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448 lines (374 loc) · 10.7 KB

3D Pipeline:

  • 1 Model space
  • 2 World space
  • 3 Camera space
  • 3.5 Backface culling
  • 4 Frustum culling/clipping (GPU do it after the projection usually)
  • 5 Projection
  • 5.5 Perspective divide
  • 6 Image space (NDC)
  • 7 Screen Space


Personnal Notes

    |   z+      . (1, 0, 1)
    |  /   
    | /
____|/________ x+
  / |

Z axis growth + in the screen:

  • Left handed coordinate system
  • Clockwise winding order for triangle
  • A normal would be: N = (B - A) x (C - A)

Moving an element by moving the vertices

Rotation REM: SOH CAH TOA ;)

Rotation is the following
- We have:
    x = r cos(a) and y = r sin (a)
- We want
    x' = r cos(a+b) and y' = r sin(a+b)

- Then with the angle addition formula for cosine
x' = r cos(a + b)
x' = r (cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b))
x' = r cos(a) cos(b) - r sin(a) sin(b)
x' = x cos(b) - y sin(b)

So then the matrix will be:
[cos(a) -sin(a)] [x]
[sin(a)  cos(a)] [y]

And extending to the next dimention:

[cos(a) -sin(a)  0 ] [x]
[sin(a)  cos(a)  0 ] [y]
[ 0       0      1 ] [z]

3D Mesh Each triangle has 3 vertex (corners)

Let's check the code for a cube

#include "vector.h"

// those are points
vec3_t cube_vertices[8] = {
    { .x = -1, .y = -1, .z = -1},   // 1
    { .x = -1, .y =  1, .z = -1},   // 2
    { .x =  1, .y =  1, .z = -1},   // 3
    { .x =  1, .y = -1, .z = -1},   // 4
    { .x =  1, .y =  1, .z =  1},   // 5
    { .x =  1, .y = -1, .z =  1},   // 6
    { .x = -1, .y =  1, .z =  1},   // 7
    { .x = -1, .y = -1, .z =  1},   // 8

// for a face (triangle)
typedef struct {
    int a, b, c;
}  face_t;

// the collection of triangle for the cube
//   warning: the order matter because 
//   we want a front and a back face
//   here: we do a clock wise orientation
face_t cube_faces[12] = {
    // front
    { .a = 1, .b = 2, .c = 3},
    { .a = 1, .b = 3, .c = 4},
    // right
    { .a = 4, .b = 3, .c = 5},
    { .a = 4, .b = 5, .c = 6},
    // back
    { .a = 6, .b = 5, .c = 7},
    { .a = 6, .b = 7, .c = 8},
    // left
    { .a = 8, .b = 7, .c = 2},
    { .a = 8, .b = 5, .c = 1},
    // top
    { .a = 2, .b = 7, .c = 5},
    { .a = 2, .b = 5, .c = 3},
    // bottom
    { .a = 6, .b = 8, .c = 1},
    { .a = 6, .b = 1, .c = 4},

Lines Line drawing algorithms (Rasterize):

  • [Old solition] Naive algorithm
  • [Old solition] Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA graphics algorithm) — Similar to the naive line-drawing algorithm, with minor variations.
    • Warning: a bit slower because of the / operation
  • [Current solution] Bresenham's line algorithm - Optimized to use only additions (i.e. no division Multiplications); it also avoids floating-point computations.
  • The Gupta-Sproull algorithm - Based on Bresenham's line algorithm but adds antialiasing.

Triagles Filled triangle algorithms used: simple scanline algorithm, with a flat-bottom and flat-top triangle.

Triangle with color

Problem: The order of the face being render is important for the depth.

Old solition: Painters Algorithm, assumption: Z-value is the average of the 3 points.

