diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/0/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/0/lang.ini index 6182d13..bf7ce45 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/0/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/0/lang.ini @@ -1,176 +1,144 @@ -#strings for loader +#ローダーの文字列 [LOADER] -LOADER_FATAL=致命的! -FATAL_JB=致命的 コードで脱獄に失敗しました。 -FATAL_REJAIL=致命的 rejail_multi はコードで失敗しました。 -EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED=外付けHDDにインストールされているため、外付けHDDからアンインストールし、PS4sのHDDにのみインストールしてください。 -PING_FAILED=CDNへの接続に失敗しました。 -SWU_ERROR=[SWU エラー] このアップデートを使用するには、セキュアブートをオフにする必要があります。 -RSA_LOAD=RSA Sigの確認中... -RSA_FAILED=RSAチェックはエラーコードで失敗しました。 -SECURE_FAIL=セキュアブートは有効ですが、CDNからSigファイルをダウンロードすることができませんでした。 -REINSTALL_PKG=アップデートに失敗しました。パッケージの再インストールをお願いします。 +LOADER_FATAL=致命的です! +FATAL_JB=コードにより致命的な脱獄に失敗しました +FATAL_REJAIL=FATAL rejail_multi がコードで失敗しました +EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED=ストアはサポートされていない外付け HDD にインストールされています。外付け HDD からアンインストールし、PS4 の HDD のみにインストールしてください。 +PING_FAILED=CDN への接続に失敗しました +SWU_ERROR=[SWU エラー] このアップデートを使用するにはアップデートが取り消されました。セキュア ブートをオフにしてください +RSA_LOAD=RSA 署名をチェック中... +RSA_FAILED=RSA チェックがエラー コードで失敗しました +SECURE_FAIL=セキュア ブートは有効ですが、CDN から Sig ファイルをダウンロードできませんでした +REINSTALL_PKG=アップデートが失敗しました。 最新の HB-Store を再インストールしてください LOADER_ERROR=ストアローダーでエラーが発生しました -MORE_INFO=詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。/user/app/NPXS39041/logs/loader.log これでアプリは終了です。 -DOWNLOADING_UPDATE=アップデートファイルのダウンロード... -INI_FAIL=INIファイルの作成に失敗しました。 -UPDATE_REQ=更新が必要です +MORE_INFO=詳細については、/user/app/NPXS39041/logs/loader.log を確認してください。アプリは終了します。 +DOWNLOADING_UPDATE=更新ファイルをダウンロード中... +INI_FAIL=INI ファイルを作成できませんでした +UPDATE_REQ=更新が必要です。「OK」を押してアプリを更新してください UPDATE_APPLIED=アップデートが適用されました -OPT_UPDATE=アップデートが可能です、今すぐアップデートしますか? +OPT_UPDATE=アップデートが利用可能です。 今すぐ更新しますか? STR_NOT_FOUND=文字列が見つかりません #strings STORE [STORE] - -BETA_REVOKED=BETAが終了したか、または取り消されたため、CDNを変更してください。 -BETA_LOGGED_IN=ベータ版ユーザーとしてログインしています。 -INERNET_REQ=インターネットが必要です -SORT_OPTS=アプリの並び替え +BETA_REVOKED=ベータ版は終了したか、取り消されました。CDN を変更してください。 +BETA_LOGGED_IN=ベータ版ユーザーとしてログインしています +INERNET_REQ=インターネット接続が必要です +SORT_OPTS=アプリを並べ替える STR_NOT_FOUND=文字列が見つかりません -ITEMZ_SETTINGS=Itemzflowの設定 -RESORT=リゾートゲーム/アプリ -MISSING_EBOOT=[内部] eboot.bin が /data/app/ または /hostapp/app/ に存在しません。 -MISSING_SFO=[内部] param.sfo が /data/app/sce_sys または /hostapp/app/sce_sys から欠落しています。 -CORRUPT_SFO=param.sfoが破損している -ON=オン -OFF=オフ -TRUE=有効 -FALSE=無効 -#THESE NEED , -DL_ERROR=ダウンロードエラー: -DL_COMPLETE=ダウンロード完了 -DL_CANCELLED=ダウンロード キャンセル -DOWNLOADING=ダウンロード中 +オン=オン +オフ=オフ +TRUE=真 +FALSE=偽 +DL_ERROR=ダウンロード エラー: +DL_COMPLETE=ダウンロードが完了しました +DL_CANCELLED=ダウンロードがキャンセルされました +ダウンロード中=ダウンロード中 PAGE=ページ -STORAGE=記憶装置 -STORE_VER=ストア版: -SYS_VER=システム版: -HB_GAME=HBゲーム -EMU=エミュレーター -EMU_ADDON=エミュレーターアドオン +STORAGE=ストレージ +STORE_VER=ストアのバージョン +SYS_VER=システムバージョン +HB_GAME=HB ゲーム +EMU=エミュレータ +EMU_ADDON=エミュレータ アドオン MEDIA=メディア -PLUGINS=Miraプラグイン +PLUGINS=Mira プラグイン UTLIITY=ユーティリティ OTHER=その他 DL=ダウンロード INSTALL=インストール -MORE=もっと見ますか? INSTALLING=インストール中 SAPPS=ストアアプリ IAPPS=インストールされているアプリ STRG=ストアグループ -RINSTALL=すぐにインストール可能 +RISTALL=インストールの準備ができました QUEUE=キュー -UPDATES=アップデータ +UPDATES=アップデート SETTINGS=設定 SEARCH=検索する -SORT_BY=並び替え -FILTER_BY=フィルタリング -ID=Id +SORT_BY=並べ替え基準 +FILTER_BY=フィルタ条件 +ID=ID NAME=名前 -PACKAGE=パッケージ +パッケージ=パッケージ VER=バージョン -RSTARS=レビューの星 -SIZE=容量 -AUTHOR=著者名 -TYPE=種類 -PV=遊べるバージョン +RSTARS=レビュースター +SIZE=サイズ +著者=著者 +TYPE=タイプ +PV=プレイアブルバージョン DISC=ディスク RDATE=発売日 NUMB_OF_DL=ダウンロード数 -INSTALL_FAILED=インストールに失敗しました。 -INSTALL_ONGOING=外出先でストアインストール -TIP1=キューに入れたダウンロードはバックグラウンドでダウンロードされますのでご安心ください。 +INSTALL_FAILED=コードでインストールが失敗しました +INSTALL_ONGOING=ストアのインストールが進行中です +ヒント 1=キューに入れられたダウンロードはバックグラウンドでまだダウンロード中ですので、心配しないでください。 INSTALL_OF=インストール -COMPLETE=が完了しました! -FAILED_W_CODE=がコードで失敗しました。 +COMPLETE=完了しました! +FAILED_W_CODE=コードで失敗しました FATAL_ERROR=致命的なエラー -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=OK'を押した後、プログラムを終了してください。 +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=「OK」を押した後、プログラムを閉じてください。 WARNING=警告 -FAILED_TTF=TTFの読み込みに失敗しました -SWITCH_TO_EM=エンベデッドへの切り替え -INI_ERROR=INIファイルが見つかりません/開けません -FAILED_DAEMON=Itemzflowのinit_daemon_servicesが失敗したため、USBが挿入されている場合、いくつかのものが動作しない可能性があります。 -DAEMON_OFF=Itemzflow Daemonの自動起動がオフになっているため、一部動作しない場合があります。 -DL_CACHE=ウェブサイトファイルのダウンロードとキャッシュ中... -PIG_FAIL=ピグレット(リテール)で読み込みに失敗 -NO_USB=USBが検出されないため、終了します... -DUMP=ゲーム起動後OKボタンを押すと数秒後にストアに戻りゲームのダンプが始まります。 ダンプが完了するまでゲームやストアを閉じなでくださ。 -UNINSTALL_UPDATE=ゲームアップデート アンインストール成功 -UNINSTAL_UPDATE_FAILED=ゲームアップデートのアンインストールに失敗: -UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=ゲーム アンインストールに成功し、インストールされたアプリのリストが再読み込みされます。 -UNINSTALL_FAILED=ゲームのアンインストールに失敗: -COMING_SOON=近日公開予定 -RELOAD_IAPPS=インストールされているアプリのリストが再読み込みされます。 -APP_REQ=このゲームランチャーの動作環境は最低限必要です。4つのアプリをそれを使用するためにインストールする必要があります。: -MORE_APPS=その他のアプリ -DOWNLOADING_COVERS=サーバーからカバーをダウンロードする -DL_FAILED_W=ダウンロードに失敗しました: -NOT_ON_APP=HBストアはPS4ダウンロードには対応しておらず、ウェブサイトのみのダウンロードとなります -NEW_INI=新しいINIを作成しているため、アプリがこのINIを使用することはありませんし、アプリが使用しているINIに保存されることもありません。! -STR_TOO_LONG=文字列が長すぎるか、または無効です。 -INVAL_PATH=無効なパスです! 有効なパスを入力してください。 -PKG_SUF=Pkg Suffixと/dataパスはTEMPパスに含めない 注意:.pkgをTEMPパスに含めない -INVAL_CDN=無効なCDN http://CDN/ の形式であることを確認してください。HttpsのURLは使用できません。 -INVAL_TTF=無効な .ttf パス ファイル拡張子が .ttf であることを確認してください。 -CACHE_CLEARED=すべてのキャッシュ画像の削除/クリアに成功しました。 -CLEARING_CACHE=キャッシュコンテンツの消去 -CACHE_FAILED=キャッシュのクリアに失敗しました -ITEMZ_FEATURE_DISABLED=この機能が無効になっている場合、その理由。ItemzFlow デーモンは接続されていません。 -SAVE_ERROR=保存エラー、変更が保存されていません -SAVE_SUCCESS=変更内容が正常に保存されました -DL_FAILED2=ダウンロードに失敗しました -SERVER_DIS=サーバーが切断されました アプリを再起動し、接続を確認してください。 -FAILED_TO_PARSE=JSONのパースに失敗しました: -OBJ_EXPECTED=期待されるオブジェクト -CANT_OPEN=開くことができません -APP_DIED=アプリが終了しました -PKG_TEAM=この現象が続く場合 PKG-Zoneチームに連絡してください。 -FATAL_DUMP_ERROR=ゲームダンプが失敗しました。アプリが再読み込みされます。 -DUMP_OF=ダンプ -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=は、エラーなしで完了しました: -DUMP_FAILED=問題なく完了しましたすべてのファイルがダンプされたわけではありませんexploit hosterがMMAPパッチを有効にしてることを確認してくださ。 -EXCEED_LIMITS=ページ数 店舗数制限を超える! -ZERO_ITEMS=CDNサーバーが提供するアイテム/ページが0またはマイナスである場合、ストアの動作には少なくとも1アイテム/ページが必要です。 -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT)がNULLの結果文字列を返しました。 -DL_ERROR_PAGE=ダウンロードできないページ: +FAILED_TTF=TTF のロードに失敗しました +SWITCH_TO_EM=埋め込み型に切り替える +INI_ERROR=INI ファイルが見つからないか、開けませんでした +DL_CACHE=Web サイト ファイルのダウンロードとキャッシュ中... +PIG_FAIL=Piglet (小売) をロードできませんでした +NO_USB=USB が検出されませんでした。終了しています... +DL_FAILED_W=ステータスコードでダウンロードに失敗しました: +NOT_ON_APP=HB ストアは PS4 のダウンロードには利用できません。ウェブサイトのみでダウンロードできます +NEW_INI=新しい INI を作成しています。 アプリはこの INI を使用せず、アプリが使用している INI に保存されません。 +STR_TOO_LONG=文字列が長すぎるか、無効です。 有効なエントリを入力してください +INVAL_PATH=パスが無効です! 有効なパスを入力してください +PKG_SUF=Pkg サフィックスと /data パスは TEMP PATH では許可されません。 注: 一時パスに .pkg を含めないでください。 +INVAL_CDN=CDN への接続に失敗しました。https://CDN/ の形式であることを確認してください。 +INVAL_TTF=無効な .ttf パス。 ファイル拡張子が .ttf であることを確認してください。 +CACHE_CLEARED=キャッシュされたイメージがすべて正常に削除/クリアされました +CLEARING_CACHE=キャッシュされたコンテンツをクリアしています +CACHE_FAILED=キャッシュされたコンテンツのクリアに失敗しました +SAVE_ERROR=保存エラー。変更は保存されませんでした +SAVE_SUCCESS=変更は正常に保存されました +DL_FAILED2=コードが原因でダウンロードに失敗しました +SERVER_DIS=サーバーが切断されました! アプリを再起動して接続を確認してください。 +FAILED_TO_PARSE=JSON の解析に失敗しました: +OBJ_EXPECTED=オブジェクトが必要です +CANT_OPEN=開けません +APP_DIED=アプリは終了コードで終了しました +PKG_TEAM=これが続く場合は、PKG-Zone チームに連絡してください +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=エラーなしで完了しました! +DUMP_FAILED=問題はありましたが完了しました。 すべてのファイルがダンプされたわけではありません。 エクスプロイトホスターで MMAP パッチが有効になっていることを確認してください +EXCEED_LIMITS=ページ数がストアの制限を超えています。 +ZERO_ITEMS=CDN サーバーは 0 個または除外アイテム/ページを提供しました。 ストアが機能するには少なくとも 1 つのアイテム/ページが必要です +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) は NULL の結果文字列を返しました +DL_ERROR_PAGE=ページをダウンロードできませんでした: ERROR_DL_ASSETS=アセットをダウンロードできませんでした: -APP_NOT_FOUND=アプリが見つかりません -APP_OPENED=アプリはすでに起動しています -APP_UNL=アプリが起動できません -ID_NOT_VAILD=TITLE_ID が有効ではありません -LAUNCH_ERROR=アプリの起動に失敗し、エラーコードが表示されました -RELOAD_LIST=インストール済みアプリ一覧の再読み込み ... SEARCHING=検索中.... -WAITING_FOR_DAEMON=Daemonのウェルカムレスポンス待ち(最大1分) -TRYING_TO_DL=カバーをダウンロードしようとしています -DL_COVERS=サーバーからカバーをダウンロードする -STARTING_DUMPER=ダンパーの起動... -LG=ゲームの起動 -DG=ゲームのダンプ -UU=アップデートのアンインストール -UG=ゲームのアンインストール -TRAINERS=トレーナー -SETTINGS_1=コンテンツデリバリーネットワーク -SETTINGS_2=テンポラリー・パス -SETTINGS_3=ホームメニューに設定(XMB) -SETTINGS_4=INIパス -SETTINGS_5=カスタムFreeTypeフォント パス -SETTINGS_6=USBにダウンロードを保存 -SETTINGS_7=キャッシュされた画像を消去する -SETTINGS_8=インストールの進捗を表示する -SETTINGS_9=CF bgシェーダーを有効にする -SETTINGS_10=設定の保存 -#string Dumper -[DUMPER] -DUMP_INFO=ダンプ情報 -APP_NAME=アプリ名: -TITLE_ID=タイトルID: -DUMPER_SC0=sc0(sce_sys)の内容をダンプする ... -DUMPING_TROPHIES=トロフィーの投棄 ... -CREATING_GP4=GP4の作成 ... -DEC_BIN=binファイルの複合化 -DEL_SEM=セマフォの削除 ... -EXT_PATCH=ゲームパッチファイルの展開 -EXT_GAME_FILES=ベースとなるゲームファイルを展開する -PROCESSING=加工方法 \ No newline at end of file +SETTINGS_1=コンテンツ配信ネットワーク +SETTINGS_2=一時パス +SETTINGS_4=INI パス +SETTINGS_7=キャッシュされた画像をクリア +SETTINGS_10=設定を保存 +#更新された文字列 +SETTINGS_5=起動時にキャッシュされたアイコンをプリロードする +SETTINGS_3=ストア データベースを更新 +SETTINGS_9=ストア設定をリセット +SETTINGS_6=自動的にインストール +SETTINGS_8=従来のインストールの進行状況 +#新しい文字列 +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=この設定を有効にするには、従来のインストールの進行状況を無効にする必要があります +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=この設定を有効にするには自動インストールを無効にする必要があります +CANCEL=キャンセル +DL_AND_IN=ダウンロードしてインストールする +PAUSE_2=一時停止 +RESUME_2=再開 +INSTALL_2=インストール +APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=アップデートが利用可能です +UPDATE_NOW=今すぐアップデート +REINSTALL_APP=最新のものを再インストール +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=アップデートをチェックしています... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=キャッシュされたアプリアイコンをプリロードしています... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=起動時にキャッシュされたアイコンをプリロードする +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=更新はバックグラウンドでまだチェック中です +SHOW_PROG=進行状況を表示 +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=バックグラウンドで待機 +INSTALL_COMPLETE=インストールが完了しました! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/1/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/1/lang.ini index 5b23188..c3830fb 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/1/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/1/lang.ini @@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ SEARCHING=Searching.... SETTINGS_1=Content Delivery Network SETTINGS_2=Temporary Path SETTINGS_4=INI Path -SETTINGS_5=Custom FreeType font Path SETTINGS_7=Clear cached images SETTINGS_10=Save Settings #UPDATED STRINGS +SETTINGS_5=Pre-load Cached Icons On Startup SETTINGS_3=Refresh Store Database SETTINGS_9=Reset Store Settings SETTINGS_6=Automatically Install @@ -134,4 +134,11 @@ RESUME_2=Resume INSTALL_2=Install APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Update Available UPDATE_NOW=Update Now -REINSTALL_APP=Reinstall Latest \ No newline at end of file +REINSTALL_APP=Reinstall Latest +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Checking for updates... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=pre-loading cached App icons... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Pre-load Cached Icons On Startup +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Updates are still being checked in the background +SHOW_PROG=Show Progress +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Stay in Background +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Installation Complete! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/12/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/12/lang.ini index d63f1c5..1d60fd5 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/12/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/12/lang.ini @@ -21,199 +21,124 @@ STR_NOT_FOUND=Kirjainta ei löydetty #strings STORE [STORE] - -BETA_REVOKED=BETA on päättynyt tai peruutettu. Ole hyvä ja vaihda sinun CDN -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Sinut on kirjattu sisään BETA Käyttäjänä -INERNET_REQ=Internet yhteys vaaditaan -SORT_OPTS=Järjestele sovelluksia -STR_NOT_FOUND=Kirjainta ei löydetty -ITEMZ_SETTINGS=Itemzflow Asetukset -RESORT=Uudelleenjärjestele Pelit/Sovellukset -MISSING_EBOOT=[Sisäinen] eboot.bin puuttuu kohteesta: /data/app/ tai /hostapp/app/ -MISSING_SFO=[sisäinen] param.sfo puuttuu kohteesta: /data/app/sce_sys tai /hostapp/app/sce_sys -CORRUPT_SFO=param.sfo on vioittunut -ON=Päälle -OFF=Pois päältä -TRUE=Tosi +BETA_REVOKED=BETA on päättynyt tai se on peruutettu, vaihda CDN +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Olet kirjautunut sisään beta-käyttäjänä +INERNET_REQ=Internet-yhteys vaaditaan +SORT_OPTS=Lajittele sovellukset +STR_NOT_FOUND=Merkkijonoa ei löydy +PÄÄLLÄ=PÄÄLLÄ +OFF=OFF +TRUE = Totta FALSE=Epätosi -#THESE NEED , -DL_ERROR=Latauksessa virhe: -DL_COMPLETE=Lataus suoritettu +DL_ERROR=Latausvirhe: +DL_COMPLETE=Lataus valmis DL_CANCELLED=Lataus peruutettu DOWNLOADING=Ladataan PAGE=Sivu -STORAGE=Muisti -STORE_VER=Kaupan versio: -SYS_VER=Järjestelmäversio: -HB_GAME=HB Peli +STORAGE=Tallennus +STORE_VER=Kauppaversio +SYS_VER=Järjestelmän versio +HB_GAME=HB-peli EMU=Emulaattori -EMU_ADDON=Emulaattorin Lisäosa +EMU_ADDON=Emulaattorilisäosa MEDIA=Media -PLUGINS=Mira Laajennukset +PLUGINS=Mira-laajennukset UTLIITY=Apuohjelma OTHER=Muu -DL=Lataa +DL = Lataa INSTALL=Asenna -MORE=Mitä muuta? INSTALLING=Asennetaan -SAPPS=Kaupan sovellukset +SAPPS=Säilytä sovelluksia IAPPS=Asennetut sovellukset -STRG=Store Ryhmät +STRG=Kaupparyhmät RINSTALL=Valmis asennettavaksi -QUEUE=ono +QUEUE=Jono UPDATES=Päivitykset SETTINGS=Asetukset -SEARCH=Etsi kohdetta +SEARCH=Etsi SORT_BY=Lajittele -FILTER_BY=Suodata -ID=Tunnus +FILTER_BY=Suodatusperuste +ID=Id NAME=Nimi PACKAGE=Paketti VER=Versio -RSTARS=Katso arvostelu +RSTARS=Arvioi tähdet SIZE=Koko -AUTHOR=Tekijä +AUTHOR=Kirjoittaja TYPE=Tyyppi -PV=Pelattava Versio +PV = Pelattava versio DISC=Levy -RDATE=Julkaisun ajankohta -NUMB_OF_DL=Latauksien määrä -INSTALL_FAILED=Asennus epäonnistui virhekoodilla -INSTALL_ONGOING=Kaupan asennus on käynnissä -TIP1=Älä huoli, jonossa olevat Lataukset ovat silti taustalla -INSTALL_OF=Sovelluksen -COMPLETE=on nyt valmis -FAILED_W_CODE=epäonnistui virhekoodilla -FATAL_ERROR=kriittinen virhe -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Sulje sovellus painettuasi OK-nappia +RDATE=Julkaisupäivä +NUMB_OF_DL=Latausten määrä +INSTALL_FAILED=Asennus epäonnistui koodilla +INSTALL_ONGOING=Kaupan asennus käynnissä +TIP1=Älä huoli jonossa Latauksia ladataan edelleen taustalla +INSTALL_OF=Asennus +COMPLETE=on nyt valmis! +FAILED_W_CODE=on epäonnistunut koodin kanssa +FATAL_ERROR=Kohottava virhe +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Sulje ohjelma, kun olet painanut OK WARNING=Varoitus -FAILED_TTF=TTF:n lataus epäonnistui kohteesta: -SWITCH_TO_EM=Vaihdetaan Upotettuun -INI_ERROR=Epäonnistui löytämään/avaamaan INI tiedostoa -FAILED_DAEMON=Itemzflow init_daemon_services on epäonnistunut. Tämä saattaa vaikuttaa joidenkin toimintakykyyn jos sinulla on USB Kytketty tarkista loki tiedostot -DAEMON_OFF=Itemzflow Daemon Automaattinen käynnistys on kytketty pois Tämä saattaa vaikuttaa joidenkin toimintakykyyn -DL_CACHE=Ladataan ja tyhjennetään verkkosivun välimuistia -PIG_FAIL=Piglet (vähittäismyyntiversio) lataaminen epäonnistui -NO_USB=USB:tä ei havaittu, Poistutaan... -DUMP=Paina OK kun Peli on käynnistynyt ja odota muutama sekuntia palaa sitten takaisin Kauppaan niin silloin peli aloittaa purkamisen ÄLÄ SULJE PELIÄ TAIKKA -UNINSTALL_UPDATE=Pelin päivitys poistettu onnistuneesti -UNINSTAL_UPDATE_FAILED=Pelin päivityksen poisto epäonnistui virhekoodilla: -UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=Peli poistettu onnistuneesti, asennettujen Sovellusten lista päivittyy nyt -UNINSTALL_FAILED=Pelin poistaminen epäonnistui virhekoodilla: -COMING_SOON=ulossa pian -RELOAD_IAPPS=Asennettujen sovellusten lista päivittyy nyt -APP_REQ=Tällä käynnistysohjelmalla on vaatimuksena että 4 sovellusta on asennettu Käyttääksesi sitä sinun täytyy asentaa: -MORE_APPS=Lisää Sovelluksia -DOWNLOADING_COVERS=Ladataan Kansia serveriltä +FAILED_TTF=TTF:n lataus epäonnistui +SWITCH_TO_EM=Vaihdetaan upotettuun +INI_ERROR=INI-tiedostoa EI voitu löytää/avaa +DL_CACHE=Ladataan ja tallennetaan välimuistiin Web-sivuston tiedostoja... +PIG_FAIL=Posaan (vähittäismyynti) lataaminen epäonnistui +NO_USB=USB:tä ei havaittu, suljetaan... DL_FAILED_W=Lataus epäonnistui tilakoodilla: -NOT_ON_APP=HB Kauppa ei ole saatavilla kohteelle PS4 Lataus, se on ainoastaan ladattavissa Verkkosivun kautta -NEW_INI=Olet luomassa uutta INI tiedostoa. Sovellus ei käytä tätä INI tiedostoa ja se ei myös tallennu siihen INI tiedostoon jota sovellus käyttää. -STR_TOO_LONG=Merkkijono on joko liian pitkä tai virheellinen. Anna kelvollinen syöttö. -INVAL_PATH=VIRHEELLINEN Polku! Syötä kelvollinen polku -PKG_SUF=Pkg Suffix ja /data polut on kiellettyjä TEMP PATH HUOM: ÄLÄ SISÄLLYTÄ .pkg sinun temp polussa -INVAL_CDN=Virheellinen CDN varmista, että se on tässä muodossa http://CDN/ eikä HTTPS, ne eivät ole sallittuja. -INVAL_TTF=Virheellinen .ttf polku. Varmista että tiedoston laajennus on .ttf -CACHE_CLEARED=Onnistuneesti poistettu/tyhjennetty kaikki välimuistissa olevat kuvat -CLEARING_CACHE=Sisältöjen Välimuisti Tyhjennetty -CACHE_FAILED=Välimuistin Tyhjennys epäonnistui -ITEMZ_FEATURE_DISABLED=tämä ominaisuus on poistettu käytöstä, syy: The ItemzFlow Daemonia EI OLE yhdistetty. -SAVE_ERROR=Tallennusvirhe, muutoksia EI tallennettu. +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store ei ole saatavilla PS4-lataukselle, se on vain verkkosivuston lataus +NEW_INI=Olet tekemässä UUDEN INI:n. Sovellus EI KÄYTÄ tätä INI:tä, eikä sitä myöskään tallenneta sovelluksen käyttämään INI:hen! +STR_TOO_LONG=Merkkijono on joko liian pitkä tai VIRHEELLINEN. Anna kelvollinen merkintä +INVAL_PATH=VIRHEELLINEN polku! syötä kelvollinen polku +PKG_SUF=Pkg-liite ja /datapolku eivät ole sallittuja TEMP PATH:lle. HUOMAA: ÄLÄ sisällytä .pkg-tiedostoa temp-polkuun +INVAL_CDN=Yhdistäminen CDN:ään epäonnistui, varmista, että se on muodossa https://CDN/. +INVAL_TTF=VIRHEELLINEN .ttf-polku. Varmista, että tiedostotunniste on .ttf +CACHE_CLEARED=Kaikki välimuistissa olevat kuvat poistettiin onnistuneesti +CLEARING_CACHE=Tyhjennetään välimuistissa olevaa sisältöä +CACHE_FAILED=Välimuistissa olevan sisällön tyhjennys epäonnistui +SAVE_ERROR=Tallennusvirhe, muutoksiasi EI tallennettu SAVE_SUCCESS=Muutokset tallennettiin onnistuneesti -DL_FAILED2=Lataus epäonnistui virhekoodilla -SERVER_DIS=Yhteys palvelimeen katkaistu! Käynnistä sovellus uudelleen ja tarkista Internet yhteytesi! -FAILED_TO_PARSE=Epäonnistuttiin jäsentämään JSON:a -OBJ_EXPECTED=Objekti odotettu +DL_FAILED2=Lataus epäonnistui koodilla +SERVER_DIS=Palvelin yhteys katkaistu! Käynnistä APP uudelleen ja tarkista yhteys! +FAILED_TO_PARSE=JSON-tiedostojen jäsentäminen epäonnistui: +OBJ_EXPECTED=Odotettu kohde CANT_OPEN=Ei voida avata -APP_DIED=Sovellus on pysähtynyt virhekoodilla -PKG_TEAM=Jos tämä jatkuu Ota Yhteyttä PKG-Zone tiimiin -FATAL_DUMP_ERROR=Pelin purku on epäonnistunut, sovellus käynnistyy nyt uudelleen Paina OK jatkaaksesi -DUMP_OF=Julkaisu -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=on valmis ilman virheitä!: -DUMP_FAILED=on valmistunut ongelmien kanssa. Kaikkia tiedostoja EI VOITU purkaa! Varmista, että sinun exploit hostaajalla on MMAP päivitykset käytössä. -EXCEED_LIMITS=Välilehtien määrä ylittää Kaupan sallitun rajan! -ZERO_ITEMS=CDN Serveri on tarjonnut 0:n tai Negatiivisen kohteen/sivun Ainakin 1 kohde/sivu vaaditaan jotta Kauppa toimisi -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(MÄÄRÄ) on palauttanut TYHJÄN-tulosmerkkijonon -DL_ERROR_PAGE=Epäonnistuttiin lataamaan sivu -ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Ei voitu ladata assetteja -APP_NOT_FOUND=Sovellusta EI löydy -APP_OPENED=Sovellus on jo auki -APP_UNL=Sovellus EI OLE käynnistyskelvollinen -ID_NOT_VAILD=TITLE_ID:tä ei ole kelvollinen -LAUNCH_ERROR=Sovelluksen käynnistys on epäonnistunut virhekoodilla -RELOAD_LIST=Uudelleenladataan Asennettujen Sovellusten listaa ... -SEARCHING=Etsitään.... -WAITING_FOR_DAEMON=Odotetaan Daemonin tervetuliaistoivotuksen vastausta (maksimissaan 1 minuutti) -TRYING_TO_DL=Yritetään ladata kantta -DL_COVERS=Ladataan Kansia serveriltä -STARTING_DUMPER=Käynnistetään -LG=Käynnistä Peli -DG=Pura Peli -UU=Poista päivityksen asennus -UG=Poista pelin asennus -TRAINERS=Trainerit -SETTINGS_1=Sisällön jakeluverkosto -SETTINGS_2=Tilapäinen polku -SETTINGS_3=Aseta Kotivalikkoon(XMB) -SETTINGS_4=INI Polku -SETTINGS_5=Mukautettu FreeType fonttipolku -SETTINGS_6=Kaupan Lataukset USB:lla +APP_DIED=Sovellus on kuollut poistumiskoodin kanssa +PKG_TEAM=Jos tämä jatkuu, ota yhteyttä PKG-Zone-tiimiin +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=on valmis ilman virheitä! +DUMP_FAILED=Ongelmien kanssa. kaikkia tiedostoja EI jätetty pois! Varmista, että hyödyntämispalvelimessasi on MMAP-korjaukset käytössä +EXCEED_LIMITS=Sivujen määrä ylittää myymälöiden rajat! +ZERO_ITEMS=CDN-palvelin on toimittanut 0 tai negatiivista kohdetta/sivua. Vähintään 1 tuote/sivu tarvitaan, jotta kauppa toimii +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) on palauttanut NULL-tulosmerkkijonon +DL_ERROR_PAGE=Sivua ei voitu ladata: +ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Ei voitu ladata omaisuutta: +SEARCHING=Haetaan.... +SETTINGS_1=Sisällönjakeluverkosto +SETTINGS_2=Väliaikainen polku +SETTINGS_4=INI-polku SETTINGS_7=Tyhjennä välimuistissa olevat kuvat -SETTINGS_8=Näytä asennuksen tila -SETTINGS_9=Ota käyttöön CF bg shader SETTINGS_10=Tallenna asetukset - - -#string Dumper -[DUMPER] -DUMP_INFO=Paketin tiedot -APP_NAME=Sovelluksen nimi: -TITLE_ID=Otsikon tunnus -DUMPER_SC0=Puretaan sc0(sce_sys) -DUMPING_TROPHIES=Puretaan Tropheja -CREATING_GP4=Luodaan GP4 -DEC_BIN=Puretaan BIN tiedostoa -DEL_SEM=Poistetaan Semaphorea -EXT_PATCH=Puretaan Pelin Päivitys tiedostoja -EXT_GAME_FILES=Puretaan pääpeliä -PROCESSING=Käsitellään - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +#PÄIVITETTY STRINGS +SETTINGS_5=Esilataa välimuistissa olevat kuvakkeet käynnistyksen yhteydessä +SETTINGS_3=Päivitä Store-tietokanta +SETTINGS_9=Palauta Store-asetukset +SETTINGS_6=Asenna automaattisesti +SETTINGS_8=Vanha asennuksen edistyminen +#UUSI JOONEET +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Vanha asennuksen edistyminen on poistettava käytöstä, jotta tämä asetus voidaan ottaa käyttöön +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Automaattinen asennus on poistettava käytöstä, jotta tämä asetus voidaan ottaa käyttöön +CANCEL=Peruuta +DL_AND_IN=Lataa ja asenna +PAUSE_2=Tauko +RESUME_2=Jatka +INSTALL_2=Asenna +APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Päivitys saatavilla +UPDATE_NOW=Päivitä nyt +REINSTALL_APP=Asenna uusin +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Tarkistetaan päivityksiä... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=ladataan valmiiksi välimuistissa olevia sovelluskuvakkeita... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Esilataa välimuistiin tallennetut kuvakkeet käynnistyksen yhteydessä +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Päivitykset tarkistetaan edelleen taustalla +SHOW_PROG=Näytä edistyminen +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Pysy taustalla +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Asennus valmis! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/17/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/17/lang.ini index 6defc59..8507134 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/17/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/17/lang.ini @@ -134,55 +134,10 @@ INSTALL_2=Instalar APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Atualização Disponível UPDATE_NOW=Atualizar Agora REINSTALL_APP=Reinstalar Ultima - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Tarkistetaan päivityksiä... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=ladataan valmiiksi välimuistissa olevia sovelluskuvakkeita... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Esilataa välimuistiin tallennetut kuvakkeet käynnistyksen yhteydessä +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Päivitykset tarkistetaan edelleen taustalla +SHOW_PROG=Näytä edistyminen +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Pysy taustalla +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Asennus valmis!... diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/19/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/19/lang.ini index e27f3b0..f2ffe3b 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/19/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/19/lang.ini @@ -1,138 +1,144 @@ #strings for loader [LOADER] -LOADER_FATAL=KRİTİK HATA! -FATAL_JB=KRİTİK Jailbreak bir hata kodu ile başarısız oldu -FATAL_REJAIL=KRİTİK rejail_multi bir hata kodu ile başarısız oldu -EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED=Mağaza Desteklenmeyen Harici bir HDD'ye yüklenmiştir, Lütfen Harici HDD'den kaldırın ve SADECE PS4'ün HDD'sine yükleyin -PING_FAILED=CDN'ye bağlantı şu nedenlerle başarısız oldu -SWU_ERROR=[SWU Hatası] Güncelleme İptal Edildi bu Güncellemeyi kullanmak için Güvenli Önyüklemeyi kapatın -RSA_LOAD=RSA Sig... kontrol ediliyor -RSA_FAILED=RSA Kontrolü Hata Kodu ile başarısız oldu -SECURE_FAIL=Güvenli Önyükleme etkinleştirildi ancak Sig dosyasını CDN'den indiremedik -REINSTALL_PKG=Güncelleme BAŞARISIZ oldu lütfen pkg'yi yeniden yükleyin -LOADER_ERROR=Mağaza Yükleyicisi bir hatayla karşılaştı -MORE_INFO=Daha fazla bilgi için şu dosyayı kontrol edin: /user/app/NPXS39041/logs/loader.log Uygulama şimdi Kapanacak -DOWNLOADING_UPDATE=Güncelleme Dosyası İndiriliyor... -INI_FAIL=INI Dosyası oluşturulamadı -UPDATE_REQ=Güncelleme Gerekli, Tamam tuşuna basıp uygulamayı güncelleyebilirsiniz. -UPDATE_APPLIED=Güncelleme Uygulandı -OPT_UPDATE=Bir Güncelleme mevcut, Şimdi güncellemek istiyor musunuz? -STR_NOT_FOUND=Yazı bulunamadı +LOADER_FATAL=Kriittinen! +FATAL_JB=KRIITTINEN Jailbreak epäonnistui virhekoodilla +FATAL_REJAIL=KRIITTINEN rejail_multi epäonnistui virhekoodilla +EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED=Kauppa on asennettu Ulkoiselle HDD asemalle jota ei tueta, joten poista sen asennus ensin ulkoiselta asemalta ja uudelleen asenne se AINOASTAAN PS4 konsolin HDD asemalle. +PING_FAILED=Yhteys CDN-verkkoon epäonnistui +SWU_ERROR=[SWU VIRHE] Päivitys ON peruutettu. Käyttääksesi tätä päivitystä poista Turvallinen Käynnistys käytöstä. +RSA_LOAD=arkistetaan RSA Sig -tiedostoa +RSA_FAILED=RSA Tarkistus epäonnistui virhekoodilla +SECURE_FAIL=Turvallinen käynnistys on käytössä mutta epäonnistuimme silti lataamaan Sig -tiedoston CDN:stä +REINSTALL_PKG=Päivitys epäonnistui joten asenna pkg- tiedosto uudelleen +LOADER_ERROR=Kauppa on kohdannut virheen +MORE_INFO=Lisää tietoa löydät täältä: /user/app/NPXS39041/logs/loader.log Sovellus sulkeutuu nyt +DOWNLOADING_UPDATE=Ladataan Päivitystä +INI_FAIL=Ei voitu tehdä luo INI Tiedosto +UPDATE_REQ=Päivitys vaaditaan +UPDATE_APPLIED=Päivitys on otettu käyttöön +OPT_UPDATE=Uusi päivitys on saatavilla, Haluatko päivittää nyt? +STR_NOT_FOUND=Kirjainta ei löydetty #strings STORE [STORE] - -BETA_REVOKED=BETA sona erdi veya İptal edildi lütfen CDN'nizi değiştirin -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Beta Kullanıcısı olarak giriş yaptınız -INERNET_REQ=İnternet Gerekli +BETA_REVOKED=BETA sona erdi veya iptal edildi, lütfen CDN'nizi değiştirin +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Beta Kullanıcı olarak Oturum Açtınız +INERNET_REQ=İnternet bağlantısı Gerekli SORT_OPTS=Uygulamaları Sırala -STR_NOT_FOUND=Yazı bulunamadı -ON=AÇIK -OFF=KAPALI -TRUE=Doğru -FALSE=Yanlış -DL_ERROR=İndirme Hatası: +STR_NOT_FOUND=Dize Bulunamadı +AÇIK=AÇIK +KAPALI=KAPALI +DOĞRU=Doğru +YANLIŞ=Yanlış +DL_ERROR=İndirme hatası: DL_COMPLETE=İndirme Tamamlandı DL_CANCELLED=İndirme İptal Edildi DOWNLOADING=İndiriliyor -PAGE=Sayfa -STORAGE=Depolama -STORE_VER=Mağaza Versiyonu: -SYS_VER=Sistem Versiyonu: -HB_GAME=HB Oyun +SAYFA=Sayfa +DEPOLAMA=Depolama +STORE_VER=Mağaza Sürümü +SYS_VER=Sistem Sürümü +HB_GAME=HB Oyunu EMU=Emülatör EMU_ADDON=Emülatör Eklentisi -MEDIA=Medya +MEDYA=Medya PLUGINS=Mira Eklentileri -UTLIITY=Araçlar -OTHER=Diğer +UTLIITY=Yardımcı Program +DİĞER=Diğer DL=İndir -INSTALL=Kur -INSTALLING=İndiriliyor +KURULUM=Yükle +INSTALLING=Yükleniyor SAPPS=Mağaza Uygulamaları -IAPPS=İndirilen Uygulamalar +IAPPS=Yüklü Uygulamalar STRG=Mağaza Grupları -RINSTALL=İndirmeye Hazır +RINSTALL=Kuruluma hazır QUEUE=Sıra UPDATES=Güncellemeler -SETTINGS=Ayarlar -SEARCH=Şunun için ara: -SORT_BY=Şuna Göre Sırala: -FILTER_BY=Şuna Göre Filtrele: -ID=Id -NAME=İsim -PACKAGE=Paket -VER=Versiyon +AYARLAR=Ayarlar +SEARCH=Ara +SORT_BY=Sırala +FILTER_BY=Şuna göre filtrele +Kimlik=Kimlik +İSİM=İsim +PAKET=Paket +VER=Sürüm RSTARS=İnceleme Yıldızları SIZE=Boyut -AUTHOR=Yaratıcı -TYPE=Tür +YAZAR=Yazar +TİP=Tür PV=Oynanabilir Sürüm -DISC=Disk -RDATE=Yayınlanma tarihi +DİSK=Disk +RDATE=Yayın tarihi NUMB_OF_DL=İndirme Sayısı -INSTALL_FAILED=Kurulum hata kodu ile başarısız oldu +INSTALL_FAILED=Yükleme Kodla Başarısız Oldu INSTALL_ONGOING=Mağaza Kurulumu Devam Ediyor -TIP1=Endişelenmeyin, kuyruğa alınmış İndirmeler arka planda indirilmeye devam ediyor -INSTALL_OF=Kurulmakta olan -COMPLETE=Tamamlandı! -FAILED_W_CODE=hata kodu vererek başarısız oldu. -FATAL_ERROR=Kritik Hata -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Lütfen Tamam Tuşuna Bastıktan Sonra Programı Kapatın -WARNING=Uyarı -FAILED_TTF=TTF Yükelemesi Başarısız Oldu -SWITCH_TO_EM=Embedded'a Geçiş +TIP1=Endişelenmeyin, sıraya alındı İndirilenler hala arka planda indiriliyor +INSTALL_OF=Kurulumu +COMPLETE=şimdi Tamamlandı! +FAILED_W_CODE=kodla başarısız oldu +FATAL_ERROR=Önemli Hata +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Lütfen Tamam'a Bastıktan Sonra Programı Kapatın +UYARI=Uyarı +FAILED_TTF=TTF Şuradan Yüklenemedi: +SWITCH_TO_EM=Gömülü'ye Geçiliyor INI_ERROR=INI Dosyası bulunamadı/açılamadı -DL_CACHE=Web Sitesi Dosyalarını İndiriliyor ve Önbelleğe Alınıyor... -PIG_FAIL=Piglet (retail) ile yükleme başarısız oldu +DL_CACHE=Web Sitesi dosyaları indiriliyor ve Önbelleğe Alınıyor... +PIG_FAIL=Piglet (perakende) ile yüklenemedi NO_USB=USB Algılanmadı, Çıkılıyor... -DL_FAILED_W=Durum Koduyla İndirme Başarısız Oldu: -NOT_ON_APP=HB Store, PS4 İndirmesi İçin Mevcut Değildir, Yalnızca Web Sitesinden İndirilebilir -NEW_INI=YENİ bir INI yapıyorsunuz Uygulama bu INI'yi KULLANMAYACAK, ayrıca uygulamanın kullandığı INI'ye KAYDEDİLMEYECEKTİR! -STR_TOO_LONG=Yazı ya çok uzun ya da GEÇERSİZ Lütfen geçerli bir giriş girin -INVAL_PATH=GEÇERSİZ Yol! geçerli bir yol girin -PKG_SUF=Geçici Yol için Pkg eki ve /data yoluna izin verilmez NOT: Geçici yolunuza .pkg EKLEMEYİN -INVAL_CDN=GEÇERSİZ CDN, http://CDN/ biçiminde olduğundan ve Https url'lerine izin verilmediğinden emin olun -INVAL_TTF=GEÇERSİZ .ttf yolu Lütfen ext dosyasının .ttf olduğundan emin olun +DL_FAILED_W=İndirme StatusCode ile Başarısız Oldu: +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store, PS4 İndirmesi için Mevcut Değildir, Yalnızca Web Sitesinden İndirilebilir +NEW_INI=YENİ bir INI yapıyorsunuz. Uygulama bu INI'yi KULLANMAYACAKTIR ayrıca uygulamanın kullandığı INI'ye KAYDEDİLMEYECEKTİR! +STR_TOO_LONG=Dize ya çok uzun ya da GEÇERSİZ. Lütfen geçerli bir giriş girin +INVAL_PATH=INVALID Yol! geçerli bir yol girin +PKG_SUF=Pkg Soneki ve /data yoluna TEMP PATH için izin verilmiyor. NOT: Geçici yolunuza .pkg EKLEMEYİN +INVAL_CDN=CDN'ye bağlanılamadı, https://CDN/ biçiminde olduğundan emin olun. +INVAL_TTF=INVALID .ttf yolu. Lütfen dosya uzantısının .ttf olduğundan emin olun CACHE_CLEARED=Önbelleğe Alınmış Tüm Görüntüler Başarıyla Silindi/Temizlendi -CLEARING_CACHE=Önbelleğe Alınmış İçerik Temizleniyor -CACHE_FAILED=Önbelleğe Alınmış içerik temizlenemedi -SAVE_ERROR=Kaydetme hatası, değişiklikleriniz kaydedilmedi +CLEARING_CACHE=Önbelleğe Alınmış İçerikler Temizleniyor +CACHE_FAILED=Önbelleğe Alınmış içeriği temizleme başarısız oldu +SAVE_ERROR=Kayıt hatası, değişiklikleriniz kaydedilmedi SAVE_SUCCESS=Değişiklikleriniz başarıyla kaydedildi -DL_FAILED2=İndirme bir hata kodu ile başarısız oldu -SERVER_DIS=Sunucu Bağlantısı Kesildi! Uygulamayı yeniden başlatın ve Bağlantınızı kontrol edin! +DL_FAILED2=İndirme kodu nedeniyle başarısız oldu +SERVER_DIS=Sunucu Bağlantısı Kesildi! APP'yi yeniden başlatın ve Bağlantınızı kontrol edin! FAILED_TO_PARSE=JSON ayrıştırılamadı: -OBJ_EXPECTED=Nesne Beklendi -CANT_OPEN=Açılmıyor -APP_DIED=Uygulama, çıkış kodu verip, kapandı. +OBJ_EXPECTED=Nesne bekleniyor +CANT_OPEN=Açılamıyor +APP_DIED=Uygulama, çıkış koduyla öldü PKG_TEAM=Bu devam ederse PKG-Zone ekibiyle iletişime geçin -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=Hatasız Tamamlandı!: -DUMP_FAILED=Sorunlarla Tamamlandı. Tüm dosyalar boşaltılmadı! Exploitinizde MMAP yamalarının etkinleştirildiğinden emin olun -EXCEED_LIMITS=Sayfa Sayısı Mağaza Limitlerini Aştı! -ZERO_ITEMS=CDN Sunucusu 0 veya Negatif Öğe/Sayfa Sağladı Mağazanın çalışması için En Az 1 Öğe/Sayfa gereklidir +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=Hatasız Tamamlandı! +DUMP_FAILED=Sorunlarla Tamamlandı. Tüm dosyalar atılmadı! Açıklardan yararlanma barındırıcınızda MMAP yamalarının etkinleştirildiğinden emin olun +EXCEED_LIMITS=Sayfa sayısı Mağaza Limitlerini Aşıyor! +ZERO_ITEMS=CDN Sunucusu 0 veya Negatif Öğe/Sayfa Sağladı. Mağazanın çalışması için en az 1 Öğe/Sayfa gereklidir COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT), bir NULL sonuç dizisi döndürdü DL_ERROR_PAGE=Sayfa İndirilemedi: ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Öğe İndirilemedi: -SEARCHING=Aranıyor.... +SEARCHING=Arıyor... SETTINGS_1=İçerik Dağıtım Ağı SETTINGS_2=Geçici Yol SETTINGS_4=INI Yolu -SETTINGS_5=Custom FreeType yazı tipi Yolu -SETTINGS_7=Önbelleğe alınmış görüntüleri temizle +SETTINGS_7=Önbelleğe alınan resimleri temizle SETTINGS_10=Ayarları Kaydet -#UPDATED STRINGS +#GÜNCEL DİZİLER +SETTINGS_5=Başlangıçta Önbelleğe Alınmış Simgeleri Önceden Yükle SETTINGS_3=Mağaza Veritabanını Yenile SETTINGS_9=Mağaza Ayarlarını Sıfırla -SETTINGS_6=Otomatik Kur +SETTINGS_6=Otomatik Olarak Kur SETTINGS_8=Eski Kurulum İlerlemesi -#NEW STRINGS -AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Bu Ayarı Etkinleştirmek için Eski Kurulum İlerlemesinin Devre Dışı Bırakılması Gerekir -INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Bu Ayarı Etkinleştirmek için Otomatik Yüklemenin Devre Dışı Bırakılması Gerekir -CANCEL=İptal -DL_AND_IN=İndir ve Kur -PAUSE_2=Dur +#YENİ DİZİLER +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Bu Ayarı Etkinleştirmek için Eski Kurulum İlerlemesinin Devre Dışı Bırakılması Gerekiyor +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Bu Ayarı Etkinleştirmek için Otomatik Kurulumun Devre Dışı Bırakılması Gerekiyor +İPTAL=İptal +DL_AND_IN=İndirin ve Kurun +PAUSE_2=Duraklat RESUME_2=Devam Et -INSTALL_2=Kur +INSTALL_2=Yükle APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Güncelleme Mevcut -UPDATE_NOW=Şimdi Güncelle -REINSTALL_APP=Sonuncusunu yeniden indir +UPDATE_NOW=Şimdi güncelle +REINSTALL_APP=En Sonu Yeniden Yükle +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Güncellemeler kontrol ediliyor... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=önbelleğe alınmış Uygulama simgeleri önceden yükleniyor... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Başlangıçta Önbelleğe Alınmış Simgeleri Önceden Yükle +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Güncellemeler hala arka planda kontrol ediliyor +SHOW_PROG=İlerlemeyi Göster +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Arka Planda Kal +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Kurulum Tamamlandı! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/23/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/23/lang.ini index 7d93def..af3168f 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/23/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/23/lang.ini @@ -21,158 +21,124 @@ STR_NOT_FOUND=Řetězec nebyl nalezen. #strings STORE [STORE] - -BETA_REVOKED=Beta byla ukončena nebo byla odvolána prosím změň svou Síť pro doručování obsahu (CDN) -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Byl jsi přihlášen jako Beta Uživatel -INERNET_REQ=Je vyžadováno Internetové Připojení -SORT_OPTS=Uspořádat aplikace -STR_NOT_FOUND=Řetězec nebyl nalezen -ITEMZ_SETTINGS=Nastavení spořádání -RESORT=Soubor Her/Aplikací -MISSING_EBOOT=[Interní] eboot.bin nelze nalézt v úmístění /data/app/ nebo /hostapp/app/ -MISSING_SFO=[Interní] param.sfo nelze nálezt v úmístění /data/app/sce_sys nebo /hostapp/app/sce_sys -CORRUPT_SFO=soubor param.sfo je poškozen -ON=Zapnuto -OFF=Vypnuto +BETA_REVOKED=BETA byla ukončena nebo byla odvolána, změňte prosím své CDN +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Byli jste přihlášeni jako uživatel beta +INERNET_REQ=Je vyžadováno připojení k internetu +SORT_OPTS=Třídit aplikace +STR_NOT_FOUND=Řetězec nenalezen +ON=ON +OFF=OFF TRUE=Pravda FALSE=Nepravda -#THESE NEED , -DL_ERROR=Chyba stažení: -DL_COMPLETE=Stahování Dokončeno -DL_CANCELLED=Stahování Zrušeno +DL_ERROR=Chyba stahování: +DL_COMPLETE=Stahování dokončeno +DL_CANCELLED=Stahování zrušeno DOWNLOADING=Stahování PAGE=Stránka STORAGE=Úložiště -STORE_VER=Verze Obchodu: -SYS_VER=Verze Systému: -HB_GAME=HB(Uživatelská) Hra -EMU=Emulátor -EMU_ADDON=Doplněk Emulátoru +STORE_VER=Verze obchodu +SYS_VER=Verze systému +HB_GAME=Hra HB +EMU=emulátor +EMU_ADDON=Doplněk emulátoru MEDIA=Média -PLUGINS=Mira Pluginy -UTLIITY=Utility -OTHER=Ostatní +PLUGINS=Pluginy Mira +UTLIITY=Nástroj +OTHER=Jiný DL=Stáhnout INSTALL=Instalovat -MORE=Co víc? INSTALLING=Instaluji -SAPPS=Aplikace v Obchodu -IAPPS=Instalované Aplikace -STRG=Skupiny v obchodu -RINSTALL=Připraven k instalaci +SAPPS=Uložit aplikace +IAPPS=Nainstalované aplikace +STRG=Skupiny obchodů +RINSTALL=Připraveno k instalaci QUEUE=Fronta UPDATES=Aktualizace SETTINGS=Nastavení -SEARCH=Hledat podle -SORT_BY=Seřadit podle +SEARCH=Hledat +SORT_BY=Řadit podle FILTER_BY=Filtrovat podle ID=Id NAME=Jméno -PACKAGE=Package (Balík) +PACKAGE=Balík VER=Verze -RSTARS=Hodnocení podle hvězdiček +RSTARS=Hvězdy recenzí SIZE=Velikost AUTHOR=Autor TYPE=Typ -PV=Hratelná verze +PV = Hratelná verze DISC=Disk RDATE=Datum vydání NUMB_OF_DL=Počet stažení -INSTALL_FAILED=Instalace selhala s kódem -INSTALL_ONGOING=Probíhá Instalace Obchodu -TIP1=Neboj, tvé stahování probíhá ve frontě na pozadí -INSTALL_OF=Instalace -COMPLETE=je nyní Dokončena! -FAILED_W_CODE=skončila s chybou -FATAL_ERROR=Fatální chyba -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Prosím zavřete aplikaci po stiknutí na tlačítko 'OK' -WARNING=Varování -FAILED_TTF=Nahrávání TTF bylo neúspěšné z -SWITCH_TO_EM=Přepínám na vložené -INI_ERROR=Nemohu najít/otevřít INI soubor -FAILED_DAEMON=Itemzflow init_daemon_services (služba init_daemon_services) skončila s chybou toto může být způsobeno vloženým USB pro více informací zkontroluj LOG -DAEMON_OFF=Itemzflow Daemon Auto start je vypnuté to může způsobit, že některé věci nebudou fungovat -DL_CACHE=Stahuji a ukládám do mezipaměti Webové soubory... -PIG_FAIL=Piglet (retail) se Nenačetl s -NO_USB=Nebylo detekováno USB, Ukončuji se... -DUMP=POTÉ co je Hra spuštěna když klikneš na OK počkej několik sekund a poté se vrať zpět do Obchodu a poté bude hra zálohována NEZAVÍREJ OBCHOD DOKUD NENÍ ZÁLOHOVÁNÍ KOMPLETNÍ -UNINSTALL_UPDATE=Herní aktualizace byla úspěšně odinstalována.. -UNINSTAL_UPDATE_FAILED=Odinstalování herní aktualizace skončilo neúspěšně s kódem: -UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=Hra byla Úspěšně Odinstalována, Seznam Instalovaných Aplikací bude Obnoven -UNINSTALL_FAILED=Odinstalování hry bylo Neúspěšné s kódem: -COMING_SOON=Již brzy -RELOAD_IAPPS=Seznam Instalovaných Aplikací(Her) bude Obnoven -APP_REQ=Tento Herní Spouštěč (Launcher) potřebuje minimálně 4 Aplikace, abys ho mohl použít budeš potřebovat o: -MORE_APPS=Více (Aplikací) -DOWNLOADING_COVERS=Stahuji soubory obalů (her) ze serveru -DL_FAILED_W=Stahování bylo neúspěšné se statusovým kódem: -NOT_ON_APP=HB Store není dostupný pro PS4 ke stažení, stáhnout ho lze z Webových stránek -NEW_INI=Vytváříš NOVÝ INI Soubor aplikace tento sobour INI se nepoužije a tento soubor NEBUDE Uložen do INI který aplikace používá! -STR_TOO_LONG=String je buďto moc dlouhý nebo NEPLATNÝ Prosím vlož platný příkaz (string) -INVAL_PATH=NEPLATNÁ CESTA! Vlož prosím platnou cestu -PKG_SUF=Pkg Suffix a cesta /data je zakázána pro TEMP PATH POZNÁMKA: TEMP (Dočasná) cesta NESMÍ OBSAHOVAT .pkg soubor -INVAL_CDN=Neplatná Síť pro doručování obsahu (CDN) ujisti se, že je ve formátu http://CDN/ nejsou povoleny Https adresy -INVAL_TTF=Neplatná .ttf cesta Prosím ujisti se, že koncovka souboru je .ttf -CACHE_CLEARED=Úspěšně byly Odstraněny/Smazány všechny dočasně uložené obrázky (Cached Images) -CLEARING_CACHE=Odstaňuji dočasné soubory -CACHE_FAILED=Odstraňování dočasných souborů bylo neúspěšné -ITEMZ_FEATURE_DISABLED=tato funkce byla zakázána, Důvod: ItemzFlow Daemon NENÍ připojen -SAVE_ERROR=Chyba Ukládání, tvé změny NEBYLY uloženy -SAVE_SUCCESS=Tvé změny byly úspěšně uloženy -DL_FAILED2=Stahování bylo neúspěšné s kódem: -SERVER_DIS=Odpojen od serveru! Restartuj aplikaci a zkontroluj své internetové připojení! -FAILED_TO_PARSE=Neúspěšný PARSON typu JSON: -OBJ_EXPECTED=Očekáván objekt -CANT_OPEN=Není možné otevřít -APP_DIED=Aplikace byla ukončena (zemřela) s kódem -PKG_TEAM=Pokud toto přetrvává prosím kontaktuj PKG-Zone tým -FATAL_DUMP_ERROR=Zálohování (DUMP) nebylo úspěšné Aplikace se restartuje Zmáčkni OK pro pokračování -DUMP_OF=Zálohování -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=bylo Dokončeno v Pořádku!: -DUMP_FAILED=bylo Dokončeno s chybami, některé soubory chybí! Ujisti se, že poskytovatel JB (Exploitu) má "MMAP patches" povoleny -EXCEED_LIMITS=Počet stránek překročil limit obchodu! -ZERO_ITEMS=Síť pro doručování obsahu (CDN) Vrátil 0 nebo Záporné Položky/Stránky Minimálně 1 Položka/Stránka je potřeba pro funkčnost obchodu -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) počet vrátil nulu (nic) -DL_ERROR_PAGE=Nemohu stáhnout stránku: -ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Nemohl jsem stáhnout Asset: -APP_NOT_FOUND=Aplikace NEBYLA nalezena -APP_OPENED=Aplikace je již OTEVŘENA -APP_UNL=Aplikace NEBYLO možné spustit -ID_NOT_VAILD=TITLE_ID NENÍ SKRYTO (JE NESPRÁVNÉ) -LAUNCH_ERROR=Spoštění aplikace skončilo s chybou -RELOAD_LIST=Obnovuji seznam nainstalovaných aplikací... +INSTALL_FAILED=Instalace se nezdařila s kódem +INSTALL_ONGOING=Instalace obchodu probíhá +TIP1=Nebojte se ve frontě Stahování se stále stahuje na pozadí +INSTALL_OF=Instalace +COMPLETE=je nyní dokončeno! +FAILED_W_CODE=chyba s kódem +FATAL_ERROR=Závažná chyba +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Po stisknutí OK ukončete program +WARNING=Upozornění +FAILED_TTF=Načítání TTF se nezdařilo +SWITCH_TO_EM=Přepínání na vložené +INI_ERROR=Nelze najít/otevřít soubor INI +DL_CACHE=Stahování a ukládání souborů webových stránek do mezipaměti... +PIG_FAIL=Prasátko (maloobchod) se nepodařilo načíst +NO_USB=Není detekováno USB, ukončování... +DL_FAILED_W=Stahování se nezdařilo se stavovým kódem: +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store není k dispozici ke stažení pro PS4, jedná se pouze o stažení z webu +NEW_INI=Vytváříte NOVÉ INI. Aplikace NEBUDE používat toto INI a také se NEBUDE ukládat do INI, které aplikace používá! +STR_TOO_LONG=Řetězec je příliš dlouhý nebo NEPLATNÝ. Zadejte prosím platný záznam +INVAL_PATH=NEPLATNÁ cesta! zadejte platnou cestu +PKG_SUF=Pkg Přípona a /data cesta jsou pro TEMP PATH zakázány. POZNÁMKA: NEZAHRNUJTE .pkg do své dočasné cesty +INVAL_CDN=Nepodařilo se připojit k CDN, ujistěte se, že je ve formátu https://CDN/. +INVAL_TTF=NEPLATNÁ cesta .ttf. Ujistěte se, že přípona souboru je .ttf +CACHE_CLEARED=Úspěšně smazány/vymazány všechny obrázky uložené v mezipaměti +CLEARING_CACHE=Mazání obsahu mezipaměti +CACHE_FAILED=Vymazání obsahu mezipaměti se nezdařilo +SAVE_ERROR=Chyba ukládání, vaše změny NEBYLY uloženy +SAVE_SUCCESS=Vaše změny byly úspěšně uloženy +DL_FAILED2=Stahování se nezdařilo s kódem +SERVER_DIS=Server odpojen! Restartujte APP a zkontrolujte připojení! +FAILED_TO_PARSE=Nepodařilo se analyzovat JSON: +OBJ_EXPECTED=Objekt očekáván +CANT_OPEN=Nelze otevřít +APP_DIED=Aplikace zemřela s ukončovacím kódem +PKG_TEAM=Pokud to bude pokračovat, kontaktujte tým PKG-Zone +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=je kompletní bez chyb! +DUMP_FAILED=Dokončeno s problémy. NE všechny soubory byly vyřazeny! Ujistěte se, že váš hostitel exploitu má povolené záplaty MMAP +EXCEED_LIMITS=Počet stránek překračuje limity obchodů! +ZERO_ITEMS=Server CDN poskytl 0 nebo záporné položky/stránky. Aby obchod fungoval, je potřeba alespoň 1 položka/stránka +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) vrátil výsledný řetězec NULL +DL_ERROR_PAGE=Nelze stáhnout stránku: +ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Nelze stáhnout aktivum: SEARCHING=Hledám.... -WAITING_FOR_DAEMON=Čekám na odpověď Daemon's Welcome Response (maximálně 1 minuta) -TRYING_TO_DL=Snažím se stáhnout obal pro -DL_COVERS=Stahuji obal ze serveru -STARTING_DUMPER=Spouštím Dumper... -LG=Spustit Hru -DG=Zálohovat Hru -UU=Odinstalovat Aktualizaci -UG=Odinstalovat Hru -TRAINERS=Trainery (Cheaty) -SETTINGS_1=Síť pro doručování obsahu (CDN) -SETTINGS_2=Dočasná cesta (Temporary Path) -SETTINGS_3=Nastavit jako Home Menu(XMB) -SETTINGS_4=INI Cesta (Path) -SETTINGS_5=Vlastní cesta pro FreeType písmo -SETTINGS_6=Stažené položky v USB jednotce -SETTINGS_7=Smazat uložené obrázky -SETTINGS_8=Ukaž Instalační proces -SETTINGS_9=Povolit stíny u CF bg -SETTINGS_10= Uložit nastavení - - -#string Dumper -[DUMPER] -DUMP_INFO=Informace o Záloze (Dumpu) -APP_NAME=Jméno aplikace: -TITLE_ID=TITLE_ID: -DUMPER_SC0=Zálohuji sc0(sce_sys) obsah ... -DUMPING_TROPHIES=Zálohuji Trofeje ... -CREATING_GP4=Vytvářím GP4 ... -DEC_BIN=Deširuji Bin -DEL_SEM=Mažu Semaphore ... -EXT_PATCH=Rozbaluji soubory obsahující Patch Hry -EXT_GAME_FILES=Rozbaluji základ hry (Base pkg) -PROCESSING=Zpracovává se +SETTINGS_1=Síť pro doručování obsahu +SETTINGS_2=Dočasná cesta +SETTINGS_4=Cesta INI +SETTINGS_7=Vymazat obrázky uložené v mezipaměti +SETTINGS_10=Uložit nastavení +#AKTUALIZOVANÉ ŘETĚZCE +SETTINGS_5=Předběžně načíst ikony uložené v mezipaměti při spuštění +SETTINGS_3=Obnovit databázi úložiště +SETTINGS_9=Obnovit nastavení obchodu +SETTINGS_6=Automaticky nainstalovat +SETTINGS_8=Průběh starší instalace +#NOVÉ STRUNY +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Pro povolení tohoto nastavení je nutné zakázat postup starší instalace +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Pro povolení tohoto nastavení je vyžadována deaktivace automatické instalace +CANCEL=Zrušit +DL_AND_IN=Stáhnout a nainstalovat +PAUSE_2=Pozastavit +RESUME_2=Obnovit +INSTALL_2=Instalovat +APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Dostupná aktualizace +UPDATE_NOW=Nyní aktualizovat +REINSTALL_APP=Přeinstalujte nejnovější +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Kontrola aktualizací... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=předběžné načítání ikon aplikací uložených v mezipaměti... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Předběžně načíst ikony uložené v mezipaměti při spuštění +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Aktualizace jsou stále kontrolovány na pozadí +SHOW_PROG=Zobrazit průběh +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Zůstat v pozadí +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Instalace dokončena! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/26/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/26/lang.ini index ba4df24..e7c528d 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/26/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/26/lang.ini @@ -21,215 +21,124 @@ STR_NOT_FOUND=String negăsit #strings STORE [STORE] - -BETA_REVOKED=Accesul BETA s-a încheiat sau a fost oprit, schimbați CDN -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Ești logat ca Utilizator Beta -INERNET_REQ=Accesul la internet este necesar -SORT_OPTS=Aranjează Aplicațiile -STR_NOT_FOUND=String negăsit -ITEMZ_SETTINGS=Setări Itemzflow -RESORT=Rearanjează Jocurile/Aplicațiile -MISSING_EBOOT=[Intern] eboot.bin lipsește din /data/app/ sau /hostapp/app/ -MISSING_SFO=[Intern] param.sfo lipsește din /data/app/sce_sys sau /hostapp/app/sce_sys -CORRUPT_SFO=Fișierul param.sfo este corupt -ON=ACTIVAT -OFF=DEZACTIVAT +BETA_REVOKED=BETA sa încheiat sau a fost revocat, vă rugăm să vă schimbați CDN-ul +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Ai fost autentificat ca utilizator Beta +INERNET_REQ=Este necesară conexiunea la internet +SORT_OPTS=Sortează aplicațiile +STR_NOT_FOUND=Șirul nu a fost găsit +ON=ON +OFF=OFF TRUE=Adevărat FALSE=Fals -#THESE NEED , -DL_ERROR=Eroare la descărcare: -DL_COMPLETE=Descărcare completă +DL_ERROR=Eroare de descărcare: +DL_COMPLETE=Descărcare finalizată DL_CANCELLED=Descărcare anulată DOWNLOADING=Se descarcă PAGE=Pagină -STORAGE=Memorie -STORE_VER=Versiunea Store: -SYS_VER=Versiunea firmware: +STORAGE=Depozitare +STORE_VER=Versiune de stocare +SYS_VER=Versiunea sistemului HB_GAME=Joc HB EMU=Emulator -EMU_ADDON=Adiționale Emulator +EMU_ADDON=Supliment pentru emulator MEDIA=Media -PLUGINS=Plugin-uri Mira -UTLIITY=Utilitare +PLUGINS=Pluginuri Mira +UTLIITY=Utilitate OTHER=Altele DL=Descărcare -INSTALL=Instalare -MORE=Ce altceva? +INSTALL=Instalează INSTALLING=Se instalează -SAPPS=Aplicații din Store +SAPPS=Store Apps IAPPS=Aplicații instalate -STRG=Categorii Store -RINSTALL=Pregătit de instalare -QUEUE=Coadă descărcare +STRG=Grupuri de magazin +RINSTALL=Gata de instalare +QUEUE=Codă UPDATES=Actualizări -SETTINGS=Setări -SEARCH=Caută -SORT_BY=Organizează -FILTER_BY=Filtrează +SETTINGS=Setari +SEARCH=Căutați +SORT_BY=Sortează după +FILTER_BY=Filtrați după ID=Id NAME=Nume -PACKAGE=Package +PACKAGE=Pachet VER=Versiune -RSTARS=Recenzii +RSTARS=Review Stars SIZE=Mărime AUTHOR=Autor TYPE=Tip -PV=Versiune firmware necesară +PV=Versiune redabilă DISC=Disc -RDATE=Dată lansare -NUMB_OF_DL=Descărcări -INSTALL_FAILED=Instalare eșuată cu codul -INSTALL_ONGOING=Instalarea este în proces -TIP1=Nu te îngrijora, descărcările sunt încă în proces +RDATE=Data de lansare +NUMB_OF_DL=Numărul de descărcări +INSTALL_FAILED=Instalarea a eșuat cu codul +INSTALL_ONGOING=Instalarea în magazin este în curs +SFAT1=Nu vă faceți griji în coadă Descărcările încă se descarcă în fundal INSTALL_OF=Instalarea -COMPLETE=s-a terminat! +COMPLETE=acum este complet! FAILED_W_CODE=a eșuat cu codul FATAL_ERROR=Eroare fatală -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Închideți programul după ce apăsați OK. -WARNING=Atenție -FAILED_TTF=TTF a eșuat din -SWITCH_TO_EM=Se schimbă în Embedded -INI_ERROR=Nu se poate găsi/deschide fișierul INI -FAILED_DAEMON=init_daemon_services al Itemzflow a eșuat, astfel poate cauza unele funcții să nu funcționeze corect, dacă ai un stick USB în PS4 verifică log-ul -DAEMON_OFF=Daemon Auto Start al Itemzflow este oprit, astfel poate cauza unele funcții să nu funcționeze corect -DL_CACHE=Se descarcă fișierele de pe website... -PIG_FAIL=Piglet (retail) nu s-a putut deschide cu -NO_USB=Niciun USB nu s-a detectat, se iese... -DUMP=DUPĂ ce jocul se lansează, așteapă câteva secunde apoi deschide iarăși Store, jocul astfel va începe procesul dumping. NU ÎNCHIDE JOCUL ORI STORE PÂNĂ CE PROCESUL DUMPING ESTE COMPLET -UNINSTALL_UPDATE=Actualizarea jocului s-a dezinstalat cu succes -UNINSTAL_UPDATE_FAILED=Actualizarea jocului nu s-a putut dezinstalat, cod: -UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=Jocul s-a dezinstalat cu success, lista de aplicații se va reîncărca -UNINSTALL_FAILED=Dezinstalarea jocului a eșuat cu codul: -COMING_SOON=În curând -RELOAD_IAPPS=Lista de aplicații instalate se va reîncărca -APP_REQ=Acest Launcher de Jocuri are ca cerințe minime 4 aplicații instalate, pentru folosire trebuie să instalați: -MORE_APPS=Mai multe aplicații -DOWNLOADING_COVERS=Se descarcă coperte din server -DL_FAILED_W=Descărcare eșuată cu codul Status: -NOT_ON_APP=HB Store nu este disponibil pentru descărcare directă pe PS4, este disponibil doar de pe Websitei -NEW_INI=Creați acum un nou fișier INI, aplicația NU VA folosi acest INI și nu se va salva în acest INI -STR_TOO_LONG=String este prea lung sau INVALID, folosește o valoare corectă -INVAL_PATH=FIȘIER INVALID! Folosește un path corect -PKG_SUF=Sufixul pkg și calea /data sunt interzise pentru o CALE TEMPORARĂ, ATENȚIE NU includeți .pkg în fișierul temp -INVAL_CDN=CDN INVALID, asigurați că urmați acest format http://CDN/ Fără URL cu HTTPS -INVAL_TTF=CALEA INVALIDĂ a fișierului .ttf Asigurați că fișierul este .ttf -CACHE_CLEARED=S-a șters cu succes toate imaginile din cache -CLEARING_CACHE=Se șterge conținutul din cache -CACHE_FAILED=Ștergerea conținutului din cache a eșuat -ITEMZ_FEATURE_DISABLED=această funcție este dezactivată, Motiv: ItemzFlow Daemon NU este conectat -SAVE_ERROR=Eroare la salvare, schimbările NU au fost salvate -SAVE_SUCCESS=Schimbările au fost salvate cu succes +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Vă rugăm să închideți programul după ce apăsați OK +WARNING=Avertisment +FAILED_TTF=TTF a eșuat încărcarea de la +SWITCH_TO_EM=Se comută la încorporat +INI_ERROR=NU a putut găsi/deschide fișierul INI +DL_CACHE=Se descarcă și se plasează în cache fișierele site-ului web... +PIG_FAIL=Piglet (retail) nu s-a încărcat cu +NO_USB=Niciun USB detectat, se ies... +DL_FAILED_W=Descărcarea a eșuat cu StatusCode: +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store nu este disponibil pentru descărcare PS4, este o descărcare numai pe site +NEW_INI=Crezi un INI NOU. Aplicația NU VA folosi acest INI, de asemenea, NU va fi salvată în INI-ul pe care îl folosește aplicația! +STR_TOO_LONG=Șirul este fie prea lung, fie INVALID. Vă rugăm să introduceți o intrare validă +INVAL_PATH=Cale INVALIDĂ! intra pe o cale deşartă +PKG_SUF=Sufixul Pkg și calea /date sunt interzise pentru TEMP PATH. NOTĂ: NU includeți .pkg în calea temp +INVAL_CDN=Nu s-a putut conecta la CDN, asigurați-vă că are formatul https://CDN/. +INVAL_TTF=Cale .ttf INVALID. Asigurați-vă că extensia fișierului este .ttf +CACHE_CLEARED=Șterge/Șterge cu succes toate imaginile din cache +CLEARING_CACHE=Ștergerea conținutului din cache +CACHE_FAILED=Ștergerea conținutului din cache nu a reușit +SAVE_ERROR=Eroare de salvare, modificările dvs. NU au fost salvate +SAVE_SUCCESS=Modificările dvs. au fost salvate cu succes DL_FAILED2=Descărcarea a eșuat cu codul -SERVER_DIS=Server deconectat! Redeschide aplicația și verificați conexiunea la internet! -FAILED_TO_PARSE=JSON a eșuat: -OBJ_EXPECTED=Obiect expectat +SERVER_DIS=Server deconectat! Reporniți aplicația și verificați-vă conexiunea! +FAILED_TO_PARSE=Nu s-a putut analiza JSON: +OBJ_EXPECTED=Obiect aşteptat CANT_OPEN=Nu se poate deschide -APP_DIED=Aplicația s-a închis cu codul -PKG_TEAM=Dacă reîntâlniți această eroare, contactați echipa PKG-Zone -FATAL_DUMP_ERROR=Procesul Dumping a eșuat, aplicația se va redeschide. Apăsați OK pentru a continua -DUMP_OF=Dump al -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=s-a terminat fără nicio eroare!: -DUMP_FAILED=s-a terminat cu unele erori, NU TOATE fișierele au fost incluse! Verificați că host-ul tău de exploit are MMAP patches -EXCEED_LIMITS=Numărul de pagini depășește limitele Store! -ZERO_ITEMS=Serverul CDN a comunicat 0 sau un număr negat de pagini/aplicații, Este necesar 1 aplicație/pagină pentru ca Store să funcționeze corect -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) a comuncat NULL result string -DL_ERROR_PAGE=Nu se poate descărca pagina: -ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Nu se poate descărca: -APP_NOT_FOUND=Aplicația NU a putut fi găsită -APP_OPENED=Aplicația este deja lansată -APP_UNL=Aplicația NU se poate lansa -ID_NOT_VAILD=TITLE_ID NU ESTE VALID -LAUNCH_ERROR=Lansarea aplicației a eșuat cu codul -RELOAD_LIST=Se reîncarcă lista de aplicații ... +APP_DIED=Aplicația a murit cu codul de ieșire +PKG_TEAM=Dacă acest lucru continuă Contactați echipa PKG-Zone +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=este complet fără erori! +DUMP_FAILED=S-a finalizat cu probleme. NU toate fișierele au fost aruncate! Asigurați-vă că hosterul dvs. de exploatare are patch-uri MMAP activate +EXCEED_LIMITS=Numărul de pagini depășește limitele magazinelor! +ZERO_ITEMS=Serverul CDN a furnizat 0 sau elemente/pagini negative. Pentru ca magazinul să funcționeze, este necesar cel puțin 1 articol/pagină +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) a returnat un șir de rezultate NULL +DL_ERROR_PAGE=Nu s-a putut descărca pagina: +ERROR_DL_ASSETS=NU s-a putut descărca materialul: SEARCHING=Se caută.... -WAITING_FOR_DAEMON=Se așteapă răspunsul Daemon-ului (max 1 min) -TRYING_TO_DL=Se încearcă descărcarea copertei pentru -DL_COVERS=Se descarcă coperte din server -STARTING_DUMPER=Se pornește procesul de Dumping... -LG=Lansează jocul -DG=Dump joc -UU=Dezinstalează actualizarea -UG=Dezinstalează jocul -TRAINERS=Trainers -SETTINGS_1=Content Delivery Network -SETTINGS_2=Fișier temporar -SETTINGS_3=Setează pe Home Menu(XMB) -SETTINGS_4=Cale fișier INI -SETTINGS_5=Cale font custom FreeType -SETTINGS_6=Descărcări din Store pe USB +SETTINGS_1=Rețeaua de livrare a conținutului +SETTINGS_2=Cale temporară +SETTINGS_4=Calea INI SETTINGS_7=Șterge imaginile din cache -SETTINGS_8=Arată progresul instalărilor -SETTINGS_9=Activează CF bg shader -SETTINGS_10=Salvează setările - - -#string Dumper -[DUMPER] -DUMP_INFO=Informații Dump -APP_NAME=Numele aplicației: -TITLE_ID=TITLE_ID: -DUMPER_SC0=Se începe procesul Dumping pentru conținutul sc0(sce_sys) ... -DUMPING_TROPHIES=Se începe procesul Dumping pentru trofee ... -CREATING_GP4=Se crează GP4 ... -DEC_BIN=Se decriptă Bin -DEL_SEM=Se șterge Semaphore ... -EXT_PATCH=Se extrage conținutul fișierelor din actualizarea jocului -EXT_GAME_FILES=Se extrage conținutul fișierelor din jocul principal -PROCESSING=Se procesează - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +SETTINGS_10=Salvare setări +#ȘIRURI ACTUALIZATE +SETTINGS_5=Preîncărcați pictogramele din cache la pornire +SETTINGS_3=Actualizează baza de date a magazinului +SETTINGS_9=Resetează setările magazinului +SETTINGS_6=Instalare automată +SETTINGS_8=Progresul instalării vechi +#ȘIRURI NOI +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Progresul instalării vechi este necesar să fie dezactivat pentru a activa această setare +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Instalarea automată este necesară pentru a fi dezactivată pentru a activa această setare +CANCEL=Anulează +DL_AND_IN=Descărcați și instalați +PAUSE_2=Pauză +RESUME_2=Relua +INSTALL_2=Instalează +APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Actualizare disponibilă +UPDATE_NOW=Actualizează acum +REINSTALL_APP=Reinstalează cel mai recent +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Se verifică actualizările... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=se preîncărcă pictogramele aplicațiilor stocate în cache... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Preîncărcați pictogramele din cache la pornire +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Actualizările sunt încă verificate în fundal +SHOW_PROG=Afișează progresul +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Rămâneți în fundal +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Instalare finalizată! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/3/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/3/lang.ini index ab7a054..834f499 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/3/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/3/lang.ini @@ -21,157 +21,124 @@ STR_NOT_FOUND=Cadena de texto no encontrada #Cadenas de la tienda [STORE] -BETA_REVOKED=La BETA ha finalizado o ha sido revocada, por favor, cambie su CDN -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Has iniciado sesión como un usuario beta -INERNET_REQ=Se requiere conexión a internet -SORT_OPTS=Ordenar Apps -STR_NOT_FOUND=Cadena de texto no encontrada -ITEMZ_SETTINGS=Configuración de Itemzflow -RESORT=Ordenar Juegos/Apps -MISSING_EBOOT=[Interno] eboot.bin no encontrado en /data/app/ o /hostapp/app/ -MISSING_SFO=[Interno] param.sfo no encontrado en /data/app/sce_sys o /hostapp/app/sce_sys -CORRUPT_SFO=el fichero param.sfo está corrupto -ON=Encendido -OFF=Apagado -TRUE=Afirmativo -FALSE=Falso -#Son necesarios, +BETA_REVOKED=La BETA ha finalizado o ha sido revocada, cambie su CDN +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Ha iniciado sesión como usuario Beta +INERNET_REQ=Se requiere conexión a Internet +SORT_OPTS=Ordenar aplicaciones +STR_NOT_FOUND=Cadena no encontrada +ENCENDIDO=ENCENDIDO +APAGADO=APAGADO +VERDADERO=Verdadero +FALSO=Falso DL_ERROR=Error de descarga: -DL_COMPLETE=Descarga completada +DL_COMPLETE=Descarga Completada DL_CANCELLED=Descarga cancelada DOWNLOADING=Descargando -PAGE=Página -STORAGE=Almacenamiento -STORE_VER=Versión de la tienda: -SYS_VER=Versión del sistema: +PÁGINA=Página +ALMACENAMIENTO=Almacenamiento +STORE_VER=Versión de tienda +SYS_VER=Versión del sistema HB_GAME=Juego HB EMU=Emulador -EMU_ADDON=Add-on de emulador -MEDIA=Media -PLUGINS=Plugins Mira +EMU_ADDON=Complemento de emulador +MEDIOS=Medios +COMPLEMENTOS=Complementos de Mira UTLIITY=Utilidad -OTHER=Otros +OTRO=Otro DL=Descargar -INSTALL=Instalar -MORE=¿Qué más? -INSTALLING=Instalando -SAPPS=Aplicaciones de tienda +INSTALAR=Instalar +INSTALANDO=Instalando +SAPPS=Tienda de aplicaciones IAPPS=Aplicaciones instaladas -STRG=Grupos de tienda +STRG=Grupos de tiendas RINSTALL=Listo para instalar -QUEUE=Cola -UPDATES=Actualizaciones -SETTINGS=Configuraión +COLA=Cola +ACTUALIZACIONES=Actualizaciones +CONFIGURACIÓN=Configuración SEARCH=Buscar SORT_BY=Ordenar por FILTER_BY=Filtrar por -ID=Id -NAME=Nombre -PACKAGE=Paquete +identificación=identificación +NOMBRE=Nombre +PAQUETE=Paquete VER=Versión -RSTARS=Puntuación -SIZE=Tamaño -AUTHOR=Autor -TYPE=Tipo -PV=Versión jugable -DISC=Disco +RSTARS=Revisar estrellas +TAMAÑO=Tamaño +AUTOR=Autor +TIPO=Tipo +PV = Versión jugable +DISCO=Disco RDATE=Fecha de lanzamiento NUMB_OF_DL=Número de descargas -INSTALL_FAILED=Instalación fallida con código -INSTALL_ONGOING=Instalación de la tienda en progreso -TIP1=No se preocupe, las descargas de la cola continuan en progreso en segundo plano -INSTALL_OF=¡La instalación de -COMPLETE=se ha completado! -FAILED_W_CODE=ha fallado con código +INSTALL_FAILED=Error de instalación con código +INSTALL_ONGOING=Instalación de la tienda en marcha +TIP1=No te preocupes, las descargas en cola aún se están descargando en segundo plano +INSTALL_OF=Instalación de +COMPLETO = ¡ahora está completo! +FAILED_W_CODE=ha fallado con el código FATAL_ERROR=Error fatal -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Por favor, cierre el programa tras presionar 'OK' -WARNING=Alerta -FAILED_TTF=TTF ha fallado al cargar de -SWITCH_TO_EM=Cambiando a incrustado -INI_ERROR=No fue posible encontrar/abrir el fichero INI -FAILED_DAEMON=Los programas iniciadores de Itemzflow han fallado, esto puede causar que algunas cosas no funcionen adecuadamente. Si tiene un USB insertado, revise el log -DAEMON_OFF=El autoarranque del deminio de Itemzflow esta apagado, esto puede causar que algunas cosas no funcionen adecuadamente -DL_CACHE=Descargando y cacheando ficheros del sitio Web... -PIG_FAIL=Fallo al cargar Piglet (retail) con -NO_USB=Ningún USB detectado, saliendo... -DUMP=DESPUÉS de que se lance el juego, al presionar OK espere unos segundos y regrese a la tienda, el juego comenzará el volcado, NO CIERRE EL JUEGO O LA TIENDA HASTA QUE EL VOLCADO SE COMPLETE -UNINSTALL_UPDATE=Actualización de juego desinstalada exitosamente -UNINSTAL_UPDATE_FAILED=Desinstalación de actualización de juego fallida con código: -UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=Juego desinstalado exitosamente, la lista de aplicaciones instaladas se recargará a continuación -UNINSTALL_FAILED=Desintalación de juego fallida con código: -COMING_SOON=Próximamente -RELOAD_IAPPS=La lista de aplicaciones instaladas se recargará a continuación -APP_REQ=Este lanzador de juegos requiere un mínimo de 4 aplicaciones. Para utilizarlo necesita instalar: -MORE_APPS=Más apps -DOWNLOADING_COVERS=Descargando portadas del servidor -DL_FAILED_W=Descarga fallida con código de estado: -NOT_ON_APP=La tienda HB no está disponible para descargar desde la PS4, se trata de una descarga exclusiva del sitio Web -NEW_INI=Se está creando un NUEVO INI, la aplicación NO USARÁ este INI y tampoco será guardado al INI utilizado actualmente por la aplicación -STR_TOO_LONG=La cadena de texto es demasiado larga o INVÁLIDA. Por favor, introduzca una cadena válida -INVAL_PATH=¡Ruta INVÁLIDA! Introduzca una ruta válida -PKG_SUF=Sufijo de Pkg y /data no están permitidos para la RUTA del TEMP. NOTA: NO incluya '.pkg' en su ruta temporal -INVAL_CDN=CDN INVÁLIDO asegúrese de estar en formato http://CDN/ Las urls Https no están permitidas -INVAL_TTF=Ruta .ttf INVÁLIDA. Por favor, asegúrese de que la extensión del fichero sea .ttf -CACHE_CLEARED=Eliminado/Limpiado todas las imágenes cacheadas con éxito -CLEARING_CACHE=Limpiando contenidos de la caché -CACHE_FAILED=Limpieza de contenidos de la caché fallida -ITEMZ_FEATURE_DISABLED=esta funcionalidad está deshabilitada, razón: El demonio de Itemzflow NO está conectado -SAVE_ERROR=Error de guardado, sus cambios NO se han guardado -SAVE_SUCCESS=Sus cambios se han guardado exitosamente +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Cierre el programa después de presionar OK +ADVERTENCIA=Advertencia +FAILED_TTF=TTF no se pudo cargar desde +SWITCH_TO_EM=Cambiar a integrado +INI_ERROR=NO se pudo encontrar/abrir el archivo INI +DL_CACHE=Descargando y almacenando en caché los archivos del sitio web... +PIG_FAIL=Piglet (minorista) no se pudo cargar con +NO_USB=Ningún USB detectado, Saliendo... +DL_FAILED_W=Falló la descarga con el código de estado: +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store no está disponible para la descarga de PS4, es solo una descarga del sitio web +NEW_INI=Estás creando un NUEVO INI. ¡La aplicación NO usará este INI y NO se guardará en el INI que está usando la aplicación! +STR_TOO_LONG=La cadena es demasiado larga o NO VÁLIDA. Por favor ingrese una entrada válida +INVAL_PATH=¡Ruta NO VÁLIDA! ingrese un camino valido +PKG_SUF=El sufijo de paquete y la ruta de datos / no están permitidos para TEMP PATH. NOTA: NO incluya .pkg en su ruta temporal +INVAL_CDN=No se pudo conectar a CDN, asegúrese de que esté en el formato https://CDN/. +INVAL_TTF=RUTA .ttf NO VÁLIDA. Asegúrese de que la extensión del archivo sea .ttf +CACHE_CLEARED=Eliminó/borró con éxito todas las imágenes almacenadas en caché +CLEARING_CACHE=Borrado de contenido en caché +CACHE_FAILED=Error al borrar el contenido en caché +SAVE_ERROR=Guardar error, sus cambios NO fueron guardados +SAVE_SUCCESS=Tus cambios se guardaron correctamente DL_FAILED2=Descarga fallida con código -SERVER_DIS=¡Servidor desconectado! ¡Reinicie la aplicación y compruebe su conexión! -FAILED_TO_PARSE=Fallo del parseador JSON: +SERVER_DIS=¡Servidor desconectado! ¡Reinicia la aplicación y comprueba tu conexión! +FAILED_TO_PARSE=Error al analizar JSON: OBJ_EXPECTED=Objeto esperado -CANT_OPEN=Incapaz de abrir -APP_DIED=Aplicación muerta con código de salida -PKG_TEAM=Si esto continúa, contacte con el equipo de PKG-Zone -FATAL_DUMP_ERROR=El volcado del juego ha fallado, la aplicación se reiniciará. Presione OK para continuar -DUMP_OF=¡El volcado de -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=ha sido completado sin errores!: -DUMP_FAILED=Ha sido completado con problemas, NO TODOS los ficheros han sido volcados! Asegurese de que su host de exploit tenga habilitados los parches MMAP -EXCEED_LIMITS=El número de páginas excede los límites de la tienda! -ZERO_ITEMS=El Servidor CDN ha suministrado 0 o un número negativo de Elementos/Páginas. Al menos 1 Elemento/Página es requerido para el funcionamiento de la tienda -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(CUENTA) ha retornado una cadena de resultado NULO -DL_ERROR_PAGE=No pudo descargarse la página: -ERROR_DL_ASSETS=No pudo descargarse el recurso: -APP_NOT_FOUND=Aplicación NO Encontrada -APP_OPENED=La Aplicación ya está abierta -APP_UNL=La Aplicación NO es posible de lanzar -ID_NOT_VAILD=El TITLE_ID NO ES VÁLIDO -LAUNCH_ERROR=La ejecución de la aplicación ha fallado con código de error -RELOAD_LIST=Recargando la lista de aplicaciones instaladas... +CANT_OPEN=No se puede abrir +APP_DIED=La aplicación murió con el código de salida +PKG_TEAM=Si esto continúa Contacte al equipo de PKG-Zone +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=¡Está completo sin errores! +DUMP_FAILED=Se ha completado con problemas. ¡NO todos los archivos fueron descargados! Asegúrese de que su servidor de exploits tenga habilitados los parches MMAP +EXCEED_LIMITS=¡El número de páginas excede los límites de las tiendas! +ZERO_ITEMS=El servidor CDN ha proporcionado 0 o elementos/páginas negativos. Se requiere al menos 1 artículo/página para que la tienda funcione +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) ha devuelto una cadena de resultado NULL +DL_ERROR_PAGE=No se pudo descargar la página: +ERROR_DL_ASSETS=NO se pudo descargar el activo: SEARCHING=Buscando.... -WAITING_FOR_DAEMON=Esperando la Respuesta de bienvenida del demonio (máx 1 minuto) -TRYING_TO_DL=Intentando descargar la portada para -DL_COVERS=Descargando portadas del servidor -STARTING_DUMPER=Iniciando el volcador... -LG=Lanzar juego -DG=Volcar juego -UU=Desinstalar actualización -UG=Desinstalar juego -TRAINERS=Trainers -SETTINGS_1=Red de reparto de contenido +SETTINGS_1=Red de entrega de contenido SETTINGS_2=Ruta temporal -SETTINGS_3=Definir como menú de inicio(XMB) -SETTINGS_4=Ruta del INI -SETTINGS_5=Ruta de fuente personalizada -SETTINGS_6=Descargas de la tienda en USB -SETTINGS_7=Limpiar imágenes cacheadas -SETTINGS_8=Mostrar progreso de la instalación -SETTINGS_9=Activar sombreado de fondo +SETTINGS_4=Ruta INI +SETTINGS_7=Borrar imágenes almacenadas en caché SETTINGS_10=Guardar configuración - - -#Cadenas del volcador -[DUMPER] -DUMP_INFO=Información de volcado -APP_NAME=Nombre de Aplicación: -TITLE_ID=TITLE_ID: -DUMPER_SC0=Volcando contenido de sc0(sce_sys)... -DUMPING_TROPHIES=Volcando trofeos... -CREATING_GP4=Creando GP4... -DEC_BIN=Descifrando bin -DEL_SEM=Eliminando semáforo... -EXT_PATCH=Extrayendo ficheros del parche del juego -EXT_GAME_FILES=Extrayendo ficheros base del juego -PROCESSING=Procesando +#CADENAS ACTUALIZADAS +SETTINGS_5=Precargar iconos almacenados en caché al iniciar +SETTINGS_3=Actualizar la base de datos de la tienda +SETTINGS_9=Restablecer configuración de la tienda +SETTINGS_6=Instalar automáticamente +SETTINGS_8=Progreso de la instalación heredada +#NUEVAS CUERDAS +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Se requiere que el progreso de la instalación heredada esté deshabilitado para habilitar esta configuración +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Se requiere que la instalación automática esté deshabilitada para habilitar esta configuración +CANCELAR=Cancelar +DL_AND_IN=Descargar e instalar +PAUSE_2=Pausa +RESUME_2=Reanudar +INSTALL_2=Instalar +APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Actualización disponible +UPDATE_NOW=Actualizar ahora +REINSTALL_APP=Reinstalar la última +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Buscando actualizaciones... