 𝔒 should match U+1D512 -Pass Ò should match U+000D2 -Pass Ò should match U+000D2 -Pass Ō should match U+0014C -Pass Ω should match U+003A9 -Pass Ο should match U+0039F -Pass 𝕆 should match U+1D546 -Pass “ should match U+0201C -Pass ‘ should match U+02018 -Pass ⩔ should match U+02A54 -Pass 𝒪 should match U+1D4AA -Pass Ø should match U+000D8 -Pass Ø should match U+000D8 -Pass Õ should match U+000D5 -Pass Õ should match U+000D5 -Pass ⨷ should match U+02A37 -Pass Ö should match U+000D6 -Pass Ö should match U+000D6 -Pass ‾ should match U+0203E -Pass ⏞ should match U+023DE -Pass ⎴ should match U+023B4 -Pass ⏜ should match U+023DC -Pass ∂ should match U+02202 -Pass П should match U+0041F -Pass 𝔓 should match U+1D513 -Pass Φ should match U+003A6 -Pass Π should match U+003A0 -Pass ± should match U+000B1 -Pass ℌ should match U+0210C -Pass ℙ should match U+02119 -Pass ⪻ should match U+02ABB -Pass ≺ should match U+0227A -Pass ⪯ should match U+02AAF -Pass ≼ should match U+0227C -Pass ≾ should match U+0227E -Pass ″ should match U+02033 -Pass ∏ should match U+0220F -Pass ∷ should match U+02237 -Pass ∝ should match U+0221D -Pass 𝒫 should match U+1D4AB -Pass Ψ should match U+003A8 -Pass " should match U+00022 -Pass " should match U+00022 -Pass 𝔔 should match U+1D514 -Pass ℚ should match U+0211A -Pass 𝒬 should match U+1D4AC -Pass ⤐ should match U+02910 -Pass ® should match U+000AE -Pass ® should match U+000AE -Pass Ŕ should match U+00154 -Pass ⟫ should match U+027EB -Pass ↠ should match U+021A0 -Pass ⤖ should match U+02916 -Pass Ř should match U+00158 -Pass Ŗ should match U+00156 -Pass Р should match U+00420 -Pass ℜ should match U+0211C -Pass ∋ should match U+0220B -Pass ⇋ should match U+021CB -Pass ⥯ should match U+0296F -Pass ℜ should match U+0211C -Pass Ρ should match U+003A1 -Pass ⟩ should match U+027E9 -Pass → should match U+02192 -Pass ⇥ should match U+021E5 -Pass ⇄ should match U+021C4 -Pass ⌉ should match U+02309 -Pass ⟧ should match U+027E7 -Pass ⥝ should match U+0295D -Pass ⇂ should match U+021C2 -Pass ⥕ should match U+02955 -Pass ⌋ should match U+0230B -Pass ⊢ should match U+022A2 -Pass ↦ should match U+021A6 -Pass ⥛ should match U+0295B -Pass ⊳ should match U+022B3 -Pass ⧐ should match U+029D0 -Pass ⊵ should match U+022B5 -Pass ⥏ should match U+0294F -Pass ⥜ should match U+0295C -Pass ↾ should match U+021BE -Pass ⥔ should match U+02954 -Pass ⇀ should match U+021C0 -Pass ⥓ should match U+02953 -Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 -Pass ℝ should match U+0211D -Pass ⥰ should match U+02970 -Pass ⇛ should match U+021DB -Pass ℛ should match U+0211B -Pass ↱ should match U+021B1 -Pass ⧴ should match U+029F4 -Pass Щ should match U+00429 -Pass Ш should match U+00428 -Pass Ь should match U+0042C -Pass Ś should match U+0015A -Pass ⪼ should match U+02ABC -Pass Š should match U+00160 -Pass Ş should match U+0015E -Pass Ŝ should match U+0015C -Pass С should match U+00421 -Pass 𝔖 should match U+1D516 -Pass ↓ should match U+02193 -Pass ← should match U+02190 -Pass → should match U+02192 -Pass ↑ should match U+02191 -Pass Σ should match U+003A3 -Pass ∘ should match U+02218 -Pass 𝕊 should match U+1D54A -Pass √ should match U+0221A -Pass □ should match U+025A1 -Pass ⊓ should match U+02293 -Pass ⊏ should match U+0228F -Pass ⊑ should match U+02291 -Pass ⊐ should match U+02290 -Pass ⊒ should match U+02292 -Pass ⊔ should match U+02294 -Pass 𝒮 should match U+1D4AE -Pass ⋆ should match U+022C6 -Pass ⋐ should match U+022D0 -Pass ⋐ should match U+022D0 -Pass ⊆ should match U+02286 -Pass ≻ should match U+0227B -Pass ⪰ should match U+02AB0 -Pass ≽ should match U+0227D -Pass ≿ should match U+0227F -Pass ∋ should match U+0220B -Pass ∑ should match U+02211 -Pass ⋑ should match U+022D1 -Pass ⊃ should match U+02283 -Pass ⊇ should match U+02287 -Pass ⋑ should match U+022D1 -Pass Þ should match U+000DE -Pass Þ should match U+000DE -Pass ™ should match U+02122 -Pass Ћ should match U+0040B -Pass Ц should match U+00426 -Pass should match U+00009 -Pass Τ should match U+003A4 -Pass Ť should match U+00164 -Pass Ţ should match U+00162 -Pass Т should match U+00422 -Pass 𝔗 should match U+1D517 -Pass ∴ should match U+02234 -Pass Θ should match U+00398 -Pass    should match U+0205F U+0200A -Pass   should match U+02009 -Pass ∼ should match U+0223C -Pass ≃ should match U+02243 -Pass ≅ should match U+02245 -Pass ≈ should match U+02248 -Pass 𝕋 should match U+1D54B -Pass ⃛ should match U+020DB -Pass 𝒯 should match U+1D4AF -Pass Ŧ should match U+00166 -Pass Ú should match U+000DA -Pass Ú should match U+000DA -Pass ↟ should match U+0219F -Pass ⥉ should match U+02949 -Pass Ў should match U+0040E -Pass Ŭ should match U+0016C -Pass Û should match U+000DB -Pass Û should match U+000DB -Pass У should match U+00423 -Pass Ű should match U+00170 -Pass 𝔘 should match U+1D518 -Pass Ù should match U+000D9 -Pass Ù should match U+000D9 -Pass Ū should match U+0016A -Pass _ should match U+0005F -Pass ⏟ should match U+023DF -Pass ⎵ should match U+023B5 -Pass ⏝ should match U+023DD -Pass ⋃ should match U+022C3 -Pass ⊎ should match U+0228E -Pass Ų should match U+00172 -Pass 𝕌 should match U+1D54C -Pass ↑ should match U+02191 -Pass ⤒ should match U+02912 -Pass ⇅ should match U+021C5 -Pass ↕ should match U+02195 -Pass ⥮ should match U+0296E -Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 -Pass ↥ should match U+021A5 -Pass ⇑ should match U+021D1 -Pass ⇕ should match U+021D5 -Pass ↖ should match U+02196 -Pass ↗ should match U+02197 -Pass ϒ should match U+003D2 -Pass Υ should match U+003A5 -Pass Ů should match U+0016E -Pass 𝒰 should match U+1D4B0 -Pass Ũ should match U+00168 -Pass Ü should match U+000DC -Pass Ü should match U+000DC -Pass ⊫ should match U+022AB -Pass ⫫ should match U+02AEB -Pass В should match U+00412 -Pass ⊩ should match U+022A9 -Pass ⫦ should match U+02AE6 -Pass ⋁ should match U+022C1 -Pass ‖ should match U+02016 -Pass ‖ should match U+02016 -Pass ∣ should match U+02223 -Pass | should match U+0007C -Pass ❘ should match U+02758 -Pass ≀ should match U+02240 -Pass   should match U+0200A -Pass 𝔙 should match U+1D519 -Pass 𝕍 should match U+1D54D -Pass 𝒱 should match U+1D4B1 -Pass ⊪ should match U+022AA -Pass Ŵ should match U+00174 -Pass ⋀ should match U+022C0 -Pass 𝔚 should match U+1D51A -Pass 𝕎 should match U+1D54E -Pass 𝒲 should match U+1D4B2 -Pass 𝔛 should match U+1D51B -Pass Ξ should match U+0039E -Pass 𝕏 should match U+1D54F -Pass 𝒳 should match U+1D4B3 -Pass Я should match U+0042F -Pass Ї should match U+00407 -Pass Ю should match U+0042E -Pass Ý should match U+000DD -Pass Ý should match U+000DD -Pass Ŷ should match U+00176 -Pass Ы should match U+0042B -Pass 𝔜 should match U+1D51C -Pass 𝕐 should match U+1D550 -Pass 𝒴 should match U+1D4B4 -Pass Ÿ should match U+00178 -Pass Ж should match U+00416 -Pass Ź should match U+00179 -Pass Ž should match U+0017D -Pass З should match U+00417 -Pass Ż should match U+0017B -Pass ​ should match U+0200B -Pass Ζ should match U+00396 -Pass ℨ should match U+02128 -Pass ℤ should match U+02124 -Pass 𝒵 should match U+1D4B5 -Pass á should match U+000E1 -Pass á should match U+000E1 -Pass ă should match U+00103 -Pass ∾ should match U+0223E -Pass ∾̳ should match U+0223E U+00333 -Pass ∿ should match U+0223F -Pass â should match U+000E2 -Pass â should match U+000E2 -Pass ´ should match U+000B4 -Pass ´ should match U+000B4 -Pass а should match U+00430 -Pass æ should match U+000E6 -Pass æ should match U+000E6 -Pass ⁡ should match U+02061 -Pass 𝔞 should match U+1D51E -Pass à should match U+000E0 -Pass à should match U+000E0 -Pass ℵ should match U+02135 -Pass ℵ should match U+02135 -Pass α should match U+003B1 -Pass ā should match U+00101 -Pass ⨿ should match U+02A3F -Pass & should match U+00026 -Pass & should match U+00026 -Pass ∧ should match U+02227 -Pass ⩕ should match U+02A55 -Pass ⩜ should match U+02A5C -Pass ⩘ should match U+02A58 -Pass ⩚ should match U+02A5A -Pass ∠ should match U+02220 -Pass ⦤ should match U+029A4 -Pass ∠ should match U+02220 -Pass ∡ should match U+02221 -Pass ⦨ should match U+029A8 -Pass ⦩ should match U+029A9 -Pass ⦪ should match U+029AA -Pass ⦫ should match U+029AB -Pass ⦬ should match U+029AC -Pass ⦭ should match U+029AD -Pass ⦮ should match U+029AE -Pass ⦯ should match U+029AF -Pass ∟ should match U+0221F -Pass ⊾ should match U+022BE -Pass ⦝ should match U+0299D -Pass ∢ should match U+02222 -Pass Å should match U+000C5 -Pass ⍼ should match U+0237C -Pass ą should match U+00105 -Pass 𝕒 should match U+1D552 -Pass ≈ should match U+02248 -Pass ⩰ should match U+02A70 -Pass ⩯ should match U+02A6F -Pass ≊ should match U+0224A -Pass ≋ should match U+0224B -Pass ' should match U+00027 -Pass ≈ should match U+02248 -Pass ≊ should match U+0224A -Pass å should match U+000E5 -Pass å should match U+000E5 -Pass 𝒶 should match U+1D4B6 -Pass * should match U+0002A -Pass ≈ should match U+02248 -Pass ≍ should match U+0224D -Pass ã should match U+000E3 -Pass ã should match U+000E3 -Pass ä should match U+000E4 -Pass ä should match U+000E4 -Pass ∳ should match U+02233 -Pass ⨑ should match U+02A11 -Pass ⫭ should match U+02AED -Pass ≌ should match U+0224C -Pass ϶ should match U+003F6 -Pass ‵ should match U+02035 -Pass ∽ should match U+0223D -Pass ⋍ should match U+022CD -Pass ⊽ should match U+022BD -Pass ⌅ should match U+02305 -Pass ⌅ should match U+02305 -Pass ⎵ should match U+023B5 -Pass ⎶ should match U+023B6 -Pass ≌ should match U+0224C -Pass б should match U+00431 -Pass „ should match U+0201E -Pass ∵ should match U+02235 -Pass ∵ should match U+02235 -Pass ⦰ should match U+029B0 -Pass ϶ should match U+003F6 -Pass ℬ should match U+0212C -Pass β should match U+003B2 -Pass ℶ should match U+02136 -Pass ≬ should match U+0226C -Pass 𝔟 should match U+1D51F -Pass ⋂ should match U+022C2 -Pass ◯ should match U+025EF -Pass ⋃ should match U+022C3 -Pass ⨀ should match U+02A00 -Pass ⨁ should match U+02A01 -Pass ⨂ should match U+02A02 -Pass ⨆ should match U+02A06 -Pass ★ should match U+02605 -Pass ▽ should match U+025BD -Pass △ should match U+025B3 -Pass ⨄ should match U+02A04 -Pass ⋁ should match U+022C1 -Pass ⋀ should match U+022C0 -Pass ⤍ should match U+0290D -Pass ⧫ should match U+029EB -Pass ▪ should match U+025AA -Pass ▴ should match U+025B4 -Pass ▾ should match U+025BE -Pass ◂ should match U+025C2 -Pass ▸ should match U+025B8 -Pass ␣ should match U+02423 -Pass ▒ should match U+02592 -Pass ░ should match U+02591 -Pass ▓ should match U+02593 -Pass █ should match U+02588 -Pass =⃥ should match U+0003D U+020E5 -Pass ≡⃥ should match U+02261 U+020E5 -Pass ⌐ should match U+02310 -Pass 𝕓 should match U+1D553 -Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 -Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 -Pass ⋈ should match U+022C8 -Pass ╗ should match U+02557 -Pass ╔ should match U+02554 -Pass ╖ should match U+02556 -Pass ╓ should match U+02553 -Pass ═ should match U+02550 -Pass ╦ should match U+02566 -Pass ╩ should match U+02569 -Pass ╤ should match U+02564 -Pass ╧ should match U+02567 -Pass ╝ should match U+0255D -Pass ╚ should match U+0255A -Pass ╜ should match U+0255C -Pass ╙ should match U+02559 -Pass ║ should match U+02551 -Pass ╬ should match U+0256C -Pass ╣ should match U+02563 -Pass ╠ should match U+02560 -Pass ╫ should match U+0256B -Pass ╢ should match U+02562 -Pass ╟ should match U+0255F -Pass ⧉ should match U+029C9 -Pass ╕ should match U+02555 -Pass ╒ should match U+02552 -Pass ┐ should match U+02510 -Pass ┌ should match U+0250C -Pass ─ should match U+02500 -Pass ╥ should match U+02565 -Pass ╨ should match U+02568 -Pass ┬ should match U+0252C -Pass ┴ should match U+02534 -Pass ⊟ should match U+0229F -Pass ⊞ should match U+0229E -Pass ⊠ should match U+022A0 -Pass ╛ should match U+0255B -Pass ╘ should match U+02558 -Pass ┘ should match U+02518 -Pass └ should match U+02514 -Pass │ should match U+02502 -Pass ╪ should match U+0256A -Pass ╡ should match U+02561 -Pass ╞ should match U+0255E -Pass ┼ should match U+0253C -Pass ┤ should match U+02524 -Pass ├ should match U+0251C -Pass ‵ should match U+02035 -Pass ˘ should match U+002D8 -Pass ¦ should match U+000A6 -Pass ¦ should match U+000A6 -Pass 𝒷 should match U+1D4B7 -Pass ⁏ should match U+0204F -Pass ∽ should match U+0223D -Pass ⋍ should match U+022CD -Pass \ should match U+0005C -Pass ⧅ should match U+029C5 -Pass ⟈ should match U+027C8 -Pass • should match U+02022 -Pass • should match U+02022 -Pass ≎ should match U+0224E -Pass ⪮ should match U+02AAE -Pass ≏ should match U+0224F -Pass ≏ should match U+0224F -Pass ć should match U+00107 -Pass ∩ should match U+02229 -Pass ⩄ should match U+02A44 -Pass ⩉ should match U+02A49 -Pass ⩋ should match U+02A4B -Pass ⩇ should match U+02A47 -Pass ⩀ should match U+02A40 -Pass ∩︀ should match U+02229 U+0FE00 -Pass ⁁ should match U+02041 -Pass ˇ should match U+002C7 -Pass ⩍ should match U+02A4D -Pass č should match U+0010D -Pass ç should match U+000E7 -Pass ç should match U+000E7 -Pass ĉ should match U+00109 -Pass ⩌ should match U+02A4C -Pass ⩐ should match U+02A50 -Pass ċ should match U+0010B -Pass ¸ should match U+000B8 -Pass ¸ should match U+000B8 -Pass ⦲ should match U+029B2 -Pass ¢ should match U+000A2 -Pass ¢ should match U+000A2 -Pass · should match U+000B7 -Pass 𝔠 should match U+1D520 -Pass ч should match U+00447 -Pass ✓ should match U+02713 -Pass ✓ should match U+02713 -Pass χ should match U+003C7 -Pass ○ should match U+025CB -Pass ⧃ should match U+029C3 -Pass ˆ should match U+002C6 -Pass ≗ should match U+02257 -Pass ↺ should match U+021BA -Pass ↻ should match U+021BB -Pass ® should match U+000AE -Pass Ⓢ should match U+024C8 -Pass ⊛ should match U+0229B -Pass ⊚ should match U+0229A -Pass ⊝ should match U+0229D -Pass ≗ should match U+02257 -Pass ⨐ should match U+02A10 -Pass ⫯ should match U+02AEF -Pass ⧂ should match U+029C2 -Pass ♣ should match U+02663 -Pass ♣ should match U+02663 -Pass : should match U+0003A -Pass ≔ should match U+02254 -Pass ≔ should match U+02254 -Pass , should match U+0002C -Pass @ should match U+00040 -Pass ∁ should match U+02201 -Pass ∘ should match U+02218 -Pass ∁ should match U+02201 -Pass ℂ should match U+02102 -Pass ≅ should match U+02245 -Pass ⩭ should match U+02A6D -Pass ∮ should match U+0222E -Pass 𝕔 should match U+1D554 -Pass ∐ should match U+02210 -Pass © should match U+000A9 -Pass © should match U+000A9 -Pass ℗ should match U+02117 -Pass ↵ should match U+021B5 -Pass ✗ should match U+02717 -Pass 𝒸 should match U+1D4B8 -Pass ⫏ should match U+02ACF -Pass ⫑ should match U+02AD1 -Pass ⫐ should match U+02AD0 -Pass ⫒ should match U+02AD2 -Pass ⋯ should match U+022EF -Pass ⤸ should match U+02938 -Pass ⤵ should match U+02935 -Pass ⋞ should match U+022DE -Pass ⋟ should match U+022DF -Pass ↶ should match U+021B6 -Pass ⤽ should match U+0293D -Pass ∪ should match U+0222A -Pass ⩈ should match U+02A48 -Pass ⩆ should match U+02A46 -Pass ⩊ should match U+02A4A -Pass ⊍ should match U+0228D -Pass ⩅ should match U+02A45 -Pass ∪︀ should match U+0222A U+0FE00 -Pass ↷ should match U+021B7 -Pass ⤼ should match U+0293C -Pass ⋞ should match U+022DE -Pass ⋟ should match U+022DF -Pass ⋎ should match U+022CE -Pass ⋏ should match U+022CF -Pass ¤ should match U+000A4 -Pass ¤ should match U+000A4 -Pass ↶ should match U+021B6 -Pass ↷ should match U+021B7 -Pass ⋎ should match U+022CE -Pass ⋏ should match U+022CF -Pass ∲ should match U+02232 -Pass ∱ should match U+02231 -Pass ⌭ should match U+0232D -Pass ⇓ should match U+021D3 -Pass ⥥ should match U+02965 -Pass † should match U+02020 -Pass ℸ should match U+02138 -Pass ↓ should match U+02193 -Pass ‐ should match U+02010 -Pass ⊣ should match U+022A3 -Pass ⤏ should match U+0290F -Pass ˝ should match U+002DD -Pass ď should match U+0010F -Pass д should match U+00434 -Pass ⅆ should match U+02146 -Pass ‡ should match U+02021 -Pass ⇊ should match U+021CA -Pass ⩷ should match U+02A77 -Pass ° should match U+000B0 -Pass ° should match U+000B0 -Pass δ should match U+003B4 -Pass ⦱ should match U+029B1 -Pass ⥿ should match U+0297F -Pass 𝔡 should match U+1D521 -Pass ⇃ should match U+021C3 -Pass ⇂ should match U+021C2 -Pass ⋄ should match U+022C4 -Pass ⋄ should match U+022C4 -Pass ♦ should match U+02666 -Pass ♦ should match U+02666 -Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 -Pass ϝ should match U+003DD -Pass ⋲ should match U+022F2 -Pass ÷ should match U+000F7 -Pass ÷ should match U+000F7 -Pass ÷ should match U+000F7 -Pass ⋇ should match U+022C7 -Pass ⋇ should match U+022C7 -Pass ђ should match U+00452 -Pass ⌞ should match U+0231E -Pass ⌍ should match U+0230D -Pass $ should match U+00024 -Pass 𝕕 should match U+1D555 -Pass ˙ should match U+002D9 -Pass ≐ should match U+02250 -Pass ≑ should match U+02251 -Pass ∸ should match U+02238 -Pass ∔ should match U+02214 -Pass ⊡ should match U+022A1 -Pass ⌆ should match U+02306 -Pass ↓ should match U+02193 -Pass ⇊ should match U+021CA -Pass ⇃ should match U+021C3 -Pass ⇂ should match U+021C2 -Pass ⤐ should match U+02910 -Pass ⌟ should match U+0231F -Pass ⌌ should match U+0230C -Pass 𝒹 should match U+1D4B9 -Pass ѕ should match U+00455 -Pass ⧶ should match U+029F6 -Pass đ should match U+00111 -Pass ⋱ should match U+022F1 -Pass ▿ should match U+025BF -Pass ▾ should match U+025BE -Pass ⇵ should match U+021F5 -Pass ⥯ should match U+0296F -Pass ⦦ should match U+029A6 -Pass џ should match U+0045F -Pass ⟿ should match U+027FF -Pass ⩷ should match U+02A77 -Pass ≑ should match U+02251 -Pass é should match U+000E9 -Pass é should match U+000E9 -Pass ⩮ should match U+02A6E -Pass ě should match U+0011B -Pass ≖ should match U+02256 -Pass ê should match U+000EA -Pass ê should match U+000EA -Pass ≕ should match U+02255 -Pass э should match U+0044D -Pass ė should match U+00117 -Pass ⅇ should match U+02147 -Pass ≒ should match U+02252 -Pass 𝔢 should match U+1D522 -Pass ⪚ should match U+02A9A -Pass è should match U+000E8 -Pass è should match U+000E8 -Pass ⪖ should match U+02A96 -Pass ⪘ should match U+02A98 -Pass ⪙ should match U+02A99 -Pass ⏧ should match U+023E7 -Pass ℓ should match U+02113 -Pass ⪕ should match U+02A95 -Pass ⪗ should match U+02A97 -Pass ē should match U+00113 -Pass ∅ should match U+02205 -Pass ∅ should match U+02205 -Pass ∅ should match U+02205 -Pass   should match U+02004 -Pass   should match U+02005 -Pass   should match U+02003 -Pass ŋ should match U+0014B -Pass   should match U+02002 -Pass ę should match U+00119 -Pass 𝕖 should match U+1D556 -Pass ⋕ should match U+022D5 -Pass ⧣ should match U+029E3 -Pass ⩱ should match U+02A71 -Pass ε should match U+003B5 -Pass ε should match U+003B5 -Pass ϵ should match U+003F5 -Pass ≖ should match U+02256 -Pass ≕ should match U+02255 -Pass ≂ should match U+02242 -Pass ⪖ should match U+02A96 -Pass ⪕ should match U+02A95 -Pass = should match U+0003D -Pass ≟ should match U+0225F -Pass ≡ should match U+02261 -Pass ⩸ should match U+02A78 -Pass ⧥ should match U+029E5 -Pass ≓ should match U+02253 -Pass ⥱ should match U+02971 -Pass ℯ should match U+0212F -Pass ≐ should match U+02250 -Pass ≂ should match U+02242 -Pass η should match U+003B7 -Pass ð should match U+000F0 -Pass ð should match U+000F0 -Pass ë should match U+000EB -Pass ë should match U+000EB -Pass € should match U+020AC -Pass ! should match U+00021 -Pass ∃ should match U+02203 -Pass ℰ should match U+02130 -Pass ⅇ should match U+02147 -Pass ≒ should match U+02252 -Pass ф should match U+00444 -Pass ♀ should match U+02640 -Pass ffi should match U+0FB03 -Pass ff should match U+0FB00 -Pass ffl should match U+0FB04 -Pass 𝔣 should match U+1D523 -Pass fi should match U+0FB01 -Pass fj should match U+00066 U+0006A -Pass ♭ should match U+0266D -Pass fl should match U+0FB02 -Pass ▱ should match U+025B1 -Pass ƒ should match U+00192 -Pass 𝕗 should match U+1D557 -Pass ∀ should match U+02200 -Pass ⋔ should match U+022D4 -Pass ⫙ should match U+02AD9 -Pass ⨍ should match U+02A0D -Pass ½ should match U+000BD -Pass ½ should match U+000BD -Pass ⅓ should match U+02153 -Pass ¼ should match U+000BC -Pass ¼ should match U+000BC -Pass ⅕ should match U+02155 -Pass ⅙ should match U+02159 -Pass ⅛ should match U+0215B -Pass ⅔ should match U+02154 -Pass ⅖ should match U+02156 -Pass ¾ should match U+000BE -Pass ¾ should match U+000BE -Pass ⅗ should match U+02157 -Pass ⅜ should match U+0215C -Pass ⅘ should match U+02158 -Pass ⅚ should match U+0215A -Pass ⅝ should match U+0215D -Pass ⅞ should match U+0215E -Pass ⁄ should match U+02044 -Pass ⌢ should match U+02322 -Pass 𝒻 should match U+1D4BB -Pass ≧ should match U+02267 -Pass ⪌ should match U+02A8C -Pass ǵ should match U+001F5 -Pass γ should match U+003B3 -Pass ϝ should match U+003DD -Pass ⪆ should match U+02A86 -Pass ğ should match U+0011F -Pass ĝ should match U+0011D -Pass г should match U+00433 -Pass ġ should match U+00121 -Pass ≥ should match U+02265 -Pass ⋛ should match U+022DB -Pass ≥ should match U+02265 -Pass ≧ should match U+02267 -Pass ⩾ should match U+02A7E -Pass ⩾ should match U+02A7E -Pass ⪩ should match U+02AA9 -Pass ⪀ should match U+02A80 -Pass ⪂ should match U+02A82 -Pass ⪄ should match U+02A84 -Pass ⋛︀ should match U+022DB U+0FE00 -Pass ⪔ should match U+02A94 -Pass 𝔤 should match U+1D524 -Pass ≫ should match U+0226B -Pass ⋙ should match U+022D9 -Pass ℷ should match U+02137 -Pass ѓ should match U+00453 -Pass ≷ should match U+02277 -Pass ⪒ should match U+02A92 -Pass ⪥ should match U+02AA5 -Pass ⪤ should match U+02AA4 -Pass ≩ should match U+02269 -Pass ⪊ should match U+02A8A -Pass ⪊ should match U+02A8A -Pass ⪈ should match U+02A88 -Pass ⪈ should match U+02A88 -Pass ≩ should match U+02269 -Pass ⋧ should match U+022E7 -Pass 𝕘 should match U+1D558 -Pass ` should match U+00060 -Pass ℊ should match U+0210A -Pass ≳ should match U+02273 -Pass ⪎ should match U+02A8E -Pass ⪐ should match U+02A90 -Pass > should match U+0003E -Pass > should match U+0003E -Pass ⪧ should match U+02AA7 -Pass ⩺ should match U+02A7A -Pass ⋗ should match U+022D7 -Pass ⦕ should match U+02995 -Pass ⩼ should match U+02A7C -Pass ⪆ should match U+02A86 -Pass ⥸ should match U+02978 -Pass ⋗ should match U+022D7 -Pass ⋛ should match U+022DB -Pass ⪌ should match U+02A8C -Pass ≷ should match U+02277 -Pass ≳ should match U+02273 -Pass ≩︀ should match U+02269 U+0FE00 -Pass ≩︀ should match U+02269 U+0FE00 -Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 -Pass   should match U+0200A -Pass ½ should match U+000BD -Pass ℋ should match U+0210B -Pass ъ should match U+0044A -Pass ↔ should match U+02194 -Pass ⥈ should match U+02948 -Pass ↭ should match U+021AD -Pass ℏ should match U+0210F -Pass ĥ should match U+00125 -Pass ♥ should match U+02665 -Pass ♥ should match U+02665 -Pass … should match U+02026 -Pass ⊹ should match U+022B9 -Pass 𝔥 should match U+1D525 -Pass ⤥ should match U+02925 -Pass ⤦ should match U+02926 -Pass ⇿ should match U+021FF -Pass ∻ should match U+0223B -Pass ↩ should match U+021A9 -Pass ↪ should match U+021AA -Pass 𝕙 should match U+1D559 -Pass ― should match U+02015 -Pass 𝒽 should match U+1D4BD -Pass ℏ should match U+0210F -Pass ħ should match U+00127 -Pass ⁃ should match U+02043 -Pass ‐ should match U+02010 -Pass í should match U+000ED -Pass í should match U+000ED -Pass ⁣ should match U+02063 -Pass î should match U+000EE -Pass î should match U+000EE -Pass и should match U+00438 -Pass е should match U+00435 -Pass ¡ should match U+000A1 -Pass ¡ should match U+000A1 -Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 -Pass 𝔦 should match U+1D526 -Pass ì should match U+000EC -Pass ì should match U+000EC -Pass ⅈ should match U+02148 -Pass ⨌ should match U+02A0C -Pass ∭ should match U+0222D -Pass ⧜ should match U+029DC -Pass ℩ should match U+02129 -Pass ij should match U+00133 -Pass ī should match U+0012B -Pass ℑ should match U+02111 -Pass ℐ should match U+02110 -Pass ℑ should match U+02111 -Pass ı should match U+00131 -Pass ⊷ should match U+022B7 -Pass Ƶ should match U+001B5 -Pass ∈ should match U+02208 -Pass ℅ should match U+02105 -Pass ∞ should match U+0221E -Pass ⧝ should match U+029DD -Pass ı should match U+00131 -Pass ∫ should match U+0222B -Pass ⊺ should match U+022BA -Pass ℤ should match U+02124 -Pass ⊺ should match U+022BA -Pass ⨗ should match U+02A17 -Pass ⨼ should match U+02A3C -Pass ё should match U+00451 -Pass į should match U+0012F -Pass 𝕚 should match U+1D55A -Pass ι should match U+003B9 -Pass ⨼ should match U+02A3C -Pass ¿ should match U+000BF -Pass ¿ should match U+000BF -Pass 𝒾 should match U+1D4BE -Pass ∈ should match U+02208 -Pass ⋹ should match U+022F9 -Pass ⋵ should match U+022F5 -Pass ⋴ should match U+022F4 -Pass ⋳ should match U+022F3 -Pass ∈ should match U+02208 -Pass ⁢ should match U+02062 -Pass ĩ should match U+00129 -Pass і should match U+00456 -Pass ï should match U+000EF -Pass ï should match U+000EF -Pass ĵ should match U+00135 -Pass й should match U+00439 -Pass 𝔧 should match U+1D527 -Pass ȷ should match U+00237 -Pass 𝕛 should match U+1D55B -Pass 𝒿 should match U+1D4BF -Pass ј should match U+00458 -Pass є should match U+00454 -Pass κ should match U+003BA -Pass ϰ should match U+003F0 -Pass ķ should match U+00137 -Pass к should match U+0043A -Pass 𝔨 should match U+1D528 -Pass ĸ should match U+00138 -Pass х should match U+00445 -Pass ќ should match U+0045C -Pass 𝕜 should match U+1D55C -Pass 𝓀 should match U+1D4C0 -Pass ⇚ should match U+021DA -Pass ⇐ should match U+021D0 -Pass ⤛ should match U+0291B -Pass ⤎ should match U+0290E -Pass ≦ should match U+02266 -Pass ⪋ should match U+02A8B -Pass ⥢ should match U+02962 -Pass ĺ should match U+0013A -Pass ⦴ should match U+029B4 -Pass ℒ should match U+02112 -Pass λ should match U+003BB -Pass ⟨ should match U+027E8 -Pass ⦑ should match U+02991 -Pass ⟨ should match U+027E8 -Pass ⪅ should match U+02A85 -Pass « should match U+000AB -Pass « should match U+000AB -Pass ← should match U+02190 -Pass ⇤ should match U+021E4 -Pass ⤟ should match U+0291F -Pass ⤝ should match U+0291D -Pass ↩ should match U+021A9 -Pass ↫ should match U+021AB -Pass ⤹ should match U+02939 -Pass ⥳ should match U+02973 -Pass ↢ should match U+021A2 -Pass ⪫ should match U+02AAB -Pass ⤙ should match U+02919 -Pass ⪭ should match U+02AAD -Pass ⪭︀ should match U+02AAD U+0FE00 -Pass ⤌ should match U+0290C -Pass ❲ should match U+02772 -Pass { should match U+0007B -Pass [ should match U+0005B -Pass ⦋ should match U+0298B -Pass ⦏ should match U+0298F -Pass ⦍ should match U+0298D -Pass ľ should match U+0013E -Pass ļ should match U+0013C -Pass ⌈ should match U+02308 -Pass { should match U+0007B -Pass л should match U+0043B -Pass ⤶ should match U+02936 -Pass “ should match U+0201C -Pass „ should match U+0201E -Pass ⥧ should match U+02967 -Pass ⥋ should match U+0294B -Pass ↲ should match U+021B2 -Pass ≤ should match U+02264 -Pass ← should match U+02190 -Pass ↢ should match U+021A2 -Pass ↽ should match U+021BD -Pass ↼ should match U+021BC -Pass ⇇ should match U+021C7 -Pass ↔ should match U+02194 -Pass ⇆ should match U+021C6 -Pass ⇋ should match U+021CB -Pass ↭ should match U+021AD -Pass ⋋ should match U+022CB -Pass ⋚ should match U+022DA -Pass ≤ should match U+02264 -Pass ≦ should match U+02266 -Pass ⩽ should match U+02A7D -Pass ⩽ should match U+02A7D -Pass ⪨ should match U+02AA8 -Pass ⩿ should match U+02A7F -Pass ⪁ should match U+02A81 -Pass ⪃ should match U+02A83 -Pass ⋚︀ should match U+022DA U+0FE00 -Pass ⪓ should match U+02A93 -Pass ⪅ should match U+02A85 -Pass ⋖ should match U+022D6 -Pass ⋚ should match U+022DA -Pass ⪋ should match U+02A8B -Pass ≶ should match U+02276 -Pass ≲ should match U+02272 -Pass ⥼ should match U+0297C -Pass ⌊ should match U+0230A -Pass 𝔩 should match U+1D529 -Pass ≶ should match U+02276 -Pass ⪑ should match U+02A91 -Pass ↽ should match U+021BD -Pass ↼ should match U+021BC -Pass ⥪ should match U+0296A -Pass ▄ should match U+02584 -Pass љ should match U+00459 -Pass ≪ should match U+0226A -Pass ⇇ should match U+021C7 -Pass ⌞ should match U+0231E -Pass ⥫ should match U+0296B -Pass ◺ should match U+025FA -Pass ŀ should match U+00140 -Pass ⎰ should match U+023B0 -Pass ⎰ should match U+023B0 -Pass ≨ should match U+02268 -Pass ⪉ should match U+02A89 -Pass ⪉ should match U+02A89 -Pass ⪇ should match U+02A87 -Pass ⪇ should match U+02A87 -Pass ≨ should match U+02268 -Pass ⋦ should match U+022E6 -Pass ⟬ should match U+027EC -Pass ⇽ should match U+021FD -Pass ⟦ should match U+027E6 -Pass ⟵ should match U+027F5 -Pass ⟷ should match U+027F7 -Pass ⟼ should match U+027FC -Pass ⟶ should match U+027F6 -Pass ↫ should match U+021AB -Pass ↬ should match U+021AC -Pass ⦅ should match U+02985 -Pass 𝕝 should match U+1D55D -Pass ⨭ should match U+02A2D -Pass ⨴ should match U+02A34 -Pass ∗ should match U+02217 -Pass _ should match U+0005F -Pass ◊ should match U+025CA -Pass ◊ should match U+025CA -Pass ⧫ should match U+029EB -Pass ( should match U+00028 -Pass ⦓ should match U+02993 -Pass ⇆ should match U+021C6 -Pass ⌟ should match U+0231F -Pass ⇋ should match U+021CB -Pass ⥭ should match U+0296D -Pass ‎ should match U+0200E -Pass ⊿ should match U+022BF -Pass ‹ should match U+02039 -Pass 𝓁 should match U+1D4C1 -Pass ↰ should match U+021B0 -Pass ≲ should match U+02272 -Pass ⪍ should match U+02A8D -Pass ⪏ should match U+02A8F -Pass [ should match U+0005B -Pass ‘ should match U+02018 -Pass ‚ should match U+0201A -Pass ł should match U+00142 -Pass < should match U+0003C -Pass < should match U+0003C -Pass ⪦ should match U+02AA6 -Pass ⩹ should match U+02A79 -Pass ⋖ should match U+022D6 -Pass ⋋ should match U+022CB -Pass ⋉ should match U+022C9 -Pass ⥶ should match U+02976 -Pass ⩻ should match U+02A7B -Pass ⦖ should match U+02996 -Pass ◃ should match U+025C3 -Pass ⊴ should match U+022B4 -Pass ◂ should match U+025C2 -Pass ⥊ should match U+0294A -Pass ⥦ should match U+02966 -Pass ≨︀ should match U+02268 U+0FE00 -Pass ≨︀ should match U+02268 U+0FE00 -Pass ∺ should match U+0223A -Pass ¯ should match U+000AF -Pass ¯ should match U+000AF -Pass ♂ should match U+02642 -Pass ✠ should match U+02720 -Pass ✠ should match U+02720 -Pass ↦ should match U+021A6 -Pass ↦ should match U+021A6 -Pass ↧ should match U+021A7 -Pass ↤ should match U+021A4 -Pass ↥ should match U+021A5 -Pass ▮ should match U+025AE -Pass ⨩ should match U+02A29 -Pass м should match U+0043C -Pass — should match U+02014 -Pass ∡ should match U+02221 -Pass 𝔪 should match U+1D52A -Pass ℧ should match U+02127 -Pass µ should match U+000B5 -Pass µ should match U+000B5 -Pass ∣ should match U+02223 -Pass * should match U+0002A -Pass ⫰ should match U+02AF0 -Pass · should match U+000B7 -Pass · should match U+000B7 -Pass − should match U+02212 -Pass ⊟ should match U+0229F -Pass ∸ should match U+02238 -Pass ⨪ should match U+02A2A -Pass ⫛ should match U+02ADB -Pass … should match U+02026 -Pass ∓ should match U+02213 -Pass ⊧ should match U+022A7 -Pass 𝕞 should match U+1D55E -Pass ∓ should match U+02213 -Pass 𝓂 should match U+1D4C2 -Pass ∾ should match U+0223E -Pass μ should match U+003BC -Pass ⊸ should match U+022B8 -Pass ⊸ should match U+022B8 -Pass ⋙̸ should match U+022D9 U+00338 -Pass ≫⃒ should match U+0226B U+020D2 -Pass ≫̸ should match U+0226B U+00338 -Pass ⇍ should match U+021CD -Pass ⇎ should match U+021CE -Pass ⋘̸ should match U+022D8 U+00338 -Pass ≪⃒ should match U+0226A U+020D2 -Pass ≪̸ should match U+0226A U+00338 -Pass ⇏ should match U+021CF -Pass ⊯ should match U+022AF -Pass ⊮ should match U+022AE -Pass ∇ should match U+02207 -Pass ń should match U+00144 -Pass ∠⃒ should match U+02220 U+020D2 -Pass ≉ should match U+02249 -Pass ⩰̸ should match U+02A70 U+00338 -Pass ≋̸ should match U+0224B U+00338 -Pass ʼn should match U+00149 -Pass ≉ should match U+02249 -Pass ♮ should match U+0266E -Pass ♮ should match U+0266E -Pass ℕ should match U+02115 -Pass   should match U+000A0 -Pass   should match U+000A0 -Pass ≎̸ should match U+0224E U+00338 -Pass ≏̸ should match