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Quick Start Guide

Corey Sotiropoulos edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 63 revisions

Main Supported Platforms

NOTE: While it's possible to achieve the steps in this guide using different tools and versions of the software we list, we cannot recommend enough following this guide to the letter and make sure you have everything working before you stray from the well-tested path.

Windows 10

To Install

  • Install Git for Windows.
    • The latest version is fine, accept defaults, change default text editor if desired.
  • Install Visual Studio.
    • 2019 or 2022 are fine, check Desktop development with C++ workload (under Desktop & Mobile).
  • Install MariaDB Server.
    • Use the latest in the 10.6.x family of releases, default settings are mostly OK - aside from:
      • Set a root password.
      • Use UTF8 as character set.
      • IT IS INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT that you check the Use UTF8 as server's character set checkbox on the Default instance properties page during installation. If you don't do this you may face very hard to diagnose crashes.
  • Install Python 3.
    • The latest version is fine, during installation check the add python.exe to PATH checkbox.
  • Open a PowerShell window and navigate to your chosen install directory.
  • To download the latest code, install Python requirements, and copy the configuration files:
git clone --recursive
py -3 -m pip install -r server/tools/requirements.txt
cp server/settings/default/* server/settings
  • Edit the file network.lua inside server\settings\ and change "root" to the password set during MariaDB setup
    • Make sure to leave the quotation marks surrounding the password!
  • Edit the file main.lua inside server\settings\ with your desired settings for your server.
    • Make sure to leave the quotation marks surrounding that has them around it!
  • Back in your PowerShell window, navigate to server\tools\ and build the database:
py -3
  • Follow the on-screen instructions:
Please enter the path to your MySQL bin directory or press enter to check PATH.
e.g. C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.6\bin\
Database xidb does not exist.
Would you like to create new database: xidb? [y/N]
  • You will eventually get to the main dbtool menu.
|  LandSandBoat Database Management Tool   |
|            Connected to xidb             |
|                  #e222b                  |
| 1. Update DB                             |
| 2. Check migrations                      |
| 3. Backup                                |
| 4. Restore/Import                        |
| r. Reset DB                              |
| t. Maintenance Tasks                     |
| s. Settings                              |
| q. Quit                                  |
  • You can exit out of dbtool now with q.
  • Open the server root folder in Visual Studio 2019/2022.
    • Open a local folder on the splash screen.
  • The build will start configuring itself for your system.
    • This stage is done when the CMake window at the bottom of the window says 1> CMake generation finished..
  • Ensure the dropdown near the top of the window says x64-Debug.
  • In the top toolbar, select Build > Build All.
    • This may take a little while!
  • You should eventually see Build All succeeded..
    • Congratulations, you've built the server! You can now go onto Next Steps.

To Update

  • Take down all of your server processes!
  • Open a PowerShell window and navigate to your server directory.
  • Stash any changes you've made and pull the latest code from upstream:
git stash
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive --progress
git stash pop

⚠️ Pay attention! If you stashed any changes, there is a chance you will see the following:

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in some file

⚠️ If this happens, you need to manually edit the conflicting files before continuing.

  • Navigate to server\tools\ and update the database:
py -3 update
  • Open the server root folder in VS2019/2022.
    • CMake may reconfigure, wait for it to complete like before.
  • In the top toolbar, select Build > Build All.
    • This may take a little while if you have a weaker machine.
  • You should eventually see Build All succeeded..
Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

To Install

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip g++-10 cmake make libluajit-5.1-dev libzmq3-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev mariadb-server libmariadb-dev binutils-dev
  • Download the latest code, install Python requirements, and copy the configuration files:
git clone --recursive
pip3 install -r server/tools/requirements.txt
cp server/settings/default/* server/settings
  • Run the following script to improve database security:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
  • Type the following to create a database user with the login xi and password password, and an empty database called xidb. NOTE: You SHOULD change ALL THREE OF THESE to improve security:
sudo mysql -u root -p -e "CREATE USER 'xi'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';CREATE DATABASE xidb;USE xidb;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON xidb.* TO 'xi'@'localhost';"
  • Edit the file network.lua inside server/settings/ and change the SQL_LOGIN, SQL_PASSWORD, and SQL_DATABASE to the login, password, and database you used in the above command (default xi, password, xidb).
    • Make sure to include the quotation marks!
  • Edit the file main.lua inside server/settings with your desired settings for your server.
    • Make sure to leave the quotation marks surrounding that has them around it!
  • In the server directory, prepare and build the executables:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(nproc)
  • Wait for the build to complete, then move to server/tools/ and build the database:
cd ../tools
  • Select 'Reset DB' and follow the instructions to "reset" the database.