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=precargando iconos de aplicaciones en caché... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Precargar iconos almacenados en caché al iniciar +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Todavía se están comprobando las actualizaciones en segundo plano +SHOW_PROG=Mostrar progreso +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Permanecer en segundo plano +INSTALL_COMPLETE=¡Instalación completa! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/4/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/4/lang.ini index e118981..a1c6ea1 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/4/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/4/lang.ini @@ -1,137 +1,121 @@ -#strings for loader -[LOADER] -LOADER_FATAL=FATAL! -FATAL_JB=FATAL Jailbreak fehlgeschlagen mit Code -FATAL_REJAIL=FATAL rejail_multi fehlgeschlagen mit Code -EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED=;no longer used -PING_FAILED=Verbindung zum CDN fehlgeschlagen mit -SWU_ERROR=[SWU-Fehler] Update ist widerrufen. Deaktiviere Secure Boot, um das Update zu benutzen. -RSA_LOAD=Überprüfung von RSA Sig... -RSA_FAILED=Fehler bei der RSA Überprüfung mit Fehlercode -SECURE_FAIL=Secure Boot ist aktiviert, aber wir konnten die Sig-Datei nicht vom CDN herunterladen -REINSTALL_PKG=Update ist fehlgeschlagen, bitte installieren die neuste HB-Store erneut -LOADER_ERROR=Beim Store Loader ist ein Fehler aufgetreten -MORE_INFO=Für weitere Informationen siehe: /user/app/NPXS39041/logs/loader.log Die App wird nun Beendet -DOWNLOADING_UPDATE=Update Datei wird heruntergeladen... -INI_FAIL=INI-Datei konnte nicht erstellt werden -UPDATE_REQ=Aktualisierung notwendig -UPDATE_APPLIED=Update wurde installiert -OPT_UPDATE=Ein Update ist verfügbar. Möchten Sie jetzt aktualisieren? -STR_NOT_FOUND=String nicht gefunden - -#strings STORE -[STORE] -BETA_REVOKED=Die BETA ist beendet oder widerrufen, bitte ändere deine CDN -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Sie sind als Beta-Benutzer eingeloggt -INERNET_REQ=Internet Verbindung wird benötigt +BETA_REVOKED=Die BETA wurde beendet oder wurde widerrufen. Bitte ändern Sie Ihr CDN +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Sie wurden als Beta-Benutzer angemeldet +INERNET_REQ=Internetverbindung ist erforderlich SORT_OPTS=Apps sortieren STR_NOT_FOUND=String nicht gefunden -ON=An -OFF=Aus -TRUE=An -FALSE=Aus -DL_ERROR=Download Fehler: -DL_COMPLETE=Download komplett +EIN=EIN +AUS=AUS +WAHR=Wahr +FALSE=Falsch +DL_ERROR=Download-Fehler: +DL_COMPLETE=Download abgeschlossen DL_CANCELLED=Download abgebrochen -DOWNLOADING=Wird heruntergeladen +DOWNLOADING=Herunterladen PAGE=Seite STORAGE=Speicher -STORE_VER=Store Version -SYS_VER=System Version -HB_GAME=HB Game +STORE_VER=Store-Version +SYS_VER=Systemversion +HB_GAME=HB-Spiel EMU=Emulator -EMU_ADDON=Emulator Add-On -MEDIA=Media -PLUGINS=Mira Plugins -UTLIITY=Dienstprogramme -OTHER=Sonstiges +EMU_ADDON=Emulator-Add-On +MEDIA=Medien +PLUGINS=Mira-Plugins +UTLIITY=Dienstprogramm +OTHER=Andere DL=Herunterladen INSTALL=Installieren -INSTALLING=Wird installiert -SAPPS=Store Apps +INSTALLING=Installiert +SAPPS=Store-Apps IAPPS=Installierte Apps -STRG=Store Gruppen -RINSTALL=Bereit zum installieren +STRG=Store-Gruppen +RINSTALL=Bereit zur Installation QUEUE=Warteschlange UPDATES=Updates SETTINGS=Einstellungen -SEARCH=Suche nach +SEARCH=Suchen nach SORT_BY=Sortieren nach FILTER_BY=Filtern nach -ID=Id +ID=ID NAME=Name PACKAGE=Paket VER=Version -RSTARS=Bewertungen -SIZE=Größe -AUTHOR=Autor -TYPE=Type +RSTARS=Bewertungssterne +GRÖSSE=Größe +AUTOR=Autor +TYPE=Typ PV=Spielbare Version -DISC=CD +DISC=Disc RDATE=Veröffentlichungsdatum NUMB_OF_DL=Anzahl der Downloads -INSTALL_FAILED=Installation fehlgeschlagen mit Code -INSTALL_ONGOING=Store-Installation im Gange -TIP1=Keine Sorge, Downloads in der Warteschlange werden weiterhin im Hintergrund heruntergeladen. +INSTALL_FAILED=Installation mit Code fehlgeschlagen +INSTALL_ONGOING=Installation beim Start speichern +TIPP1=Keine Sorge, Downloads in der Warteschlange werden immer noch im Hintergrund heruntergeladen INSTALL_OF=Installation von -COMPLETE=ist jetzt Abgeschlossen! -FAILED_W_CODE=ist fehlgeschlagen mit dem Code +COMPLETE=ist jetzt abgeschlossen! +FAILED_W_CODE=Fehler beim Code FATAL_ERROR=Schwerwiegender Fehler -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Bitte schließen Sie das Programm nachn dem Drücken von 'OK'. +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Bitte schließen Sie das Programm, nachdem Sie auf OK geklickt haben WARNING=Warnung -FAILED_TTF=TTF Fehler beim Laden von -SWITCH_TO_EM=Umschalten auf Embedded -INI_ERROR=Konnte die INI-Datei nicht finden/öffnen -DL_CACHE=Herunterladen und Zwischenspeichern von Website-Dateien... -PIG_FAIL=Piglet (retail) konnte nicht geladen werden mit -NO_USB=Kein USB gefunden, Beenden... +FAILED_TTF=Laden von TTF fehlgeschlagen +SWITCH_TO_EM=Wechsel zu Embedded +INI_ERROR=Konnte die INI-Datei NICHT finden/öffnen +DL_CACHE=Website-Dateien werden heruntergeladen und zwischengespeichert... +PIG_FAIL=Piglet (Einzelhandel) konnte nicht geladen werden +NO_USB=Kein USB erkannt, wird beendet... DL_FAILED_W=Download fehlgeschlagen mit StatusCode: -NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store ist nicht als Download für PS4 verfügbar, sondern nur über die Website -NEW_INI=Du erstellst eine NEUE INI. Die Anwendung wird diese INI NICHT verwenden und sie wird auch nicht in der INI gespeichert, die diese Anwendung verwendet! -STR_TOO_LONG=String ist entweder zu lang oder ungültig. Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Eingabe ein -INVAL_PATH=Ungültiger Datei Pfad! Geben Sie einen gültigen Datei Pfad ein -PKG_SUF=Pkg Suffix und /data Pfad sind im TEMP Pfad nicht erlaubt. HINWEIS: Es sollten keine .pkg Dateien in deinem TEMP Pfad sein. -INVAL_CDN=Ungültige CDN. Stelle sicher, dass es im Format http://CDN/ ist. HTTPS URLs werden nicht unterstützt -INVAL_TTF=Ungültiger .ttf Pfad. Bitte stelle sicher, dass die Dateierweiterung .ttf lautet. +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store ist nicht für den PS4-Download verfügbar, es handelt sich nur um einen Website-Download +NEW_INI=Sie erstellen eine NEUE INI. Die App wird diese INI NICHT verwenden und sie wird auch NICHT in der INI gespeichert, die die App verwendet! +STR_TOO_LONG=String ist entweder zu lang oder UNGÜLTIG. Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Eintrag ein +INVAL_PATH=UNGÜLTIGER Pfad! Geben Sie einen gültigen Pfad ein +PKG_SUF=Pkg-Suffix und /data-Pfad sind für TEMP PATH nicht zulässig. HINWEIS: Schließen Sie .pkg NICHT in Ihren temporären Pfad ein +INVAL_CDN=Verbindung zum CDN konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es das Format https://CDN/ hat. +INVAL_TTF=UNGÜLTIGER .ttf-Pfad. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Dateierweiterung .ttf ist CACHE_CLEARED=Alle zwischengespeicherten Bilder erfolgreich gelöscht/geleert -CLEARING_CACHE=Cache Inhalte löschen -CACHE_FAILED=Löschen von Cache Inhalten fehlgeschlagen -SAVE_ERROR=Fehler beim Speichern. Ihre Änderungen wurden NICHT gespeichert! +CLEARING_CACHE=Cache-Inhalte werden gelöscht +CACHE_FAILED=Löschen des zwischengespeicherten Inhalts ist fehlgeschlagen +SAVE_ERROR=Speicherfehler, Ihre Änderungen wurden NICHT gespeichert SAVE_SUCCESS=Ihre Änderungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert -DL_FAILED2=Herunterladen fehlgeschlagen mit Code -SERVER_DIS=Server Verbindung unterbrochen! Starten Sie die APP neu und überprüfen Sie Ihre Internet Verbindung! -FAILED_TO_PARSE=JSON konnte nicht geparst werden: +DL_FAILED2=Download mit Code fehlgeschlagen +SERVER_DIS=Server getrennt! Starten Sie die APP neu und überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung! +FAILED_TO_PARSE=JSON konnte nicht analysiert werden: OBJ_EXPECTED=Objekt erwartet CANT_OPEN=Öffnen nicht möglich -APP_DIED=App wurde unerwartet beendet mit Error Code +APP_DIED=App ist mit Exit-Code gestorben PKG_TEAM=Wenn dies weiterhin der Fall ist, wenden Sie sich an das PKG-Zone-Team -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=ist vollständig und fehlerfrei! -DUMP_FAILED=Wurde mit Problemen abgeschlossen. NICHT alle Dateien wurden gedumpt! Stelle sicher, dass dein Exploit-Hoster MMAP-Patches aktiviert hat. -EXCEED_LIMITS=Die Anzahl der Seiten übersteigt die Speicher begrenzung! -ZERO_ITEMS=Der CDN-Server hat 0 oder negative Artikel/Seiten zur Verfügung. Mindestens 1 Artikel/Seite ist erforderlich, damit der Store funktioniert -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) hat einen NULL-Ergebnisstring zurückgegeben +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=ist ohne Fehler abgeschlossen! +DUMP_FAILED=Ist mit Problemen abgeschlossen. NICHT alle Dateien wurden gelöscht! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Exploit-Hoster MMAP-Patches aktiviert hat +EXCEED_LIMITS=Anzahl der Seiten überschreitet die Store-Grenzen! +ZERO_ITEMS=Der CDN-Server hat 0 oder negative Elemente/Seiten bereitgestellt. Damit der Store funktioniert, ist mindestens 1 Artikel/Seite erforderlich +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) hat eine NULL-Ergebniszeichenfolge zurückgegeben DL_ERROR_PAGE=Seite konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden: -ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Asset konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden: -SEARCHING=Suchen.... -SETTINGS_1=Content Delivery Network +ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Asset konnte NICHT heruntergeladen werden: +SEARCHING=Suche.... +SETTINGS_1=Content-Delivery-Netzwerk SETTINGS_2=Temporärer Pfad -SETTINGS_4=INI Pfad -SETTINGS_5=Benutzerdefinierte FreeType-Schriftart Pfad +SETTINGS_4=INI-Pfad SETTINGS_7=Zwischengespeicherte Bilder löschen SETTINGS_10=Einstellungen speichern -#UPDATED STRINGS -SETTINGS_3=Aktualisiere die Store Datenbank -SETTINGS_9=Store Einstellungen zurücksetzen +#AKTUALISIERTE STRINGS +SETTINGS_5=Zwischengespeicherte Symbole beim Start vorladen +SETTINGS_3=Store-Datenbank aktualisieren +SETTINGS_9=Store-Einstellungen zurücksetzen SETTINGS_6=Automatisch installieren -SETTINGS_8=Legacy Installationsfortschritt -#NEW STIRNGS -AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Legacy Install Progress muss ausgeschaltet sein, um diese Einstellung zu aktivieren -INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Auto Install muss ausgeschaltet sein, um diese Einstellung zu aktivieren -CANCEL=Abbruch -DL_AND_IN=Herunterladen und Installieren +SETTINGS_8=Legacy-Installationsfortschritt +#NEUE SAITEN +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Legacy-Installationsfortschritt muss deaktiviert werden, um diese Einstellung zu aktivieren +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Die automatische Installation muss deaktiviert sein, um diese Einstellung zu aktivieren +CANCEL=Abbrechen +DL_AND_IN=Herunterladen und installieren PAUSE_2=Pause -RESUME_2=Weiter +RESUME_2=Fortsetzen INSTALL_2=Installieren APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Update verfügbar -UPDATE_NOW=Update jetzt -REINSTALL_APP=Letzte Re-installieren \ No newline at end of file +UPDATE_NOW=Jetzt aktualisieren +REINSTALL_APP=Neueste Version neu installieren +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Suche nach Updates... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=Vorabgespeicherte App-Symbole laden... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Zwischengespeicherte Symbole beim Start vorladen +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Updates werden weiterhin im Hintergrund überprüft +SHOW_PROG=Fortschritt anzeigen +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Im Hintergrund bleiben +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Installation abgeschlossen! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/5/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/5/lang.ini index 3ca47a2..21b7e3b 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/5/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/5/lang.ini @@ -21,176 +21,145 @@ STR_NOT_FOUND=Stringa non trovata #strings STORE [STORE] +LOADER_FATAL=FATALE! +FATAL_JB=FATAL Jailbreak fallito con il codice +FATAL_REJAIL=FATAL rejail_multi fallito con il codice +EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED=lo Store è installato su un HDD esterno che NON è supportato, disinstallalo dall'HDD esterno e installalo SOLO sull'HDD della PS4 +PING_FAILED=Connessione al CDN fallita con +SWU_ERROR=[Errore SWU] L'aggiornamento è stato revocato per utilizzare questo aggiornamento disattivare l'avvio protetto +RSA_LOAD=Verifica sig RSA... +RSA_FAILED=Controllo RSA non riuscito con codice di errore +SECURE_FAIL=Secure Boot è abilitato ma non è stato possibile scaricare il file Sig dal CDN +REINSTALL_PKG=L'aggiornamento è FALLITO. Si prega di reinstallare l'ultimo HB-Store +LOADER_ERROR=Lo Store Loader ha riscontrato un errore +MORE_INFO=Per maggiori informazioni controllare: /user/app/NPXS39041/logs/loader.log L'app verrà ora chiusa +DOWNLOADING_UPDATE=Scaricamento del file di aggiornamento... +INI_FAIL=Impossibile creare il file INI +UPDATE_REQ=Aggiornamento richiesto, premere OK per aggiornare l'app +UPDATE_APPLIED=L'aggiornamento è stato applicato +OPT_UPDATE=È disponibile un aggiornamento. Vuoi aggiornare ora? +STR_NOT_FOUND=Stringa non trovata -BETA_REVOKED=La BETA è terminata o è stata revocata, cambia il tuo CDN -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Hai effettuato l'accesso come utente beta -INERNET_REQ=Internet è richiesto -SORT_OPTS=Ordina App +#stringhe NEGOZIO +[NEGOZIO] +BETA_REVOKED=La BETA è terminata o è stata revocata per favore cambia il tuo CDN +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Sei stato loggato come utente Beta +INERNET_REQ=È richiesta una connessione a Internet +SORT_OPTS=Ordina app STR_NOT_FOUND=Stringa non trovata ON=ON -OFF=OFF -TRUE=Vero -FALSE=Falso -#THESE NEED , -DL_ERROR=Errore nel Download: -DL_COMPLETE=Download Completato -DL_CANCELLED=Download Cancellato -DOWNLOADING=Download in corso... -PAGE=Pagina -STORAGE=Spazio disponibile -STORE_VER=Versione dello Store: -SYS_VER=Versione di Sistema: -HB_GAME=Giochi HB +SPENTO=SPENTO +VERO=Vero +FALSO=falso +DL_ERROR=Errore di download: +DL_COMPLETE=Download completato +DL_CANCELLED=Download annullato +DOWNLOADING=Scaricamento in corso +PAGINA=Pagina +STOCCAGGIO=Archiviazione +STORE_VER=Versione archivio +SYS_VER=Versione del sistema +HB_GAME=Gioco HB EMU=Emulatore -EMU_ADDON=Add-On Emulatore +EMU_ADDON=Componente aggiuntivo dell'emulatore MEDIA=Media -PLUGINS=Mira Plugins -UTLIITY=Utility -OTHER=Altro -DL=Download +PLUGIN=Plugin Mira +UTLIITY=Utilità +ALTRO=Altro +DL=Scarica INSTALL=Installa INSTALLING=Installazione -SAPPS=Store Apps -IAPPS=App Installate -STRG=Store Groups -RINSTALL=Pronto ad essere installato -QUEUE=In attesa +SAPPS=App Store +IAPPS=App installate +STRG=Gruppi di negozi +RINSTALL=Pronto per l'installazione +CODA=Coda UPDATES=Aggiornamenti SETTINGS=Impostazioni -SEARCH=Ricerca per +SEARCH=Cerca SORT_BY=Ordina per FILTER_BY=Filtra per -ID=Id -NAME=Nome -PACKAGE=Package +id=Id +NOME=Nome +PACCHETTO=Pacchetto VER=Versione -RSTARS=Recensioni Stelle -SIZE=Dimensione -AUTHOR=Autore -TYPE=Tipo -PV=Versione Giocabile -DISC=Disco +RSTARS=Recensisci Stelle +TAGLIA=Dimensione +AUTORE=Autore +TIPO=Tipo +PV=Versione giocabile +DISCO=Disco RDATE=Data di rilascio -NUMB_OF_DL=Numero di Downloads +NUMB_OF_DL=Numero di download INSTALL_FAILED=Installazione non riuscita con codice -INSTALL_ONGOING=Archivia l'installazione in corso -TIP1=Non preoccuparti, i download in coda vengono ancora scaricati in background +INSTALL_ONGOING=Installazione negozio in corso +TIP1=Non preoccuparti, i download in coda continuano a essere scaricati in background INSTALL_OF=Installazione di -COMPLETE=e adesso Completato! -FAILED_W_CODE=ha fallito con codice -FATAL_ERROR=Errore Fatale -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Si prega di chiudere il programma dopo aver premuto OK -WARNING=Attenzione +COMPLETE=ora è completo! +FAILED_W_CODE=ha fallito con il codice +FATAL_ERROR=Errore irreversibile +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Chiudere il programma dopo aver premuto OK +ATTENZIONE=Avviso FAILED_TTF=Caricamento TTF non riuscito da -SWITCH_TO_EM=Passare a Incorporato +SWITCH_TO_EM=Passaggio a Incorporato INI_ERROR=Impossibile trovare/aprire il file INI -DL_CACHE=Download e memorizzazione nella cache dei file del sito Web... -PIG_FAIL=Piglet (retail) non è riuscito a caricare con -NO_USB=Nessuna USB rilevata, uscita in corso... +DL_CACHE=Download e memorizzazione nella cache dei file del sito web... +PIG_FAIL=Il caricamento di Piglet (vendita al dettaglio) non è riuscito +NO_USB=Nessuna USB rilevata, uscita... DL_FAILED_W=Download non riuscito con StatusCode: -NOT_ON_APP=HB Store non è disponibile per il download per PS4, è un download solo dal sito Web -NEW_INI=Stai creando un NUOVO INI L'app NON utilizzerà questo, inoltre NON verrà salvato nell'INI utilizzato dall'app! -STR_TOO_LONG=La stringa è troppo lunga o NON VALIDA Immettere una voce valida -INVAL_PATH=Percorso non valido! inserire un percorso valido -PKG_SUF=Il suffisso Pkg e il percorso /data non sono consentiti per TEMP PATH NOTA: NON includere .pkg nel percorso temporaneo -INVAL_CDN=CDN NON VALIDO assicurati che sia nel formato http://CDN/ non sono consentiti URL HTTPS -INVAL_TTF=Percorso .ttf NON VALIDO Assicurati che il file ext sia .ttf -CACHE_CLEARED=Eliminate/cancellate con successo tutte le immagini memorizzate nella cache -CLEARING_CACHE=Cancellazione dei contenuti memorizzati nella cache -CACHE_FAILED=Cancellazione del contenuto memorizzato nella cache non riuscita -SAVE_ERROR=Errore nel salvataggio, le modifiche NON sono state salvate -SAVE_SUCCESS=Le tue modifiche sono state salvate correttamente +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store non è disponibile per il download PS4, è solo un download da sito web +NEW_INI=Stai creando un NUOVO INI. L'app NON utilizzerà questo INI inoltre NON verrà salvato nell'INI utilizzato dall'app! +STR_TOO_LONG=La stringa è troppo lunga o INVALID. Inserisci una voce valida +INVAL_PATH=Percorso NON VALIDO! entrare in un sentiero vaild +PKG_SUF=Il suffisso Pkg e il percorso /data non sono consentiti per TEMP PATH. NOTA: NON includere .pkg nel percorso temporaneo +INVAL_CDN=Impossibile connettersi al CDN, assicurarsi che sia nel formato https://CDN/. +INVAL_TTF=Percorso .ttf NON VALIDO. Assicurati che l'estensione del file sia .ttf +CACHE_CLEARED=Cancellate/cancellate con successo tutte le immagini memorizzate nella cache +CLEARING_CACHE=Cancellazione dei contenuti della cache +CACHE_FAILED=Cancellazione del contenuto della cache non riuscita +SAVE_ERROR=Errore di salvataggio, le modifiche NON sono state salvate +SAVE_SUCCESS=Le tue modifiche sono state salvate con successo DL_FAILED2=Download non riuscito con codice -SERVER_DIS=Server disconnesso! Riavvia l'APP e verifica la tua Connessione! +SERVER_DIS=Server disconnesso! Riavvia l'APP e controlla la tua Connessione! FAILED_TO_PARSE=Impossibile analizzare JSON: -OBJ_EXPECTED=Oggetto previsto -CANT_OPEN=Impossibile Aprire -APP_DIED=L'app è morta con il codice di uscita -PKG_TEAM=Se continua, contatta il team di PKG-Zone -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=è completo senza errori!: -DUMP_FAILED=Ha completato con problemi NON tutti i file sono stati scaricati! Assicurati che il tuo exploit hoster abbia le patch MMAP abilitate -EXCEED_LIMITS=Il numero di pagine supera i limiti dello STORE! -ZERO_ITEMS=Il server CDN ha fornito 0 articoli/pagine negativi Almeno 1 articolo/pagina è richiesto per il funzionamento dello STORE +OBJ_EXPECTED=Oggetto atteso +CANT_OPEN=Impossibile aprire +APP_DIED=L'app è morta con codice di uscita +PKG_TEAM=Se continua, contatta il team PKG-Zone +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=è completo senza errori! +DUMP_FAILED=Completato con problemi. NON tutti i file sono stati scaricati! Assicurati che il tuo host di exploit abbia le patch MMAP abilitate +EXCEED_LIMITS=Il numero di pagine supera i limiti dei negozi! +ZERO_ITEMS=Il server CDN ha fornito 0 o elementi/pagine negativi. Per il funzionamento dello Store è necessario almeno 1 elemento/pagina COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) ha restituito una stringa di risultato NULL DL_ERROR_PAGE=Impossibile scaricare la pagina: ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Impossibile scaricare la risorsa: -SEARCHING=Ricerca in corso.... -SETTINGS_1=Content Delivery Network -SETTINGS_2=Percorso Temporaneo +RICERCA=Ricerca.... +SETTINGS_1=Rete per la distribuzione di contenuti +SETTINGS_2=Percorso temporaneo SETTINGS_4=Percorso INI -SETTINGS_5=Percorso FreeType font personalizzato -SETTINGS_7=Cancella le immagini memorizzate nella cache -SETTINGS_10=Salva le Impostazioni - -SETTINGS_3=Aggiorna il database dello store -SETTINGS_9=Resetta le impostazioni dello Store +SETTINGS_7=Cancella immagini memorizzate nella cache +SETTINGS_10=Salva impostazioni +#CORDE AGGIORNATE +SETTINGS_5=Precarica le icone memorizzate nella cache all'avvio +SETTINGS_3=Aggiorna database negozio +SETTINGS_9=Ripristina impostazioni negozio SETTINGS_6=Installa automaticamente -SETTINGS_8=Avanzamento dell'installazione precedente -#NEW STRINGS -AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=L'avanzamento dell'installazione precedente deve essere disabilitato per abilitare questa impostazione +SETTINGS_8=Avanzamento installazione legacy +#NUOVE CORDE +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=L'avanzamento dell'installazione legacy deve essere disabilitato per abilitare questa impostazione INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=L'installazione automatica deve essere disabilitata per abilitare questa impostazione -CANCEL=Cancella +ANNULLA=Annulla DL_AND_IN=Scarica e installa PAUSE_2=Pausa RESUME_2=Riprendi INSTALL_2=Installa APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Aggiornamento disponibile -UPDATE_NOW=Aggiorna adesso -REINSTALL_APP=Reinstalla il più recente - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +UPDATE_NOW=Aggiorna ora +REINSTALL_APP=Reinstalla l'ultimo +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Verifica aggiornamenti... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=pre-caricamento delle icone delle app memorizzate nella cache... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Precarica le icone memorizzate nella cache all'avvio +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Gli aggiornamenti vengono ancora controllati in background +SHOW_PROG=Mostra avanzamento +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Resta in background +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Installazione completata! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/7/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/7/lang.ini index 2b86545..093c0e4 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/7/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/7/lang.ini @@ -21,215 +21,145 @@ STR_NOT_FOUND=String não encontrada #strings STORE [STORE] - -BETA_REVOKED=O BETA acabou ou foi revocado. Por favor, verifique o seu CDN -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Fez login como um Utilizador BETA -INERNET_REQ=Internet necessária -SORT_OPTS=Ordenar aplicações -STR_NOT_FOUND=String não encontrada -ITEMZ_SETTINGS=Definições da Itemzflow -RESORT=Reordenar Jogos/Aplicações -MISSING_EBOOT=[Interno] eboot.bin está a faltar de /data/app/ ou de /hostapp/app/ -MISSING_SFO=[Interno] param.sfo está a faltar de /data/app/sce_sys ou de /hostapp/app/sce_sys -CORRUPT_SFO=O param.sfo está corrompido -ON=LIGADO -OFF=DESLIGADO -TRUE=Verdadeiro -FALSE=Falso -#THESE NEED , -DL_ERROR=Erro de download -DL_COMPLETE=Download Completo -DL_CANCELLED=Download Cancelado -DOWNLOADING=Transferindo +LOADER_FATAL=FATAL! +FATAL_JB=FATAL Jailbreak falhou com código +FATAL_REJAIL=FATAL rejail_multi falhou com o código +EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED=A loja está instalada em um HDD externo que NÃO é suportado, desinstale-o do Ext HDD e instale-o APENAS no HDD do PS4s +PING_FAILED=Falha na conexão com o CDN com +SWU_ERROR=[SWU Error] A atualização foi revogada para usar esta atualização, desligue o Secure Boot +RSA_LOAD=Verificando assinatura RSA... +RSA_FAILED=A verificação RSA falhou com o código de erro +SECURE_FAIL=Secure Boot está ativado, mas não foi possível baixar o arquivo Sig do CDN +REINSTALL_PKG=Falha na atualização. Reinstale o HB-Store mais recente +LOADER_ERROR=O Store Loader encontrou um erro +MORE_INFO=Para mais informações, verifique: /user/app/NPXS39041/logs/loader.log O aplicativo será fechado agora +DOWNLOADING_UPDATE=Baixando arquivo de atualização... +INI_FAIL=Não foi possível criar o arquivo INI +UPDATE_REQ=Atualização necessária, pressione OK para atualizar o aplicativo +UPDATE_APPLIED=A atualização foi aplicada +OPT_UPDATE=Uma atualização está disponível. Deseja atualizar agora? +STR_NOT_FOUND=Sequência não encontrada + +#strings LOJA +[LOJA] +BETA_REVOKED=O BETA terminou ou foi revogado, altere seu CDN +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Você foi logado como um usuário Beta +INERNET_REQ=Conexão com a Internet é necessária +SORT_OPTS=Classificar aplicativos +STR_NOT_FOUND=Sequência não encontrada +ON=ON +DESLIGADO=DESLIGADO +VERDADEIRO=Verdadeiro +FALSO=Falso +DL_ERROR=Erro de download: +DL_COMPLETE=Download Concluído +DL_CANCELLED=Download cancelado +DOWNLOADING=Baixando PAGE=Página STORAGE=Armazenamento -STORE_VER=Versão da Loja: -SYS_VER=Versão do Sistema: -HB_GAME=Jogo Homebrew +STORE_VER=Versão da Loja +SYS_VER=Versão do sistema +HB_GAME=HB Jogo EMU=Emulador -EMU_ADDON=Conteúdo Adicional de Emulador -MEDIA=Média -PLUGINS=Plugins do Mira -UTLIITY=Utilitários -OTHER=Outros -DL=Transferir +EMU_ADDON=Complemento do emulador +MÍDIA=Mídia +PLUGINS=Plugins do Mira +UTLIITY=Utilitário +OTHER=Outro +DL=Baixar INSTALL=Instalar -MORE=Que mais? INSTALLING=Instalando -SAPPS=Aplicações da Loja -IAPPS=Aplicações Instaladas -STRG=Grupos da Loja -RINSTALL=Pronto a instalar +SAPPS=Aplicativos da loja +IAPPS=Aplicativos Instalados +STRG=Grupos de lojas +RINSTALL=Pronto para instalar QUEUE=Fila -UPDATES=Atualizações -SETTINGS=Definições -SEARCH=Procurar por -SORT_BY=Ordenar por +ATUALIZAÇÕES=Atualizações +SETTINGS=Configurações +SEARCH=Pesquisar por +SORT_BY=Classificar por FILTER_BY=Filtrar por ID=Id -NAME=Nome -PACKAGE=Embalagem +NOME=Nome +PACOTE=Pacote VER=Versão -RSTARS=Estrelas de Voto -SIZE=Tamanho -AUTHOR=Autor -TYPE=Tipo -PV=Versão Jogável +RSTARS=Revisar Estrelas +TAMANHO=Tamanho +AUTOR=Autor +TIPO=Tipo +PV=Versão jogável DISC=Disco RDATE=Data de lançamento NUMB_OF_DL=Número de downloads -INSTALL_FAILED=Instalação falhou com o código -INSTALL_ONGOING=Instalação da Loja em progresso -TIP1=Não se preocupe, os downloads em fila estão a ser transferidos em segundo plano +INSTALL_FAILED=A instalação falhou com o código +INSTALL_ONGOING=Instalação da loja em andamento +TIP1=Não se preocupe, os downloads na fila ainda estão baixando em segundo plano INSTALL_OF=Instalação de -COMPLETE=está Completa! +COMPLETO=agora está Completo! FAILED_W_CODE=falhou com o código -FATAL_ERROR=Erro Fatal -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Por favor feche o programa depois de Pressionar 'OK' -WARNING=Aviso -FAILED_TTF=TTF Falhou o carregamento de -SWITCH_TO_EM=Mudando para o modo Embutido -INI_ERROR=NÃO foi possivel obter/encontrar o ficheiro INI -FAILED_DAEMON=Os serviços de inicialização do daemon do Itemzflow falharam. Algumas coisas podem não funcionar. Se possui um USB inserido por favor verifique os registos -DAEMON_OFF=O Daemon Que Inicia Automaticamente do Itemzflow está desligado Isto pode fazer com que algumas coisas não funcionem -DL_CACHE=Obtendo e metendo os ficheiros do Website em Cache... -PIG_FAIL=Falha do carregamento do Piglet (retail) com o código de erro -NO_USB=Nenhum USB Detectado, Saindo... -DUMP=DEPOIS do Jogo lançar quando pressionar OK espere alguns segundos depois volte à Loja e o jogo começará a ser dumpeado NÃO FECHE O JOGO OU A LOJA ATÉ QUE A DUMP ESTEJA COMPLETA -UNINSTALL_UPDATE=Desinstalação de Atualizações de Jogo efectuada com sucesso -UNINSTAL_UPDATE_FAILED=Desinstalação de Atualizações de Jogo falharam com o código: -UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=Jogo desinstalado com Sucesso, a lista de Aplicações Instaladas vai agora recarregar -UNINSTALL_FAILED=Desinstalação do Jogo falhou com o código: -COMING_SOON=Em breve -RELOAD_IAPPS=As Aplicações Instaladas vão agora recarregar -APP_REQ=Este Lançador de Jogos tem um requisito de, pelo menos, 4 aplicações, para usá-lo, tem de Instalar: -MORE_APPS=Mais Aplicações -DOWNLOADING_COVERS=Obtendo Covers do Servidor -DL_FAILED_W=Download Falhou com o Código de Erro: -NOT_ON_APP=A Loja dos Homebrews Não está disponivel para download na PS4, é um site de Downloads somente para PC -NEW_INI=Você está a criar um NOVO FICHEIRO INI A Aplicação NÃO USARÁ este INI e também NÃO SERÁ GUARDADO para o INI que a aplicação usa! -STR_TOO_LONG=String é demasiado longa ou INVÁLIDA Por favor insira uma entrada válida -INVAL_PATH=CAMINHO INVÁLIDO! Por favor insira um caminho válido -PKG_SUF=Sufixo da Pkg e caminho da /data não são permitidos NOTA DE CAMINHO TEMPORÁRIO: NÃO includa .pkg no seu caminho temporário -INVAL_CDN=CDN INVÁLIDO certifique-se que está no formato http://CDN/ URLs https não são permitidos -INVAL_TTF=Caminho de fonte .ttf INVÁLIDO Por favor verifique que a extensão do ficheiro é .ttf -CACHE_CLEARED=Remoção de todas as Imagens em Cache efectuada com Sucesso -CLEARING_CACHE=Removendo Conteúdo Cache -CACHE_FAILED=Remoção do Conteúdo Cached Falhou -ITEMZ_FEATURE_DISABLED=Esta feature está desactivada, Motivo: O Daemon Itemzflow NÃO está ligado! -SAVE_ERROR=Erro ao guardar, as suas alterações NÃO foram guardadas -SAVE_SUCCESS=As suas alterações foram guardadas com sucesso -DL_FAILED2=Download falhou com o código -SERVER_DIS=Servidor Disconectado! Reinicie a Aplicação e verifique a sua Ligação! -FAILED_TO_PARSE=Falha ao fazer o parsing do JSON: -OBJ_EXPECTED=Objecto esperado -CANT_OPEN=Impossivel Abrir -APP_DIED=Aplicação morreu com o código de erro -PKG_TEAM=Se isto continuar por favor contacte a equipa PKG-Zone -FATAL_DUMP_ERROR=O Dumpeador de Jogos falhou. A app vai agora reiniciar Pressione OK para continuar -DUMP_OF=Dump de -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=Completou sem Erros!: -DUMP_FAILED=Completo Com Problemas NEM TODOS os ficheiros foram dumpeados! Por favor verifique que o seu host de exploit tem os patches MMAP activados! -EXCEED_LIMITS=Número de páginas Excede os Limites da Loja! -ZERO_ITEMS=O Servidor CDN Disponibilizou Items/Páginas 0 ou Negativas Pelo Menos 1 Item/Página é necessária para a Loja funcionar -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) retornou uma String de resultado NULL -DL_ERROR_PAGE=Não foi possivel obter Página: -ERROR_DL_ASSETS=NÃO foi possivel obter recurso: -APP_NOT_FOUND=Aplicação NÃO encontrada -APP_OPENED=Aplicação já aberta -APP_UNL=Aplicação NÃO Lançável -ID_NOT_VAILD=TITLE_ID NÃO É VÁLIDO -LAUNCH_ERROR=Lançamento da aplicação falhou com o código de erro -RELOAD_LIST=Atualizando a Lista de Aplicações Instaladas... -SEARCHING=Procurando.... -WAITING_FOR_DAEMON=Esperando pela Resposta do Benvindo do Daemon (máximo 1 min) -TRYING_TO_DL=Tentando obter Cover para -DL_COVERS=Obtendo Covers do servidor -STARTING_DUMPER=Inicializando o Dumpeador... -LG=Lançar jogo -DG=Dumpear jogo -UU=Desinstalar atualização -UG=Desinstalar jogo -TRAINERS=Trainers -SETTINGS_1=Rede de Entrega de Conteúdo +FATAL_ERROR=Erro fatal +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Por favor, feche o programa após pressionar OK +AVISO=Aviso +FAILED_TTF=TTF falhou ao carregar de +SWITCH_TO_EM=Mudando para Incorporado +INI_ERROR=NÃO foi possível localizar/abrir o arquivo INI +DL_CACHE=Baixando e armazenando em cache os arquivos do site... +PIG_FAIL=Piglet (varejo) falhou ao carregar com +NO_USB=Nenhum USB detectado, saindo... +DL_FAILED_W=Falha no download com StatusCode: +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store não está disponível para download do PS4, é um download apenas do site +NEW_INI=Você está criando um NOVO INI. O aplicativo NÃO IRÁ usar este INI e também NÃO será salvo no INI que o aplicativo está usando! +STR_TOO_LONG=A string é muito longa ou INVALID. Insira uma entrada válida +INVAL_PATH=Caminho INVÁLIDO! insira um caminho válido +PKG_SUF=Pkg Sufixo e /data path não são permitidos para TEMP PATH. NOTA: NÃO inclua .pkg em seu caminho temporário +INVAL_CDN=Falha ao conectar ao CDN, verifique se está no formato https://CDN/. +INVAL_TTF=Caminho .ttf INVALID. Verifique se a extensão do arquivo é .ttf +CACHE_CLEARED=Excluído com sucesso/Limpar todas as imagens em cache +CLEARING_CACHE=Limpando conteúdo em cache +CACHE_FAILED=A limpeza do conteúdo em cache falhou +SAVE_ERROR=Erro ao salvar, suas alterações NÃO foram salvas +SAVE_SUCCESS=Suas alterações foram salvas com sucesso +DL_FAILED2=O download falhou com o código +SERVER_DIS=Servidor Desconectado! Reinicie o APP e verifique sua Conexão! +FAILED_TO_PARSE=Falha ao analisar JSON: +OBJ_EXPECTED=Objeto esperado +CANT_OPEN=Não foi possível abrir +APP_DIED=Aplicativo morreu com código de saída +PKG_TEAM=Se isso continuar Entre em contato com a equipe PKG-Zone +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=está completo sem erros! +DUMP_FAILED=Concluído com problemas. Nem todos os arquivos foram despejados! Certifique-se de que seu host de exploração tenha patches MMAP ativados +EXCEED_LIMITS=Número de páginas excede os limites das lojas! +ZERO_ITEMS=O servidor CDN forneceu 0 ou itens/páginas negativas. Pelo menos 1 Item/Página é necessário para que a Loja funcione +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) retornou uma string de resultado NULL +DL_ERROR_PAGE=Não foi possível baixar a página: +ERROR_DL_ASSETS=NÃO foi possível baixar o ativo: +SEARCHING=Pesquisando.... +SETTINGS_1=Rede de entrega de conteúdo SETTINGS_2=Caminho Temporário -SETTINGS_3=Tornar como Menu Principal(XMB) -SETTINGS_4=Caminho do INI -SETTINGS_5=Caminho de fonte FreeType customizado -SETTINGS_6=Downloads da Loja no USB -SETTINGS_7=Apagar imagens em cache -SETTINGS_8=Mostrar progresso dos downloads -SETTINGS_9=Ativar shader CF bg -SETTINGS_10=Guardar Definições - - -#string Dumper -[DUMPER] -DUMP_INFO=Informação da dump -APP_NAME=Nome da aplicação: -TITLE_ID=TITLE_ID: -DUMPER_SC0=Dumpeando o conteúdo sc0(sce_sys) ... -DUMPING_TROPHIES=Dumpeando os Troféus ... -CREATING_GP4=Criando o GP4 ... -DEC_BIN=Desencriptando o Bin -DEL_SEM=Apagando os Semáforos ... -EXT_PATCH=Extraindo os Ficheiros de Patch do Jogo -EXT_GAME_FILES=Extraindo os Ficheiros do Jogo Base -PROCESSING=Processando - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +SETTINGS_4=Caminho INI +SETTINGS_7=Limpar imagens em cache +SETTINGS_10=Salvar configurações +#STRINGS ATUALIZADAS +SETTINGS_5=Pré-carregar ícones em cache na inicialização +SETTINGS_3=Atualizar banco de dados da loja +SETTINGS_9=Redefinir configurações da loja +SETTINGS_6=Instalar automaticamente +SETTINGS_8=Progresso da instalação herdada +#NOVAS CORDÕES +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=É necessário desabilitar o progresso da instalação herdada para habilitar esta configuração +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=A instalação automática deve ser desativada para ativar esta configuração +CANCELAR=Cancelar +DL_AND_IN=Baixe e instale +PAUSE_2=Pausa +RESUME_2=Retomar +INSTALL_2=Instalar +APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Atualização disponível +UPDATE_NOW=Atualizar agora +REINSTALL_APP=Reinstalar o mais recente +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Verificando atualizações... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=pré-carregando ícones de aplicativos em cache... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Pré-carregar ícones em cache na inicialização +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Atualizações ainda estão sendo verificadas em segundo plano +SHOW_PROG=Mostrar Progresso +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Permanecer em segundo plano +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Instalação concluída! diff --git a/App Media-Assets/langs/8/lang.ini b/App Media-Assets/langs/8/lang.ini index e181fb2..e25597c 100644 --- a/App Media-Assets/langs/8/lang.ini +++ b/App Media-Assets/langs/8/lang.ini @@ -21,166 +21,124 @@ STR_NOT_FOUND=Строка не найдена #strings STORE [STORE] - -BETA_REVOKED=Бета версия завершена или отключена пожалуйста измените ваш CDN -BETA_LOGGED_IN=Вы авторизовались в статусе Бета-пользователя -INERNET_REQ=Требуется подключение к интернету -SORT_OPTS=Сортировка приложений +BETA_REVOKED=БЕТА-версия завершена или отозвана, пожалуйста, измените свой CDN +BETA_LOGGED_IN=Вы вошли в систему как бета-пользователь +INERNET_REQ = Требуется подключение к Интернету +SORT_OPTS=Сортировать приложения STR_NOT_FOUND=Строка не найдена -ITEMZ_SETTINGS=Настройки Itemzflow -RESORT=Пересортировать игры и приложения -MISSING_EBOOT=[Система] Файл eboot.bin отсутствует по пути /data/app/ или /hostapp/app/ -MISSING_SFO=[Система] Файл param.sfo is отсутствует по пути /data/app/sce_sys или /hostapp/app/sce_sys -CORRUPT_SFO=Файл param.sfo повреждён -ON=Активно -OFF=Отключено -TRUE=Активно -FALSE=Отключено -#THESE NEED , -DL_ERROR=Ошибка при загрузке: -DL_COMPLETE=Загрузка выполнена успешно -DL_CANCELLED=Загрузка отменена -DOWNLOADING=Загрузка -PAGE=Страница -STORAGE=Хранилище -STORE_VER=Версия магазина: -SYS_VER=Версия системы: -HB_GAME=HB Игры -EMU=Эмуляторы -EMU_ADDON=Дополнения для эмуляторов -MEDIA=Медиа +ВКЛ=ВКЛ +ВЫКЛ=ВЫКЛ +ИСТИНА = Истина +ЛОЖЬ = Ложь +DL_ERROR=Ошибка загрузки: +DL_COMPLETE=Загрузка завершена +DL_CANCELED=Загрузка отменена +ЗАГРУЗКА=Загрузка +СТРАНИЦА=Страница +ХРАНЕНИЕ=Хранилище +STORE_VER=Сохранить версию +SYS_VER = версия системы +HB_GAME=HB игра +ЭМУ = Эмулятор +EMU_ADDON=Дополнение к эмулятору +МЕДИА=Медиа PLUGINS=Плагины Mira -UTLIITY=Утилиты -OTHER=Другое -DL=Загрузка -INSTALL=Установить -MORE=Ещё? -INSTALLING=Установка -SAPPS=Магазин приложений +UTLIITY=Полезность +ДРУГОЕ=Другое +DL=Скачать +УСТАНОВИТЬ=Установить +УСТАНОВКА=Установка +SAPPS=магазин приложений IAPPS=Установленные приложения -STRG=Разделы магазина +STRG=Группы магазинов RINSTALL=Готово к установке QUEUE=Очередь -UPDATES=Обновления -SETTINGS=Настройки -SEARCH=Поиск -SORT_BY=Сортировка -FILTER_BY=Фильтры -ID=Id -NAME=Имя -PACKAGE=Данный приложения -VER=Версия -RSTARS=Рейтинг -SIZE=Размер -AUTHOR=Автор -TYPE=Тип -PV=Доступная версия -DISC=Диск -RDATE=Дата релиза -NUMB_OF_DL=Количество скачиваний -INSTALL_FAILED=Ошибка установки, номер ошибки -INSTALL_ONGOING=Происходит установка магазина -TIP1=Не беспокойтесь, приложения из очереди будут загружаться в фоновом режиме +ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ=Обновления +НАСТРОЙКИ=Настройки +ПОИСК=Искать +SORT_BY=Сортировать по +FILTER_BY=Фильтровать по +ID=ID +ИМЯ=Имя +ПАКЕТ=Пакет +ВЕР=версия +RSTARS=Звезды обзора +РАЗМЕР=Размер +АВТОР=Автор +ТИП=Тип +PV = игровая версия +ДИСК=Диск +RDATE=Дата выпуска +NUMB_OF_DL = количество загрузок +INSTALL_FAILED=Ошибка установки с кодом +INSTALL_ONGOING=Сохранить установку при переходе +TIP1=Не волнуйтесь, загрузки в очереди все еще загружаются в фоновом режиме INSTALL_OF=Установка -COMPLETE=Завершено! -FAILED_W_CODE=Завершилось ошибкой, номер ошибки -FATAL_ERROR=Критическая ошибка -PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Пожалуйста закройте программу после нажатия 'OK' -WARNING=Предупреждение -FAILED_TTF=Не удалось загрузить TTF из -SWITCH_TO_EM=Переход на внутренний -INI_ERROR=Не удалось найти/открыть INI файл -FAILED_DAEMON=Ошибка Itemzflow init_daemon_services. - Это может привести к тому - что некоторые функции перестанут работать. - Если у вас был вставлен USB накопитель - проверьте файл с логами на нём -DAEMON_OFF=Автоматический запуск Itemzflow Daemon отключен. - Это может привести к тому, что некоторые функции перестанут работать -DL_CACHE=Загрузка и кеширование файлов веб-сайта... -PIG_FAIL=Не удалось загрузить Piglet (retail) -NO_USB=USB устройств не обнаружено. Выход... -DUMP=После загрузки игры, когда вы нажали "ОК", подождите несколько секунд, затем возвращайтесь в Магазин, после этого начнётся дамп игры НЕ ЗАКРЫВАЙТЕ ИГРУ ИЛИ МАГАЗИН ПОКА ДАМП ИГРЫ НЕ ЗАВЕРШЁН -UNINSTALL_UPDATE=Обновление игры успешно удалено -UNINSTAL_UPDATE_FAILED=Удаление обновления игры завершилось ошибкой, номер ошибки: -UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=Игры успешно удалена, список установленных игр обновлён -UNINSTALL_FAILED=Удаление игры завершилось ошибкой, номер ошибки: -COMING_SOON=Скоро... -RELOAD_IAPPS=Список установленных приложений будет обновлён -APP_REQ=Для использования этого игрового лаунчера требуется установка ещё 4 приложений: -MORE_APPS=Больше приложений -DOWNLOADING_COVERS=Загрузка обложек приложений с сервера -DL_FAILED_W=Ошибка при загрузке, номер ошибки: -NOT_ON_APP=HB Магазин невозможно скачать с PS4, только с веб-сайта -NEW_INI=Вы создаёте новый INI файл. Приложение не будет использовать - этот INI файл, также он не будет сохранён в файл INI, который использует приложение! -STR_TOO_LONG=Строка или слишком длинная или некорректная Пожалуйста введите корректную строку. -INVAL_PATH=Некорректный путь! Введите корректный путь -PKG_SUF=Pkg Suffix и путь /data запрещены для TEMP PATH NOTE: Не используйте TEMP для вашего pkg -INVAL_CDN=Некорректный CDN, убедитесь в правильности формата, пример: http://CDN/ Https адреса не допускаются -INVAL_TTF=Некорректный .ttf путь. Пожалуйста убедитесь что расширение файла .ttf -CACHE_CLEARED=Все закешированные изображения успешно удалены -CLEARING_CACHE=Очистка кеша -CACHE_FAILED=Очистка кеша завершилась ошибкой -ITEMZ_FEATURE_DISABLED=Эта фукнция отключена. Причина: ItemzFlow Daemon не подключен -SAVE_ERROR=Ошибка сохранения, ваши изменения не сохранены +COMPLETE=теперь завершено! +FAILED_W_CODE=сбой с кодом +FATAL_ERROR=Неустранимая ошибка +PRESS_OK_CLOSE=Пожалуйста, закройте программу после нажатия OK +ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ=Предупреждение +FAILED_TTF=Ошибка загрузки TTF из +SWITCH_TO_EM=Переключение на встроенный +INI_ERROR=Не удалось найти/открыть файл INI +DL_CACHE=Загрузка и кэширование файлов веб-сайта... +PIG_FAIL=Piglet (розничная) не удалось загрузить с +NO_USB=USB не обнаружен, выход... +DL_FAILED_W=Сбой загрузки с кодом состояния: +NOT_ON_APP=HB-Store недоступен для загрузки на PS4, это только загрузка с веб-сайта +NEW_INI=Вы создаете НОВЫЙ INI. Приложение НЕ БУДЕТ использовать этот INI, а также оно НЕ будет сохранено в INI, который использует приложение! +STR_TOO_LONG=Строка слишком длинная или НЕДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНАЯ. Пожалуйста, введите действительный ввод +INVAL_PATH=НЕВЕРНЫЙ путь! введите допустимый путь +PKG_SUF=Pkg Суффикс и путь /data запрещены для TEMP PATH. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. НЕ ВКЛЮЧАЙТЕ .pkg во временный путь. +INVAL_CDN=Не удалось подключиться к CDN, убедитесь, что он имеет формат https://CDN/. +INVAL_TTF=НЕВЕРНЫЙ путь .ttf. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что расширение файла .ttf +CACHE_CLEARED=Успешно удалены/очищены все кэшированные изображения +CLEARING_CACHE=Очистка кэшированного содержимого +CACHE_FAILED=Очистка кэшированного содержимого не удалась +SAVE_ERROR=Ошибка сохранения, ваши изменения НЕ были сохранены SAVE_SUCCESS=Ваши изменения успешно сохранены -DL_FAILED2=Загрузка завершилась ошибкой, номер ошибки -SERVER_DIS=Сервер отключен! Перезагрузите приложение и проверьте соединение с интернетом! -FAILED_TO_PARSE=Ошибка при считывании JSON: -OBJ_EXPECTED=Ожидаемый объект -CANT_OPEN=Невозможно открыть -APP_DIED=Приложение аварийно закрыто, номер ошибки -PKG_TEAM=Если это продолжается, свяжитесь с командой PKG-Zone -FATAL_DUMP_ERROR=Сбой при дампе игры. Приложение сейчас будет перезапущено. Нажмите "OK" чтобы продолжить -DUMP_OF=Дамп -COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=Завершено без ошибок!: -DUMP_FAILED=Завершено с проблемами, не все файлы удалось сдампить! - Убедитесь что у хостера эксплойта включены патчи MMAP -EXCEED_LIMITS=Количество страниц превышает ограничение Магазина! -ZERO_ITEMS=Сервер CDN предоставил 0 или некорректные Предметы/Страницы. Для работы Магазина необходимо как минимум 1 корректный ответ -COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) вернул результат NULL -DL_ERROR_PAGE=Не удалось скачать страницу: -ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Не удалось скачать данные: -APP_NOT_FOUND= Приложение не найдено -APP_OPENED=Приложение уже открыто -APP_UNL=Приложение невозможно заустить -ID_NOT_VAILD=Некорректный TITLE_ID -LAUNCH_ERROR=Запуск приложения завершился ошибкой, номер ошибки -RELOAD_LIST=Обновление списка установленных приложений... -SEARCHING=Поиск... -WAITING_FOR_DAEMON=Ожидаение ответа Daemon (не дольше 1 минуты) -TRYING_TO_DL=Попытка скачать обложки из -DL_COVERS=Загрузка обложек с сервера -STARTING_DUMPER=Запуск Дампера... -LG=Запуск игры -DG=Дамп игры -UU=Удаление обновления -UG=Удаление игры -TRAINERS=Трейнеры +DL_FAILED2 = Ошибка загрузки с кодом +SERVER_DIS=Сервер отключен! Перезапустите приложение и проверьте подключение! +FAILED_TO_PARSE=Не удалось разобрать JSON: +OBJ_EXPECTED=Ожидается объект +CANT_OPEN=Не удается открыть +APP_DIED=Приложение умерло с кодом выхода +PKG_TEAM=Если это продолжится, свяжитесь с командой PKG-Zone. +COMPLETE_WO_ERRORS=завершено без ошибок! +DUMP_FAILED=Выполнено с проблемами. НЕ все файлы были сброшены! Убедитесь, что у хостера эксплойтов включены исправления MMAP. +EXCEED_LIMITS=Количество страниц превышает ограничения магазина! +ZERO_ITEMS=Сервер CDN предоставил 0 или отрицательных элементов/страниц. Для работы магазина требуется хотя бы 1 товар/страница. +COUNT_NULL=check_from_url(COUNT) вернул строку результата NULL +DL_ERROR_PAGE=Не удалось загрузить страницу: +ERROR_DL_ASSETS=Не удалось загрузить ресурс: +ПОИСК=Поиск.... SETTINGS_1=Сеть доставки контента -SETTINGS_2=Временный путь (Temp) -SETTINGS_3=Установить как основное меню(XMB) -SETTINGS_4=Путь к INI файлу -SETTINGS_5=Путь к пользовательскому FreeType шрифту -SETTINGS_6=Хранить загрузки на USB -SETTINGS_7=Очистка кэша изображений -SETTINGS_8=Показать процесс установки -SETTINGS_9=Включить CF bg шейдеры +SETTINGS_2=Временный путь +SETTINGS_4=INI-путь +SETTINGS_7=Очистить кешированные изображения SETTINGS_10=Сохранить настройки - - -#string Dumper -[DUMPER] -DUMP_INFO=Информация о дампе -APP_NAME=Название приложения: -TITLE_ID=TITLE_ID: -DUMPER_SC0=Дамп данных sc0(sce_sys)... -DUMPING_TROPHIES=Дамп трофеев... -CREATING_GP4=Создание GP4... -DEC_BIN=Расшифровка Bin -DEL_SEM=Удаление Semaphore... -EXT_PATCH=Извлечение файлов патча игры -EXT_GAME_FILES=Извлечение файлов игры -PROCESSING=Обработка - +#ОБНОВЛЕНО СТРОКИ +SETTINGS_5=Предварительно загружать кэшированные значки при запуске +SETTINGS_3=Обновить базу данных магазина +SETTINGS_9=Сбросить настройки магазина +SETTINGS_6=Автоматически установить +SETTINGS_8=Ход установки прежних версий +#НОВЫЕ СТРУНЫ +AUTO_FAILURE_ERROR=Устаревший процесс установки должен быть отключен, чтобы включить этот параметр +INSTALL_PROG_ERROR=Автоматическая установка должна быть отключена, чтобы включить этот параметр +ОТМЕНА=Отмена +DL_AND_IN=Скачать и установить +PAUSE_2=Пауза +RESUME_2=Возобновить +INSTALL_2=Установить +APP_UPDATE_AVAIL=Доступно обновление +UPDATE_NOW=Обновить сейчас +REINSTALL_APP=Переустановите последнюю версию +CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES=Проверка обновлений... +PRE_LOADING_CACHE=предварительная загрузка кэшированных значков приложений... +PRE_LOAD_SETTING=Предварительно загружать кэшированные значки при запуске +UPDATES_STILL_LOADING=Обновления все еще проверяются в фоновом режиме +SHOW_PROG=Показать прогресс +STAY_IN_BACKGROUND=Оставаться в фоновом режиме +INSTALL_COMPLETE=Установка завершена! diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9c9eb6d..6bf251c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ temppath=PATH_WHERE_TO_DOWNLOAD_THE_PKGS; Required StoreOnUSB=0 //store pkgs on usb OPTIONAL TTF_Font=/mnt/usb0/myfont.ttf // TTF Font the store will try to use (embedded font on fail) BETA_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx //for Beta Builds (define) -Show_install_prog=1 // Enables the Store PKG/APP install Progress +Legacy_install_prog=1 // Enables the Store PKG/APP install Progress Copy_INI=1 // Copies USB INI to the PS4s app dir. +auto_load_cache=0 //pre-load cached icons on startup +auto_install=1 // auto install ``` ## App details @@ -66,6 +68,16 @@ restart is required for changes made to the database (for now) - PKG Download folder `/user/app/NPXS39041/downloads` (download folder is cleared every app launch, not yet installed pkgs are there) - Store log is at `/user/app/NPXS39041/logs/store.log` +## How does the Update section decide if a app has a update? + +| App Type | MD5 Hash | SFO version | No update check| +|-------------------|------------|------------|------------| +| Media | | | X | +| Other, DLC, Theme | | X | | +| Plugins, anything else | X | | | +| HB Game, Utility, Emus under 300MBs | X | | | +| ANY HB Game, Utility, Emus over 300MBs| | X | | | + ## Languages - The Store's Langs. repo is [HERE](https://github.com/LightningMods/Store-Languages) diff --git a/Store/Makefile b/Store/Makefile index 11507a6..4953415 100644 --- a/Store/Makefile +++ b/Store/Makefile @@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ CONTENT_ID := IV0002-NPXS39041_00-STOREUPD00000000 # Libraries linked into the ELF. LIBS := -luser_mem_sys -lc++ -lz -ljbc -lc -lkernel -lcurl -lpolarssl -lSceVideoOut -lSceNet -lSceSysmodule -lSceAudioOut -lSceUserService -lScePigletv2VSH -lSceSysmodule -lSceFreeType \ - -lScePad -lSceSystemService -lSceNet -lSceSsl -lSceHttp -lSDL2 -lSceCommonDialog -lSceMsgDialog -lstore_api \ + -lScePad -lSceSystemService -lSceNet -lSceSsl -lSceHttp -lSDL2 -lSceCommonDialog -lSceMsgDialog \ -lorbisGl -lorbisGl2 -lorbisPad -lpng -lSceImeDialog -lSceIme -lSceBgft -lSceAppInstUtil -lSceLibcInternal -lfreetype-gl -lsqlite -lSceLncUtil # Additional compile flags. -EXTRAFLAGS := -Wall -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast -Werror -Wno-for-loop-analysis -fcolor-diagnostics -Wall -D__ORBIS__ -D__PS4__ +EXTRAFLAGS := -Wall -DFMT_HEADER_ONLY -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast -Wno-c++11-narrowing -Werror -Wno-for-loop-analysis -fcolor-diagnostics -Wall -D__ORBIS__ -D__PS4__ # Asset and module directories. LIBMODULES := $(shell find sce_module -type f -name '*.*') diff --git a/Store/include/GLES2_common.h b/Store/include/GLES2_common.h index fc3db7a..2aeeaac 100644 --- a/Store/include/GLES2_common.h +++ b/Store/include/GLES2_common.h @@ -4,10 +4,15 @@ #include /// from demo-font.c #include -#include "net.h" #ifdef __ORBIS__ #include #endif +#include +#include +#include "fmt/format.h" +#include +#include +#include "classes.hpp" // freetype-gl pass last composed Text_Length in pixel, we use to align text! // from json_simple.c @@ -39,7 +44,17 @@ enum SH_type NUM_OF_PROGRAMS }; -typedef struct +struct item_idx_t +{ + std::string off; + bool is_active = false; + int len = 0; +}; + +#include "net.h" + + +struct page_item_t { item_idx_t token[NUM_OF_USER_TOKENS]; // indexed tokens from json_data ivec2 token_i[NUM_OF_USER_TOKENS]; // enough for indexing all tokens, in ft-gl VBO @@ -50,31 +65,32 @@ typedef struct // 5x3 vec2 pen; char in_atlas; -} page_item_t; +}; // the single page holds its infos -typedef struct +struct page_info_t { // max NUM_OF_TEXTURES per page, max 8 items int num_of_items; // each page will hold its json_data char* json_data; // and its ft-gl vertex buffer - vertex_buffer_t* vbo; + //vertex_buffer_t* vbo; + VertexBuffer vbo; // all indexed tokens, per item... (zerocopy, eh) page_item_t item[NUM_OF_TEXTURES]; // from 1, refrect json num in filename int page_num; -} page_info_t; +}; -typedef struct +struct entry_tt { char* name; -} entry_t; +}; -typedef enum pt_status +enum pt_status { CANCELED = -1, READY, @@ -82,8 +98,8 @@ typedef enum pt_status RUNNING, COMPLETED, INSTALLING_APP -} pt_status; -typedef enum vbo_status +}; +enum vbo_status { EMPTY, APPEND, @@ -92,15 +108,15 @@ typedef enum vbo_status IN_ATLAS, IN_ATLAS_APPEND, IN_ATLAS_CLOSED -} vbo_status; +}; -typedef enum badge_t +enum badge_t { AVAILABLE = 1, SOON, SELECTED, NUM_OF_BADGES -} badge_t; +}; #define ORBIS_LIBC_MALLOC_MANAGED_SIZE_VERSION (0x0001U) /* unsigned short sz; @@ -140,49 +156,109 @@ struct CVec }; #define UPDATE_NOT_CHECKED -1 #ifndef __ORBIS__ -typedef enum{ +enum update_ret{ + APP_NOT_INSTALLED, UPDATE_FOUND, UPDATE_ERROR, NO_UPDATE, -} update_ret; +}; +#else #endif -typedef struct + +//extern active_panel active_p; +#include +#include +#include +struct item_t { - item_idx_t* token_d; // data - update_ret update_status; // update status - int token_c; // count + std::atomic update_status; + std::vector token_d; + int token_c; bool failed_dl; - bool png_is_loaded; // whether the image is loaded - GLuint texture; // the item icon - // if the item icon is cached in atlas, use UV - vec4 uv; // normalized p1, p2 - enum badge_t badge; // - bool interuptable; // whether the item is interuptable + bool png_is_loaded; + std::atomic texture; + vec4 uv; + badge_t badge; + bool interruptible; + bool is_active; + + item_t() : update_status(static_cast(UPDATE_NOT_CHECKED)), + token_c(0), failed_dl(false), png_is_loaded(false), texture(GL_NULL), + interruptible(false), is_active(false) + { + uv = {0, 0, 0, 0}; + } + + // Custom copy constructor + item_t(const item_t& other) : update_status(other.update_status.load()), + token_d(other.token_d), + token_c(other.token_c), + failed_dl(other.failed_dl), + png_is_loaded(other.png_is_loaded), + texture(other.texture.load()), + uv(other.uv), + badge(other.badge), + interruptible(other.interruptible), + is_active(other.is_active) + { + } + + // Custom copy assignment operator + item_t& operator=(const item_t& other) { + if (this == &other) { + return *this; + } + + update_status.store(other.update_status.load()); + token_d = other.token_d; + token_c = other.token_c; + failed_dl = other.failed_dl; + png_is_loaded = other.png_is_loaded; + texture = other.texture.load(); + uv = other.uv; + badge = other.badge; + interruptible = other.interruptible; + is_active = other.is_active; + + return *this; + } +}; - // need to add index for texture atlas -} item_t; -typedef struct +struct layout_t { - vec4 bound_box; // total field size, in px - ivec2 fieldsize, // total field size, in items number - item_sel, // current selected item into field - page_sel; // page_selection: current, max page - int retries; // check for what's used for and remove - // an array of items - item_t* item_d; // item_data array - int item_c, // item_count - curr_item, // current selected item: - f_size, // field size - f_sele; // selected in field - vec4* f_rect; // field rectangle array + vec4 bound_box; + ivec2 fieldsize, + item_sel, + page_sel; + int retries; + std::vector item_d; + //item_t* item_d = NULL; + int item_c, + curr_item, + f_size, + f_sele; + std::vector f_rect; + + //vec4 f_rect; // field rectangle array // each layout will hold its ft-gl vertex buffer object - vertex_buffer_t* vbo; - enum vbo_status vbo_s; // vbo_status - // layout status - char is_shown, - is_active; // to control selected_item (deprecated by active_p) -} layout_t; + //vertex_buffer_t* vbo = NULL; + VertexBuffer vbo; + vbo_status vbo_s; + bool is_shown, is_active; + std::recursive_mutex mtx; + + layout_t() : retries(0), item_c(0), curr_item(0), f_size(0), f_sele(0), + vbo_s(EMPTY), is_shown(false), is_active(false) + { + bound_box = {0, 0, 0, 0}; + fieldsize = {0, 0}; + item_sel = {0, 0}; + page_sel = {0, 0}; + } +}; + + enum views { @@ -233,24 +309,23 @@ enum views #define L2 ( 12) #endif -extern item_idx_t* aux, * q; // aux and Search Query +extern std::vector aux, q; // aux and Search Query extern GLuint fallback_t; /* array for Special cases */ -extern item_t* games, -* groups; +extern std::vector games, + groups; // for Settings (options_panel) extern bool use_reflection; // texts -extern char* gm_p_text[5]; // 5 -extern char* new_panel_text[5][11]; +extern std::vector> new_panel_text; // posix threads args, for downloading -extern dl_arg_t* pt_info; +extern std::vector pt_info; void refresh_atlas(void); @@ -261,7 +336,7 @@ void on_GLES2_Update1(double time); void on_GLES2_Init_icons(int view_w, int view_h); void on_GLES2_Update(double time); //void on_GLES2_Render_icons(int num); -void on_GLES2_Render_icon(enum SH_type SL_program, GLuint texture, int num, vec4* frect, vec4* opt_uv); +void on_GLES2_Render_icon(enum SH_type SL_program, GLuint texture, int num, vec4 &frect, vec4 *uv = nullptr); void on_GLES2_Final(void); void ORBIS_RenderSubMenu(int num); @@ -273,40 +348,40 @@ void ftgl_render_vbo(vertex_buffer_t* vbo, vec3* offset); int initGL_for_the_store(bool reload_apps, int ref_pages); -item_t* analyze_item_t_v2(item_t* items, int item_count); -item_idx_t* search_item_t(item_t* items, int item_count, enum token_name TN, char* pattern); +std::vector analyze_item_t_v2(std::vector& items, int numb); +std::vector search_item_t(std::vector& items, token_name TN, const std::string &pattern); item_t* index_items_from_dir(const char* dirpath, const char* dirpath2); -void build_char_from_items(char** data, item_idx_t* filter); -item_idx_t* build_item_list(item_t* items, int item_count, enum token_name TN); +void build_char_from_items(std::vector& data, const std::vector& filter); +std::vector build_item_list(std::vector& items, token_name TN); int index_token_from_sfo(item_t* item, char* path, int lang); -void destroy_item_t(item_idx_t** p); +void destroy_item_t(std::vector &p); -int df(char* out, const char* mountPoint); +int df(std::string mountPoint, std::string &out); void get_stat_from_file(char* out, const char* filepath); -int get_item_index(layout_t* l); +int get_item_index(std::shared_ptr &l); // from GLES2_scene_v2.c -layout_t* GLES2_layout_init(int req_item_count); +std::shared_ptr GLES2_layout_init(int req_item_count); -vertex_buffer_t* vbo_from_rect(vec4* rect); +VertexBuffer vbo_from_rect(vec4 &rect); -void GLES2_UpdateVboForLayout(layout_t* l); -int layout_fill_item_from_list(layout_t* l, char** i_list); +void GLES2_UpdateVboForLayout(std::shared_ptr &l); +int layout_fill_item_from_list(std::shared_ptr &l, std::vector &i_list); // from GLES2_scene.c void GLES2_scene_init(int w, int h); void GLES2_scene_render(const char* query); void GLES2_scene_on_pressed_button(int button); -void X_action_dispatch(int action, layout_t *l); +void X_action_dispatch(int action, std::shared_ptr &l); void layout_refresh_VBOs(void); void GLES2_Draw_common_texts(void); void GLES2_render_download_panel(void); void O_action_dispatch(void); void pixelshader_init(int width, int height); -void pixelshader_render(GLuint program_i, vertex_buffer_t* vbo, vec2* req_size); +void pixelshader_render(); /// pthreads used in GLES2_q.c @@ -324,7 +399,7 @@ col; // text fg extern ivec4 menu_pos; extern double u_t; -extern const unsigned char completeVersion[]; +extern std::string completeVersion; void GLES2_Draw_sysinfo(void); void GLES2_refresh_sysinfo(void); @@ -334,21 +409,21 @@ extern double dfp_hdd, dfp_ext, dfp_now; -extern layout_t* active_p, // the active panel moves selector around -* icon_panel, -* left_panel, -* left_panel2, -* option_panel, -* download_panel, -* queue_panel; +extern std::shared_ptr active_p, // the active panel moves selector around + icon_panel, +left_panel, +left_panel2, +option_panel, +download_panel, +queue_panel; // single item infos, for the page_info_t below // GLES2_layout -void layout_update_fsize(layout_t* l); -void layout_update_sele(layout_t* l, int movement); +void layout_update_fsize(std::shared_ptr &l); +void layout_update_sele(std::shared_ptr &l, int movement); void GLES2_Refresh_for_settings(); -void layout_set_active(layout_t* l); -void GLES2_render_layout_v2(layout_t* l, int unused); +void layout_set_active(std::shared_ptr &l); +void GLES2_render_layout_v2(std::shared_ptr &l, int unused); void GLES2_render_list(int unused); void GLES2_render_paged_list(int unused); @@ -360,7 +435,7 @@ void set_cmp_token(const int index); int struct_cmp_by_token(const void* a, const void* b); // used for Groups -void recreate_item_t(item_t** items); +void recreate_item_t(std::vector &i); /// from shader-common.c @@ -397,6 +472,7 @@ typedef struct { } RawImageData; typedef enum { + TEXTURE_LOAD_MAIN_MENU = -1, TEXTURE_LOAD_DEFAULT, TEXTURE_DOWNLOAD, TEXTURE_LOAD_PNG, @@ -408,12 +484,13 @@ bool is_png_vaild(const char *relative_path); GLuint load_texture(const GLsizei width, const GLsizei height, const GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels); // higher level helper -GLuint load_png_data_into_texture(const char* data, int size); +GLuint load_png_data_into_texture(const unsigned char* data, int size); bool check_n_load_texture(const int idx, texture_load_status_t status); extern vec2 tex_size; // last loaded png size as (w, h) -int writeImage(char* filename, int width, int height, int* buffer, char* title); +int writeImage(char* filename, int width, int height, int* buffer, const char* title); GLuint load_png_asset_into_texture(const char* relative_path); -void Install_View(layout_t* l, const char* query_string, enum token_name nm); +void Install_View(std::shared_ptr &l, const char* query_string, enum token_name nm); +void Update_View(std::shared_ptr &l); /// from timing.c unsigned int get_time_ms(void); @@ -451,21 +528,21 @@ void ORBIS_RenderFillRects_init(int width, int height); void ORBIS_RenderFillRects_rndr(void); void ORBIS_RenderFillRects_fini(void); void ORBIS_RenderDrawLines(const vec2* points, int count); -void ORBIS_RenderFillRects(enum SH_type SL_program, const vec4* rgba, const vec4* rects, int count); -void ORBIS_RenderDrawBox(enum SH_type SL_program, const vec4* rgba, const vec4* rect); -void GLES2_DrawFillingRect(vec4* frect, vec4* color, double* percentage); - +void ORBIS_RenderFillRects(enum SH_type SL_program, const vec4 &rgba, std::vector &rects, int count); +void ORBIS_RenderDrawBox(enum SH_type SL_program, const vec4 &rgba, vec4 &r); +void GLES2_DrawFillingRect(std::vector &r, vec4 &c, const double percentage); +void ORBIS_RenderArrowAtCoords(enum SH_type SL_program, float x, float y); // from GLES2_ani.c // UI panels new way, v3 -vec4 get_rect_from_index(const int idx, const layout_t* l, vec4* io); +vec4 get_rect_from_index(const int idx, const std::shared_ptr &l, vec4* io); void buffer_to_off(item_t* ret, int index_t, char* str); /// from GLES2_badges -int scan_for_badges(layout_t* l, item_t* apps); +int scan_for_badges(std::shared_ptr &l, item_t* apps); void GLES2_Init_badge(void); void GLES2_Render_badge(int idx, vec4* rect); -void GLES2_render_queue(layout_t* l, int used); +void GLES2_render_queue(std::shared_ptr &l, int used); void glDeleteTextures1(int unused, GLuint* text); void GLES2_refresh_common(void); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Store/include/classes.hpp b/Store/include/classes.