U+0224F U+00338 -Pass ⩃ should match U+02A43 -Pass ň should match U+00148 -Pass ņ should match U+00146 -Pass ≇ should match U+02247 -Pass ⩭̸ should match U+02A6D U+00338 -Pass ⩂ should match U+02A42 -Pass н should match U+0043D -Pass – should match U+02013 -Pass ≠ should match U+02260 -Pass ⇗ should match U+021D7 -Pass ⤤ should match U+02924 -Pass ↗ should match U+02197 -Pass ↗ should match U+02197 -Pass ≐̸ should match U+02250 U+00338 -Pass ≢ should match U+02262 -Pass ⤨ should match U+02928 -Pass ≂̸ should match U+02242 U+00338 -Pass ∄ should match U+02204 -Pass ∄ should match U+02204 -Pass 𝔫 should match U+1D52B -Pass ≧̸ should match U+02267 U+00338 -Pass ≱ should match U+02271 -Pass ≱ should match U+02271 -Pass ≧̸ should match U+02267 U+00338 -Pass ⩾̸ should match U+02A7E U+00338 -Pass ⩾̸ should match U+02A7E U+00338 -Pass ≵ should match U+02275 -Pass ≯ should match U+0226F -Pass ≯ should match U+0226F -Pass ⇎ should match U+021CE -Pass ↮ should match U+021AE -Pass ⫲ should match U+02AF2 -Pass ∋ should match U+0220B -Pass ⋼ should match U+022FC -Pass ⋺ should match U+022FA -Pass ∋ should match U+0220B -Pass њ should match U+0045A -Pass ⇍ should match U+021CD -Pass ≦̸ should match U+02266 U+00338 -Pass ↚ should match U+0219A -Pass ‥ should match U+02025 -Pass ≰ should match U+02270 -Pass ↚ should match U+0219A -Pass ↮ should match U+021AE -Pass ≰ should match U+02270 -Pass ≦̸ should match U+02266 U+00338 -Pass ⩽̸ should match U+02A7D U+00338 -Pass ⩽̸ should match U+02A7D U+00338 -Pass ≮ should match U+0226E -Pass ≴ should match U+02274 -Pass ≮ should match U+0226E -Pass ⋪ should match U+022EA -Pass ⋬ should match U+022EC -Pass ∤ should match U+02224 -Pass 𝕟 should match U+1D55F -Pass ¬ should match U+000AC -Pass ¬ should match U+000AC -Pass ∉ should match U+02209 -Pass ⋹̸ should match U+022F9 U+00338 -Pass ⋵̸ should match U+022F5 U+00338 -Pass ∉ should match U+02209 -Pass ⋷ should match U+022F7 -Pass ⋶ should match U+022F6 -Pass ∌ should match U+0220C -Pass ∌ should match U+0220C -Pass ⋾ should match U+022FE -Pass ⋽ should match U+022FD -Pass ∦ should match U+02226 -Pass ∦ should match U+02226 -Pass ⫽⃥ should match U+02AFD U+020E5 -Pass ∂̸ should match U+02202 U+00338 -Pass ⨔ should match U+02A14 -Pass ⊀ should match U+02280 -Pass ⋠ should match U+022E0 -Pass ⪯̸ should match U+02AAF U+00338 -Pass ⊀ should match U+02280 -Pass ⪯̸ should match U+02AAF U+00338 -Pass ⇏ should match U+021CF -Pass ↛ should match U+0219B -Pass ⤳̸ should match U+02933 U+00338 -Pass ↝̸ should match U+0219D U+00338 -Pass ↛ should match U+0219B -Pass ⋫ should match U+022EB -Pass ⋭ should match U+022ED -Pass ⊁ should match U+02281 -Pass ⋡ should match U+022E1 -Pass ⪰̸ should match U+02AB0 U+00338 -Pass 𝓃 should match U+1D4C3 -Pass ∤ should match U+02224 -Pass ∦ should match U+02226 -Pass ≁ should match U+02241 -Pass ≄ should match U+02244 -Pass ≄ should match U+02244 -Pass ∤ should match U+02224 -Pass ∦ should match U+02226 -Pass ⋢ should match U+022E2 -Pass ⋣ should match U+022E3 -Pass ⊄ should match U+02284 -Pass ⫅̸ should match U+02AC5 U+00338 -Pass ⊈ should match U+02288 -Pass ⊂⃒ should match U+02282 U+020D2 -Pass ⊈ should match U+02288 -Pass ⫅̸ should match U+02AC5 U+00338 -Pass ⊁ should match U+02281 -Pass ⪰̸ should match U+02AB0 U+00338 -Pass ⊅ should match U+02285 -Pass ⫆̸ should match U+02AC6 U+00338 -Pass ⊉ should match U+02289 -Pass ⊃⃒ should match U+02283 U+020D2 -Pass ⊉ should match U+02289 -Pass ⫆̸ should match U+02AC6 U+00338 -Pass ≹ should match U+02279 -Pass ñ should match U+000F1 -Pass ñ should match U+000F1 -Pass ≸ should match U+02278 -Pass ⋪ should match U+022EA -Pass ⋬ should match U+022EC -Pass ⋫ should match U+022EB -Pass ⋭ should match U+022ED -Pass ν should match U+003BD -Pass # should match U+00023 -Pass № should match U+02116 -Pass   should match U+02007 -Pass ⊭ should match U+022AD -Pass ⤄ should match U+02904 -Pass ≍⃒ should match U+0224D U+020D2 -Pass ⊬ should match U+022AC -Pass ≥⃒ should match U+02265 U+020D2 -Pass >⃒ should match U+0003E U+020D2 -Pass ⧞ should match U+029DE -Pass ⤂ should match U+02902 -Pass ≤⃒ should match U+02264 U+020D2 -Pass <⃒ should match U+0003C U+020D2 -Pass ⊴⃒ should match U+022B4 U+020D2 -Pass ⤃ should match U+02903 -Pass ⊵⃒ should match U+022B5 U+020D2 -Pass ∼⃒ should match U+0223C U+020D2 -Pass ⇖ should match U+021D6 -Pass ⤣ should match U+02923 -Pass ↖ should match U+02196 -Pass ↖ should match U+02196 -Pass ⤧ should match U+02927 -Pass Ⓢ should match U+024C8 -Pass ó should match U+000F3 -Pass ó should match U+000F3 -Pass ⊛ should match U+0229B -Pass ⊚ should match U+0229A -Pass ô should match U+000F4 -Pass ô should match U+000F4 -Pass о should match U+0043E -Pass ⊝ should match U+0229D -Pass ő should match U+00151 -Pass ⨸ should match U+02A38 -Pass ⊙ should match U+02299 -Pass ⦼ should match U+029BC -Pass œ should match U+00153 -Pass ⦿ should match U+029BF -Pass 𝔬 should match U+1D52C -Pass ˛ should match U+002DB -Pass ò should match U+000F2 -Pass ò should match U+000F2 -Pass ⧁ should match U+029C1 -Pass ⦵ should match U+029B5 -Pass Ω should match U+003A9 -Pass ∮ should match U+0222E -Pass ↺ should match U+021BA -Pass ⦾ should match U+029BE -Pass ⦻ should match U+029BB -Pass ‾ should match U+0203E -Pass ⧀ should match U+029C0 -Pass ō should match U+0014D -Pass ω should match U+003C9 -Pass ο should match U+003BF -Pass ⦶ should match U+029B6 -Pass ⊖ should match U+02296 -Pass 𝕠 should match U+1D560 -Pass ⦷ should match U+029B7 -Pass ⦹ should match U+029B9 -Pass ⊕ should match U+02295 -Pass ∨ should match U+02228 -Pass ↻ should match U+021BB -Pass ⩝ should match U+02A5D -Pass ℴ should match U+02134 -Pass ℴ should match U+02134 -Pass ª should match U+000AA -Pass ª should match U+000AA -Pass º should match U+000BA -Pass º should match U+000BA -Pass ⊶ should match U+022B6 -Pass ⩖ should match U+02A56 -Pass ⩗ should match U+02A57 -Pass ⩛ should match U+02A5B -Pass ℴ should match U+02134 -Pass ø should match U+000F8 -Pass ø should match U+000F8 -Pass ⊘ should match U+02298 -Pass õ should match U+000F5 -Pass õ should match U+000F5 -Pass ⊗ should match U+02297 -Pass ⨶ should match U+02A36 -Pass ö should match U+000F6 -Pass ö should match U+000F6 -Pass ⌽ should match U+0233D -Pass ∥ should match U+02225 -Pass ¶ should match U+000B6 -Pass ¶ should match U+000B6 -Pass ∥ should match U+02225 -Pass ⫳ should match U+02AF3 -Pass ⫽ should match U+02AFD -Pass ∂ should match U+02202 -Pass п should match U+0043F -Pass % should match U+00025 -Pass . should match U+0002E -Pass ‰ should match U+02030 -Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 -Pass ‱ should match U+02031 -Pass 𝔭 should match U+1D52D -Pass φ should match U+003C6 -Pass ϕ should match U+003D5 -Pass ℳ should match U+02133 -Pass ☎ should match U+0260E -Pass π should match U+003C0 -Pass ⋔ should match U+022D4 -Pass ϖ should match U+003D6 -Pass ℏ should match U+0210F -Pass ℎ should match U+0210E -Pass ℏ should match U+0210F -Pass + should match U+0002B -Pass ⨣ should match U+02A23 -Pass ⊞ should match U+0229E -Pass ⨢ should match U+02A22 -Pass ∔ should match U+02214 -Pass ⨥ should match U+02A25 -Pass ⩲ should match U+02A72 -Pass ± should match U+000B1 -Pass ± should match U+000B1 -Pass ⨦ should match U+02A26 -Pass ⨧ should match U+02A27 -Pass ± should match U+000B1 -Pass ⨕ should match U+02A15 -Pass 𝕡 should match U+1D561 -Pass £ should match U+000A3 -Pass £ should match U+000A3 -Pass ≺ should match U+0227A -Pass ⪳ should match U+02AB3 -Pass ⪷ should match U+02AB7 -Pass ≼ should match U+0227C -Pass ⪯ should match U+02AAF -Pass ≺ should match U+0227A -Pass ⪷ should match U+02AB7 -Pass ≼ should match U+0227C -Pass ⪯ should match U+02AAF -Pass ⪹ should match U+02AB9 -Pass ⪵ should match U+02AB5 -Pass ⋨ should match U+022E8 -Pass ≾ should match U+0227E -Pass ′ should match U+02032 -Pass ℙ should match U+02119 -Pass ⪵ should match U+02AB5 -Pass ⪹ should match U+02AB9 -Pass ⋨ should match U+022E8 -Pass ∏ should match U+0220F -Pass ⌮ should match U+0232E -Pass ⌒ should match U+02312 -Pass ⌓ should match U+02313 -Pass ∝ should match U+0221D -Pass ∝ should match U+0221D -Pass ≾ should match U+0227E -Pass ⊰ should match U+022B0 -Pass 𝓅 should match U+1D4C5 -Pass ψ should match U+003C8 -Pass   should match U+02008 -Pass 𝔮 should match U+1D52E -Pass ⨌ should match U+02A0C -Pass 𝕢 should match U+1D562 -Pass ⁗ should match U+02057 -Pass 𝓆 should match U+1D4C6 -Pass ℍ should match U+0210D -Pass ⨖ should match U+02A16 -Pass ? should match U+0003F -Pass ≟ should match U+0225F -Pass " should match U+00022 -Pass " should match U+00022 -Pass ⇛ should match U+021DB -Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 -Pass ⤜ should match U+0291C -Pass ⤏ should match U+0290F -Pass ⥤ should match U+02964 -Pass ∽̱ should match U+0223D U+00331 -Pass ŕ should match U+00155 -Pass √ should match U+0221A -Pass ⦳ should match U+029B3 -Pass ⟩ should match U+027E9 -Pass ⦒ should match U+02992 -Pass ⦥ should match U+029A5 -Pass ⟩ should match U+027E9 -Pass » should match U+000BB -Pass » should match U+000BB -Pass → should match U+02192 -Pass ⥵ should match U+02975 -Pass ⇥ should match U+021E5 -Pass ⤠ should match U+02920 -Pass ⤳ should match U+02933 -Pass ⤞ should match U+0291E -Pass ↪ should match U+021AA -Pass ↬ should match U+021AC -Pass ⥅ should match U+02945 -Pass ⥴ should match U+02974 -Pass ↣ should match U+021A3 -Pass ↝ should match U+0219D -Pass ⤚ should match U+0291A -Pass ∶ should match U+02236 -Pass ℚ should match U+0211A -Pass ⤍ should match U+0290D -Pass ❳ should match U+02773 -Pass } should match U+0007D -Pass ] should match U+0005D -Pass ⦌ should match U+0298C -Pass ⦎ should match U+0298E -Pass ⦐ should match U+02990 -Pass ř should match U+00159 -Pass ŗ should match U+00157 -Pass ⌉ should match U+02309 -Pass } should match U+0007D -Pass р should match U+00440 -Pass ⤷ should match U+02937 -Pass ⥩ should match U+02969 -Pass ” should match U+0201D -Pass ” should match U+0201D -Pass ↳ should match U+021B3 -Pass ℜ should match U+0211C -Pass ℛ should match U+0211B -Pass ℜ should match U+0211C -Pass ℝ should match U+0211D -Pass ▭ should match U+025AD -Pass ® should match U+000AE -Pass ® should match U+000AE -Pass ⥽ should match U+0297D -Pass ⌋ should match U+0230B -Pass 𝔯 should match U+1D52F -Pass ⇁ should match U+021C1 -Pass ⇀ should match U+021C0 -Pass ⥬ should match U+0296C -Pass ρ should match U+003C1 -Pass ϱ should match U+003F1 -Pass → should match U+02192 -Pass ↣ should match U+021A3 -Pass ⇁ should match U+021C1 -Pass ⇀ should match U+021C0 -Pass ⇄ should match U+021C4 -Pass ⇌ should match U+021CC -Pass ⇉ should match U+021C9 -Pass ↝ should match U+0219D -Pass ⋌ should match U+022CC -Pass ˚ should match U+002DA -Pass ≓ should match U+02253 -Pass ⇄ should match U+021C4 -Pass ⇌ should match U+021CC -Pass ‏ should match U+0200F -Pass ⎱ should match U+023B1 -Pass ⎱ should match U+023B1 -Pass ⫮ should match U+02AEE -Pass ⟭ should match U+027ED -Pass ⇾ should match U+021FE -Pass ⟧ should match U+027E7 -Pass ⦆ should match U+02986 -Pass 𝕣 should match U+1D563 -Pass ⨮ should match U+02A2E -Pass ⨵ should match U+02A35 -Pass ) should match U+00029 -Pass ⦔ should match U+02994 -Pass ⨒ should match U+02A12 -Pass ⇉ should match U+021C9 -Pass › should match U+0203A -Pass 𝓇 should match U+1D4C7 -Pass ↱ should match U+021B1 -Pass ] should match U+0005D -Pass ’ should match U+02019 -Pass ’ should match U+02019 -Pass ⋌ should match U+022CC -Pass ⋊ should match U+022CA -Pass ▹ should match U+025B9 -Pass ⊵ should match U+022B5 -Pass ▸ should match U+025B8 -Pass ⧎ should match U+029CE -Pass ⥨ should match U+02968 -Pass ℞ should match U+0211E -Pass ś should match U+0015B -Pass ‚ should match U+0201A -Pass ≻ should match U+0227B -Pass ⪴ should match U+02AB4 -Pass ⪸ should match U+02AB8 -Pass š should match U+00161 -Pass ≽ should match U+0227D -Pass ⪰ should match U+02AB0 -Pass ş should match U+0015F -Pass ŝ should match U+0015D -Pass ⪶ should match U+02AB6 -Pass ⪺ should match U+02ABA -Pass ⋩ should match U+022E9 -Pass ⨓ should match U+02A13 -Pass ≿ should match U+0227F -Pass с should match U+00441 -Pass ⋅ should match U+022C5 -Pass ⊡ should match U+022A1 -Pass ⩦ should match U+02A66 -Pass ⇘ should match U+021D8 -Pass ⤥ should match U+02925 -Pass ↘ should match U+02198 -Pass ↘ should match U+02198 -Pass § should match U+000A7 -Pass § should match U+000A7 -Pass ; should match U+0003B -Pass ⤩ should match U+02929 -Pass ∖ should match U+02216 -Pass ∖ should match U+02216 -Pass ✶ should match U+02736 -Pass 𝔰 should match U+1D530 -Pass ⌢ should match U+02322 -Pass ♯ should match U+0266F -Pass щ should match U+00449 -Pass ш should match U+00448 -Pass ∣ should match U+02223 -Pass ∥ should match U+02225 -Pass ­ should match U+000AD -Pass ­ should match U+000AD -Pass σ should match U+003C3 -Pass ς should match U+003C2 -Pass ς should match U+003C2 -Pass ∼ should match U+0223C -Pass ⩪ should match U+02A6A -Pass ≃ should match U+02243 -Pass ≃ should match U+02243 -Pass ⪞ should match U+02A9E -Pass ⪠ should match U+02AA0 -Pass ⪝ should match U+02A9D -Pass ⪟ should match U+02A9F -Pass ≆ should match U+02246 -Pass ⨤ should match U+02A24 -Pass ⥲ should match U+02972 -Pass ← should match U+02190 -Pass ∖ should match U+02216 -Pass ⨳ should match U+02A33 -Pass ⧤ should match U+029E4 -Pass ∣ should match U+02223 -Pass ⌣ should match U+02323 -Pass ⪪ should match U+02AAA -Pass ⪬ should match U+02AAC -Pass ⪬︀ should match U+02AAC U+0FE00 -Pass ь should match U+0044C -Pass / should match U+0002F -Pass ⧄ should match U+029C4 -Pass ⌿ should match U+0233F -Pass 𝕤 should match U+1D564 -Pass ♠ should match U+02660 -Pass ♠ should match U+02660 -Pass ∥ should match U+02225 -Pass ⊓ should match U+02293 -Pass ⊓︀ should match U+02293 U+0FE00 -Pass ⊔ should match U+02294 -Pass ⊔︀ should match U+02294 U+0FE00 -Pass ⊏ should match U+0228F -Pass ⊑ should match U+02291 -Pass ⊏ should match U+0228F -Pass ⊑ should match U+02291 -Pass ⊐ should match U+02290 -Pass ⊒ should match U+02292 -Pass ⊐ should match U+02290 -Pass ⊒ should match U+02292 -Pass □ should match U+025A1 -Pass □ should match U+025A1 -Pass ▪ should match U+025AA -Pass ▪ should match U+025AA -Pass → should match U+02192 -Pass 𝓈 should match U+1D4C8 -Pass ∖ should match U+02216 -Pass ⌣ should match U+02323 -Pass ⋆ should match U+022C6 -Pass ☆ should match U+02606 -Pass ★ should match U+02605 -Pass ϵ should match U+003F5 -Pass ϕ should match U+003D5 -Pass ¯ should match U+000AF -Pass ⊂ should match U+02282 -Pass ⫅ should match U+02AC5 -Pass ⪽ should match U+02ABD -Pass ⊆ should match U+02286 -Pass ⫃ should match U+02AC3 -Pass ⫁ should match U+02AC1 -Pass ⫋ should match U+02ACB -Pass ⊊ should match U+0228A -Pass ⪿ should match U+02ABF -Pass ⥹ should match U+02979 -Pass ⊂ should match U+02282 -Pass ⊆ should match U+02286 -Pass ⫅ should match U+02AC5 -Pass ⊊ should match U+0228A -Pass ⫋ should match U+02ACB -Pass ⫇ should match U+02AC7 -Pass ⫕ should match U+02AD5 -Pass ⫓ should match U+02AD3 -Pass ≻ should match U+0227B -Pass ⪸ should match U+02AB8 -Pass ≽ should match U+0227D -Pass ⪰ should match U+02AB0 -Pass ⪺ should match U+02ABA -Pass ⪶ should match U+02AB6 -Pass ⋩ should match U+022E9 -Pass ≿ should match U+0227F -Pass ∑ should match U+02211 -Pass ♪ should match U+0266A -Pass ¹ should match U+000B9 -Pass ¹ should match U+000B9 -Pass ² should match U+000B2 -Pass ² should match U+000B2 -Pass ³ should match U+000B3 -Pass ³ should match U+000B3 -Pass ⊃ should match U+02283 -Pass ⫆ should match U+02AC6 -Pass ⪾ should match U+02ABE -Pass ⫘ should match U+02AD8 -Pass ⊇ should match U+02287 -Pass ⫄ should match U+02AC4 -Pass ⟉ should match U+027C9 -Pass ⫗ should match U+02AD7 -Pass ⥻ should match U+0297B -Pass ⫂ should match U+02AC2 -Pass ⫌ should match U+02ACC -Pass ⊋ should match U+0228B -Pass ⫀ should match U+02AC0 -Pass ⊃ should match U+02283 -Pass ⊇ should match U+02287 -Pass ⫆ should match U+02AC6 -Pass ⊋ should match U+0228B -Pass ⫌ should match U+02ACC -Pass ⫈ should match U+02AC8 -Pass ⫔ should match U+02AD4 -Pass ⫖ should match U+02AD6 -Pass ⇙ should match U+021D9 -Pass ⤦ should match U+02926 -Pass ↙ should match U+02199 -Pass ↙ should match U+02199 -Pass ⤪ should match U+0292A -Pass ß should match U+000DF -Pass ß should match U+000DF -Pass ⌖ should match U+02316 -Pass τ should match U+003C4 -Pass ⎴ should match U+023B4 -Pass ť should match U+00165 -Pass ţ should match U+00163 -Pass т should match U+00442 -Pass ⃛ should match U+020DB -Pass ⌕ should match U+02315 -Pass 𝔱 should match U+1D531 -Pass ∴ should match U+02234 -Pass ∴ should match U+02234 -Pass θ should match U+003B8 -Pass ϑ should match U+003D1 -Pass ϑ should match U+003D1 -Pass ≈ should match U+02248 -Pass ∼ should match U+0223C -Pass   should match U+02009 -Pass ≈ should match U+02248 -Pass ∼ should match U+0223C -Pass þ should match U+000FE -Pass þ should match U+000FE -Pass ˜ should match U+002DC -Pass × should match U+000D7 -Pass × should match U+000D7 -Pass ⊠ should match U+022A0 -Pass ⨱ should match U+02A31 -Pass ⨰ should match U+02A30 -Pass ∭ should match U+0222D -Pass ⤨ should match U+02928 -Pass ⊤ should match U+022A4 -Pass ⌶ should match U+02336 -Pass ⫱ should match U+02AF1 -Pass 𝕥 should match U+1D565 -Pass ⫚ should match U+02ADA -Pass ⤩ should match U+02929 -Pass ‴ should match U+02034 -Pass ™ should match U+02122 -Pass ▵ should match U+025B5 -Pass ▿ should match U+025BF -Pass ◃ should match U+025C3 -Pass ⊴ should match U+022B4 -Pass ≜ should match U+0225C -Pass ▹ should match U+025B9 -Pass ⊵ should match U+022B5 -Pass ◬ should match U+025EC -Pass ≜ should match U+0225C -Pass ⨺ should match U+02A3A -Pass ⨹ should match U+02A39 -Pass ⧍ should match U+029CD -Pass ⨻ should match U+02A3B -Pass ⏢ should match U+023E2 -Pass 𝓉 should match U+1D4C9 -Pass ц should match U+00446 -Pass ћ should match U+0045B -Pass ŧ should match U+00167 -Pass ≬ should match U+0226C -Pass ↞ should match U+0219E -Pass ↠ should match U+021A0 -Pass ⇑ should match U+021D1 -Pass ⥣ should match U+02963 -Pass ú should match U+000FA -Pass ú should match U+000FA -Pass ↑ should match U+02191 -Pass ў should match U+0045E -Pass ŭ should match U+0016D -Pass û should match U+000FB -Pass û should match U+000FB -Pass у should match U+00443 -Pass ⇅ should match U+021C5 -Pass ű should match U+00171 -Pass ⥮ should match U+0296E -Pass ⥾ should match U+0297E -Pass 𝔲 should match U+1D532 -Pass ù should match U+000F9 -Pass ù should match U+000F9 -Pass ↿ should match U+021BF -Pass ↾ should match U+021BE -Pass ▀ should match U+02580 -Pass ⌜ should match U+0231C -Pass ⌜ should match U+0231C -Pass ⌏ should match U+0230F -Pass ◸ should match U+025F8 -Pass ū should match U+0016B -Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 -Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 -Pass ų should match U+00173 -Pass 𝕦 should match U+1D566 -Pass ↑ should match U+02191 -Pass ↕ should match U+02195 -Pass ↿ should match U+021BF -Pass ↾ should match U+021BE -Pass ⊎ should match U+0228E -Pass υ should match U+003C5 -Pass ϒ should match U+003D2 -Pass υ should match U+003C5 -Pass ⇈ should match U+021C8 -Pass ⌝ should match U+0231D -Pass ⌝ should match U+0231D -Pass ⌎ should match U+0230E -Pass ů should match U+0016F -Pass ◹ should match U+025F9 -Pass 𝓊 should match U+1D4CA -Pass ⋰ should match U+022F0 -Pass ũ should match U+00169 -Pass ▵ should match U+025B5 -Pass ▴ should match U+025B4 -Pass ⇈ should match U+021C8 -Pass ü should match U+000FC -Pass ü should match U+000FC -Pass ⦧ should match U+029A7 -Pass ⇕ should match U+021D5 -Pass ⫨ should match U+02AE8 -Pass ⫩ should match U+02AE9 -Pass ⊨ should match U+022A8 -Pass ⦜ should match U+0299C -Pass ϵ should match U+003F5 -Pass ϰ should match U+003F0 -Pass ∅ should match U+02205 -Pass ϕ should match U+003D5 -Pass ϖ should match U+003D6 -Pass ∝ should match U+0221D -Pass ↕ should match U+02195 -Pass ϱ should match U+003F1 -Pass ς should match U+003C2 -Pass ⊊︀ should match U+0228A U+0FE00 -Pass ⫋︀ should match U+02ACB U+0FE00 -Pass ⊋︀ should match U+0228B U+0FE00 -Pass ⫌︀ should match U+02ACC U+0FE00 -Pass ϑ should match U+003D1 -Pass ⊲ should match U+022B2 -Pass ⊳ should match U+022B3 -Pass в should match U+00432 -Pass ⊢ should match U+022A2 -Pass ∨ should match U+02228 -Pass ⊻ should match U+022BB -Pass ≚ should match U+0225A -Pass ⋮ should match U+022EE -Pass | should match U+0007C -Pass | should match U+0007C -Pass 𝔳 should match U+1D533 -Pass ⊲ should match U+022B2 -Pass ⊂⃒ should match U+02282 U+020D2 -Pass ⊃⃒ should match U+02283 U+020D2 -Pass 𝕧 should match U+1D567 -Pass ∝ should match U+0221D -Pass ⊳ should match U+022B3 -Pass 𝓋 should match U+1D4CB -Pass ⫋︀ should match U+02ACB U+0FE00 -Pass ⊊︀ should match U+0228A U+0FE00 -Pass ⫌︀ should match U+02ACC U+0FE00 -Pass ⊋︀ should match U+0228B U+0FE00 -Pass ⦚ should match U+0299A -Pass ŵ should match U+00175 -Pass ⩟ should match U+02A5F -Pass ∧ should match U+02227 -Pass ≙ should match U+02259 -Pass ℘ should match U+02118 -Pass 𝔴 should match U+1D534 -Pass 𝕨 should match U+1D568 -Pass ℘ should match U+02118 -Pass ≀ should match U+02240 -Pass ≀ should match U+02240 -Pass 𝓌 should match U+1D4CC -Pass ⋂ should match U+022C2 -Pass ◯ should match U+025EF -Pass ⋃ should match U+022C3 -Pass ▽ should match U+025BD -Pass 𝔵 should match U+1D535 -Pass ⟺ should match U+027FA -Pass ⟷ should match U+027F7 -Pass ξ should match U+003BE -Pass ⟸ should match U+027F8 -Pass ⟵ should match U+027F5 -Pass ⟼ should match U+027FC -Pass ⋻ should match U+022FB -Pass ⨀ should match U+02A00 -Pass 𝕩 should match U+1D569 -Pass ⨁ should match U+02A01 -Pass ⨂ should match U+02A02 -Pass ⟹ should match U+027F9 -Pass ⟶ should match U+027F6 -Pass 𝓍 should match U+1D4CD -Pass ⨆ should match U+02A06 -Pass ⨄ should match U+02A04 -Pass △ should match U+025B3 -Pass ⋁ should match U+022C1 -Pass ⋀ should match U+022C0 -Pass ý should match U+000FD -Pass ý should match U+000FD -Pass я should match U+0044F -Pass ŷ should match U+00177 -Pass ы should match U+0044B -Pass ¥ should match U+000A5 -Pass ¥ should match U+000A5 -Pass 𝔶 should match U+1D536 -Pass ї should match U+00457 -Pass 𝕪 should match U+1D56A -Pass 𝓎 should match U+1D4CE -Pass ю should match U+0044E -Pass ÿ should match U+000FF -Pass ÿ should match U+000FF -Pass ź should match U+0017A -Pass ž should match U+0017E -Pass з should match U+00437 -Pass ż should match U+0017C -Pass ℨ should match U+02128 -Pass ζ should match U+003B6 -Pass 𝔷 should match U+1D537 -Pass ж should match U+00436 -Pass ⇝ should match U+021DD -Pass 𝕫 should match U+1D56B -Pass 𝓏 should match U+1D4CF -Pass ‍ should match U+0200D -Pass ‌ should match U+0200C \ No newline at end of file +Pass Æ should match U+000C6 +Pass Æ should match U+000C6 +Pass & should match U+00026 +Pass & should match U+00026 +Pass Á should match U+000C1 +Pass Á should match U+000C1 +Pass Ă should match U+00102 +Pass  should match U+000C2 +Pass  should match U+000C2 +Pass А should match U+00410 +Pass 𝔄 should match U+1D504 +Pass À should match U+000C0 +Pass À should match U+000C0 +Pass Α should match U+00391 +Pass Ā should match U+00100 +Pass ⩓ should match U+02A53 +Pass Ą should match U+00104 +Pass 𝔸 should match U+1D538 +Pass ⁡ should match U+02061 +Pass Å should match U+000C5 +Pass Å should match U+000C5 +Pass 𝒜 should match U+1D49C +Pass ≔ should match U+02254 +Pass à should match U+000C3 +Pass à should match U+000C3 +Pass Ä should match U+000C4 +Pass Ä should match U+000C4 +Pass ∖ should match U+02216 +Pass ⫧ should match U+02AE7 +Pass ⌆ should match U+02306 +Pass Б should match U+00411 +Pass ∵ should match U+02235 +Pass ℬ should match U+0212C +Pass Β should match U+00392 +Pass 𝔅 should match U+1D505 +Pass 𝔹 should match U+1D539 +Pass ˘ should match U+002D8 +Pass ℬ should match U+0212C +Pass ≎ should match U+0224E +Pass Ч should match U+00427 +Pass © should match U+000A9 +Pass © should match U+000A9 +Pass Ć should match U+00106 +Pass ⋒ should match U+022D2 +Pass ⅅ should match U+02145 +Pass ℭ should match U+0212D +Pass Č should match U+0010C +Pass Ç should match U+000C7 +Pass Ç should match U+000C7 +Pass Ĉ should match U+00108 +Pass ∰ should match U+02230 +Pass Ċ should match U+0010A +Pass ¸ should match U+000B8 +Pass · should match U+000B7 +Pass ℭ should match U+0212D +Pass Χ should match U+003A7 +Pass ⊙ should match U+02299 +Pass ⊖ should match U+02296 +Pass ⊕ should match U+02295 +Pass ⊗ should match U+02297 +Pass ∲ should match U+02232 +Pass ” should match U+0201D +Pass ’ should match U+02019 +Pass ∷ should match U+02237 +Pass ⩴ should match U+02A74 +Pass ≡ should match U+02261 +Pass ∯ should match U+0222F +Pass ∮ should match U+0222E +Pass ℂ should match U+02102 +Pass ∐ should match U+02210 +Pass ∳ should match U+02233 +Pass ⨯ should match U+02A2F +Pass 𝒞 should match U+1D49E +Pass ⋓ should match U+022D3 +Pass ≍ should match U+0224D +Pass ⅅ should match U+02145 +Pass ⤑ should match U+02911 +Pass Ђ should match U+00402 +Pass Ѕ should match U+00405 +Pass Џ should match U+0040F +Pass ‡ should match U+02021 +Pass ↡ should match U+021A1 +Pass ⫤ should match U+02AE4 +Pass Ď should match U+0010E +Pass Д should match U+00414 +Pass ∇ should match U+02207 +Pass Δ should match U+00394 +Pass 𝔇 should match U+1D507 +Pass ´ should match U+000B4 +Pass ˙ should match U+002D9 +Pass ˝ should match U+002DD +Pass ` should match U+00060 +Pass ˜ should match U+002DC +Pass ⋄ should match U+022C4 +Pass ⅆ should match U+02146 +Pass 𝔻 should match U+1D53B +Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 +Pass ⃜ should match U+020DC +Pass ≐ should match U+02250 +Pass ∯ should match U+0222F +Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 +Pass ⇓ should match U+021D3 +Pass ⇐ should match U+021D0 +Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 +Pass ⫤ should match U+02AE4 +Pass ⟸ should match U+027F8 +Pass ⟺ should match U+027FA +Pass ⟹ should match U+027F9 +Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 +Pass ⊨ should match U+022A8 +Pass ⇑ should match U+021D1 +Pass ⇕ should match U+021D5 +Pass ∥ should match U+02225 +Pass ↓ should match U+02193 +Pass ⤓ should match U+02913 +Pass ⇵ should match U+021F5 +Pass ̑ should match U+00311 +Pass ⥐ should match U+02950 +Pass ⥞ should match U+0295E +Pass ↽ should match U+021BD +Pass ⥖ should match U+02956 +Pass ⥟ should match U+0295F +Pass ⇁ should match U+021C1 +Pass ⥗ should match U+02957 +Pass ⊤ should match U+022A4 +Pass ↧ should match U+021A7 +Pass ⇓ should match U+021D3 +Pass 𝒟 should match U+1D49F +Pass Đ should match U+00110 +Pass Ŋ should match U+0014A +Pass Ð should match U+000D0 +Pass Ð should match U+000D0 +Pass É should match U+000C9 +Pass É should match U+000C9 +Pass Ě should match U+0011A +Pass Ê should match U+000CA +Pass Ê should match U+000CA +Pass Э should match U+0042D +Pass Ė should match U+00116 +Pass 𝔈 should match U+1D508 +Pass È should match U+000C8 +Pass È should match U+000C8 +Pass ∈ should match U+02208 +Pass Ē should match U+00112 +Pass ◻ should match U+025FB +Pass ▫ should match U+025AB +Pass Ę should match U+00118 +Pass 𝔼 should match U+1D53C +Pass Ε should match U+00395 +Pass ⩵ should match U+02A75 +Pass ≂ should match U+02242 +Pass ⇌ should match U+021CC +Pass ℰ should match U+02130 +Pass ⩳ should match U+02A73 +Pass Η should match U+00397 +Pass Ë should match U+000CB +Pass Ë should match U+000CB +Pass ∃ should match U+02203 +Pass ⅇ should match U+02147 +Pass Ф should match U+00424 +Pass 𝔉 should match U+1D509 +Pass ◼ should match U+025FC +Pass ▪ should match U+025AA +Pass 𝔽 should match U+1D53D +Pass ∀ should match U+02200 +Pass ℱ should match U+02131 +Pass ℱ should match U+02131 +Pass Ѓ should match U+00403 +Pass > should match U+0003E +Pass > should match U+0003E +Pass Γ should match U+00393 +Pass Ϝ should match U+003DC +Pass Ğ should match U+0011E +Pass Ģ should match U+00122 +Pass Ĝ should match U+0011C +Pass Г should match U+00413 +Pass Ġ should match U+00120 +Pass 𝔊 should match U+1D50A +Pass ⋙ should match U+022D9 +Pass 𝔾 should match U+1D53E +Pass ≥ should match U+02265 +Pass ⋛ should match U+022DB +Pass ≧ should match U+02267 +Pass ⪢ should match U+02AA2 +Pass ≷ should match U+02277 +Pass ⩾ should match U+02A7E +Pass ≳ should match U+02273 +Pass 𝒢 should match U+1D4A2 +Pass ≫ should match U+0226B +Pass Ъ should match U+0042A +Pass ˇ should match U+002C7 +Pass ^ should match U+0005E +Pass Ĥ should match U+00124 +Pass ℌ should match U+0210C +Pass ℋ should match U+0210B +Pass ℍ should match U+0210D +Pass ─ should match U+02500 +Pass ℋ should match U+0210B +Pass Ħ should match U+00126 +Pass ≎ should match U+0224E +Pass ≏ should match U+0224F +Pass Е should match U+00415 +Pass IJ should match U+00132 +Pass Ё should match U+00401 +Pass Í should match U+000CD +Pass Í should match U+000CD +Pass Î should match U+000CE +Pass Î should match U+000CE +Pass И should match U+00418 +Pass İ should match U+00130 +Pass ℑ should match U+02111 +Pass Ì should match U+000CC +Pass Ì should match U+000CC +Pass ℑ should match U+02111 +Pass Ī should match U+0012A +Pass ⅈ should match U+02148 +Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 +Pass ∬ should match U+0222C +Pass ∫ should match U+0222B +Pass ⋂ should match U+022C2 +Pass ⁣ should match U+02063 +Pass ⁢ should match U+02062 +Pass Į should match U+0012E +Pass 𝕀 should match U+1D540 +Pass Ι should match U+00399 +Pass ℐ should match U+02110 +Pass Ĩ should match U+00128 +Pass І should match U+00406 +Pass Ï should match U+000CF +Pass Ï should match U+000CF +Pass Ĵ should match U+00134 +Pass Й should match U+00419 +Pass 𝔍 should match U+1D50D +Pass 𝕁 should match U+1D541 +Pass 𝒥 should match U+1D4A5 +Pass Ј should match U+00408 +Pass Є should match U+00404 +Pass Х should match U+00425 +Pass Ќ should match U+0040C +Pass Κ should match U+0039A +Pass Ķ should match U+00136 +Pass К should match U+0041A +Pass 𝔎 should match U+1D50E +Pass 𝕂 should match U+1D542 +Pass 𝒦 should match U+1D4A6 +Pass Љ should match U+00409 +Pass < should match U+0003C +Pass < should match U+0003C +Pass Ĺ should match U+00139 +Pass Λ should match U+0039B +Pass ⟪ should match U+027EA +Pass ℒ should match U+02112 +Pass ↞ should match U+0219E +Pass Ľ should match U+0013D +Pass Ļ should match U+0013B +Pass Л should match U+0041B +Pass ⟨ should match U+027E8 +Pass ← should match U+02190 +Pass ⇤ should match U+021E4 +Pass ⇆ should match U+021C6 +Pass ⌈ should match U+02308 +Pass ⟦ should match U+027E6 +Pass ⥡ should match U+02961 +Pass ⇃ should match U+021C3 +Pass ⥙ should match U+02959 +Pass ⌊ should match U+0230A +Pass ↔ should match U+02194 +Pass ⥎ should match U+0294E +Pass ⊣ should match U+022A3 +Pass ↤ should match U+021A4 +Pass ⥚ should match U+0295A +Pass ⊲ should match U+022B2 +Pass ⧏ should match U+029CF +Pass ⊴ should match U+022B4 +Pass ⥑ should match U+02951 +Pass ⥠ should match U+02960 +Pass ↿ should match U+021BF +Pass ⥘ should match U+02958 +Pass ↼ should match U+021BC +Pass ⥒ should match U+02952 +Pass ⇐ should match U+021D0 +Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 +Pass ⋚ should match U+022DA +Pass ≦ should match U+02266 +Pass ≶ should match U+02276 +Pass ⪡ should match U+02AA1 +Pass ⩽ should match U+02A7D +Pass ≲ should match U+02272 +Pass 𝔏 should match U+1D50F +Pass ⋘ should match U+022D8 +Pass ⇚ should match U+021DA +Pass Ŀ should match U+0013F +Pass ⟵ should match U+027F5 +Pass ⟷ should match U+027F7 +Pass ⟶ should match U+027F6 +Pass ⟸ should match U+027F8 +Pass ⟺ should match U+027FA +Pass ⟹ should match U+027F9 +Pass 𝕃 should match U+1D543 +Pass ↙ should match U+02199 +Pass ↘ should match U+02198 +Pass ℒ should match U+02112 +Pass ↰ should match U+021B0 +Pass Ł should match U+00141 +Pass ≪ should match U+0226A +Pass ⤅ should match U+02905 +Pass М should match U+0041C +Pass   should match U+0205F +Pass