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eigensdk services are high level APIs that provide backend like functionality for avs nodes and aggregators processes. We provide the following suite of services as soon as possible:

  • operator pubkeys service
    • this service simply indexes the NewPubkeyRegistration events and provides a single endpoint to query for the registered G1 and G2 pubkeys of a given operator address.
    • this service is needed for aggregators to get the pubkey of their registered operators so as to verify their signatures
  • Registry service
    • this service will index the events on the avs registry contracts and provide endpoints to query for the registered avs nodes, their stake at past blocks, operator id, etc.
    • this service is needed to be able to check that an eigenlayer operator was registered at a specific block and that the stake threshold had been met for an aggregate bls signature
  • Signature aggregation service
    • this service will provide endpoints to aggregate operator signatures for various avs tasks
    • this service will aggregate signatures in the background and return an aggregated bls signature once it reached a threshold (this will require using the registry service to get operator stakes)