diff --git a/data/i18n/de.json b/data/i18n/de.json index c7191bc8..cc6aed8a 100644 --- a/data/i18n/de.json +++ b/data/i18n/de.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "Heilige Pontianus, Papst, und Hippolytus, Priester, Märtyrer", "places": "Rom (Italien)", "place_of_death": "Sardinien (Italien)", - "place_of_birth": "N/V", + "place_of_birth": "Rom (Italien)", "place_of_burial": "Katakomben von Callisto (Rom, Italien)", "notes": "Pontianus, Papst (230-235), wurde vom Kaiser Maximinus Thrax in die Minen von Sardinien deportiert und trat von seinem Amt zurück, um die Wahl eines neuen Bischofs zu ermöglichen. Mit ihm wurde auch der römische Priester Hippolytus verurteilt, und beide starben an den erlittenen Misshandlungen. Die Überführung ihrer Überreste nach Rom wird am 13. August von der Depositio martyrum (336) erinnert.", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martyrium des heiligen Johannes des Täufers", - "places": "N/V", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israel); Machaerus (Jordanien); San Silvestro in Capite (Rom, Italien)", "place_of_death": "Machaerus, Jordanien", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palästina)", "place_of_burial": "Sebaste, Palästina; der heilige Schädel (ohne Unterkiefer) wird seit dem 12. Jahrhundert in der Basilika San Silvestro in Capite in Rom verehrt; der „heilige Unterkiefer“ befindet sich in Viterbo. Weitere Schädel: einer wird in der Kathedrale von Notre-Dame de Amiens ausgestellt, der 1206 während des vierten Kreuzzugs aus Konstantinopel gebracht wurde; einer in der Großen Moschee von Damaskus. Im Jahr 2012 wurden einige Reliquien untersucht, die in Bulgarien in der Nähe von Sozopol gefunden wurden; die Ergebnisse der Analysen ergaben, dass sie aus dem 1. Jahrhundert stammen, und aufgrund der Inschriften auf der Urne wird angenommen, dass die Reliquien Johannes dem Täufer gehörten.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Geburt der seligen Jungfrau Maria", - "places": "N/V", + "places": "Jerusalem (Israel / Palästina)", "place_of_death": "Jerusalem", "place_of_birth": "Jerusalem oder Sefforis", "place_of_burial": "Ölberg", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Kreuzerhöhung", - "places": "N/V", + "places": "Jerusalem (Israel / Palästina); Konstantinopel (heutiges Istanbul, Türkei); Rom (Italien)", "place_of_death": "N/V", "place_of_birth": "N/V", "place_of_burial": "N/V", diff --git a/data/i18n/en.json b/data/i18n/en.json index d8511c90..bb549f57 100644 --- a/data/i18n/en.json +++ b/data/i18n/en.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "Saints Pontian, pope, and Hippolytus, priest, martyrs", "places": "Rome (Italy)", "place_of_death": "Sardinia (Italy)", - "place_of_birth": "N/A", + "place_of_birth": "Rome (Italy)", "place_of_burial": "Catacombs of Callixtus (Rome, Italy)", "notes": "Pontian, pope (230-235), was deported by Emperor Maximinus Thrax to the mines of Sardinia, where he resigned from office to allow the election of a new bishop. Along with him, the Roman priest Hippolytus was also condemned and they both died from the mistreatment they suffered. The transfer to Rome of their remains is commemorated on August 13 by the Depositio martyrum (336).", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist", - "places": "N/A", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israel); Machaerus (Jordan); Saint Sylvester in Capite (Rome, Italy)", "place_of_death": "Machaerus, Jordan", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palestine)", "place_of_burial": "Sebaste, Palestine; the sacred skull (without the jaw) is venerated in the basilica of Saint Sylvester in Capite, in Rome, from the 12th century; the \"sacred jaw\" is located in Viterbo. Other skulls: one displayed in the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Amiens, brought from Constantinople in 1206 during the fourth crusade; one in the Great Mosque of Damascus. In 2012, some relics found in Bulgaria, near Sozopol, were analyzed; the results of the analyses established that it dates back to the 1st century, and from the inscriptions on the urn it is believed that the relics belonged to Saint John the Baptist.