layout | title |
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Schedule - scRNAseq course |
This course is given at Scilifelab Solna, Rooms Air & Fire, ground floor to the left from the main entrance.
Lecture slides will be provided as links as they get completed.
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Åsa Björklund | |
09.15 | Karolina Wallenborg | |
10.00 | Coffee Break | |
10.30 | Åsa Björklund | |
11.15 | Åsa Björklund | |
12.10 | Lunch | |
13.15 | Åsa Björklund | |
13.30 | Åsa, Paulo, Anna | |
15.00 | Coffee Break | |
15.30 | Paulo Czarnewski | |
16.30 | Wrap up of todays lectures | Åsa & Paulo |
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Åsa, Paulo, Nikolay, Rui | |
10.00 | Coffee Break | |
10.30 | Paulo Czarnewski | |
11.15 | Åsa, Paulo, Nikolay, Rui | |
12.00 | Lunch | |
13.00 | Åsa Björklund | |
13.45 | Åsa, Paulo, Nikolay, Rui | |
14.45 | Coffee Break | |
15.15 | Åsa, Paulo, Nikolay, Rui | |
16.00 | Nikoaly Oskolkov | |
16.30 | Wrap up of todays lectures | Åsa & Paulo |
18.00 | ** Course dinner at Shanti - Touch of bengal ** |
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Olga Dethlefsen | |
09.45 | Coffee Break | |
10.15 | Åsa, Paulo, Olga, Johan | |
11.15 | Paulo Czarnewski | |
12.00 | Lunch | |
13.00 | Åsa, Paulo, Olga, Johan | |
14.00 | Coffee Break | |
14.30 | Johan Reimegård | |
15.00 | Lars Borm | |
15.30 | Oscar Franzen | |
16.00 | Wrap up of todays lectures | Åsa & Paulo |
16.15 | Course Summary | Åsa & Paulo |
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Bring your own data (until 16.00) | Åsa, Paulo, Johan, Rui |
You can also download pre-processed datasets from PanglaoDB. Click on view for one dataset and then click on [ RData ] to download the compressed matrix. Put all the files into a single folder and then run the script below to merge them together:
#Set working directory where you downloaded the data
#get the names of all SRA files you downlaoded
SRA_file_list <- list.files(pattern = "SRA")
#for each file, load the matrix and add it to the list of matrices
file_list <- list()
for(i in SRA_file_list){
rownames(sm) <- sub( "_.*","",rownames(sm) )
rownames(sm) <- sub( "[.].*","",rownames(sm) )
sm <- Matrix::Matrix( rowsum(as.matrix(sm),rownames(sm)) ,sparse = T)
file_list[[i]] <- sm
#get a vector of all genes found in the matrix
all_genes <- unique(unlist(lapply(file_list,function(x) return(rownames(x)))))
all_cells <- unique(unlist(lapply(file_list,function(x) return(colnames(x)))))
#create a empty matrix with all genes and all cells found
combined_data <- Matrix::Matrix(0,nrow = length(all_genes),
ncol = length(all_cells),
sparse = T,
dimnames = list(all_genes,all_cells))
#fill the matrix with the values in each file
for(i in names(file_list)){
combined_data [rownames(file_list[[i]]),colnames(file_list[[i]])] <- file_list[[i]]
#Remove intermediate files
#This is now your combined data
Each day we will have coffee around 10.00 and at 15.00 during the exercises. Lunches will be at Nanna Svarz aroun 12.00 each day.
Icons are provided from [](