"Little Esty Shop" is a group project that requires students to build a fictitious e-commerce platform where merchants and admins can manage inventory and fulfill customer invoices
Timeframe: 9 days
Heroku: Little Rails Shop
- Lawrence Whalen
Github | LinkedIn - Aliya Merali
Github | LinkedIn - Molly Krumholz
Github | LinkedIn - Sidarth Bagawandoss
Github | LinkedIn
- Practice designing a normalized database schema and defining model relationships
- Utilize advanced routing techniques including namespacing to organize and group like functionality together
- Utilize advanced active record techniques to perform complex database queries
- Practice consuming a public API while utilizing POROs as a way to apply OOP principles to organize code
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Rails 5.2.6
- ActiveRecord
- RSpec
- Capybara
- Factory Bot
- GitHub API
- Fork and clone the repo
- Install any missing gems from gem file
- Install gem packages with
bundle install
- Run
$ rails db:{create,migrate}
- Run
$ rake csv_load:all
- From your terminal run
$ rails s
and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to navigate the app
- RSpec and Capybara were used for unit and integration testing and project development adhered to TDD principles.
- Simplecov was used to track total test coverage.
- To run our test suite, RSpec, enter
$ bundle exec rspec
in the terminal. - To see a coverage report enter
$ open coverage/index.html
- Base Repository used for Turing's Backend Module 3.
- Github Documentation used for Github documentation.