ℳ should match U+02133 +Pass 𝔐 should match U+1D510 +Pass ∓ should match U+02213 +Pass 𝕄 should match U+1D544 +Pass ℳ should match U+02133 +Pass Μ should match U+0039C +Pass Њ should match U+0040A +Pass Ń should match U+00143 +Pass Ň should match U+00147 +Pass Ņ should match U+00145 +Pass Н should match U+0041D +Pass ​ should match U+0200B +Pass ​ should match U+0200B +Pass ​ should match U+0200B +Pass ​ should match U+0200B +Pass ≫ should match U+0226B +Pass ≪ should match U+0226A +Pass should match U+0000A +Pass 𝔑 should match U+1D511 +Pass ⁠ should match U+02060 +Pass   should match U+000A0 +Pass ℕ should match U+02115 +Pass ⫬ should match U+02AEC +Pass ≢ should match U+02262 +Pass ≭ should match U+0226D +Pass ∦ should match U+02226 +Pass ∉ should match U+02209 +Pass ≠ should match U+02260 +Pass ≂̸ should match U+02242 U+00338 +Pass ∄ should match U+02204 +Pass ≯ should match U+0226F +Pass ≱ should match U+02271 +Pass ≧̸ should match U+02267 U+00338 +Pass ≫̸ should match U+0226B U+00338 +Pass ≹ should match U+02279 +Pass ⩾̸ should match U+02A7E U+00338 +Pass ≵ should match U+02275 +Pass ≎̸ should match U+0224E U+00338 +Pass ≏̸ should match U+0224F U+00338 +Pass ⋪ should match U+022EA +Pass ⧏̸ should match U+029CF U+00338 +Pass ⋬ should match U+022EC +Pass ≮ should match U+0226E +Pass ≰ should match U+02270 +Pass ≸ should match U+02278 +Pass ≪̸ should match U+0226A U+00338 +Pass ⩽̸ should match U+02A7D U+00338 +Pass ≴ should match U+02274 +Pass ⪢̸ should match U+02AA2 U+00338 +Pass ⪡̸ should match U+02AA1 U+00338 +Pass ⊀ should match U+02280 +Pass ⪯̸ should match U+02AAF U+00338 +Pass ⋠ should match U+022E0 +Pass ∌ should match U+0220C +Pass ⋫ should match U+022EB +Pass ⧐̸ should match U+029D0 U+00338 +Pass ⋭ should match U+022ED +Pass ⊏̸ should match U+0228F U+00338 +Pass ⋢ should match U+022E2 +Pass ⊐̸ should match U+02290 U+00338 +Pass ⋣ should match U+022E3 +Pass ⊂⃒ should match U+02282 U+020D2 +Pass ⊈ should match U+02288 +Pass ⊁ should match U+02281 +Pass ⪰̸ should match U+02AB0 U+00338 +Pass ⋡ should match U+022E1 +Pass ≿̸ should match U+0227F U+00338 +Pass ⊃⃒ should match U+02283 U+020D2 +Pass ⊉ should match U+02289 +Pass ≁ should match U+02241 +Pass ≄ should match U+02244 +Pass ≇ should match U+02247 +Pass ≉ should match U+02249 +Pass ∤ should match U+02224 +Pass 𝒩 should match U+1D4A9 +Pass Ñ should match U+000D1 +Pass Ñ should match U+000D1 +Pass Ν should match U+0039D +Pass Œ should match U+00152 +Pass Ó should match U+000D3 +Pass Ó should match U+000D3 +Pass Ô should match U+000D4 +Pass Ô should match U+000D4 +Pass О should match U+0041E +Pass Ő should match U+00150 +Pass 𝔒 should match U+1D512 +Pass Ò should match U+000D2 +Pass Ò should match U+000D2 +Pass Ō should match U+0014C +Pass Ω should match U+003A9 +Pass Ο should match U+0039F +Pass 𝕆 should match U+1D546 +Pass “ should match U+0201C +Pass ‘ should match U+02018 +Pass ⩔ should match U+02A54 +Pass 𝒪 should match U+1D4AA +Pass Ø should match U+000D8 +Pass Ø should match U+000D8 +Pass Õ should match U+000D5 +Pass Õ should match U+000D5 +Pass ⨷ should match U+02A37 +Pass Ö should match U+000D6 +Pass Ö should match U+000D6 +Pass ‾ should match U+0203E +Pass ⏞ should match U+023DE +Pass ⎴ should match U+023B4 +Pass ⏜ should match U+023DC +Pass ∂ should match U+02202 +Pass П should match U+0041F +Pass 𝔓 should match U+1D513 +Pass Φ should match U+003A6 +Pass Π should match U+003A0 +Pass ± should match U+000B1 +Pass ℌ should match U+0210C +Pass ℙ should match U+02119 +Pass ⪻ should match U+02ABB +Pass ≺ should match U+0227A +Pass ⪯ should match U+02AAF +Pass ≼ should match U+0227C +Pass ≾ should match U+0227E +Pass ″ should match U+02033 +Pass ∏ should match U+0220F +Pass ∷ should match U+02237 +Pass ∝ should match U+0221D +Pass 𝒫 should match U+1D4AB +Pass Ψ should match U+003A8 +Pass " should match U+00022 +Pass " should match U+00022 +Pass 𝔔 should match U+1D514 +Pass ℚ should match U+0211A +Pass 𝒬 should match U+1D4AC +Pass ⤐ should match U+02910 +Pass ® should match U+000AE +Pass ® should match U+000AE +Pass Ŕ should match U+00154 +Pass ⟫ should match U+027EB +Pass ↠ should match U+021A0 +Pass ⤖ should match U+02916 +Pass Ř should match U+00158 +Pass Ŗ should match U+00156 +Pass Р should match U+00420 +Pass ℜ should match U+0211C +Pass ∋ should match U+0220B +Pass ⇋ should match U+021CB +Pass ⥯ should match U+0296F +Pass ℜ should match U+0211C +Pass Ρ should match U+003A1 +Pass ⟩ should match U+027E9 +Pass → should match U+02192 +Pass ⇥ should match U+021E5 +Pass ⇄ should match U+021C4 +Pass ⌉ should match U+02309 +Pass ⟧ should match U+027E7 +Pass ⥝ should match U+0295D +Pass ⇂ should match U+021C2 +Pass ⥕ should match U+02955 +Pass ⌋ should match U+0230B +Pass ⊢ should match U+022A2 +Pass ↦ should match U+021A6 +Pass ⥛ should match U+0295B +Pass ⊳ should match U+022B3 +Pass ⧐ should match U+029D0 +Pass ⊵ should match U+022B5 +Pass ⥏ should match U+0294F +Pass ⥜ should match U+0295C +Pass ↾ should match U+021BE +Pass ⥔ should match U+02954 +Pass ⇀ should match U+021C0 +Pass ⥓ should match U+02953 +Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 +Pass ℝ should match U+0211D +Pass ⥰ should match U+02970 +Pass ⇛ should match U+021DB +Pass ℛ should match U+0211B +Pass ↱ should match U+021B1 +Pass ⧴ should match U+029F4 +Pass Щ should match U+00429 +Pass Ш should match U+00428 +Pass Ь should match U+0042C +Pass Ś should match U+0015A +Pass ⪼ should match U+02ABC +Pass Š should match U+00160 +Pass Ş should match U+0015E +Pass Ŝ should match U+0015C +Pass С should match U+00421 +Pass 𝔖 should match U+1D516 +Pass ↓ should match U+02193 +Pass ← should match U+02190 +Pass → should match U+02192 +Pass ↑ should match U+02191 +Pass Σ should match U+003A3 +Pass ∘ should match U+02218 +Pass 𝕊 should match U+1D54A +Pass √ should match U+0221A +Pass □ should match U+025A1 +Pass ⊓ should match U+02293 +Pass ⊏ should match U+0228F +Pass ⊑ should match U+02291 +Pass ⊐ should match U+02290 +Pass ⊒ should match U+02292 +Pass ⊔ should match U+02294 +Pass 𝒮 should match U+1D4AE +Pass ⋆ should match U+022C6 +Pass ⋐ should match U+022D0 +Pass ⋐ should match U+022D0 +Pass ⊆ should match U+02286 +Pass ≻ should match U+0227B +Pass ⪰ should match U+02AB0 +Pass ≽ should match U+0227D +Pass ≿ should match U+0227F +Pass ∋ should match U+0220B +Pass ∑ should match U+02211 +Pass ⋑ should match U+022D1 +Pass ⊃ should match U+02283 +Pass ⊇ should match U+02287 +Pass ⋑ should match U+022D1 +Pass Þ should match U+000DE +Pass Þ should match U+000DE +Pass ™ should match U+02122 +Pass Ћ should match U+0040B +Pass Ц should match U+00426 +Pass should match U+00009 +Pass Τ should match U+003A4 +Pass Ť should match U+00164 +Pass Ţ should match U+00162 +Pass Т should match U+00422 +Pass 𝔗 should match U+1D517 +Pass ∴ should match U+02234 +Pass Θ should match U+00398 +Pass    should match U+0205F U+0200A +Pass   should match U+02009 +Pass ∼ should match U+0223C +Pass ≃ should match U+02243 +Pass ≅ should match U+02245 +Pass ≈ should match U+02248 +Pass 𝕋 should match U+1D54B +Pass ⃛ should match U+020DB +Pass 𝒯 should match U+1D4AF +Pass Ŧ should match U+00166 +Pass Ú should match U+000DA +Pass Ú should match U+000DA +Pass ↟ should match U+0219F +Pass ⥉ should match U+02949 +Pass Ў should match U+0040E +Pass Ŭ should match U+0016C +Pass Û should match U+000DB +Pass Û should match U+000DB +Pass У should match U+00423 +Pass Ű should match U+00170 +Pass 𝔘 should match U+1D518 +Pass Ù should match U+000D9 +Pass Ù should match U+000D9 +Pass Ū should match U+0016A +Pass _ should match U+0005F +Pass ⏟ should match U+023DF +Pass ⎵ should match U+023B5 +Pass ⏝ should match U+023DD +Pass ⋃ should match U+022C3 +Pass ⊎ should match U+0228E +Pass Ų should match U+00172 +Pass 𝕌 should match U+1D54C +Pass ↑ should match U+02191 +Pass ⤒ should match U+02912 +Pass ⇅ should match U+021C5 +Pass ↕ should match U+02195 +Pass ⥮ should match U+0296E +Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 +Pass ↥ should match U+021A5 +Pass ⇑ should match U+021D1 +Pass ⇕ should match U+021D5 +Pass ↖ should match U+02196 +Pass ↗ should match U+02197 +Pass ϒ should match U+003D2 +Pass Υ should match U+003A5 +Pass Ů should match U+0016E +Pass 𝒰 should match U+1D4B0 +Pass Ũ should match U+00168 +Pass Ü should match U+000DC +Pass Ü should match U+000DC +Pass ⊫ should match U+022AB +Pass ⫫ should match U+02AEB +Pass В should match U+00412 +Pass ⊩ should match U+022A9 +Pass ⫦ should match U+02AE6 +Pass ⋁ should match U+022C1 +Pass ‖ should match U+02016 +Pass ‖ should match U+02016 +Pass ∣ should match U+02223 +Pass | should match U+0007C +Pass ❘ should match U+02758 +Pass ≀ should match U+02240 +Pass   should match U+0200A +Pass 𝔙 should match U+1D519 +Pass 𝕍 should match U+1D54D +Pass 𝒱 should match U+1D4B1 +Pass ⊪ should match U+022AA +Pass Ŵ should match U+00174 +Pass ⋀ should match U+022C0 +Pass 𝔚 should match U+1D51A +Pass 𝕎 should match U+1D54E +Pass 𝒲 should match U+1D4B2 +Pass 𝔛 should match U+1D51B +Pass Ξ should match U+0039E +Pass 𝕏 should match U+1D54F +Pass 𝒳 should match U+1D4B3 +Pass Я should match U+0042F +Pass Ї should match U+00407 +Pass Ю should match U+0042E +Pass Ý should match U+000DD +Pass Ý should match U+000DD +Pass Ŷ should match U+00176 +Pass Ы should match U+0042B +Pass 𝔜 should match U+1D51C +Pass 𝕐 should match U+1D550 +Pass 𝒴 should match U+1D4B4 +Pass Ÿ should match U+00178 +Pass Ж should match U+00416 +Pass Ź should match U+00179 +Pass Ž should match U+0017D +Pass З should match U+00417 +Pass Ż should match U+0017B +Pass ​ should match U+0200B +Pass Ζ should match U+00396 +Pass ℨ should match U+02128 +Pass ℤ should match U+02124 +Pass 𝒵 should match U+1D4B5 +Pass á should match U+000E1 +Pass á should match U+000E1 +Pass ă should match U+00103 +Pass ∾ should match U+0223E +Pass ∾̳ should match U+0223E U+00333 +Pass ∿ should match U+0223F +Pass â should match U+000E2 +Pass â should match U+000E2 +Pass ´ should match U+000B4 +Pass ´ should match U+000B4 +Pass а should match U+00430 +Pass æ should match U+000E6 +Pass æ should match U+000E6 +Pass ⁡ should match U+02061 +Pass 𝔞 should match U+1D51E +Pass à should match U+000E0 +Pass à should match U+000E0 +Pass ℵ should match U+02135 +Pass ℵ should match U+02135 +Pass α should match U+003B1 +Pass ā should match U+00101 +Pass ⨿ should match U+02A3F +Pass & should match U+00026 +Pass & should match U+00026 +Pass ∧ should match U+02227 +Pass ⩕ should match U+02A55 +Pass ⩜ should match U+02A5C +Pass ⩘ should match U+02A58 +Pass ⩚ should match U+02A5A +Pass ∠ should match U+02220 +Pass ⦤ should match U+029A4 +Pass ∠ should match U+02220 +Pass ∡ should match U+02221 +Pass ⦨ should match U+029A8 +Pass ⦩ should match U+029A9 +Pass ⦪ should match U+029AA +Pass ⦫ should match U+029AB +Pass ⦬ should match U+029AC +Pass ⦭ should match U+029AD +Pass ⦮ should match U+029AE +Pass ⦯ should match U+029AF +Pass ∟ should match U+0221F +Pass ⊾ should match U+022BE +Pass ⦝ should match U+0299D +Pass ∢ should match U+02222 +Pass Å should match U+000C5 +Pass ⍼ should match U+0237C +Pass ą should match U+00105 +Pass 𝕒 should match U+1D552 +Pass ≈ should match U+02248 +Pass ⩰ should match U+02A70 +Pass ⩯ should match U+02A6F +Pass ≊ should match U+0224A +Pass ≋ should match U+0224B +Pass ' should match U+00027 +Pass ≈ should match U+02248 +Pass ≊ should match U+0224A +Pass å should match U+000E5 +Pass å should match U+000E5 +Pass 𝒶 should match U+1D4B6 +Pass * should match U+0002A +Pass ≈ should match U+02248 +Pass ≍ should match U+0224D +Pass ã should match U+000E3 +Pass ã should match U+000E3 +Pass ä should match U+000E4 +Pass ä should match U+000E4 +Pass ∳ should match U+02233 +Pass ⨑ should match U+02A11 +Pass ⫭ should match U+02AED +Pass ≌ should match U+0224C +Pass ϶ should match U+003F6 +Pass ‵ should match U+02035 +Pass ∽ should match U+0223D +Pass ⋍ should match U+022CD +Pass ⊽ should match U+022BD +Pass ⌅ should match U+02305 +Pass ⌅ should match U+02305 +Pass ⎵ should match U+023B5 +Pass ⎶ should match U+023B6 +Pass ≌ should match U+0224C +Pass б should match U+00431 +Pass „ should match U+0201E +Pass ∵ should match U+02235 +Pass ∵ should match U+02235 +Pass ⦰ should match U+029B0 +Pass ϶ should match U+003F6 +Pass ℬ should match U+0212C +Pass β should match U+003B2 +Pass ℶ should match U+02136 +Pass ≬ should match U+0226C +Pass 𝔟 should match U+1D51F +Pass ⋂ should match U+022C2 +Pass ◯ should match U+025EF +Pass ⋃ should match U+022C3 +Pass ⨀ should match U+02A00 +Pass ⨁ should match U+02A01 +Pass ⨂ should match U+02A02 +Pass ⨆ should match U+02A06 +Pass ★ should match U+02605 +Pass ▽ should match U+025BD +Pass △ should match U+025B3 +Pass ⨄ should match U+02A04 +Pass ⋁ should match U+022C1 +Pass ⋀ should match U+022C0 +Pass ⤍ should match U+0290D +Pass ⧫ should match U+029EB +Pass ▪ should match U+025AA +Pass ▴ should match U+025B4 +Pass ▾ should match U+025BE +Pass ◂ should match U+025C2 +Pass ▸ should match U+025B8 +Pass ␣ should match U+02423 +Pass ▒ should match U+02592 +Pass ░ should match U+02591 +Pass ▓ should match U+02593 +Pass █ should match U+02588 +Pass =⃥ should match U+0003D U+020E5 +Pass ≡⃥ should match U+02261 U+020E5 +Pass ⌐ should match U+02310 +Pass 𝕓 should match U+1D553 +Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 +Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 +Pass ⋈ should match U+022C8 +Pass ╗ should match U+02557 +Pass ╔ should match U+02554 +Pass ╖ should match U+02556 +Pass ╓ should match U+02553 +Pass ═ should match U+02550 +Pass ╦ should match U+02566 +Pass ╩ should match U+02569 +Pass ╤ should match U+02564 +Pass ╧ should match U+02567 +Pass ╝ should match U+0255D +Pass ╚ should match U+0255A +Pass ╜ should match U+0255C +Pass ╙ should match U+02559 +Pass ║ should match U+02551 +Pass ╬ should match U+0256C +Pass ╣ should match U+02563 +Pass ╠ should match U+02560 +Pass ╫ should match U+0256B +Pass ╢ should match U+02562 +Pass ╟ should match U+0255F +Pass ⧉ should match U+029C9 +Pass ╕ should match U+02555 +Pass ╒ should match U+02552 +Pass ┐ should match U+02510 +Pass ┌ should match U+0250C +Pass ─ should match U+02500 +Pass ╥ should match U+02565 +Pass ╨ should match U+02568 +Pass ┬ should match U+0252C +Pass ┴ should match U+02534 +Pass ⊟ should match U+0229F +Pass ⊞ should match U+0229E +Pass ⊠ should match U+022A0 +Pass ╛ should match U+0255B +Pass ╘ should match U+02558 +Pass ┘ should match U+02518 +Pass └ should match U+02514 +Pass │ should match U+02502 +Pass ╪ should match U+0256A +Pass ╡ should match U+02561 +Pass ╞ should match U+0255E +Pass ┼ should match U+0253C +Pass ┤ should match U+02524 +Pass ├ should match U+0251C +Pass ‵ should match U+02035 +Pass ˘ should match U+002D8 +Pass ¦ should match U+000A6 +Pass ¦ should match U+000A6 +Pass 𝒷 should match U+1D4B7 +Pass ⁏ should match U+0204F +Pass ∽ should match U+0223D +Pass ⋍ should match U+022CD +Pass \ should match U+0005C +Pass ⧅ should match U+029C5 +Pass ⟈ should match U+027C8 +Pass • should match U+02022 +Pass • should match U+02022 +Pass ≎ should match U+0224E +Pass ⪮ should match U+02AAE +Pass ≏ should match U+0224F +Pass ≏ should match U+0224F +Pass ć should match U+00107 +Pass ∩ should match U+02229 +Pass ⩄ should match U+02A44 +Pass ⩉ should match U+02A49 +Pass ⩋ should match U+02A4B +Pass ⩇ should match U+02A47 +Pass ⩀ should match U+02A40 +Pass ∩︀ should match U+02229 U+0FE00 +Pass ⁁ should match U+02041 +Pass ˇ should match U+002C7 +Pass ⩍ should match U+02A4D +Pass č should match U+0010D +Pass ç should match U+000E7 +Pass ç should match U+000E7 +Pass ĉ should match U+00109 +Pass ⩌ should match U+02A4C +Pass ⩐ should match U+02A50 +Pass ċ should match U+0010B +Pass ¸ should match U+000B8 +Pass ¸ should match U+000B8 +Pass ⦲ should match U+029B2 +Pass ¢ should match U+000A2 +Pass ¢ should match U+000A2 +Pass · should match U+000B7 +Pass 𝔠 should