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary", - "places": "N/A", + "places": "Jerusalem (Israel / Palestine)", "place_of_death": "Jerusalem", "place_of_birth": "Jerusalem or Sepphoris", "place_of_burial": "Mount of Olives", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Exaltation of the Holy Cross", - "places": "N/A", + "places": "Jerusalem (Israel / Palestine); Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey); Rome (Italy)", "place_of_death": "N/A", "place_of_birth": "N/A", "place_of_burial": "N/A", diff --git a/data/i18n/es.json b/data/i18n/es.json index b76e61a5..639ac60d 100644 --- a/data/i18n/es.json +++ b/data/i18n/es.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "Santos Ponciano, papa, e Hipólito, sacerdote, mártires", "places": "Roma (Italia)", "place_of_death": "Cerdeña (Italia)", - "place_of_birth": "N/D", + "place_of_birth": "Roma (Italia)", "place_of_burial": "Catacumbas de Calisto (Roma, Italia)", "notes": "Ponciano, papa (230-235), deportado por el emperador Maximino el Tracio a las minas de Cerdeña, renunció al cargo para permitir la elección de un nuevo obispo. Con él fue condenado también el presbítero romano Hipólito y juntos murieron por los maltratos sufridos. La traslación a Roma de sus restos se recuerda el 13 de agosto por la Depositio martyrum (336).", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martirio de San Juan Bautista", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israel); Macheronte (Jordania); San Silvestro in Capite (Roma, Italia)", "place_of_death": "Macheronte, Jordania", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palestina)", "place_of_burial": "Sebaste, Palestina; el sagrado cráneo (sin la mandíbula) es venerado en la basílica de San Silvestro in Capite, en Roma, desde el siglo XII; la “sagrada mandíbula” se encuentra en Viterbo. Otros cráneos: uno expuesto en la catedral de Notre-Dame de Amiens, llevado desde Constantinopla en 1206 durante la cuarta cruzada; uno en la Gran Mezquita de Damasco. En 2012 se analizaron algunas reliquias encontradas en Bulgaria, cerca de Sozopol; los resultados de los análisis establecieron que datan del siglo I, y por las inscripciones del urna se cree que las reliquias pertenecieron a San Juan Bautista.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Natividad de la Beata Virgen María", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Jerusalén (Israel / Palestina)", "place_of_death": "Jerusalén", "place_of_birth": "Jerusalén o Séforis", "place_of_burial": "Monte de los Olivos", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Exaltación de la Santa Cruz", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Jerusalén (Israel / Palestina); Constantinopla (actual Estambul, Turquía); Roma (Italia)", "place_of_death": "N/D", "place_of_birth": "N/D", "place_of_burial": "N/D", diff --git a/data/i18n/fr.json b/data/i18n/fr.json index c9c0ba35..b38dc746 100644 --- a/data/i18n/fr.json +++ b/data/i18n/fr.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "Saints Pontien, pape, et Hippolyte, prêtre, martyrs", "places": "Rome (Italie)", "place_of_death": "Sardaigne (Italie)", - "place_of_birth": "N/D", + "place_of_birth": "Rome (Italie)", "place_of_burial": "Catacombes de Calliste (Rome, Italie)", "notes": "Pontien, pape (230-235), déporté par l'empereur Maximin le Thrace dans les mines de Sardaigne, démissionna de sa charge pour permettre l'élection d'un nouvel évêque. Avec lui fut également condamné le prêtre romain Hippolyte et ensemble ils moururent des mauvais traitements subis. La translation de leurs dépouilles à Rome est commémorée le 13 août par la Depositio martyrum (336).", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martyr de Saint Jean-Baptiste", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israël); Macheronte (Jordanie); Saint-Sylvestre-en-Tête (Rome, Italie)", "place_of_death": "Machaerus, Jordanie", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palestine)", "place_of_burial": "Sébaste, Palestine; le crâne sacré (sans la mâchoire) est vénéré dans la basilique de Saint-Sylvestre-in-Capite, à Rome, depuis le XIIe siècle; la \"sainte mâchoire\" se trouve à Viterbe. D'autres crânes: un exposé dans la cathédrale de Notre-Dame d'Amiens, apporté de Constantinople en 1206 lors de la quatrième croisade; un dans la Grande Mosquée de Damas. En 2012, certaines reliques trouvées en Bulgarie, près de Sozopol, ont été analysées; les résultats des analyses ont établi qu'elles datent du Ier siècle, et d'après les inscriptions de l'urne, on croit que les reliques appartenaient à Saint Jean-Baptiste.