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..553f970 --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/classes.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +#pragma once +#include +#include +#include +#include "log.h" +#include "GLES2_common.h" +#include // links against libfreetype-gl + + + + +// then we can print them splitted +typedef struct { + int offset; + int count; +} textline_t; + +// ------------------------------------------------------- typedef & struct --- +typedef struct { + float x, y, z; // position (3f) + float s, t; // texture (2f) + float r, g, b, a; // color (4f) +} vertex_t; + + +void ftgl_render_vbo(vertex_buffer_t* vbo, vec3* offset); + +class VertexBuffer { + public: std::unique_ptr < vertex_buffer_t, + decltype( & vertex_buffer_delete) > buffer { + nullptr, + vertex_buffer_delete + }; + + VertexBuffer() = default; + + VertexBuffer(const char * format) { + if (!buffer) + buffer.reset(vertex_buffer_new(format)); + } + + void render(GLenum mode) { + if (buffer) + vertex_buffer_render(buffer.get(), mode); + else + log_error("vertex_buffer_render failed: Buffer is NULL"); + } + + void render_setup(GLenum mode) { + if (buffer) + vertex_buffer_render_setup(buffer.get(), mode); + } + + void render_item(int numb) { + if (buffer) + vertex_buffer_render_item(buffer.get(), numb); + } + + void render_finish() { + if (buffer) + vertex_buffer_render_finish(buffer.get()); + } + + // You might need to replace texture_font_t and texture_glyph_t + // with your actual definitions + void add_text(struct texture_font_t * font, std::string text, vec4 & color, vec2 & pen) { + if (!font || !buffer) { + log_error("add_text failed: Font is %s, Buffer is %s", font ? "OK" : "NULL", buffer ? "OK" : "NULL"); + return; + } + + // log_info("message: %s", text.c_str()); + size_t i; + float r = color.r, g = color.g, b = color.b, a = color.a; + + for (i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) { + texture_glyph_t * glyph = texture_font_get_glyph(font, (const char * ) & text.at(i)); + if (glyph) { + float kerning = 0.0f; + if (i > 0) kerning = texture_glyph_get_kerning(glyph, (const char * ) & text.at(i - 1)); + pen.x += kerning; + int x0 = (int)(pen.x + glyph -> offset_x); + int y0 = (int)(pen.y + glyph -> offset_y); + int x1 = (int)(x0 + glyph -> width); + int y1 = (int)(y0 - glyph -> height); + float s0 = glyph -> s0; + float t0 = glyph -> t0; + float s1 = glyph -> s1; + float t1 = glyph -> t1; + GLuint indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2,3 }; // (two triangles) + /* VBO is setup as: "vertex:3f, tex_coord:2f, color:4f" */ + vertex_t vertices[4]; + + vertices[0].x = vertices[1].x = x0; + vertices[2].x = vertices[3].x = x1; + + vertices[0].y = vertices[3].y = y0; + vertices[1].y = vertices[2].y = y1; + + vertices[0].z = vertices[1].z = vertices[2].z = vertices[3].z = 0; + + vertices[1].s = vertices[0].s = s0; + vertices[2].s = vertices[3].s = s1; + + vertices[1].t = vertices[2].t = t1; + vertices[0].t = vertices[3].t = t0; + + vertices[0].r = vertices[1].r = vertices[2].r = vertices[3].r = r; + vertices[0].g = vertices[1].g = vertices[2].g = vertices[3].g = g; + vertices[0].b = vertices[1].b = vertices[2].b = vertices[3].b = b; + vertices[0].a = vertices[1].a = vertices[2].a = vertices[3].a = a; + + vertex_buffer_push_back(buffer.get(), vertices, 4, indices, 6); + pen.x += glyph -> advance_x; + } + } + } + + void render_vbo(vec3 * offset) { + if (buffer) + ftgl_render_vbo(buffer.get(), offset); + } + + void clear() { + if (buffer) + buffer.reset(); + } + + void push_back(const void * vertices, size_t vcount, + const GLuint * indices, size_t icount) { + if (buffer) { + vertex_buffer_push_back(buffer.get(), vertices, vcount, indices, icount); + } + } + + bool empty() const { + return buffer == nullptr; + } + + explicit operator bool() const { + return static_cast < bool > (buffer); + } +}; + + +class Base64 { + public: + + static std::string Encode(const std::string data) { + static constexpr char sEncodingTable[] = { + 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', + 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', + 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', + 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', + 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', + 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', + 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', + '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/' + }; + + size_t in_len = data.size(); + size_t out_len = 4 * ((in_len + 2) / 3); + std::string ret(out_len, '\0'); + size_t i; + char *p = const_cast(ret.c_str()); + + for (i = 0; i < in_len - 2; i += 3) { + *p++ = sEncodingTable[(data[i] >> 2) & 0x3F]; + *p++ = sEncodingTable[((data[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((int) (data[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]; + *p++ = sEncodingTable[((data[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2) | ((int) (data[i + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6)]; + *p++ = sEncodingTable[data[i + 2] & 0x3F]; + } + if (i < in_len) { + *p++ = sEncodingTable[(data[i] >> 2) & 0x3F]; + if (i == (in_len - 1)) { + *p++ = sEncodingTable[((data[i] & 0x3) << 4)]; + *p++ = '='; + } + else { + *p++ = sEncodingTable[((data[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((int) (data[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]; + *p++ = sEncodingTable[((data[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2)]; + } + *p++ = '='; + } + + return ret; + } + + static std::string Decode(const std::string& input, std::string& out) { + static constexpr unsigned char kDecodingTable[] = { + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 62, 64, 64, 64, 63, + 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, + 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, + 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 + }; + + size_t in_len = input.size(); + if (in_len % 4 != 0) return "Input data size is not a multiple of 4"; + + size_t out_len = in_len / 4 * 3; + if (input[in_len - 1] == '=') out_len--; + if (input[in_len - 2] == '=') out_len--; + + out.resize(out_len); + + for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < in_len;) { + uint32_t a = input[i] == '=' ? 0 & i++ : kDecodingTable[static_cast(input[i++])]; + uint32_t b = input[i] == '=' ? 0 & i++ : kDecodingTable[static_cast(input[i++])]; + uint32_t c = input[i] == '=' ? 0 & i++ : kDecodingTable[static_cast(input[i++])]; + uint32_t d = input[i] == '=' ? 0 & i++ : kDecodingTable[static_cast(input[i++])]; + + uint32_t triple = (a << 3 * 6) + (b << 2 * 6) + (c << 1 * 6) + (d << 0 * 6); + + if (j < out_len) out[j++] = (triple >> 2 * 8) & 0xFF; + if (j < out_len) out[j++] = (triple >> 1 * 8) & 0xFF; + if (j < out_len) out[j++] = (triple >> 0 * 8) & 0xFF; + } + + return ""; + } + +}; diff --git a/Store/include/defines.h b/Store/include/defines.h index 2da5b5f..0dff55a 100644 --- a/Store/include/defines.h +++ b/Store/include/defines.h @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ #include #include #include +//#include #include "dialog.h" #endif @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ enum Settings_options TMP_SETTING, REFRESH_DB_SETTING, INI_SETTING, - FNT_SETTING, + LOAD_CACHE_ICONS, AUTO_INSTALL_SETTING, CLEAR_CACHE_SETTING, LEGACY_INSTALL_PROG, @@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ int32_t netInit(void); #define VERSION_MAJOR 2 -#define VERSION_MINOR 04 +#define VERSION_MINOR 05 #define BUILD_YEAR_CH0 (__DATE__[ 7]) #define BUILD_YEAR_CH1 (__DATE__[ 8]) @@ -311,8 +312,8 @@ int thread_count_by_status(int req_status); int thread_dispatch_index(void); #if defined(__ORBIS__) -#define asset_path(x) "/mnt/sandbox/pfsmnt/"STORE_TID "-app0/assets/"x -#define APP_PATH(x) "/user/app/NPXS39041/"x +#define asset_path(x) "/mnt/sandbox/pfsmnt/" STORE_TID "-app0/assets/" x +#define APP_PATH(x) "/user/app/NPXS39041/" x typedef struct OrbisGlobalConf { OrbisPadConfig *confPad; @@ -320,6 +321,6 @@ typedef struct OrbisGlobalConf }OrbisGlobalConf; #else // on linux -#define APP_PATH(x) "./app_path/"x -#define asset_path(x) "./assets/"x +#define APP_PATH(x) "./app_path/" x +#define asset_path(x) "./assets/" x #endif diff --git a/Store/include/fmt/args.h b/Store/include/fmt/args.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..380ebaa --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/fmt/args.h @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +// Formatting library for C++ - dynamic format arguments +// +// Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich +// All rights reserved. +// +// For the license information refer to format.h. + +#ifndef FMT_ARGS_H_ +#define FMT_ARGS_H_ + +#include // std::reference_wrapper +#include // std::unique_ptr +#include + +#include "core.h" + +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE + +namespace detail { + +template struct is_reference_wrapper : std::false_type {}; +template +struct is_reference_wrapper> : std::true_type {}; + +template const T& unwrap(const T& v) { return v; } +template const T& unwrap(const std::reference_wrapper& v) { + return static_cast(v); +} + +class dynamic_arg_list { + // Workaround for clang's -Wweak-vtables. Unlike for regular classes, for + // templates it doesn't complain about inability to deduce single translation + // unit for placing vtable. So storage_node_base is made a fake template. + template struct node { + virtual ~node() = default; + std::unique_ptr> next; + }; + + template struct typed_node : node<> { + T value; + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR typed_node(const Arg& arg) : value(arg) {} + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR typed_node(const basic_string_view& arg) + : value(arg.data(), arg.size()) {} + }; + + std::unique_ptr> head_; + + public: + template const T& push(const Arg& arg) { + auto new_node = std::unique_ptr>(new typed_node(arg)); + auto& value = new_node->value; + new_node->next = std::move(head_); + head_ = std::move(new_node); + return value; + } +}; +} // namespace detail + +/** + \rst + A dynamic version of `fmt::format_arg_store`. + It's equipped with a storage to potentially temporary objects which lifetimes + could be shorter than the format arguments object. + + It can be implicitly converted into `~fmt::basic_format_args` for passing + into type-erased formatting functions such as `~fmt::vformat`. + \endrst + */ +template +class dynamic_format_arg_store +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 409 + // Workaround a GCC template argument substitution bug. + : public basic_format_args +#endif +{ + private: + using char_type = typename Context::char_type; + + template struct need_copy { + static constexpr detail::type mapped_type = + detail::mapped_type_constant::value; + + enum { + value = !(detail::is_reference_wrapper::value || + std::is_same>::value || + std::is_same>::value || + (mapped_type != detail::type::cstring_type && + mapped_type != detail::type::string_type && + mapped_type != detail::type::custom_type)) + }; + }; + + template + using stored_type = conditional_t< + std::is_convertible>::value && + !detail::is_reference_wrapper::value, + std::basic_string, T>; + + // Storage of basic_format_arg must be contiguous. + std::vector> data_; + std::vector> named_info_; + + // Storage of arguments not fitting into basic_format_arg must grow + // without relocation because items in data_ refer to it. + detail::dynamic_arg_list dynamic_args_; + + friend class basic_format_args; + + unsigned long long get_types() const { + return detail::is_unpacked_bit | data_.size() | + (named_info_.empty() + ? 0ULL + : static_cast(detail::has_named_args_bit)); + } + + const basic_format_arg* data() const { + return named_info_.empty() ? data_.data() : data_.data() + 1; + } + + template void emplace_arg(const T& arg) { + data_.emplace_back(detail::make_arg(arg)); + } + + template + void emplace_arg(const detail::named_arg& arg) { + if (named_info_.empty()) { + constexpr const detail::named_arg_info* zero_ptr{nullptr}; + data_.insert(data_.begin(), {zero_ptr, 0}); + } + data_.emplace_back(detail::make_arg(detail::unwrap(arg.value))); + auto pop_one = [](std::vector>* data) { + data->pop_back(); + }; + std::unique_ptr>, decltype(pop_one)> + guard{&data_, pop_one}; + named_info_.push_back({arg.name, static_cast(data_.size() - 2u)}); + data_[0].value_.named_args = {named_info_.data(), named_info_.size()}; + guard.release(); + } + + public: + constexpr dynamic_format_arg_store() = default; + + /** + \rst + Adds an argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a formatting + function. + + Note that custom types and string types (but not string views) are copied + into the store dynamically allocating memory if necessary. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; + store.push_back(42); + store.push_back("abc"); + store.push_back(1.5f); + std::string result = fmt::vformat("{} and {} and {}", store); + \endrst + */ + template void push_back(const T& arg) { + if (detail::const_check(need_copy::value)) + emplace_arg(dynamic_args_.push>(arg)); + else + emplace_arg(detail::unwrap(arg)); + } + + /** + \rst + Adds a reference to the argument into the dynamic store for later passing to + a formatting function. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; + char band[] = "Rolling Stones"; + store.push_back(std::cref(band)); + band[9] = 'c'; // Changing str affects the output. + std::string result = fmt::vformat("{}", store); + // result == "Rolling Scones" + \endrst + */ + template void push_back(std::reference_wrapper arg) { + static_assert( + need_copy::value, + "objects of built-in types and string views are always copied"); + emplace_arg(arg.get()); + } + + /** + Adds named argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a formatting + function. ``std::reference_wrapper`` is supported to avoid copying of the + argument. The name is always copied into the store. + */ + template + void push_back(const detail::named_arg& arg) { + const char_type* arg_name = + dynamic_args_.push>(arg.name).c_str(); + if (detail::const_check(need_copy::value)) { + emplace_arg( + fmt::arg(arg_name, dynamic_args_.push>(arg.value))); + } else { + emplace_arg(fmt::arg(arg_name, arg.value)); + } + } + + /** Erase all elements from the store */ + void clear() { + data_.clear(); + named_info_.clear(); + dynamic_args_ = detail::dynamic_arg_list(); + } + + /** + \rst + Reserves space to store at least *new_cap* arguments including + *new_cap_named* named arguments. + \endrst + */ + void reserve(size_t new_cap, size_t new_cap_named) { + FMT_ASSERT(new_cap >= new_cap_named, + "Set of arguments includes set of named arguments"); + data_.resize(new_cap); + named_info_.resize(new_cap_named); + } +}; + +FMT_END_NAMESPACE + +#endif // FMT_ARGS_H_ diff --git a/Store/include/fmt/chrono.h b/Store/include/fmt/chrono.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3c52bf --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/fmt/chrono.h @@ -0,0 +1,2080 @@ +// Formatting library for C++ - chrono support +// +// Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich +// All rights reserved. +// +// For the license information refer to format.h. + +#ifndef FMT_CHRONO_H_ +#define FMT_CHRONO_H_ + +#include +#include +#include // std::isfinite +#include // std::memcpy +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "format.h" + +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE + +// Enable tzset. +#ifndef FMT_USE_TZSET +// UWP doesn't provide _tzset. +# if FMT_HAS_INCLUDE("winapifamily.h") +# include +# endif +# if defined(_WIN32) && (!defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) || \ + (WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP)) +# define FMT_USE_TZSET 1 +# else +# define FMT_USE_TZSET 0 +# endif +#endif + +// Enable safe chrono durations, unless explicitly disabled. +#ifndef FMT_SAFE_DURATION_CAST +# define FMT_SAFE_DURATION_CAST 1 +#endif +#if FMT_SAFE_DURATION_CAST + +// For conversion between std::chrono::durations without undefined +// behaviour or erroneous results. +// This is a stripped down version of duration_cast, for inclusion in fmt. +// See https://github.com/pauldreik/safe_duration_cast +// +// Copyright Paul Dreik 2019 +namespace safe_duration_cast { + +template ::value && + std::numeric_limits::is_signed == + std::numeric_limits::is_signed)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR To lossless_integral_conversion(const From from, int& ec) { + ec = 0; + using F = std::numeric_limits; + using T = std::numeric_limits; + static_assert(F::is_integer, "From must be integral"); + static_assert(T::is_integer, "To must be integral"); + + // A and B are both signed, or both unsigned. + if (detail::const_check(F::digits <= T::digits)) { + // From fits in To without any problem. + } else { + // From does not always fit in To, resort to a dynamic check. + if (from < (T::min)() || from > (T::max)()) { + // outside range. + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + } + return static_cast(from); +} + +/** + * converts From to To, without loss. If the dynamic value of from + * can't be converted to To without loss, ec is set. + */ +template ::value && + std::numeric_limits::is_signed != + std::numeric_limits::is_signed)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR To lossless_integral_conversion(const From from, int& ec) { + ec = 0; + using F = std::numeric_limits; + using T = std::numeric_limits; + static_assert(F::is_integer, "From must be integral"); + static_assert(T::is_integer, "To must be integral"); + + if (detail::const_check(F::is_signed && !T::is_signed)) { + // From may be negative, not allowed! + if (fmt::detail::is_negative(from)) { + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + // From is positive. Can it always fit in To? + if (detail::const_check(F::digits > T::digits) && + from > static_cast(detail::max_value())) { + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + } + + if (detail::const_check(!F::is_signed && T::is_signed && + F::digits >= T::digits) && + from > static_cast(detail::max_value())) { + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + return static_cast(from); // Lossless conversion. +} + +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR To lossless_integral_conversion(const From from, int& ec) { + ec = 0; + return from; +} // function + +// clang-format off +/** + * converts From to To if possible, otherwise ec is set. + * + * input | output + * ---------------------------------|--------------- + * NaN | NaN + * Inf | Inf + * normal, fits in output | converted (possibly lossy) + * normal, does not fit in output | ec is set + * subnormal | best effort + * -Inf | -Inf + */ +// clang-format on +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR To safe_float_conversion(const From from, int& ec) { + ec = 0; + using T = std::numeric_limits; + static_assert(std::is_floating_point::value, "From must be floating"); + static_assert(std::is_floating_point::value, "To must be floating"); + + // catch the only happy case + if (std::isfinite(from)) { + if (from >= T::lowest() && from <= (T::max)()) { + return static_cast(from); + } + // not within range. + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + + // nan and inf will be preserved + return static_cast(from); +} // function + +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR To safe_float_conversion(const From from, int& ec) { + ec = 0; + static_assert(std::is_floating_point::value, "From must be floating"); + return from; +} + +/** + * safe duration cast between integral durations + */ +template ::value), + FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral::value)> +To safe_duration_cast(std::chrono::duration from, + int& ec) { + using From = std::chrono::duration; + ec = 0; + // the basic idea is that we need to convert from count() in the from type + // to count() in the To type, by multiplying it with this: + struct Factor + : std::ratio_divide {}; + + static_assert(Factor::num > 0, "num must be positive"); + static_assert(Factor::den > 0, "den must be positive"); + + // the conversion is like this: multiply from.count() with Factor::num + // /Factor::den and convert it to To::rep, all this without + // overflow/underflow. let's start by finding a suitable type that can hold + // both To, From and Factor::num + using IntermediateRep = + typename std::common_type::type; + + // safe conversion to IntermediateRep + IntermediateRep count = + lossless_integral_conversion(from.count(), ec); + if (ec) return {}; + // multiply with Factor::num without overflow or underflow + if (detail::const_check(Factor::num != 1)) { + const auto max1 = detail::max_value() / Factor::num; + if (count > max1) { + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + const auto min1 = + (std::numeric_limits::min)() / Factor::num; + if (count < min1) { + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + count *= Factor::num; + } + + if (detail::const_check(Factor::den != 1)) count /= Factor::den; + auto tocount = lossless_integral_conversion(count, ec); + return ec ? To() : To(tocount); +} + +/** + * safe duration_cast between floating point durations + */ +template ::value), + FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_floating_point::value)> +To safe_duration_cast(std::chrono::duration from, + int& ec) { + using From = std::chrono::duration; + ec = 0; + if (std::isnan(from.count())) { + // nan in, gives nan out. easy. + return To{std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()}; + } + // maybe we should also check if from is denormal, and decide what to do about + // it. + + // +-inf should be preserved. + if (std::isinf(from.count())) { + return To{from.count()}; + } + + // the basic idea is that we need to convert from count() in the from type + // to count() in the To type, by multiplying it with this: + struct Factor + : std::ratio_divide {}; + + static_assert(Factor::num > 0, "num must be positive"); + static_assert(Factor::den > 0, "den must be positive"); + + // the conversion is like this: multiply from.count() with Factor::num + // /Factor::den and convert it to To::rep, all this without + // overflow/underflow. let's start by finding a suitable type that can hold + // both To, From and Factor::num + using IntermediateRep = + typename std::common_type::type; + + // force conversion of From::rep -> IntermediateRep to be safe, + // even if it will never happen be narrowing in this context. + IntermediateRep count = + safe_float_conversion(from.count(), ec); + if (ec) { + return {}; + } + + // multiply with Factor::num without overflow or underflow + if (detail::const_check(Factor::num != 1)) { + constexpr auto max1 = detail::max_value() / + static_cast(Factor::num); + if (count > max1) { + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + constexpr auto min1 = std::numeric_limits::lowest() / + static_cast(Factor::num); + if (count < min1) { + ec = 1; + return {}; + } + count *= static_cast(Factor::num); + } + + // this can't go wrong, right? den>0 is checked earlier. + if (detail::const_check(Factor::den != 1)) { + using common_t = typename std::common_type::type; + count /= static_cast(Factor::den); + } + + // convert to the to type, safely + using ToRep = typename To::rep; + + const ToRep tocount = safe_float_conversion(count, ec); + if (ec) { + return {}; + } + return To{tocount}; +} +} // namespace safe_duration_cast +#endif + +// Prevents expansion of a preceding token as a function-style macro. +// Usage: f FMT_NOMACRO() +#define FMT_NOMACRO + +namespace detail { +template struct null {}; +inline null<> localtime_r FMT_NOMACRO(...) { return null<>(); } +inline null<> localtime_s(...) { return null<>(); } +inline null<> gmtime_r(...) { return null<>(); } +inline null<> gmtime_s(...) { return null<>(); } + +inline const std::locale& get_classic_locale() { + static const auto& locale = std::locale::classic(); + return locale; +} + +template struct codecvt_result { + static constexpr const size_t max_size = 32; + CodeUnit buf[max_size]; + CodeUnit* end; +}; +template +constexpr const size_t codecvt_result::max_size; + +template +void write_codecvt(codecvt_result& out, string_view in_buf, + const std::locale& loc) { +#if FMT_CLANG_VERSION +# pragma clang diagnostic push +# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated" + auto& f = std::use_facet>(loc); +# pragma clang diagnostic pop +#else + auto& f = std::use_facet>(loc); +#endif + auto mb = std::mbstate_t(); + const char* from_next = nullptr; + auto result = f.in(mb, in_buf.begin(), in_buf.end(), from_next, + std::begin(out.buf), std::end(out.buf), out.end); + if (result != std::codecvt_base::ok) + FMT_THROW(format_error("failed to format time")); +} + +template +auto write_encoded_tm_str(OutputIt out, string_view in, const std::locale& loc) + -> OutputIt { + if (detail::is_utf8() && loc != get_classic_locale()) { + // char16_t and char32_t codecvts are broken in MSVC (linkage errors) and + // gcc-4. +#if FMT_MSC_VERSION != 0 || \ + (defined(__GLIBCXX__) && !defined(_GLIBCXX_USE_DUAL_ABI)) + // The _GLIBCXX_USE_DUAL_ABI macro is always defined in libstdc++ from gcc-5 + // and newer. + using code_unit = wchar_t; +#else + using code_unit = char32_t; +#endif + + using unit_t = codecvt_result; + unit_t unit; + write_codecvt(unit, in, loc); + // In UTF-8 is used one to four one-byte code units. + auto&& buf = basic_memory_buffer(); + for (code_unit* p = unit.buf; p != unit.end; ++p) { + uint32_t c = static_cast(*p); + if (sizeof(code_unit) == 2 && c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdfff) { + // surrogate pair + ++p; + if (p == unit.end || (c & 0xfc00) != 0xd800 || + (*p & 0xfc00) != 0xdc00) { + FMT_THROW(format_error("failed to format time")); + } + c = (c << 10) + static_cast(*p) - 0x35fdc00; + } + if (c < 0x80) { + buf.push_back(static_cast(c)); + } else if (c < 0x800) { + buf.push_back(static_cast(0xc0 | (c >> 6))); + buf.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); + } else if ((c >= 0x800 && c <= 0xd7ff) || (c >= 0xe000 && c <= 0xffff)) { + buf.push_back(static_cast(0xe0 | (c >> 12))); + buf.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | ((c & 0xfff) >> 6))); + buf.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); + } else if (c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10ffff) { + buf.push_back(static_cast(0xf0 | (c >> 18))); + buf.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | ((c & 0x3ffff) >> 12))); + buf.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | ((c & 0xfff) >> 6))); + buf.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); + } else { + FMT_THROW(format_error("failed to format time")); + } + } + return copy_str(buf.data(), buf.data() + buf.size(), out); + } + return copy_str(in.data(), in.data() + in.size(), out); +} + +template ::value)> +auto write_tm_str(OutputIt out, string_view sv, const std::locale& loc) + -> OutputIt { + codecvt_result unit; + write_codecvt(unit, sv, loc); + return copy_str(unit.buf, unit.end, out); +} + +template ::value)> +auto write_tm_str(OutputIt out, string_view sv, const std::locale& loc) + -> OutputIt { + return write_encoded_tm_str(out, sv, loc); +} + +template +inline void do_write(buffer& buf, const std::tm& time, + const std::locale& loc, char format, char modifier) { + auto&& format_buf = formatbuf>(buf); + auto&& os = std::basic_ostream(&format_buf); + os.imbue(loc); + using iterator = std::ostreambuf_iterator; + const auto& facet = std::use_facet>(loc); + auto end = facet.put(os, os, Char(' '), &time, format, modifier); + if (end.failed()) FMT_THROW(format_error("failed to format time")); +} + +template ::value)> +auto write(OutputIt out, const std::tm& time, const std::locale& loc, + char format, char modifier = 0) -> OutputIt { + auto&& buf = get_buffer(out); + do_write(buf, time, loc, format, modifier); + return buf.out(); +} + +template ::value)> +auto write(OutputIt out, const std::tm& time, const std::locale& loc, + char format, char modifier = 0) -> OutputIt { + auto&& buf = basic_memory_buffer(); + do_write(buf, time, loc, format, modifier); + return write_encoded_tm_str(out, string_view(buf.data(), buf.size()), loc); +} + +} // namespace detail + +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_BEGIN + +/** + Converts given time since epoch as ``std::time_t`` value into calendar time, + expressed in local time. Unlike ``std::localtime``, this function is + thread-safe on most platforms. + */ +inline std::tm localtime(std::time_t time) { + struct dispatcher { + std::time_t time_; + std::tm tm_; + + dispatcher(std::time_t t) : time_(t) {} + + bool run() { + using namespace fmt::detail; + return handle(localtime_r(&time_, &tm_)); + } + + bool handle(std::tm* tm) { return tm != nullptr; } + + bool handle(detail::null<>) { + using namespace fmt::detail; + return fallback(localtime_s(&tm_, &time_)); + } + + bool fallback(int res) { return res == 0; } + +#if !FMT_MSC_VERSION + bool fallback(detail::null<>) { + using namespace fmt::detail; + std::tm* tm = std::localtime(&time_); + if (tm) tm_ = *tm; + return tm != nullptr; + } +#endif + }; + dispatcher lt(time); + // Too big time values may be unsupported. + if (!lt.run()) FMT_THROW(format_error("time_t value out of range")); + return lt.tm_; +} + +inline std::tm localtime( + std::chrono::time_point time_point) { + return localtime(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(time_point)); +} + +/** + Converts given time since epoch as ``std::time_t`` value into calendar time, + expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Unlike ``std::gmtime``, this + function is thread-safe on most platforms. + */ +inline std::tm gmtime(std::time_t time) { + struct dispatcher { + std::time_t time_; + std::tm tm_; + + dispatcher(std::time_t t) : time_(t) {} + + bool run() { + using namespace fmt::detail; + return handle(gmtime_r(&time_, &tm_)); + } + + bool handle(std::tm* tm) { return tm != nullptr; } + + bool handle(detail::null<>) { + using namespace fmt::detail; + return fallback(gmtime_s(&tm_, &time_)); + } + + bool fallback(int res) { return res == 0; } + +#if !FMT_MSC_VERSION + bool fallback(detail::null<>) { + std::tm* tm = std::gmtime(&time_); + if (tm) tm_ = *tm; + return tm != nullptr; + } +#endif + }; + dispatcher gt(time); + // Too big time values may be unsupported. + if (!gt.run()) FMT_THROW(format_error("time_t value out of range")); + return gt.tm_; +} + +inline std::tm gmtime( + std::chrono::time_point time_point) { + return gmtime(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(time_point)); +} + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// Writes two-digit numbers a, b and c separated by sep to buf. +// The method by Pavel Novikov based on +// https://johnnylee-sde.github.io/Fast-unsigned-integer-to-time-string/. +inline void write_digit2_separated(char* buf, unsigned a, unsigned b, + unsigned c, char sep) { + unsigned long long digits = + a | (b << 24) | (static_cast(c) << 48); + // Convert each value to BCD. + // We have x = a * 10 + b and we want to convert it to BCD y = a * 16 + b. + // The difference is + // y - x = a * 6 + // a can be found from x: + // a = floor(x / 10) + // then + // y = x + a * 6 = x + floor(x / 10) * 6 + // floor(x / 10) is (x * 205) >> 11 (needs 16 bits). + digits += (((digits * 205) >> 11) & 0x000f00000f00000f) * 6; + // Put low nibbles to high bytes and high nibbles to low bytes. + digits = ((digits & 0x00f00000f00000f0) >> 4) | + ((digits & 0x000f00000f00000f) << 8); + auto usep = static_cast(sep); + // Add ASCII '0' to each digit byte and insert separators. + digits |= 0x3030003030003030 | (usep << 16) | (usep << 40); + + constexpr const size_t len = 8; + if (const_check(is_big_endian())) { + char tmp[len]; + std::memcpy(tmp, &digits, len); + std::reverse_copy(tmp, tmp + len, buf); + } else { + std::memcpy(buf, &digits, len); + } +} + +template FMT_CONSTEXPR inline const char* get_units() { + if (std::is_same::value) return "as"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "fs"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "ps"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "ns"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "µs"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "ms"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "cs"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "ds"; + if (std::is_same>::value) return "s"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "das"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "hs"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "ks"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "Ms"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "Gs"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "Ts"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "Ps"; + if (std::is_same::value) return "Es"; + if (std::is_same>::value) return "m"; + if (std::is_same>::value) return "h"; + return nullptr; +} + +enum class numeric_system { + standard, + // Alternative numeric system, e.g. 十二 instead of 12 in ja_JP locale. + alternative +}; + +// Parses a put_time-like format string and invokes handler actions. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR const Char* parse_chrono_format(const Char* begin, + const Char* end, + Handler&& handler) { + auto ptr = begin; + while (ptr != end) { + auto c = *ptr; + if (c == '}') break; + if (c != '%') { + ++ptr; + continue; + } + if (begin != ptr) handler.on_text(begin, ptr); + ++ptr; // consume '%' + if (ptr == end) FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid format")); + c = *ptr++; + switch (c) { + case '%': + handler.on_text(ptr - 1, ptr); + break; + case 'n': { + const Char newline[] = {'\n'}; + handler.on_text(newline, newline + 1); + break; + } + case 't': { + const Char tab[] = {'\t'}; + handler.on_text(tab, tab + 1); + break; + } + // Year: + case 'Y': + handler.on_year(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'y': + handler.on_short_year(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'C': + handler.on_century(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'G': + handler.on_iso_week_based_year(); + break; + case 'g': + handler.on_iso_week_based_short_year(); + break; + // Day of the week: + case 'a': + handler.on_abbr_weekday(); + break; + case 'A': + handler.on_full_weekday(); + break; + case 'w': + handler.on_dec0_weekday(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'u': + handler.on_dec1_weekday(numeric_system::standard); + break; + // Month: + case 'b': + case 'h': + handler.on_abbr_month(); + break; + case 'B': + handler.on_full_month(); + break; + case 'm': + handler.on_dec_month(numeric_system::standard); + break; + // Day of the year/month: + case 'U': + handler.on_dec0_week_of_year(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'W': + handler.on_dec1_week_of_year(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'V': + handler.on_iso_week_of_year(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'j': + handler.on_day_of_year(); + break; + case 'd': + handler.on_day_of_month(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'e': + handler.on_day_of_month_space(numeric_system::standard); + break; + // Hour, minute, second: + case 'H': + handler.on_24_hour(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'I': + handler.on_12_hour(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'M': + handler.on_minute(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'S': + handler.on_second(numeric_system::standard); + break; + // Other: + case 'c': + handler.on_datetime(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'x': + handler.on_loc_date(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'X': + handler.on_loc_time(numeric_system::standard); + break; + case 'D': + handler.on_us_date(); + break; + case 'F': + handler.on_iso_date(); + break; + case 'r': + handler.on_12_hour_time(); + break; + case 'R': + handler.on_24_hour_time(); + break; + case 'T': + handler.on_iso_time(); + break; + case 'p': + handler.on_am_pm(); + break; + case 'Q': + handler.on_duration_value(); + break; + case 'q': + handler.on_duration_unit(); + break; + case 'z': + handler.on_utc_offset(); + break; + case 'Z': + handler.on_tz_name(); + break; + // Alternative representation: + case 'E': { + if (ptr == end) FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid format")); + c = *ptr++; + switch (c) { + case 'Y': + handler.on_year(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'y': + handler.on_offset_year(); + break; + case 'C': + handler.on_century(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'c': + handler.on_datetime(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'x': + handler.on_loc_date(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'X': + handler.on_loc_time(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + default: + FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid format")); + } + break; + } + case 'O': + if (ptr == end) FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid format")); + c = *ptr++; + switch (c) { + case 'y': + handler.on_short_year(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'm': + handler.on_dec_month(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'U': + handler.on_dec0_week_of_year(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'W': + handler.on_dec1_week_of_year(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'V': + handler.on_iso_week_of_year(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'd': + handler.on_day_of_month(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'e': + handler.on_day_of_month_space(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'w': + handler.on_dec0_weekday(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'u': + handler.on_dec1_weekday(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'H': + handler.on_24_hour(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'I': + handler.on_12_hour(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'M': + handler.on_minute(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + case 'S': + handler.on_second(numeric_system::alternative); + break; + default: + FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid format")); + } + break; + default: + FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid format")); + } + begin = ptr; + } + if (begin != ptr) handler.on_text(begin, ptr); + return ptr; +} + +template struct null_chrono_spec_handler { + FMT_CONSTEXPR void unsupported() { + static_cast(this)->unsupported(); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_year(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_short_year(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_offset_year() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_century(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_week_based_year() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_week_based_short_year() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_abbr_weekday() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_full_weekday() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec0_weekday(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec1_weekday(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_abbr_month() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_full_month() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec_month(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec0_week_of_year(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec1_week_of_year(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_week_of_year(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_day_of_year() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_day_of_month(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_day_of_month_space(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_24_hour(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_12_hour(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_minute(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_second(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_datetime(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_loc_date(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_loc_time(numeric_system) { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_us_date() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_date() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_12_hour_time() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_24_hour_time() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_time() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_am_pm() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_duration_value() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_duration_unit() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_utc_offset() { unsupported(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_tz_name() { unsupported(); } +}; + +struct tm_format_checker : null_chrono_spec_handler { + FMT_NORETURN void unsupported() { FMT_THROW(format_error("no format")); } + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_text(const Char*, const Char*) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_year(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_short_year(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_offset_year() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_century(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_week_based_year() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_week_based_short_year() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_abbr_weekday() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_full_weekday() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec0_weekday(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec1_weekday(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_abbr_month() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_full_month() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec_month(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec0_week_of_year(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dec1_week_of_year(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_week_of_year(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_day_of_year() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_day_of_month(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_day_of_month_space(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_24_hour(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_12_hour(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_minute(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_second(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_datetime(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_loc_date(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_loc_time(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_us_date() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_date() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_12_hour_time() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_24_hour_time() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_time() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_am_pm() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_utc_offset() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_tz_name() {} +}; + +inline const char* tm_wday_full_name(int wday) { + static constexpr const char* full_name_list[] = { + "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", + "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}; + return wday >= 0 && wday <= 6 ? full_name_list[wday] : "?"; +} +inline const char* tm_wday_short_name(int wday) { + static constexpr const char* short_name_list[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", + "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; + return wday >= 0 && wday <= 6 ? short_name_list[wday] : "???"; +} + +inline const char* tm_mon_full_name(int mon) { + static constexpr const char* full_name_list[] = { + "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", + "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}; + return mon >= 0 && mon <= 11 ? full_name_list[mon] : "?"; +} +inline const char* tm_mon_short_name(int mon) { + static constexpr const char* short_name_list[] = { + "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", + "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", + }; + return mon >= 0 && mon <= 11 ? short_name_list[mon] : "???"; +} + +template +struct has_member_data_tm_gmtoff : std::false_type {}; +template +struct has_member_data_tm_gmtoff> + : std::true_type {}; + +template +struct has_member_data_tm_zone : std::false_type {}; +template +struct has_member_data_tm_zone> + : std::true_type {}; + +#if FMT_USE_TZSET +inline void tzset_once() { + static bool init = []() -> bool { + _tzset(); + return true; + }(); + ignore_unused(init); +} +#endif + +template class tm_writer { + private: + static constexpr int days_per_week = 7; + + const std::locale& loc_; + const bool is_classic_; + OutputIt out_; + const std::tm& tm_; + + auto tm_sec() const noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(tm_.tm_sec >= 0 && tm_.tm_sec <= 61, ""); + return tm_.tm_sec; + } + auto tm_min() const noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(tm_.tm_min >= 0 && tm_.tm_min <= 59, ""); + return tm_.tm_min; + } + auto tm_hour() const noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(tm_.tm_hour >= 0 && tm_.tm_hour <= 23, ""); + return tm_.tm_hour; + } + auto tm_mday() const noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(tm_.tm_mday >= 1 && tm_.tm_mday <= 31, ""); + return tm_.tm_mday; + } + auto tm_mon() const noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(tm_.tm_mon >= 0 && tm_.tm_mon <= 11, ""); + return tm_.tm_mon; + } + auto tm_year() const noexcept -> long long { return 1900ll + tm_.tm_year; } + auto tm_wday() const noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(tm_.tm_wday >= 0 && tm_.tm_wday <= 6, ""); + return tm_.tm_wday; + } + auto tm_yday() const noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(tm_.tm_yday >= 0 && tm_.tm_yday <= 365, ""); + return tm_.tm_yday; + } + + auto tm_hour12() const noexcept -> int { + const auto h = tm_hour(); + const auto z = h < 12 ? h : h - 12; + return z == 0 ? 12 : z; + } + + // POSIX and the C Standard are unclear or inconsistent about what %C and %y + // do if the year is negative or exceeds 9999. Use the convention that %C + // concatenated with %y yields the same output as %Y, and that %Y contains at + // least 4 characters, with more only if necessary. + auto split_year_lower(long long year) const noexcept -> int { + auto l = year % 100; + if (l < 0) l = -l; // l in [0, 99] + return static_cast(l); + } + + // Algorithm: + // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date#Calculating_the_week_number_from_a_month_and_day_of_the_month_or_ordinal_date + auto iso_year_weeks(long long curr_year) const noexcept -> int { + const auto prev_year = curr_year - 1; + const auto curr_p = + (curr_year + curr_year / 4 - curr_year / 100 + curr_year / 400) % + days_per_week; + const auto prev_p = + (prev_year + prev_year / 4 - prev_year / 100 + prev_year / 400) % + days_per_week; + return 52 + ((curr_p == 4 || prev_p == 3) ? 1 : 0); + } + auto iso_week_num(int tm_yday, int tm_wday) const noexcept -> int { + return (tm_yday + 11 - (tm_wday == 0 ? days_per_week : tm_wday)) / + days_per_week; + } + auto tm_iso_week_year() const noexcept -> long long { + const auto year = tm_year(); + const auto w = iso_week_num(tm_yday(), tm_wday()); + if (w < 1) return year - 1; + if (w > iso_year_weeks(year)) return year + 1; + return year; + } + auto tm_iso_week_of_year() const noexcept -> int { + const auto year = tm_year(); + const auto w = iso_week_num(tm_yday(), tm_wday()); + if (w < 1) return iso_year_weeks(year - 1); + if (w > iso_year_weeks(year)) return 1; + return w; + } + + void write1(int value) { + *out_++ = static_cast('0' + to_unsigned(value) % 10); + } + void write2(int value) { + const char* d = digits2(to_unsigned(value) % 100); + *out_++ = *d++; + *out_++ = *d; + } + + void write_year_extended(long long year) { + // At least 4 characters. + int width = 4; + if (year < 0) { + *out_++ = '-'; + year = 0 - year; + --width; + } + uint32_or_64_or_128_t n = to_unsigned(year); + const int num_digits = count_digits(n); + if (width > num_digits) out_ = std::fill_n(out_, width - num_digits, '0'); + out_ = format_decimal(out_, n, num_digits).end; + } + void write_year(long long year) { + if (year >= 0 && year < 10000) { + write2(static_cast(year / 100)); + write2(static_cast(year % 100)); + } else { + write_year_extended(year); + } + } + + void write_utc_offset(long offset) { + if (offset < 0) { + *out_++ = '-'; + offset = -offset; + } else { + *out_++ = '+'; + } + offset /= 60; + write2(static_cast(offset / 60)); + write2(static_cast(offset % 60)); + } + template ::value)> + void format_utc_offset_impl(const T& tm) { + write_utc_offset(tm.tm_gmtoff); + } + template ::value)> + void format_utc_offset_impl(const T& tm) { +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_UCRT) +# if FMT_USE_TZSET + tzset_once(); +# endif + long offset = 0; + _get_timezone(&offset); + if (tm.tm_isdst) { + long dstbias = 0; + _get_dstbias(&dstbias); + offset += dstbias; + } + write_utc_offset(-offset); +#else + ignore_unused(tm); + format_localized('z'); +#endif + } + + template ::value)> + void format_tz_name_impl(const T& tm) { + if (is_classic_) + out_ = write_tm_str(out_, tm.tm_zone, loc_); + else + format_localized('Z'); + } + template ::value)> + void format_tz_name_impl(const T&) { + format_localized('Z'); + } + + void format_localized(char format, char modifier = 0) { + out_ = write(out_, tm_, loc_, format, modifier); + } + + public: + tm_writer(const std::locale& loc, OutputIt out, const std::tm& tm) + : loc_(loc), + is_classic_(loc_ == get_classic_locale()), + out_(out), + tm_(tm) {} + + OutputIt out() const { return out_; } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_text(const Char* begin, const Char* end) { + out_ = copy_str(begin, end, out_); + } + + void on_abbr_weekday() { + if (is_classic_) + out_ = write(out_, tm_wday_short_name(tm_wday())); + else + format_localized('a'); + } + void on_full_weekday() { + if (is_classic_) + out_ = write(out_, tm_wday_full_name(tm_wday())); + else + format_localized('A'); + } + void on_dec0_weekday(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) return write1(tm_wday()); + format_localized('w', 'O'); + } + void on_dec1_weekday(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) { + auto wday = tm_wday(); + write1(wday == 0 ? days_per_week : wday); + } else { + format_localized('u', 'O'); + } + } + + void on_abbr_month() { + if (is_classic_) + out_ = write(out_, tm_mon_short_name(tm_mon())); + else + format_localized('b'); + } + void on_full_month() { + if (is_classic_) + out_ = write(out_, tm_mon_full_name(tm_mon())); + else + format_localized('B'); + } + + void on_datetime(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_) { + on_abbr_weekday(); + *out_++ = ' '; + on_abbr_month(); + *out_++ = ' '; + on_day_of_month_space(numeric_system::standard); + *out_++ = ' '; + on_iso_time(); + *out_++ = ' '; + on_year(numeric_system::standard); + } else { + format_localized('c', ns == numeric_system::standard ? '\0' : 'E'); + } + } + void on_loc_date(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_) + on_us_date(); + else + format_localized('x', ns == numeric_system::standard ? '\0' : 'E'); + } + void on_loc_time(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_) + on_iso_time(); + else + format_localized('X', ns == numeric_system::standard ? '\0' : 'E'); + } + void on_us_date() { + char buf[8]; + write_digit2_separated(buf, to_unsigned(tm_mon() + 1), + to_unsigned(tm_mday()), + to_unsigned(split_year_lower(tm_year())), '/'); + out_ = copy_str(std::begin(buf), std::end(buf), out_); + } + void on_iso_date() { + auto year = tm_year(); + char buf[10]; + size_t offset = 0; + if (year >= 0 && year < 10000) { + copy2(buf, digits2(static_cast(year / 100))); + } else { + offset = 4; + write_year_extended(year); + year = 0; + } + write_digit2_separated(buf + 2, static_cast(year % 100), + to_unsigned(tm_mon() + 1), to_unsigned(tm_mday()), + '-'); + out_ = copy_str(std::begin(buf) + offset, std::end(buf), out_); + } + + void on_utc_offset() { format_utc_offset_impl(tm_); } + void on_tz_name() { format_tz_name_impl(tm_); } + + void on_year(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) + return write_year(tm_year()); + format_localized('Y', 'E'); + } + void on_short_year(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) + return write2(split_year_lower(tm_year())); + format_localized('y', 'O'); + } + void on_offset_year() { + if (is_classic_) return write2(split_year_lower(tm_year())); + format_localized('y', 'E'); + } + + void on_century(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) { + auto year = tm_year(); + auto upper = year / 100; + if (year >= -99 && year < 0) { + // Zero upper on negative year. + *out_++ = '-'; + *out_++ = '0'; + } else if (upper >= 0 && upper < 100) { + write2(static_cast(upper)); + } else { + out_ = write(out_, upper); + } + } else { + format_localized('C', 'E'); + } + } + + void on_dec_month(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) + return write2(tm_mon() + 1); + format_localized('m', 'O'); + } + + void on_dec0_week_of_year(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) + return write2((tm_yday() + days_per_week - tm_wday()) / days_per_week); + format_localized('U', 'O'); + } + void on_dec1_week_of_year(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) { + auto wday = tm_wday(); + write2((tm_yday() + days_per_week - + (wday == 0 ? (days_per_week - 1) : (wday - 1))) / + days_per_week); + } else { + format_localized('W', 'O'); + } + } + void on_iso_week_of_year(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) + return write2(tm_iso_week_of_year()); + format_localized('V', 'O'); + } + + void on_iso_week_based_year() { write_year(tm_iso_week_year()); } + void on_iso_week_based_short_year() { + write2(split_year_lower(tm_iso_week_year())); + } + + void on_day_of_year() { + auto yday = tm_yday() + 1; + write1(yday / 100); + write2(yday % 100); + } + void on_day_of_month(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) return write2(tm_mday()); + format_localized('d', 'O'); + } + void on_day_of_month_space(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) { + auto mday = to_unsigned(tm_mday()) % 100; + const char* d2 = digits2(mday); + *out_++ = mday < 10 ? ' ' : d2[0]; + *out_++ = d2[1]; + } else { + format_localized('e', 'O'); + } + } + + void on_24_hour(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) return write2(tm_hour()); + format_localized('H', 'O'); + } + void on_12_hour(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) + return write2(tm_hour12()); + format_localized('I', 'O'); + } + void on_minute(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) return write2(tm_min()); + format_localized('M', 'O'); + } + void on_second(numeric_system ns) { + if (is_classic_ || ns == numeric_system::standard) return write2(tm_sec()); + format_localized('S', 'O'); + } + + void on_12_hour_time() { + if (is_classic_) { + char buf[8]; + write_digit2_separated(buf, to_unsigned(tm_hour12()), + to_unsigned(tm_min()), to_unsigned(tm_sec()), ':'); + out_ = copy_str(std::begin(buf), std::end(buf), out_); + *out_++ = ' '; + on_am_pm(); + } else { + format_localized('r'); + } + } + void on_24_hour_time() { + write2(tm_hour()); + *out_++ = ':'; + write2(tm_min()); + } + void on_iso_time() { + char buf[8]; + write_digit2_separated(buf, to_unsigned(tm_hour()), to_unsigned(tm_min()), + to_unsigned(tm_sec()), ':'); + out_ = copy_str(std::begin(buf), std::end(buf), out_); + } + + void on_am_pm() { + if (is_classic_) { + *out_++ = tm_hour() < 12 ? 'A' : 'P'; + *out_++ = 'M'; + } else { + format_localized('p'); + } + } + + // These apply to chrono durations but not tm. + void on_duration_value() {} + void on_duration_unit() {} +}; + +struct chrono_format_checker : null_chrono_spec_handler { + FMT_NORETURN void unsupported() { FMT_THROW(format_error("no date")); } + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_text(const Char*, const Char*) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_24_hour(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_12_hour(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_minute(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_second(numeric_system) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_12_hour_time() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_24_hour_time() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_iso_time() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_am_pm() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_duration_value() {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_duration_unit() {} +}; + +template ::value)> +inline bool isfinite(T) { + return true; +} + +// Converts value to Int and checks that it's in the range [0, upper). +template ::value)> +inline Int to_nonnegative_int(T value, Int upper) { + FMT_ASSERT(value >= 0 && to_unsigned(value) <= to_unsigned(upper), + "invalid value"); + (void)upper; + return static_cast(value); +} +template ::value)> +inline Int to_nonnegative_int(T value, Int upper) { + if (value < 0 || value > static_cast(upper)) + FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid value")); + return static_cast(value); +} + +template ::value)> +inline T mod(T x, int y) { + return x % static_cast(y); +} +template ::value)> +inline T mod(T x, int y) { + return std::fmod(x, static_cast(y)); +} + +// If T is an integral type, maps T to its unsigned counterpart, otherwise +// leaves it unchanged (unlike std::make_unsigned). +template ::value> +struct make_unsigned_or_unchanged { + using type = T; +}; + +template struct make_unsigned_or_unchanged { + using type = typename std::make_unsigned::type; +}; + +#if FMT_SAFE_DURATION_CAST +// throwing version of safe_duration_cast +template +To fmt_safe_duration_cast(std::chrono::duration from) { + int ec; + To to = safe_duration_cast::safe_duration_cast(from, ec); + if (ec) FMT_THROW(format_error("cannot format duration")); + return to; +} +#endif + +template ::value)> +inline std::chrono::duration get_milliseconds( + std::chrono::duration d) { + // this may overflow and/or the result may not fit in the + // target type. +#if FMT_SAFE_DURATION_CAST + using CommonSecondsType = + typename std::common_type::type; + const auto d_as_common = fmt_safe_duration_cast(d); + const auto d_as_whole_seconds = + fmt_safe_duration_cast(d_as_common); + // this conversion should be nonproblematic + const auto diff = d_as_common - d_as_whole_seconds; + const auto ms = + fmt_safe_duration_cast>(diff); + return ms; +#else + auto s = std::chrono::duration_cast(d); + return std::chrono::duration_cast(d - s); +#endif +} + +// Counts the number of fractional digits in the range [0, 18] according to the +// C++20 spec. If more than 18 fractional digits are required then returns 6 for +// microseconds precision. +template () / 10)> +struct count_fractional_digits { + static constexpr int value = + Num % Den == 0 ? N : count_fractional_digits::value; +}; + +// Base case that doesn't instantiate any more templates +// in order to avoid overflow. +template +struct count_fractional_digits { + static constexpr int value = (Num % Den == 0) ? N : 6; +}; + +constexpr long long pow10(std::uint32_t n) { + return n == 0 ? 1 : 10 * pow10(n - 1); +} + +template ::is_signed)> +constexpr std::chrono::duration abs( + std::chrono::duration d) { + // We need to compare the duration using the count() method directly + // due to a compiler bug in clang-11 regarding the spaceship operator, + // when -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant is enabled. + // In clang-12 the bug has been fixed. See + // https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46235 and the reproducible example: + // https://www.godbolt.org/z/Knbb5joYx. + return d.count() >= d.zero().count() ? d : -d; +} + +template ::is_signed)> +constexpr std::chrono::duration abs( + std::chrono::duration d) { + return d; +} + +template ::value)> +OutputIt format_duration_value(OutputIt out, Rep val, int) { + return write(out, val); +} + +template ::value)> +OutputIt format_duration_value(OutputIt out, Rep val, int precision) { + auto specs = basic_format_specs(); + specs.precision = precision; + specs.type = precision >= 0 ? presentation_type::fixed_lower + : presentation_type::general_lower; + return write(out, val, specs); +} + +template +OutputIt copy_unit(string_view unit, OutputIt out, Char) { + return std::copy(unit.begin(), unit.end(), out); +} + +template +OutputIt copy_unit(string_view unit, OutputIt out, wchar_t) { + // This works when wchar_t is UTF-32 because units only contain characters + // that have the same representation in UTF-16 and UTF-32. + utf8_to_utf16 u(unit); + return std::copy(u.c_str(), u.c_str() + u.size(), out); +} + +template +OutputIt format_duration_unit(OutputIt out) { + if (const char* unit = get_units()) + return copy_unit(string_view(unit), out, Char()); + *out++ = '['; + out = write(out, Period::num); + if (const_check(Period::den != 1)) { + *out++ = '/'; + out = write(out, Period::den); + } + *out++ = ']'; + *out++ = 's'; + return out; +} + +class get_locale { + private: + union { + std::locale locale_; + }; + bool has_locale_ = false; + + public: + get_locale(bool localized, locale_ref loc) : has_locale_(localized) { + if (localized) + ::new (&locale_) std::locale(loc.template get()); + } + ~get_locale() { + if (has_locale_) locale_.~locale(); + } + operator const std::locale&() const { + return has_locale_ ? locale_ : get_classic_locale(); + } +}; + +template +struct chrono_formatter { + FormatContext& context; + OutputIt out; + int precision; + bool localized = false; + // rep is unsigned to avoid overflow. + using rep = + conditional_t::value && sizeof(Rep) < sizeof(int), + unsigned, typename make_unsigned_or_unchanged::type>; + rep val; + using seconds = std::chrono::duration; + seconds s; + using milliseconds = std::chrono::duration; + bool negative; + + using char_type = typename FormatContext::char_type; + using tm_writer_type = tm_writer; + + chrono_formatter(FormatContext& ctx, OutputIt o, + std::chrono::duration d) + : context(ctx), + out(o), + val(static_cast(d.count())), + negative(false) { + if (d.count() < 0) { + val = 0 - val; + negative = true; + } + + // this may overflow and/or the result may not fit in the + // target type. +#if FMT_SAFE_DURATION_CAST + // might need checked conversion (rep!