Current solution: Z-buffering (or depth buffering)

Using matrix to represent 3D transformations

Homogeneous coordinates - 4x4 Matrix

[ m  m  m  m ] [ x ]
[ m  m  m  m ] [ y ]
[ m  m  m  m ] [ z ]
[ m  m  m  m ] [ w ]
  • m: extra component to enable matrix transformation, set to 1.
  • 4x4: because some transformation required extra information for them to work.

Scaling matrix

[ sx  0  0  0 ] [ x ]
[  0 sy  0  0 ] [ y ]
[  0  0 sz  0 ] [ z ]
[  0  0  0  1 ] [ w ]

Translation matrix

[ 1  0  0 tx ] [ x ]
[ 0  1  0 ty ] [ y ]
[ 0  0  1 tz ] [ z ]
[ 0  0  0  1 ] [ w ]

Rotation matrix

[ cos(a) -sin(a)  0  0 ] [ x ]
[ sin(a)  cos(a)  0  0 ] [ y ]
[  0       0      1  0 ] [ z ]
[  0       0      0  1 ] [ w ]

Projection matrix

  • Aspect ration: a = width / height
  • Field of view: f = 1 / tan(fov / 2)
[x]    [afx]
[y] -> [fy ] 
[z]    [ z ]
  • We have to normalize the z value
--------- z_far ----------
\                        /
 \ 	       ___      /
  \            |_|     /
   \                  /
    \                /
     \              /
      \            /
       \--z_near--/   <- Screen
        \        /
         \      /
	  \    /
lambda = (z_far / (z_far - z_near)) - (z_far * z_near / (z_far - z_near))
|--------- scaling ---------------|   |------- offset / translation ----|
[x]    [           afx            ]
[y] -> [           fy             ] 
[z]    [ lambda*z - lambda*z_near ]

So the final projection matrix

[ af   0    0          0        ]
[  0   f    0          0        ]
[  0   0 lambda  -lambda*z_near ]
[  0   0    1          0        ]


Flat shading

One of the simplest shading techniques, it calculates the color of each polygon, based on the color of the light source and the color of the polygon itself.

Other shading

  • Gouraud shading
  • Phong reflexion model


A texture is a bitmap image applied to a 3D model. It can be used to add details to the model that would be difficult to model with geometry.

We can load a png, and "paint" the triangle with the pixel value.

  • Each vertex has a coordinate (UV Coordinate) in the texture space, and we interpolate the pixel value between the 3 points.
  • Texture: UV coord are between 0 and 1

Representing Texture in memory: "Color information in sequence"

  • Will be a buffer in memory, uint32_t* texture

Finding the mapping: Barycentric coordinates

  • alpha, beta, gamma: the 3 weights of the 3 points of the triangle
  • P = alpha * A + beta * B + gamma * C
  • alpha + beta + gamma = 1
  • To find alpha, beta, gamma:
    • using 3 points, we extand to a parallelogram and find the area
    • alpah = area_triangle(PBC) / area_triangle(ABC)
    • alpah = area_parallelogram(PBCD) / area_parallelogram(ABCD)
    • alpah = ||PCxPV|| / ||ACxAB|| (lenght of the cross product)
  • Same for beta and gamma

Barycentric coord can also be use to create edge function to have "gradient" color on a triangle



  • Look-at camera model (Always look at a target)
  • FPS camera model

Look-at camera model

We need a look_at function that will create a matrix to rotate the camera to look at a point. → Will convert the vertices to the camera space

We need:

  • A eye position
  • A target position

The transformation consists of 2 steps:

  1. Translate the eye to the origin matrix
  2. Rotate the eye to look at the target (with reverse orientation)

M_view = M_look_at * M_translate_eye


Move the eye to the origin

[ 1  0  0 -eye_x ]
[ 0  1  0 -eye_y ]
[ 0  0  1 -eye_z ]
[ 0  0  0    1   ]


For roation, we must compute forward(z), right(x), and up(y) vectors

[ x_x y_x z_x 0 ] ^-1
[ x_y y_y z_y 0 ]
[ x_z y_z z_z 0 ]     = M_look_at
[  0   0   0  1 ]

But we need the inverse. Here we can transpose the matrix because it's an orthogonal matrix.