match U+1D520 +Pass ч should match U+00447 +Pass ✓ should match U+02713 +Pass ✓ should match U+02713 +Pass χ should match U+003C7 +Pass ○ should match U+025CB +Pass ⧃ should match U+029C3 +Pass ˆ should match U+002C6 +Pass ≗ should match U+02257 +Pass ↺ should match U+021BA +Pass ↻ should match U+021BB +Pass ® should match U+000AE +Pass Ⓢ should match U+024C8 +Pass ⊛ should match U+0229B +Pass ⊚ should match U+0229A +Pass ⊝ should match U+0229D +Pass ≗ should match U+02257 +Pass ⨐ should match U+02A10 +Pass ⫯ should match U+02AEF +Pass ⧂ should match U+029C2 +Pass ♣ should match U+02663 +Pass ♣ should match U+02663 +Pass : should match U+0003A +Pass ≔ should match U+02254 +Pass ≔ should match U+02254 +Pass , should match U+0002C +Pass @ should match U+00040 +Pass ∁ should match U+02201 +Pass ∘ should match U+02218 +Pass ∁ should match U+02201 +Pass ℂ should match U+02102 +Pass ≅ should match U+02245 +Pass ⩭ should match U+02A6D +Pass ∮ should match U+0222E +Pass 𝕔 should match U+1D554 +Pass ∐ should match U+02210 +Pass © should match U+000A9 +Pass © should match U+000A9 +Pass ℗ should match U+02117 +Pass ↵ should match U+021B5 +Pass ✗ should match U+02717 +Pass 𝒸 should match U+1D4B8 +Pass ⫏ should match U+02ACF +Pass ⫑ should match U+02AD1 +Pass ⫐ should match U+02AD0 +Pass ⫒ should match U+02AD2 +Pass ⋯ should match U+022EF +Pass ⤸ should match U+02938 +Pass ⤵ should match U+02935 +Pass ⋞ should match U+022DE +Pass ⋟ should match U+022DF +Pass ↶ should match U+021B6 +Pass ⤽ should match U+0293D +Pass ∪ should match U+0222A +Pass ⩈ should match U+02A48 +Pass ⩆ should match U+02A46 +Pass ⩊ should match U+02A4A +Pass ⊍ should match U+0228D +Pass ⩅ should match U+02A45 +Pass ∪︀ should match U+0222A U+0FE00 +Pass ↷ should match U+021B7 +Pass ⤼ should match U+0293C +Pass ⋞ should match U+022DE +Pass ⋟ should match U+022DF +Pass ⋎ should match U+022CE +Pass ⋏ should match U+022CF +Pass ¤ should match U+000A4 +Pass ¤ should match U+000A4 +Pass ↶ should match U+021B6 +Pass ↷ should match U+021B7 +Pass ⋎ should match U+022CE +Pass ⋏ should match U+022CF +Pass ∲ should match U+02232 +Pass ∱ should match U+02231 +Pass ⌭ should match U+0232D +Pass ⇓ should match U+021D3 +Pass ⥥ should match U+02965 +Pass † should match U+02020 +Pass ℸ should match U+02138 +Pass ↓ should match U+02193 +Pass ‐ should match U+02010 +Pass ⊣ should match U+022A3 +Pass ⤏ should match U+0290F +Pass ˝ should match U+002DD +Pass ď should match U+0010F +Pass д should match U+00434 +Pass ⅆ should match U+02146 +Pass ‡ should match U+02021 +Pass ⇊ should match U+021CA +Pass ⩷ should match U+02A77 +Pass ° should match U+000B0 +Pass ° should match U+000B0 +Pass δ should match U+003B4 +Pass ⦱ should match U+029B1 +Pass ⥿ should match U+0297F +Pass 𝔡 should match U+1D521 +Pass ⇃ should match U+021C3 +Pass ⇂ should match U+021C2 +Pass ⋄ should match U+022C4 +Pass ⋄ should match U+022C4 +Pass ♦ should match U+02666 +Pass ♦ should match U+02666 +Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 +Pass ϝ should match U+003DD +Pass ⋲ should match U+022F2 +Pass ÷ should match U+000F7 +Pass ÷ should match U+000F7 +Pass ÷ should match U+000F7 +Pass ⋇ should match U+022C7 +Pass ⋇ should match U+022C7 +Pass ђ should match U+00452 +Pass ⌞ should match U+0231E +Pass ⌍ should match U+0230D +Pass $ should match U+00024 +Pass 𝕕 should match U+1D555 +Pass ˙ should match U+002D9 +Pass ≐ should match U+02250 +Pass ≑ should match U+02251 +Pass ∸ should match U+02238 +Pass ∔ should match U+02214 +Pass ⊡ should match U+022A1 +Pass ⌆ should match U+02306 +Pass ↓ should match U+02193 +Pass ⇊ should match U+021CA +Pass ⇃ should match U+021C3 +Pass ⇂ should match U+021C2 +Pass ⤐ should match U+02910 +Pass ⌟ should match U+0231F +Pass ⌌ should match U+0230C +Pass 𝒹 should match U+1D4B9 +Pass ѕ should match U+00455 +Pass ⧶ should match U+029F6 +Pass đ should match U+00111 +Pass ⋱ should match U+022F1 +Pass ▿ should match U+025BF +Pass ▾ should match U+025BE +Pass ⇵ should match U+021F5 +Pass ⥯ should match U+0296F +Pass ⦦ should match U+029A6 +Pass џ should match U+0045F +Pass ⟿ should match U+027FF +Pass ⩷ should match U+02A77 +Pass ≑ should match U+02251 +Pass é should match U+000E9 +Pass é should match U+000E9 +Pass ⩮ should match U+02A6E +Pass ě should match U+0011B +Pass ≖ should match U+02256 +Pass ê should match U+000EA +Pass ê should match U+000EA +Pass ≕ should match U+02255 +Pass э should match U+0044D +Pass ė should match U+00117 +Pass ⅇ should match U+02147 +Pass ≒ should match U+02252 +Pass 𝔢 should match U+1D522 +Pass ⪚ should match U+02A9A +Pass è should match U+000E8 +Pass è should match U+000E8 +Pass ⪖ should match U+02A96 +Pass ⪘ should match U+02A98 +Pass ⪙ should match U+02A99 +Pass ⏧ should match U+023E7 +Pass ℓ should match U+02113 +Pass ⪕ should match U+02A95 +Pass ⪗ should match U+02A97 +Pass ē should match U+00113 +Pass ∅ should match U+02205 +Pass ∅ should match U+02205 +Pass ∅ should match U+02205 +Pass   should match U+02004 +Pass   should match U+02005 +Pass   should match U+02003 +Pass ŋ should match U+0014B +Pass   should match U+02002 +Pass ę should match U+00119 +Pass 𝕖 should match U+1D556 +Pass ⋕ should match U+022D5 +Pass ⧣ should match U+029E3 +Pass ⩱ should match U+02A71 +Pass ε should match U+003B5 +Pass ε should match U+003B5 +Pass ϵ should match U+003F5 +Pass ≖ should match U+02256 +Pass ≕ should match U+02255 +Pass ≂ should match U+02242 +Pass ⪖ should match U+02A96 +Pass ⪕ should match U+02A95 +Pass = should match U+0003D +Pass ≟ should match U+0225F +Pass ≡ should match U+02261 +Pass ⩸ should match U+02A78 +Pass ⧥ should match U+029E5 +Pass ≓ should match U+02253 +Pass ⥱ should match U+02971 +Pass ℯ should match U+0212F +Pass ≐ should match U+02250 +Pass ≂ should match U+02242 +Pass η should match U+003B7 +Pass ð should match U+000F0 +Pass ð should match U+000F0 +Pass ë should match U+000EB +Pass ë should match U+000EB +Pass € should match U+020AC +Pass ! should match U+00021 +Pass ∃ should match U+02203 +Pass ℰ should match U+02130 +Pass ⅇ should match U+02147 +Pass ≒ should match U+02252 +Pass ф should match U+00444 +Pass ♀ should match U+02640 +Pass ffi should match U+0FB03 +Pass ff should match U+0FB00 +Pass ffl should match U+0FB04 +Pass 𝔣 should match U+1D523 +Pass fi should match U+0FB01 +Pass fj should match U+00066 U+0006A +Pass ♭ should match U+0266D +Pass fl should match U+0FB02 +Pass ▱ should match U+025B1 +Pass ƒ should match U+00192 +Pass 𝕗 should match U+1D557 +Pass ∀ should match U+02200 +Pass ⋔ should match U+022D4 +Pass ⫙ should match U+02AD9 +Pass ⨍ should match U+02A0D +Pass ½ should match U+000BD +Pass ½ should match U+000BD +Pass ⅓ should match U+02153 +Pass ¼ should match U+000BC +Pass ¼ should match U+000BC +Pass ⅕ should match U+02155 +Pass ⅙ should match U+02159 +Pass ⅛ should match U+0215B +Pass ⅔ should match U+02154 +Pass ⅖ should match U+02156 +Pass ¾ should match U+000BE +Pass ¾ should match U+000BE +Pass ⅗ should match U+02157 +Pass ⅜ should match U+0215C +Pass ⅘ should match U+02158 +Pass ⅚ should match U+0215A +Pass ⅝ should match U+0215D +Pass ⅞ should match U+0215E +Pass ⁄ should match U+02044 +Pass ⌢ should match U+02322 +Pass 𝒻 should match U+1D4BB +Pass ≧ should match U+02267 +Pass ⪌ should match U+02A8C +Pass ǵ should match U+001F5 +Pass γ should match U+003B3 +Pass ϝ should match U+003DD +Pass ⪆ should match U+02A86 +Pass ğ should match U+0011F +Pass ĝ should match U+0011D +Pass г should match U+00433 +Pass ġ should match U+00121 +Pass ≥ should match U+02265 +Pass ⋛ should match U+022DB +Pass ≥ should match U+02265 +Pass ≧ should match U+02267 +Pass ⩾ should match U+02A7E +Pass ⩾ should match U+02A7E +Pass ⪩ should match U+02AA9 +Pass ⪀ should match U+02A80 +Pass ⪂ should match U+02A82 +Pass ⪄ should match U+02A84 +Pass ⋛︀ should match U+022DB U+0FE00 +Pass ⪔ should match U+02A94 +Pass 𝔤 should match U+1D524 +Pass ≫ should match U+0226B +Pass ⋙ should match U+022D9 +Pass ℷ should match U+02137 +Pass ѓ should match U+00453 +Pass ≷ should match U+02277 +Pass ⪒ should match U+02A92 +Pass ⪥ should match U+02AA5 +Pass ⪤ should match U+02AA4 +Pass ≩ should match U+02269 +Pass ⪊ should match U+02A8A +Pass ⪊ should match U+02A8A +Pass ⪈ should match U+02A88 +Pass ⪈ should match U+02A88 +Pass ≩ should match U+02269 +Pass ⋧ should match U+022E7 +Pass 𝕘 should match U+1D558 +Pass ` should match U+00060 +Pass ℊ should match U+0210A +Pass ≳ should match U+02273 +Pass ⪎ should match U+02A8E +Pass ⪐ should match U+02A90 +Pass > should match U+0003E +Pass > should match U+0003E +Pass ⪧ should match U+02AA7 +Pass ⩺ should match U+02A7A +Pass ⋗ should match U+022D7 +Pass ⦕ should match U+02995 +Pass ⩼ should match U+02A7C +Pass ⪆ should match U+02A86 +Pass ⥸ should match U+02978 +Pass ⋗ should match U+022D7 +Pass ⋛ should match U+022DB +Pass ⪌ should match U+02A8C +Pass ≷ should match U+02277 +Pass ≳ should match U+02273 +Pass ≩︀ should match U+02269 U+0FE00 +Pass ≩︀ should match U+02269 U+0FE00 +Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 +Pass   should match U+0200A +Pass ½ should match U+000BD +Pass ℋ should match U+0210B +Pass ъ should match U+0044A +Pass ↔ should match U+02194 +Pass ⥈ should match U+02948 +Pass ↭ should match U+021AD +Pass ℏ should match U+0210F +Pass ĥ should match U+00125 +Pass ♥ should match U+02665 +Pass ♥ should match U+02665 +Pass … should match U+02026 +Pass ⊹ should match U+022B9 +Pass 𝔥 should match U+1D525 +Pass ⤥ should match U+02925 +Pass ⤦ should match U+02926 +Pass ⇿ should match U+021FF +Pass ∻ should match U+0223B +Pass ↩ should match U+021A9 +Pass ↪ should match U+021AA +Pass 𝕙 should match U+1D559 +Pass ― should match U+02015 +Pass 𝒽 should match U+1D4BD +Pass ℏ should match U+0210F +Pass ħ should match U+00127 +Pass ⁃ should match U+02043 +Pass ‐ should match U+02010 +Pass í should match U+000ED +Pass í should match U+000ED +Pass ⁣ should match U+02063 +Pass î should match U+000EE +Pass î should match U+000EE +Pass и should match U+00438 +Pass е should match U+00435 +Pass ¡ should match U+000A1 +Pass ¡ should match U+000A1 +Pass ⇔ should match U+021D4 +Pass 𝔦 should match U+1D526 +Pass ì should match U+000EC +Pass ì should match U+000EC +Pass ⅈ should match U+02148 +Pass ⨌ should match U+02A0C +Pass ∭ should match U+0222D +Pass ⧜ should match U+029DC +Pass ℩ should match U+02129 +Pass ij should match U+00133 +Pass ī should match U+0012B +Pass ℑ should match U+02111 +Pass ℐ should match U+02110 +Pass ℑ should match U+02111 +Pass ı should match U+00131 +Pass ⊷ should match U+022B7 +Pass Ƶ should match U+001B5 +Pass ∈ should match U+02208 +Pass ℅ should match U+02105 +Pass ∞ should match U+0221E +Pass ⧝ should match U+029DD +Pass ı should match U+00131 +Pass ∫ should match U+0222B +Pass ⊺ should match U+022BA +Pass ℤ should match U+02124 +Pass ⊺ should match U+022BA +Pass ⨗ should match U+02A17 +Pass ⨼ should match U+02A3C +Pass ё should match U+00451 +Pass į should match U+0012F +Pass 𝕚 should match U+1D55A +Pass ι should match U+003B9 +Pass ⨼ should match U+02A3C +Pass ¿ should match U+000BF +Pass ¿ should match U+000BF +Pass 𝒾 should match U+1D4BE +Pass ∈ should match U+02208 +Pass ⋹ should match U+022F9 +Pass ⋵ should match U+022F5 +Pass ⋴ should match U+022F4 +Pass ⋳ should match U+022F3 +Pass ∈ should match U+02208 +Pass ⁢ should match U+02062 +Pass ĩ should match U+00129 +Pass і should match U+00456 +Pass ï should match U+000EF +Pass ï should match U+000EF +Pass ĵ should match U+00135 +Pass й should match U+00439 +Pass 𝔧 should match U+1D527 +Pass ȷ should match U+00237 +Pass 𝕛 should match U+1D55B +Pass 𝒿 should match U+1D4BF +Pass ј should match U+00458 +Pass є should match U+00454 +Pass κ should match U+003BA +Pass ϰ should match U+003F0 +Pass ķ should match U+00137 +Pass к should match U+0043A +Pass 𝔨 should match U+1D528 +Pass ĸ should match U+00138 +Pass х should match U+00445 +Pass ќ should match U+0045C +Pass 𝕜 should match U+1D55C +Pass 𝓀 should match U+1D4C0 +Pass ⇚ should match U+021DA +Pass ⇐ should match U+021D0 +Pass ⤛ should match U+0291B +Pass ⤎ should match U+0290E +Pass ≦ should match U+02266 +Pass ⪋ should match U+02A8B +Pass ⥢ should match U+02962 +Pass ĺ should match U+0013A +Pass ⦴ should match U+029B4 +Pass ℒ should match U+02112 +Pass λ should match U+003BB +Pass ⟨ should match U+027E8 +Pass ⦑ should match U+02991 +Pass ⟨ should match U+027E8 +Pass ⪅ should match U+02A85 +Pass « should match U+000AB +Pass « should match U+000AB +Pass ← should match U+02190 +Pass ⇤ should match U+021E4 +Pass ⤟ should match U+0291F +Pass ⤝ should match U+0291D +Pass ↩ should match U+021A9 +Pass ↫ should match U+021AB +Pass ⤹ should match U+02939 +Pass ⥳ should match U+02973 +Pass ↢ should match U+021A2 +Pass ⪫ should match U+02AAB +Pass ⤙ should match U+02919 +Pass ⪭ should match U+02AAD +Pass ⪭︀ should match U+02AAD U+0FE00 +Pass ⤌ should match U+0290C +Pass ❲ should match U+02772 +Pass { should match U+0007B +Pass [ should match U+0005B +Pass ⦋ should match U+0298B +Pass ⦏ should match U+0298F +Pass ⦍ should match U+0298D +Pass ľ should match U+0013E +Pass ļ should match U+0013C +Pass ⌈ should match U+02308 +Pass { should match U+0007B +Pass л should match U+0043B +Pass ⤶ should match U+02936 +Pass “ should match U+0201C +Pass „ should match U+0201E +Pass ⥧ should match U+02967 +Pass ⥋ should match U+0294B +Pass ↲ should match U+021B2 +Pass ≤ should match U+02264 +Pass ← should match U+02190 +Pass ↢ should match U+021A2 +Pass ↽ should match U+021BD +Pass ↼ should match U+021BC +Pass ⇇ should match U+021C7 +Pass ↔ should match U+02194 +Pass ⇆ should match U+021C6 +Pass ⇋ should match U+021CB +Pass ↭ should match U+021AD +Pass ⋋ should match U+022CB +Pass ⋚ should match U+022DA +Pass ≤ should match U+02264 +Pass ≦ should match U+02266 +Pass ⩽ should match U+02A7D +Pass ⩽ should match U+02A7D +Pass ⪨ should match U+02AA8 +Pass ⩿ should match U+02A7F +Pass ⪁ should match U+02A81 +Pass ⪃ should match U+02A83 +Pass ⋚︀ should match U+022DA U+0FE00 +Pass ⪓ should match U+02A93 +Pass ⪅ should match U+02A85 +Pass ⋖ should match U+022D6 +Pass ⋚ should match U+022DA +Pass ⪋ should match U+02A8B +Pass ≶ should match U+02276 +Pass ≲ should match U+02272 +Pass ⥼ should match U+0297C +Pass ⌊ should match U+0230A +Pass 𝔩 should match U+1D529 +Pass ≶ should match U+02276 +Pass ⪑ should match U+02A91 +Pass ↽ should match U+021BD +Pass ↼ should match U+021BC +Pass ⥪ should match U+0296A +Pass ▄ should match U+02584 +Pass љ should match U+00459 +Pass ≪ should match U+0226A +Pass ⇇ should match U+021C7 +Pass ⌞ should match U+0231E +Pass ⥫ should match U+0296B +Pass ◺ should match U+025FA +Pass ŀ should match U+00140 +Pass ⎰ should match U+023B0 +Pass ⎰ should match U+023B0 +Pass ≨ should match U+02268 +Pass ⪉ should match U+02A89 +Pass ⪉ should match U+02A89 +Pass ⪇ should match U+02A87 +Pass ⪇ should match U+02A87 +Pass ≨ should match U+02268 +Pass ⋦ should match U+022E6 +Pass ⟬ should match U+027EC +Pass ⇽ should match U+021FD +Pass ⟦ should match U+027E6 +Pass ⟵ should match U+027F5 +Pass ⟷ should match U+027F7 +Pass ⟼ should match U+027FC +Pass ⟶ should match U+027F6 +Pass ↫ should match U+021AB +Pass ↬ should match U+021AC +Pass ⦅ should match U+02985 +Pass 𝕝 should match U+1D55D +Pass ⨭ should match U+02A2D +Pass ⨴ should match U+02A34 +Pass ∗ should match U+02217 +Pass _ should match U+0005F +Pass ◊ should match U+025CA +Pass ◊ should match U+025CA +Pass ⧫ should match U+029EB +Pass ( should match U+00028 +Pass ⦓ should match U+02993 +Pass ⇆ should match U+021C6 +Pass ⌟ should match U+0231F +Pass ⇋ should match U+021CB +Pass ⥭ should match U+0296D +Pass ‎ should match U+0200E +Pass ⊿ should match U+022BF +Pass ‹ should match U+02039 +Pass 𝓁 should match U+1D4C1 +Pass ↰ should match U+021B0 +Pass ≲ should match U+02272 +Pass ⪍ should match U+02A8D +Pass ⪏ should match U+02A8F +Pass [ should match