=Rep) + auto tmpval = std::chrono::duration(val); + s = fmt_safe_duration_cast(tmpval); +#else + s = std::chrono::duration_cast( + std::chrono::duration(val)); +#endif + } + + // returns true if nan or inf, writes to out. + bool handle_nan_inf() { + if (isfinite(val)) { + return false; + } + if (isnan(val)) { + write_nan(); + return true; + } + // must be +-inf + if (val > 0) { + write_pinf(); + } else { + write_ninf(); + } + return true; + } + + Rep hour() const { return static_cast(mod((s.count() / 3600), 24)); } + + Rep hour12() const { + Rep hour = static_cast(mod((s.count() / 3600), 12)); + return hour <= 0 ? 12 : hour; + } + + Rep minute() const { return static_cast(mod((s.count() / 60), 60)); } + Rep second() const { return static_cast(mod(s.count(), 60)); } + + std::tm time() const { + auto time = std::tm(); + time.tm_hour = to_nonnegative_int(hour(), 24); + time.tm_min = to_nonnegative_int(minute(), 60); + time.tm_sec = to_nonnegative_int(second(), 60); + return time; + } + + void write_sign() { + if (negative) { + *out++ = '-'; + negative = false; + } + } + + void write(Rep value, int width) { + write_sign(); + if (isnan(value)) return write_nan(); + uint32_or_64_or_128_t n = + to_unsigned(to_nonnegative_int(value, max_value())); + int num_digits = detail::count_digits(n); + if (width > num_digits) out = std::fill_n(out, width - num_digits, '0'); + out = format_decimal(out, n, num_digits).end; + } + + template void write_fractional_seconds(Duration d) { + FMT_ASSERT(!std::is_floating_point::value, ""); + constexpr auto num_fractional_digits = + count_fractional_digits::value; + + using subsecond_precision = std::chrono::duration< + typename std::common_type::type, + std::ratio<1, detail::pow10(num_fractional_digits)>>; + if (std::ratio_less::value) { + *out++ = '.'; + auto fractional = + detail::abs(d) - std::chrono::duration_cast(d); + auto subseconds = + std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point< + typename subsecond_precision::rep>::value + ? fractional.count() + : std::chrono::duration_cast(fractional) + .count(); + uint32_or_64_or_128_t n = + to_unsigned(to_nonnegative_int(subseconds, max_value())); + int num_digits = detail::count_digits(n); + if (num_fractional_digits > num_digits) + out = std::fill_n(out, num_fractional_digits - num_digits, '0'); + out = format_decimal(out, n, num_digits).end; + } + } + + void write_nan() { std::copy_n("nan", 3, out); } + void write_pinf() { std::copy_n("inf", 3, out); } + void write_ninf() { std::copy_n("-inf", 4, out); } + + template + void format_tm(const tm& time, Callback cb, Args... args) { + if (isnan(val)) return write_nan(); + get_locale loc(localized, context.locale()); + auto w = tm_writer_type(loc, out, time); + (w.*cb)(args...); + out = w.out(); + } + + void on_text(const char_type* begin, const char_type* end) { + std::copy(begin, end, out); + } + + // These are not implemented because durations don't have date information. + void on_abbr_weekday() {} + void on_full_weekday() {} + void on_dec0_weekday(numeric_system) {} + void on_dec1_weekday(numeric_system) {} + void on_abbr_month() {} + void on_full_month() {} + void on_datetime(numeric_system) {} + void on_loc_date(numeric_system) {} + void on_loc_time(numeric_system) {} + void on_us_date() {} + void on_iso_date() {} + void on_utc_offset() {} + void on_tz_name() {} + void on_year(numeric_system) {} + void on_short_year(numeric_system) {} + void on_offset_year() {} + void on_century(numeric_system) {} + void on_iso_week_based_year() {} + void on_iso_week_based_short_year() {} + void on_dec_month(numeric_system) {} + void on_dec0_week_of_year(numeric_system) {} + void on_dec1_week_of_year(numeric_system) {} + void on_iso_week_of_year(numeric_system) {} + void on_day_of_year() {} + void on_day_of_month(numeric_system) {} + void on_day_of_month_space(numeric_system) {} + + void on_24_hour(numeric_system ns) { + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + + if (ns == numeric_system::standard) return write(hour(), 2); + auto time = tm(); + time.tm_hour = to_nonnegative_int(hour(), 24); + format_tm(time, &tm_writer_type::on_24_hour, ns); + } + + void on_12_hour(numeric_system ns) { + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + + if (ns == numeric_system::standard) return write(hour12(), 2); + auto time = tm(); + time.tm_hour = to_nonnegative_int(hour12(), 12); + format_tm(time, &tm_writer_type::on_12_hour, ns); + } + + void on_minute(numeric_system ns) { + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + + if (ns == numeric_system::standard) return write(minute(), 2); + auto time = tm(); + time.tm_min = to_nonnegative_int(minute(), 60); + format_tm(time, &tm_writer_type::on_minute, ns); + } + + void on_second(numeric_system ns) { + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + + if (ns == numeric_system::standard) { + if (std::is_floating_point::value) { + constexpr auto num_fractional_digits = + count_fractional_digits::value; + auto buf = memory_buffer(); + format_to(std::back_inserter(buf), runtime("{:.{}f}"), + std::fmod(val * static_cast(Period::num) / + static_cast(Period::den), + 60), + num_fractional_digits); + if (negative) *out++ = '-'; + if (buf.size() < 2 || buf[1] == '.') *out++ = '0'; + out = std::copy(buf.begin(), buf.end(), out); + } else { + write(second(), 2); + write_fractional_seconds(std::chrono::duration(val)); + } + return; + } + auto time = tm(); + time.tm_sec = to_nonnegative_int(second(), 60); + format_tm(time, &tm_writer_type::on_second, ns); + } + + void on_12_hour_time() { + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + format_tm(time(), &tm_writer_type::on_12_hour_time); + } + + void on_24_hour_time() { + if (handle_nan_inf()) { + *out++ = ':'; + handle_nan_inf(); + return; + } + + write(hour(), 2); + *out++ = ':'; + write(minute(), 2); + } + + void on_iso_time() { + on_24_hour_time(); + *out++ = ':'; + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + on_second(numeric_system::standard); + } + + void on_am_pm() { + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + format_tm(time(), &tm_writer_type::on_am_pm); + } + + void on_duration_value() { + if (handle_nan_inf()) return; + write_sign(); + out = format_duration_value(out, val, precision); + } + + void on_duration_unit() { + out = format_duration_unit(out); + } +}; + +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +#if defined(__cpp_lib_chrono) && __cpp_lib_chrono >= 201907 +using weekday = std::chrono::weekday; +#else +// A fallback version of weekday. +class weekday { + private: + unsigned char value; + + public: + weekday() = default; + explicit constexpr weekday(unsigned wd) noexcept + : value(static_cast(wd != 7 ? wd : 0)) {} + constexpr unsigned c_encoding() const noexcept { return value; } +}; + +class year_month_day {}; +#endif + +// A rudimentary weekday formatter. +template struct formatter { + private: + bool localized = false; + + public: + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse(basic_format_parse_context& ctx) + -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { + auto begin = ctx.begin(), end = ctx.end(); + if (begin != end && *begin == 'L') { + ++begin; + localized = true; + } + return begin; + } + + template + auto format(weekday wd, FormatContext& ctx) const -> decltype(ctx.out()) { + auto time = std::tm(); + time.tm_wday = static_cast(wd.c_encoding()); + detail::get_locale loc(localized, ctx.locale()); + auto w = detail::tm_writer(loc, ctx.out(), time); + w.on_abbr_weekday(); + return w.out(); + } +}; + +template +struct formatter, Char> { + private: + basic_format_specs specs; + int precision = -1; + using arg_ref_type = detail::arg_ref; + arg_ref_type width_ref; + arg_ref_type precision_ref; + bool localized = false; + basic_string_view format_str; + using duration = std::chrono::duration; + + struct spec_handler { + formatter& f; + basic_format_parse_context& context; + basic_string_view format_str; + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR arg_ref_type make_arg_ref(Id arg_id) { + context.check_arg_id(arg_id); + return arg_ref_type(arg_id); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR arg_ref_type make_arg_ref(basic_string_view arg_id) { + context.check_arg_id(arg_id); + return arg_ref_type(arg_id); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR arg_ref_type make_arg_ref(detail::auto_id) { + return arg_ref_type(context.next_arg_id()); + } + + void on_error(const char* msg) { FMT_THROW(format_error(msg)); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_fill(basic_string_view fill) { + f.specs.fill = fill; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_align(align_t align) { f.specs.align = align; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_width(int width) { f.specs.width = width; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_precision(int _precision) { + f.precision = _precision; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void end_precision() {} + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dynamic_width(Id arg_id) { + f.width_ref = make_arg_ref(arg_id); + } + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dynamic_precision(Id arg_id) { + f.precision_ref = make_arg_ref(arg_id); + } + }; + + using iterator = typename basic_format_parse_context::iterator; + struct parse_range { + iterator begin; + iterator end; + }; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR parse_range do_parse(basic_format_parse_context& ctx) { + auto begin = ctx.begin(), end = ctx.end(); + if (begin == end || *begin == '}') return {begin, begin}; + spec_handler handler{*this, ctx, format_str}; + begin = detail::parse_align(begin, end, handler); + if (begin == end) return {begin, begin}; + begin = detail::parse_width(begin, end, handler); + if (begin == end) return {begin, begin}; + if (*begin == '.') { + if (std::is_floating_point::value) + begin = detail::parse_precision(begin, end, handler); + else + handler.on_error("precision not allowed for this argument type"); + } + if (begin != end && *begin == 'L') { + ++begin; + localized = true; + } + end = detail::parse_chrono_format(begin, end, + detail::chrono_format_checker()); + return {begin, end}; + } + + public: + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse(basic_format_parse_context& ctx) + -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { + auto range = do_parse(ctx); + format_str = basic_string_view( + &*range.begin, detail::to_unsigned(range.end - range.begin)); + return range.end; + } + + template + auto format(const duration& d, FormatContext& ctx) const + -> decltype(ctx.out()) { + auto specs_copy = specs; + auto precision_copy = precision; + auto begin = format_str.begin(), end = format_str.end(); + // As a possible future optimization, we could avoid extra copying if width + // is not specified. + basic_memory_buffer buf; + auto out = std::back_inserter(buf); + detail::handle_dynamic_spec(specs_copy.width, + width_ref, ctx); + detail::handle_dynamic_spec(precision_copy, + precision_ref, ctx); + if (begin == end || *begin == '}') { + out = detail::format_duration_value(out, d.count(), precision_copy); + detail::format_duration_unit(out); + } else { + detail::chrono_formatter f( + ctx, out, d); + f.precision = precision_copy; + f.localized = localized; + detail::parse_chrono_format(begin, end, f); + } + return detail::write( + ctx.out(), basic_string_view(buf.data(), buf.size()), specs_copy); + } +}; + +template +struct formatter, + Char> : formatter { + FMT_CONSTEXPR formatter() { + this->do_parse(default_specs, + default_specs + sizeof(default_specs) / sizeof(Char)); + } + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse(ParseContext& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { + return this->do_parse(ctx.begin(), ctx.end(), true); + } + + template + auto format(std::chrono::time_point val, + FormatContext& ctx) const -> decltype(ctx.out()) { + return formatter::format(localtime(val), ctx); + } + + static constexpr const Char default_specs[] = {'%', 'F', ' ', '%', 'T'}; +}; + +template +constexpr const Char + formatter, + Char>::default_specs[]; + +template struct formatter { + private: + enum class spec { + unknown, + year_month_day, + hh_mm_ss, + }; + spec spec_ = spec::unknown; + basic_string_view specs; + + protected: + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto do_parse(It begin, It end, bool with_default = false) + -> It { + if (begin != end && *begin == ':') ++begin; + end = detail::parse_chrono_format(begin, end, detail::tm_format_checker()); + if (!with_default || end != begin) + specs = {begin, detail::to_unsigned(end - begin)}; + // basic_string_view<>::compare isn't constexpr before C++17. + if (specs.size() == 2 && specs[0] == Char('%')) { + if (specs[1] == Char('F')) + spec_ = spec::year_month_day; + else if (specs[1] == Char('T')) + spec_ = spec::hh_mm_ss; + } + return end; + } + + public: + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse(ParseContext& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { + return this->do_parse(ctx.begin(), ctx.end()); + } + + template + auto format(const std::tm& tm, FormatContext& ctx) const + -> decltype(ctx.out()) { + const auto loc_ref = ctx.locale(); + detail::get_locale loc(static_cast(loc_ref), loc_ref); + auto w = detail::tm_writer(loc, ctx.out(), tm); + if (spec_ == spec::year_month_day) + w.on_iso_date(); + else if (spec_ == spec::hh_mm_ss) + w.on_iso_time(); + else + detail::parse_chrono_format(specs.begin(), specs.end(), w); + return w.out(); + } +}; + +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_END +FMT_END_NAMESPACE + +#endif // FMT_CHRONO_H_ diff --git a/Store/include/fmt/color.h b/Store/include/fmt/color.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6212d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/fmt/color.h @@ -0,0 +1,651 @@ +// Formatting library for C++ - color support +// +// Copyright (c) 2018 - present, Victor Zverovich and fmt contributors +// All rights reserved. +// +// For the license information refer to format.h. + +#ifndef FMT_COLOR_H_ +#define FMT_COLOR_H_ + +#include "format.h" + +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_BEGIN + +enum class color : uint32_t { + alice_blue = 0xF0F8FF, // rgb(240,248,255) + antique_white = 0xFAEBD7, // rgb(250,235,215) + aqua = 0x00FFFF, // rgb(0,255,255) + aquamarine = 0x7FFFD4, // rgb(127,255,212) + azure = 0xF0FFFF, // rgb(240,255,255) + beige = 0xF5F5DC, // rgb(245,245,220) + bisque = 0xFFE4C4, // rgb(255,228,196) + black = 0x000000, // rgb(0,0,0) + blanched_almond = 0xFFEBCD, // rgb(255,235,205) + blue = 0x0000FF, // rgb(0,0,255) + blue_violet = 0x8A2BE2, // rgb(138,43,226) + brown = 0xA52A2A, // rgb(165,42,42) + burly_wood = 0xDEB887, // rgb(222,184,135) + cadet_blue = 0x5F9EA0, // rgb(95,158,160) + chartreuse = 0x7FFF00, // rgb(127,255,0) + chocolate = 0xD2691E, // rgb(210,105,30) + coral = 0xFF7F50, // rgb(255,127,80) + cornflower_blue = 0x6495ED, // rgb(100,149,237) + cornsilk = 0xFFF8DC, // rgb(255,248,220) + crimson = 0xDC143C, // rgb(220,20,60) + cyan = 0x00FFFF, // rgb(0,255,255) + dark_blue = 0x00008B, // rgb(0,0,139) + dark_cyan = 0x008B8B, // rgb(0,139,139) + dark_golden_rod = 0xB8860B, // rgb(184,134,11) + dark_gray = 0xA9A9A9, // rgb(169,169,169) + dark_green = 0x006400, // rgb(0,100,0) + dark_khaki = 0xBDB76B, // rgb(189,183,107) + dark_magenta = 0x8B008B, // rgb(139,0,139) + dark_olive_green = 0x556B2F, // rgb(85,107,47) + dark_orange = 0xFF8C00, // rgb(255,140,0) + dark_orchid = 0x9932CC, // rgb(153,50,204) + dark_red = 0x8B0000, // rgb(139,0,0) + dark_salmon = 0xE9967A, // rgb(233,150,122) + dark_sea_green = 0x8FBC8F, // rgb(143,188,143) + dark_slate_blue = 0x483D8B, // rgb(72,61,139) + dark_slate_gray = 0x2F4F4F, // rgb(47,79,79) + dark_turquoise = 0x00CED1, // rgb(0,206,209) + dark_violet = 0x9400D3, // rgb(148,0,211) + deep_pink = 0xFF1493, // rgb(255,20,147) + deep_sky_blue = 0x00BFFF, // rgb(0,191,255) + dim_gray = 0x696969, // rgb(105,105,105) + dodger_blue = 0x1E90FF, // rgb(30,144,255) + fire_brick = 0xB22222, // rgb(178,34,34) + floral_white = 0xFFFAF0, // rgb(255,250,240) + forest_green = 0x228B22, // rgb(34,139,34) + fuchsia = 0xFF00FF, // rgb(255,0,255) + gainsboro = 0xDCDCDC, // rgb(220,220,220) + ghost_white = 0xF8F8FF, // rgb(248,248,255) + gold = 0xFFD700, // rgb(255,215,0) + golden_rod = 0xDAA520, // rgb(218,165,32) + gray = 0x808080, // rgb(128,128,128) + green = 0x008000, // rgb(0,128,0) + green_yellow = 0xADFF2F, // rgb(173,255,47) + honey_dew = 0xF0FFF0, // rgb(240,255,240) + hot_pink = 0xFF69B4, // rgb(255,105,180) + indian_red = 0xCD5C5C, // rgb(205,92,92) + indigo = 0x4B0082, // rgb(75,0,130) + ivory = 0xFFFFF0, // rgb(255,255,240) + khaki = 0xF0E68C, // rgb(240,230,140) + lavender = 0xE6E6FA, // rgb(230,230,250) + lavender_blush = 0xFFF0F5, // rgb(255,240,245) + lawn_green = 0x7CFC00, // rgb(124,252,0) + lemon_chiffon = 0xFFFACD, // rgb(255,250,205) + light_blue = 0xADD8E6, // rgb(173,216,230) + light_coral = 0xF08080, // rgb(240,128,128) + light_cyan = 0xE0FFFF, // rgb(224,255,255) + light_golden_rod_yellow = 0xFAFAD2, // rgb(250,250,210) + light_gray = 0xD3D3D3, // rgb(211,211,211) + light_green = 0x90EE90, // rgb(144,238,144) + light_pink = 0xFFB6C1, // rgb(255,182,193) + light_salmon = 0xFFA07A, // rgb(255,160,122) + light_sea_green = 0x20B2AA, // rgb(32,178,170) + light_sky_blue = 0x87CEFA, // rgb(135,206,250) + light_slate_gray = 0x778899, // rgb(119,136,153) + light_steel_blue = 0xB0C4DE, // rgb(176,196,222) + light_yellow = 0xFFFFE0, // rgb(255,255,224) + lime = 0x00FF00, // rgb(0,255,0) + lime_green = 0x32CD32, // rgb(50,205,50) + linen = 0xFAF0E6, // rgb(250,240,230) + magenta = 0xFF00FF, // rgb(255,0,255) + maroon = 0x800000, // rgb(128,0,0) + medium_aquamarine = 0x66CDAA, // rgb(102,205,170) + medium_blue = 0x0000CD, // rgb(0,0,205) + medium_orchid = 0xBA55D3, // rgb(186,85,211) + medium_purple = 0x9370DB, // rgb(147,112,219) + medium_sea_green = 0x3CB371, // rgb(60,179,113) + medium_slate_blue = 0x7B68EE, // rgb(123,104,238) + medium_spring_green = 0x00FA9A, // rgb(0,250,154) + medium_turquoise = 0x48D1CC, // rgb(72,209,204) + medium_violet_red = 0xC71585, // rgb(199,21,133) + midnight_blue = 0x191970, // rgb(25,25,112) + mint_cream = 0xF5FFFA, // rgb(245,255,250) + misty_rose = 0xFFE4E1, // rgb(255,228,225) + moccasin = 0xFFE4B5, // rgb(255,228,181) + navajo_white = 0xFFDEAD, // rgb(255,222,173) + navy = 0x000080, // rgb(0,0,128) + old_lace = 0xFDF5E6, // rgb(253,245,230) + olive = 0x808000, // rgb(128,128,0) + olive_drab = 0x6B8E23, // rgb(107,142,35) + orange = 0xFFA500, // rgb(255,165,0) + orange_red = 0xFF4500, // rgb(255,69,0) + orchid = 0xDA70D6, // rgb(218,112,214) + pale_golden_rod = 0xEEE8AA, // rgb(238,232,170) + pale_green = 0x98FB98, // rgb(152,251,152) + pale_turquoise = 0xAFEEEE, // rgb(175,238,238) + pale_violet_red = 0xDB7093, // rgb(219,112,147) + papaya_whip = 0xFFEFD5, // rgb(255,239,213) + peach_puff = 0xFFDAB9, // rgb(255,218,185) + peru = 0xCD853F, // rgb(205,133,63) + pink = 0xFFC0CB, // rgb(255,192,203) + plum = 0xDDA0DD, // rgb(221,160,221) + powder_blue = 0xB0E0E6, // rgb(176,224,230) + purple = 0x800080, // rgb(128,0,128) + rebecca_purple = 0x663399, // rgb(102,51,153) + red = 0xFF0000, // rgb(255,0,0) + rosy_brown = 0xBC8F8F, // rgb(188,143,143) + royal_blue = 0x4169E1, // rgb(65,105,225) + saddle_brown = 0x8B4513, // rgb(139,69,19) + salmon = 0xFA8072, // rgb(250,128,114) + sandy_brown = 0xF4A460, // rgb(244,164,96) + sea_green = 0x2E8B57, // rgb(46,139,87) + sea_shell = 0xFFF5EE, // rgb(255,245,238) + sienna = 0xA0522D, // rgb(160,82,45) + silver = 0xC0C0C0, // rgb(192,192,192) + sky_blue = 0x87CEEB, // rgb(135,206,235) + slate_blue = 0x6A5ACD, // rgb(106,90,205) + slate_gray = 0x708090, // rgb(112,128,144) + snow = 0xFFFAFA, // rgb(255,250,250) + spring_green = 0x00FF7F, // rgb(0,255,127) + steel_blue = 0x4682B4, // rgb(70,130,180) + tan = 0xD2B48C, // rgb(210,180,140) + teal = 0x008080, // rgb(0,128,128) + thistle = 0xD8BFD8, // rgb(216,191,216) + tomato = 0xFF6347, // rgb(255,99,71) + turquoise = 0x40E0D0, // rgb(64,224,208) + violet = 0xEE82EE, // rgb(238,130,238) + wheat = 0xF5DEB3, // rgb(245,222,179) + white = 0xFFFFFF, // rgb(255,255,255) + white_smoke = 0xF5F5F5, // rgb(245,245,245) + yellow = 0xFFFF00, // rgb(255,255,0) + yellow_green = 0x9ACD32 // rgb(154,205,50) +}; // enum class color + +enum class terminal_color : uint8_t { + black = 30, + red, + green, + yellow, + blue, + magenta, + cyan, + white, + bright_black = 90, + bright_red, + bright_green, + bright_yellow, + bright_blue, + bright_magenta, + bright_cyan, + bright_white +}; + +enum class emphasis : uint8_t { + bold = 1, + faint = 1 << 1, + italic = 1 << 2, + underline = 1 << 3, + blink = 1 << 4, + reverse = 1 << 5, + conceal = 1 << 6, + strikethrough = 1 << 7, +}; + +// rgb is a struct for red, green and blue colors. +// Using the name "rgb" makes some editors show the color in a tooltip. +struct rgb { + FMT_CONSTEXPR rgb() : r(0), g(0), b(0) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR rgb(uint8_t r_, uint8_t g_, uint8_t b_) : r(r_), g(g_), b(b_) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR rgb(uint32_t hex) + : r((hex >> 16) & 0xFF), g((hex >> 8) & 0xFF), b(hex & 0xFF) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR rgb(color hex) + : r((uint32_t(hex) >> 16) & 0xFF), + g((uint32_t(hex) >> 8) & 0xFF), + b(uint32_t(hex) & 0xFF) {} + uint8_t r; + uint8_t g; + uint8_t b; +}; + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// color is a struct of either a rgb color or a terminal color. +struct color_type { + FMT_CONSTEXPR color_type() noexcept : is_rgb(), value{} {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR color_type(color rgb_color) noexcept : is_rgb(true), value{} { + value.rgb_color = static_cast(rgb_color); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR color_type(rgb rgb_color) noexcept : is_rgb(true), value{} { + value.rgb_color = (static_cast(rgb_color.r) << 16) | + (static_cast(rgb_color.g) << 8) | rgb_color.b; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR color_type(terminal_color term_color) noexcept + : is_rgb(), value{} { + value.term_color = static_cast(term_color); + } + bool is_rgb; + union color_union { + uint8_t term_color; + uint32_t rgb_color; + } value; +}; + +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +/** A text style consisting of foreground and background colors and emphasis. */ +class text_style { + public: + FMT_CONSTEXPR text_style(emphasis em = emphasis()) noexcept + : set_foreground_color(), set_background_color(), ems(em) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR text_style& operator|=(const text_style& rhs) { + if (!set_foreground_color) { + set_foreground_color = rhs.set_foreground_color; + foreground_color = rhs.foreground_color; + } else if (rhs.set_foreground_color) { + if (!foreground_color.is_rgb || !rhs.foreground_color.is_rgb) + FMT_THROW(format_error("can't OR a terminal color")); + foreground_color.value.rgb_color |= rhs.foreground_color.value.rgb_color; + } + + if (!set_background_color) { + set_background_color = rhs.set_background_color; + background_color = rhs.background_color; + } else if (rhs.set_background_color) { + if (!background_color.is_rgb || !rhs.background_color.is_rgb) + FMT_THROW(format_error("can't OR a terminal color")); + background_color.value.rgb_color |= rhs.background_color.value.rgb_color; + } + + ems = static_cast(static_cast(ems) | + static_cast(rhs.ems)); + return *this; + } + + friend FMT_CONSTEXPR text_style operator|(text_style lhs, + const text_style& rhs) { + return lhs |= rhs; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR bool has_foreground() const noexcept { + return set_foreground_color; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR bool has_background() const noexcept { + return set_background_color; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR bool has_emphasis() const noexcept { + return static_cast(ems) != 0; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR detail::color_type get_foreground() const noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(has_foreground(), "no foreground specified for this style"); + return foreground_color; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR detail::color_type get_background() const noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(has_background(), "no background specified for this style"); + return background_color; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR emphasis get_emphasis() const noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(has_emphasis(), "no emphasis specified for this style"); + return ems; + } + + private: + FMT_CONSTEXPR text_style(bool is_foreground, + detail::color_type text_color) noexcept + : set_foreground_color(), set_background_color(), ems() { + if (is_foreground) { + foreground_color = text_color; + set_foreground_color = true; + } else { + background_color = text_color; + set_background_color = true; + } + } + + friend FMT_CONSTEXPR text_style fg(detail::color_type foreground) noexcept; + + friend FMT_CONSTEXPR text_style bg(detail::color_type background) noexcept; + + detail::color_type foreground_color; + detail::color_type background_color; + bool set_foreground_color; + bool set_background_color; + emphasis ems; +}; + +/** Creates a text style from the foreground (text) color. */ +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline text_style fg(detail::color_type foreground) noexcept { + return text_style(true, foreground); +} + +/** Creates a text style from the background color. */ +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline text_style bg(detail::color_type background) noexcept { + return text_style(false, background); +} + +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline text_style operator|(emphasis lhs, emphasis rhs) noexcept { + return text_style(lhs) | rhs; +} + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +template struct ansi_color_escape { + FMT_CONSTEXPR ansi_color_escape(detail::color_type text_color, + const char* esc) noexcept { + // If we have a terminal color, we need to output another escape code + // sequence. + if (!text_color.is_rgb) { + bool is_background = esc == string_view("\x1b[48;2;"); + uint32_t value = text_color.value.term_color; + // Background ASCII codes are the same as the foreground ones but with + // 10 more. + if (is_background) value += 10u; + + size_t index = 0; + buffer[index++] = static_cast('\x1b'); + buffer[index++] = static_cast('['); + + if (value >= 100u) { + buffer[index++] = static_cast('1'); + value %= 100u; + } + buffer[index++] = static_cast('0' + value / 10u); + buffer[index++] = static_cast('0' + value % 10u); + + buffer[index++] = static_cast('m'); + buffer[index++] = static_cast('\0'); + return; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { + buffer[i] = static_cast(esc[i]); + } + rgb color(text_color.value.rgb_color); + to_esc(color.r, buffer + 7, ';'); + to_esc(color.g, buffer + 11, ';'); + to_esc(color.b, buffer + 15, 'm'); + buffer[19] = static_cast(0); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR ansi_color_escape(emphasis em) noexcept { + uint8_t em_codes[num_emphases] = {}; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::bold)) em_codes[0] = 1; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::faint)) em_codes[1] = 2; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::italic)) em_codes[2] = 3; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::underline)) em_codes[3] = 4; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::blink)) em_codes[4] = 5; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::reverse)) em_codes[5] = 7; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::conceal)) em_codes[6] = 8; + if (has_emphasis(em, emphasis::strikethrough)) em_codes[7] = 9; + + size_t index = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < num_emphases; ++i) { + if (!em_codes[i]) continue; + buffer[index++] = static_cast('\x1b'); + buffer[index++] = static_cast('['); + buffer[index++] = static_cast('0' + em_codes[i]); + buffer[index++] = static_cast('m'); + } + buffer[index++] = static_cast(0); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR operator const Char*() const noexcept { return buffer; } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR const Char* begin() const noexcept { return buffer; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS const Char* end() const noexcept { + return buffer + std::char_traits::length(buffer); + } + + private: + static constexpr size_t num_emphases = 8; + Char buffer[7u + 3u * num_emphases + 1u]; + + static FMT_CONSTEXPR void to_esc(uint8_t c, Char* out, + char delimiter) noexcept { + out[0] = static_cast('0' + c / 100); + out[1] = static_cast('0' + c / 10 % 10); + out[2] = static_cast('0' + c % 10); + out[3] = static_cast(delimiter); + } + static FMT_CONSTEXPR bool has_emphasis(emphasis em, emphasis mask) noexcept { + return static_cast(em) & static_cast(mask); + } +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR ansi_color_escape make_foreground_color( + detail::color_type foreground) noexcept { + return ansi_color_escape(foreground, "\x1b[38;2;"); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR ansi_color_escape make_background_color( + detail::color_type background) noexcept { + return ansi_color_escape(background, "\x1b[48;2;"); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR ansi_color_escape make_emphasis(emphasis em) noexcept { + return ansi_color_escape(em); +} + +template inline void fputs(const Char* chars, FILE* stream) { + int result = std::fputs(chars, stream); + if (result < 0) + FMT_THROW(system_error(errno, FMT_STRING("cannot write to file"))); +} + +template <> inline void fputs(const wchar_t* chars, FILE* stream) { + int result = std::fputws(chars, stream); + if (result < 0) + FMT_THROW(system_error(errno, FMT_STRING("cannot write to file"))); +} + +template inline void reset_color(FILE* stream) { + fputs("\x1b[0m", stream); +} + +template <> inline void reset_color(FILE* stream) { + fputs(L"\x1b[0m", stream); +} + +template inline void reset_color(buffer& buffer) { + auto reset_color = string_view("\x1b[0m"); + buffer.append(reset_color.begin(), reset_color.end()); +} + +template struct styled_arg { + const T& value; + text_style style; +}; + +template +void vformat_to(buffer& buf, const text_style& ts, + basic_string_view format_str, + basic_format_args>> args) { + bool has_style = false; + if (ts.has_emphasis()) { + has_style = true; + auto emphasis = detail::make_emphasis(ts.get_emphasis()); + buf.append(emphasis.begin(), emphasis.end()); + } + if (ts.has_foreground()) { + has_style = true; + auto foreground = detail::make_foreground_color(ts.get_foreground()); + buf.append(foreground.begin(), foreground.end()); + } + if (ts.has_background()) { + has_style = true; + auto background = detail::make_background_color(ts.get_background()); + buf.append(background.begin(), background.end()); + } + detail::vformat_to(buf, format_str, args, {}); + if (has_style) detail::reset_color(buf); +} + +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +template > +void vprint(std::FILE* f, const text_style& ts, const S& format, + basic_format_args>> args) { + basic_memory_buffer buf; + detail::vformat_to(buf, ts, detail::to_string_view(format), args); + if (detail::is_utf8()) { + detail::print(f, basic_string_view(buf.begin(), buf.size())); + } else { + buf.push_back(Char(0)); + detail::fputs(buf.data(), f); + } +} + +/** + \rst + Formats a string and prints it to the specified file stream using ANSI + escape sequences to specify text formatting. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::red), + "Elapsed time: {0:.2f} seconds", 1.23); + \endrst + */ +template ::value)> +void print(std::FILE* f, const text_style& ts, const S& format_str, + const Args&... args) { + vprint(f, ts, format_str, + fmt::make_format_args>>(args...)); +} + +/** + \rst + Formats a string and prints it to stdout using ANSI escape sequences to + specify text formatting. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::red), + "Elapsed time: {0:.2f} seconds", 1.23); + \endrst + */ +template ::value)> +void print(const text_style& ts, const S& format_str, const Args&... args) { + return print(stdout, ts, format_str, args...); +} + +template > +inline std::basic_string vformat( + const text_style& ts, const S& format_str, + basic_format_args>> args) { + basic_memory_buffer buf; + detail::vformat_to(buf, ts, detail::to_string_view(format_str), args); + return fmt::to_string(buf); +} + +/** + \rst + Formats arguments and returns the result as a string using ANSI + escape sequences to specify text formatting. + + **Example**:: + + #include + std::string message = fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::red), + "The answer is {}", 42); + \endrst +*/ +template > +inline std::basic_string format(const text_style& ts, const S& format_str, + const Args&... args) { + return fmt::vformat(ts, detail::to_string_view(format_str), + fmt::make_format_args>(args...)); +} + +/** + Formats a string with the given text_style and writes the output to ``out``. + */ +template ::value)> +OutputIt vformat_to( + OutputIt out, const text_style& ts, basic_string_view format_str, + basic_format_args>> args) { + auto&& buf = detail::get_buffer(out); + detail::vformat_to(buf, ts, format_str, args); + return detail::get_iterator(buf); +} + +/** + \rst + Formats arguments with the given text_style, writes the result to the output + iterator ``out`` and returns the iterator past the end of the output range. + + **Example**:: + + std::vector out; + fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), + fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::red), "{}", 42); + \endrst +*/ +template >::value&& + detail::is_string::value> +inline auto format_to(OutputIt out, const text_style& ts, const S& format_str, + Args&&... args) -> + typename std::enable_if::type { + return vformat_to(out, ts, detail::to_string_view(format_str), + fmt::make_format_args>>(args...)); +} + +template +struct formatter, Char> : formatter { + template + auto format(const detail::styled_arg& arg, FormatContext& ctx) const + -> decltype(ctx.out()) { + const auto& ts = arg.style; + const auto& value = arg.value; + auto out = ctx.out(); + + bool has_style = false; + if (ts.has_emphasis()) { + has_style = true; + auto emphasis = detail::make_emphasis(ts.get_emphasis()); + out = std::copy(emphasis.begin(), emphasis.end(), out); + } + if (ts.has_foreground()) { + has_style = true; + auto foreground = + detail::make_foreground_color(ts.get_foreground()); + out = std::copy(foreground.begin(), foreground.end(), out); + } + if (ts.has_background()) { + has_style = true; + auto background = + detail::make_background_color(ts.get_background()); + out = std::copy(background.begin(), background.end(), out); + } + out = formatter::format(value, ctx); + if (has_style) { + auto reset_color = string_view("\x1b[0m"); + out = std::copy(reset_color.begin(), reset_color.end(), out); + } + return out; + } +}; + +/** + \rst + Returns an argument that will be formatted using ANSI escape sequences, + to be used in a formatting function. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::print("Elapsed time: {s:.2f} seconds", + fmt::styled(1.23, fmt::fg(fmt::color::green) | + fmt::bg(fmt::color::blue))); + \endrst + */ +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto styled(const T& value, text_style ts) + -> detail::styled_arg> { + return detail::styled_arg>{value, ts}; +} + +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_END +FMT_END_NAMESPACE + +#endif // FMT_COLOR_H_ diff --git a/Store/include/fmt/compile.h b/Store/include/fmt/compile.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c09dd6f --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/fmt/compile.h @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +// Formatting library for C++ - experimental format string compilation +// +// Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich and fmt contributors +// All rights reserved. +// +// For the license information refer to format.h. + +#ifndef FMT_COMPILE_H_ +#define FMT_COMPILE_H_ + +#include "format.h" + +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +namespace detail { + +template +inline counting_iterator copy_str(InputIt begin, InputIt end, + counting_iterator it) { + return it + (end - begin); +} + +template class truncating_iterator_base { + protected: + OutputIt out_; + size_t limit_; + size_t count_ = 0; + + truncating_iterator_base() : out_(), limit_(0) {} + + truncating_iterator_base(OutputIt out, size_t limit) + : out_(out), limit_(limit) {} + + public: + using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag; + using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type; + using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; + using pointer = void; + using reference = void; + FMT_UNCHECKED_ITERATOR(truncating_iterator_base); + + OutputIt base() const { return out_; } + size_t count() const { return count_; } +}; + +// An output iterator that truncates the output and counts the number of objects +// written to it. +template ::value_type>::type> +class truncating_iterator; + +template +class truncating_iterator + : public truncating_iterator_base { + mutable typename truncating_iterator_base::value_type blackhole_; + + public: + using value_type = typename truncating_iterator_base::value_type; + + truncating_iterator() = default; + + truncating_iterator(OutputIt out, size_t limit) + : truncating_iterator_base(out, limit) {} + + truncating_iterator& operator++() { + if (this->count_++ < this->limit_) ++this->out_; + return *this; + } + + truncating_iterator operator++(int) { + auto it = *this; + ++*this; + return it; + } + + value_type& operator*() const { + return this->count_ < this->limit_ ? *this->out_ : blackhole_; + } +}; + +template +class truncating_iterator + : public truncating_iterator_base { + public: + truncating_iterator() = default; + + truncating_iterator(OutputIt out, size_t limit) + : truncating_iterator_base(out, limit) {} + + template truncating_iterator& operator=(T val) { + if (this->count_++ < this->limit_) *this->out_++ = val; + return *this; + } + + truncating_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } + truncating_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; } + truncating_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } +}; + +// A compile-time string which is compiled into fast formatting code. +class compiled_string {}; + +template +struct is_compiled_string : std::is_base_of {}; + +/** + \rst + Converts a string literal *s* into a format string that will be parsed at + compile time and converted into efficient formatting code. Requires C++17 + ``constexpr if`` compiler support. + + **Example**:: + + // Converts 42 into std::string using the most efficient method and no + // runtime format string processing. + std::string s = fmt::format(FMT_COMPILE("{}"), 42); + \endrst + */ +#if defined(__cpp_if_constexpr) && defined(__cpp_return_type_deduction) +# define FMT_COMPILE(s) \ + FMT_STRING_IMPL(s, fmt::detail::compiled_string, explicit) +#else +# define FMT_COMPILE(s) FMT_STRING(s) +#endif + +#if FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS +template Str> +struct udl_compiled_string : compiled_string { + using char_type = Char; + explicit constexpr operator basic_string_view() const { + return {Str.data, N - 1}; + } +}; +#endif + +template +const T& first(const T& value, const Tail&...) { + return value; +} + +#if defined(__cpp_if_constexpr) && defined(__cpp_return_type_deduction) +template struct type_list {}; + +// Returns a reference to the argument at index N from [first, rest...]. +template +constexpr const auto& get([[maybe_unused]] const T& first, + [[maybe_unused]] const Args&... rest) { + static_assert(N < 1 + sizeof...(Args), "index is out of bounds"); + if constexpr (N == 0) + return first; + else + return detail::get(rest...); +} + +template +constexpr int get_arg_index_by_name(basic_string_view name, + type_list) { + return get_arg_index_by_name(name); +} + +template struct get_type_impl; + +template struct get_type_impl> { + using type = + remove_cvref_t(std::declval()...))>; +}; + +template +using get_type = typename get_type_impl::type; + +template struct is_compiled_format : std::false_type {}; + +template struct text { + basic_string_view data; + using char_type = Char; + + template + constexpr OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&...) const { + return write(out, data); + } +}; + +template +struct is_compiled_format> : std::true_type {}; + +template +constexpr text make_text(basic_string_view s, size_t pos, + size_t size) { + return {{&s[pos], size}}; +} + +template struct code_unit { + Char value; + using char_type = Char; + + template + constexpr OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&...) const { + return write(out, value); + } +}; + +// This ensures that the argument type is convertible to `const T&`. +template +constexpr const T& get_arg_checked(const Args&... args) { + const auto& arg = detail::get(args...); + if constexpr (detail::is_named_arg>()) { + return arg.value; + } else { + return arg; + } +} + +template +struct is_compiled_format> : std::true_type {}; + +// A replacement field that refers to argument N. +template struct field { + using char_type = Char; + + template + constexpr OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&... args) const { + return write(out, get_arg_checked(args...)); + } +}; + +template +struct is_compiled_format> : std::true_type {}; + +// A replacement field that refers to argument with name. +template struct runtime_named_field { + using char_type = Char; + basic_string_view name; + + template + constexpr static bool try_format_argument( + OutputIt& out, + // [[maybe_unused]] due to unused-but-set-parameter warning in GCC 7,8,9 + [[maybe_unused]] basic_string_view arg_name, const T& arg) { + if constexpr (is_named_arg::type>::value) { + if (arg_name == arg.name) { + out = write(out, arg.value); + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + template + constexpr OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&... args) const { + bool found = (try_format_argument(out, name, args) || ...); + if (!found) { + FMT_THROW(format_error("argument with specified name is not found")); + } + return out; + } +}; + +template +struct is_compiled_format> : std::true_type {}; + +// A replacement field that refers to argument N and has format specifiers. +template struct spec_field { + using char_type = Char; + formatter fmt; + + template + constexpr FMT_INLINE OutputIt format(OutputIt out, + const Args&... args) const { + const auto& vargs = + fmt::make_format_args>(args...); + basic_format_context ctx(out, vargs); + return fmt.format(get_arg_checked(args...), ctx); + } +}; + +template +struct is_compiled_format> : std::true_type {}; + +template struct concat { + L lhs; + R rhs; + using char_type = typename L::char_type; + + template + constexpr OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&... args) const { + out = lhs.format(out, args...); + return rhs.format(out, args...); + } +}; + +template +struct is_compiled_format> : std::true_type {}; + +template +constexpr concat make_concat(L lhs, R rhs) { + return {lhs, rhs}; +} + +struct unknown_format {}; + +template +constexpr size_t parse_text(basic_string_view str, size_t pos) { + for (size_t size = str.size(); pos != size; ++pos) { + if (str[pos] == '{' || str[pos] == '}') break; + } + return pos; +} + +template +constexpr auto compile_format_string(S format_str); + +template +constexpr auto parse_tail(T head, S format_str) { + if constexpr (POS != + basic_string_view(format_str).size()) { + constexpr auto tail = compile_format_string(format_str); + if constexpr (std::is_same, + unknown_format>()) + return tail; + else + return make_concat(head, tail); + } else { + return head; + } +} + +template struct parse_specs_result { + formatter fmt; + size_t end; + int next_arg_id; +}; + +constexpr int manual_indexing_id = -1; + +template +constexpr parse_specs_result parse_specs(basic_string_view str, + size_t pos, int next_arg_id) { + str.remove_prefix(pos); + auto ctx = compile_parse_context(str, max_value(), nullptr, {}, + next_arg_id); + auto f = formatter(); + auto end = f.parse(ctx); + return {f, pos + fmt::detail::to_unsigned(end - str.data()) + 1, + next_arg_id == 0 ? manual_indexing_id : ctx.next_arg_id()}; +} + +template struct arg_id_handler { + arg_ref arg_id; + + constexpr int operator()() { + FMT_ASSERT(false, "handler cannot be used with automatic indexing"); + return 0; + } + constexpr int operator()(int id) { + arg_id = arg_ref(id); + return 0; + } + constexpr int operator()(basic_string_view id) { + arg_id = arg_ref(id); + return 0; + } + + constexpr void on_error(const char* message) { + FMT_THROW(format_error(message)); + } +}; + +template struct parse_arg_id_result { + arg_ref arg_id; + const Char* arg_id_end; +}; + +template +constexpr auto parse_arg_id(const Char* begin, const Char* end) { + auto handler = arg_id_handler{arg_ref{}}; + auto arg_id_end = parse_arg_id(begin, end, handler); + return parse_arg_id_result{handler.arg_id, arg_id_end}; +} + +template struct field_type { + using type = remove_cvref_t; +}; + +template +struct field_type::value>> { + using type = remove_cvref_t; +}; + +template +constexpr auto parse_replacement_field_then_tail(S format_str) { + using char_type = typename S::char_type; + constexpr auto str = basic_string_view(format_str); + constexpr char_type c = END_POS != str.size() ? str[END_POS] : char_type(); + if constexpr (c == '}') { + return parse_tail( + field::type, ARG_INDEX>(), + format_str); + } else if constexpr (c == ':') { + constexpr auto result = parse_specs::type>( + str, END_POS + 1, NEXT_ID == manual_indexing_id ? 0 : NEXT_ID); + return parse_tail( + spec_field::type, ARG_INDEX>{ + result.fmt}, + format_str); + } +} + +// Compiles a non-empty format string and returns the compiled representation +// or unknown_format() on unrecognized input. +template +constexpr auto compile_format_string(S format_str) { + using char_type = typename S::char_type; + constexpr auto str = basic_string_view(format_str); + if constexpr (str[POS] == '{') { + if constexpr (POS + 1 == str.size()) + FMT_THROW(format_error("unmatched '{' in format string")); + if constexpr (str[POS + 1] == '{') { + return parse_tail(make_text(str, POS, 1), format_str); + } else if constexpr (str[POS + 1] == '}' || str[POS + 1] == ':') { + static_assert(ID != manual_indexing_id, + "cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing"); + constexpr auto next_id = + ID != manual_indexing_id ? ID + 1 : manual_indexing_id; + return parse_replacement_field_then_tail, Args, + POS + 1, ID, next_id>( + format_str); + } else { + constexpr auto arg_id_result = + parse_arg_id(str.data() + POS + 1, str.data() + str.size()); + constexpr auto arg_id_end_pos = arg_id_result.arg_id_end - str.data(); + constexpr char_type c = + arg_id_end_pos != str.size() ? str[arg_id_end_pos] : char_type(); + static_assert(c == '}' || c == ':', "missing '}' in format string"); + if constexpr (arg_id_result.arg_id.kind == arg_id_kind::index) { + static_assert( + ID == manual_indexing_id || ID == 0, + "cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing"); + constexpr auto arg_index = arg_id_result.arg_id.val.index; + return parse_replacement_field_then_tail, + Args, arg_id_end_pos, + arg_index, manual_indexing_id>( + format_str); + } else if constexpr (arg_id_result.arg_id.kind == arg_id_kind::name) { + constexpr auto arg_index = + get_arg_index_by_name(arg_id_result.arg_id.val.name, Args{}); + if constexpr (arg_index != invalid_arg_index) { + constexpr auto next_id = + ID != manual_indexing_id ? ID + 1 : manual_indexing_id; + return parse_replacement_field_then_tail< + decltype(get_type::value), Args, arg_id_end_pos, + arg_index, next_id>(format_str); + } else { + if constexpr (c == '}') { + return parse_tail( + runtime_named_field{arg_id_result.arg_id.val.name}, + format_str); + } else if constexpr (c == ':') { + return unknown_format(); // no type info for specs parsing + } + } + } + } + } else if constexpr (str[POS] == '}') { + if constexpr (POS + 1 == str.size()) + FMT_THROW(format_error("unmatched '}' in format string")); + return parse_tail(make_text(str, POS, 1), format_str); + } else { + constexpr auto end = parse_text(str, POS + 1); + if constexpr (end - POS > 1) { + return parse_tail(make_text(str, POS, end - POS), + format_str); + } else { + return parse_tail(code_unit{str[POS]}, + format_str); + } + } +} + +template ::value)> +constexpr auto compile(S format_str) { + constexpr auto str = basic_string_view(format_str); + if constexpr (str.size() == 0) { + return detail::make_text(str, 0, 0); + } else { + constexpr auto result = + detail::compile_format_string, 0, 0>( + format_str); + return result; + } +} +#endif // defined(__cpp_if_constexpr) && defined(__cpp_return_type_deduction) +} // namespace detail + +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_BEGIN + +#if defined(__cpp_if_constexpr) && defined(__cpp_return_type_deduction) + +template ::value)> +FMT_INLINE std::basic_string format(const CompiledFormat& cf, + const Args&... args) { + auto s = std::basic_string(); + cf.format(std::back_inserter(s), args...); + return s; +} + +template ::value)> +constexpr FMT_INLINE OutputIt format_to(OutputIt out, const CompiledFormat& cf, + const Args&... args) { + return cf.format(out, args...); +} + +template ::value)> +FMT_INLINE std::basic_string format(const S&, + Args&&... args) { + if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { + constexpr auto str = basic_string_view(S()); + if constexpr (str.size() == 2 && str[0] == '{' && str[1] == '}') { + const auto& first = detail::first(args...); + if constexpr (detail::is_named_arg< + remove_cvref_t>::value) { + return fmt::to_string(first.value); + } else { + return fmt::to_string(first); + } + } + } + constexpr auto compiled = detail::compile(S()); + if constexpr (std::is_same, + detail::unknown_format>()) { + return fmt::format( + static_cast>(S()), + std::forward(args)...); + } else { + return fmt::format(compiled, std::forward(args)...); + } +} + +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR OutputIt format_to(OutputIt out, const S&, Args&&... args) { + constexpr auto compiled = detail::compile(S()); + if constexpr (std::is_same, + detail::unknown_format>()) { + return fmt::format_to( + out, static_cast>(S()), + std::forward(args)...); + } else { + return fmt::format_to(out, compiled, std::forward(args)...); + } +} +#endif + +template ::value)> +format_to_n_result format_to_n(OutputIt out, size_t n, + const S& format_str, Args&&... args) { + auto it = fmt::format_to(detail::truncating_iterator(out, n), + format_str, std::forward(args)...); + return {it.base(), it.count()}; +} + +template ::value)> +size_t formatted_size(const S& format_str, const Args&... args) { + return fmt::format_to(detail::counting_iterator(), format_str, args...) + .count(); +} + +template ::value)> +void print(std::FILE* f, const S& format_str, const Args&... args) { + memory_buffer buffer; + fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(buffer), format_str, args...); + detail::print(f, {buffer.data(), buffer.size()}); +} + +template ::value)> +void print(const S& format_str, const Args&... args) { + print(stdout, format_str, args...); +} + +#if FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS +inline namespace literals { +template constexpr auto operator""_cf() { + using char_t = remove_cvref_t; + return detail::udl_compiled_string(); +} +} // namespace literals +#endif + +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_END +FMT_END_NAMESPACE + +#endif // FMT_COMPILE_H_ diff --git a/Store/include/fmt/core.h b/Store/include/fmt/core.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..785abc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/fmt/core.h @@ -0,0 +1,3281 @@ +// Formatting library for C++ - the core API for char/UTF-8 +// +// Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich +// All rights reserved. +// +// For the license information refer to format.h. + +#ifndef FMT_CORE_H_ +#define FMT_CORE_H_ + +#include // std::byte +#include // std::FILE +#include // std::strlen +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +// The fmt library version in the form major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch. +#define FMT_VERSION 90000 + +#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__ibmxl__) +# define FMT_CLANG_VERSION (__clang_major__ * 100 + __clang_minor__) +#else +# define FMT_CLANG_VERSION 0 +#endif + +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && \ + !defined(__NVCOMPILER) +# define FMT_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) +#else +# define FMT_GCC_VERSION 0 +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_GCC_PRAGMA +// Workaround _Pragma bug https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59884. +# if FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 504 +# define FMT_GCC_PRAGMA(arg) _Pragma(arg) +# else +# define FMT_GCC_PRAGMA(arg) +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef __ICL +# define FMT_ICC_VERSION __ICL +#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) +# define FMT_ICC_VERSION __INTEL_COMPILER +#else +# define FMT_ICC_VERSION 0 +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +# define FMT_MSC_VERSION _MSC_VER +# define FMT_MSC_WARNING(...) __pragma(warning(__VA_ARGS__)) +#else +# define FMT_MSC_VERSION 0 +# define FMT_MSC_WARNING(...) +#endif + +#ifdef _MSVC_LANG +# define FMT_CPLUSPLUS _MSVC_LANG +#else +# define FMT_CPLUSPLUS __cplusplus +#endif + +#ifdef __has_feature +# define FMT_HAS_FEATURE(x) __has_feature(x) +#else +# define FMT_HAS_FEATURE(x) 0 +#endif + +#if (defined(__has_include) || FMT_ICC_VERSION >= 1600 || \ + FMT_MSC_VERSION > 1900) && \ + !defined(__INTELLISENSE__) +# define FMT_HAS_INCLUDE(x) __has_include(x) +#else +# define FMT_HAS_INCLUDE(x) 0 +#endif + +#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute +# define FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(x) __has_cpp_attribute(x) +#else +# define FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(x) 0 +#endif + +#define FMT_HAS_CPP14_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) \ + (FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201402L && FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute)) + +#define FMT_HAS_CPP17_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) \ + (FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L && FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute)) + +// Check if relaxed C++14 constexpr is supported. +// GCC doesn't allow throw in constexpr until version 6 (bug 67371). +#ifndef FMT_USE_CONSTEXPR +# if (FMT_HAS_FEATURE(cxx_relaxed_constexpr) || FMT_MSC_VERSION >= 1912 || \ + (FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 600 && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201402L)) && \ + !FMT_ICC_VERSION && !defined(__NVCC__) +# define FMT_USE_CONSTEXPR 1 +# else +# define FMT_USE_CONSTEXPR 0 +# endif +#endif +#if FMT_USE_CONSTEXPR +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR constexpr +#else +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR +#endif + +#if ((FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 202002L) && \ + (!defined(_GLIBCXX_RELEASE) || _GLIBCXX_RELEASE > 9)) || \ + (FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201709L && FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 1002) +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR20 constexpr +#else +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR20 +#endif + +// Check if constexpr std::char_traits<>::{compare,length} are supported. +#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) +# if FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L && defined(_GLIBCXX_RELEASE) && \ + _GLIBCXX_RELEASE >= 7 // GCC 7+ libstdc++ has _GLIBCXX_RELEASE. +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS constexpr +# endif +#elif defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L && \ + _LIBCPP_VERSION >= 4000 +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS constexpr +#elif FMT_MSC_VERSION >= 1914 && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS constexpr +#endif +#ifndef FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS +# define FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS +#endif + +// Check if exceptions are disabled. +#ifndef FMT_EXCEPTIONS +# if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__EXCEPTIONS)) || \ + (FMT_MSC_VERSION && !_HAS_EXCEPTIONS) +# define FMT_EXCEPTIONS 0 +# else +# define FMT_EXCEPTIONS 1 +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_DEPRECATED +# if FMT_HAS_CPP14_ATTRIBUTE(deprecated) || FMT_MSC_VERSION >= 1900 +# define FMT_DEPRECATED [[deprecated]] +# else +# if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__LCC__)) || defined(__clang__) +# define FMT_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) +# elif FMT_MSC_VERSION +# define FMT_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated) +# else +# define FMT_DEPRECATED /* deprecated */ +# endif +# endif +#endif + +// [[noreturn]] is disabled on MSVC and NVCC because of bogus unreachable code +// warnings. +#if FMT_EXCEPTIONS && FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(noreturn) && !FMT_MSC_VERSION && \ + !defined(__NVCC__) +# define FMT_NORETURN [[noreturn]] +#else +# define FMT_NORETURN +#endif + +#if FMT_HAS_CPP17_ATTRIBUTE(fallthrough) +# define FMT_FALLTHROUGH [[fallthrough]] +#elif defined(__clang__) +# define FMT_FALLTHROUGH [[clang::fallthrough]] +#elif FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 700 && \ + (!defined(__EDG_VERSION__) || __EDG_VERSION__ >= 520) +# define FMT_FALLTHROUGH [[gnu::fallthrough]] +#else +# define FMT_FALLTHROUGH +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_NODISCARD +# if FMT_HAS_CPP17_ATTRIBUTE(nodiscard) +# define FMT_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] +# else +# define FMT_NODISCARD +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_USE_FLOAT +# define FMT_USE_FLOAT 1 +#endif +#ifndef FMT_USE_DOUBLE +# define FMT_USE_DOUBLE 1 +#endif +#ifndef FMT_USE_LONG_DOUBLE +# define FMT_USE_LONG_DOUBLE 1 +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_INLINE +# if FMT_GCC_VERSION || FMT_CLANG_VERSION +# define FMT_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline)) +# else +# define FMT_INLINE inline +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +# define FMT_UNCHECKED_ITERATOR(It) \ + using _Unchecked_type = It // Mark iterator as checked. +#else +# define FMT_UNCHECKED_ITERATOR(It) using unchecked_type = It +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +# define FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \ + namespace fmt { \ + inline namespace v9 { +# define FMT_END_NAMESPACE \ + } \ + } +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_MODULE_EXPORT +# define FMT_MODULE_EXPORT +# define FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_BEGIN +# define FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_END +# define FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE namespace detail { +# define FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE } +#endif + +#if !defined(FMT_HEADER_ONLY) && defined(_WIN32) +# define FMT_CLASS_API FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 4275) +# ifdef FMT_EXPORT +# define FMT_API __declspec(dllexport) +# elif defined(FMT_SHARED) +# define FMT_API __declspec(dllimport) +# endif +#else +# define FMT_CLASS_API +# if defined(FMT_EXPORT) || defined(FMT_SHARED) +# if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) +# define FMT_API __attribute__((visibility("default"))) +# endif +# endif +#endif +#ifndef FMT_API +# define FMT_API +#endif + +// libc++ supports string_view in pre-c++17. +#if FMT_HAS_INCLUDE() && \ + (FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L || defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)) +# include +# define FMT_USE_STRING_VIEW +#elif FMT_HAS_INCLUDE("experimental/string_view") && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201402L +# include +# define FMT_USE_EXPERIMENTAL_STRING_VIEW +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_UNICODE +# define FMT_UNICODE !FMT_MSC_VERSION +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_CONSTEVAL +# if ((FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 1000 || FMT_CLANG_VERSION >= 1101) && \ + FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 202002L && !defined(__apple_build_version__)) || \ + (defined(__cpp_consteval) && \ + (!FMT_MSC_VERSION || _MSC_FULL_VER >= 193030704)) +// consteval is broken in MSVC before VS2022 and Apple clang 13. +# define FMT_CONSTEVAL consteval +# define FMT_HAS_CONSTEVAL +# else +# define FMT_CONSTEVAL +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS +# if defined(__cpp_nontype_template_args) && \ + ((FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 903 && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201709L) || \ + __cpp_nontype_template_args >= 201911L) +# define FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS 1 +# else +# define FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS 0 +# endif +#endif + +// Enable minimal optimizations for more compact code in debug mode. +FMT_GCC_PRAGMA("GCC push_options") +#if !defined(__OPTIMIZE__) && !defined(__NVCOMPILER) +FMT_GCC_PRAGMA("GCC optimize(\"Og\")") +#endif + +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_BEGIN + +// Implementations of enable_if_t and other metafunctions for older systems. +template +using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if::type; +template +using conditional_t = typename std::conditional::type; +template using bool_constant = std::integral_constant; +template +using remove_reference_t = typename std::remove_reference::type; +template +using remove_const_t = typename std::remove_const::type; +template +using remove_cvref_t = typename std::remove_cv>::type; +template struct type_identity { using type = T; }; +template using type_identity_t = typename type_identity::type; +template +using underlying_t = typename std::underlying_type::type; + +template struct disjunction : std::false_type {}; +template struct disjunction

: P {}; +template +struct disjunction + : conditional_t> {}; + +template struct conjunction : std::true_type {}; +template struct conjunction