Final matrix

Developing, we can find the final matrix:

[ x_x x_y x_z -dot(x, eye) ]
[ y_x y_y y_z -dot(y, eye) ]
[ z_x z_y z_z -dot(z, eye) ]
[  0   0   0        1      ]

FPS camera model

We need:

  • position
  • direction
  • forward velocity
  • yaw and pitch (rotation)


We need to clip the triangle that is outside the screen.

Clipping against the screen

  • Modern way to do it


We need to clip against six planes:

  • Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Near, Far The resulting polygon that is produced is a convex polygon. We can clip it against the other planes. Otherwise, we need to accumulate the clipped polygon


To find the plane (right as the example):

** Near/Far plane **

P = {0, 0, z_near}
P = {0, 0, z_far}

** Side plane **

We have the point P (the camera at {0, 0, 0}) and the normal N from the fov/2 angle.

# Right plane:
P = {0, 0, 0}
n.x = -cos(fov/2)
n.y = 0
n.z = sin(fov/2)

Same for the other planes.


Two side of a plane (P), on, inside or outside:

  • A point (Q) can be inside the plane. (Q - P) . N > 0
  • A point (Q) can be outside the plane. (Q - P) . N < 0
  • A point (Q) can be on the plane. (Q - P) . N = 0

Intersecting a plane

Goal: determine if a line intersects a plane. From: Kenneth I. Joy | On-Line Computer Graphics Notes | Clipping

 Q_1       N
  \        ^
   \       |
----I------P-----   <- Place

I = Q_1 + t(Q_2 - Q_1)
- t is the factor to find the intersection point [0, 1]

To find the intersection point, we can do:

      I = Q_1 + t(Q_2 - Q_1)
  (I-P) = (Q_1-P) + t((Q_2-P) - (Q_1-P))
n.(I-P) = n.(Q_1-P) + t(n.(Q_2-P) - n.(Q_1-P))
-------   ---------     ---------   ---------
   0       Dot_Q_1       Dot_Q_2     Dot_Q_1

   0    =  Dot_Q_1 +  t( Dot_Q_2 - Dot_Q_1 )
   t    = -Dot_Q_1 / (Dot_Q_2 - Dot_Q_1)
   t    =  Dot_Q_1 / (Dot_Q_1 - Dot_Q_2)

Once we have the intersection point, we can clip the triangle, But we end up with a polygon :( We need to triangulate it!

But before, algo to clip a polygon against a plane:

        __--       --__
    ^  Q_2            Q_4
    |   \            /
          \        /

| Inside | Outside |
|   I_1  |   Q_1   |
|        |   I_2   |
|   Q_2  |         |
|   Q_3  |         |
|   Q_4  |         |
|   I_2  |         |
|        |   I_2   |
|        |   Q_5   |  

We end up with two list, one for points for inside and one for outside.

  • In this case, the resulting polygone is the inside one: {I_1, Q_2, Q_3, Q_4, I_2}

Converting Polygons into triangles


  • Vertices to non-adjectent vertices
  • Point in the middle of the polygon
  • All from the same point:
    / \    /
   /   \  /


for (int i=0; i < (num_vertices-2); i++)
    add_triangle(Q_0, Q_i+1, Q_i+2)

Parallel acceleration

Step one: Efficient parallel rasterization

  • See kristoffer dyrkorn's blog: here
   | \
   |  \
   |   \
   | .  \
   |  P  \
   V_2     V_1

   Check if P is to the "right" or the "left" the edges
   - Using cross product to find the magnitude of the z component (coming out of the screen)
   - `cross2d = ax * by - bx * ay`
   - if the arrow point "inside" the triangle, the sign is +

The problem of rendering the overlap occur with this algo too

  • Convention (Rasterization Rules): Top-Left rule - A pixel center is defined to lie inside of a triangle if it lies on a flat top edge or a left edge of a triangle