U+0005B +Pass ‘ should match U+02018 +Pass ‚ should match U+0201A +Pass ł should match U+00142 +Pass < should match U+0003C +Pass < should match U+0003C +Pass ⪦ should match U+02AA6 +Pass ⩹ should match U+02A79 +Pass ⋖ should match U+022D6 +Pass ⋋ should match U+022CB +Pass ⋉ should match U+022C9 +Pass ⥶ should match U+02976 +Pass ⩻ should match U+02A7B +Pass ⦖ should match U+02996 +Pass ◃ should match U+025C3 +Pass ⊴ should match U+022B4 +Pass ◂ should match U+025C2 +Pass ⥊ should match U+0294A +Pass ⥦ should match U+02966 +Pass ≨︀ should match U+02268 U+0FE00 +Pass ≨︀ should match U+02268 U+0FE00 +Pass ∺ should match U+0223A +Pass ¯ should match U+000AF +Pass ¯ should match U+000AF +Pass ♂ should match U+02642 +Pass ✠ should match U+02720 +Pass ✠ should match U+02720 +Pass ↦ should match U+021A6 +Pass ↦ should match U+021A6 +Pass ↧ should match U+021A7 +Pass ↤ should match U+021A4 +Pass ↥ should match U+021A5 +Pass ▮ should match U+025AE +Pass ⨩ should match U+02A29 +Pass м should match U+0043C +Pass — should match U+02014 +Pass ∡ should match U+02221 +Pass 𝔪 should match U+1D52A +Pass ℧ should match U+02127 +Pass µ should match U+000B5 +Pass µ should match U+000B5 +Pass ∣ should match U+02223 +Pass * should match U+0002A +Pass ⫰ should match U+02AF0 +Pass · should match U+000B7 +Pass · should match U+000B7 +Pass − should match U+02212 +Pass ⊟ should match U+0229F +Pass ∸ should match U+02238 +Pass ⨪ should match U+02A2A +Pass ⫛ should match U+02ADB +Pass … should match U+02026 +Pass ∓ should match U+02213 +Pass ⊧ should match U+022A7 +Pass 𝕞 should match U+1D55E +Pass ∓ should match U+02213 +Pass 𝓂 should match U+1D4C2 +Pass ∾ should match U+0223E +Pass μ should match U+003BC +Pass ⊸ should match U+022B8 +Pass ⊸ should match U+022B8 +Pass ⋙̸ should match U+022D9 U+00338 +Pass ≫⃒ should match U+0226B U+020D2 +Pass ≫̸ should match U+0226B U+00338 +Pass ⇍ should match U+021CD +Pass ⇎ should match U+021CE +Pass ⋘̸ should match U+022D8 U+00338 +Pass ≪⃒ should match U+0226A U+020D2 +Pass ≪̸ should match U+0226A U+00338 +Pass ⇏ should match U+021CF +Pass ⊯ should match U+022AF +Pass ⊮ should match U+022AE +Pass ∇ should match U+02207 +Pass ń should match U+00144 +Pass ∠⃒ should match U+02220 U+020D2 +Pass ≉ should match U+02249 +Pass ⩰̸ should match U+02A70 U+00338 +Pass ≋̸ should match U+0224B U+00338 +Pass ʼn should match U+00149 +Pass ≉ should match U+02249 +Pass ♮ should match U+0266E +Pass ♮ should match U+0266E +Pass ℕ should match U+02115 +Pass   should match U+000A0 +Pass   should match U+000A0 +Pass ≎̸ should match U+0224E U+00338 +Pass ≏̸ should match U+0224F U+00338 +Pass ⩃ should match U+02A43 +Pass ň should match U+00148 +Pass ņ should match U+00146 +Pass ≇ should match U+02247 +Pass ⩭̸ should match U+02A6D U+00338 +Pass ⩂ should match U+02A42 +Pass н should match U+0043D +Pass – should match U+02013 +Pass ≠ should match U+02260 +Pass ⇗ should match U+021D7 +Pass ⤤ should match U+02924 +Pass ↗ should match U+02197 +Pass ↗ should match U+02197 +Pass ≐̸ should match U+02250 U+00338 +Pass ≢ should match U+02262 +Pass ⤨ should match U+02928 +Pass ≂̸ should match U+02242 U+00338 +Pass ∄ should match U+02204 +Pass ∄ should match U+02204 +Pass 𝔫 should match U+1D52B +Pass ≧̸ should match U+02267 U+00338 +Pass ≱ should match U+02271 +Pass ≱ should match U+02271 +Pass ≧̸ should match U+02267 U+00338 +Pass ⩾̸ should match U+02A7E U+00338 +Pass ⩾̸ should match U+02A7E U+00338 +Pass ≵ should match U+02275 +Pass ≯ should match U+0226F +Pass ≯ should match U+0226F +Pass ⇎ should match U+021CE +Pass ↮ should match U+021AE +Pass ⫲ should match U+02AF2 +Pass ∋ should match U+0220B +Pass ⋼ should match U+022FC +Pass ⋺ should match U+022FA +Pass ∋ should match U+0220B +Pass њ should match U+0045A +Pass ⇍ should match U+021CD +Pass ≦̸ should match U+02266 U+00338 +Pass ↚ should match U+0219A +Pass ‥ should match U+02025 +Pass ≰ should match U+02270 +Pass ↚ should match U+0219A +Pass ↮ should match U+021AE +Pass ≰ should match U+02270 +Pass ≦̸ should match U+02266 U+00338 +Pass ⩽̸ should match U+02A7D U+00338 +Pass ⩽̸ should match U+02A7D U+00338 +Pass ≮ should match U+0226E +Pass ≴ should match U+02274 +Pass ≮ should match U+0226E +Pass ⋪ should match U+022EA +Pass ⋬ should match U+022EC +Pass ∤ should match U+02224 +Pass 𝕟 should match U+1D55F +Pass ¬ should match U+000AC +Pass ¬ should match U+000AC +Pass ∉ should match U+02209 +Pass ⋹̸ should match U+022F9 U+00338 +Pass ⋵̸ should match U+022F5 U+00338 +Pass ∉ should match U+02209 +Pass ⋷ should match U+022F7 +Pass ⋶ should match U+022F6 +Pass ∌ should match U+0220C +Pass ∌ should match U+0220C +Pass ⋾ should match U+022FE +Pass ⋽ should match U+022FD +Pass ∦ should match U+02226 +Pass ∦ should match U+02226 +Pass ⫽⃥ should match U+02AFD U+020E5 +Pass ∂̸ should match U+02202 U+00338 +Pass ⨔ should match U+02A14 +Pass ⊀ should match U+02280 +Pass ⋠ should match U+022E0 +Pass ⪯̸ should match U+02AAF U+00338 +Pass ⊀ should match U+02280 +Pass ⪯̸ should match U+02AAF U+00338 +Pass ⇏ should match U+021CF +Pass ↛ should match U+0219B +Pass ⤳̸ should match U+02933 U+00338 +Pass ↝̸ should match U+0219D U+00338 +Pass ↛ should match U+0219B +Pass ⋫ should match U+022EB +Pass ⋭ should match U+022ED +Pass ⊁ should match U+02281 +Pass ⋡ should match U+022E1 +Pass ⪰̸ should match U+02AB0 U+00338 +Pass 𝓃 should match U+1D4C3 +Pass ∤ should match U+02224 +Pass ∦ should match U+02226 +Pass ≁ should match U+02241 +Pass ≄ should match U+02244 +Pass ≄ should match U+02244 +Pass ∤ should match U+02224 +Pass ∦ should match U+02226 +Pass ⋢ should match U+022E2 +Pass ⋣ should match U+022E3 +Pass ⊄ should match U+02284 +Pass ⫅̸ should match U+02AC5 U+00338 +Pass ⊈ should match U+02288 +Pass ⊂⃒ should match U+02282 U+020D2 +Pass ⊈ should match U+02288 +Pass ⫅̸ should match U+02AC5 U+00338 +Pass ⊁ should match U+02281 +Pass ⪰̸ should match U+02AB0 U+00338 +Pass ⊅ should match U+02285 +Pass ⫆̸ should match U+02AC6 U+00338 +Pass ⊉ should match U+02289 +Pass ⊃⃒ should match U+02283 U+020D2 +Pass ⊉ should match U+02289 +Pass ⫆̸ should match U+02AC6 U+00338 +Pass ≹ should match U+02279 +Pass ñ should match U+000F1 +Pass ñ should match U+000F1 +Pass ≸ should match U+02278 +Pass ⋪ should match U+022EA +Pass ⋬ should match U+022EC +Pass ⋫ should match U+022EB +Pass ⋭ should match U+022ED +Pass ν should match U+003BD +Pass # should match U+00023 +Pass № should match U+02116 +Pass   should match U+02007 +Pass ⊭ should match U+022AD +Pass ⤄ should match U+02904 +Pass ≍⃒ should match U+0224D U+020D2 +Pass ⊬ should match U+022AC +Pass ≥⃒ should match U+02265 U+020D2 +Pass >⃒ should match U+0003E U+020D2 +Pass ⧞ should match U+029DE +Pass ⤂ should match U+02902 +Pass ≤⃒ should match U+02264 U+020D2 +Pass <⃒ should match U+0003C U+020D2 +Pass ⊴⃒ should match U+022B4 U+020D2 +Pass ⤃ should match U+02903 +Pass ⊵⃒ should match U+022B5 U+020D2 +Pass ∼⃒ should match U+0223C U+020D2 +Pass ⇖ should match U+021D6 +Pass ⤣ should match U+02923 +Pass ↖ should match U+02196 +Pass ↖ should match U+02196 +Pass ⤧ should match U+02927 +Pass Ⓢ should match U+024C8 +Pass ó should match U+000F3 +Pass ó should match U+000F3 +Pass ⊛ should match U+0229B +Pass ⊚ should match U+0229A +Pass ô should match U+000F4 +Pass ô should match U+000F4 +Pass о should match U+0043E +Pass ⊝ should match U+0229D +Pass ő should match U+00151 +Pass ⨸ should match U+02A38 +Pass ⊙ should match U+02299 +Pass ⦼ should match U+029BC +Pass œ should match U+00153 +Pass ⦿ should match U+029BF +Pass 𝔬 should match U+1D52C +Pass ˛ should match U+002DB +Pass ò should match U+000F2 +Pass ò should match U+000F2 +Pass ⧁ should match U+029C1 +Pass ⦵ should match U+029B5 +Pass Ω should match U+003A9 +Pass ∮ should match U+0222E +Pass ↺ should match U+021BA +Pass ⦾ should match U+029BE +Pass ⦻ should match U+029BB +Pass ‾ should match U+0203E +Pass ⧀ should match U+029C0 +Pass ō should match U+0014D +Pass ω should match U+003C9 +Pass ο should match U+003BF +Pass ⦶ should match U+029B6 +Pass ⊖ should match U+02296 +Pass 𝕠 should match U+1D560 +Pass ⦷ should match U+029B7 +Pass ⦹ should match U+029B9 +Pass ⊕ should match U+02295 +Pass ∨ should match U+02228 +Pass ↻ should match U+021BB +Pass ⩝ should match U+02A5D +Pass ℴ should match U+02134 +Pass ℴ should match U+02134 +Pass ª should match U+000AA +Pass ª should match U+000AA +Pass º should match U+000BA +Pass º should match U+000BA +Pass ⊶ should match U+022B6 +Pass ⩖ should match U+02A56 +Pass ⩗ should match U+02A57 +Pass ⩛ should match U+02A5B +Pass ℴ should match U+02134 +Pass ø should match U+000F8 +Pass ø should match U+000F8 +Pass ⊘ should match U+02298 +Pass õ should match U+000F5 +Pass õ should match U+000F5 +Pass ⊗ should match U+02297 +Pass ⨶ should match U+02A36 +Pass ö should match U+000F6 +Pass ö should match U+000F6 +Pass ⌽ should match U+0233D +Pass ∥ should match U+02225 +Pass ¶ should match U+000B6 +Pass ¶ should match U+000B6 +Pass ∥ should match U+02225 +Pass ⫳ should match U+02AF3 +Pass ⫽ should match U+02AFD +Pass ∂ should match U+02202 +Pass п should match U+0043F +Pass % should match U+00025 +Pass . should match U+0002E +Pass ‰ should match U+02030 +Pass ⊥ should match U+022A5 +Pass ‱ should match U+02031 +Pass 𝔭 should match U+1D52D +Pass φ should match U+003C6 +Pass ϕ should match U+003D5 +Pass ℳ should match U+02133 +Pass ☎ should match U+0260E +Pass π should match U+003C0 +Pass ⋔ should match U+022D4 +Pass ϖ should match U+003D6 +Pass ℏ should match U+0210F +Pass ℎ should match U+0210E +Pass ℏ should match U+0210F +Pass + should match U+0002B +Pass ⨣ should match U+02A23 +Pass ⊞ should match U+0229E +Pass ⨢ should match U+02A22 +Pass ∔ should match U+02214 +Pass ⨥ should match U+02A25 +Pass ⩲ should match U+02A72 +Pass ± should match U+000B1 +Pass ± should match U+000B1 +Pass ⨦ should match U+02A26 +Pass ⨧ should match U+02A27 +Pass ± should match U+000B1 +Pass ⨕ should match U+02A15 +Pass 𝕡 should match U+1D561 +Pass £ should match U+000A3 +Pass £ should match U+000A3 +Pass ≺ should match U+0227A +Pass ⪳ should match U+02AB3 +Pass ⪷ should match U+02AB7 +Pass ≼ should match U+0227C +Pass ⪯ should match U+02AAF +Pass ≺ should match U+0227A +Pass ⪷ should match U+02AB7 +Pass ≼ should match U+0227C +Pass ⪯ should match U+02AAF +Pass ⪹ should match U+02AB9 +Pass ⪵ should match U+02AB5 +Pass ⋨ should match U+022E8 +Pass ≾ should match U+0227E +Pass ′ should match U+02032 +Pass ℙ should match U+02119 +Pass ⪵ should match U+02AB5 +Pass ⪹ should match U+02AB9 +Pass ⋨ should match U+022E8 +Pass ∏ should match U+0220F +Pass ⌮ should match U+0232E +Pass ⌒ should match U+02312 +Pass ⌓ should match U+02313 +Pass ∝ should match U+0221D +Pass ∝ should match U+0221D +Pass ≾ should match U+0227E +Pass ⊰ should match U+022B0 +Pass 𝓅 should match U+1D4C5 +Pass ψ should match U+003C8 +Pass   should match U+02008 +Pass 𝔮 should match U+1D52E +Pass ⨌ should match U+02A0C +Pass 𝕢 should match U+1D562 +Pass ⁗ should match U+02057 +Pass 𝓆 should match U+1D4C6 +Pass ℍ should match U+0210D +Pass ⨖ should match U+02A16 +Pass ? should match U+0003F +Pass ≟ should match U+0225F +Pass " should match U+00022 +Pass " should match U+00022 +Pass ⇛ should match U+021DB +Pass ⇒ should match U+021D2 +Pass ⤜ should match U+0291C +Pass ⤏ should match U+0290F +Pass ⥤ should match U+02964 +Pass ∽̱ should match U+0223D U+00331 +Pass ŕ should match U+00155 +Pass √ should match U+0221A +Pass ⦳ should match U+029B3 +Pass ⟩ should match U+027E9 +Pass ⦒ should match U+02992 +Pass ⦥ should match U+029A5 +Pass ⟩ should match U+027E9 +Pass » should match U+000BB +Pass » should match U+000BB +Pass → should match U+02192 +Pass ⥵ should match U+02975 +Pass ⇥ should match U+021E5 +Pass ⤠ should match U+02920 +Pass ⤳ should match U+02933 +Pass ⤞ should match U+0291E +Pass ↪ should match U+021AA +Pass ↬ should match U+021AC +Pass ⥅ should match U+02945 +Pass ⥴ should match U+02974 +Pass ↣ should match U+021A3 +Pass ↝ should match U+0219D +Pass ⤚ should match U+0291A +Pass ∶ should match U+02236 +Pass ℚ should match U+0211A +Pass ⤍ should match U+0290D +Pass ❳ should match U+02773 +Pass } should match U+0007D +Pass ] should match U+0005D +Pass ⦌ should match U+0298C +Pass ⦎ should match U+0298E +Pass ⦐ should match U+02990 +Pass ř should match U+00159 +Pass ŗ should match U+00157 +Pass ⌉ should match U+02309 +Pass } should match U+0007D +Pass р should match U+00440 +Pass ⤷ should match U+02937 +Pass ⥩ should match U+02969 +Pass ” should match U+0201D +Pass ” should match U+0201D +Pass ↳ should match U+021B3 +Pass ℜ should match U+0211C +Pass ℛ should match U+0211B +Pass ℜ should match U+0211C +Pass ℝ should match U+0211D +Pass ▭ should match U+025AD +Pass ® should match U+000AE +Pass ® should match U+000AE +Pass ⥽ should match U+0297D +Pass ⌋ should match U+0230B +Pass 𝔯 should match U+1D52F +Pass ⇁ should match U+021C1 +Pass ⇀ should match U+021C0 +Pass ⥬ should match U+0296C +Pass ρ should match U+003C1 +Pass ϱ should match U+003F1 +Pass → should match U+02192 +Pass ↣ should match U+021A3 +Pass ⇁ should match U+021C1 +Pass ⇀ should match U+021C0 +Pass ⇄ should match U+021C4 +Pass ⇌ should match U+021CC +Pass ⇉ should match U+021C9 +Pass ↝ should match U+0219D +Pass ⋌ should match U+022CC +Pass ˚ should match U+002DA +Pass ≓ should match U+02253 +Pass ⇄ should match 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U+000AD +Pass σ should match U+003C3 +Pass ς should match U+003C2 +Pass ς should match U+003C2 +Pass ∼ should match U+0223C +Pass ⩪ should match U+02A6A +Pass ≃ should match U+02243 +Pass ≃ should match U+02243 +Pass ⪞ should match U+02A9E +Pass ⪠ should match U+02AA0 +Pass ⪝ should match U+02A9D +Pass ⪟ should match U+02A9F +Pass ≆ should match U+02246 +Pass ⨤ should match U+02A24 +Pass ⥲ should match U+02972 +Pass ← should match U+02190 +Pass ∖ should match U+02216 +Pass ⨳ should match U+02A33 +Pass ⧤ should match U+029E4 +Pass ∣ should match U+02223 +Pass ⌣ should match U+02323 +Pass ⪪ should match U+02AAA +Pass ⪬ should match U+02AAC +Pass ⪬︀ should match U+02AAC U+0FE00 +Pass ь should match U+0044C +Pass / should match U+0002F +Pass ⧄ should match U+029C4 +Pass ⌿ should match U+0233F +Pass 𝕤 should match U+1D564 +Pass ♠ should match U+02660 +Pass ♠ should match U+02660 +Pass ∥ should match U+02225 +Pass ⊓ should match U+02293 +Pass ⊓︀ should match U+02293 U+0FE00 +Pass ⊔ should match U+02294 +Pass ⊔︀ should match U+02294 U+0FE00 +Pass ⊏ should match U+0228F +Pass ⊑ should match U+02291 +Pass ⊏ should match U+0228F +Pass ⊑ should match U+02291 +Pass ⊐ should match U+02290 +Pass ⊒ should match U+02292 +Pass ⊐ should match U+02290 +Pass ⊒ should match U+02292 +Pass □ should match U+025A1 +Pass □ should match U+025A1 +Pass ▪ should match U+025AA +Pass ▪ should match U+025AA +Pass → should match U+02192 +Pass 𝓈 should match U+1D4C8 +Pass ∖ should match U+02216 +Pass ⌣ should match U+02323 +Pass ⋆ should match U+022C6 +Pass ☆ should match U+02606 +Pass ★ should match U+02605 +Pass ϵ should match U+003F5 +Pass ϕ should match U+003D5 +Pass ¯ should match U+000AF +Pass ⊂ should match U+02282 +Pass ⫅ should match U+02AC5 +Pass ⪽ should match U+02ABD +Pass ⊆ should match U+02286 +Pass ⫃ should match U+02AC3 +Pass ⫁ should match U+02AC1 +Pass ⫋ should match U+02ACB +Pass ⊊ should match U+0228A +Pass ⪿ should match U+02ABF +Pass ⥹ should match U+02979 +Pass ⊂ should match U+02282 +Pass ⊆ should match U+02286 +Pass ⫅ should match U+02AC5 +Pass ⊊ should match U+0228A +Pass ⫋ should match U+02ACB +Pass ⫇ should match U+02AC7 +Pass ⫕ should match U+02AD5 +Pass ⫓ should match U+02AD3 +Pass ≻ should match U+0227B +Pass ⪸ should match U+02AB8 +Pass ≽ should match U+0227D +Pass ⪰ should match U+02AB0 +Pass ⪺ should match U+02ABA +Pass ⪶ should match U+02AB6 +Pass ⋩ should match U+022E9 +Pass ≿ should match U+0227F +Pass ∑ should match U+02211 +Pass ♪ should match U+0266A +Pass ¹ should match U+000B9 +Pass ¹ should match U+000B9 +Pass ² should match U+000B2 +Pass ² should match U+000B2 +Pass ³ should match U+000B3 +Pass ³ should match U+000B3 +Pass ⊃ should match U+02283 +Pass ⫆ should match U+02AC6 +Pass ⪾ should match U+02ABE +Pass ⫘ should match U+02AD8 +Pass ⊇ should match U+02287 +Pass ⫄ should match U+02AC4 +Pass ⟉ should match U+027C9 +Pass ⫗ should match U+02AD7 +Pass ⥻ should match U+0297B +Pass ⫂ should match U+02AC2 +Pass ⫌ should match U+02ACC +Pass ⊋ should match U+0228B +Pass ⫀ should match U+02AC0 +Pass ⊃ should match U+02283 +Pass ⊇ should match U+02287 +Pass ⫆ should match U+02AC6 +Pass ⊋ should match U+0228B +Pass ⫌ should match U+02ACC +Pass ⫈ should match U+02AC8 +Pass ⫔ should match U+02AD4 +Pass ⫖ should match U+02AD6 +Pass ⇙ should match U+021D9 +Pass ⤦ should match U+02926 +Pass ↙ should match U+02199 +Pass ↙ should match U+02199 +Pass ⤪ should match U+0292A +Pass ß should match U+000DF +Pass ß should match U+000DF +Pass ⌖ should match U+02316 +Pass τ should match U+003C4 +Pass ⎴ should match U+023B4 +Pass ť should match U+00165 +Pass ţ should match U+00163 +Pass т should match U+00442 +Pass ⃛ should match U+020DB +Pass ⌕ should match U+02315 +Pass 𝔱 should match U+1D531 +Pass ∴ should match U+02234 +Pass ∴ should match U+02234 +Pass θ should match U+003B8 +Pass ϑ should match U+003D1 +Pass ϑ should match U+003D1 +Pass ≈ should match U+02248 +Pass ∼ should match U+0223C +Pass   should match U+02009 +Pass ≈ should match U+02248 +Pass ∼ should match U+0223C +Pass þ should match U+000FE +Pass þ should match U+000FE +Pass ˜ should match U+002DC +Pass × should match U+000D7 +Pass × should match U+000D7 +Pass ⊠ should match U+022A0 +Pass ⨱ should match U+02A31 +Pass ⨰ should match U+02A30 +Pass ∭ should match U+0222D +Pass ⤨ should match U+02928 +Pass ⊤ should match U+022A4 +Pass ⌶ should match U+02336 +Pass ⫱ should match U+02AF1 +Pass 𝕥 should match U+1D565 +Pass ⫚ should match U+02ADA +Pass ⤩ should match U+02929 +Pass ‴ should match U+02034 +Pass ™ should match U+02122 +Pass ▵ should match U+025B5 +Pass ▿ should match U+025BF +Pass ◃ should match U+025C3 +Pass ⊴ should match U+022B4 +Pass ≜ should match U+0225C +Pass ▹ should match U+025B9 +Pass ⊵ should match U+022B5 +Pass ◬ should match U+025EC +Pass ≜ should match U+0225C +Pass ⨺ should match U+02A3A +Pass ⨹ should match U+02A39 +Pass ⧍ should match U+029CD +Pass ⨻ should match U+02A3B +Pass ⏢ should match U+023E2 +Pass 𝓉 should match U+1D4C9 +Pass ц should match U+00446 +Pass ћ should match U+0045B +Pass ŧ should match U+00167 +Pass ≬ should match U+0226C +Pass ↞ should match U+0219E +Pass ↠ should match U+021A0 +Pass ⇑ should match U+021D1 +Pass ⥣ should match U+02963 +Pass ú should match U+000FA +Pass ú should match U+000FA +Pass ↑ should match U+02191 +Pass ў should match U+0045E +Pass ŭ should match U+0016D +Pass û should match U+000FB +Pass û should match U+000FB +Pass у should match U+00443 +Pass ⇅ should match U+021C5 +Pass ű should match U+00171 +Pass ⥮ should match U+0296E +Pass ⥾ should match U+0297E +Pass 𝔲 should match U+1D532 +Pass ù should match U+000F9 +Pass ù should match U+000F9 +Pass ↿ should match U+021BF +Pass ↾ should match U+021BE +Pass ▀ should match U+02580 +Pass ⌜ should match U+0231C +Pass ⌜ should match U+0231C +Pass ⌏ should match U+0230F +Pass ◸ should match U+025F8 +Pass ū should match U+0016B +Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 +Pass ¨ should match U+000A8 +Pass ų should match U+00173 +Pass 𝕦 should match U+1D566 +Pass ↑ should match U+02191 +Pass ↕ should match U+02195 +Pass ↿ should match U+021BF +Pass ↾ should match U+021BE +Pass ⊎ should match U+0228E +Pass υ should match U+003C5 +Pass ϒ should match U+003D2 +Pass υ should match U+003C5 +Pass ⇈ should match U+021C8 +Pass ⌝ should match U+0231D +Pass ⌝ should match U+0231D +Pass ⌎ should match U+0230E +Pass ů should match U+0016F +Pass ◹ should match U+025F9 +Pass 𝓊 should match U+1D4CA +Pass ⋰ should match U+022F0 +Pass ũ should match U+00169 +Pass ▵ should match U+025B5 +Pass ▴ should match U+025B4 +Pass ⇈ should match U+021C8 +Pass ü should match U+000FC +Pass ü should match U+000FC +Pass ⦧ should match U+029A7 +Pass ⇕ should match U+021D5 +Pass ⫨ should match U+02AE8 +Pass ⫩ should match U+02AE9 +Pass ⊨ should match U+022A8 +Pass ⦜ should match U+0299C +Pass ϵ should match U+003F5 +Pass ϰ should match U+003F0 +Pass ∅ should match U+02205 +Pass ϕ should match U+003D5 +Pass ϖ should match U+003D6 +Pass ∝ should match U+0221D +Pass ↕ should match U+02195 +Pass ϱ should match U+003F1 +Pass ς should match U+003C2 +Pass ⊊︀ should match U+0228A U+0FE00 +Pass ⫋︀ should match U+02ACB U+0FE00 +Pass ⊋︀ should match U+0228B U+0FE00 +Pass ⫌︀ should match U+02ACC U+0FE00 +Pass ϑ should match U+003D1 +Pass ⊲ should match U+022B2 +Pass ⊳ should match U+022B3 +Pass в should match U+00432 +Pass ⊢ should match U+022A2 +Pass ∨ should match U+02228 +Pass ⊻ should match U+022BB +Pass ≚ should match U+0225A +Pass ⋮ should match U+022EE +Pass | should match U+0007C +Pass | should match U+0007C +Pass 𝔳 should match U+1D533 +Pass ⊲ should match U+022B2 +Pass ⊂⃒ should match U+02282 U+020D2 +Pass ⊃⃒ should match U+02283 U+020D2 +Pass 𝕧 should match U+1D567 +Pass ∝ should match U+0221D +Pass ⊳ should match U+022B3 +Pass 𝓋 should match U+1D4CB +Pass ⫋︀ should match U+02ACB U+0FE00 +Pass ⊊︀ should match U+0228A U+0FE00 +Pass ⫌︀ should match U+02ACC U+0FE00 +Pass ⊋︀ should match U+0228B U+0FE00 +Pass ⦚ should match U+0299A +Pass ŵ should match U+00175 +Pass ⩟ should match U+02A5F +Pass ∧ should match U+02227 +Pass ≙ should match U+02259 +Pass ℘ should match U+02118 +Pass 𝔴 should match U+1D534 +Pass 𝕨 should match U+1D568 +Pass ℘ should match U+02118 +Pass ≀ should match U+02240 +Pass ≀ should match U+02240 +Pass 𝓌 should match U+1D4CC +Pass ⋂ should match U+022C2 +Pass ◯ should match U+025EF +Pass ⋃ should match U+022C3 +Pass ▽ should match U+025BD +Pass 𝔵 should match U+1D535 +Pass ⟺ should match U+027FA +Pass ⟷ should match U+027F7 +Pass ξ should match U+003BE +Pass ⟸ should match U+027F8 +Pass ⟵ should match U+027F5 +Pass ⟼ should match U+027FC +Pass ⋻ should match U+022FB +Pass ⨀ should match U+02A00 +Pass 𝕩 should match U+1D569 +Pass ⨁ should match U+02A01 +Pass ⨂ should match U+02A02 +Pass ⟹ should match U+027F9 +Pass ⟶ should match U+027F6 +Pass 𝓍 should match U+1D4CD +Pass ⨆ should match U+02A06 +Pass ⨄ should match U+02A04 +Pass △ should match U+025B3 +Pass ⋁ should match U+022C1 +Pass ⋀ should match U+022C0 +Pass ý should match U+000FD +Pass ý should match U+000FD +Pass я should match U+0044F +Pass ŷ should match U+00177 +Pass ы should match U+0044B +Pass ¥ should match U+000A5 +Pass ¥ should match U+000A5 +Pass 𝔶 should match U+1D536 +Pass ї should match U+00457 +Pass 𝕪 should match U+1D56A +Pass 𝓎 should match U+1D4CE +Pass ю should match U+0044E +Pass ÿ should match U+000FF +Pass ÿ should match U+000FF +Pass ź should match U+0017A +Pass ž should match U+0017E +Pass з should match U+00437 +Pass ż should match U+0017C +Pass ℨ should match U+02128 +Pass ζ should match U+003B6 +Pass 𝔷 should match U+1D537 +Pass ж should match U+00436 +Pass ⇝ should match U+021DD +Pass 𝕫 should match U+1D56B +Pass 𝓏 should match U+1D4CF +Pass ‍ should match U+0200D +Pass ‌ should match U+0200C \ No newline at end of file From 18b93fa1d6429b3e85ccbb39a31bb271da43166c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ryan Liptak Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 06:05:37 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] LibWeb: Fix numeric character reference at EOF leaking its last digit Previously, if the NumericCharacterReferenceEnd state was reached when current_input_character was None, then the DONT_CONSUME_NEXT_INPUT_CHARACTER macro would restore back before the EOF, and allow the next state (after the SWITCH_TO_RETURN_STATE) to proceed with the last digit of the numeric character reference. For example, with something like `ї`, before this commit the output would incorrectly be `1` instead of just ``. Instead of putting the `if (current_input_character.has_value())` check inside NumericCharacterReferenceEnd directly, it was instead added to DONT_CONSUME_NEXT_INPUT_CHARACTER, because all usages of the macro benefit from this check, even if the other existing usage sites don't exhibit any bugs without it: - In MarkupDeclarationOpen, if the current_input_character is EOF, then the previous character is always `!`, so restoring and then checking forward for strings like `--`, `DOCTYPE`, etc won't match and the BogusComment state will run one extra time (once for `!` and once for EOF) with no practical consequences. With the `has_value()` check, BogusComment will only run once with EOF. - In AfterDOCTYPEName, ConsumeNextResult::RanOutOfCharacters can only occur when stopping at the insertion point, and because of how the code is structured, it is guaranteed that current_input_character is either `P` or `S`, so the `has_value()` check is irrelevant. --- Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp | 7 ++++--- Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp | 9 +++++++++ .../wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests2.txt | 5 ++--- 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp b/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp index ab8ea5ffb21e..dfb2e800b3a4 100644 --- a/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp +++ b/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp @@ -94,9 +94,10 @@ namespace Web::HTML { } \ } while (0) -#define DONT_CONSUME_NEXT_INPUT_CHARACTER \ - do { \ - restore_to(m_prev_utf8_iterator); \ +#define DONT_CONSUME_NEXT_INPUT_CHARACTER \ + do { \ + if (current_input_character.has_value()) \ + restore_to(m_prev_utf8_iterator); \ } while (0) #define ON(code_point) \ diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp b/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp index a859af123eb4..3689ba40054b 100644 --- a/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp +++ b/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp @@ -199,6 +199,15 @@ TEST_CASE(character_reference_in_attribute) END_ENUMERATION(); } +TEST_CASE(numeric_character_reference) +{ + auto tokens = run_tokenizer("ї"sv); + BEGIN_ENUMERATION(tokens); + EXPECT_CHARACTER_TOKEN(1111); + EXPECT_END_OF_FILE_TOKEN(); + END_ENUMERATION(); +} + TEST_CASE(comment) { auto tokens = run_tokenizer("

"sv); diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests2.txt b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests2.txt index e4d23453164a..648f72607397 100644 --- a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests2.txt +++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests2.txt @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ Harness status: OK Found 63 tests -62 Pass -1 Fail +63 Pass Pass html5lib_tests2.html e070301fb578bd639ecbc7ec720fa60222d05826 Pass html5lib_tests2.html aaf24dabcb42470e447d241a40def0d136c12b93 Pass html5lib_tests2.html b6c1142484570bb90c36e454ee193cca17bb618a @@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ Pass html5lib_tests2.html 73b97cd984a62703ec54ec4a876ec32aa5fd3b8c Pass html5lib_tests2.html 2db9616ed62fc2a26056f3395459869cf556974d Pass html5lib_tests2.html b59aa1c714892618eaccd51696658887fcbd2045 Pass html5lib_tests2.html 98818e7fda2506603bd208662613edb40297c2d3 -Fail html5lib_tests2.html e0c43080cf61c0696031bdb097bea4f2a647cfc2 +Pass html5lib_tests2.html e0c43080cf61c0696031bdb097bea4f2a647cfc2 Pass html5lib_tests2.html f7753d80a422c40b5fa04d99e52d8ae83369757a Pass html5lib_tests2.html 7cbd584aef9508a90c98f80040078149a92ec869 Pass html5lib_tests2.html e0f7f130b1e3653dd06f10f3492e4f0bf4cd3cfa From 7630a2112060d3484627a9c05f9a9e2c84581bf0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ryan Liptak Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 06:17:13 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] LibWeb: Fix hex character references accepting all alphabetic ASCII Instead of just A-F/a-f, any char A-Z/a-z was being accepted as a valid hexadecimal digit. --- .../LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp | 11 +-- Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini | 1 - Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp | 10 +++ .../syntax/parsing/html5lib_entities01.txt | 80 +++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_entities01.txt diff --git a/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp b/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp index dfb2e800b3a4..ed83c417e43e 100644 --- a/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp +++ b/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp @@ -1822,16 +1822,11 @@ Optional HTMLTokenizer::next_token(StopAtInsertionPoint stop_at_inser m_character_reference_code += current_input_character.value() - 0x30; continue; } - ON_ASCII_UPPER_ALPHA - { - m_character_reference_code *= 16; - m_character_reference_code += current_input_character.value() - 0x37; - continue; - } - ON_ASCII_LOWER_ALPHA + ON_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT { m_character_reference_code *= 16; - m_character_reference_code += current_input_character.value() - 0x57; + auto hex_digit_min_ascii_value = is_ascii_upper_alpha(current_input_character.value()) ? 0x37 : 0x57; + m_character_reference_code += current_input_character.value() - hex_digit_min_ascii_value; continue; } ON(';') diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini b/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini index 0e366a69f58f..910a21e9d453 100644 --- a/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini +++ b/Tests/LibWeb/TestConfig.ini @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ Text/input/Worker/Worker-performance.html Text/input/Worker/Worker-postMessage-transfer.html ; Skipped due to assertion failures -Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_entities01.html Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_plain-text-unsafe.html Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_template.html Text/input/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_tests1.html diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp b/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp index 3689ba40054b..5c4ebff63002 100644 --- a/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp +++ b/Tests/LibWeb/TestHTMLTokenizer.cpp @@ -208,6 +208,16 @@ TEST_CASE(numeric_character_reference) END_ENUMERATION(); } +TEST_CASE(hex_character_reference) +{ + auto tokens = run_tokenizer("ꄫZ"sv); + BEGIN_ENUMERATION(tokens); + EXPECT_CHARACTER_TOKEN(0xA12B); + EXPECT_CHARACTER_TOKEN('Z'); + EXPECT_END_OF_FILE_TOKEN(); + END_ENUMERATION(); +} + TEST_CASE(comment) { auto tokens = run_tokenizer("

"sv); diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_entities01.txt b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_entities01.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3f54ecb867c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/html/syntax/parsing/html5lib_entities01.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +Harness status: OK + +Found 75 tests + +75 Pass +Pass html5lib_entities01.html 16c694bcf0b3ff3723fa070eea7e1e82ef12a337 +Pass html5lib_entities01.html 05e04b39ef06e2367a33326f5dd566913aa6628f +Pass html5lib_entities01.html fbf7d9fec595585869c5c595d5588b34fd175278 +Pass html5lib_entities01.html e59b0a76d7bcfb429b27e00e469f35e08a9bdd1a +Pass html5lib_entities01.html 5ea854d6ecd4d6dd459cb36d4faf3ed36e11c073 +Pass html5lib_entities01.html 119cd15b852615cd0fce759769b4a3788595e3bb +Pass html5lib_entities01.html 903cefcfae1125cb71fc77f4a6b7d3546e8f4020 +Pass html5lib_entities01.html 69f08b40c7506153e809415ca98e2ed98992216b +Pass 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