  • Congratulations, you've built and set up the server! You can now go onto Next Steps.

To Update

  • Take down all of your server processes!
  • Open the server directory in a terminal.
  • Stash any changes you've made and pull the latest code from upstream:
git stash
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive --progress
git stash pop

⚠️ Pay attention! If you stashed any changes, there is a chance you will see the following:

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in some file

⚠️ If this happens, you need to manually edit the conflicting files before continuing.

  • Prepare and build the executables:
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(nproc)
  • Wait for the build to complete, then move to server/tools/ and update the database:
cd ../tools
python3 update

Experimental Platforms

NOTE: These platforms should work, but are not actively maintained or used by the development team. The development team (especially in the case of OSX) might not have the hardware or expertise to be able to help you debug problems on these platforms. Use at your own risk. Good luck!


To Install

  • Get dependencies from brew:
brew install git pkg-config autoconf make cmake gcc openssl mariadb zeromq zmqpp
  • The version of LuaJIT that you can get through brew is old. You can build and install LuaJIT for your system with:
git clone
cd LuaJIT
sudo make install MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=$(sw_vers -productVersion) -j $(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)
sudo ln -sf luajit-2.1.0-beta3 /usr/local/bin/luajit
  • Download and build the server binaries:
git clone --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)

From here, the instructions are the same as the Linux builds. Good luck!

NOTE: You may have problems with missing symbols from LuaJIT. This happens if the build system picks up LuaJIT's headers instead of our internal (and expected) ones. We discovered this in this discussion.

In your CMake configuration, you should see this:

-- LuaJIT_LIBRARY: /usr/local/lib/libluajit-5.1.dylib
-- LuaJIT_INCLUDE_DIR: /Users/runner/work/server/server/ext/lua/include

If the LuaJIT_INCLUDE_DIR is pointing somewhere other than <SERVER_ROOT>/server/server/ext/lua/include, you can change it during CMake configuration by using:

cmake .. -DLuaJIT_INCLUDE_DIR=<SERVER_ROOT>/server/ext/lua/include
Linux (through WSL)

All of the instructions for Linux should be valid for WSL. There are additional points covered in the Working with WSL article.

Linux (Arch)

Some users have had success building and running on Arch. We can't and won't support Arch as main platform. Good luck!

echo "Y" | pacman -Syu
echo "Y" | pacman -S sudo
sudo echo "Y" | pacman -S git python3 python-pip gcc cmake make luajit zeromq openssl zlib mariadb binutils
sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
sudo systemctl enable mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb
# CMake build as normal
Linux (Raspberry Pi)

Build instructions should be the same or similar as a regular Linux build. The build process may take a long time, but running the game doesn't take much computing power.


Raspberry Pis require at least a 2.5amp power supply to run at full power. If you are getting a little yellow lightning bolt in the top right of your display you have hit the limit of your current power supply. If this happens you may not be able to take full advantage of your CPU's power and may lose connectivity to Bluetooth or USB devices.

Should you hit either of these 2 limitations it will take considerably longer for the build process to finish, if it finishes at all!


Depending on your distro, the LuaJIT that comes through the package manager may not have required fixes for ARM platforms included with it. It's recommended you follow the steps in the OSX build guide to build and use the latest LuaJIT.


Each server process startup can be quite resource intensive for both CPU and RAM. Older Raspberry Pis don't have much RAM, so you may need to start up each of the server processes one-by-one to ensure that they start and run correctly.


The core team of LSB does not use Docker in their workflows, and as such can't properly maintain a Docker setup as a first-class citizen. There is an unofficial Docker guide here.

Next Steps

  • The most basic way to start your server is to launch the newly-built xi_* executables:
    • xi_connect.exe
    • xi_map.exe
    • xi_search.exe
    • xi_world.exe
  • Once running, it's a good idea to connect to your server as soon as possible and make sure everything is running as expected.
  • Once you've confirmed everything is working and you can connect to your server, you can start exploring the Post-Install Guide and Development Landing Page!
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