: P {}; +template +struct conjunction + : conditional_t, P1> {}; + +struct monostate { + constexpr monostate() {} +}; + +// An enable_if helper to be used in template parameters which results in much +// shorter symbols: https://godbolt.org/z/sWw4vP. Extra parentheses are needed +// to workaround a bug in MSVC 2019 (see #1140 and #1186). +#ifdef FMT_DOC +# define FMT_ENABLE_IF(...) +#else +# define FMT_ENABLE_IF(...) enable_if_t<(__VA_ARGS__), int> = 0 +#endif + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// Suppresses "unused variable" warnings with the method described in +// https://herbsutter.com/2009/10/18/mailbag-shutting-up-compiler-warnings/. +// (void)var does not work on many Intel compilers. +template FMT_CONSTEXPR void ignore_unused(const T&...) {} + +constexpr FMT_INLINE auto is_constant_evaluated( + bool default_value = false) noexcept -> bool { +#ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated + ignore_unused(default_value); + return std::is_constant_evaluated(); +#else + return default_value; +#endif +} + +// Suppresses "conditional expression is constant" warnings. +template constexpr FMT_INLINE auto const_check(T value) -> T { + return value; +} + +FMT_NORETURN FMT_API void assert_fail(const char* file, int line, + const char* message); + +#ifndef FMT_ASSERT +# ifdef NDEBUG +// FMT_ASSERT is not empty to avoid -Wempty-body. +# define FMT_ASSERT(condition, message) \ + ::fmt::detail::ignore_unused((condition), (message)) +# else +# define FMT_ASSERT(condition, message) \ + ((condition) /* void() fails with -Winvalid-constexpr on clang 4.0.1 */ \ + ? (void)0 \ + : ::fmt::detail::assert_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, (message))) +# endif +#endif + +#if defined(FMT_USE_STRING_VIEW) +template using std_string_view = std::basic_string_view; +#elif defined(FMT_USE_EXPERIMENTAL_STRING_VIEW) +template +using std_string_view = std::experimental::basic_string_view; +#else +template struct std_string_view {}; +#endif + +#ifdef FMT_USE_INT128 +// Do nothing. +#elif defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && !defined(__NVCC__) && \ + !(FMT_CLANG_VERSION && FMT_MSC_VERSION) +# define FMT_USE_INT128 1 +using int128_opt = __int128_t; // An optional native 128-bit integer. +using uint128_opt = __uint128_t; +template inline auto convert_for_visit(T value) -> T { + return value; +} +#else +# define FMT_USE_INT128 0 +#endif +#if !FMT_USE_INT128 +enum class int128_opt {}; +enum class uint128_opt {}; +// Reduce template instantiations. +template auto convert_for_visit(T) -> monostate { return {}; } +#endif + +// Casts a nonnegative integer to unsigned. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto to_unsigned(Int value) -> + typename std::make_unsigned::type { + FMT_ASSERT(value >= 0, "negative value"); + return static_cast::type>(value); +} + +FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 4566) constexpr unsigned char micro[] = "\u00B5"; + +constexpr auto is_utf8() -> bool { + // Avoid buggy sign extensions in MSVC's constant evaluation mode (#2297). + using uchar = unsigned char; + return FMT_UNICODE || (sizeof(micro) == 3 && uchar(micro[0]) == 0xC2 && + uchar(micro[1]) == 0xB5); +} +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +/** + An implementation of ``std::basic_string_view`` for pre-C++17. It provides a + subset of the API. ``fmt::basic_string_view`` is used for format strings even + if ``std::string_view`` is available to prevent issues when a library is + compiled with a different ``-std`` option than the client code (which is not + recommended). + */ +template class basic_string_view { + private: + const Char* data_; + size_t size_; + + public: + using value_type = Char; + using iterator = const Char*; + + constexpr basic_string_view() noexcept : data_(nullptr), size_(0) {} + + /** Constructs a string reference object from a C string and a size. */ + constexpr basic_string_view(const Char* s, size_t count) noexcept + : data_(s), size_(count) {} + + /** + \rst + Constructs a string reference object from a C string computing + the size with ``std::char_traits::length``. + \endrst + */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS + FMT_INLINE + basic_string_view(const Char* s) + : data_(s), + size_(detail::const_check(std::is_same::value && + !detail::is_constant_evaluated(true)) + ? std::strlen(reinterpret_cast(s)) + : std::char_traits::length(s)) {} + + /** Constructs a string reference from a ``std::basic_string`` object. */ + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view( + const std::basic_string& s) noexcept + : data_(s.data()), size_(s.size()) {} + + template >::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view(S s) noexcept + : data_(s.data()), size_(s.size()) {} + + /** Returns a pointer to the string data. */ + constexpr auto data() const noexcept -> const Char* { return data_; } + + /** Returns the string size. */ + constexpr auto size() const noexcept -> size_t { return size_; } + + constexpr auto begin() const noexcept -> iterator { return data_; } + constexpr auto end() const noexcept -> iterator { return data_ + size_; } + + constexpr auto operator[](size_t pos) const noexcept -> const Char& { + return data_[pos]; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void remove_prefix(size_t n) noexcept { + data_ += n; + size_ -= n; + } + + // Lexicographically compare this string reference to other. + FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS auto compare(basic_string_view other) const -> int { + size_t str_size = size_ < other.size_ ? size_ : other.size_; + int result = std::char_traits::compare(data_, other.data_, str_size); + if (result == 0) + result = size_ == other.size_ ? 0 : (size_ < other.size_ ? -1 : 1); + return result; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS friend auto operator==(basic_string_view lhs, + basic_string_view rhs) + -> bool { + return lhs.compare(rhs) == 0; + } + friend auto operator!=(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool { + return lhs.compare(rhs) != 0; + } + friend auto operator<(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool { + return lhs.compare(rhs) < 0; + } + friend auto operator<=(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool { + return lhs.compare(rhs) <= 0; + } + friend auto operator>(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool { + return lhs.compare(rhs) > 0; + } + friend auto operator>=(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool { + return lhs.compare(rhs) >= 0; + } +}; + +using string_view = basic_string_view; + +/** Specifies if ``T`` is a character type. Can be specialized by users. */ +template struct is_char : std::false_type {}; +template <> struct is_char : std::true_type {}; + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// A base class for compile-time strings. +struct compile_string {}; + +template +struct is_compile_string : std::is_base_of {}; + +// Returns a string view of `s`. +template ::value)> +FMT_INLINE auto to_string_view(const Char* s) -> basic_string_view { + return s; +} +template +inline auto to_string_view(const std::basic_string& s) + -> basic_string_view { + return s; +} +template +constexpr auto to_string_view(basic_string_view s) + -> basic_string_view { + return s; +} +template >::value)> +inline auto to_string_view(std_string_view s) -> basic_string_view { + return s; +} +template ::value)> +constexpr auto to_string_view(const S& s) + -> basic_string_view { + return basic_string_view(s); +} +void to_string_view(...); + +// Specifies whether S is a string type convertible to fmt::basic_string_view. +// It should be a constexpr function but MSVC 2017 fails to compile it in +// enable_if and MSVC 2015 fails to compile it as an alias template. +// ADL invocation of to_string_view is DEPRECATED! +template +struct is_string : std::is_class()))> { +}; + +template struct char_t_impl {}; +template struct char_t_impl::value>> { + using result = decltype(to_string_view(std::declval())); + using type = typename result::value_type; +}; + +enum class type { + none_type, + // Integer types should go first, + int_type, + uint_type, + long_long_type, + ulong_long_type, + int128_type, + uint128_type, + bool_type, + char_type, + last_integer_type = char_type, + // followed by floating-point types. + float_type, + double_type, + long_double_type, + last_numeric_type = long_double_type, + cstring_type, + string_type, + pointer_type, + custom_type +}; + +// Maps core type T to the corresponding type enum constant. +template +struct type_constant : std::integral_constant {}; + +#define FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(Type, constant) \ + template \ + struct type_constant \ + : std::integral_constant {} + +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(int, int_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(unsigned, uint_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(long long, long_long_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(unsigned long long, ulong_long_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(int128_opt, int128_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(uint128_opt, uint128_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(bool, bool_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(Char, char_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(float, float_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(double, double_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(long double, long_double_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(const Char*, cstring_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(basic_string_view, string_type); +FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(const void*, pointer_type); + +constexpr bool is_integral_type(type t) { + return t > type::none_type && t <= type::last_integer_type; +} + +constexpr bool is_arithmetic_type(type t) { + return t > type::none_type && t <= type::last_numeric_type; +} + +FMT_NORETURN FMT_API void throw_format_error(const char* message); + +struct error_handler { + constexpr error_handler() = default; + constexpr error_handler(const error_handler&) = default; + + // This function is intentionally not constexpr to give a compile-time error. + FMT_NORETURN void on_error(const char* message) { + throw_format_error(message); + } +}; +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +/** String's character type. */ +template using char_t = typename detail::char_t_impl::type; + +/** + \rst + Parsing context consisting of a format string range being parsed and an + argument counter for automatic indexing. + You can use the ``format_parse_context`` type alias for ``char`` instead. + \endrst + */ +template +class basic_format_parse_context : private ErrorHandler { + private: + basic_string_view format_str_; + int next_arg_id_; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void do_check_arg_id(int id); + + public: + using char_type = Char; + using iterator = typename basic_string_view::iterator; + + explicit constexpr basic_format_parse_context( + basic_string_view format_str, ErrorHandler eh = {}, + int next_arg_id = 0) + : ErrorHandler(eh), format_str_(format_str), next_arg_id_(next_arg_id) {} + + /** + Returns an iterator to the beginning of the format string range being + parsed. + */ + constexpr auto begin() const noexcept -> iterator { + return format_str_.begin(); + } + + /** + Returns an iterator past the end of the format string range being parsed. + */ + constexpr auto end() const noexcept -> iterator { return format_str_.end(); } + + /** Advances the begin iterator to ``it``. */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR void advance_to(iterator it) { + format_str_.remove_prefix(detail::to_unsigned(it - begin())); + } + + /** + Reports an error if using the manual argument indexing; otherwise returns + the next argument index and switches to the automatic indexing. + */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto next_arg_id() -> int { + if (next_arg_id_ < 0) { + on_error("cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing"); + return 0; + } + int id = next_arg_id_++; + do_check_arg_id(id); + return id; + } + + /** + Reports an error if using the automatic argument indexing; otherwise + switches to the manual indexing. + */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_arg_id(int id) { + if (next_arg_id_ > 0) { + on_error("cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing"); + return; + } + next_arg_id_ = -1; + do_check_arg_id(id); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_arg_id(basic_string_view) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_error(const char* message) { + ErrorHandler::on_error(message); + } + + constexpr auto error_handler() const -> ErrorHandler { return *this; } +}; + +using format_parse_context = basic_format_parse_context; + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE +// A parse context with extra data used only in compile-time checks. +template +class compile_parse_context + : public basic_format_parse_context { + private: + int num_args_; + const type* types_; + using base = basic_format_parse_context; + + public: + explicit FMT_CONSTEXPR compile_parse_context( + basic_string_view format_str, int num_args, const type* types, + ErrorHandler eh = {}, int next_arg_id = 0) + : base(format_str, eh, next_arg_id), num_args_(num_args), types_(types) {} + + constexpr int num_args() const { return num_args_; } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto next_arg_id() -> int { + int id = base::next_arg_id(); + if (id >= num_args_) this->on_error("argument not found"); + return id; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_arg_id(int id) { + base::check_arg_id(id); + if (id >= num_args_) this->on_error("argument not found"); + } + using base::check_arg_id; +}; +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR void +basic_format_parse_context::do_check_arg_id(int id) { + // Argument id is only checked at compile-time during parsing because + // formatting has its own validation. + if (detail::is_constant_evaluated() && FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 1200) { + using context = detail::compile_parse_context; + if (id >= static_cast(this)->num_args()) + on_error("argument not found"); + } +} + +template class basic_format_arg; +template class basic_format_args; +template class dynamic_format_arg_store; + +// A formatter for objects of type T. +template +struct formatter { + // A deleted default constructor indicates a disabled formatter. + formatter() = delete; +}; + +// Specifies if T has an enabled formatter specialization. A type can be +// formattable even if it doesn't have a formatter e.g. via a conversion. +template +using has_formatter = + std::is_constructible>; + +// Checks whether T is a container with contiguous storage. +template struct is_contiguous : std::false_type {}; +template +struct is_contiguous> : std::true_type {}; + +class appender; + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +template +constexpr auto has_const_formatter_impl(T*) + -> decltype(typename Context::template formatter_type().format( + std::declval(), std::declval()), + true) { + return true; +} +template +constexpr auto has_const_formatter_impl(...) -> bool { + return false; +} +template +constexpr auto has_const_formatter() -> bool { + return has_const_formatter_impl(static_cast(nullptr)); +} + +// Extracts a reference to the container from back_insert_iterator. +template +inline auto get_container(std::back_insert_iterator it) + -> Container& { + using base = std::back_insert_iterator; + struct accessor : base { + accessor(base b) : base(b) {} + using base::container; + }; + return *accessor(it).container; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto copy_str(InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) + -> OutputIt { + while (begin != end) *out++ = static_cast(*begin++); + return out; +} + +template , U>::value&& is_char::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto copy_str(T* begin, T* end, U* out) -> U* { + if (is_constant_evaluated()) return copy_str(begin, end, out); + auto size = to_unsigned(end - begin); + memcpy(out, begin, size * sizeof(U)); + return out + size; +} + +/** + \rst + A contiguous memory buffer with an optional growing ability. It is an internal + class and shouldn't be used directly, only via `~fmt::basic_memory_buffer`. + \endrst + */ +template class buffer { + private: + T* ptr_; + size_t size_; + size_t capacity_; + + protected: + // Don't initialize ptr_ since it is not accessed to save a few cycles. + FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 26495) + buffer(size_t sz) noexcept : size_(sz), capacity_(sz) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 buffer(T* p = nullptr, size_t sz = 0, size_t cap = 0) noexcept + : ptr_(p), size_(sz), capacity_(cap) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 ~buffer() = default; + buffer(buffer&&) = default; + + /** Sets the buffer data and capacity. */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR void set(T* buf_data, size_t buf_capacity) noexcept { + ptr_ = buf_data; + capacity_ = buf_capacity; + } + + /** Increases the buffer capacity to hold at least *capacity* elements. */ + virtual FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t capacity) = 0; + + public: + using value_type = T; + using const_reference = const T&; + + buffer(const buffer&) = delete; + void operator=(const buffer&) = delete; + + auto begin() noexcept -> T* { return ptr_; } + auto end() noexcept -> T* { return ptr_ + size_; } + + auto begin() const noexcept -> const T* { return ptr_; } + auto end() const noexcept -> const T* { return ptr_ + size_; } + + /** Returns the size of this buffer. */ + constexpr auto size() const noexcept -> size_t { return size_; } + + /** Returns the capacity of this buffer. */ + constexpr auto capacity() const noexcept -> size_t { return capacity_; } + + /** Returns a pointer to the buffer data. */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto data() noexcept -> T* { return ptr_; } + + /** Returns a pointer to the buffer data. */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto data() const noexcept -> const T* { return ptr_; } + + /** Clears this buffer. */ + void clear() { size_ = 0; } + + // Tries resizing the buffer to contain *count* elements. If T is a POD type + // the new elements may not be initialized. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void try_resize(size_t count) { + try_reserve(count); + size_ = count <= capacity_ ? count : capacity_; + } + + // Tries increasing the buffer capacity to *new_capacity*. It can increase the + // capacity by a smaller amount than requested but guarantees there is space + // for at least one additional element either by increasing the capacity or by + // flushing the buffer if it is full. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void try_reserve(size_t new_capacity) { + if (new_capacity > capacity_) grow(new_capacity); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void push_back(const T& value) { + try_reserve(size_ + 1); + ptr_[size_++] = value; + } + + /** Appends data to the end of the buffer. */ + template void append(const U* begin, const U* end); + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](I index) -> T& { + return ptr_[index]; + } + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](I index) const -> const T& { + return ptr_[index]; + } +}; + +struct buffer_traits { + explicit buffer_traits(size_t) {} + auto count() const -> size_t { return 0; } + auto limit(size_t size) -> size_t { return size; } +}; + +class fixed_buffer_traits { + private: + size_t count_ = 0; + size_t limit_; + + public: + explicit fixed_buffer_traits(size_t limit) : limit_(limit) {} + auto count() const -> size_t { return count_; } + auto limit(size_t size) -> size_t { + size_t n = limit_ > count_ ? limit_ - count_ : 0; + count_ += size; + return size < n ? size : n; + } +}; + +// A buffer that writes to an output iterator when flushed. +template +class iterator_buffer final : public Traits, public buffer { + private: + OutputIt out_; + enum { buffer_size = 256 }; + T data_[buffer_size]; + + protected: + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override { + if (this->size() == buffer_size) flush(); + } + + void flush() { + auto size = this->size(); + this->clear(); + out_ = copy_str(data_, data_ + this->limit(size), out_); + } + + public: + explicit iterator_buffer(OutputIt out, size_t n = buffer_size) + : Traits(n), buffer(data_, 0, buffer_size), out_(out) {} + iterator_buffer(iterator_buffer&& other) + : Traits(other), buffer(data_, 0, buffer_size), out_(other.out_) {} + ~iterator_buffer() { flush(); } + + auto out() -> OutputIt { + flush(); + return out_; + } + auto count() const -> size_t { return Traits::count() + this->size(); } +}; + +template +class iterator_buffer final + : public fixed_buffer_traits, + public buffer { + private: + T* out_; + enum { buffer_size = 256 }; + T data_[buffer_size]; + + protected: + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override { + if (this->size() == this->capacity()) flush(); + } + + void flush() { + size_t n = this->limit(this->size()); + if (this->data() == out_) { + out_ += n; + this->set(data_, buffer_size); + } + this->clear(); + } + + public: + explicit iterator_buffer(T* out, size_t n = buffer_size) + : fixed_buffer_traits(n), buffer(out, 0, n), out_(out) {} + iterator_buffer(iterator_buffer&& other) + : fixed_buffer_traits(other), + buffer(std::move(other)), + out_(other.out_) { + if (this->data() != out_) { + this->set(data_, buffer_size); + this->clear(); + } + } + ~iterator_buffer() { flush(); } + + auto out() -> T* { + flush(); + return out_; + } + auto count() const -> size_t { + return fixed_buffer_traits::count() + this->size(); + } +}; + +template class iterator_buffer final : public buffer { + protected: + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override {} + + public: + explicit iterator_buffer(T* out, size_t = 0) : buffer(out, 0, ~size_t()) {} + + auto out() -> T* { return &*this->end(); } +}; + +// A buffer that writes to a container with the contiguous storage. +template +class iterator_buffer, + enable_if_t::value, + typename Container::value_type>> + final : public buffer { + private: + Container& container_; + + protected: + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t capacity) override { + container_.resize(capacity); + this->set(&container_[0], capacity); + } + + public: + explicit iterator_buffer(Container& c) + : buffer(c.size()), container_(c) {} + explicit iterator_buffer(std::back_insert_iterator out, size_t = 0) + : iterator_buffer(get_container(out)) {} + + auto out() -> std::back_insert_iterator { + return std::back_inserter(container_); + } +}; + +// A buffer that counts the number of code units written discarding the output. +template class counting_buffer final : public buffer { + private: + enum { buffer_size = 256 }; + T data_[buffer_size]; + size_t count_ = 0; + + protected: + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override { + if (this->size() != buffer_size) return; + count_ += this->size(); + this->clear(); + } + + public: + counting_buffer() : buffer(data_, 0, buffer_size) {} + + auto count() -> size_t { return count_ + this->size(); } +}; + +template +using buffer_appender = conditional_t::value, appender, + std::back_insert_iterator>>; + +// Maps an output iterator to a buffer. +template +auto get_buffer(OutputIt out) -> iterator_buffer { + return iterator_buffer(out); +} + +template +auto get_iterator(Buffer& buf) -> decltype(buf.out()) { + return buf.out(); +} +template auto get_iterator(buffer& buf) -> buffer_appender { + return buffer_appender(buf); +} + +template +struct fallback_formatter { + fallback_formatter() = delete; +}; + +// Specifies if T has an enabled fallback_formatter specialization. +template +using has_fallback_formatter = +#ifdef FMT_DEPRECATED_OSTREAM + std::is_constructible>; +#else + std::false_type; +#endif + +struct view {}; + +template struct named_arg : view { + const Char* name; + const T& value; + named_arg(const Char* n, const T& v) : name(n), value(v) {} +}; + +template struct named_arg_info { + const Char* name; + int id; +}; + +template +struct arg_data { + // args_[0].named_args points to named_args_ to avoid bloating format_args. + // +1 to workaround a bug in gcc 7.5 that causes duplicated-branches warning. + T args_[1 + (NUM_ARGS != 0 ? NUM_ARGS : +1)]; + named_arg_info named_args_[NUM_NAMED_ARGS]; + + template + arg_data(const U&... init) : args_{T(named_args_, NUM_NAMED_ARGS), init...} {} + arg_data(const arg_data& other) = delete; + auto args() const -> const T* { return args_ + 1; } + auto named_args() -> named_arg_info* { return named_args_; } +}; + +template +struct arg_data { + // +1 to workaround a bug in gcc 7.5 that causes duplicated-branches warning. + T args_[NUM_ARGS != 0 ? NUM_ARGS : +1]; + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE arg_data(const U&... init) : args_{init...} {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto args() const -> const T* { return args_; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto named_args() -> std::nullptr_t { + return nullptr; + } +}; + +template +inline void init_named_args(named_arg_info*, int, int) {} + +template struct is_named_arg : std::false_type {}; +template struct is_statically_named_arg : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_named_arg> : std::true_type {}; + +template ::value)> +void init_named_args(named_arg_info* named_args, int arg_count, + int named_arg_count, const T&, const Tail&... args) { + init_named_args(named_args, arg_count + 1, named_arg_count, args...); +} + +template ::value)> +void init_named_args(named_arg_info* named_args, int arg_count, + int named_arg_count, const T& arg, const Tail&... args) { + named_args[named_arg_count++] = {arg.name, arg_count}; + init_named_args(named_args, arg_count + 1, named_arg_count, args...); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE void init_named_args(std::nullptr_t, int, int, + const Args&...) {} + +template constexpr auto count() -> size_t { return B ? 1 : 0; } +template constexpr auto count() -> size_t { + return (B1 ? 1 : 0) + count(); +} + +template constexpr auto count_named_args() -> size_t { + return count::value...>(); +} + +template +constexpr auto count_statically_named_args() -> size_t { + return count::value...>(); +} + +struct unformattable {}; +struct unformattable_char : unformattable {}; +struct unformattable_const : unformattable {}; +struct unformattable_pointer : unformattable {}; + +template struct string_value { + const Char* data; + size_t size; +}; + +template struct named_arg_value { + const named_arg_info* data; + size_t size; +}; + +template struct custom_value { + using parse_context = typename Context::parse_context_type; + void* value; + void (*format)(void* arg, parse_context& parse_ctx, Context& ctx); +}; + +// A formatting argument value. +template class value { + public: + using char_type = typename Context::char_type; + + union { + monostate no_value; + int int_value; + unsigned uint_value; + long long long_long_value; + unsigned long long ulong_long_value; + int128_opt int128_value; + uint128_opt uint128_value; + bool bool_value; + char_type char_value; + float float_value; + double double_value; + long double long_double_value; + const void* pointer; + string_value string; + custom_value custom; + named_arg_value named_args; + }; + + constexpr FMT_INLINE value() : no_value() {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(int val) : int_value(val) {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(unsigned val) : uint_value(val) {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(long long val) : long_long_value(val) {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(unsigned long long val) : ulong_long_value(val) {} + FMT_INLINE value(int128_opt val) : int128_value(val) {} + FMT_INLINE value(uint128_opt val) : uint128_value(val) {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(float val) : float_value(val) {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(double val) : double_value(val) {} + FMT_INLINE value(long double val) : long_double_value(val) {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(bool val) : bool_value(val) {} + constexpr FMT_INLINE value(char_type val) : char_value(val) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE value(const char_type* val) { + string.data = val; + if (is_constant_evaluated()) string.size = {}; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE value(basic_string_view val) { + string.data = val.data(); + string.size = val.size(); + } + FMT_INLINE value(const void* val) : pointer(val) {} + FMT_INLINE value(const named_arg_info* args, size_t size) + : named_args{args, size} {} + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE value(T& val) { + using value_type = remove_cvref_t; + custom.value = const_cast(&val); + // Get the formatter type through the context to allow different contexts + // have different extension points, e.g. `formatter` for `format` and + // `printf_formatter` for `printf`. + custom.format = format_custom_arg< + value_type, + conditional_t::value, + typename Context::template formatter_type, + fallback_formatter>>; + } + value(unformattable); + value(unformattable_char); + value(unformattable_const); + value(unformattable_pointer); + + private: + // Formats an argument of a custom type, such as a user-defined class. + template + static void format_custom_arg(void* arg, + typename Context::parse_context_type& parse_ctx, + Context& ctx) { + auto f = Formatter(); + parse_ctx.advance_to(f.parse(parse_ctx)); + using qualified_type = + conditional_t(), const T, T>; + ctx.advance_to(f.format(*static_cast(arg), ctx)); + } +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_arg(T&& value) -> basic_format_arg; + +// To minimize the number of types we need to deal with, long is translated +// either to int or to long long depending on its size. +enum { long_short = sizeof(long) == sizeof(int) }; +using long_type = conditional_t; +using ulong_type = conditional_t; + +#ifdef __cpp_lib_byte +inline auto format_as(std::byte b) -> unsigned char { + return static_cast(b); +} +#endif + +template struct has_format_as { + template ::value&& std::is_integral::value)> + static auto check(U*) -> std::true_type; + static auto check(...) -> std::false_type; + + enum { value = decltype(check(static_cast(nullptr)))::value }; +}; + +// Maps formatting arguments to core types. +// arg_mapper reports errors by returning unformattable instead of using +// static_assert because it's used in the is_formattable trait. +template struct arg_mapper { + using char_type = typename Context::char_type; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(signed char val) -> int { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned char val) -> unsigned { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(short val) -> int { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned short val) -> unsigned { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(int val) -> int { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned val) -> unsigned { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(long val) -> long_type { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned long val) -> ulong_type { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(long long val) -> long long { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned long long val) + -> unsigned long long { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(int128_opt val) -> int128_opt { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(uint128_opt val) -> uint128_opt { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(bool val) -> bool { return val; } + + template ::value || + std::is_same::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(T val) -> char_type { + return val; + } + template ::value || +#ifdef __cpp_char8_t + std::is_same::value || +#endif + std::is_same::value || + std::is_same::value) && + !std::is_same::value, + int> = 0> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(T) -> unformattable_char { + return {}; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(float val) -> float { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(double val) -> double { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(long double val) -> long double { + return val; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(char_type* val) -> const char_type* { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const char_type* val) -> const char_type* { + return val; + } + template ::value && !std::is_pointer::value && + std::is_same>::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& val) + -> basic_string_view { + return to_string_view(val); + } + template ::value && !std::is_pointer::value && + !std::is_same>::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T&) -> unformattable_char { + return {}; + } + template >::value && + !is_string::value && !has_formatter::value && + !has_fallback_formatter::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& val) + -> basic_string_view { + return basic_string_view(val); + } + template >::value && + !std::is_convertible>::value && + !is_string::value && !has_formatter::value && + !has_fallback_formatter::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& val) + -> basic_string_view { + return std_string_view(val); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(void* val) -> const void* { return val; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const void* val) -> const void* { + return val; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(std::nullptr_t val) -> const void* { + return val; + } + + // We use SFINAE instead of a const T* parameter to avoid conflicting with + // the C array overload. + template < + typename T, + FMT_ENABLE_IF( + std::is_pointer::value || std::is_member_pointer::value || + std::is_function::type>::value || + (std::is_convertible::value && + !std::is_convertible::value && + !has_formatter::value))> + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto map(const T&) -> unformattable_pointer { + return {}; + } + + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T (&values)[N]) -> const T (&)[N] { + return values; + } + + template ::value&& std::is_convertible::value && + !has_format_as::value && !has_formatter::value && + !has_fallback_formatter::value)> + FMT_DEPRECATED FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& val) + -> decltype(std::declval().map( + static_cast>(val))) { + return map(static_cast>(val)); + } + + template ::value && + !has_formatter::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& val) + -> decltype(std::declval().map(format_as(T()))) { + return map(format_as(val)); + } + + template > + struct formattable + : bool_constant() || + !std::is_const>::value || + has_fallback_formatter::value> {}; + +#if (FMT_MSC_VERSION != 0 && FMT_MSC_VERSION < 1910) || \ + FMT_ICC_VERSION != 0 || defined(__NVCC__) + // Workaround a bug in MSVC and Intel (Issue 2746). + template FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto do_map(T&& val) -> T& { + return val; + } +#else + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto do_map(T&& val) -> T& { + return val; + } + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto do_map(T&&) -> unformattable_const { + return {}; + } +#endif + + template , + FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_string::value && !is_char::value && + !std::is_array::value && + !std::is_pointer::value && + !has_format_as::value && + (has_formatter::value || + has_fallback_formatter::value))> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(T&& val) + -> decltype(this->do_map(std::forward(val))) { + return do_map(std::forward(val)); + } + + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& named_arg) + -> decltype(std::declval().map(named_arg.value)) { + return map(named_arg.value); + } + + auto map(...) -> unformattable { return {}; } +}; + +// A type constant after applying arg_mapper. +template +using mapped_type_constant = + type_constant().map(std::declval())), + typename Context::char_type>; + +enum { packed_arg_bits = 4 }; +// Maximum number of arguments with packed types. +enum { max_packed_args = 62 / packed_arg_bits }; +enum : unsigned long long { is_unpacked_bit = 1ULL << 63 }; +enum : unsigned long long { has_named_args_bit = 1ULL << 62 }; + +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// An output iterator that appends to a buffer. +// It is used to reduce symbol sizes for the common case. +class appender : public std::back_insert_iterator> { + using base = std::back_insert_iterator>; + + template + friend auto get_buffer(appender out) -> detail::buffer& { + return detail::get_container(out); + } + + public: + using std::back_insert_iterator>::back_insert_iterator; + appender(base it) noexcept : base(it) {} + FMT_UNCHECKED_ITERATOR(appender); + + auto operator++() noexcept -> appender& { return *this; } + auto operator++(int) noexcept -> appender { return *this; } +}; + +// A formatting argument. It is a trivially copyable/constructible type to +// allow storage in basic_memory_buffer. +template class basic_format_arg { + private: + detail::value value_; + detail::type type_; + + template + friend FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::make_arg(T&& value) + -> basic_format_arg; + + template + friend FMT_CONSTEXPR auto visit_format_arg(Visitor&& vis, + const basic_format_arg& arg) + -> decltype(vis(0)); + + friend class basic_format_args; + friend class dynamic_format_arg_store; + + using char_type = typename Context::char_type; + + template + friend struct detail::arg_data; + + basic_format_arg(const detail::named_arg_info* args, size_t size) + : value_(args, size) {} + + public: + class handle { + public: + explicit handle(detail::custom_value custom) : custom_(custom) {} + + void format(typename Context::parse_context_type& parse_ctx, + Context& ctx) const { + custom_.format(custom_.value, parse_ctx, ctx); + } + + private: + detail::custom_value custom_; + }; + + constexpr basic_format_arg() : type_(detail::type::none_type) {} + + constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept { + return type_ != detail::type::none_type; + } + + auto type() const -> detail::type { return type_; } + + auto is_integral() const -> bool { return detail::is_integral_type(type_); } + auto is_arithmetic() const -> bool { + return detail::is_arithmetic_type(type_); + } +}; + +/** + \rst + Visits an argument dispatching to the appropriate visit method based on + the argument type. For example, if the argument type is ``double`` then + ``vis(value)`` will be called with the value of type ``double``. + \endrst + */ +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto visit_format_arg( + Visitor&& vis, const basic_format_arg& arg) -> decltype(vis(0)) { + switch (arg.type_) { + case detail::type::none_type: + break; + case detail::type::int_type: + return vis(arg.value_.int_value); + case detail::type::uint_type: + return vis(arg.value_.uint_value); + case detail::type::long_long_type: + return vis(arg.value_.long_long_value); + case detail::type::ulong_long_type: + return vis(arg.value_.ulong_long_value); + case detail::type::int128_type: + return vis(detail::convert_for_visit(arg.value_.int128_value)); + case detail::type::uint128_type: + return vis(detail::convert_for_visit(arg.value_.uint128_value)); + case detail::type::bool_type: + return vis(arg.value_.bool_value); + case detail::type::char_type: + return vis(arg.value_.char_value); + case detail::type::float_type: + return vis(arg.value_.float_value); + case detail::type::double_type: + return vis(arg.value_.double_value); + case detail::type::long_double_type: + return vis(arg.value_.long_double_value); + case detail::type::cstring_type: + return vis(arg.value_.string.data); + case detail::type::string_type: + using sv = basic_string_view; + return vis(sv(arg.value_.string.data, arg.value_.string.size)); + case detail::type::pointer_type: + return vis(arg.value_.pointer); + case detail::type::custom_type: + return vis(typename basic_format_arg::handle(arg.value_.custom)); + } + return vis(monostate()); +} + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +template +auto copy_str(InputIt begin, InputIt end, appender out) -> appender { + get_container(out).append(begin, end); + return out; +} + +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 500 +// A workaround for gcc 4.8 to make void_t work in a SFINAE context. +template struct void_t_impl { using type = void; }; +template +using void_t = typename detail::void_t_impl::type; +#else +template using void_t = void; +#endif + +template +struct is_output_iterator : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_output_iterator< + It, T, + void_t::iterator_category, + decltype(*std::declval() = std::declval())>> + : std::true_type {}; + +template +struct is_back_insert_iterator : std::false_type {}; +template +struct is_back_insert_iterator> + : std::true_type {}; + +template +struct is_contiguous_back_insert_iterator : std::false_type {}; +template +struct is_contiguous_back_insert_iterator> + : is_contiguous {}; +template <> +struct is_contiguous_back_insert_iterator : std::true_type {}; + +// A type-erased reference to an std::locale to avoid a heavy include. +class locale_ref { + private: + const void* locale_; // A type-erased pointer to std::locale. + + public: + constexpr locale_ref() : locale_(nullptr) {} + template explicit locale_ref(const Locale& loc); + + explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return locale_ != nullptr; } + + template auto get() const -> Locale; +}; + +template constexpr auto encode_types() -> unsigned long long { + return 0; +} + +template +constexpr auto encode_types() -> unsigned long long { + return static_cast(mapped_type_constant::value) | + (encode_types() << packed_arg_bits); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto make_value(T&& val) -> value { + const auto& arg = arg_mapper().map(std::forward(val)); + + constexpr bool formattable_char = + !std::is_same::value; + static_assert(formattable_char, "Mixing character types is disallowed."); + + constexpr bool formattable_const = + !std::is_same::value; + static_assert(formattable_const, "Cannot format a const argument."); + + // Formatting of arbitrary pointers is disallowed. If you want to output + // a pointer cast it to "void *" or "const void *". In particular, this + // forbids formatting of "[const] volatile char *" which is printed as bool + // by iostreams. + constexpr bool formattable_pointer = + !std::is_same::value; + static_assert(formattable_pointer, + "Formatting of non-void pointers is disallowed."); + + constexpr bool formattable = + !std::is_same::value; + static_assert( + formattable, + "Cannot format an argument. To make type T formattable provide a " + "formatter specialization: https://fmt.dev/latest/api.html#udt"); + return {arg}; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_arg(T&& value) -> basic_format_arg { + basic_format_arg arg; + arg.type_ = mapped_type_constant::value; + arg.value_ = make_value(value); + return arg; +} + +// The type template parameter is there to avoid an ODR violation when using +// a fallback formatter in one translation unit and an implicit conversion in +// another (not recommended). +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto make_arg(T&& val) -> value { + return make_value(val); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline auto make_arg(T&& value) -> basic_format_arg { + return make_arg(value); +} +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// Formatting context. +template class basic_format_context { + public: + /** The character type for the output. */ + using char_type = Char; + + private: + OutputIt out_; + basic_format_args args_; + detail::locale_ref loc_; + + public: + using iterator = OutputIt; + using format_arg = basic_format_arg; + using parse_context_type = basic_format_parse_context; + template using formatter_type = formatter; + + basic_format_context(basic_format_context&&) = default; + basic_format_context(const basic_format_context&) = delete; + void operator=(const basic_format_context&) = delete; + /** + Constructs a ``basic_format_context`` object. References to the arguments are + stored in the object so make sure they have appropriate lifetimes. + */ + constexpr basic_format_context( + OutputIt out, basic_format_args ctx_args, + detail::locale_ref loc = detail::locale_ref()) + : out_(out), args_(ctx_args), loc_(loc) {} + + constexpr auto arg(int id) const -> format_arg { return args_.get(id); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto arg(basic_string_view name) -> format_arg { + return args_.get(name); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto arg_id(basic_string_view name) -> int { + return args_.get_id(name); + } + auto args() const -> const basic_format_args& { + return args_; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto error_handler() -> detail::error_handler { return {}; } + void on_error(const char* message) { error_handler().on_error(message); } + + // Returns an iterator to the beginning of the output range. + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto out() -> iterator { return out_; } + + // Advances the begin iterator to ``it``. + void advance_to(iterator it) { + if (!detail::is_back_insert_iterator()) out_ = it; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto locale() -> detail::locale_ref { return loc_; } +}; + +template +using buffer_context = + basic_format_context, Char>; +using format_context = buffer_context; + +// Workaround an alias issue: https://stackoverflow.com/q/62767544/471164. +#define FMT_BUFFER_CONTEXT(Char) \ + basic_format_context, Char> + +template +using is_formattable = bool_constant< + !std::is_base_of>().map( + std::declval()))>::value && + !detail::has_fallback_formatter::value>; + +/** + \rst + An array of references to arguments. It can be implicitly converted into + `~fmt::basic_format_args` for passing into type-erased formatting functions + such as `~fmt::vformat`. + \endrst + */ +template +class format_arg_store +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 409 + // Workaround a GCC template argument substitution bug. + : public basic_format_args +#endif +{ + private: + static const size_t num_args = sizeof...(Args); + static const size_t num_named_args = detail::count_named_args(); + static const bool is_packed = num_args <= detail::max_packed_args; + + using value_type = conditional_t, + basic_format_arg>; + + detail::arg_data + data_; + + friend class basic_format_args; + + static constexpr unsigned long long desc = + (is_packed ? detail::encode_types() + : detail::is_unpacked_bit | num_args) | + (num_named_args != 0 + ? static_cast(detail::has_named_args_bit) + : 0); + + public: + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE format_arg_store(T&&... args) + : +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 409 + basic_format_args(*this), +#endif + data_{detail::make_arg< + is_packed, Context, + detail::mapped_type_constant, Context>::value>( + std::forward(args))...} { + detail::init_named_args(data_.named_args(), 0, 0, args...); + } +}; + +/** + \rst + Constructs a `~fmt::format_arg_store` object that contains references to + arguments and can be implicitly converted to `~fmt::format_args`. `Context` + can be omitted in which case it defaults to `~fmt::context`. + See `~fmt::arg` for lifetime considerations. + \endrst + */ +template +constexpr auto make_format_args(Args&&... args) + -> format_arg_store...> { + return {std::forward(args)...}; +} + +/** + \rst + Returns a named argument to be used in a formatting function. + It should only be used in a call to a formatting function or + `dynamic_format_arg_store::push_back`. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::print("Elapsed time: {s:.2f} seconds", fmt::arg("s", 1.23)); + \endrst + */ +template +inline auto arg(const Char* name, const T& arg) -> detail::named_arg { + static_assert(!detail::is_named_arg(), "nested named arguments"); + return {name, arg}; +} + +/** + \rst + A view of a collection of formatting arguments. To avoid lifetime issues it + should only be used as a parameter type in type-erased functions such as + ``vformat``:: + + void vlog(string_view format_str, format_args args); // OK + format_args args = make_format_args(42); // Error: dangling reference + \endrst + */ +template class basic_format_args { + public: + using size_type = int; + using format_arg = basic_format_arg; + + private: + // A descriptor that contains information about formatting arguments. + // If the number of arguments is less or equal to max_packed_args then + // argument types are passed in the descriptor. This reduces binary code size + // per formatting function call. + unsigned long long desc_; + union { + // If is_packed() returns true then argument values are stored in values_; + // otherwise they are stored in args_. This is done to improve cache + // locality and reduce compiled code size since storing larger objects + // may require more code (at least on x86-64) even if the same amount of + // data is actually copied to stack. It saves ~10% on the bloat test. + const detail::value* values_; + const format_arg* args_; + }; + + constexpr auto is_packed() const -> bool { + return (desc_ & detail::is_unpacked_bit) == 0; + } + auto has_named_args() const -> bool { + return (desc_ & detail::has_named_args_bit) != 0; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto type(int index) const -> detail::type { + int shift = index * detail::packed_arg_bits; + unsigned int mask = (1 << detail::packed_arg_bits) - 1; + return static_cast((desc_ >> shift) & mask); + } + + constexpr FMT_INLINE basic_format_args(unsigned long long desc, + const detail::value* values) + : desc_(desc), values_(values) {} + constexpr basic_format_args(unsigned long long desc, const format_arg* args) + : desc_(desc), args_(args) {} + + public: + constexpr basic_format_args() : desc_(0), args_(nullptr) {} + + /** + \rst + Constructs a `basic_format_args` object from `~fmt::format_arg_store`. + \endrst + */ + template + constexpr FMT_INLINE basic_format_args( + const format_arg_store& store) + : basic_format_args(format_arg_store::desc, + store.data_.args()) {} + + /** + \rst + Constructs a `basic_format_args` object from + `~fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store`. + \endrst + */ + constexpr FMT_INLINE basic_format_args( + const dynamic_format_arg_store& store) + : basic_format_args(store.get_types(), store.data()) {} + + /** + \rst + Constructs a `basic_format_args` object from a dynamic set of arguments. + \endrst + */ + constexpr basic_format_args(const format_arg* args, int count) + : basic_format_args(detail::is_unpacked_bit | detail::to_unsigned(count), + args) {} + + /** Returns the argument with the specified id. */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto get(int id) const -> format_arg { + format_arg arg; + if (!is_packed()) { + if (id < max_size()) arg = args_[id]; + return arg; + } + if (id >= detail::max_packed_args) return arg; + arg.type_ = type(id); + if (arg.type_ == detail::type::none_type) return arg; + arg.value_ = values_[id]; + return arg; + } + + template + auto get(basic_string_view name) const -> format_arg { + int id = get_id(name); + return id >= 0 ? get(id) : format_arg(); + } + + template + auto get_id(basic_string_view name) const -> int { + if (!has_named_args()) return -1; + const auto& named_args = + (is_packed() ? values_[-1] : args_[-1].value_).named_args; + for (size_t i = 0; i < named_args.size; ++i) { + if (named_args.data[i].name == name) return named_args.data[i].id; + } + return -1; + } + + auto max_size() const -> int { + unsigned long long max_packed = detail::max_packed_args; + return static_cast(is_packed() ? max_packed + : desc_ & ~detail::is_unpacked_bit); + } +}; + +/** An alias to ``basic_format_args``. */ +// A separate type would result in shorter symbols but break ABI compatibility +// between clang and gcc on ARM (#1919). +using format_args = basic_format_args; + +// We cannot use enum classes as bit fields because of a gcc bug, so we put them +// in namespaces instead (https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=61414). +// Additionally, if an underlying type is specified, older gcc incorrectly warns +// that the type is too small. Both bugs are fixed in gcc 9.3. +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 903 +# define FMT_ENUM_UNDERLYING_TYPE(type) +#else +# define FMT_ENUM_UNDERLYING_TYPE(type) : type +#endif +namespace align { +enum type FMT_ENUM_UNDERLYING_TYPE(unsigned char){none, left, right, center, + numeric}; +} +using align_t = align::type; +namespace sign { +enum type FMT_ENUM_UNDERLYING_TYPE(unsigned char){none, minus, plus, space}; +} +using sign_t = sign::type; + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// Workaround an array initialization issue in gcc 4.8. +template struct fill_t { + private: + enum { max_size = 4 }; + Char data_[max_size] = {Char(' '), Char(0), Char(0), Char(0)}; + unsigned char size_ = 1; + + public: + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator=(basic_string_view s) { + auto size = s.size(); + if (size > max_size) return throw_format_error("invalid fill"); + for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) data_[i] = s[i]; + size_ = static_cast(size); + } + + constexpr auto size() const -> size_t { return size_; } + constexpr auto data() const -> const Char* { return data_; } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](size_t index) -> Char& { return data_[index]; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](size_t index) const -> const Char& { + return data_[index]; + } +}; +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +enum class presentation_type : unsigned char { + none, + // Integer types should go first, + dec, // 'd' + oct, // 'o' + hex_lower, // 'x' + hex_upper, // 'X' + bin_lower, // 'b' + bin_upper, // 'B' + hexfloat_lower, // 'a' + hexfloat_upper, // 'A' + exp_lower, // 'e' + exp_upper, // 'E' + fixed_lower, // 'f' + fixed_upper, // 'F' + general_lower, // 'g' + general_upper, // 'G' + chr, // 'c' + string, // 's' + pointer, // 'p' + debug // '?' +}; + +// Format specifiers for built-in and string types. +template struct basic_format_specs { + int width; + int precision; + presentation_type type; + align_t align : 4; + sign_t sign : 3; + bool alt : 1; // Alternate form ('#'). + bool localized : 1; + detail::fill_t fill; + + constexpr basic_format_specs() + : width(0), + precision(-1), + type(presentation_type::none), + align(align::none), + sign(sign::none), + alt(false), + localized(false) {} +}; + +using format_specs = basic_format_specs; + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +enum class arg_id_kind { none, index, name }; + +// An argument reference. +template struct arg_ref { + FMT_CONSTEXPR arg_ref() : kind(arg_id_kind::none), val() {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR explicit arg_ref(int index) + : kind(arg_id_kind::index), val(index) {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR explicit arg_ref(basic_string_view name) + : kind(arg_id_kind::name), val(name) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(int idx) -> arg_ref& { + kind = arg_id_kind::index; + val.index = idx; + return *this; + } + + arg_id_kind kind; + union value { + FMT_CONSTEXPR value(int id = 0) : index{id} {} + FMT_CONSTEXPR value(basic_string_view n) : name(n) {} + + int index; + basic_string_view name; + } val; +}; + +// Format specifiers with width and precision resolved at formatting rather +// than parsing time to allow re-using the same parsed specifiers with +// different sets of arguments (precompilation of format strings). +template +struct dynamic_format_specs : basic_format_specs { + arg_ref width_ref; + arg_ref precision_ref; +}; + +struct auto_id {}; + +// A format specifier handler that sets fields in basic_format_specs. +template class specs_setter { + protected: + basic_format_specs& specs_; + + public: + explicit FMT_CONSTEXPR specs_setter(basic_format_specs& specs) + : specs_(specs) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR specs_setter(const specs_setter& other) + : specs_(other.specs_) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_align(align_t align) { specs_.align = align; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_fill(basic_string_view fill) { + specs_.fill = fill; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_sign(sign_t s) { specs_.sign = s; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_hash() { specs_.alt = true; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_localized() { specs_.localized = true; } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_zero() { + if (specs_.align == align::none) specs_.align = align::numeric; + specs_.fill[0] = Char('0'); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_width(int width) { specs_.width = width; } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_precision(int precision) { + specs_.precision = precision; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void end_precision() {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_type(presentation_type type) { specs_.type = type; } +}; + +// Format spec handler that saves references to arguments representing dynamic +// width and precision to be resolved at formatting time. +template +class dynamic_specs_handler + : public specs_setter { + public: + using char_type = typename ParseContext::char_type; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR dynamic_specs_handler(dynamic_format_specs& specs, + ParseContext& ctx) + : specs_setter(specs), specs_(specs), context_(ctx) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR dynamic_specs_handler(const dynamic_specs_handler& other) + : specs_setter(other), + specs_(other.specs_), + context_(other.context_) {} + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dynamic_width(Id arg_id) { + specs_.width_ref = make_arg_ref(arg_id); + } + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_dynamic_precision(Id arg_id) { + specs_.precision_ref = make_arg_ref(arg_id); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_error(const char* message) { + context_.on_error(message); + } + + private: + dynamic_format_specs& specs_; + ParseContext& context_; + + using arg_ref_type = arg_ref; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_arg_ref(int arg_id) -> arg_ref_type { + context_.check_arg_id(arg_id); + return arg_ref_type(arg_id); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_arg_ref(auto_id) -> arg_ref_type { + return arg_ref_type(context_.next_arg_id()); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_arg_ref(basic_string_view arg_id) + -> arg_ref_type { + context_.check_arg_id(arg_id); + basic_string_view format_str( + context_.begin(), to_unsigned(context_.end() - context_.begin())); + return arg_ref_type(arg_id); + } +}; + +template constexpr bool is_ascii_letter(Char c) { + return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); +} + +// Converts a character to ASCII. Returns a number > 127 on conversion failure. +template ::value)> +constexpr auto to_ascii(Char c) -> Char { + return c; +} +template ::value)> +constexpr auto to_ascii(Char c) -> underlying_t { + return c; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto code_point_length(const Char* begin) -> int { + if (const_check(sizeof(Char) != 1)) return 1; + auto lengths = + "\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\2\2\2\2\3\3\4"; + int len = lengths[static_cast(*begin) >> 3]; + + // Compute the pointer to the next character early so that the next + // iteration can start working on the next character. Neither Clang + // nor GCC figure out this reordering on their own. + return len + !len; +} + +// Return the result via the out param to workaround gcc bug 77539. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto find(Ptr first, Ptr last, T value, Ptr& out) -> bool { + for (out = first; out != last; ++out) { + if (*out == value) return true; + } + return false; +} + +template <> +inline auto find(const char* first, const char* last, char value, + const char*& out) -> bool { + out = static_cast( + std::memchr(first, value, to_unsigned(last - first))); + return out != nullptr; +} + +// Parses the range [begin, end) as an unsigned integer. This function assumes +// that the range is non-empty and the first character is a digit. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_nonnegative_int(const Char*& begin, const Char* end, + int error_value) noexcept -> int { + FMT_ASSERT(begin != end && '0' <= *begin && *begin <= '9', ""); + unsigned value = 0, prev = 0; + auto p = begin; + do { + prev = value; + value = value * 10 + unsigned(*p - '0'); + ++p; + } while (p != end && '0' <= *p && *p <= '9'); + auto num_digits = p - begin; + begin = p; + if (num_digits <= std::numeric_limits::digits10) + return static_cast(value); + // Check for overflow. + const unsigned max = to_unsigned((std::numeric_limits::max)()); + return num_digits == std::numeric_limits::digits10 + 1 && + prev * 10ull + unsigned(p[-1] - '0') <= max + ? static_cast(value) + : error_value; +} + +// Parses fill and alignment. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_align(const Char* begin, const Char* end, + Handler&& handler) -> const Char* { + FMT_ASSERT(begin != end, ""); + auto align = align::none; + auto p = begin + code_point_length(begin); + if (end - p <= 0) p = begin; + for (;;) { + switch (to_ascii(*p)) { + case '<': + align = align::left; + break; + case '>': + align = align::right; + break; + case '^': + align = align::center; + break; + default: + break; + } + if (align != align::none) { + if (p != begin) { + auto c = *begin; + if (c == '{') + return handler.on_error("invalid fill character '{'"), begin; + handler.on_fill(basic_string_view(begin, to_unsigned(p - begin))); + begin = p + 1; + } else + ++begin; + handler.on_align(align); + break; + } else if (p == begin) { + break; + } + p = begin; + } + return begin; +} + +template FMT_CONSTEXPR bool is_name_start(Char c) { + return ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || '_' == c; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto do_parse_arg_id(const Char* begin, const Char* end, + IDHandler&& handler) -> const Char* { + FMT_ASSERT(begin != end, ""); + Char c = *begin; + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { + int index = 0; + if (c != '0') + index = + parse_nonnegative_int(begin, end, (std::numeric_limits::max)()); + else + ++begin; + if (begin == end || (*begin != '}' && *begin != ':')) + handler.on_error("invalid format string"); + else + handler(index); + return begin; + } + if (!is_name_start(c)) { + handler.on_error("invalid format string"); + return begin; + } + auto it = begin; + do { + ++it; + } while (it != end && (is_name_start(c = *it) || ('0' <= c && c <= '9'))); + handler(basic_string_view(begin, to_unsigned(it - begin))); + return it; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto parse_arg_id(const Char* begin, const Char* end, + IDHandler&& handler) -> const Char* { + Char c = *begin; + if (c != '}' && c != ':') return do_parse_arg_id(begin, end, handler); + handler(); + return begin; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_width(const Char* begin, const Char* end, + Handler&& handler) -> const Char* { + using detail::auto_id; + struct width_adapter { + Handler& handler; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()() { handler.on_dynamic_width(auto_id()); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(int id) { handler.on_dynamic_width(id); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(basic_string_view id) { + handler.on_dynamic_width(id); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_error(const char* message) { + if (message) handler.on_error(message); + } + }; + + FMT_ASSERT(begin != end, ""); + if ('0' <= *begin && *begin <= '9') { + int width = parse_nonnegative_int(begin, end, -1); + if (width != -1) + handler.on_width(width); + else + handler.on_error("number is too big"); + } else if (*begin == '{') { + ++begin; + if (begin != end) begin = parse_arg_id(begin, end, width_adapter{handler}); + if (begin == end || *begin != '}') + return handler.on_error("invalid format string"), begin; + ++begin; + } + return begin; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_precision(const Char* begin, const Char* end, + Handler&& handler) -> const Char* { + using detail::auto_id; + struct precision_adapter { + Handler& handler; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()() { handler.on_dynamic_precision(auto_id()); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(int id) { handler.on_dynamic_precision(id); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(basic_string_view id) { + handler.on_dynamic_precision(id); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_error(const char* message) { + if (message) handler.on_error(message); + } + }; + + ++begin; + auto c = begin != end ? *begin : Char(); + if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { + auto precision = parse_nonnegative_int(begin, end, -1); + if (precision != -1) + handler.on_precision(precision); + else + handler.on_error("number is too big"); + } else if (c == '{') { + ++begin; + if (begin != end) + begin = parse_arg_id(begin, end, precision_adapter{handler}); + if (begin == end || *begin++ != '}') + return handler.on_error("invalid format string"), begin; + } else { + return handler.on_error("missing precision specifier"), begin; + } + handler.end_precision(); + return begin; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_presentation_type(Char type) -> presentation_type { + switch (to_ascii(type)) { + case 'd': + return presentation_type::dec; + case 'o': + return presentation_type::oct; + case 'x': + return presentation_type::hex_lower; + case 'X': + return presentation_type::hex_upper; + case 'b': + return presentation_type::bin_lower; + case 'B': + return presentation_type::bin_upper; + case 'a': + return presentation_type::hexfloat_lower; + case 'A': + return presentation_type::hexfloat_upper; + case 'e': + return presentation_type::exp_lower; + case 'E': + return presentation_type::exp_upper; + case 'f': + return presentation_type::fixed_lower; + case 'F': + return presentation_type::fixed_upper; + case 'g': + return presentation_type::general_lower; + case 'G': + return presentation_type::general_upper; + case 'c': + return presentation_type::chr; + case 's': + return presentation_type::string; + case 'p': + return presentation_type::pointer; + case '?': + return presentation_type::debug; + default: + return presentation_type::none; + } +} + +// Parses standard format specifiers and sends notifications about parsed +// components to handler. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto parse_format_specs(const Char* begin, + const Char* end, + SpecHandler&& handler) + -> const Char* { + if (1 < end - begin && begin[1] == '}' && is_ascii_letter(*begin) && + *begin != 'L') { + presentation_type type = parse_presentation_type(*begin++); + if (type == presentation_type::none) + handler.on_error("invalid type specifier"); + handler.on_type(type); + return begin; + } + + if (begin == end) return begin; + + begin = parse_align(begin, end, handler); + if (begin == end) return begin; + + // Parse sign. + switch (to_ascii(*begin)) { + case '+': + handler.on_sign(sign::plus); + ++begin; + break; + case '-': + handler.on_sign(sign::minus); + ++begin; + break; + case ' ': + handler.on_sign(sign::space); + ++begin; + break; + default: + break; + } + if (begin == end) return begin; + + if (*begin == '#') { + handler.on_hash(); + if (++begin == end) return begin; + } + + // Parse zero flag. + if (*begin == '0') { + handler.on_zero(); + if (++begin == end) return begin; + } + + begin = parse_width(begin, end, handler); + if (begin == end) return begin; + + // Parse precision. + if (*begin == '.') { + begin = parse_precision(begin, end, handler); + if (begin == end) return begin; + } + + if (*begin == 'L') { + handler.on_localized(); + ++begin; + } + + // Parse type. + if (begin != end && *begin != '}') { + presentation_type type = parse_presentation_type(*begin++); + if (type == presentation_type::none) + handler.on_error("invalid type specifier"); + handler.on_type(type); + } + return begin; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_replacement_field(const Char* begin, const Char* end, + Handler&& handler) -> const Char* { + struct id_adapter { + Handler& handler; + int arg_id; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()() { arg_id = handler.on_arg_id(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(int id) { arg_id = handler.on_arg_id(id); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(basic_string_view id) { + arg_id = handler.on_arg_id(id); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_error(const char* message) { + if (message) handler.on_error(message); + } + }; + + ++begin; + if (begin == end) return handler.on_error("invalid format string"), end; + if (*begin == '}') { + handler.on_replacement_field(handler.on_arg_id(), begin); + } else if (*begin == '{') { + handler.on_text(begin, begin + 1); + } else { + auto adapter = id_adapter{handler, 0}; + begin = parse_arg_id(begin, end, adapter); + Char c = begin != end ? *begin : Char(); + if (c == '}') { + handler.on_replacement_field(adapter.arg_id, begin); + } else if (c == ':') { + begin = handler.on_format_specs(adapter.arg_id, begin + 1, end); + if (begin == end || *begin != '}') + return handler.on_error("unknown format specifier"), end; + } else { + return handler.on_error("missing '}' in format string"), end; + } + } + return begin + 1; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE void parse_format_string( + basic_string_view format_str, Handler&& handler) { + // Workaround a name-lookup bug in MSVC's modules implementation. + using detail::find; + + auto begin = format_str.data(); + auto end = begin + format_str.size(); + if (end - begin < 32) { + // Use a simple loop instead of memchr for small strings. + const Char* p = begin; + while (p != end) { + auto c = *p++; + if (c == '{') { + handler.on_text(begin, p - 1); + begin = p = parse_replacement_field(p - 1, end, handler); + } else if (c == '}') { + if (p == end || *p != '}') + return handler.on_error("unmatched '}' in format string"); + handler.on_text(begin, p); + begin = ++p; + } + } + handler.on_text(begin, end); + return; + } + struct writer { + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(const Char* from, const Char* to) { + if (from == to) return; + for (;;) { + const Char* p = nullptr; + if (!find(from, to, Char('}'), p)) + return handler_.on_text(from, to); + ++p; + if (p == to || *p != '}') + return handler_.on_error("unmatched '}' in format string"); + handler_.on_text(from, p); + from = p + 1; + } + } + Handler& handler_; + } write = {handler}; + while (begin != end) { + // Doing two passes with memchr (one for '{' and another for '}') is up to + // 2.5x faster than the naive one-pass implementation on big format strings. + const Char* p = begin; + if (*begin != '{' && !find(begin + 1, end, Char('{'), p)) + return write(begin, end); + write(begin, p); + begin = parse_replacement_field(p, end, handler); + } +} + +template ::value> struct strip_named_arg { + using type = T; +}; +template struct strip_named_arg { + using type = remove_cvref_t; +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_format_specs(ParseContext& ctx) + -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { + using char_type = typename ParseContext::char_type; + using context = buffer_context; + using stripped_type = typename strip_named_arg::type; + using mapped_type = conditional_t< + mapped_type_constant::value != type::custom_type, + decltype(arg_mapper().map(std::declval())), + stripped_type>; + auto f = conditional_t::value, + formatter, + fallback_formatter>(); + return f.parse(ctx); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_int_type_spec(presentation_type type, + ErrorHandler&& eh) { + if (type > presentation_type::bin_upper && type != presentation_type::chr) + eh.on_error("invalid type specifier"); +} + +// Checks char specs and returns true if the type spec is char (and not int). +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto check_char_specs(const basic_format_specs& specs, + ErrorHandler&& eh = {}) -> bool { + if (specs.type != presentation_type::none && + specs.type != presentation_type::chr && + specs.type != presentation_type::debug) { + check_int_type_spec(specs.type, eh); + return false; + } + if (specs.align == align::numeric || specs.sign != sign::none || specs.alt) + eh.on_error("invalid format specifier for char"); + return true; +} + +// A floating-point presentation format. +enum class float_format : unsigned char { + general, // General: exponent notation or fixed point based on magnitude. + exp, // Exponent notation with the default precision of 6, e.g. 1.2e-3. + fixed, // Fixed point with the default precision of 6, e.g. 0.0012. + hex +}; + +struct float_specs { + int precision; + float_format format : 8; + sign_t sign : 8; + bool upper : 1; + bool locale : 1; + bool binary32 : 1; + bool showpoint : 1; +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_float_type_spec(const basic_format_specs& specs, + ErrorHandler&& eh = {}) + -> float_specs { + auto result = float_specs(); + result.showpoint = specs.alt; + result.locale = specs.localized; + switch (specs.type) { + case presentation_type::none: + result.format = float_format::general; + break; + case presentation_type::general_upper: + result.upper = true; + FMT_FALLTHROUGH; + case presentation_type::general_lower: + result.format = float_format::general; + break; + case presentation_type::exp_upper: + result.upper = true; + FMT_FALLTHROUGH; + case presentation_type::exp_lower: + result.format = float_format::exp; + result.showpoint |= specs.precision != 0; + break; + case presentation_type::fixed_upper: + result.upper = true; + FMT_FALLTHROUGH; + case presentation_type::fixed_lower: + result.format = float_format::fixed; + result.showpoint |= specs.precision != 0; + break; + case presentation_type::hexfloat_upper: + result.upper = true; + FMT_FALLTHROUGH; + case presentation_type::hexfloat_lower: + result.format = float_format::hex; + break; + default: + eh.on_error("invalid type specifier"); + break; + } + return result; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto check_cstring_type_spec(presentation_type type, + ErrorHandler&& eh = {}) -> bool { + if (type == presentation_type::none || type == presentation_type::string) + return true; + if (type != presentation_type::pointer) eh.on_error("invalid type specifier"); + return false; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_string_type_spec(presentation_type type, + ErrorHandler&& eh = {}) { + if (type != presentation_type::none && type != presentation_type::string && + type != presentation_type::debug) + eh.on_error("invalid type specifier"); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_pointer_type_spec(presentation_type type, + ErrorHandler&& eh) { + if (type != presentation_type::none && type != presentation_type::pointer) + eh.on_error("invalid type specifier"); +} + +// A parse_format_specs handler that checks if specifiers are consistent with +// the argument type. +template class specs_checker : public Handler { + private: + detail::type arg_type_; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void require_numeric_argument() { + if (!is_arithmetic_type(arg_type_)) + this->on_error("format specifier requires numeric argument"); + } + + public: + FMT_CONSTEXPR specs_checker(const Handler& handler, detail::type arg_type) + : Handler(handler), arg_type_(arg_type) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_align(align_t align) { + if (align == align::numeric) require_numeric_argument(); + Handler::on_align(align); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_sign(sign_t s) { + require_numeric_argument(); + if (is_integral_type(arg_type_) && arg_type_ != type::int_type && + arg_type_ != type::long_long_type && arg_type_ != type::int128_type && + arg_type_ != type::char_type) { + this->on_error("format specifier requires signed argument"); + } + Handler::on_sign(s); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_hash() { + require_numeric_argument(); + Handler::on_hash(); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_localized() { + require_numeric_argument(); + Handler::on_localized(); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_zero() { + require_numeric_argument(); + Handler::on_zero(); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void end_precision() { + if (is_integral_type(arg_type_) || arg_type_ == type::pointer_type) + this->on_error("precision not allowed for this argument type"); + } +}; + +constexpr int invalid_arg_index = -1; + +#if FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS +template +constexpr auto get_arg_index_by_name(basic_string_view name) -> int { + if constexpr (detail::is_statically_named_arg()) { + if (name == T::name) return N; + } + if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) + return get_arg_index_by_name(name); + (void)name; // Workaround an MSVC bug about "unused" parameter. + return invalid_arg_index; +} +#endif + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto get_arg_index_by_name(basic_string_view name) -> int { +#if FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS + if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) + return get_arg_index_by_name<0, Args...>(name); +#endif + (void)name; + return invalid_arg_index; +} + +template +class format_string_checker { + private: + // In the future basic_format_parse_context will replace compile_parse_context + // here and will use is_constant_evaluated and downcasting to access the data + // needed for compile-time checks: https://godbolt.org/z/GvWzcTjh1. + using parse_context_type = compile_parse_context; + static constexpr int num_args = sizeof...(Args); + + // Format specifier parsing function. + using parse_func = const Char* (*)(parse_context_type&); + + parse_context_type context_; + parse_func parse_funcs_[num_args > 0 ? static_cast(num_args) : 1]; + type types_[num_args > 0 ? static_cast(num_args) : 1]; + + public: + explicit FMT_CONSTEXPR format_string_checker( + basic_string_view format_str, ErrorHandler eh) + : context_(format_str, num_args, types_, eh), + parse_funcs_{&parse_format_specs...}, + types_{type_constant::value...} {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_text(const Char*, const Char*) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_arg_id() -> int { return context_.next_arg_id(); } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_arg_id(int id) -> int { + return context_.check_arg_id(id), id; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_arg_id(basic_string_view id) -> int { +#if FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS + auto index = get_arg_index_by_name(id); + if (index == invalid_arg_index) on_error("named argument is not found"); + return context_.check_arg_id(index), index; +#else + (void)id; + on_error("compile-time checks for named arguments require C++20 support"); + return 0; +#endif + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_replacement_field(int, const Char*) {} + + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_format_specs(int id, const Char* begin, const Char*) + -> const Char* { + context_.advance_to(context_.begin() + (begin - &*context_.begin())); + // id >= 0 check is a workaround for gcc 10 bug (#2065). + return id >= 0 && id < num_args ? parse_funcs_[id](context_) : begin; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_error(const char* message) { + context_.on_error(message); + } +}; + +// Reports a compile-time error if S is not a valid format string. +template ::value)> +FMT_INLINE void check_format_string(const S&) { +#ifdef FMT_ENFORCE_COMPILE_STRING + static_assert(is_compile_string::value, + "FMT_ENFORCE_COMPILE_STRING requires all format strings to use " + "FMT_STRING."); +#endif +} +template ::value)> +void check_format_string(S format_str) { + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto s = basic_string_view(format_str); + using checker = format_string_checker...>; + FMT_CONSTEXPR bool invalid_format = + (parse_format_string(s, checker(s, {})), true); + ignore_unused(invalid_format); +} + +template +void vformat_to( + buffer& buf, basic_string_view fmt, + basic_format_args)> args, + locale_ref loc = {}); + +FMT_API void vprint_mojibake(std::FILE*, string_view, format_args); +#ifndef _WIN32 +inline void vprint_mojibake(std::FILE*, string_view, format_args) {} +#endif +FMT_END_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +// A formatter specialization for the core types corresponding to detail::type +// constants. +template +struct formatter::value != + detail::type::custom_type>> { + private: + detail::dynamic_format_specs specs_; + + public: + // Parses format specifiers stopping either at the end of the range or at the + // terminating '}'. + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse(ParseContext& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { + auto begin = ctx.begin(), end = ctx.end(); + if (begin == end) return begin; + using handler_type = detail::dynamic_specs_handler; + auto type = detail::type_constant::value; + auto checker = + detail::specs_checker(handler_type(specs_, ctx), type); + auto it = detail::parse_format_specs(begin, end, checker); + auto eh = ctx.error_handler(); + switch (type) { + case detail::type::none_type: + FMT_ASSERT(false, "invalid argument type"); + break; + case detail::type::bool_type: + if (specs_.type == presentation_type::none || + specs_.type == presentation_type::string) { + break; + } + FMT_FALLTHROUGH; + case detail::type::int_type: + case detail::type::uint_type: + case detail::type::long_long_type: + case detail::type::ulong_long_type: + case detail::type::int128_type: + case detail::type::uint128_type: + detail::check_int_type_spec(specs_.type, eh); + break; + case detail::type::char_type: + detail::check_char_specs(specs_, eh); + break; + case detail::type::float_type: + if (detail::const_check(FMT_USE_FLOAT)) + detail::parse_float_type_spec(specs_, eh); + else + FMT_ASSERT(false, "float support disabled"); + break; + case detail::type::double_type: + if (detail::const_check(FMT_USE_DOUBLE)) + detail::parse_float_type_spec(specs_, eh); + else + FMT_ASSERT(false, "double support disabled"); + break; + case detail::type::long_double_type: + if (detail::const_check(FMT_USE_LONG_DOUBLE)) + detail::parse_float_type_spec(specs_, eh); + else + FMT_ASSERT(false, "long double support disabled"); + break; + case detail::type::cstring_type: + detail::check_cstring_type_spec(specs_.type, eh); + break; + case detail::type::string_type: + detail::check_string_type_spec(specs_.type, eh); + break; + case detail::type::pointer_type: + detail::check_pointer_type_spec(specs_.type, eh); + break; + case detail::type::custom_type: + // Custom format specifiers are checked in parse functions of + // formatter specializations. + break; + } + return it; + } + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto format(const T& val, FormatContext& ctx) const + -> decltype(ctx.out()); +}; + +#define FMT_FORMAT_AS(Type, Base) \ + template \ + struct formatter : formatter { \ + template \ + auto format(Type const& val, FormatContext& ctx) const \ + -> decltype(ctx.out()) { \ + return formatter::format(static_cast(val), ctx); \ + } \ + } + +FMT_FORMAT_AS(signed char, int); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(unsigned char, unsigned); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(short, int); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(unsigned short, unsigned); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(long, long long); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(unsigned long, unsigned long long); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(Char*, const Char*); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(std::basic_string, basic_string_view); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(std::nullptr_t, const void*); +FMT_FORMAT_AS(detail::std_string_view, basic_string_view); + +template struct basic_runtime { basic_string_view str; }; + +/** A compile-time format string. */ +template class basic_format_string { + private: + basic_string_view str_; + + public: + template >::value)> + FMT_CONSTEVAL FMT_INLINE basic_format_string(const S& s) : str_(s) { + static_assert( + detail::count< + (std::is_base_of>::value && + std::is_reference::value)...>() == 0, + "passing views as lvalues is disallowed"); +#ifdef FMT_HAS_CONSTEVAL + if constexpr (detail::count_named_args() == + detail::count_statically_named_args()) { + using checker = detail::format_string_checker...>; + detail::parse_format_string(str_, checker(s, {})); + } +#else + detail::check_format_string(s); +#endif + } + basic_format_string(basic_runtime r) : str_(r.str) {} + + FMT_INLINE operator basic_string_view() const { return str_; } +}; + +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 409 +// Workaround broken conversion on older gcc. +template using format_string = string_view; +inline auto runtime(string_view s) -> basic_string_view { return s; } +#else +template +using format_string = basic_format_string...>; +/** + \rst + Creates a runtime format string. + + **Example**:: + + // Check format string at runtime instead of compile-time. + fmt::print(fmt::runtime("{:d}"), "I am not a number"); + \endrst + */ +inline auto runtime(string_view s) -> basic_runtime { return {{}}; } +#endif + +FMT_API auto vformat(string_view fmt, format_args args) -> std::string; + +/** + \rst + Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and returns the result + as a string. + + **Example**:: + + #include + std::string message = fmt::format("The answer is {}.", 42); + \endrst +*/ +template +FMT_NODISCARD FMT_INLINE auto format(format_string fmt, T&&... args) + -> std::string { + return vformat(fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...)); +} + +/** Formats a string and writes the output to ``out``. */ +template ::value)> +auto vformat_to(OutputIt out, string_view fmt, format_args args) -> OutputIt { + using detail::get_buffer; + auto&& buf = get_buffer(out); + detail::vformat_to(buf, fmt, args, {}); + return detail::get_iterator(buf); +} + +/** + \rst + Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt``, writes the result to + the output iterator ``out`` and returns the iterator past the end of the output + range. `format_to` does not append a terminating null character. + + **Example**:: + + auto out = std::vector(); + fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "{}", 42); + \endrst + */ +template ::value)> +FMT_INLINE auto format_to(OutputIt out, format_string fmt, T&&... args) + -> OutputIt { + return vformat_to(out, fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...)); +} + +template struct format_to_n_result { + /** Iterator past the end of the output range. */ + OutputIt out; + /** Total (not truncated) output size. */ + size_t size; +}; + +template ::value)> +auto vformat_to_n(OutputIt out, size_t n, string_view fmt, format_args args) + -> format_to_n_result { + using traits = detail::fixed_buffer_traits; + auto buf = detail::iterator_buffer(out, n); + detail::vformat_to(buf, fmt, args, {}); + return {buf.out(), buf.count()}; +} + +/** + \rst + Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt``, writes up to ``n`` + characters of the result to the output iterator ``out`` and returns the total + (not truncated) output size and the iterator past the end of the output range. + `format_to_n` does not append a terminating null character. + \endrst + */ +template ::value)> +FMT_INLINE auto format_to_n(OutputIt out, size_t n, format_string fmt, + T&&... args) -> format_to_n_result { + return vformat_to_n(out, n, fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...)); +} + +/** Returns the number of chars in the output of ``format(fmt, args...)``. */ +template +FMT_NODISCARD FMT_INLINE auto formatted_size(format_string fmt, + T&&... args) -> size_t { + auto buf = detail::counting_buffer<>(); + detail::vformat_to(buf, string_view(fmt), fmt::make_format_args(args...), {}); + return buf.count(); +} + +FMT_API void vprint(string_view fmt, format_args args); +FMT_API void vprint(std::FILE* f, string_view fmt, format_args args); + +/** + \rst + Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and writes the output + to ``stdout``. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::print("Elapsed time: {0:.2f} seconds", 1.23); + \endrst + */ +template +FMT_INLINE void print(format_string fmt, T&&... args) { + const auto& vargs = fmt::make_format_args(args...); + return detail::is_utf8() ? vprint(fmt, vargs) + : detail::vprint_mojibake(stdout, fmt, vargs); +} + +/** + \rst + Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and writes the + output to the file ``f``. + + **Example**:: + + fmt::print(stderr, "Don't {}!", "panic"); + \endrst + */ +template +FMT_INLINE void print(std::FILE* f, format_string fmt, T&&... args) { + const auto& vargs = fmt::make_format_args(args...); + return detail::is_utf8() ? vprint(f, fmt, vargs) + : detail::vprint_mojibake(f, fmt, vargs); +} + +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_END +FMT_GCC_PRAGMA("GCC pop_options") +FMT_END_NAMESPACE + +#ifdef FMT_HEADER_ONLY +# include "format.h" +#endif +#endif // FMT_CORE_H_ diff --git a/Store/include/fmt/format-inl.h b/Store/include/fmt/format-inl.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f56b4f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/fmt/format-inl.h @@ -0,0 +1,1736 @@ +// Formatting library for C++ - implementation +// +// Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016, Victor Zverovich +// All rights reserved. +// +// For the license information refer to format.h. + +#ifndef FMT_FORMAT_INL_H_ +#define FMT_FORMAT_INL_H_ + +#include +#include +#include // errno +#include +#include +#include "log.h" +#include +#include // std::memmove +#include +#include + +#ifndef FMT_STATIC_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR +# include +#endif + +#ifdef _WIN32 +# include // _isatty +#endif + +#include "format.h" + +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +namespace detail { + +FMT_FUNC void assert_fail(const char* file, int line, const char* message) { + // Use unchecked std::fprintf to avoid triggering another assertion when + // writing to stderr fails + std::fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: assertion failed: %s", file, line, message); + // Chosen instead of std::abort to satisfy Clang in CUDA mode during device + // code pass. + std::terminate(); +} + +FMT_FUNC void throw_format_error(const char* message) { + FMT_THROW(format_error(message)); +} + +FMT_FUNC void format_error_code(detail::buffer& out, int error_code, + string_view message) noexcept { + // Report error code making sure that the output fits into + // inline_buffer_size to avoid dynamic memory allocation and potential + // bad_alloc. + out.try_resize(0); + static const char SEP[] = ": "; + static const char ERROR_STR[] = "error "; + // Subtract 2 to account for terminating null characters in SEP and ERROR_STR. + size_t error_code_size = sizeof(SEP) + sizeof(ERROR_STR) - 2; + auto abs_value = static_cast>(error_code); + if (detail::is_negative(error_code)) { + abs_value = 0 - abs_value; + ++error_code_size; + } + error_code_size += detail::to_unsigned(detail::count_digits(abs_value)); + auto it = buffer_appender(out); + if (message.size() <= inline_buffer_size - error_code_size) + format_to(it, FMT_STRING("{}{}"), message, SEP); + format_to(it, FMT_STRING("{}{}"), ERROR_STR, error_code); + FMT_ASSERT(out.size() <= inline_buffer_size, ""); +} + +FMT_FUNC void report_error(format_func func, int error_code, + const char* message) noexcept { + memory_buffer full_message; + func(full_message, error_code, message); + // Don't use fwrite_fully because the latter may throw. + if (std::fwrite(full_message.data(), full_message.size(), 1, stderr) > 0) + std::fputc('\n', stderr); +} + +// A wrapper around fwrite that throws on error. +inline void fwrite_fully(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count, + FILE* stream) { + size_t written = std::fwrite(ptr, size, count, stream); + if (written < count) + FMT_THROW(system_error(errno, FMT_STRING("cannot write to file"))); +} + +#ifndef FMT_STATIC_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR +template +locale_ref::locale_ref(const Locale& loc) : locale_(&loc) { + static_assert(std::is_same::value, ""); +} + +template Locale locale_ref::get() const { + static_assert(std::is_same::value, ""); + return locale_ ? *static_cast(locale_) : std::locale(); +} + +template +FMT_FUNC auto thousands_sep_impl(locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result { + auto& facet = std::use_facet>(loc.get()); + auto grouping = facet.grouping(); + auto thousands_sep = grouping.empty() ? Char() : facet.thousands_sep(); + return {std::move(grouping), thousands_sep}; +} +template FMT_FUNC Char decimal_point_impl(locale_ref loc) { + return std::use_facet>(loc.get()) + .decimal_point(); +} +#else +template +FMT_FUNC auto thousands_sep_impl(locale_ref) -> thousands_sep_result { + return {"\03", FMT_STATIC_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR}; +} +template FMT_FUNC Char decimal_point_impl(locale_ref) { + return '.'; +} +#endif +} // namespace detail + +#if !FMT_MSC_VERSION +FMT_API FMT_FUNC format_error::~format_error() noexcept = default; +#endif + +FMT_FUNC std::system_error vsystem_error(int error_code, string_view format_str, + format_args args) { + auto ec = std::error_code(error_code, std::generic_category()); + return std::system_error(ec, vformat(format_str, args)); +} + +namespace detail { + +template inline bool operator==(basic_fp x, basic_fp y) { + return x.f == y.f && x.e == y.e; +} + +// Compilers should be able to optimize this into the ror instruction. +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline uint32_t rotr(uint32_t n, uint32_t r) noexcept { + r &= 31; + return (n >> r) | (n << (32 - r)); +} +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline uint64_t rotr(uint64_t n, uint32_t r) noexcept { + r &= 63; + return (n >> r) | (n << (64 - r)); +} + +// Computes 128-bit result of multiplication of two 64-bit unsigned integers. +inline uint128_fallback umul128(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept { +#if FMT_USE_INT128 + auto p = static_cast(x) * static_cast(y); + return {static_cast(p >> 64), static_cast(p)}; +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64) + auto result = uint128_fallback(); + result.lo_ = _umul128(x, y, &result.hi_); + return result; +#else + const uint64_t mask = static_cast(max_value()); + + uint64_t a = x >> 32; + uint64_t b = x & mask; + uint64_t c = y >> 32; + uint64_t d = y & mask; + + uint64_t ac = a * c; + uint64_t bc = b * c; + uint64_t ad = a * d; + uint64_t bd = b * d; + + uint64_t intermediate = (bd >> 32) + (ad & mask) + (bc & mask); + + return {ac + (intermediate >> 32) + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32), + (intermediate << 32) + (bd & mask)}; +#endif +} + +// Implementation of Dragonbox algorithm: https://github.com/jk-jeon/dragonbox. +namespace dragonbox { +// Computes upper 64 bits of multiplication of two 64-bit unsigned integers. +inline uint64_t umul128_upper64(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept { +#if FMT_USE_INT128 + auto p = static_cast(x) * static_cast(y); + return static_cast(p >> 64); +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64) + return __umulh(x, y); +#else + return umul128(x, y).high(); +#endif +} + +// Computes upper 128 bits of multiplication of a 64-bit unsigned integer and a +// 128-bit unsigned integer. +inline uint128_fallback umul192_upper128(uint64_t x, + uint128_fallback y) noexcept { + uint128_fallback r = umul128(x, y.high()); + r += umul128_upper64(x, y.low()); + return r; +} + +// Computes upper 64 bits of multiplication of a 32-bit unsigned integer and a +// 64-bit unsigned integer. +inline uint64_t umul96_upper64(uint32_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept { + return umul128_upper64(static_cast(x) << 32, y); +} + +// Computes lower 128 bits of multiplication of a 64-bit unsigned integer and a +// 128-bit unsigned integer. +inline uint128_fallback umul192_lower128(uint64_t x, + uint128_fallback y) noexcept { + uint64_t high = x * y.high(); + uint128_fallback high_low = umul128(x, y.low()); + return {high + high_low.high(), high_low.low()}; +} + +// Computes lower 64 bits of multiplication of a 32-bit unsigned integer and a +// 64-bit unsigned integer. +inline uint64_t umul96_lower64(uint32_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept { + return x * y; +} + +// Computes floor(log10(pow(2, e))) for e in [-2620, 2620] using the method from +// https://fmt.dev/papers/Dragonbox.pdf#page=28, section 6.1. +inline int floor_log10_pow2(int e) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(e <= 2620 && e >= -2620, "too large exponent"); + static_assert((-1 >> 1) == -1, "right shift is not arithmetic"); + return (e * 315653) >> 20; +} + +// Various fast log computations. +inline int floor_log2_pow10(int e) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(e <= 1233 && e >= -1233, "too large exponent"); + return (e * 1741647) >> 19; +} +inline int floor_log10_pow2_minus_log10_4_over_3(int e) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(e <= 2936 && e >= -2985, "too large exponent"); + return (e * 631305 - 261663) >> 21; +} + +static constexpr struct { + uint32_t divisor; + int shift_amount; +} div_small_pow10_infos[] = {{10, 16}, {100, 16}}; + +// Replaces n by floor(n / pow(10, N)) returning true if and only if n is +// divisible by pow(10, N). +// Precondition: n <= pow(10, N + 1). +template +bool check_divisibility_and_divide_by_pow10(uint32_t& n) noexcept { + // The numbers below are chosen such that: + // 1. floor(n/d) = floor(nm / 2^k) where d=10 or d=100, + // 2. nm mod 2^k < m if and only if n is divisible by d, + // where m is magic_number, k is shift_amount + // and d is divisor. + // + // Item 1 is a common technique of replacing division by a constant with + // multiplication, see e.g. "Division by Invariant Integers Using + // Multiplication" by Granlund and Montgomery (1994). magic_number (m) is set + // to ceil(2^k/d) for large enough k. + // The idea for item 2 originates from Schubfach. + constexpr auto info = div_small_pow10_infos[N - 1]; + FMT_ASSERT(n <= info.divisor * 10, "n is too large"); + constexpr uint32_t magic_number = + (1u << info.shift_amount) / info.divisor + 1; + n *= magic_number; + const uint32_t comparison_mask = (1u << info.shift_amount) - 1; + bool result = (n & comparison_mask) < magic_number; + n >>= info.shift_amount; + return result; +} + +// Computes floor(n / pow(10, N)) for small n and N. +// Precondition: n <= pow(10, N + 1). +template uint32_t small_division_by_pow10(uint32_t n) noexcept { + constexpr auto info = div_small_pow10_infos[N - 1]; + FMT_ASSERT(n <= info.divisor * 10, "n is too large"); + constexpr uint32_t magic_number = + (1u << info.shift_amount) / info.divisor + 1; + return (n * magic_number) >> info.shift_amount; +} + +// Computes floor(n / 10^(kappa + 1)) (float) +inline uint32_t divide_by_10_to_kappa_plus_1(uint32_t n) noexcept { + // 1374389535 = ceil(2^37/100) + return static_cast((static_cast(n) * 1374389535) >> 37); +} +// Computes floor(n / 10^(kappa + 1)) (double) +inline uint64_t divide_by_10_to_kappa_plus_1(uint64_t n) noexcept { + // 2361183241434822607 = ceil(2^(64+7)/1000) + return umul128_upper64(n, 2361183241434822607ull) >> 7; +} + +// Various subroutines using pow10 cache +template struct cache_accessor; + +template <> struct cache_accessor { + using carrier_uint = float_info::carrier_uint; + using cache_entry_type = uint64_t; + + static uint64_t get_cached_power(int k) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(k >= float_info::min_k && k <= float_info::max_k, + "k is out of range"); + static constexpr const uint64_t pow10_significands[] = { + 0x81ceb32c4b43fcf5, 0xa2425ff75e14fc32, 0xcad2f7f5359a3b3f, + 0xfd87b5f28300ca0e, 0x9e74d1b791e07e49, 0xc612062576589ddb, + 0xf79687aed3eec552, 0x9abe14cd44753b53, 0xc16d9a0095928a28, + 0xf1c90080baf72cb2, 0x971da05074da7bef, 0xbce5086492111aeb, + 0xec1e4a7db69561a6, 0x9392ee8e921d5d08, 0xb877aa3236a4b44a, + 0xe69594bec44de15c, 0x901d7cf73ab0acda, 0xb424dc35095cd810, + 0xe12e13424bb40e14, 0x8cbccc096f5088cc, 0xafebff0bcb24aaff, + 0xdbe6fecebdedd5bf, 0x89705f4136b4a598, 0xabcc77118461cefd, + 0xd6bf94d5e57a42bd, 0x8637bd05af6c69b6, 0xa7c5ac471b478424, + 0xd1b71758e219652c, 0x83126e978d4fdf3c, 0xa3d70a3d70a3d70b, + 0xcccccccccccccccd, 0x8000000000000000, 0xa000000000000000, + 0xc800000000000000, 0xfa00000000000000, 0x9c40000000000000, + 0xc350000000000000, 0xf424000000000000, 0x9896800000000000, + 0xbebc200000000000, 0xee6b280000000000, 0x9502f90000000000, + 0xba43b74000000000, 0xe8d4a51000000000, 0x9184e72a00000000, + 0xb5e620f480000000, 0xe35fa931a0000000, 0x8e1bc9bf04000000, + 0xb1a2bc2ec5000000, 0xde0b6b3a76400000, 0x8ac7230489e80000, + 0xad78ebc5ac620000, 0xd8d726b7177a8000, 0x878678326eac9000, + 0xa968163f0a57b400, 0xd3c21bcecceda100, 0x84595161401484a0, + 0xa56fa5b99019a5c8, 0xcecb8f27f4200f3a, 0x813f3978f8940985, + 0xa18f07d736b90be6, 0xc9f2c9cd04674edf, 0xfc6f7c4045812297, + 0x9dc5ada82b70b59e, 0xc5371912364ce306, 0xf684df56c3e01bc7, + 0x9a130b963a6c115d, 0xc097ce7bc90715b4, 0xf0bdc21abb48db21, + 0x96769950b50d88f5, 0xbc143fa4e250eb32, 0xeb194f8e1ae525fe, + 0x92efd1b8d0cf37bf, 0xb7abc627050305ae, 0xe596b7b0c643c71a, + 0x8f7e32ce7bea5c70, 0xb35dbf821ae4f38c, 0xe0352f62a19e306f}; + return pow10_significands[k - float_info::min_k]; + } + + struct compute_mul_result { + carrier_uint result; + bool is_integer; + }; + struct compute_mul_parity_result { + bool parity; + bool is_integer; + }; + + static compute_mul_result compute_mul( + carrier_uint u, const cache_entry_type& cache) noexcept { + auto r = umul96_upper64(u, cache); + return {static_cast(r >> 32), + static_cast(r) == 0}; + } + + static uint32_t compute_delta(const cache_entry_type& cache, + int beta) noexcept { + return static_cast(cache >> (64 - 1 - beta)); + } + + static compute_mul_parity_result compute_mul_parity( + carrier_uint two_f, const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(beta >= 1, ""); + FMT_ASSERT(beta < 64, ""); + + auto r = umul96_lower64(two_f, cache); + return {((r >> (64 - beta)) & 1) != 0, + static_cast(r >> (32 - beta)) == 0}; + } + + static carrier_uint compute_left_endpoint_for_shorter_interval_case( + const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + return static_cast( + (cache - (cache >> (num_significand_bits() + 2))) >> + (64 - num_significand_bits() - 1 - beta)); + } + + static carrier_uint compute_right_endpoint_for_shorter_interval_case( + const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + return static_cast( + (cache + (cache >> (num_significand_bits() + 1))) >> + (64 - num_significand_bits() - 1 - beta)); + } + + static carrier_uint compute_round_up_for_shorter_interval_case( + const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + return (static_cast( + cache >> (64 - num_significand_bits() - 2 - beta)) + + 1) / + 2; + } +}; + +template <> struct cache_accessor { + using carrier_uint = float_info::carrier_uint; + using cache_entry_type = uint128_fallback; + + static uint128_fallback get_cached_power(int k) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(k >= float_info::min_k && k <= float_info::max_k, + "k is out of range"); + + static constexpr const uint128_fallback pow10_significands[] = { +#if FMT_USE_FULL_CACHE_DRAGONBOX + {0xff77b1fcbebcdc4f, 0x25e8e89c13bb0f7b}, + {0x9faacf3df73609b1, 0x77b191618c54e9ad}, + {0xc795830d75038c1d, 0xd59df5b9ef6a2418}, + {0xf97ae3d0d2446f25, 0x4b0573286b44ad1e}, + {0x9becce62836ac577, 0x4ee367f9430aec33}, + {0xc2e801fb244576d5, 0x229c41f793cda740}, + {0xf3a20279ed56d48a, 0x6b43527578c11110}, + {0x9845418c345644d6, 0x830a13896b78aaaa}, + {0xbe5691ef416bd60c, 0x23cc986bc656d554}, + {0xedec366b11c6cb8f, 0x2cbfbe86b7ec8aa9}, + {0x94b3a202eb1c3f39, 0x7bf7d71432f3d6aa}, + {0xb9e08a83a5e34f07, 0xdaf5ccd93fb0cc54}, + {0xe858ad248f5c22c9, 0xd1b3400f8f9cff69}, + {0x91376c36d99995be, 0x23100809b9c21fa2}, + {0xb58547448ffffb2d, 0xabd40a0c2832a78b}, + {0xe2e69915b3fff9f9, 0x16c90c8f323f516d}, + {0x8dd01fad907ffc3b, 0xae3da7d97f6792e4}, + {0xb1442798f49ffb4a, 0x99cd11cfdf41779d}, + {0xdd95317f31c7fa1d, 0x40405643d711d584}, + {0x8a7d3eef7f1cfc52, 0x482835ea666b2573}, + {0xad1c8eab5ee43b66, 0xda3243650005eed0}, + {0xd863b256369d4a40, 0x90bed43e40076a83}, + {0x873e4f75e2224e68, 0x5a7744a6e804a292}, + {0xa90de3535aaae202, 0x711515d0a205cb37}, + {0xd3515c2831559a83, 0x0d5a5b44ca873e04}, + {0x8412d9991ed58091, 0xe858790afe9486c3}, + {0xa5178fff668ae0b6, 0x626e974dbe39a873}, + {0xce5d73ff402d98e3, 0xfb0a3d212dc81290}, + {0x80fa687f881c7f8e, 0x7ce66634bc9d0b9a}, + {0xa139029f6a239f72, 0x1c1fffc1ebc44e81}, + {0xc987434744ac874e, 0xa327ffb266b56221}, + {0xfbe9141915d7a922, 0x4bf1ff9f0062baa9}, + {0x9d71ac8fada6c9b5, 0x6f773fc3603db4aa}, + {0xc4ce17b399107c22, 0xcb550fb4384d21d4}, + {0xf6019da07f549b2b, 0x7e2a53a146606a49}, + {0x99c102844f94e0fb, 0x2eda7444cbfc426e}, + {0xc0314325637a1939, 0xfa911155fefb5309}, + {0xf03d93eebc589f88, 0x793555ab7eba27cb}, + {0x96267c7535b763b5, 0x4bc1558b2f3458df}, + {0xbbb01b9283253ca2, 0x9eb1aaedfb016f17}, + {0xea9c227723ee8bcb, 0x465e15a979c1cadd}, + {0x92a1958a7675175f, 0x0bfacd89ec191eca}, + {0xb749faed14125d36, 0xcef980ec671f667c}, + {0xe51c79a85916f484, 0x82b7e12780e7401b}, + {0x8f31cc0937ae58d2, 0xd1b2ecb8b0908811}, + {0xb2fe3f0b8599ef07, 0x861fa7e6dcb4aa16}, + {0xdfbdcece67006ac9, 0x67a791e093e1d49b}, + {0x8bd6a141006042bd, 0xe0c8bb2c5c6d24e1}, + {0xaecc49914078536d, 0x58fae9f773886e19}, + {0xda7f5bf590966848, 0xaf39a475506a899f}, + {0x888f99797a5e012d, 0x6d8406c952429604}, + {0xaab37fd7d8f58178, 0xc8e5087ba6d33b84}, + {0xd5605fcdcf32e1d6, 0xfb1e4a9a90880a65}, + {0x855c3be0a17fcd26, 0x5cf2eea09a550680}, + {0xa6b34ad8c9dfc06f, 0xf42faa48c0ea481f}, + {0xd0601d8efc57b08b, 0xf13b94daf124da27}, + {0x823c12795db6ce57, 0x76c53d08d6b70859}, + {0xa2cb1717b52481ed, 0x54768c4b0c64ca6f}, + {0xcb7ddcdda26da268, 0xa9942f5dcf7dfd0a}, + {0xfe5d54150b090b02, 0xd3f93b35435d7c4d}, + {0x9efa548d26e5a6e1, 0xc47bc5014a1a6db0}, + {0xc6b8e9b0709f109a, 0x359ab6419ca1091c}, + {0xf867241c8cc6d4c0, 0xc30163d203c94b63}, + {0x9b407691d7fc44f8, 0x79e0de63425dcf1e}, + {0xc21094364dfb5636, 0x985915fc12f542e5}, + {0xf294b943e17a2bc4, 0x3e6f5b7b17b2939e}, + {0x979cf3ca6cec5b5a, 0xa705992ceecf9c43}, + {0xbd8430bd08277231, 0x50c6ff782a838354}, + {0xece53cec4a314ebd, 0xa4f8bf5635246429}, + {0x940f4613ae5ed136, 0x871b7795e136be9a}, + {0xb913179899f68584, 0x28e2557b59846e40}, + {0xe757dd7ec07426e5, 0x331aeada2fe589d0}, + {0x9096ea6f3848984f, 0x3ff0d2c85def7622}, + {0xb4bca50b065abe63, 0x0fed077a756b53aa}, + {0xe1ebce4dc7f16dfb, 0xd3e8495912c62895}, + {0x8d3360f09cf6e4bd, 0x64712dd7abbbd95d}, + {0xb080392cc4349dec, 0xbd8d794d96aacfb4}, + {0xdca04777f541c567, 0xecf0d7a0fc5583a1}, + {0x89e42caaf9491b60, 0xf41686c49db57245}, + {0xac5d37d5b79b6239, 0x311c2875c522ced6}, + {0xd77485cb25823ac7, 0x7d633293366b828c}, + {0x86a8d39ef77164bc, 0xae5dff9c02033198}, + {0xa8530886b54dbdeb, 0xd9f57f830283fdfd}, + {0xd267caa862a12d66, 0xd072df63c324fd7c}, + {0x8380dea93da4bc60, 0x4247cb9e59f71e6e}, + {0xa46116538d0deb78, 0x52d9be85f074e609}, + {0xcd795be870516656, 0x67902e276c921f8c}, + {0x806bd9714632dff6, 0x00ba1cd8a3db53b7}, + {0xa086cfcd97bf97f3, 0x80e8a40eccd228a5}, + {0xc8a883c0fdaf7df0, 0x6122cd128006b2ce}, + {0xfad2a4b13d1b5d6c, 0x796b805720085f82}, + {0x9cc3a6eec6311a63, 0xcbe3303674053bb1}, + {0xc3f490aa77bd60fc, 0xbedbfc4411068a9d}, + {0xf4f1b4d515acb93b, 0xee92fb5515482d45}, + {0x991711052d8bf3c5, 0x751bdd152d4d1c4b}, + {0xbf5cd54678eef0b6, 0xd262d45a78a0635e}, + {0xef340a98172aace4, 0x86fb897116c87c35}, + {0x9580869f0e7aac0e, 0xd45d35e6ae3d4da1}, + {0xbae0a846d2195712, 0x8974836059cca10a}, + {0xe998d258869facd7, 0x2bd1a438703fc94c}, + {0x91ff83775423cc06, 0x7b6306a34627ddd0}, + {0xb67f6455292cbf08, 0x1a3bc84c17b1d543}, + {0xe41f3d6a7377eeca, 0x20caba5f1d9e4a94}, + {0x8e938662882af53e, 0x547eb47b7282ee9d}, + {0xb23867fb2a35b28d, 0xe99e619a4f23aa44}, + {0xdec681f9f4c31f31, 0x6405fa00e2ec94d5}, + {0x8b3c113c38f9f37e, 0xde83bc408dd3dd05}, + {0xae0b158b4738705e, 0x9624ab50b148d446}, + {0xd98ddaee19068c76, 0x3badd624dd9b0958}, + {0x87f8a8d4cfa417c9, 0xe54ca5d70a80e5d7}, + {0xa9f6d30a038d1dbc, 0x5e9fcf4ccd211f4d}, + {0xd47487cc8470652b, 0x7647c32000696720}, + {0x84c8d4dfd2c63f3b, 0x29ecd9f40041e074}, + {0xa5fb0a17c777cf09, 0xf468107100525891}, + {0xcf79cc9db955c2cc, 0x7182148d4066eeb5}, + {0x81ac1fe293d599bf, 0xc6f14cd848405531}, + {0xa21727db38cb002f, 0xb8ada00e5a506a7d}, + {0xca9cf1d206fdc03b, 0xa6d90811f0e4851d}, + {0xfd442e4688bd304a, 0x908f4a166d1da664}, + {0x9e4a9cec15763e2e, 0x9a598e4e043287ff}, + {0xc5dd44271ad3cdba, 0x40eff1e1853f29fe}, + {0xf7549530e188c128, 0xd12bee59e68ef47d}, + {0x9a94dd3e8cf578b9, 0x82bb74f8301958cf}, + {0xc13a148e3032d6e7, 0xe36a52363c1faf02}, + {0xf18899b1bc3f8ca1, 0xdc44e6c3cb279ac2}, + {0x96f5600f15a7b7e5, 0x29ab103a5ef8c0ba}, + {0xbcb2b812db11a5de, 0x7415d448f6b6f0e8}, + {0xebdf661791d60f56, 0x111b495b3464ad22}, + {0x936b9fcebb25c995, 0xcab10dd900beec35}, + {0xb84687c269ef3bfb, 0x3d5d514f40eea743}, + {0xe65829b3046b0afa, 0x0cb4a5a3112a5113}, + {0x8ff71a0fe2c2e6dc, 0x47f0e785eaba72ac}, + {0xb3f4e093db73a093, 0x59ed216765690f57}, + {0xe0f218b8d25088b8, 0x306869c13ec3532d}, + {0x8c974f7383725573, 0x1e414218c73a13fc}, + {0xafbd2350644eeacf, 0xe5d1929ef90898fb}, + {0xdbac6c247d62a583, 0xdf45f746b74abf3a}, + {0x894bc396ce5da772, 0x6b8bba8c328eb784}, + {0xab9eb47c81f5114f, 0x066ea92f3f326565}, + {0xd686619ba27255a2, 0xc80a537b0efefebe}, + {0x8613fd0145877585, 0xbd06742ce95f5f37}, + {0xa798fc4196e952e7, 0x2c48113823b73705}, + {0xd17f3b51fca3a7a0, 0xf75a15862ca504c6}, + {0x82ef85133de648c4, 0x9a984d73dbe722fc}, + {0xa3ab66580d5fdaf5, 0xc13e60d0d2e0ebbb}, + {0xcc963fee10b7d1b3, 0x318df905079926a9}, + {0xffbbcfe994e5c61f, 0xfdf17746497f7053}, + {0x9fd561f1fd0f9bd3, 0xfeb6ea8bedefa634}, + {0xc7caba6e7c5382c8, 0xfe64a52ee96b8fc1}, + {0xf9bd690a1b68637b, 0x3dfdce7aa3c673b1}, + {0x9c1661a651213e2d, 0x06bea10ca65c084f}, + {0xc31bfa0fe5698db8, 0x486e494fcff30a63}, + {0xf3e2f893dec3f126, 0x5a89dba3c3efccfb}, + {0x986ddb5c6b3a76b7, 0xf89629465a75e01d}, + {0xbe89523386091465, 0xf6bbb397f1135824}, + {0xee2ba6c0678b597f, 0x746aa07ded582e2d}, + {0x94db483840b717ef, 0xa8c2a44eb4571cdd}, + {0xba121a4650e4ddeb, 0x92f34d62616ce414}, + {0xe896a0d7e51e1566, 0x77b020baf9c81d18}, + {0x915e2486ef32cd60, 0x0ace1474dc1d122f}, + {0xb5b5ada8aaff80b8, 0x0d819992132456bb}, + {0xe3231912d5bf60e6, 0x10e1fff697ed6c6a}, + {0x8df5efabc5979c8f, 0xca8d3ffa1ef463c2}, + {0xb1736b96b6fd83b3, 0xbd308ff8a6b17cb3}, + {0xddd0467c64bce4a0, 0xac7cb3f6d05ddbdf}, + {0x8aa22c0dbef60ee4, 0x6bcdf07a423aa96c}, + {0xad4ab7112eb3929d, 0x86c16c98d2c953c7}, + {0xd89d64d57a607744, 0xe871c7bf077ba8b8}, + {0x87625f056c7c4a8b, 0x11471cd764ad4973}, + {0xa93af6c6c79b5d2d, 0xd598e40d3dd89bd0}, + {0xd389b47879823479, 0x4aff1d108d4ec2c4}, + {0x843610cb4bf160cb, 0xcedf722a585139bb}, + {0xa54394fe1eedb8fe, 0xc2974eb4ee658829}, + {0xce947a3da6a9273e, 0x733d226229feea33}, + {0x811ccc668829b887, 0x0806357d5a3f5260}, + {0xa163ff802a3426a8, 0xca07c2dcb0cf26f8}, + {0xc9bcff6034c13052, 0xfc89b393dd02f0b6}, + {0xfc2c3f3841f17c67, 0xbbac2078d443ace3}, + {0x9d9ba7832936edc0, 0xd54b944b84aa4c0e}, + {0xc5029163f384a931, 0x0a9e795e65d4df12}, + {0xf64335bcf065d37d, 0x4d4617b5ff4a16d6}, + {0x99ea0196163fa42e, 0x504bced1bf8e4e46}, + {0xc06481fb9bcf8d39, 0xe45ec2862f71e1d7}, + {0xf07da27a82c37088, 0x5d767327bb4e5a4d}, + {0x964e858c91ba2655, 0x3a6a07f8d510f870}, + {0xbbe226efb628afea, 0x890489f70a55368c}, + {0xeadab0aba3b2dbe5, 0x2b45ac74ccea842f}, + {0x92c8ae6b464fc96f, 0x3b0b8bc90012929e}, + {0xb77ada0617e3bbcb, 0x09ce6ebb40173745}, + {0xe55990879ddcaabd, 0xcc420a6a101d0516}, + {0x8f57fa54c2a9eab6, 0x9fa946824a12232e}, + {0xb32df8e9f3546564, 0x47939822dc96abfa}, + {0xdff9772470297ebd, 0x59787e2b93bc56f8}, + {0x8bfbea76c619ef36, 0x57eb4edb3c55b65b}, + {0xaefae51477a06b03, 0xede622920b6b23f2}, + {0xdab99e59958885c4, 0xe95fab368e45ecee}, + {0x88b402f7fd75539b, 0x11dbcb0218ebb415}, + {0xaae103b5fcd2a881, 0xd652bdc29f26a11a}, + {0xd59944a37c0752a2, 0x4be76d3346f04960}, + {0x857fcae62d8493a5, 0x6f70a4400c562ddc}, + {0xa6dfbd9fb8e5b88e, 0xcb4ccd500f6bb953}, + {0xd097ad07a71f26b2, 0x7e2000a41346a7a8}, + {0x825ecc24c873782f, 0x8ed400668c0c28c9}, + {0xa2f67f2dfa90563b, 0x728900802f0f32fb}, + {0xcbb41ef979346bca, 0x4f2b40a03ad2ffba}, + {0xfea126b7d78186bc, 0xe2f610c84987bfa9}, + {0x9f24b832e6b0f436, 0x0dd9ca7d2df4d7ca}, + {0xc6ede63fa05d3143, 0x91503d1c79720dbc}, + {0xf8a95fcf88747d94, 0x75a44c6397ce912b}, + {0x9b69dbe1b548ce7c, 0xc986afbe3ee11abb}, + {0xc24452da229b021b, 0xfbe85badce996169}, + {0xf2d56790ab41c2a2, 0xfae27299423fb9c4}, + {0x97c560ba6b0919a5, 0xdccd879fc967d41b}, + {0xbdb6b8e905cb600f, 0x5400e987bbc1c921}, + {0xed246723473e3813, 0x290123e9aab23b69}, + {0x9436c0760c86e30b, 0xf9a0b6720aaf6522}, + {0xb94470938fa89bce, 0xf808e40e8d5b3e6a}, + {0xe7958cb87392c2c2, 0xb60b1d1230b20e05}, + {0x90bd77f3483bb9b9, 0xb1c6f22b5e6f48c3}, + {0xb4ecd5f01a4aa828, 0x1e38aeb6360b1af4}, + {0xe2280b6c20dd5232, 0x25c6da63c38de1b1}, + {0x8d590723948a535f, 0x579c487e5a38ad0f}, + {0xb0af48ec79ace837, 0x2d835a9df0c6d852}, + {0xdcdb1b2798182244, 0xf8e431456cf88e66}, + {0x8a08f0f8bf0f156b, 0x1b8e9ecb641b5900}, + {0xac8b2d36eed2dac5, 0xe272467e3d222f40}, + {0xd7adf884aa879177, 0x5b0ed81dcc6abb10}, + {0x86ccbb52ea94baea, 0x98e947129fc2b4ea}, + {0xa87fea27a539e9a5, 0x3f2398d747b36225}, + {0xd29fe4b18e88640e, 0x8eec7f0d19a03aae}, + {0x83a3eeeef9153e89, 0x1953cf68300424ad}, + {0xa48ceaaab75a8e2b, 0x5fa8c3423c052dd8}, + {0xcdb02555653131b6, 0x3792f412cb06794e}, + {0x808e17555f3ebf11, 0xe2bbd88bbee40bd1}, + {0xa0b19d2ab70e6ed6, 0x5b6aceaeae9d0ec5}, + {0xc8de047564d20a8b, 0xf245825a5a445276}, + {0xfb158592be068d2e, 0xeed6e2f0f0d56713}, + {0x9ced737bb6c4183d, 0x55464dd69685606c}, + {0xc428d05aa4751e4c, 0xaa97e14c3c26b887}, + {0xf53304714d9265df, 0xd53dd99f4b3066a9}, + {0x993fe2c6d07b7fab, 0xe546a8038efe402a}, + {0xbf8fdb78849a5f96, 0xde98520472bdd034}, + {0xef73d256a5c0f77c, 0x963e66858f6d4441}, + {0x95a8637627989aad, 0xdde7001379a44aa9}, + {0xbb127c53b17ec159, 0x5560c018580d5d53}, + {0xe9d71b689dde71af, 0xaab8f01e6e10b4a7}, + {0x9226712162ab070d, 0xcab3961304ca70e9}, + {0xb6b00d69bb55c8d1, 0x3d607b97c5fd0d23}, + {0xe45c10c42a2b3b05, 0x8cb89a7db77c506b}, + {0x8eb98a7a9a5b04e3, 0x77f3608e92adb243}, + {0xb267ed1940f1c61c, 0x55f038b237591ed4}, + {0xdf01e85f912e37a3, 0x6b6c46dec52f6689}, + {0x8b61313bbabce2c6, 0x2323ac4b3b3da016}, + {0xae397d8aa96c1b77, 0xabec975e0a0d081b}, + {0xd9c7dced53c72255, 0x96e7bd358c904a22}, + {0x881cea14545c7575, 0x7e50d64177da2e55}, + {0xaa242499697392d2, 0xdde50bd1d5d0b9ea}, + {0xd4ad2dbfc3d07787, 0x955e4ec64b44e865}, + {0x84ec3c97da624ab4, 0xbd5af13bef0b113f}, + {0xa6274bbdd0fadd61, 0xecb1ad8aeacdd58f}, + {0xcfb11ead453994ba, 0x67de18eda5814af3}, + {0x81ceb32c4b43fcf4, 0x80eacf948770ced8}, + {0xa2425ff75e14fc31, 0xa1258379a94d028e}, + {0xcad2f7f5359a3b3e, 0x096ee45813a04331}, + {0xfd87b5f28300ca0d, 0x8bca9d6e188853fd}, + {0x9e74d1b791e07e48, 0x775ea264cf55347e}, + {0xc612062576589dda, 0x95364afe032a819e}, + {0xf79687aed3eec551, 0x3a83ddbd83f52205}, + {0x9abe14cd44753b52, 0xc4926a9672793543}, + {0xc16d9a0095928a27, 0x75b7053c0f178294}, + {0xf1c90080baf72cb1, 0x5324c68b12dd6339}, + {0x971da05074da7bee, 0xd3f6fc16ebca5e04}, + {0xbce5086492111aea, 0x88f4bb1ca6bcf585}, + {0xec1e4a7db69561a5, 0x2b31e9e3d06c32e6}, + {0x9392ee8e921d5d07, 0x3aff322e62439fd0}, + {0xb877aa3236a4b449, 0x09befeb9fad487c3}, + {0xe69594bec44de15b, 0x4c2ebe687989a9b4}, + {0x901d7cf73ab0acd9, 0x0f9d37014bf60a11}, + {0xb424dc35095cd80f, 0x538484c19ef38c95}, + {0xe12e13424bb40e13, 0x2865a5f206b06fba}, + {0x8cbccc096f5088cb, 0xf93f87b7442e45d4}, + {0xafebff0bcb24aafe, 0xf78f69a51539d749}, + {0xdbe6fecebdedd5be, 0xb573440e5a884d1c}, + {0x89705f4136b4a597, 0x31680a88f8953031}, + {0xabcc77118461cefc, 0xfdc20d2b36ba7c3e}, + {0xd6bf94d5e57a42bc, 0x3d32907604691b4d}, + {0x8637bd05af6c69b5, 0xa63f9a49c2c1b110}, + {0xa7c5ac471b478423, 0x0fcf80dc33721d54}, + {0xd1b71758e219652b, 0xd3c36113404ea4a9}, + {0x83126e978d4fdf3b, 0x645a1cac083126ea}, + {0xa3d70a3d70a3d70a, 0x3d70a3d70a3d70a4}, + {0xcccccccccccccccc, 0xcccccccccccccccd}, + {0x8000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xa000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xc800000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xfa00000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0x9c40000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xc350000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xf424000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0x9896800000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xbebc200000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xee6b280000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0x9502f90000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xba43b74000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0xe8d4a51000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + 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{0xc491798a08a2ad4e, 0xf1a6f2bab92a27e3}, + {0xf5b5d7ec8acb58a2, 0xae10af696774b1dc}, + {0x9991a6f3d6bf1765, 0xacca6da1e0a8ef2a}, + {0xbff610b0cc6edd3f, 0x17fd090a58d32af4}, + {0xeff394dcff8a948e, 0xddfc4b4cef07f5b1}, + {0x95f83d0a1fb69cd9, 0x4abdaf101564f98f}, + {0xbb764c4ca7a4440f, 0x9d6d1ad41abe37f2}, + {0xea53df5fd18d5513, 0x84c86189216dc5ee}, + {0x92746b9be2f8552c, 0x32fd3cf5b4e49bb5}, + {0xb7118682dbb66a77, 0x3fbc8c33221dc2a2}, + {0xe4d5e82392a40515, 0x0fabaf3feaa5334b}, + {0x8f05b1163ba6832d, 0x29cb4d87f2a7400f}, + {0xb2c71d5bca9023f8, 0x743e20e9ef511013}, + {0xdf78e4b2bd342cf6, 0x914da9246b255417}, + {0x8bab8eefb6409c1a, 0x1ad089b6c2f7548f}, + {0xae9672aba3d0c320, 0xa184ac2473b529b2}, + {0xda3c0f568cc4f3e8, 0xc9e5d72d90a2741f}, + {0x8865899617fb1871, 0x7e2fa67c7a658893}, + {0xaa7eebfb9df9de8d, 0xddbb901b98feeab8}, + {0xd51ea6fa85785631, 0x552a74227f3ea566}, + {0x8533285c936b35de, 0xd53a88958f872760}, + {0xa67ff273b8460356, 0x8a892abaf368f138}, + {0xd01fef10a657842c, 0x2d2b7569b0432d86}, + {0x8213f56a67f6b29b, 0x9c3b29620e29fc74}, + {0xa298f2c501f45f42, 0x8349f3ba91b47b90}, + {0xcb3f2f7642717713, 0x241c70a936219a74}, + {0xfe0efb53d30dd4d7, 0xed238cd383aa0111}, + {0x9ec95d1463e8a506, 0xf4363804324a40ab}, + {0xc67bb4597ce2ce48, 0xb143c6053edcd0d6}, + {0xf81aa16fdc1b81da, 0xdd94b7868e94050b}, + {0x9b10a4e5e9913128, 0xca7cf2b4191c8327}, + {0xc1d4ce1f63f57d72, 0xfd1c2f611f63a3f1}, + {0xf24a01a73cf2dccf, 0xbc633b39673c8ced}, + {0x976e41088617ca01, 0xd5be0503e085d814}, + {0xbd49d14aa79dbc82, 0x4b2d8644d8a74e19}, + {0xec9c459d51852ba2, 0xddf8e7d60ed1219f}, + {0x93e1ab8252f33b45, 0xcabb90e5c942b504}, + {0xb8da1662e7b00a17, 0x3d6a751f3b936244}, + {0xe7109bfba19c0c9d, 0x0cc512670a783ad5}, + {0x906a617d450187e2, 0x27fb2b80668b24c6}, + {0xb484f9dc9641e9da, 0xb1f9f660802dedf7}, + {0xe1a63853bbd26451, 0x5e7873f8a0396974}, + {0x8d07e33455637eb2, 0xdb0b487b6423e1e9}, + {0xb049dc016abc5e5f, 0x91ce1a9a3d2cda63}, + {0xdc5c5301c56b75f7, 0x7641a140cc7810fc}, + {0x89b9b3e11b6329ba, 0xa9e904c87fcb0a9e}, + {0xac2820d9623bf429, 0x546345fa9fbdcd45}, + {0xd732290fbacaf133, 0xa97c177947ad4096}, + {0x867f59a9d4bed6c0, 0x49ed8eabcccc485e}, + {0xa81f301449ee8c70, 0x5c68f256bfff5a75}, + {0xd226fc195c6a2f8c, 0x73832eec6fff3112}, + {0x83585d8fd9c25db7, 0xc831fd53c5ff7eac}, + {0xa42e74f3d032f525, 0xba3e7ca8b77f5e56}, + {0xcd3a1230c43fb26f, 0x28ce1bd2e55f35ec}, + {0x80444b5e7aa7cf85, 0x7980d163cf5b81b4}, + {0xa0555e361951c366, 0xd7e105bcc3326220}, + {0xc86ab5c39fa63440, 0x8dd9472bf3fefaa8}, + {0xfa856334878fc150, 0xb14f98f6f0feb952}, + {0x9c935e00d4b9d8d2, 0x6ed1bf9a569f33d4}, + {0xc3b8358109e84f07, 0x0a862f80ec4700c9}, + {0xf4a642e14c6262c8, 0xcd27bb612758c0fb}, + {0x98e7e9cccfbd7dbd, 0x8038d51cb897789d}, + {0xbf21e44003acdd2c, 0xe0470a63e6bd56c4}, + {0xeeea5d5004981478, 0x1858ccfce06cac75}, + {0x95527a5202df0ccb, 0x0f37801e0c43ebc9}, + {0xbaa718e68396cffd, 0xd30560258f54e6bb}, + {0xe950df20247c83fd, 0x47c6b82ef32a206a}, + {0x91d28b7416cdd27e, 0x4cdc331d57fa5442}, + {0xb6472e511c81471d, 0xe0133fe4adf8e953}, + {0xe3d8f9e563a198e5, 0x58180fddd97723a7}, + {0x8e679c2f5e44ff8f, 0x570f09eaa7ea7649}, + {0xb201833b35d63f73, 0x2cd2cc6551e513db}, + {0xde81e40a034bcf4f, 0xf8077f7ea65e58d2}, + {0x8b112e86420f6191, 0xfb04afaf27faf783}, + {0xadd57a27d29339f6, 0x79c5db9af1f9b564}, + {0xd94ad8b1c7380874, 0x18375281ae7822bd}, + {0x87cec76f1c830548, 0x8f2293910d0b15b6}, + {0xa9c2794ae3a3c69a, 0xb2eb3875504ddb23}, + {0xd433179d9c8cb841, 0x5fa60692a46151ec}, + {0x849feec281d7f328, 0xdbc7c41ba6bcd334}, + {0xa5c7ea73224deff3, 0x12b9b522906c0801}, + {0xcf39e50feae16bef, 0xd768226b34870a01}, + {0x81842f29f2cce375, 0xe6a1158300d46641}, + {0xa1e53af46f801c53, 0x60495ae3c1097fd1}, + {0xca5e89b18b602368, 0x385bb19cb14bdfc5}, + {0xfcf62c1dee382c42, 0x46729e03dd9ed7b6}, + {0x9e19db92b4e31ba9, 0x6c07a2c26a8346d2}, + {0xc5a05277621be293, 0xc7098b7305241886}, + { 0xf70867153aa2db38, + 0xb8cbee4fc66d1ea8 } +#else + {0xff77b1fcbebcdc4f, 0x25e8e89c13bb0f7b}, + {0xce5d73ff402d98e3, 0xfb0a3d212dc81290}, + {0xa6b34ad8c9dfc06f, 0xf42faa48c0ea481f}, + {0x86a8d39ef77164bc, 0xae5dff9c02033198}, + {0xd98ddaee19068c76, 0x3badd624dd9b0958}, + {0xafbd2350644eeacf, 0xe5d1929ef90898fb}, + {0x8df5efabc5979c8f, 0xca8d3ffa1ef463c2}, + {0xe55990879ddcaabd, 0xcc420a6a101d0516}, + {0xb94470938fa89bce, 0xf808e40e8d5b3e6a}, + {0x95a8637627989aad, 0xdde7001379a44aa9}, + {0xf1c90080baf72cb1, 0x5324c68b12dd6339}, + {0xc350000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, + {0x9dc5ada82b70b59d, 0xf020000000000000}, + {0xfee50b7025c36a08, 0x02f236d04753d5b5}, + {0xcde6fd5e09abcf26, 0xed4c0226b55e6f87}, + {0xa6539930bf6bff45, 0x84db8346b786151d}, + {0x865b86925b9bc5c2, 0x0b8a2392ba45a9b3}, + {0xd910f7ff28069da4, 0x1b2ba1518094da05}, + {0xaf58416654a6babb, 0x387ac8d1970027b3}, + {0x8da471a9de737e24, 0x5ceaecfed289e5d3}, + {0xe4d5e82392a40515, 0x0fabaf3feaa5334b}, + {0xb8da1662e7b00a17, 0x3d6a751f3b936244}, + { 0x95527a5202df0ccb, + 0x0f37801e0c43ebc9 } +#endif + }; + +#if FMT_USE_FULL_CACHE_DRAGONBOX + return pow10_significands[k - float_info::min_k]; +#else + static constexpr const uint64_t powers_of_5_64[] = { + 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000019, + 0x000000000000007d, 0x0000000000000271, 0x0000000000000c35, + 0x0000000000003d09, 0x000000000001312d, 0x000000000005f5e1, + 0x00000000001dcd65, 0x00000000009502f9, 0x0000000002e90edd, + 0x000000000e8d4a51, 0x0000000048c27395, 0x000000016bcc41e9, + 0x000000071afd498d, 0x0000002386f26fc1, 0x000000b1a2bc2ec5, + 0x000003782dace9d9, 0x00001158e460913d, 0x000056bc75e2d631, + 0x0001b1ae4d6e2ef5, 0x000878678326eac9, 0x002a5a058fc295ed, + 0x00d3c21bcecceda1, 0x0422ca8b0a00a425, 0x14adf4b7320334b9}; + + static const int compression_ratio = 27; + + // Compute base index. + int cache_index = (k - float_info::min_k) / compression_ratio; + int kb = cache_index * compression_ratio + float_info::min_k; + int offset = k - kb; + + // Get base cache. + uint128_fallback base_cache = pow10_significands[cache_index]; + if (offset == 0) return base_cache; + + // Compute the required amount of bit-shift. + int alpha = floor_log2_pow10(kb + offset) - floor_log2_pow10(kb) - offset; + FMT_ASSERT(alpha > 0 && alpha < 64, "shifting error detected"); + + // Try to recover the real cache. + uint64_t pow5 = powers_of_5_64[offset]; + uint128_fallback recovered_cache = umul128(base_cache.high(), pow5); + uint128_fallback middle_low = umul128(base_cache.low(), pow5); + + recovered_cache += middle_low.high(); + + uint64_t high_to_middle = recovered_cache.high() << (64 - alpha); + uint64_t middle_to_low = recovered_cache.low() << (64 - alpha); + + recovered_cache = + uint128_fallback{(recovered_cache.low() >> alpha) | high_to_middle, + ((middle_low.low() >> alpha) | middle_to_low)}; + FMT_ASSERT(recovered_cache.low() + 1 != 0, ""); + return {recovered_cache.high(), recovered_cache.low() + 1}; +#endif + } + + struct compute_mul_result { + carrier_uint result; + bool is_integer; + }; + struct compute_mul_parity_result { + bool parity; + bool is_integer; + }; + + static compute_mul_result compute_mul( + carrier_uint u, const cache_entry_type& cache) noexcept { + auto r = umul192_upper128(u, cache); + return {r.high(), r.low() == 0}; + } + + static uint32_t compute_delta(cache_entry_type const& cache, + int beta) noexcept { + return static_cast(cache.high() >> (64 - 1 - beta)); + } + + static compute_mul_parity_result compute_mul_parity( + carrier_uint two_f, const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(beta >= 1, ""); + FMT_ASSERT(beta < 64, ""); + + auto r = umul192_lower128(two_f, cache); + return {((r.high() >> (64 - beta)) & 1) != 0, + ((r.high() << beta) | (r.low() >> (64 - beta))) == 0}; + } + + static carrier_uint compute_left_endpoint_for_shorter_interval_case( + const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + return (cache.high() - + (cache.high() >> (num_significand_bits() + 2))) >> + (64 - num_significand_bits() - 1 - beta); + } + + static carrier_uint compute_right_endpoint_for_shorter_interval_case( + const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + return (cache.high() + + (cache.high() >> (num_significand_bits() + 1))) >> + (64 - num_significand_bits() - 1 - beta); + } + + static carrier_uint compute_round_up_for_shorter_interval_case( + const cache_entry_type& cache, int beta) noexcept { + return ((cache.high() >> (64 - num_significand_bits() - 2 - beta)) + + 1) / + 2; + } +}; + +// Various integer checks +template +bool is_left_endpoint_integer_shorter_interval(int exponent) noexcept { + const int case_shorter_interval_left_endpoint_lower_threshold = 2; + const int case_shorter_interval_left_endpoint_upper_threshold = 3; + return exponent >= case_shorter_interval_left_endpoint_lower_threshold && + exponent <= case_shorter_interval_left_endpoint_upper_threshold; +} + +// Remove trailing zeros from n and return the number of zeros removed (float) +FMT_INLINE int remove_trailing_zeros(uint32_t& n) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(n != 0, ""); + const uint32_t mod_inv_5 = 0xcccccccd; + const uint32_t mod_inv_25 = mod_inv_5 * mod_inv_5; + + int s = 0; + while (true) { + auto q = rotr(n * mod_inv_25, 2); + if (q > max_value() / 100) break; + n = q; + s += 2; + } + auto q = rotr(n * mod_inv_5, 1); + if (q <= max_value() / 10) { + n = q; + s |= 1; + } + + return s; +} + +// Removes trailing zeros and returns the number of zeros removed (double) +FMT_INLINE int remove_trailing_zeros(uint64_t& n) noexcept { + FMT_ASSERT(n != 0, ""); + + // This magic number is ceil(2^90 / 10^8). + constexpr uint64_t magic_number = 12379400392853802749ull; + auto nm = umul128(n, magic_number); + + // Is n is divisible by 10^8? + if ((nm.high() & ((1ull << (90 - 64)) - 1)) == 0 && nm.low() < magic_number) { + // If yes, work with the quotient. + auto n32 = static_cast(nm.high() >> (90 - 64)); + + const uint32_t mod_inv_5 = 0xcccccccd; + const uint32_t mod_inv_25 = mod_inv_5 * mod_inv_5; + + int s = 8; + while (true) { + auto q = rotr(n32 * mod_inv_25, 2); + if (q > max_value() / 100) break; + n32 = q; + s += 2; + } + auto q = rotr(n32 * mod_inv_5, 1); + if (q <= max_value() / 10) { + n32 = q; + s |= 1; + } + + n = n32; + return s; + } + + // If n is not divisible by 10^8, work with n itself. + const uint64_t mod_inv_5 = 0xcccccccccccccccd; + const uint64_t mod_inv_25 = mod_inv_5 * mod_inv_5; + + int s = 0; + while (true) { + auto q = rotr(n * mod_inv_25, 2); + if (q > max_value() / 100) break; + n = q; + s += 2; + } + auto q = rotr(n * mod_inv_5, 1); + if (q <= max_value() / 10) { + n = q; + s |= 1; + } + + return s; +} + +// The main algorithm for shorter interval case +template +FMT_INLINE decimal_fp shorter_interval_case(int exponent) noexcept { + decimal_fp ret_value; + // Compute k and beta + const int minus_k = floor_log10_pow2_minus_log10_4_over_3(exponent); + const int beta = exponent + floor_log2_pow10(-minus_k); + + // Compute xi and zi + using cache_entry_type = typename cache_accessor::cache_entry_type; + const cache_entry_type cache = cache_accessor::get_cached_power(-minus_k); + + auto xi = cache_accessor::compute_left_endpoint_for_shorter_interval_case( + cache, beta); + auto zi = cache_accessor::compute_right_endpoint_for_shorter_interval_case( + cache, beta); + + // If the left endpoint is not an integer, increase it + if (!is_left_endpoint_integer_shorter_interval(exponent)) ++xi; + + // Try bigger divisor + ret_value.significand = zi / 10; + + // If succeed, remove trailing zeros if necessary and return + if (ret_value.significand * 10 >= xi) { + ret_value.exponent = minus_k + 1; + ret_value.exponent += remove_trailing_zeros(ret_value.significand); + return ret_value; + } + + // Otherwise, compute the round-up of y + ret_value.significand = + cache_accessor::compute_round_up_for_shorter_interval_case(cache, + beta); + ret_value.exponent = minus_k; + + // When tie occurs, choose one of them according to the rule + if (exponent >= float_info::shorter_interval_tie_lower_threshold && + exponent <= float_info::shorter_interval_tie_upper_threshold) { + ret_value.significand = ret_value.significand % 2 == 0 + ? ret_value.significand + : ret_value.significand - 1; + } else if (ret_value.significand < xi) { + ++ret_value.significand; + } + return ret_value; +} + +template decimal_fp to_decimal(T x) noexcept { + // Step 1: integer promotion & Schubfach multiplier calculation. + + using carrier_uint = typename float_info::carrier_uint; + using cache_entry_type = typename cache_accessor::cache_entry_type; + auto br = bit_cast(x); + + // Extract significand bits and exponent bits. + const carrier_uint significand_mask = + (static_cast(1) << num_significand_bits()) - 1; + carrier_uint significand = (br & significand_mask); + int exponent = + static_cast((br & exponent_mask()) >> num_significand_bits()); + + if (exponent != 0) { // Check if normal. + exponent -= exponent_bias() + num_significand_bits(); + + // Shorter interval case; proceed like Schubfach. + // In fact, when exponent == 1 and significand == 0, the interval is + // regular. However, it can be shown that the end-results are anyway same. + if (significand == 0) return shorter_interval_case(exponent); + + significand |= (static_cast(1) << num_significand_bits()); + } else { + // Subnormal case; the interval is always regular. + if (significand == 0) return {0, 0}; + exponent = + std::numeric_limits::min_exponent - num_significand_bits() - 1; + } + + const bool include_left_endpoint = (significand % 2 == 0); + const bool include_right_endpoint = include_left_endpoint; + + // Compute k and beta. + const int minus_k = floor_log10_pow2(exponent) - float_info::kappa; + const cache_entry_type cache = cache_accessor::get_cached_power(-minus_k); + const int beta = exponent + floor_log2_pow10(-minus_k); + + // Compute zi and deltai. + // 10^kappa <= deltai < 10^(kappa + 1) + const uint32_t deltai = cache_accessor::compute_delta(cache, beta); + const carrier_uint two_fc = significand << 1; + + // For the case of binary32, the result of integer check is not correct for + // 29711844 * 2^-82 + // = 6.1442653300000000008655037797566933477355632930994033813476... * 10^-18 + // and 29711844 * 2^-81 + // = 1.2288530660000000001731007559513386695471126586198806762695... * 10^-17, + // and they are the unique counterexamples. However, since 29711844 is even, + // this does not cause any problem for the endpoints calculations; it can only + // cause a problem when we need to perform integer check for the center. + // Fortunately, with these inputs, that branch is never executed, so we are + // fine. + const typename cache_accessor::compute_mul_result z_mul = + cache_accessor::compute_mul((two_fc | 1) << beta, cache); + + // Step 2: Try larger divisor; remove trailing zeros if necessary. + + // Using an upper bound on zi, we might be able to optimize the division + // better than the compiler; we are computing zi / big_divisor here. + decimal_fp ret_value; + ret_value.significand = divide_by_10_to_kappa_plus_1(z_mul.result); + uint32_t r = static_cast(z_mul.result - float_info::big_divisor * + ret_value.significand); + + if (r < deltai) { + // Exclude the right endpoint if necessary. + if (r == 0 && z_mul.is_integer && !include_right_endpoint) { + --ret_value.significand; + r = float_info::big_divisor; + goto small_divisor_case_label; + } + } else if (r > deltai) { + goto small_divisor_case_label; + } else { + // r == deltai; compare fractional parts. + const carrier_uint two_fl = two_fc - 1; + + if (!include_left_endpoint || + exponent < float_info::case_fc_pm_half_lower_threshold || + exponent > float_info::divisibility_check_by_5_threshold) { + // If the left endpoint is not included, the condition for + // success is z^(f) < delta^(f) (odd parity). + // Otherwise, the inequalities on exponent ensure that + // x is not an integer, so if z^(f) >= delta^(f) (even parity), we in fact + // have strict inequality. + if (!cache_accessor::compute_mul_parity(two_fl, cache, beta).parity) { + goto small_divisor_case_label; + } + } else { + const typename cache_accessor::compute_mul_parity_result x_mul = + cache_accessor::compute_mul_parity(two_fl, cache, beta); + if (!x_mul.parity && !x_mul.is_integer) { + goto small_divisor_case_label; + } + } + } + ret_value.exponent = minus_k + float_info::kappa + 1; + + // We may need to remove trailing zeros. + ret_value.exponent += remove_trailing_zeros(ret_value.significand); + return ret_value; + + // Step 3: Find the significand with the smaller divisor. + +small_divisor_case_label: + ret_value.significand *= 10; + ret_value.exponent = minus_k + float_info::kappa; + + uint32_t dist = r - (deltai / 2) + (float_info::small_divisor / 2); + const bool approx_y_parity = + ((dist ^ (float_info::small_divisor / 2)) & 1) != 0; + + // Is dist divisible by 10^kappa? + const bool divisible_by_small_divisor = + check_divisibility_and_divide_by_pow10::kappa>(dist); + + // Add dist / 10^kappa to the significand. + ret_value.significand += dist; + + if (!divisible_by_small_divisor) return ret_value; + + // Check z^(f) >= epsilon^(f). + // We have either yi == zi - epsiloni or yi == (zi - epsiloni) - 1, + // where yi == zi - epsiloni if and only if z^(f) >= epsilon^(f). + // Since there are only 2 possibilities, we only need to care about the + // parity. Also, zi and r should have the same parity since the divisor + // is an even number. + const auto y_mul = cache_accessor::compute_mul_parity(two_fc, cache, beta); + + // If z^(f) >= epsilon^(f), we might have a tie when z^(f) == epsilon^(f), + // or equivalently, when y is an integer. + if (y_mul.parity != approx_y_parity) + --ret_value.significand; + else if (y_mul.is_integer && ret_value.significand % 2 != 0) + --ret_value.significand; + return ret_value; +} +} // namespace dragonbox + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +FMT_FUNC auto fmt_snprintf(char* buf, size_t size, const char* fmt, ...) + -> int { + auto args = va_list(); + va_start(args, fmt); + int result = vsnprintf_s(buf, size, _TRUNCATE, fmt, args); + va_end(args); + return result; +} +#endif +} // namespace detail + +template <> struct formatter { + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) + -> format_parse_context::iterator { + return ctx.begin(); + } + + template + auto format(const detail::bigint& n, FormatContext& ctx) const -> + typename FormatContext::iterator { + auto out = ctx.out(); + bool first = true; + for (auto i = n.bigits_.size(); i > 0; --i) { + auto value = n.bigits_[i - 1u]; + if (first) { + out = format_to(out, FMT_STRING("{:x}"), value); + first = false; + continue; + } + out = format_to(out, FMT_STRING("{:08x}"), value); + } + if (n.exp_ > 0) + out = format_to(out, FMT_STRING("p{}"), + n.exp_ * detail::bigint::bigit_bits); + return out; + } +}; + +FMT_FUNC detail::utf8_to_utf16::utf8_to_utf16(string_view s) { + for_each_codepoint(s, [this](uint32_t cp, string_view) { + if (cp == invalid_code_point) FMT_THROW(std::runtime_error("invalid utf8")); + if (cp <= 0xFFFF) { + buffer_.push_back(static_cast(cp)); + } else { + cp -= 0x10000; + buffer_.push_back(static_cast(0xD800 + (cp >> 10))); + buffer_.push_back(static_cast(0xDC00 + (cp & 0x3FF))); + } + return true; + }); + buffer_.push_back(0); +} + +FMT_FUNC void format_system_error(detail::buffer& out, int error_code, + const char* message) noexcept { + FMT_TRY { + auto ec = std::error_code(error_code, std::generic_category()); + write(std::back_inserter(out), std::system_error(ec, message).what()); + return; + } + FMT_CATCH(...) {} + format_error_code(out, error_code, message); +} + +FMT_FUNC void report_system_error(int error_code, + const char* message) noexcept { + report_error(format_system_error, error_code, message); +} + +FMT_FUNC std::string vformat(string_view fmt, format_args args) { + // Don't optimize the "{}" case to keep the binary size small and because it + // can be better optimized in fmt::format anyway. + auto buffer = memory_buffer(); + detail::vformat_to(buffer, fmt, args); + return to_string(buffer); +} + +#ifdef _WIN32 +namespace detail { +using dword = conditional_t; +extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall WriteConsoleW( // + void*, const void*, dword, dword*, void*); +} // namespace detail +#endif + +namespace detail { +FMT_FUNC void print(std::FILE* f, string_view text) { +#ifdef _WIN32 + auto fd = _fileno(f); + if (_isatty(fd)) { + detail::utf8_to_utf16 u16(string_view(text.data(), text.size())); + auto written = detail::dword(); + if (detail::WriteConsoleW(reinterpret_cast(_get_osfhandle(fd)), + u16.c_str(), static_cast(u16.size()), + &written, nullptr)) { + return; + } + // Fallback to fwrite on failure. It can happen if the output has been + // redirected to NUL. + } +#endif + detail::fwrite_fully(text.data(), 1, text.size(), f); +} +} // namespace detail + +FMT_FUNC void vprint(std::FILE* f, string_view format_str, format_args args) { + memory_buffer buffer; + detail::vformat_to(buffer, format_str, args); + buffer.push_back(L'\0'); + // Our Custom logger + log_info(buffer.data()); +} + +#ifdef _WIN32 +// Print assuming legacy (non-Unicode) encoding. +FMT_FUNC void detail::vprint_mojibake(std::FILE* f, string_view format_str, + format_args args) { + memory_buffer buffer; + detail::vformat_to(buffer, format_str, + basic_format_args>(args)); + fwrite_fully(buffer.data(), 1, buffer.size(), f); +} +#endif + +FMT_FUNC void vprint(string_view format_str, format_args args) { + vprint(stdout, format_str, args); +} + +namespace detail { + +struct singleton { + unsigned char upper; + unsigned char lower_count; +}; + +inline auto is_printable(uint16_t x, const singleton* singletons, + size_t singletons_size, + const unsigned char* singleton_lowers, + const unsigned char* normal, size_t normal_size) + -> bool { + auto upper = x >> 8; + auto lower_start = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < singletons_size; ++i) { + auto s = singletons[i]; + auto lower_end = lower_start + s.lower_count; + if (upper < s.upper) break; + if (upper == s.upper) { + for (auto j = lower_start; j < lower_end; ++j) { + if (singleton_lowers[j] == (x & 0xff)) return false; + } + } + lower_start = lower_end; + } + + auto xsigned = static_cast(x); + auto current = true; + for (size_t i = 0; i < normal_size; ++i) { + auto v = static_cast(normal[i]); + auto len = (v & 0x80) != 0 ? (v & 0x7f) << 8 | normal[++i] : v; + xsigned -= len; + if (xsigned < 0) break; + current = !current; + } + return current; +} + +// This code is generated by support/printable.py. +FMT_FUNC auto is_printable(uint32_t cp) -> bool { + static constexpr singleton singletons0[] = { + {0x00, 1}, {0x03, 5}, {0x05, 6}, {0x06, 3}, {0x07, 6}, {0x08, 8}, + {0x09, 17}, {0x0a, 28}, {0x0b, 25}, {0x0c, 20}, {0x0d, 16}, {0x0e, 13}, + {0x0f, 4}, {0x10, 3}, {0x12, 18}, {0x13, 9}, {0x16, 1}, {0x17, 5}, + {0x18, 2}, {0x19, 3}, {0x1a, 7}, {0x1c, 2}, {0x1d, 1}, {0x1f, 22}, + {0x20, 3}, {0x2b, 3}, {0x2c, 2}, {0x2d, 11}, {0x2e, 1}, {0x30, 3}, + {0x31, 2}, {0x32, 1}, {0xa7, 2}, {0xa9, 2}, {0xaa, 4}, {0xab, 8}, + {0xfa, 2}, {0xfb, 5}, {0xfd, 4}, {0xfe, 3}, {0xff, 9}, + }; + static constexpr unsigned char singletons0_lower[] = { + 0xad, 0x78, 0x79, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0xa2, 0x30, 0x57, 0x58, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x90, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0xdd, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x3f, + 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5f, 0xb5, 0xe2, 0x84, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x91, 0x92, 0xa9, 0xb1, + 0xba, 0xbb, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xde, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xff, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x29, 0x31, 0x34, 0x37, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3d, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x5d, + 0x84, 0x8e, 0x92, 0xa9, 0xb1, 0xb4, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xc6, 0xca, 0xce, 0xcf, + 0xe4, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x04, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x11, 0x12, 0x29, 0x31, 0x34, 0x3a, + 0x3b, 0x45, 0x46, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x5e, 0x64, 0x65, 0x84, 0x91, 0x9b, 0x9d, + 0xc9, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x0d, 0x11, 0x29, 0x45, 0x49, 0x57, 0x64, 0x65, 0x8d, + 0x91, 0xa9, 0xb4, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xc5, 0xc9, 0xdf, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xf0, 0x0d, + 0x11, 0x45, 0x49, 0x64, 0x65, 0x80, 0x84, 0xb2, 0xbc, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xd5, + 0xd7, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0x83, 0x85, 0x8b, 0xa4, 0xa6, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc5, 0xc7, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xda, 0xdb, 0x48, 0x98, 0xbd, 0xcd, 0xc6, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x49, + 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x57, 0x59, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x89, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0xb1, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xbf, 0xc1, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xd7, 0x11, 0x16, 0x17, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0xf6, 0xf7, + 0xfe, 0xff, 0x80, 0x0d, 0x6d, 0x71, 0xde, 0xdf, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x6e, + 0x6f, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x5f, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xfa, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x46, 0x47, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5c, 0x5e, 0x7e, + 0x7f, 0xb5, 0xc5, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xdc, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf5, 0x72, 0x73, 0x8f, + 0x74, 0x75, 0x96, 0x2f, 0x5f, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0xb7, 0xbf, + 0xc7, 0xcf, 0xd7, 0xdf, 0x9a, 0x40, 0x97, 0x98, 0x30, 0x8f, 0x1f, 0xc0, + 0xc1, 0xce, 0xff, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x27, + 0x2f, 0xee, 0xef, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x37, 0x3d, 0x3f, 0x42, 0x45, 0x90, 0x91, + 0xfe, 0xff, 0x53, 0x67, 0x75, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xe7, + 0xfe, 0xff, + }; + static constexpr singleton singletons1[] = { + {0x00, 6}, {0x01, 1}, {0x03, 1}, {0x04, 2}, {0x08, 8}, {0x09, 2}, + {0x0a, 5}, {0x0b, 2}, {0x0e, 4}, {0x10, 1}, {0x11, 2}, {0x12, 5}, + {0x13, 17}, {0x14, 1}, {0x15, 2}, {0x17, 2}, {0x19, 13}, {0x1c, 5}, + {0x1d, 8}, {0x24, 1}, {0x6a, 3}, {0x6b, 2}, {0xbc, 2}, {0xd1, 2}, + {0xd4, 12}, {0xd5, 9}, {0xd6, 2}, {0xd7, 2}, {0xda, 1}, {0xe0, 5}, + {0xe1, 2}, {0xe8, 2}, {0xee, 32}, {0xf0, 4}, {0xf8, 2}, {0xf9, 2}, + {0xfa, 2}, {0xfb, 1}, + }; + static constexpr unsigned char singletons1_lower[] = { + 0x0c, 0x27, 0x3b, 0x3e, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x8f, 0x9e, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x09, 0x36, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x56, 0xf3, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x04, 0x14, 0x18, 0x36, + 0x37, 0x56, 0x57, 0x7f, 0xaa, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xbd, 0x35, 0xe0, 0x12, 0x87, + 0x89, 0x8e, 0x9e, 0x04, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x11, 0x12, 0x29, 0x31, 0x34, 0x3a, + 0x45, 0x46, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x5c, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x14, 0x17, 0x36, 0x39, 0x3a, 0xa8, 0xa9, + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0x09, 0x37, 0x90, 0x91, 0xa8, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x3b, 0x3e, 0x66, + 0x69, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x6f, 0x5f, 0xee, 0xef, 0x5a, 0x62, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x55, 0x9d, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xad, 0xba, 0xbc, + 0xc4, 0x06, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x15, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x3f, 0x45, 0x51, 0xa6, 0xa7, + 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xa0, 0x07, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x22, 0x25, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0xc5, 0xc6, + 0x04, 0x20, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x28, 0x33, 0x38, 0x3a, 0x48, 0x4a, 0x4c, + 0x50, 0x53, 0x55, 0x56, 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5c, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x63, 0x65, 0x66, + 0x6b, 0x73, 0x78, 0x7d, 0x7f, 0x8a, 0xa4, 0xaa, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0xd0, + 0xae, 0xaf, 0x79, 0xcc, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x93, + }; + static constexpr unsigned char normal0[] = { + 0x00, 0x20, 0x5f, 0x22, 0x82, 0xdf, 0x04, 0x82, 0x44, 0x08, 0x1b, 0x04, + 0x06, 0x11, 0x81, 0xac, 0x0e, 0x80, 0xab, 0x35, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x80, 0xe0, + 0x03, 0x19, 0x08, 0x01, 0x04, 0x2f, 0x04, 0x34, 0x04, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01, + 0x07, 0x06, 0x07, 0x11, 0x0a, 0x50, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x07, 0x55, 0x07, 0x03, + 0x04, 0x1c, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x03, 0x08, 0x03, 0x07, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, + 0x03, 0x0c, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x15, 0x05, 0x3a, + 0x03, 0x11, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x10, 0x07, 0x57, 0x07, 0x02, 0x07, 0x15, + 0x0d, 0x50, 0x04, 0x43, 0x03, 0x2d, 0x03, 0x01, 0x04, 0x11, 0x06, 0x0f, + 0x0c, 0x3a, 0x04, 0x1d, 0x25, 0x5f, 0x20, 0x6d, 0x04, 0x6a, 0x25, 0x80, + 0xc8, 0x05, 0x82, 0xb0, 0x03, 0x1a, 0x06, 0x82, 0xfd, 0x03, 0x59, 0x07, + 0x15, 0x0b, 0x17, 0x09, 0x14, 0x0c, 0x14, 0x0c, 0x6a, 0x06, 0x0a, 0x06, + 0x1a, 0x06, 0x59, 0x07, 0x2b, 0x05, 0x46, 0x0a, 0x2c, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x04, + 0x01, 0x03, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x2c, 0x04, 0x1a, 0x06, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x80, 0xac, + 0x06, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x21, 0x3f, 0x4c, 0x04, 0x2d, 0x03, 0x74, 0x08, 0x3c, + 0x03, 0x0f, 0x03, 0x3c, 0x07, 0x38, 0x08, 0x2b, 0x05, 0x82, 0xff, 0x11, + 0x18, 0x08, 0x2f, 0x11, 0x2d, 0x03, 0x20, 0x10, 0x21, 0x0f, 0x80, 0x8c, + 0x04, 0x82, 0x97, 0x19, 0x0b, 0x15, 0x88, 0x94, 0x05, 0x2f, 0x05, 0x3b, + 0x07, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x18, 0x09, 0x80, 0xb3, 0x2d, 0x74, 0x0c, 0x80, 0xd6, + 0x1a, 0x0c, 0x05, 0x80, 0xff, 0x05, 0x80, 0xdf, 0x0c, 0xee, 0x0d, 0x03, + 0x84, 0x8d, 0x03, 0x37, 0x09, 0x81, 0x5c, 0x14, 0x80, 0xb8, 0x08, 0x80, + 0xcb, 0x2a, 0x38, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x38, 0x08, 0x46, 0x08, 0x0c, 0x06, + 0x74, 0x0b, 0x1e, 0x03, 0x5a, 0x04, 0x59, 0x09, 0x80, 0x83, 0x18, 0x1c, + 0x0a, 0x16, 0x09, 0x4c, 0x04, 0x80, 0x8a, 0x06, 0xab, 0xa4, 0x0c, 0x17, + 0x04, 0x31, 0xa1, 0x04, 0x81, 0xda, 0x26, 0x07, 0x0c, 0x05, 0x05, 0x80, + 0xa5, 0x11, 0x81, 0x6d, 0x10, 0x78, 0x28, 0x2a, 0x06, 0x4c, 0x04, 0x80, + 0x8d, 0x04, 0x80, 0xbe, 0x03, 0x1b, 0x03, 0x0f, 0x0d, + }; + static constexpr unsigned char normal1[] = { + 0x5e, 0x22, 0x7b, 0x05, 0x03, 0x04, 0x2d, 0x03, 0x66, 0x03, 0x01, 0x2f, + 0x2e, 0x80, 0x82, 0x1d, 0x03, 0x31, 0x0f, 0x1c, 0x04, 0x24, 0x09, 0x1e, + 0x05, 0x2b, 0x05, 0x44, 0x04, 0x0e, 0x2a, 0x80, 0xaa, 0x06, 0x24, 0x04, + 0x24, 0x04, 0x28, 0x08, 0x34, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x80, 0x90, 0x81, 0x37, 0x09, + 0x16, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x80, 0x98, 0x39, 0x03, 0x63, 0x08, 0x09, 0x30, 0x16, + 0x05, 0x21, 0x03, 0x1b, 0x05, 0x01, 0x40, 0x38, 0x04, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x2f, + 0x04, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x09, 0x07, 0x40, 0x20, 0x27, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x09, 0x36, + 0x03, 0x3a, 0x05, 0x1a, 0x07, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x07, 0x50, 0x49, 0x37, 0x33, + 0x0d, 0x33, 0x07, 0x2e, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x81, 0x26, 0x52, 0x4e, 0x28, 0x08, + 0x2a, 0x56, 0x1c, 0x14, 0x17, 0x09, 0x4e, 0x04, 0x1e, 0x0f, 0x43, 0x0e, + 0x19, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x48, 0x08, 0x27, 0x09, 0x75, 0x0b, 0x3f, 0x41, + 0x2a, 0x06, 0x3b, 0x05, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x51, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x10, 0x03, + 0x05, 0x80, 0x8b, 0x62, 0x1e, 0x48, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x80, 0xa6, 0x5e, 0x22, + 0x45, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x0d, 0x13, 0x39, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x36, 0x2c, 0x04, + 0x10, 0x80, 0xc0, 0x3c, 0x64, 0x53, 0x0c, 0x48, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x46, 0x45, + 0x1b, 0x48, 0x08, 0x53, 0x1d, 0x39, 0x81, 0x07, 0x46, 0x0a, 0x1d, 0x03, + 0x47, 0x49, 0x37, 0x03, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x39, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x81, + 0x36, 0x19, 0x80, 0xb7, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x32, 0x0d, 0x83, 0x9b, 0x66, 0x75, + 0x0b, 0x80, 0xc4, 0x8a, 0xbc, 0x84, 0x2f, 0x8f, 0xd1, 0x82, 0x47, 0xa1, + 0xb9, 0x82, 0x39, 0x07, 0x2a, 0x04, 0x02, 0x60, 0x26, 0x0a, 0x46, 0x0a, + 0x28, 0x05, 0x13, 0x82, 0xb0, 0x5b, 0x65, 0x4b, 0x04, 0x39, 0x07, 0x11, + 0x40, 0x05, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x97, 0xf8, 0x08, 0x84, 0xd6, 0x2a, 0x09, + 0xa2, 0xf7, 0x81, 0x1f, 0x31, 0x03, 0x11, 0x04, 0x08, 0x81, 0x8c, 0x89, + 0x04, 0x6b, 0x05, 0x0d, 0x03, 0x09, 0x07, 0x10, 0x93, 0x60, 0x80, 0xf6, + 0x0a, 0x73, 0x08, 0x6e, 0x17, 0x46, 0x80, 0x9a, 0x14, 0x0c, 0x57, 0x09, + 0x19, 0x80, 0x87, 0x81, 0x47, 0x03, 0x85, 0x42, 0x0f, 0x15, 0x85, 0x50, + 0x2b, 0x80, 0xd5, 0x2d, 0x03, 0x1a, 0x04, 0x02, 0x81, 0x70, 0x3a, 0x05, + 0x01, 0x85, 0x00, 0x80, 0xd7, 0x29, 0x4c, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x02, 0x83, + 0x11, 0x44, 0x4c, 0x3d, 0x80, 0xc2, 0x3c, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x55, 0x05, + 0x1b, 0x34, 0x02, 0x81, 0x0e, 0x2c, 0x04, 0x64, 0x0c, 0x56, 0x0a, 0x80, + 0xae, 0x38, 0x1d, 0x0d, 0x2c, 0x04, 0x09, 0x07, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x80, + 0x9a, 0x83, 0xd8, 0x08, 0x0d, 0x03, 0x0d, 0x03, 0x74, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x07, + 0x0c, 0x14, 0x0c, 0x04, 0x38, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x28, 0x08, 0x22, 0x4e, + 0x81, 0x54, 0x0c, 0x15, 0x03, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07, 0x09, 0x19, 0x07, 0x07, + 0x09, 0x03, 0x0d, 0x07, 0x29, 0x80, 0xcb, 0x25, 0x0a, 0x84, 0x06, + }; + auto lower = static_cast(cp); + if (cp < 0x10000) { + return is_printable(lower, singletons0, + sizeof(singletons0) / sizeof(*singletons0), + singletons0_lower, normal0, sizeof(normal0)); + } + if (cp < 0x20000) { + return is_printable(lower, singletons1, + sizeof(singletons1) / sizeof(*singletons1), + singletons1_lower, normal1, sizeof(normal1)); + } + if (0x2a6de <= cp && cp < 0x2a700) return false; + if (0x2b735 <= cp && cp < 0x2b740) return false; + if (0x2b81e <= cp && cp < 0x2b820) return false; + if (0x2cea2 <= cp && cp < 0x2ceb0) return false; + if (0x2ebe1 <= cp && cp < 0x2f800) return false; + if (0x2fa1e <= cp && cp < 0x30000) return false; + if (0x3134b <= cp && cp < 0xe0100) return false; + if (0xe01f0 <= cp && cp < 0x110000) return false; + return cp < 0x110000; +} + +} // namespace detail + +FMT_END_NAMESPACE + +#endif // FMT_FORMAT_INL_H_ diff --git a/Store/include/fmt/format.h b/Store/include/fmt/format.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f824efc --- /dev/null +++ b/Store/include/fmt/format.h @@ -0,0 +1,4192 @@ +/* + Formatting library for C++ + + Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich + + Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining + a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to + permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to + the following conditions: + + The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be + included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + + THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, + EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND + NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE + LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION + OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION + WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + + --- Optional exception to the license --- + + As an exception, if, as a result of your compiling your source code, portions + of this Software are embedded into a machine-executable object form of such + source code, you may redistribute such embedded portions in such object form + without including the above copyright and permission notices. + */ + +#ifndef FMT_FORMAT_H_ +#define FMT_FORMAT_H_ + +#include // std::signbit +#include // uint32_t +#include // std::memcpy +#include // std::numeric_limits +#include // std::uninitialized_copy +#include // std::runtime_error +#include // std::system_error + +#ifdef __cpp_lib_bit_cast +# include // std::bitcast +#endif + +#include "core.h" + +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION +# define FMT_GCC_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) +#else +# define FMT_GCC_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN +#endif + +#ifdef __NVCC__ +# define FMT_CUDA_VERSION (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ * 100 + __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__) +#else +# define FMT_CUDA_VERSION 0 +#endif + +#ifdef __has_builtin +# define FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(x) __has_builtin(x) +#else +# define FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(x) 0 +#endif + +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION || FMT_CLANG_VERSION +# define FMT_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) +#else +# define FMT_NOINLINE +#endif + +#if FMT_MSC_VERSION +# define FMT_MSC_DEFAULT = default +#else +# define FMT_MSC_DEFAULT +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_THROW +# if FMT_EXCEPTIONS +# if FMT_MSC_VERSION || defined(__NVCC__) +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +namespace detail { +template inline void do_throw(const Exception& x) { + // Silence unreachable code warnings in MSVC and NVCC because these + // are nearly impossible to fix in a generic code. + volatile bool b = true; + if (b) throw x; +} +} // namespace detail +FMT_END_NAMESPACE +# define FMT_THROW(x) detail::do_throw(x) +# else +# define FMT_THROW(x) throw x +# endif +# else +# define FMT_THROW(x) \ + do { \ + FMT_ASSERT(false, (x).what()); \ + } while (false) +# endif +#endif + +#if FMT_EXCEPTIONS +# define FMT_TRY try +# define FMT_CATCH(x) catch (x) +#else +# define FMT_TRY if (true) +# define FMT_CATCH(x) if (false) +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_MAYBE_UNUSED +# if FMT_HAS_CPP17_ATTRIBUTE(maybe_unused) +# define FMT_MAYBE_UNUSED [[maybe_unused]] +# else +# define FMT_MAYBE_UNUSED +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef FMT_USE_USER_DEFINED_LITERALS +// EDG based compilers (Intel, NVIDIA, Elbrus, etc), GCC and MSVC support UDLs. +# if (FMT_HAS_FEATURE(cxx_user_literals) || FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 407 || \ + FMT_MSC_VERSION >= 1900) && \ + (!defined(__EDG_VERSION__) || __EDG_VERSION__ >= /* UDL feature */ 480) +# define FMT_USE_USER_DEFINED_LITERALS 1 +# else +# define FMT_USE_USER_DEFINED_LITERALS 0 +# endif +#endif + +// Defining FMT_REDUCE_INT_INSTANTIATIONS to 1, will reduce the number of +// integer formatter template instantiations to just one by only using the +// largest integer type. This results in a reduction in binary size but will +// cause a decrease in integer formatting performance. +#if !defined(FMT_REDUCE_INT_INSTANTIATIONS) +# define FMT_REDUCE_INT_INSTANTIATIONS 0 +#endif + +// __builtin_clz is broken in clang with Microsoft CodeGen: +// https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/issues/519. +#if !FMT_MSC_VERSION +# if FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_clz) || FMT_GCC_VERSION || FMT_ICC_VERSION +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ(n) __builtin_clz(n) +# endif +# if FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_clzll) || FMT_GCC_VERSION || FMT_ICC_VERSION +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CLZLL(n) __builtin_clzll(n) +# endif +#endif + +// __builtin_ctz is broken in Intel Compiler Classic on Windows: +// https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/issues/2510. +#ifndef __ICL +# if FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_ctz) || FMT_GCC_VERSION || FMT_ICC_VERSION || \ + defined(__NVCOMPILER) +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CTZ(n) __builtin_ctz(n) +# endif +# if FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_ctzll) || FMT_GCC_VERSION || \ + FMT_ICC_VERSION || defined(__NVCOMPILER) +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CTZLL(n) __builtin_ctzll(n) +# endif +#endif + +#if FMT_MSC_VERSION +# include // _BitScanReverse[64], _BitScanForward[64], _umul128 +#endif + +// Some compilers masquerade as both MSVC and GCC-likes or otherwise support +// __builtin_clz and __builtin_clzll, so only define FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ using the +// MSVC intrinsics if the clz and clzll builtins are not available. +#if FMT_MSC_VERSION && !defined(FMT_BUILTIN_CLZLL) && \ + !defined(FMT_BUILTIN_CTZLL) +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +namespace detail { +// Avoid Clang with Microsoft CodeGen's -Wunknown-pragmas warning. +# if !defined(__clang__) +# pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward) +# pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse) +# if defined(_WIN64) +# pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward64) +# pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64) +# endif +# endif + +inline auto clz(uint32_t x) -> int { + unsigned long r = 0; + _BitScanReverse(&r, x); + FMT_ASSERT(x != 0, ""); + // Static analysis complains about using uninitialized data + // "r", but the only way that can happen is if "x" is 0, + // which the callers guarantee to not happen. + FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 6102) + return 31 ^ static_cast(r); +} +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ(n) detail::clz(n) + +inline auto clzll(uint64_t x) -> int { + unsigned long r = 0; +# ifdef _WIN64 + _BitScanReverse64(&r, x); +# else + // Scan the high 32 bits. + if (_BitScanReverse(&r, static_cast(x >> 32))) return 63 ^ (r + 32); + // Scan the low 32 bits. + _BitScanReverse(&r, static_cast(x)); +# endif + FMT_ASSERT(x != 0, ""); + FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 6102) // Suppress a bogus static analysis warning. + return 63 ^ static_cast(r); +} +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CLZLL(n) detail::clzll(n) + +inline auto ctz(uint32_t x) -> int { + unsigned long r = 0; + _BitScanForward(&r, x); + FMT_ASSERT(x != 0, ""); + FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 6102) // Suppress a bogus static analysis warning. + return static_cast(r); +} +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CTZ(n) detail::ctz(n) + +inline auto ctzll(uint64_t x) -> int { + unsigned long r = 0; + FMT_ASSERT(x != 0, ""); + FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 6102) // Suppress a bogus static analysis warning. +# ifdef _WIN64 + _BitScanForward64(&r, x); +# else + // Scan the low 32 bits. + if (_BitScanForward(&r, static_cast(x))) return static_cast(r); + // Scan the high 32 bits. + _BitScanForward(&r, static_cast(x >> 32)); + r += 32; +# endif + return static_cast(r); +} +# define FMT_BUILTIN_CTZLL(n) detail::ctzll(n) +} // namespace detail +FMT_END_NAMESPACE +#endif + +FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE +namespace detail { + +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline void abort_fuzzing_if(bool condition) { + ignore_unused(condition); +#ifdef FMT_FUZZ + if (condition) throw std::runtime_error("fuzzing limit reached"); +#endif +} + +template class formatbuf : public Streambuf { + private: + using char_type = typename Streambuf::char_type; + using streamsize = decltype(std::declval().sputn(nullptr, 0)); + using int_type = typename Streambuf::int_type; + using traits_type = typename Streambuf::traits_type; + + buffer& buffer_; + + public: + explicit formatbuf(buffer& buf) : buffer_(buf) {} + + protected: + // The put area is always empty. This makes the implementation simpler and has + // the advantage that the streambuf and the buffer are always in sync and + // sputc never writes into uninitialized memory. A disadvantage is that each + // call to sputc always results in a (virtual) call to overflow. There is no + // disadvantage here for sputn since this always results in a call to xsputn. + + auto overflow(int_type ch) -> int_type override { + if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(ch, traits_type::eof())) + buffer_.push_back(static_cast(ch)); + return ch; + } + + auto xsputn(const char_type* s, streamsize count) -> streamsize override { + buffer_.append(s, s + count); + return count; + } +}; + +// Implementation of std::bit_cast for pre-C++20. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto bit_cast(const From& from) -> To { +#ifdef __cpp_lib_bit_cast + if (is_constant_evaluated()) return std::bit_cast(from); +#endif + auto to = To(); + std::memcpy(&to, &from, sizeof(to)); + return to; +} + +inline auto is_big_endian() -> bool { +#ifdef _WIN32 + return false; +#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) + return true; +#elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) + return __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__; +#else + struct bytes { + char data[sizeof(int)]; + }; + return bit_cast(1).data[0] == 0; +#endif +} + +class uint128_fallback { + private: + uint64_t lo_, hi_; + + friend uint128_fallback umul128(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept; + + public: + constexpr uint128_fallback(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo) : lo_(lo), hi_(hi) {} + constexpr uint128_fallback(uint64_t value = 0) : lo_(value), hi_(0) {} + + constexpr uint64_t high() const noexcept { return hi_; } + constexpr uint64_t low() const noexcept { return lo_; } + + template ::value)> + constexpr explicit operator T() const { + return static_cast(lo_); + } + + friend constexpr auto operator==(const uint128_fallback& lhs, + const uint128_fallback& rhs) -> bool { + return lhs.hi_ == rhs.hi_ && lhs.lo_ == rhs.lo_; + } + friend constexpr auto operator!=(const uint128_fallback& lhs, + const uint128_fallback& rhs) -> bool { + return !(lhs == rhs); + } + friend constexpr auto operator>(const uint128_fallback& lhs, + const uint128_fallback& rhs) -> bool { + return lhs.hi_ != rhs.hi_ ? lhs.hi_ > rhs.hi_ : lhs.lo_ > rhs.lo_; + } + friend constexpr auto operator|(const uint128_fallback& lhs, + const uint128_fallback& rhs) + -> uint128_fallback { + return {lhs.hi_ | rhs.hi_, lhs.lo_ | rhs.lo_}; + } + friend constexpr auto operator&(const uint128_fallback& lhs, + const uint128_fallback& rhs) + -> uint128_fallback { + return {lhs.hi_ & rhs.hi_, lhs.lo_ & rhs.lo_}; + } + friend auto operator+(const uint128_fallback& lhs, + const uint128_fallback& rhs) -> uint128_fallback { + auto result = uint128_fallback(lhs); + result += rhs; + return result; + } + friend auto operator*(const uint128_fallback& lhs, uint32_t rhs) + -> uint128_fallback { + FMT_ASSERT(lhs.hi_ == 0, ""); + uint64_t hi = (lhs.lo_ >> 32) * rhs; + uint64_t lo = (lhs.lo_ & ~uint32_t()) * rhs; + uint64_t new_lo = (hi << 32) + lo; + return {(hi >> 32) + (new_lo < lo ? 1 : 0), new_lo}; + } + friend auto operator-(const uint128_fallback& lhs, uint64_t rhs) + -> uint128_fallback { + return {lhs.hi_ - (lhs.lo_ < rhs ? 1 : 0), lhs.lo_ - rhs}; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator>>(int shift) const -> uint128_fallback { + if (shift == 64) return {0, hi_}; + return {hi_ >> shift, (hi_ << (64 - shift)) | (lo_ >> shift)}; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator<<(int shift) const -> uint128_fallback { + if (shift == 64) return {lo_, 0}; + return {hi_ << shift | (lo_ >> (64 - shift)), (lo_ << shift)}; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator>>=(int shift) -> uint128_fallback& { + return *this = *this >> shift; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator+=(uint128_fallback n) { + uint64_t new_lo = lo_ + n.lo_; + uint64_t new_hi = hi_ + n.hi_ + (new_lo < lo_ ? 1 : 0); + FMT_ASSERT(new_hi >= hi_, ""); + lo_ = new_lo; + hi_ = new_hi; + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 uint128_fallback& operator+=(uint64_t n) noexcept { + if (is_constant_evaluated()) { + lo_ += n; + hi_ += (lo_ < n ? 1 : 0); + return *this; + } +#if FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_addcll) + unsigned long long carry; + lo_ = __builtin_addcll(lo_, n, 0, &carry); + hi_ += carry; +#elif FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64) + unsigned long long result; + auto carry = __builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64(0, lo_, n, &result); + lo_ = result; + hi_ += carry; +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64) + auto carry = _addcarry_u64(0, lo_, n, &lo_); + _addcarry_u64(carry, hi_, 0, &hi_); +#else + lo_ += n; + hi_ += (lo_ < n ? 1 : 0); +#endif + return *this; + } +}; + +using uint128_t = conditional_t; + +#ifdef UINTPTR_MAX +using uintptr_t = ::uintptr_t; +#else +using uintptr_t = uint128_t; +#endif + +// Returns the largest possible value for type T. Same as +// std::numeric_limits::max() but shorter and not affected by the max macro. +template constexpr auto max_value() -> T { + return (std::numeric_limits::max)(); +} +template constexpr auto num_bits() -> int { + return std::numeric_limits::digits; +} +// std::numeric_limits::digits may return 0 for 128-bit ints. +template <> constexpr auto num_bits() -> int { return 128; } +template <> constexpr auto num_bits() -> int { return 128; } + +// A heterogeneous bit_cast used for converting 96-bit long double to uint128_t +// and 128-bit pointers to uint128_fallback. +template sizeof(From))> +inline auto bit_cast(const From& from) -> To { + constexpr auto size = static_cast(sizeof(From) / sizeof(unsigned)); + struct data_t { + unsigned value[static_cast(size)]; + } data = bit_cast(from); + auto result = To(); + if (const_check(is_big_endian())) { + for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) + result = (result << num_bits()) | data.value[i]; + } else { + for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) + result = (result << num_bits()) | data.value[i]; + } + return result; +} + +FMT_INLINE void assume(bool condition) { + (void)condition; +#if FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_assume) && !FMT_ICC_VERSION + __builtin_assume(condition); +#endif +} + +// An approximation of iterator_t for pre-C++20 systems. +template +using iterator_t = decltype(std::begin(std::declval())); +template using sentinel_t = decltype(std::end(std::declval())); + +// A workaround for std::string not having mutable data() until C++17. +template +inline auto get_data(std::basic_string& s) -> Char* { + return &s[0]; +} +template +inline auto get_data(Container& c) -> typename Container::value_type* { + return c.data(); +} + +#if defined(_SECURE_SCL) && _SECURE_SCL +// Make a checked iterator to avoid MSVC warnings. +template using checked_ptr = stdext::checked_array_iterator; +template +constexpr auto make_checked(T* p, size_t size) -> checked_ptr { + return {p, size}; +} +#else +template using checked_ptr = T*; +template constexpr auto make_checked(T* p, size_t) -> T* { + return p; +} +#endif + +// Attempts to reserve space for n extra characters in the output range. +// Returns a pointer to the reserved range or a reference to it. +template ::value)> +#if FMT_CLANG_VERSION >= 307 && !FMT_ICC_VERSION +__attribute__((no_sanitize("undefined"))) +#endif +inline auto +reserve(std::back_insert_iterator it, size_t n) + -> checked_ptr { + Container& c = get_container(it); + size_t size = c.size(); + c.resize(size + n); + return make_checked(get_data(c) + size, n); +} + +template +inline auto reserve(buffer_appender it, size_t n) -> buffer_appender { + buffer& buf = get_container(it); + buf.try_reserve(buf.size() + n); + return it; +} + +template +constexpr auto reserve(Iterator& it, size_t) -> Iterator& { + return it; +} + +template +using reserve_iterator = + remove_reference_t(), 0))>; + +template +constexpr auto to_pointer(OutputIt, size_t) -> T* { + return nullptr; +} +template auto to_pointer(buffer_appender it, size_t n) -> T* { + buffer& buf = get_container(it); + auto size = buf.size(); + if (buf.capacity() < size + n) return nullptr; + buf.try_resize(size + n); + return buf.data() + size; +} + +template ::value)> +inline auto base_iterator(std::back_insert_iterator& it, + checked_ptr) + -> std::back_insert_iterator { + return it; +} + +template +constexpr auto base_iterator(Iterator, Iterator it) -> Iterator { + return it; +} + +// is spectacularly slow to compile in C++20 so use a simple fill_n +// instead (#1998). +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto fill_n(OutputIt out, Size count, const T& value) + -> OutputIt { + for (Size i = 0; i < count; ++i) *out++ = value; + return out; +} +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto fill_n(T* out, Size count, char value) -> T* { + if (is_constant_evaluated()) { + return fill_n(out, count, value); + } + std::memset(out, value, to_unsigned(count)); + return out + count; +} + +#ifdef __cpp_char8_t +using char8_type = char8_t; +#else +enum char8_type : unsigned char {}; +#endif + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_NOINLINE auto copy_str_noinline(InputIt begin, InputIt end, + OutputIt out) -> OutputIt { + return copy_str(begin, end, out); +} + +// A public domain branchless UTF-8 decoder by Christopher Wellons: +// https://github.com/skeeto/branchless-utf8 +/* Decode the next character, c, from s, reporting errors in e. + * + * Since this is a branchless decoder, four bytes will be read from the + * buffer regardless of the actual length of the next character. This + * means the buffer _must_ have at least three bytes of zero padding + * following the end of the data stream. + * + * Errors are reported in e, which will be non-zero if the parsed + * character was somehow invalid: invalid byte sequence, non-canonical + * encoding, or a surrogate half. + * + * The function returns a pointer to the next character. When an error + * occurs, this pointer will be a guess that depends on the particular + * error, but it will always advance at least one byte. + */ +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline auto utf8_decode(const char* s, uint32_t* c, int* e) + -> const char* { + constexpr const int masks[] = {0x00, 0x7f, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0x07}; + constexpr const uint32_t mins[] = {4194304, 0, 128, 2048, 65536}; + constexpr const int shiftc[] = {0, 18, 12, 6, 0}; + constexpr const int shifte[] = {0, 6, 4, 2, 0}; + + int len = code_point_length(s); + const char* next = s + len; + + // Assume a four-byte character and load four bytes. Unused bits are + // shifted out. + *c = uint32_t(s[0] & masks[len]) << 18; + *c |= uint32_t(s[1] & 0x3f) << 12; + *c |= uint32_t(s[2] & 0x3f) << 6; + *c |= uint32_t(s[3] & 0x3f) << 0; + *c >>= shiftc[len]; + + // Accumulate the various error conditions. + using uchar = unsigned char; + *e = (*c < mins[len]) << 6; // non-canonical encoding + *e |= ((*c >> 11) == 0x1b) << 7; // surrogate half? + *e |= (*c > 0x10FFFF) << 8; // out of range? + *e |= (uchar(s[1]) & 0xc0) >> 2; + *e |= (uchar(s[2]) & 0xc0) >> 4; + *e |= uchar(s[3]) >> 6; + *e ^= 0x2a; // top two bits of each tail byte correct? + *e >>= shifte[len]; + + return next; +} + +constexpr uint32_t invalid_code_point = ~uint32_t(); + +// Invokes f(cp, sv) for every code point cp in s with sv being the string view +// corresponding to the code point. cp is invalid_code_point on error. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR void for_each_codepoint(string_view s, F f) { + auto decode = [f](const char* buf_ptr, const char* ptr) { + auto cp = uint32_t(); + auto error = 0; + auto end = utf8_decode(buf_ptr, &cp, &error); + bool result = f(error ? invalid_code_point : cp, + string_view(ptr, to_unsigned(end - buf_ptr))); + return result ? end : nullptr; + }; + auto p = s.data(); + const size_t block_size = 4; // utf8_decode always reads blocks of 4 chars. + if (s.size() >= block_size) { + for (auto end = p + s.size() - block_size + 1; p < end;) { + p = decode(p, p); + if (!p) return; + } + } + if (auto num_chars_left = s.data() + s.size() - p) { + char buf[2 * block_size - 1] = {}; + copy_str(p, p + num_chars_left, buf); + const char* buf_ptr = buf; + do { + auto end = decode(buf_ptr, p); + if (!end) return; + p += end - buf_ptr; + buf_ptr = end; + } while (buf_ptr - buf < num_chars_left); + } +} + +template +inline auto compute_width(basic_string_view s) -> size_t { + return s.size(); +} + +// Computes approximate display width of a UTF-8 string. +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline size_t compute_width(string_view s) { + size_t num_code_points = 0; + // It is not a lambda for compatibility with C++14. + struct count_code_points { + size_t* count; + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator()(uint32_t cp, string_view) const -> bool { + *count += detail::to_unsigned( + 1 + + (cp >= 0x1100 && + (cp <= 0x115f || // Hangul Jamo init. consonants + cp == 0x2329 || // LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET + cp == 0x232a || // RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET + // CJK ... Yi except IDEOGRAPHIC HALF FILL SPACE: + (cp >= 0x2e80 && cp <= 0xa4cf && cp != 0x303f) || + (cp >= 0xac00 && cp <= 0xd7a3) || // Hangul Syllables + (cp >= 0xf900 && cp <= 0xfaff) || // CJK Compatibility Ideographs + (cp >= 0xfe10 && cp <= 0xfe19) || // Vertical Forms + (cp >= 0xfe30 && cp <= 0xfe6f) || // CJK Compatibility Forms + (cp >= 0xff00 && cp <= 0xff60) || // Fullwidth Forms + (cp >= 0xffe0 && cp <= 0xffe6) || // Fullwidth Forms + (cp >= 0x20000 && cp <= 0x2fffd) || // CJK + (cp >= 0x30000 && cp <= 0x3fffd) || + // Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs + Emoticons: + (cp >= 0x1f300 && cp <= 0x1f64f) || + // Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs: + (cp >= 0x1f900 && cp <= 0x1f9ff)))); + return true; + } + }; + for_each_codepoint(s, count_code_points{&num_code_points}); + return num_code_points; +} + +inline auto compute_width(basic_string_view s) -> size_t { + return compute_width( + string_view(reinterpret_cast(s.data()), s.size())); +} + +template +inline auto code_point_index(basic_string_view s, size_t n) -> size_t { + size_t size = s.size(); + return n < size ? n : size; +} + +// Calculates the index of the nth code point in a UTF-8 string. +inline auto code_point_index(string_view s, size_t n) -> size_t { + const char* data = s.data(); + size_t num_code_points = 0; + for (size_t i = 0, size = s.size(); i != size; ++i) { + if ((data[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80 && ++num_code_points > n) return i; + } + return s.size(); +} + +inline auto code_point_index(basic_string_view s, size_t n) + -> size_t { + return code_point_index( + string_view(reinterpret_cast(s.data()), s.size()), n); +} + +#ifndef FMT_USE_FLOAT128 +# ifdef __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__ +# define FMT_USE_FLOAT128 1 +# else +# define FMT_USE_FLOAT128 0 +# endif +#endif +#if FMT_USE_FLOAT128 +using float128 = __float128; +#else +using float128 = void; +#endif +template using is_float128 = std::is_same; + +template +using is_floating_point = + bool_constant::value || is_float128::value>; + +template ::value> +struct is_fast_float : bool_constant::is_iec559 && + sizeof(T) <= sizeof(double)> {}; +template struct is_fast_float : std::false_type {}; + +template +using is_double_double = bool_constant::digits == 106>; + +#ifndef FMT_USE_FULL_CACHE_DRAGONBOX +# define FMT_USE_FULL_CACHE_DRAGONBOX 0 +#endif + +template +template +void buffer::append(const U* begin, const U* end) { + while (begin != end) { + auto count = to_unsigned(end - begin); + try_reserve(size_ + count); + auto free_cap = capacity_ - size_; + if (free_cap < count) count = free_cap; + std::uninitialized_copy_n(begin, count, make_checked(ptr_ + size_, count)); + size_ += count; + begin += count; + } +} + +template +struct is_locale : std::false_type {}; +template +struct is_locale> : std::true_type {}; +} // namespace detail + +FMT_MODULE_EXPORT_BEGIN + +// The number of characters to store in the basic_memory_buffer object itself +// to avoid dynamic memory allocation. +enum { inline_buffer_size = 500 }; + +/** + \rst + A dynamically growing memory buffer for trivially copyable/constructible types + with the first ``SIZE`` elements stored in the object itself. + + You can use the ``memory_buffer`` type alias for ``char`` instead. + + **Example**:: + + auto out = fmt::memory_buffer(); + format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "The answer is {}.", 42); + + This will append the following output to the ``out`` object: + + .. code-block:: none + + The answer is 42. + + The output can be converted to an ``std::string`` with ``to_string(out)``. + \endrst + */ +template > +class basic_memory_buffer final : public detail::buffer { + private: + T store_[SIZE]; + + // Don't inherit from Allocator avoid generating type_info for it. + Allocator alloc_; + + // Deallocate memory allocated by the buffer. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void deallocate() { + T* data = this->data(); + if (data != store_) alloc_.deallocate(data, this->capacity()); + } + + protected: + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t size) override; + + public: + using value_type = T; + using const_reference = const T&; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 explicit basic_memory_buffer( + const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) + : alloc_(alloc) { + this->set(store_, SIZE); + if (detail::is_constant_evaluated()) detail::fill_n(store_, SIZE, T()); + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 ~basic_memory_buffer() { deallocate(); } + + private: + // Move data from other to this buffer. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void move(basic_memory_buffer& other) { + alloc_ = std::move(other.alloc_); + T* data = other.data(); + size_t size = other.size(), capacity = other.capacity(); + if (data == other.store_) { + this->set(store_, capacity); + detail::copy_str(other.store_, other.store_ + size, + detail::make_checked(store_, capacity)); + } else { + this->set(data, capacity); + // Set pointer to the inline array so that delete is not called + // when deallocating. + other.set(other.store_, 0); + other.clear(); + } + this->resize(size); + } + + public: + /** + \rst + Constructs a :class:`fmt::basic_memory_buffer` object moving the content + of the other object to it. + \endrst + */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 basic_memory_buffer(basic_memory_buffer&& other) noexcept { + move(other); + } + + /** + \rst + Moves the content of the other ``basic_memory_buffer`` object to this one. + \endrst + */ + auto operator=(basic_memory_buffer&& other) noexcept -> basic_memory_buffer& { + FMT_ASSERT(this != &other, ""); + deallocate(); + move(other); + return *this; + } + + // Returns a copy of the allocator associated with this buffer. + auto get_allocator() const -> Allocator { return alloc_; } + + /** + Resizes the buffer to contain *count* elements. If T is a POD type new + elements may not be initialized. + */ + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void resize(size_t count) { this->try_resize(count); } + + /** Increases the buffer capacity to *new_capacity*. */ + void reserve(size_t new_capacity) { this->try_reserve(new_capacity); } + + // Directly append data into the buffer + using detail::buffer::append; + template + void append(const ContiguousRange& range) { + append(range.data(), range.data() + range.size()); + } +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void basic_memory_buffer::grow( + size_t size) { + detail::abort_fuzzing_if(size > 5000); + const size_t max_size = std::allocator_traits::max_size(alloc_); + size_t old_capacity = this->capacity(); + size_t new_capacity = old_capacity + old_capacity / 2; + if (size > new_capacity) + new_capacity = size; + else if (new_capacity > max_size) + new_capacity = size > max_size ? size : max_size; + T* old_data = this->data(); + T* new_data = + std::allocator_traits::allocate(alloc_, new_capacity); + // The following code doesn't throw, so the raw pointer above doesn't leak. + std::uninitialized_copy(old_data, old_data + this->size(), + detail::make_checked(new_data, new_capacity)); + this->set(new_data, new_capacity); + // deallocate must not throw according to the standard, but even if it does, + // the buffer already uses the new storage and will deallocate it in + // destructor. + if (old_data != store_) alloc_.deallocate(old_data, old_capacity); +} + +using memory_buffer = basic_memory_buffer; + +template +struct is_contiguous> : std::true_type { +}; + +namespace detail { +FMT_API void print(std::FILE*, string_view); +} + +/** A formatting error such as invalid format string. */ +FMT_CLASS_API +class FMT_API format_error : public std::runtime_error { + public: + explicit format_error(const char* message) : std::runtime_error(message) {} + explicit format_error(const std::string& message) + : std::runtime_error(message) {} + format_error(const format_error&) = default; + format_error& operator=(const format_error&) = default; + format_error(format_error&&) = default; + format_error& operator=(format_error&&) = default; + ~format_error() noexcept override FMT_MSC_DEFAULT; +}; + +namespace detail_exported { +#if FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS +template struct fixed_string { + constexpr fixed_string(const Char (&str)[N]) { + detail::copy_str(static_cast(str), + str + N, data); + } + Char data[N] = {}; +}; +#endif + +// Converts a compile-time string to basic_string_view. +template +constexpr auto compile_string_to_view(const Char (&s)[N]) + -> basic_string_view { + // Remove trailing NUL character if needed. Won't be present if this is used + // with a raw character array (i.e. not defined as a string). + return {s, N - (std::char_traits::to_int_type(s[N - 1]) == 0 ? 1 : 0)}; +} +template +constexpr auto compile_string_to_view(detail::std_string_view s) + -> basic_string_view { + return {s.data(), s.size()}; +} +} // namespace detail_exported + +FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE + +template struct is_integral : std::is_integral {}; +template <> struct is_integral : std::true_type {}; +template <> struct is_integral : std::true_type {}; + +template +using is_signed = + std::integral_constant::is_signed || + std::is_same::value>; + +// Returns true if value is negative, false otherwise. +// Same as `value < 0` but doesn't produce warnings if T is an unsigned type. +template ::value)> +constexpr auto is_negative(T value) -> bool { + return value < 0; +} +template ::value)> +constexpr auto is_negative(T) -> bool { + return false; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto is_supported_floating_point(T) -> bool { + if (std::is_same()) return FMT_USE_FLOAT; + if (std::is_same()) return FMT_USE_DOUBLE; + if (std::is_same()) return FMT_USE_LONG_DOUBLE; + return true; +} + +// Smallest of uint32_t, uint64_t, uint128_t that is large enough to +// represent all values of an integral type T. +template +using uint32_or_64_or_128_t = + conditional_t() <= 32 && !FMT_REDUCE_INT_INSTANTIATIONS, + uint32_t, + conditional_t() <= 64, uint64_t, uint128_t>>; +template +using uint64_or_128_t = conditional_t() <= 64, uint64_t, uint128_t>; + +#define FMT_POWERS_OF_10(factor) \ + factor * 10, (factor)*100, (factor)*1000, (factor)*10000, (factor)*100000, \ + (factor)*1000000, (factor)*10000000, (factor)*100000000, \ + (factor)*1000000000 + +// Converts value in the range [0, 100) to a string. +constexpr const char* digits2(size_t value) { + // GCC generates slightly better code when value is pointer-size. + return &"0001020304050607080910111213141516171819" + "2021222324252627282930313233343536373839" + "4041424344454647484950515253545556575859" + "6061626364656667686970717273747576777879" + "8081828384858687888990919293949596979899"[value * 2]; +} + +// Sign is a template parameter to workaround a bug in gcc 4.8. +template constexpr Char sign(Sign s) { +#if !FMT_GCC_VERSION || FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 604 + static_assert(std::is_same::value, ""); +#endif + return static_cast("\0-+ "[s]); +} + +template FMT_CONSTEXPR auto count_digits_fallback(T n) -> int { + int count = 1; + for (;;) { + // Integer division is slow so do it for a group of four digits instead + // of for every digit. The idea comes from the talk by Alexandrescu + // "Three Optimization Tips for C++". See speed-test for a comparison. + if (n < 10) return count; + if (n < 100) return count + 1; + if (n < 1000) return count + 2; + if (n < 10000) return count + 3; + n /= 10000u; + count += 4; + } +} +#if FMT_USE_INT128 +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline auto count_digits(uint128_opt n) -> int { + return count_digits_fallback(n); +} +#endif + +#ifdef FMT_BUILTIN_CLZLL +// It is a separate function rather than a part of count_digits to workaround +// the lack of static constexpr in constexpr functions. +inline auto do_count_digits(uint64_t n) -> int { + // This has comparable performance to the version by Kendall Willets + // (https://github.com/fmtlib/format-benchmark/blob/master/digits10) + // but uses smaller tables. + // Maps bsr(n) to ceil(log10(pow(2, bsr(n) + 1) - 1)). + static constexpr uint8_t bsr2log10[] = { + 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, + 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, + 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, + 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20}; + auto t = bsr2log10[FMT_BUILTIN_CLZLL(n | 1) ^ 63]; + static constexpr const uint64_t zero_or_powers_of_10[] = { + 0, 0, FMT_POWERS_OF_10(1U), FMT_POWERS_OF_10(1000000000ULL), + 10000000000000000000ULL}; + return t - (n < zero_or_powers_of_10[t]); +} +#endif + +// Returns the number of decimal digits in n. Leading zeros are not counted +// except for n == 0 in which case count_digits returns 1. +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 inline auto count_digits(uint64_t n) -> int { +#ifdef FMT_BUILTIN_CLZLL + if (!is_constant_evaluated()) { + return do_count_digits(n); + } +#endif + return count_digits_fallback(n); +} + +// Counts the number of digits in n. BITS = log2(radix). +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto count_digits(UInt n) -> int { +#ifdef FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ + if (!is_constant_evaluated() && num_bits() == 32) + return (FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ(static_cast(n) | 1) ^ 31) / BITS + 1; +#endif + // Lambda avoids unreachable code warnings from NVHPC. + return [](UInt m) { + int num_digits = 0; + do { + ++num_digits; + } while ((m >>= BITS) != 0); + return num_digits; + }(n); +} + +#ifdef FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ +// It is a separate function rather than a part of count_digits to workaround +// the lack of static constexpr in constexpr functions. +FMT_INLINE auto do_count_digits(uint32_t n) -> int { +// An optimization by Kendall Willets from https://bit.ly/3uOIQrB. +// This increments the upper 32 bits (log10(T) - 1) when >= T is added. +# define FMT_INC(T) (((sizeof(# T) - 1ull) << 32) - T) + static constexpr uint64_t table[] = { + FMT_INC(0), FMT_INC(0), FMT_INC(0), // 8 + FMT_INC(10), FMT_INC(10), FMT_INC(10), // 64 + FMT_INC(100), FMT_INC(100), FMT_INC(100), // 512 + FMT_INC(1000), FMT_INC(1000), FMT_INC(1000), // 4096 + FMT_INC(10000), FMT_INC(10000), FMT_INC(10000), // 32k + FMT_INC(100000), FMT_INC(100000), FMT_INC(100000), // 256k + FMT_INC(1000000), FMT_INC(1000000), FMT_INC(1000000), // 2048k + FMT_INC(10000000), FMT_INC(10000000), FMT_INC(10000000), // 16M + FMT_INC(100000000), FMT_INC(100000000), FMT_INC(100000000), // 128M + FMT_INC(1000000000), FMT_INC(1000000000), FMT_INC(1000000000), // 1024M + FMT_INC(1000000000), FMT_INC(1000000000) // 4B + }; + auto inc = table[FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ(n | 1) ^ 31]; + return static_cast((n + inc) >> 32); +} +#endif + +// Optional version of count_digits for better performance on 32-bit platforms. +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 inline auto count_digits(uint32_t n) -> int { +#ifdef FMT_BUILTIN_CLZ + if (!is_constant_evaluated()) { + return do_count_digits(n); + } +#endif + return count_digits_fallback(n); +} + +template constexpr auto digits10() noexcept -> int { + return std::numeric_limits::digits10; +} +template <> constexpr auto digits10() noexcept -> int { return 38; } +template <> constexpr auto digits10() noexcept -> int { return 38; } + +template struct thousands_sep_result { + std::string grouping; + Char thousands_sep; +}; + +template +FMT_API auto thousands_sep_impl(locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result; +template +inline auto thousands_sep(locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result { + auto result = thousands_sep_impl(loc); + return {result.grouping, Char(result.thousands_sep)}; +} +template <> +inline auto thousands_sep(locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result { + return thousands_sep_impl(loc); +} + +template +FMT_API auto decimal_point_impl(locale_ref loc) -> Char; +template inline auto decimal_point(locale_ref loc) -> Char { + return Char(decimal_point_impl(loc)); +} +template <> inline auto decimal_point(locale_ref loc) -> wchar_t { + return decimal_point_impl(loc); +} + +// Compares two characters for equality. +template auto equal2(const Char* lhs, const char* rhs) -> bool { + return lhs[0] == Char(rhs[0]) && lhs[1] == Char(rhs[1]); +} +inline auto equal2(const char* lhs, const char* rhs) -> bool { + return memcmp(lhs, rhs, 2) == 0; +} + +// Copies two characters from src to dst. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 FMT_INLINE void copy2(Char* dst, const char* src) { + if (!is_constant_evaluated() && sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char)) { + memcpy(dst, src, 2); + return; + } + *dst++ = static_cast(*src++); + *dst = static_cast(*src); +} + +template struct format_decimal_result { + Iterator begin; + Iterator end; +}; + +// Formats a decimal unsigned integer value writing into out pointing to a +// buffer of specified size. The caller must ensure that the buffer is large +// enough. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto format_decimal(Char* out, UInt value, int size) + -> format_decimal_result { + FMT_ASSERT(size >= count_digits(value), "invalid digit count"); + out += size; + Char* end = out; + while (value >= 100) { + // Integer division is slow so do it for a group of two digits instead + // of for every digit. The idea comes from the talk by Alexandrescu + // "Three Optimization Tips for C++". See speed-test for a comparison. + out -= 2; + copy2(out, digits2(static_cast(value % 100))); + value /= 100; + } + if (value < 10) { + *--out = static_cast('0' + value); + return {out, end}; + } + out -= 2; + copy2(out, digits2(static_cast(value))); + return {out, end}; +} + +template >::value)> +inline auto format_decimal(Iterator out, UInt value, int size) + -> format_decimal_result { + // Buffer is large enough to hold all digits (digits10 + 1). + Char buffer[digits10() + 1]; + auto end = format_decimal(buffer, value, size).end; + return {out, detail::copy_str_noinline(buffer, end, out)}; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto format_uint(Char* buffer, UInt value, int num_digits, + bool upper = false) -> Char* { + buffer += num_digits; + Char* end = buffer; + do { + const char* digits = upper ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; + unsigned digit = static_cast(value & ((1 << BASE_BITS) - 1)); + *--buffer = static_cast(BASE_BITS < 4 ? static_cast('0' + digit) + : digits[digit]); + } while ((value >>= BASE_BITS) != 0); + return end; +} + +template +inline auto format_uint(It out, UInt value, int num_digits, bool upper = false) + -> It { + if (auto ptr = to_pointer(out, to_unsigned(num_digits))) { + format_uint(ptr, value, num_digits, upper); + return out; + } + // Buffer should be large enough to hold all digits (digits / BASE_BITS + 1). + char buffer[num_bits() / BASE_BITS + 1]; + format_uint(buffer, value, num_digits, upper); + return detail::copy_str_noinline(buffer, buffer + num_digits, out); +} + +// A converter from UTF-8 to UTF-16. +class utf8_to_utf16 { + private: + basic_memory_buffer buffer_; + + public: + FMT_API explicit utf8_to_utf16(string_view s); + operator basic_string_view() const { return {&buffer_[0], size()}; } + auto size() const -> size_t { return buffer_.size() - 1; } + auto c_str() const -> const wchar_t* { return &buffer_[0]; } + auto str() const -> std::wstring { return {&buffer_[0], size()}; } +}; + +namespace dragonbox { + +// Type-specific information that Dragonbox uses. +template struct float_info; + +template <> struct float_info { + using carrier_uint = uint32_t; + static const int exponent_bits = 8; + static const int kappa = 1; + static const int big_divisor = 100; + static const int small_divisor = 10; + static const int min_k = -31; + static const int max_k = 46; + static const int divisibility_check_by_5_threshold = 39; + static const int case_fc_pm_half_lower_threshold = -1; + static const int shorter_interval_tie_lower_threshold = -35; + static const int shorter_interval_tie_upper_threshold = -35; +}; + +template <> struct float_info { + using carrier_uint = uint64_t; + static const int exponent_bits = 11; + static const int kappa = 2; + static const int big_divisor = 1000; + static const int small_divisor = 100; + static const int min_k = -292; + static const int max_k = 326; + static const int divisibility_check_by_5_threshold = 86; + static const int case_fc_pm_half_lower_threshold = -2; + static const int shorter_interval_tie_lower_threshold = -77; + static const int shorter_interval_tie_upper_threshold = -77; +}; + +// An 80- or 128-bit floating point number. +template +struct float_info::digits == 64 || + std::numeric_limits::digits == 113 || + is_float128::value>> { + using carrier_uint = detail::uint128_t; + static const int exponent_bits = 15; +}; + +// A double-double floating point number. +template +struct float_info::value>> { + using carrier_uint = detail::uint128_t; +}; + +template struct decimal_fp { + using significand_type = typename float_info::carrier_uint; + significand_type significand; + int exponent; +}; + +template FMT_API auto to_decimal(T x) noexcept -> decimal_fp; +} // namespace dragonbox + +// Returns true iff Float has the implicit bit which is not stored. +template constexpr bool has_implicit_bit() { + // An 80-bit FP number has a 64-bit significand an no implicit bit. + return std::numeric_limits::digits != 64; +} + +// Returns the number of significand bits stored in Float. The implicit bit is +// not counted since it is not stored. +template constexpr int num_significand_bits() { + // std::numeric_limits may not support __float128. + return is_float128() ? 112 + : (std::numeric_limits::digits - + (has_implicit_bit() ? 1 : 0)); +} + +template +constexpr auto exponent_mask() -> + typename dragonbox::float_info::carrier_uint { + using uint = typename dragonbox::float_info::carrier_uint; + return ((uint(1) << dragonbox::float_info::exponent_bits) - 1) + << num_significand_bits(); +} +template constexpr auto exponent_bias() -> int { + // std::numeric_limits may not support __float128. + return is_float128() ? 16383 + : std::numeric_limits::max_exponent - 1; +} + +// Writes the exponent exp in the form "[+-]d{2,3}" to buffer. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write_exponent(int exp, It it) -> It { + FMT_ASSERT(-10000 < exp && exp < 10000, "exponent out of range"); + if (exp < 0) { + *it++ = static_cast('-'); + exp = -exp; + } else { + *it++ = static_cast('+'); + } + if (exp >= 100) { + const char* top = digits2(to_unsigned(exp / 100)); + if (exp >= 1000) *it++ = static_cast(top[0]); + *it++ = static_cast(top[1]); + exp %= 100; + } + const char* d = digits2(to_unsigned(exp)); + *it++ = static_cast(d[0]); + *it++ = static_cast(d[1]); + return it; +} + +// A floating-point number f * pow(2, e) where F is an unsigned type. +template struct basic_fp { + F f; + int e; + + static constexpr const int num_significand_bits = + static_cast(sizeof(F) * num_bits()); + + constexpr basic_fp() : f(0), e(0) {} + constexpr basic_fp(uint64_t f_val, int e_val) : f(f_val), e(e_val) {} + + // Constructs fp from an IEEE754 floating-point number. + template FMT_CONSTEXPR basic_fp(Float n) { assign(n); } + + // Assigns n to this and return true iff predecessor is closer than successor. + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto assign(Float n) -> bool { + static_assert(std::numeric_limits::digits <= 113, "unsupported FP"); + // Assume Float is in the format [sign][exponent][significand]. + using carrier_uint = typename dragonbox::float_info::carrier_uint; + const auto num_float_significand_bits = + detail::num_significand_bits(); + const auto implicit_bit = carrier_uint(1) << num_float_significand_bits; + const auto significand_mask = implicit_bit - 1; + auto u = bit_cast(n); + f = static_cast(u & significand_mask); + auto biased_e = static_cast((u & exponent_mask()) >> + num_float_significand_bits); + // The predecessor is closer if n is a normalized power of 2 (f == 0) + // other than the smallest normalized number (biased_e > 1). + auto is_predecessor_closer = f == 0 && biased_e > 1; + if (biased_e == 0) + biased_e = 1; // Subnormals use biased exponent 1 (min exponent). + else if (has_implicit_bit()) + f += static_cast(implicit_bit); + e = biased_e - exponent_bias() - num_float_significand_bits; + if (!has_implicit_bit()) ++e; + return is_predecessor_closer; + } + + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto assign(Float n) -> bool { + static_assert(std::numeric_limits::is_iec559, "unsupported FP"); + return assign(static_cast(n)); + } +}; + +using fp = basic_fp; + +// Normalizes the value converted from double and multiplied by (1 << SHIFT). +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR basic_fp normalize(basic_fp value) { + // Handle subnormals. + const auto implicit_bit = F(1) << num_significand_bits(); + const auto shifted_implicit_bit = implicit_bit << SHIFT; + while ((value.f & shifted_implicit_bit) == 0) { + value.f <<= 1; + --value.e; + } + // Subtract 1 to account for hidden bit. + const auto offset = basic_fp::num_significand_bits - + num_significand_bits() - SHIFT - 1; + value.f <<= offset; + value.e -= offset; + return value; +} + +// Computes lhs * rhs / pow(2, 64) rounded to nearest with half-up tie breaking. +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline uint64_t multiply(uint64_t lhs, uint64_t rhs) { +#if FMT_USE_INT128 + auto product = static_cast<__uint128_t>(lhs) * rhs; + auto f = static_cast(product >> 64); + return (static_cast(product) & (1ULL << 63)) != 0 ? f + 1 : f; +#else + // Multiply 32-bit parts of significands. + uint64_t mask = (1ULL << 32) - 1; + uint64_t a = lhs >> 32, b = lhs & mask; + uint64_t c = rhs >> 32, d = rhs & mask; + uint64_t ac = a * c, bc = b * c, ad = a * d, bd = b * d; + // Compute mid 64-bit of result and round. + uint64_t mid = (bd >> 32) + (ad & mask) + (bc & mask) + (1U << 31); + return ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (mid >> 32); +#endif +} + +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline fp operator*(fp x, fp y) { + return {multiply(x.f, y.f), x.e + y.e + 64}; +} + +template struct basic_data { + // Normalized 64-bit significands of pow(10, k), for k = -348, -340, ..., 340. + // These are generated by support/compute-powers.py. + static constexpr uint64_t pow10_significands[87] = { + 0xfa8fd5a0081c0288, 0xbaaee17fa23ebf76, 0x8b16fb203055ac76, + 0xcf42894a5dce35ea, 0x9a6bb0aa55653b2d, 0xe61acf033d1a45df, + 0xab70fe17c79ac6ca, 0xff77b1fcbebcdc4f, 0xbe5691ef416bd60c, + 0x8dd01fad907ffc3c, 0xd3515c2831559a83, 0x9d71ac8fada6c9b5, + 0xea9c227723ee8bcb, 0xaecc49914078536d, 0x823c12795db6ce57, + 0xc21094364dfb5637, 0x9096ea6f3848984f, 0xd77485cb25823ac7, + 0xa086cfcd97bf97f4, 0xef340a98172aace5, 0xb23867fb2a35b28e, + 0x84c8d4dfd2c63f3b, 0xc5dd44271ad3cdba, 0x936b9fcebb25c996, + 0xdbac6c247d62a584, 0xa3ab66580d5fdaf6, 0xf3e2f893dec3f126, + 0xb5b5ada8aaff80b8, 0x87625f056c7c4a8b, 0xc9bcff6034c13053, + 0x964e858c91ba2655, 0xdff9772470297ebd, 0xa6dfbd9fb8e5b88f, + 0xf8a95fcf88747d94, 0xb94470938fa89bcf, 0x8a08f0f8bf0f156b, + 0xcdb02555653131b6, 0x993fe2c6d07b7fac, 0xe45c10c42a2b3b06, + 0xaa242499697392d3, 0xfd87b5f28300ca0e, 0xbce5086492111aeb, + 0x8cbccc096f5088cc, 0xd1b71758e219652c, 0x9c40000000000000, + 0xe8d4a51000000000, 0xad78ebc5ac620000, 0x813f3978f8940984, + 0xc097ce7bc90715b3, 0x8f7e32ce7bea5c70, 0xd5d238a4abe98068, + 0x9f4f2726179a2245, 0xed63a231d4c4fb27, 0xb0de65388cc8ada8, + 0x83c7088e1aab65db, 0xc45d1df942711d9a, 0x924d692ca61be758, + 0xda01ee641a708dea, 0xa26da3999aef774a, 0xf209787bb47d6b85, + 0xb454e4a179dd1877, 0x865b86925b9bc5c2, 0xc83553c5c8965d3d, + 0x952ab45cfa97a0b3, 0xde469fbd99a05fe3, 0xa59bc234db398c25, + 0xf6c69a72a3989f5c, 0xb7dcbf5354e9bece, 0x88fcf317f22241e2, + 0xcc20ce9bd35c78a5, 0x98165af37b2153df, 0xe2a0b5dc971f303a, + 0xa8d9d1535ce3b396, 0xfb9b7cd9a4a7443c, 0xbb764c4ca7a44410, + 0x8bab8eefb6409c1a, 0xd01fef10a657842c, 0x9b10a4e5e9913129, + 0xe7109bfba19c0c9d, 0xac2820d9623bf429, 0x80444b5e7aa7cf85, + 0xbf21e44003acdd2d, 0x8e679c2f5e44ff8f, 0xd433179d9c8cb841, + 0x9e19db92b4e31ba9, 0xeb96bf6ebadf77d9, 0xaf87023b9bf0ee6b, + }; + +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 409 +# pragma GCC diagnostic push +# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnarrowing" +#endif + // Binary exponents of pow(10, k), for k = -348, -340, ..., 340, corresponding + // to significands above. + static constexpr int16_t pow10_exponents[87] = { + -1220, -1193, -1166, -1140, -1113, -1087, -1060, -1034, -1007, -980, -954, + -927, -901, -874, -847, -821, -794, -768, -741, -715, -688, -661, + -635, -608, -582, -555, -529, -502, -475, -449, -422, -396, -369, + -343, -316, -289, -263, -236, -210, -183, -157, -130, -103, -77, + -50, -24, 3, 30, 56, 83, 109, 136, 162, 189, 216, + 242, 269, 295, 322, 348, 375, 402, 428, 455, 481, 508, + 534, 561, 588, 614, 641, 667, 694, 720, 747, 774, 800, + 827, 853, 880, 907, 933, 960, 986, 1013, 1039, 1066}; +#if FMT_GCC_VERSION && FMT_GCC_VERSION < 409 +# pragma GCC diagnostic pop +#endif + + static constexpr uint64_t power_of_10_64[20] = { + 1, FMT_POWERS_OF_10(1ULL), FMT_POWERS_OF_10(1000000000ULL), + 10000000000000000000ULL}; +}; + +#if FMT_CPLUSPLUS < 201703L +template constexpr uint64_t basic_data::pow10_significands[]; +template constexpr int16_t basic_data::pow10_exponents[]; +template constexpr uint64_t basic_data::power_of_10_64[]; +#endif + +// This is a struct rather than an alias to avoid shadowing warnings in gcc. +struct data : basic_data<> {}; + +// Returns a cached power of 10 `c_k = c_k.f * pow(2, c_k.e)` such that its +// (binary) exponent satisfies `min_exponent <= c_k.e <= min_exponent + 28`. +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline fp get_cached_power(int min_exponent, + int& pow10_exponent) { + const int shift = 32; + // log10(2) = 0x0.4d104d427de7fbcc... + const int64_t significand = 0x4d104d427de7fbcc; + int index = static_cast( + ((min_exponent + fp::num_significand_bits - 1) * (significand >> shift) + + ((int64_t(1) << shift) - 1)) // ceil + >> 32 // arithmetic shift + ); + // Decimal exponent of the first (smallest) cached power of 10. + const int first_dec_exp = -348; + // Difference between 2 consecutive decimal exponents in cached powers of 10. + const int dec_exp_step = 8; + index = (index - first_dec_exp - 1) / dec_exp_step + 1; + pow10_exponent = first_dec_exp + index * dec_exp_step; + return {data::pow10_significands[index], data::pow10_exponents[index]}; +} + +#ifndef _MSC_VER +# define FMT_SNPRINTF snprintf +#else +FMT_API auto fmt_snprintf(char* buf, size_t size, const char* fmt, ...) -> int; +# define FMT_SNPRINTF fmt_snprintf +#endif // _MSC_VER + +// Formats a floating-point number with snprintf using the hexfloat format. +template +auto snprintf_float(T value, int precision, float_specs specs, + buffer& buf) -> int { + // Buffer capacity must be non-zero, otherwise MSVC's vsnprintf_s will fail. + FMT_ASSERT(buf.capacity() > buf.size(), "empty buffer"); + FMT_ASSERT(specs.format == float_format::hex, ""); + static_assert(!std::is_same::value, ""); + + // Build the format string. + char format[7]; // The longest format is "%#.*Le". + char* format_ptr = format; + *format_ptr++ = '%'; + if (specs.showpoint) *format_ptr++ = '#'; + if (precision >= 0) { + *format_ptr++ = '.'; + *format_ptr++ = '*'; + } + if (std::is_same()) *format_ptr++ = 'L'; + *format_ptr++ = specs.upper ? 'A' : 'a'; + *format_ptr = '\0'; + + // Format using snprintf. + auto offset = buf.size(); + for (;;) { + auto begin = buf.data() + offset; + auto capacity = buf.capacity() - offset; + abort_fuzzing_if(precision > 100000); + // Suppress the warning about a nonliteral format string. + // Cannot use auto because of a bug in MinGW (#1532). + int (*snprintf_ptr)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...) = FMT_SNPRINTF; + int result = precision >= 0 + ? snprintf_ptr(begin, capacity, format, precision, value) + : snprintf_ptr(begin, capacity, format, value); + if (result < 0) { + // The buffer will grow exponentially. + buf.try_reserve(buf.capacity() + 1); + continue; + } + auto size = to_unsigned(result); + // Size equal to capacity means that the last character was truncated. + if (size < capacity) { + buf.try_resize(size + offset); + return 0; + } + buf.try_reserve(size + offset + 1); // Add 1 for the terminating '\0'. + } +} + +template +using convert_float_result = + conditional_t::value || sizeof(T) == sizeof(double), + double, T>; + +template +constexpr auto convert_float(T value) -> convert_float_result { + return static_cast>(value); +} + +template +FMT_NOINLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR auto fill(OutputIt it, size_t n, + const fill_t& fill) -> OutputIt { + auto fill_size = fill.size(); + if (fill_size == 1) return detail::fill_n(it, n, fill[0]); + auto data = fill.data(); + for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) + it = copy_str(data, data + fill_size, it); + return it; +} + +// Writes the output of f, padded according to format specifications in specs. +// size: output size in code units. +// width: output display width in (terminal) column positions. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write_padded(OutputIt out, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + size_t size, size_t width, F&& f) -> OutputIt { + static_assert(align == align::left || align == align::right, ""); + unsigned spec_width = to_unsigned(specs.width); + size_t padding = spec_width > width ? spec_width - width : 0; + // Shifts are encoded as string literals because static constexpr is not + // supported in constexpr functions. + auto* shifts = align == align::left ? "\x1f\x1f\x00\x01" : "\x00\x1f\x00\x01"; + size_t left_padding = padding >> shifts[specs.align]; + size_t right_padding = padding - left_padding; + auto it = reserve(out, size + padding * specs.fill.size()); + if (left_padding != 0) it = fill(it, left_padding, specs.fill); + it = f(it); + if (right_padding != 0) it = fill(it, right_padding, specs.fill); + return base_iterator(out, it); +} + +template +constexpr auto write_padded(OutputIt out, const basic_format_specs& specs, + size_t size, F&& f) -> OutputIt { + return write_padded(out, specs, size, size, f); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write_bytes(OutputIt out, string_view bytes, + const basic_format_specs& specs) + -> OutputIt { + return write_padded( + out, specs, bytes.size(), [bytes](reserve_iterator it) { + const char* data = bytes.data(); + return copy_str(data, data + bytes.size(), it); + }); +} + +template +auto write_ptr(OutputIt out, UIntPtr value, + const basic_format_specs* specs) -> OutputIt { + int num_digits = count_digits<4>(value); + auto size = to_unsigned(num_digits) + size_t(2); + auto write = [=](reserve_iterator it) { + *it++ = static_cast('0'); + *it++ = static_cast('x'); + return format_uint<4, Char>(it, value, num_digits); + }; + return specs ? write_padded(out, *specs, size, write) + : base_iterator(out, write(reserve(out, size))); +} + +// Returns true iff the code point cp is printable. +FMT_API auto is_printable(uint32_t cp) -> bool; + +inline auto needs_escape(uint32_t cp) -> bool { + return cp < 0x20 || cp == 0x7f || cp == '"' || cp == '\\' || + !is_printable(cp); +} + +template struct find_escape_result { + const Char* begin; + const Char* end; + uint32_t cp; +}; + +template +using make_unsigned_char = + typename conditional_t::value, + std::make_unsigned, + type_identity>::type; + +template +auto find_escape(const Char* begin, const Char* end) + -> find_escape_result { + for (; begin != end; ++begin) { + uint32_t cp = static_cast>(*begin); + if (const_check(sizeof(Char) == 1) && cp >= 0x80) continue; + if (needs_escape(cp)) return {begin, begin + 1, cp}; + } + return {begin, nullptr, 0}; +} + +inline auto find_escape(const char* begin, const char* end) + -> find_escape_result { + if (!is_utf8()) return find_escape(begin, end); + auto result = find_escape_result{end, nullptr, 0}; + for_each_codepoint(string_view(begin, to_unsigned(end - begin)), + [&](uint32_t cp, string_view sv) { + if (needs_escape(cp)) { + result = {sv.begin(), sv.end(), cp}; + return false; + } + return true; + }); + return result; +} + +#define FMT_STRING_IMPL(s, base, explicit) \ + [] { \ + /* Use the hidden visibility as a workaround for a GCC bug (#1973). */ \ + /* Use a macro-like name to avoid shadowing warnings. */ \ + struct FMT_GCC_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN FMT_COMPILE_STRING : base { \ + using char_type = fmt::remove_cvref_t; \ + FMT_MAYBE_UNUSED FMT_CONSTEXPR explicit \ + operator fmt::basic_string_view() const { \ + return fmt::detail_exported::compile_string_to_view(s); \ + } \ + }; \ + return FMT_COMPILE_STRING(); \ + }() + +/** + \rst + Constructs a compile-time format string from a string literal *s*. + + **Example**:: + + // A compile-time error because 'd' is an invalid specifier for strings. + std::string s = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{:d}"), "foo"); + \endrst + */ +#define FMT_STRING(s) FMT_STRING_IMPL(s, fmt::detail::compile_string, ) + +template +auto write_codepoint(OutputIt out, char prefix, uint32_t cp) -> OutputIt { + *out++ = static_cast('\\'); + *out++ = static_cast(prefix); + Char buf[width]; + fill_n(buf, width, static_cast('0')); + format_uint<4>(buf, cp, width); + return copy_str(buf, buf + width, out); +} + +template +auto write_escaped_cp(OutputIt out, const find_escape_result& escape) + -> OutputIt { + auto c = static_cast(escape.cp); + switch (escape.cp) { + case '\n': + *out++ = static_cast('\\'); + c = static_cast('n'); + break; + case '\r': + *out++ = static_cast('\\'); + c = static_cast('r'); + break; + case '\t': + *out++ = static_cast('\\'); + c = static_cast('t'); + break; + case '"': + FMT_FALLTHROUGH; + case '\'': + FMT_FALLTHROUGH; + case '\\': + *out++ = static_cast('\\'); + break; + default: + if (is_utf8()) { + if (escape.cp < 0x100) { + return write_codepoint<2, Char>(out, 'x', escape.cp); + } + if (escape.cp < 0x10000) { + return write_codepoint<4, Char>(out, 'u', escape.cp); + } + if (escape.cp < 0x110000) { + return write_codepoint<8, Char>(out, 'U', escape.cp); + } + } + for (Char escape_char : basic_string_view( + escape.begin, to_unsigned(escape.end - escape.begin))) { + out = write_codepoint<2, Char>(out, 'x', + static_cast(escape_char) & 0xFF); + } + return out; + } + *out++ = c; + return out; +} + +template +auto write_escaped_string(OutputIt out, basic_string_view str) + -> OutputIt { + *out++ = static_cast('"'); + auto begin = str.begin(), end = str.end(); + do { + auto escape = find_escape(begin, end); + out = copy_str(begin, escape.begin, out); + begin = escape.end; + if (!begin) break; + out = write_escaped_cp(out, escape); + } while (begin != end); + *out++ = static_cast('"'); + return out; +} + +template +auto write_escaped_char(OutputIt out, Char v) -> OutputIt { + *out++ = static_cast('\''); + if ((needs_escape(static_cast(v)) && v != static_cast('"')) || + v == static_cast('\'')) { + out = write_escaped_cp( + out, find_escape_result{&v, &v + 1, static_cast(v)}); + } else { + *out++ = v; + } + *out++ = static_cast('\''); + return out; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write_char(OutputIt out, Char value, + const basic_format_specs& specs) + -> OutputIt { + bool is_debug = specs.type == presentation_type::debug; + return write_padded(out, specs, 1, [=](reserve_iterator it) { + if (is_debug) return write_escaped_char(it, value); + *it++ = value; + return it; + }); +} +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, Char value, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + locale_ref loc = {}) -> OutputIt { + return check_char_specs(specs) + ? write_char(out, value, specs) + : write(out, static_cast(value), specs, loc); +} + +// Data for write_int that doesn't depend on output iterator type. It is used to +// avoid template code bloat. +template struct write_int_data { + size_t size; + size_t padding; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR write_int_data(int num_digits, unsigned prefix, + const basic_format_specs& specs) + : size((prefix >> 24) + to_unsigned(num_digits)), padding(0) { + if (specs.align == align::numeric) { + auto width = to_unsigned(specs.width); + if (width > size) { + padding = width - size; + size = width; + } + } else if (specs.precision > num_digits) { + size = (prefix >> 24) + to_unsigned(specs.precision); + padding = to_unsigned(specs.precision - num_digits); + } + } +}; + +// Writes an integer in the format +// +// where are written by write_digits(it). +// prefix contains chars in three lower bytes and the size in the fourth byte. +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto write_int(OutputIt out, int num_digits, + unsigned prefix, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + W write_digits) -> OutputIt { + // Slightly faster check for specs.width == 0 && specs.precision == -1. + if ((specs.width | (specs.precision + 1)) == 0) { + auto it = reserve(out, to_unsigned(num_digits) + (prefix >> 24)); + if (prefix != 0) { + for (unsigned p = prefix & 0xffffff; p != 0; p >>= 8) + *it++ = static_cast(p & 0xff); + } + return base_iterator(out, write_digits(it)); + } + auto data = write_int_data(num_digits, prefix, specs); + return write_padded( + out, specs, data.size, [=](reserve_iterator it) { + for (unsigned p = prefix & 0xffffff; p != 0; p >>= 8) + *it++ = static_cast(p & 0xff); + it = detail::fill_n(it, data.padding, static_cast('0')); + return write_digits(it); + }); +} + +template class digit_grouping { + private: + thousands_sep_result sep_; + + struct next_state { + std::string::const_iterator group; + int pos; + }; + next_state initial_state() const { return {sep_.grouping.begin(), 0}; } + + // Returns the next digit group separator position. + int next(next_state& state) const { + if (!sep_.thousands_sep) return max_value(); + if (state.group == sep_.grouping.end()) + return state.pos += sep_.grouping.back(); + if (*state.group <= 0 || *state.group == max_value()) + return max_value(); + state.pos += *state.group++; + return state.pos; + } + + public: + explicit digit_grouping(locale_ref loc, bool localized = true) { + if (localized) + sep_ = thousands_sep(loc); + else + sep_.thousands_sep = Char(); + } + explicit digit_grouping(thousands_sep_result sep) : sep_(sep) {} + + Char separator() const { return sep_.thousands_sep; } + + int count_separators(int num_digits) const { + int count = 0; + auto state = initial_state(); + while (num_digits > next(state)) ++count; + return count; + } + + // Applies grouping to digits and write the output to out. + template + Out apply(Out out, basic_string_view digits) const { + auto num_digits = static_cast(digits.size()); + auto separators = basic_memory_buffer(); + separators.push_back(0); + auto state = initial_state(); + while (int i = next(state)) { + if (i >= num_digits) break; + separators.push_back(i); + } + for (int i = 0, sep_index = static_cast(separators.size() - 1); + i < num_digits; ++i) { + if (num_digits - i == separators[sep_index]) { + *out++ = separator(); + --sep_index; + } + *out++ = static_cast(digits[to_unsigned(i)]); + } + return out; + } +}; + +template +auto write_int_localized(OutputIt out, UInt value, unsigned prefix, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + const digit_grouping& grouping) -> OutputIt { + static_assert(std::is_same, UInt>::value, ""); + int num_digits = count_digits(value); + char digits[40]; + format_decimal(digits, value, num_digits); + unsigned size = to_unsigned((prefix != 0 ? 1 : 0) + num_digits + + grouping.count_separators(num_digits)); + return write_padded( + out, specs, size, size, [&](reserve_iterator it) { + if (prefix != 0) *it++ = static_cast(prefix); + return grouping.apply(it, string_view(digits, to_unsigned(num_digits))); + }); +} + +template +auto write_int_localized(OutputIt& out, UInt value, unsigned prefix, + const basic_format_specs& specs, locale_ref loc) + -> bool { + auto grouping = digit_grouping(loc); + out = write_int_localized(out, value, prefix, specs, grouping); + return true; +} + +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline void prefix_append(unsigned& prefix, unsigned value) { + prefix |= prefix != 0 ? value << 8 : value; + prefix += (1u + (value > 0xff ? 1 : 0)) << 24; +} + +template struct write_int_arg { + UInt abs_value; + unsigned prefix; +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_write_int_arg(T value, sign_t sign) + -> write_int_arg> { + auto prefix = 0u; + auto abs_value = static_cast>(value); + if (is_negative(value)) { + prefix = 0x01000000 | '-'; + abs_value = 0 - abs_value; + } else { + constexpr const unsigned prefixes[4] = {0, 0, 0x1000000u | '+', + 0x1000000u | ' '}; + prefix = prefixes[sign]; + } + return {abs_value, prefix}; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto write_int(OutputIt out, write_int_arg arg, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt { + static_assert(std::is_same>::value, ""); + auto abs_value = arg.abs_value; + auto prefix = arg.prefix; + switch (specs.type) { + case presentation_type::none: + case presentation_type::dec: { + if (specs.localized && + write_int_localized(out, static_cast>(abs_value), + prefix, specs, loc)) { + return out; + } + auto num_digits = count_digits(abs_value); + return write_int( + out, num_digits, prefix, specs, [=](reserve_iterator it) { + return format_decimal(it, abs_value, num_digits).end; + }); + } + case presentation_type::hex_lower: + case presentation_type::hex_upper: { + bool upper = specs.type == presentation_type::hex_upper; + if (specs.alt) + prefix_append(prefix, unsigned(upper ? 'X' : 'x') << 8 | '0'); + int num_digits = count_digits<4>(abs_value); + return write_int( + out, num_digits, prefix, specs, [=](reserve_iterator it) { + return format_uint<4, Char>(it, abs_value, num_digits, upper); + }); + } + case presentation_type::bin_lower: + case presentation_type::bin_upper: { + bool upper = specs.type == presentation_type::bin_upper; + if (specs.alt) + prefix_append(prefix, unsigned(upper ? 'B' : 'b') << 8 | '0'); + int num_digits = count_digits<1>(abs_value); + return write_int(out, num_digits, prefix, specs, + [=](reserve_iterator it) { + return format_uint<1, Char>(it, abs_value, num_digits); + }); + } + case presentation_type::oct: { + int num_digits = count_digits<3>(abs_value); + // Octal prefix '0' is counted as a digit, so only add it if precision + // is not greater than the number of digits. + if (specs.alt && specs.precision <= num_digits && abs_value != 0) + prefix_append(prefix, '0'); + return write_int(out, num_digits, prefix, specs, + [=](reserve_iterator it) { + return format_uint<3, Char>(it, abs_value, num_digits); + }); + } + case presentation_type::chr: + return write_char(out, static_cast(abs_value), specs); + default: + throw_format_error("invalid type specifier"); + } + return out; +} +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_NOINLINE auto write_int_noinline( + OutputIt out, write_int_arg arg, const basic_format_specs& specs, + locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt { + return write_int(out, arg, specs, loc); +} +template ::value && + !std::is_same::value && + std::is_same>::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto write(OutputIt out, T value, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt { + return write_int_noinline(out, make_write_int_arg(value, specs.sign), specs, + loc); +} +// An inlined version of write used in format string compilation. +template ::value && + !std::is_same::value && + !std::is_same>::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto write(OutputIt out, T value, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt { + return write_int(out, make_write_int_arg(value, specs.sign), specs, loc); +} + +// An output iterator that counts the number of objects written to it and +// discards them. +class counting_iterator { + private: + size_t count_; + + public: + using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag; + using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; + using pointer = void; + using reference = void; + FMT_UNCHECKED_ITERATOR(counting_iterator); + + struct value_type { + template void operator=(const T&) {} + }; + + counting_iterator() : count_(0) {} + + size_t count() const { return count_; } + + counting_iterator& operator++() { + ++count_; + return *this; + } + counting_iterator operator++(int) { + auto it = *this; + ++*this; + return it; + } + + friend counting_iterator operator+(counting_iterator it, difference_type n) { + it.count_ += static_cast(n); + return it; + } + + value_type operator*() const { return {}; } +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, basic_string_view s, + const basic_format_specs& specs) -> OutputIt { + auto data = s.data(); + auto size = s.size(); + if (specs.precision >= 0 && to_unsigned(specs.precision) < size) + size = code_point_index(s, to_unsigned(specs.precision)); + bool is_debug = specs.type == presentation_type::debug; + size_t width = 0; + if (specs.width != 0) { + if (is_debug) + width = write_escaped_string(counting_iterator{}, s).count(); + else + width = compute_width(basic_string_view(data, size)); + } + return write_padded(out, specs, size, width, + [=](reserve_iterator it) { + if (is_debug) return write_escaped_string(it, s); + return copy_str(data, data + size, it); + }); +} +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, + basic_string_view> s, + const basic_format_specs& specs, locale_ref) + -> OutputIt { + check_string_type_spec(specs.type); + return write(out, s, specs); +} +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, const Char* s, + const basic_format_specs& specs, locale_ref) + -> OutputIt { + return check_cstring_type_spec(specs.type) + ? write(out, basic_string_view(s), specs, {}) + : write_ptr(out, bit_cast(s), &specs); +} + +template ::value && + !std::is_same::value && + !std::is_same::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt { + auto abs_value = static_cast>(value); + bool negative = is_negative(value); + // Don't do -abs_value since it trips unsigned-integer-overflow sanitizer. + if (negative) abs_value = ~abs_value + 1; + int num_digits = count_digits(abs_value); + auto size = (negative ? 1 : 0) + static_cast(num_digits); + auto it = reserve(out, size); + if (auto ptr = to_pointer(it, size)) { + if (negative) *ptr++ = static_cast('-'); + format_decimal(ptr, abs_value, num_digits); + return out; + } + if (negative) *it++ = static_cast('-'); + it = format_decimal(it, abs_value, num_digits).end; + return base_iterator(out, it); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto write_nonfinite(OutputIt out, bool isnan, + basic_format_specs specs, + const float_specs& fspecs) -> OutputIt { + auto str = + isnan ? (fspecs.upper ? "NAN" : "nan") : (fspecs.upper ? "INF" : "inf"); + constexpr size_t str_size = 3; + auto sign = fspecs.sign; + auto size = str_size + (sign ? 1 : 0); + // Replace '0'-padding with space for non-finite values. + const bool is_zero_fill = + specs.fill.size() == 1 && *specs.fill.data() == static_cast('0'); + if (is_zero_fill) specs.fill[0] = static_cast(' '); + return write_padded(out, specs, size, [=](reserve_iterator it) { + if (sign) *it++ = detail::sign(sign); + return copy_str(str, str + str_size, it); + }); +} + +// A decimal floating-point number significand * pow(10, exp). +struct big_decimal_fp { + const char* significand; + int significand_size; + int exponent; +}; + +constexpr auto get_significand_size(const big_decimal_fp& f) -> int { + return f.significand_size; +} +template +inline auto get_significand_size(const dragonbox::decimal_fp& f) -> int { + return count_digits(f.significand); +} + +template +constexpr auto write_significand(OutputIt out, const char* significand, + int significand_size) -> OutputIt { + return copy_str(significand, significand + significand_size, out); +} +template +inline auto write_significand(OutputIt out, UInt significand, + int significand_size) -> OutputIt { + return format_decimal(out, significand, significand_size).end; +} +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto write_significand(OutputIt out, T significand, + int significand_size, int exponent, + const Grouping& grouping) -> OutputIt { + if (!grouping.separator()) { + out = write_significand(out, significand, significand_size); + return detail::fill_n(out, exponent, static_cast('0')); + } + auto buffer = memory_buffer(); + write_significand(appender(buffer), significand, significand_size); + detail::fill_n(appender(buffer), exponent, '0'); + return grouping.apply(out, string_view(buffer.data(), buffer.size())); +} + +template ::value)> +inline auto write_significand(Char* out, UInt significand, int significand_size, + int integral_size, Char decimal_point) -> Char* { + if (!decimal_point) + return format_decimal(out, significand, significand_size).end; + out += significand_size + 1; + Char* end = out; + int floating_size = significand_size - integral_size; + for (int i = floating_size / 2; i > 0; --i) { + out -= 2; + copy2(out, digits2(static_cast(significand % 100))); + significand /= 100; + } + if (floating_size % 2 != 0) { + *--out = static_cast('0' + significand % 10); + significand /= 10; + } + *--out = decimal_point; + format_decimal(out - integral_size, significand, integral_size); + return end; +} + +template >::value)> +inline auto write_significand(OutputIt out, UInt significand, + int significand_size, int integral_size, + Char decimal_point) -> OutputIt { + // Buffer is large enough to hold digits (digits10 + 1) and a decimal point. + Char buffer[digits10() + 2]; + auto end = write_significand(buffer, significand, significand_size, + integral_size, decimal_point); + return detail::copy_str_noinline(buffer, end, out); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write_significand(OutputIt out, const char* significand, + int significand_size, int integral_size, + Char decimal_point) -> OutputIt { + out = detail::copy_str_noinline(significand, + significand + integral_size, out); + if (!decimal_point) return out; + *out++ = decimal_point; + return detail::copy_str_noinline(significand + integral_size, + significand + significand_size, out); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto write_significand(OutputIt out, T significand, + int significand_size, int integral_size, + Char decimal_point, + const Grouping& grouping) -> OutputIt { + if (!grouping.separator()) { + return write_significand(out, significand, significand_size, integral_size, + decimal_point); + } + auto buffer = basic_memory_buffer(); + write_significand(buffer_appender(buffer), significand, + significand_size, integral_size, decimal_point); + grouping.apply( + out, basic_string_view(buffer.data(), to_unsigned(integral_size))); + return detail::copy_str_noinline(buffer.data() + integral_size, + buffer.end(), out); +} + +template > +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto do_write_float(OutputIt out, const DecimalFP& f, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + float_specs fspecs, locale_ref loc) + -> OutputIt { + auto significand = f.significand; + int significand_size = get_significand_size(f); + const Char zero = static_cast('0'); + auto sign = fspecs.sign; + size_t size = to_unsigned(significand_size) + (sign ? 1 : 0); + using iterator = reserve_iterator; + + Char decimal_point = + fspecs.locale ? detail::decimal_point(loc) : static_cast('.'); + + int output_exp = f.exponent + significand_size - 1; + auto use_exp_format = [=]() { + if (fspecs.format == float_format::exp) return true; + if (fspecs.format != float_format::general) return false; + // Use the fixed notation if the exponent is in [exp_lower, exp_upper), + // e.g. 0.0001 instead of 1e-04. Otherwise use the exponent notation. + const int exp_lower = -4, exp_upper = 16; + return output_exp < exp_lower || + output_exp >= (fspecs.precision > 0 ? fspecs.precision : exp_upper); + }; + if (use_exp_format()) { + int num_zeros = 0; + if (fspecs.showpoint) { + num_zeros = fspecs.precision - significand_size; + if (num_zeros < 0) num_zeros = 0; + size += to_unsigned(num_zeros); + } else if (significand_size == 1) { + decimal_point = Char(); + } + auto abs_output_exp = output_exp >= 0 ? output_exp : -output_exp; + int exp_digits = 2; + if (abs_output_exp >= 100) exp_digits = abs_output_exp >= 1000 ? 4 : 3; + + size += to_unsigned((decimal_point ? 1 : 0) + 2 + exp_digits); + char exp_char = fspecs.upper ? 'E' : 'e'; + auto write = [=](iterator it) { + if (sign) *it++ = detail::sign(sign); + // Insert a decimal point after the first digit and add an exponent. + it = write_significand(it, significand, significand_size, 1, + decimal_point); + if (num_zeros > 0) it = detail::fill_n(it, num_zeros, zero); + *it++ = static_cast(exp_char); + return write_exponent(output_exp, it); + }; + return specs.width > 0 ? write_padded(out, specs, size, write) + : base_iterator(out, write(reserve(out, size))); + } + + int exp = f.exponent + significand_size; + if (f.exponent >= 0) { + // 1234e5 -> 123400000[.0+] + size += to_unsigned(f.exponent); + int num_zeros = fspecs.precision - exp; + abort_fuzzing_if(num_zeros > 5000); + if (fspecs.showpoint) { + ++size; + if (num_zeros <= 0 && fspecs.format != float_format::fixed) num_zeros = 1; + if (num_zeros > 0) size += to_unsigned(num_zeros); + } + auto grouping = Grouping(loc, fspecs.locale); + size += to_unsigned(grouping.count_separators(exp)); + return write_padded(out, specs, size, [&](iterator it) { + if (sign) *it++ = detail::sign(sign); + it = write_significand(it, significand, significand_size, + f.exponent, grouping); + if (!fspecs.showpoint) return it; + *it++ = decimal_point; + return num_zeros > 0 ? detail::fill_n(it, num_zeros, zero) : it; + }); + } else if (exp > 0) { + // 1234e-2 -> 12.34[0+] + int num_zeros = fspecs.showpoint ? fspecs.precision - significand_size : 0; + size += 1 + to_unsigned(num_zeros > 0 ? num_zeros : 0); + auto grouping = Grouping(loc, fspecs.locale); + size += to_unsigned(grouping.count_separators(significand_size)); + return write_padded(out, specs, size, [&](iterator it) { + if (sign) *it++ = detail::sign(sign); + it = write_significand(it, significand, significand_size, exp, + decimal_point, grouping); + return num_zeros > 0 ? detail::fill_n(it, num_zeros, zero) : it; + }); + } + // 1234e-6 -> 0.001234 + int num_zeros = -exp; + if (significand_size == 0 && fspecs.precision >= 0 && + fspecs.precision < num_zeros) { + num_zeros = fspecs.precision; + } + bool pointy = num_zeros != 0 || significand_size != 0 || fspecs.showpoint; + size += 1 + (pointy ? 1 : 0) + to_unsigned(num_zeros); + return write_padded(out, specs, size, [&](iterator it) { + if (sign) *it++ = detail::sign(sign); + *it++ = zero; + if (!pointy) return it; + *it++ = decimal_point; + it = detail::fill_n(it, num_zeros, zero); + return write_significand(it, significand, significand_size); + }); +} + +template class fallback_digit_grouping { + public: + constexpr fallback_digit_grouping(locale_ref, bool) {} + + constexpr Char separator() const { return Char(); } + + constexpr int count_separators(int) const { return 0; } + + template + constexpr Out apply(Out out, basic_string_view) const { + return out; + } +}; + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto write_float(OutputIt out, const DecimalFP& f, + const basic_format_specs& specs, + float_specs fspecs, locale_ref loc) + -> OutputIt { + if (is_constant_evaluated()) { + return do_write_float>(out, f, specs, fspecs, + loc); + } else { + return do_write_float(out, f, specs, fspecs, loc); + } +} + +template constexpr bool isnan(T value) { + return !(value >= value); // std::isnan doesn't support __float128. +} + +template +struct has_isfinite : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct has_isfinite> + : std::true_type {}; + +template ::value&& + has_isfinite::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 bool isfinite(T value) { + constexpr T inf = T(std::numeric_limits::infinity()); + if (is_constant_evaluated()) + return !detail::isnan(value) && value != inf && value != -inf; + return std::isfinite(value); +} +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR bool isfinite(T value) { + T inf = T(std::numeric_limits::infinity()); + // std::isfinite doesn't support __float128. + return !detail::isnan(value) && value != inf && value != -inf; +} + +template ::value)> +FMT_INLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR bool signbit(T value) { + if (is_constant_evaluated()) { +#ifdef __cpp_if_constexpr + if constexpr (std::numeric_limits::is_iec559) { + auto bits = detail::bit_cast(static_cast(value)); + return (bits >> (num_bits() - 1)) != 0; + } +#endif + } + return std::signbit(static_cast(value)); +} + +enum class round_direction { unknown, up, down }; + +// Given the divisor (normally a power of 10), the remainder = v % divisor for +// some number v and the error, returns whether v should be rounded up, down, or +// whether the rounding direction can't be determined due to error. +// error should be less than divisor / 2. +FMT_CONSTEXPR inline round_direction get_round_direction(uint64_t divisor, + uint64_t remainder, + uint64_t error) { + FMT_ASSERT(remainder < divisor, ""); // divisor - remainder won't overflow. + FMT_ASSERT(error < divisor, ""); // divisor - error won't overflow. + FMT_ASSERT(error < divisor - error, ""); // error * 2 won't overflow. + // Round down if (remainder + error) * 2 <= divisor. + if (remainder <= divisor - remainder && error * 2 <= divisor - remainder * 2) + return round_direction::down; + // Round up if (remainder - error) * 2 >= divisor. + if (remainder >= error && + remainder - error >= divisor - (remainder - error)) { + return round_direction::up; + } + return round_direction::unknown; +} + +namespace digits { +enum result { + more, // Generate more digits. + done, // Done generating digits. + error // Digit generation cancelled due to an error. +}; +} + +struct gen_digits_handler { + char* buf; + int size; + int precision; + int exp10; + bool fixed; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR digits::result on_digit(char digit, uint64_t divisor, + uint64_t remainder, uint64_t error, + bool integral) { + FMT_ASSERT(remainder < divisor, ""); + buf[size++] = digit; + if (!integral && error >= remainder) return digits::error; + if (size < precision) return digits::more; + if (!integral) { + // Check if error * 2 < divisor with overflow prevention. + // The check is not needed for the integral part because error = 1 + // and divisor > (1 << 32) there. + if (error >= divisor || error >= divisor - error) return digits::error; + } else { + FMT_ASSERT(error == 1 && divisor > 2, ""); + } + auto dir = get_round_direction(divisor, remainder, error); + if (dir != round_direction::up) + return dir == round_direction::down ? digits::done : digits::error; + ++buf[size - 1]; + for (int i = size - 1; i > 0 && buf[i] > '9'; --i) { + buf[i] = '0'; + ++buf[i - 1]; + } + if (buf[0] > '9') { + buf[0] = '1'; + if (fixed) + buf[size++] = '0'; + else + ++exp10; + } + return digits::done; + } +}; + +inline FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void adjust_precision(int& precision, int exp10) { + // Adjust fixed precision by exponent because it is relative to decimal + // point. + if (exp10 > 0 && precision > max_value() - exp10) + FMT_THROW(format_error("number is too big")); + precision += exp10; +} + +// Generates output using the Grisu digit-gen algorithm. +// error: the size of the region (lower, upper) outside of which numbers +// definitely do not round to value (Delta in Grisu3). +FMT_INLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto grisu_gen_digits(fp value, uint64_t error, + int& exp, + gen_digits_handler& handler) + -> digits::result { + const fp one(1ULL << -value.e, value.e); + // The integral part of scaled value (p1 in Grisu) = value / one. It cannot be + // zero because it contains a product of two 64-bit numbers with MSB set (due + // to normalization) - 1, shifted right by at most 60 bits. + auto integral = static_cast(value.f >> -one.e); + FMT_ASSERT(integral != 0, ""); + FMT_ASSERT(integral == value.f >> -one.e, ""); + // The fractional part of scaled value (p2 in Grisu) c = value % one. + uint64_t fractional = value.f & (one.f - 1); + exp = count_digits(integral); // kappa in Grisu. + // Non-fixed formats require at least one digit and no precision adjustment. + if (handler.fixed) { + adjust_precision(handler.precision, exp + handler.exp10); + // Check if precision is satisfied just by leading zeros, e.g. + // format("{:.2f}", 0.001) gives "0.00" without generating any digits. + if (handler.precision <= 0) { + if (handler.precision < 0) return digits::done; + // Divide by 10 to prevent overflow. + uint64_t divisor = data::power_of_10_64[exp - 1] << -one.e; + auto dir = get_round_direction(divisor, value.f / 10, error * 10); + if (dir == round_direction::unknown) return digits::error; + handler.buf[handler.size++] = dir == round_direction::up ? '1' : '0'; + return digits::done; + } + } + // Generate digits for the integral part. This can produce up to 10 digits. + do { + uint32_t digit = 0; + auto divmod_integral = [&](uint32_t divisor) { + digit = integral / divisor; + integral %= divisor; + }; + // This optimization by Milo Yip reduces the number of integer divisions by + // one per iteration. + switch (exp) { + case 10: + divmod_integral(1000000000); + break; + case 9: + divmod_integral(100000000); + break; + case 8: + divmod_integral(10000000); + break; + case 7: + divmod_integral(1000000); + break; + case 6: + divmod_integral(100000); + break; + case 5: + divmod_integral(10000); + break; + case 4: + divmod_integral(1000); + break; + case 3: + divmod_integral(100); + break; + case 2: + divmod_integral(10); + break; + case 1: + digit = integral; + integral = 0; + break; + default: + FMT_ASSERT(false, "invalid number of digits"); + } + --exp; + auto remainder = (static_cast(integral) << -one.e) + fractional; + auto result = handler.on_digit(static_cast('0' + digit), + data::power_of_10_64[exp] << -one.e, + remainder, error, true); + if (result != digits::more) return result; + } while (exp > 0); + // Generate digits for the fractional part. + for (;;) { + fractional *= 10; + error *= 10; + char digit = static_cast('0' + (fractional >> -one.e)); + fractional &= one.f - 1; + --exp; + auto result = handler.on_digit(digit, one.f, fractional, error, false); + if (result != digits::more) return result; + } +} + +class bigint { + private: + // A bigint is stored as an array of bigits (big digits), with bigit at index + // 0 being the least significant one. + using bigit = uint32_t; + using double_bigit = uint64_t; + enum { bigits_capacity = 32 }; + basic_memory_buffer bigits_; + int exp_; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 bigit operator[](int index) const { + return bigits_[to_unsigned(index)]; + } + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 bigit& operator[](int index) { + return bigits_[to_unsigned(index)]; + } + + static constexpr const int bigit_bits = num_bits(); + + friend struct formatter; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void subtract_bigits(int index, bigit other, bigit& borrow) { + auto result = static_cast((*this)[index]) - other - borrow; + (*this)[index] = static_cast(result); + borrow = static_cast(result >> (bigit_bits * 2 - 1)); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void remove_leading_zeros() { + int num_bigits = static_cast(bigits_.size()) - 1; + while (num_bigits > 0 && (*this)[num_bigits] == 0) --num_bigits; + bigits_.resize(to_unsigned(num_bigits + 1)); + } + + // Computes *this -= other assuming aligned bigints and *this >= other. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void subtract_aligned(const bigint& other) { + FMT_ASSERT(other.exp_ >= exp_, "unaligned bigints"); + FMT_ASSERT(compare(*this, other) >= 0, ""); + bigit borrow = 0; + int i = other.exp_ - exp_; + for (size_t j = 0, n = other.bigits_.size(); j != n; ++i, ++j) + subtract_bigits(i, other.bigits_[j], borrow); + while (borrow > 0) subtract_bigits(i, 0, borrow); + remove_leading_zeros(); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void multiply(uint32_t value) { + const double_bigit wide_value = value; + bigit carry = 0; + for (size_t i = 0, n = bigits_.size(); i < n; ++i) { + double_bigit result = bigits_[i] * wide_value + carry; + bigits_[i] = static_cast(result); + carry = static_cast(result >> bigit_bits); + } + if (carry != 0) bigits_.push_back(carry); + } + + template ::value || + std::is_same::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void multiply(UInt value) { + using half_uint = + conditional_t::value, uint64_t, uint32_t>; + const int shift = num_bits() - bigit_bits; + const UInt lower = static_cast(value); + const UInt upper = value >> num_bits(); + UInt carry = 0; + for (size_t i = 0, n = bigits_.size(); i < n; ++i) { + UInt result = lower * bigits_[i] + static_cast(carry); + carry = (upper * bigits_[i] << shift) + (result >> bigit_bits) + + (carry >> bigit_bits); + bigits_[i] = static_cast(result); + } + while (carry != 0) { + bigits_.push_back(static_cast(carry)); + carry >>= bigit_bits; + } + } + + template ::value || + std::is_same::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void assign(UInt n) { + size_t num_bigits = 0; + do { + bigits_[num_bigits++] = static_cast(n); + n >>= bigit_bits; + } while (n != 0); + bigits_.resize(num_bigits); + exp_ = 0; + } + + public: + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 bigint() : exp_(0) {} + explicit bigint(uint64_t n) { assign(n); } + + bigint(const bigint&) = delete; + void operator=(const bigint&) = delete; + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void assign(const bigint& other) { + auto size = other.bigits_.size(); + bigits_.resize(size); + auto data = other.bigits_.data(); + std::copy(data, data + size, make_checked(bigits_.data(), size)); + exp_ = other.exp_; + } + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void operator=(Int n) { + FMT_ASSERT(n > 0, ""); + assign(uint64_or_128_t(n)); + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 int num_bigits() const { + return static_cast(bigits_.size()) + exp_; + } + + FMT_NOINLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR20 bigint& operator<<=(int shift) { + FMT_ASSERT(shift >= 0, ""); + exp_ += shift / bigit_bits; + shift %= bigit_bits; + if (shift == 0) return *this; + bigit carry = 0; + for (size_t i = 0, n = bigits_.size(); i < n; ++i) { + bigit c = bigits_[i] >> (bigit_bits - shift); + bigits_[i] = (bigits_[i] << shift) + carry; + carry = c; + } + if (carry != 0) bigits_.push_back(carry); + return *this; + } + + template FMT_CONSTEXPR20 bigint& operator*=(Int value) { + FMT_ASSERT(value > 0, ""); + multiply(uint32_or_64_or_128_t(value)); + return *this; + } + + friend FMT_CONSTEXPR20 int compare(const bigint& lhs, const bigint& rhs) { + int num_lhs_bigits = lhs.num_bigits(), num_rhs_bigits = rhs.num_bigits(); + if (num_lhs_bigits != num_rhs_bigits) + return num_lhs_bigits > num_rhs_bigits ? 1 : -1; + int i = static_cast(lhs.bigits_.size()) - 1; + int j = static_cast(rhs.bigits_.size()) - 1; + int end = i - j; + if (end < 0) end = 0; + for (; i >= end; --i, --j) { + bigit lhs_bigit = lhs[i], rhs_bigit = rhs[j]; + if (lhs_bigit != rhs_bigit) return lhs_bigit > rhs_bigit ? 1 : -1; + } + if (i != j) return i > j ? 1 : -1; + return 0; + } + + // Returns compare(lhs1 + lhs2, rhs). + friend FMT_CONSTEXPR20 int add_compare(const bigint& lhs1, const bigint& lhs2, + const bigint& rhs) { + auto minimum = [](int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }; + auto maximum = [](int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; }; + int max_lhs_bigits = maximum(lhs1.num_bigits(), lhs2.num_bigits()); + int num_rhs_bigits = rhs.num_bigits(); + if (max_lhs_bigits + 1 < num_rhs_bigits) return -1; + if (max_lhs_bigits > num_rhs_bigits) return 1; + auto get_bigit = [](const bigint& n, int i) -> bigit { + return i >= n.exp_ && i < n.num_bigits() ? n[i - n.exp_] : 0; + }; + double_bigit borrow = 0; + int min_exp = minimum(minimum(lhs1.exp_, lhs2.exp_), rhs.exp_); + for (int i = num_rhs_bigits - 1; i >= min_exp; --i) { + double_bigit sum = + static_cast(get_bigit(lhs1, i)) + get_bigit(lhs2, i); + bigit rhs_bigit = get_bigit(rhs, i); + if (sum > rhs_bigit + borrow) return 1; + borrow = rhs_bigit + borrow - sum; + if (borrow > 1) return -1; + borrow <<= bigit_bits; + } + return borrow != 0 ? -1 : 0; + } + + // Assigns pow(10, exp) to this bigint. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void assign_pow10(int exp) { + FMT_ASSERT(exp >= 0, ""); + if (exp == 0) return *this = 1; + // Find the top bit. + int bitmask = 1; + while (exp >= bitmask) bitmask <<= 1; + bitmask >>= 1; + // pow(10, exp) = pow(5, exp) * pow(2, exp). First compute pow(5, exp) by + // repeated squaring and multiplication. + *this = 5; + bitmask >>= 1; + while (bitmask != 0) { + square(); + if ((exp & bitmask) != 0) *this *= 5; + bitmask >>= 1; + } + *this <<= exp; // Multiply by pow(2, exp) by shifting. + } + + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void square() { + int num_bigits = static_cast(bigits_.size()); + int num_result_bigits = 2 * num_bigits; + basic_memory_buffer n(std::move(bigits_)); + bigits_.resize(to_unsigned(num_result_bigits)); + auto sum = uint128_t(); + for (int bigit_index = 0; bigit_index < num_bigits; ++bigit_index) { + // Compute bigit at position bigit_index of the result by adding + // cross-product terms n[i] * n[j] such that i + j == bigit_index. + for (int i = 0, j = bigit_index; j >= 0; ++i, --j) { + // Most terms are multiplied twice which can be optimized in the future. + sum += static_cast(n[i]) * n[j]; + } + (*this)[bigit_index] = static_cast(sum); + sum >>= num_bits(); // Compute the carry. + } + // Do the same for the top half. + for (int bigit_index = num_bigits; bigit_index < num_result_bigits; + ++bigit_index) { + for (int j = num_bigits - 1, i = bigit_index - j; i < num_bigits;) + sum += static_cast(n[i++]) * n[j--]; + (*this)[bigit_index] = static_cast(sum); + sum >>= num_bits(); + } + remove_leading_zeros(); + exp_ *= 2; + } + + // If this bigint has a bigger exponent than other, adds trailing zero to make + // exponents equal. This simplifies some operations such as subtraction. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void align(const bigint& other) { + int exp_difference = exp_ - other.exp_; + if (exp_difference <= 0) return; + int num_bigits = static_cast(bigits_.size()); + bigits_.resize(to_unsigned(num_bigits + exp_difference)); + for (int i = num_bigits - 1, j = i + exp_difference; i >= 0; --i, --j) + bigits_[j] = bigits_[i]; + std::uninitialized_fill_n(bigits_.data(), exp_difference, 0); + exp_ -= exp_difference; + } + + // Divides this bignum by divisor, assigning the remainder to this and + // returning the quotient. + FMT_CONSTEXPR20 int divmod_assign(const bigint& divisor) { + FMT_ASSERT(this != &divisor, ""); + if (compare(*this, divisor) < 0) return 0; + FMT_ASSERT(divisor.bigits_[divisor.bigits_.size() - 1u] != 0, ""); + align(divisor); + int quotient = 0; + do { + subtract_aligned(divisor); + ++quotient; + } while (compare(*this, divisor) >= 0); + return quotient; + } +}; + +// format_dragon flags. +enum dragon { + predecessor_closer = 1, + fixup = 2, // Run fixup to correct exp10 which can be off by one. + fixed = 4, +}; + +// Formats a floating-point number using a variation of the Fixed-Precision +// Positive Floating-Point Printout ((FPP)^2) algorithm by Steele & White: +// https://fmt.dev/papers/p372-steele.pdf. +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 inline void format_dragon(basic_fp value, + unsigned flags, int num_digits, + buffer& buf, int& exp10) { + bigint numerator; // 2 * R in (FPP)^2. + bigint denominator; // 2 * S in (FPP)^2. + // lower and upper are differences between value and corresponding boundaries. + bigint lower; // (M^- in (FPP)^2). + bigint upper_store; // upper's value if different from lower. + bigint* upper = nullptr; // (M^+ in (FPP)^2). + // Shift numerator and denominator by an extra bit or two (if lower boundary + // is closer) to make lower and upper integers. This eliminates multiplication + // by 2 during later computations. + bool is_predecessor_closer = (flags & dragon::predecessor_closer) != 0; + int shift = is_predecessor_closer ? 2 : 1; + if (value.e >= 0) { + numerator = value.f; + numerator <<= value.e + shift; + lower = 1; + lower <<= value.e; + if (is_predecessor_closer) { + upper_store = 1; + upper_store <<= value.e + 1; + upper = &upper_store; + } + denominator.assign_pow10(exp10); + denominator <<= shift; + } else if (exp10 < 0) { + numerator.assign_pow10(-exp10); + lower.assign(numerator); + if (is_predecessor_closer) { + upper_store.assign(numerator); + upper_store <<= 1; + upper = &upper_store; + } + numerator *= value.f; + numerator <<= shift; + denominator = 1; + denominator <<= shift - value.e; + } else { + numerator = value.f; + numerator <<= shift; + denominator.assign_pow10(exp10); + denominator <<= shift - value.e; + lower = 1; + if (is_predecessor_closer) { + upper_store = 1ULL << 1; + upper = &upper_store; + } + } + bool even = (value.f & 1) == 0; + if (!upper) upper = &lower; + if ((flags & dragon::fixup) != 0) { + if (add_compare(numerator, *upper, denominator) + even <= 0) { + --exp10; + numerator *= 10; + if (num_digits < 0) { + lower *= 10; + if (upper != &lower) *upper *= 10; + } + } + if ((flags & dragon::fixed) != 0) adjust_precision(num_digits, exp10 + 1); + } + // Invariant: value == (numerator / denominator) * pow(10, exp10). + if (num_digits < 0) { + // Generate the shortest representation. + num_digits = 0; + char* data = buf.data(); + for (;;) { + int digit = numerator.divmod_assign(denominator); + bool low = compare(numerator, lower) - even < 0; // numerator <[=] lower. + // numerator + upper >[=] pow10: + bool high = add_compare(numerator, *upper, denominator) + even > 0; + data[num_digits++] = static_cast('0' + digit); + if (low || high) { + if (!low) { + ++data[num_digits - 1]; + } else if (high) { + int result = add_compare(numerator, numerator, denominator); + // Round half to even. + if (result > 0 || (result == 0 && (digit % 2) != 0)) + ++data[num_digits - 1]; + } + buf.try_resize(to_unsigned(num_digits)); + exp10 -= num_digits - 1; + return; + } + numerator *= 10; + lower *= 10; + if (upper != &lower) *upper *= 10; + } + } + // Generate the given number of digits. + exp10 -= num_digits - 1; + if (num_digits == 0) { + denominator *= 10; + auto digit = add_compare(numerator, numerator, denominator) > 0 ? '1' : '0'; + buf.push_back(digit); + return; + } + buf.try_resize(to_unsigned(num_digits)); + for (int i = 0; i < num_digits - 1; ++i) { + int digit = numerator.divmod_assign(denominator); + buf[i] = static_cast('0' + digit); + numerator *= 10; + } + int digit = numerator.divmod_assign(denominator); + auto result = add_compare(numerator, numerator, denominator); + if (result > 0 || (result == 0 && (digit % 2) != 0)) { + if (digit == 9) { + const auto overflow = '0' + 10; + buf[num_digits - 1] = overflow; + // Propagate the carry. + for (int i = num_digits - 1; i > 0 && buf[i] == overflow; --i) { + buf[i] = '0'; + ++buf[i - 1]; + } + if (buf[0] == overflow) { + buf[0] = '1'; + ++exp10; + } + return; + } + ++digit; + } + buf[num_digits - 1] = static_cast('0' + digit); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto format_float(Float value, int precision, float_specs specs, + buffer& buf) -> int { + // float is passed as double to reduce the number of instantiations. + static_assert(!std::is_same::value, ""); + FMT_ASSERT(value >= 0, "value is negative"); + auto converted_value = convert_float(value); + + const bool fixed = specs.format == float_format::fixed; + if (value <= 0) { // <= instead of == to silence a warning. + if (precision <= 0 || !fixed) { + buf.push_back('0'); + return 0; + } + buf.try_resize(to_unsigned(precision)); + fill_n(buf.data(), precision, '0'); + return -precision; + } + + int exp = 0; + bool use_dragon = true; + unsigned dragon_flags = 0; + if (!is_fast_float()) { + const auto inv_log2_10 = 0.3010299956639812; // 1 / log2(10) + using info = dragonbox::float_info; + const auto f = basic_fp(converted_value); + // Compute exp, an approximate power of 10, such that + // 10^(exp - 1) <= value < 10^exp or 10^exp <= value < 10^(exp + 1). + // This is based on log10(value) == log2(value) / log2(10) and approximation + // of log2(value) by e + num_fraction_bits idea from double-conversion. + exp = static_cast( + std::ceil((f.e + count_digits<1>(f.f) - 1) * inv_log2_10 - 1e-10)); + dragon_flags = dragon::fixup; + } else if (!is_constant_evaluated() && precision < 0) { + // Use Dragonbox for the shortest format. + if (specs.binary32) { + auto dec = dragonbox::to_decimal(static_cast(value)); + write(buffer_appender(buf), dec.significand); + return dec.exponent; + } + auto dec = dragonbox::to_decimal(static_cast(value)); + write(buffer_appender(buf), dec.significand); + return dec.exponent; + } else { + // Use Grisu + Dragon4 for the given precision: + // https://www.cs.tufts.edu/~nr/cs257/archive/florian-loitsch/printf.pdf. + const int min_exp = -60; // alpha in Grisu. + int cached_exp10 = 0; // K in Grisu. + fp normalized = normalize(fp(converted_value)); + const auto cached_pow = get_cached_power( + min_exp - (normalized.e + fp::num_significand_bits), cached_exp10); + normalized = normalized * cached_pow; + gen_digits_handler handler{buf.data(), 0, precision, -cached_exp10, fixed}; + if (grisu_gen_digits(normalized, 1, exp, handler) != digits::error && + !is_constant_evaluated()) { + exp += handler.exp10; + buf.try_resize(to_unsigned(handler.size)); + use_dragon = false; + } else { + exp += handler.size - cached_exp10 - 1; + precision = handler.precision; + } + } + if (use_dragon) { + auto f = basic_fp(); + bool is_predecessor_closer = specs.binary32 + ? f.assign(static_cast(value)) + : f.assign(converted_value); + if (is_predecessor_closer) dragon_flags |= dragon::predecessor_closer; + if (fixed) dragon_flags |= dragon::fixed; + // Limit precision to the maximum possible number of significant digits in + // an IEEE754 double because we don't need to generate zeros. + const int max_double_digits = 767; + if (precision > max_double_digits) precision = max_double_digits; + format_dragon(f, dragon_flags, precision, buf, exp); + } + if (!fixed && !specs.showpoint) { + // Remove trailing zeros. + auto num_digits = buf.size(); + while (num_digits > 0 && buf[num_digits - 1] == '0') { + --num_digits; + ++exp; + } + buf.try_resize(num_digits); + } + return exp; +} + +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto write(OutputIt out, T value, + basic_format_specs specs, locale_ref loc = {}) + -> OutputIt { + if (const_check(!is_supported_floating_point(value))) return out; + float_specs fspecs = parse_float_type_spec(specs); + fspecs.sign = specs.sign; + if (detail::signbit(value)) { // value < 0 is false for NaN so use signbit. + fspecs.sign = sign::minus; + value = -value; + } else if (fspecs.sign == sign::minus) { + fspecs.sign = sign::none; + } + + if (!detail::isfinite(value)) + return write_nonfinite(out, detail::isnan(value), specs, fspecs); + + if (specs.align == align::numeric && fspecs.sign) { + auto it = reserve(out, 1); + *it++ = detail::sign(fspecs.sign); + out = base_iterator(out, it); + fspecs.sign = sign::none; + if (specs.width != 0) --specs.width; + } + + memory_buffer buffer; + if (fspecs.format == float_format::hex) { + if (fspecs.sign) buffer.push_back(detail::sign(fspecs.sign)); + snprintf_float(convert_float(value), specs.precision, fspecs, buffer); + return write_bytes(out, {buffer.data(), buffer.size()}, + specs); + } + int precision = specs.precision >= 0 || specs.type == presentation_type::none + ? specs.precision + : 6; + if (fspecs.format == float_format::exp) { + if (precision == max_value()) + throw_format_error("number is too big"); + else + ++precision; + } else if (fspecs.format != float_format::fixed && precision == 0) { + precision = 1; + } + if (const_check(std::is_same())) fspecs.binary32 = true; + int exp = format_float(convert_float(value), precision, fspecs, buffer); + fspecs.precision = precision; + auto f = big_decimal_fp{buffer.data(), static_cast(buffer.size()), exp}; + return write_float(out, f, specs, fspecs, loc); +} + +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto write(OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt { + if (is_constant_evaluated()) + return write(out, value, basic_format_specs()); + if (const_check(!is_supported_floating_point(value))) return out; + + auto fspecs = float_specs(); + if (detail::signbit(value)) { + fspecs.sign = sign::minus; + value = -value; + } + + constexpr auto specs = basic_format_specs(); + using floaty = conditional_t::value, double, T>; + using uint = typename dragonbox::float_info::carrier_uint; + uint mask = exponent_mask(); + if ((bit_cast(value) & mask) == mask) + return write_nonfinite(out, std::isnan(value), specs, fspecs); + + auto dec = dragonbox::to_decimal(static_cast(value)); + return write_float(out, dec, specs, fspecs, {}); +} + +template ::value && + !is_fast_float::value)> +inline auto write(OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt { + return write(out, value, basic_format_specs()); +} + +template +auto write(OutputIt out, monostate, basic_format_specs = {}, + locale_ref = {}) -> OutputIt { + FMT_ASSERT(false, ""); + return out; +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, basic_string_view value) + -> OutputIt { + auto it = reserve(out, value.size()); + it = copy_str_noinline(value.begin(), value.end(), it); + return base_iterator(out, it); +} + +template ::value)> +constexpr auto write(OutputIt out, const T& value) -> OutputIt { + return write(out, to_string_view(value)); +} + +// FMT_ENABLE_IF() condition separated to workaround an MSVC bug. +template < + typename Char, typename OutputIt, typename T, + bool check = + std::is_enum::value && !std::is_same::value && + mapped_type_constant>::value != + type::custom_type, + FMT_ENABLE_IF(check)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt { + return write(out, static_cast>(value)); +} + +template ::value)> +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, T value, + const basic_format_specs& specs = {}, + locale_ref = {}) -> OutputIt { + return specs.type != presentation_type::none && + specs.type != presentation_type::string + ? write(out, value ? 1 : 0, specs, {}) + : write_bytes(out, value ? "true" : "false", specs); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, Char value) -> OutputIt { + auto it = reserve(out, 1); + *it++ = value; + return base_iterator(out, it); +} + +template +FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS auto write(OutputIt out, const Char* value) + -> OutputIt { + if (!value) { + throw_format_error("string pointer is null"); + } else { + out = write(out, basic_string_view(value)); + } + return out; +} + +template ::value)> +auto write(OutputIt out, const T* value, + const basic_format_specs& specs = {}, locale_ref = {}) + -> OutputIt { + check_pointer_type_spec(specs.type, error_handler()); + return write_ptr(out, bit_cast(value), &specs); +} + +// A write overload that handles implicit conversions. +template > +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, const T& value) -> enable_if_t< + std::is_class::value && !is_string::value && + !is_floating_point::value && !std::is_same::value && + !std::is_same().map(value))>::value, + OutputIt> { + return write(out, arg_mapper().map(value)); +} + +template > +FMT_CONSTEXPR auto write(OutputIt out, const T& value) + -> enable_if_t::value == type::custom_type, + OutputIt> { + using formatter_type = + conditional_t::value, + typename Context::template formatter_type, + fallback_formatter>; + auto ctx = Context(out, {}, {}); + return formatter_type().format(value, ctx); +} + +// An argument visitor that formats the argument and writes it via the output +// iterator. It's a class and not a generic lambda for compatibility with C++11. +template struct default_arg_formatter { + using iterator = buffer_appender; + using context = buffer_context; + + iterator out; + basic_format_args args; + locale_ref loc; + + template auto operator()(T value) -> iterator { + return write(out, value); + } + auto operator()(typename basic_format_arg::handle h) -> iterator { + basic_format_parse_context parse_ctx({}); + context format_ctx(out, args, loc); + h.format(parse_ctx, format_ctx); + return format_ctx.out(); + } +}; + +template struct arg_formatter { + using iterator = buffer_appender; + using context = buffer_context; + + iterator out; + const basic_format_specs& specs; + locale_ref locale; + + template + FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto operator()(T value) -> iterator { + return detail::write(out, value, specs, locale); + } + auto operator()(typename basic_format_arg::handle) -> iterator { + // User-defined types are handled separately because they require access + // to the parse context. + return out; + } +}; + +template struct custom_formatter { + basic_format_parse_context& parse_ctx; + buffer_context& ctx; + + void operator()( + typename basic_format_arg>::handle h) const { + h.format(parse_ctx, ctx); + } + template void operator()(T) const {} +}; + +template +using is_integer = + bool_constant::value && !std::is_same::value && + !std::is_same::value && + !std::is_same::value>; + +template class width_checker { + public: + explicit FMT_CONSTEXPR width_checker(ErrorHandler& eh) : handler_(eh) {} + + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator()(T value) -> unsigned long long { + if (is_negative(value)) handler_.on_error("negative width"); + return static_cast(value); + } + + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator()(T) -> unsigned long long { + handler_.on_error("width is not integer"); + return 0; + } + + private: + ErrorHandler& handler_; +}; + +template class precision_checker { + public: + explicit FMT_CONSTEXPR precision_checker(ErrorHandler& eh) : handler_(eh) {} + + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator()(T value) -> unsigned long long { + if (is_negative(value)) handler_.on_error("negative precision"); + return static_cast(value); + } + + template ::value)> + FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator()(T) -> unsigned long long { + handler_.on_error("precision is not integer"); + return 0; + } + + private: + ErrorHandler& handler_; +}; + +template