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Nativité de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Jérusalem (Israël / Palestine)", "place_of_death": "Jérusalem", "place_of_birth": "Jérusalem ou Sepphoris", "place_of_burial": "Mont des Oliviers", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Exaltation de la Sainte Croix", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Jérusalem (Israël / Palestine); Constantinople (actuelle Istanbul, Turquie); Rome (Italie)", "place_of_death": "N/D", "place_of_birth": "N/D", "place_of_burial": "N/D", diff --git a/data/i18n/it.json b/data/i18n/it.json index e2cf31d5..9245af8b 100644 --- a/data/i18n/it.json +++ b/data/i18n/it.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "San Ponziano, papa e martire", "places": "Roma (Italia)", "place_of_death": "Sardegna (Italia)", - "place_of_birth": "N/A", + "place_of_birth": "Roma (Italia)", "place_of_burial": "Catacombe di Callisto (Roma, Italia)", "notes": "Ponziano, papa (230-235), deportato dall’imperatore Massimino il Trace nelle miniere della Sardegna, si dimise dall’ufficio per consentire l’elezione di un nuovo vescovo. Con lui fu condannato anche il presbitero romano Ippolito e insieme morirono per i maltrattamenti subiti. La traslazione a Roma delle loro spoglie è ricordata il 13 agosto dalla Depositio martyrum (336).", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martirio di San Giovanni Battista", - "places": "N/A", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israele); Macheronte (Giordania); San Silvestro in Capite (Roma, Italia)", "place_of_death": "Macheronte, Giordania", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palestina)", "place_of_burial": "Sebaste, Palestina; il sacro cranio (senza la mandibola) è venerato nella basilica di San Silvestro in Capite, a Roma, dal XII sec; la “sacra mandibola” si trova a Viterbo. Altri crani: uno esposto nella cattedrale di Notre-Dame de Amiens, portato da Costantinopoli nel 1206 durante la quarta crociata; uno nella Grande Moschea di Damasco. Nel 2012 sono state analizzate alcune reliquie trovate in Bulgaria, vicino a Sozopol; i risultati delle analisi hanno stabilito che risale al I secolo, e dalle iscrizioni dell’urna si crede che le reliquie siano appartenute a San Giovanni il Battista.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Natività della Beata Vergine Maria", - "places": "N/A", + "places": "Gerusalemme (Israele / Palestina)", "place_of_death": "Gerusalemme", "place_of_birth": "Gerusalemme o Sefforis", "place_of_burial": "Monte degli Ulivi", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Esaltazione della Santa Croce", - "places": "N/A", + "places": "Gerusalemme (Israele / Palestina); Costantinopoli (attuale Istanbul, Turchia); Roma (Italia)", "place_of_death": "N/A", "place_of_birth": "N/A", "place_of_burial": "N/A", diff --git a/data/i18n/la.json b/data/i18n/la.json index 5ec78871..5c39dee1 100644 --- a/data/i18n/la.json +++ b/data/i18n/la.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "Sancti Pontianus, papa, et Hippolytus, presbyter, martyres", "places": "Roma (Italia)", "place_of_death": "Sardinia (Italia)", - "place_of_birth": "non pertinet", + "place_of_birth": "Roma (Italia)", "place_of_burial": "Catacumbae Callisti (Roma, Italia)", "notes": "Pontianus, papa (230-235), ab imperatore Maximino Thrax in metalla Sardiniae deportatus, officio se abdicavit ut novus episcopus eligeretur. Cum eo etiam presbyter Romanus Hippolytus damnatus est et simul ob maltrata mentes mortui sunt. Translatio eorum reliquiarum Romam a Depositio martyrum (336) die 13 Augusti commemoratur.", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martyrium Sancti Ioannis Baptistae", - "places": "non pertinet", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israel); Macheronte (Iordania); Sanctus Silvester in Capite (Roma, Italia)", "place_of_death": "Macheronte, Iordania", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palaestina)", "place_of_burial": "Sebaste, Palaestina; sacrum caput (sine mandibula) in basilica Sancti Silvestri in Capite, Romae, a saeculo XII veneratur; “sacra mandibula” Viterbii est. Alia capita: unum in cathedrali Nostrae Dominae de Amiens, Constantinopoli anno 1206 quarta expeditione sacra allatum; unum in Magna Moschea Damasci. Anno 2012 nonnullae reliquiae in Bulgaria, prope Sozopol, inventae sunt; analysibus effectis, relatum est eas ad saeculum I pertinere, et ex inscriptionibus urnae creditur reliquias Sancti Ioannis Baptistae esse.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Nativitas Beatae Mariae Virginis", - "places": "non pertinet", + "places": "Hierosolyma (Israel / Palaestina)", "place_of_death": "Hierusalem", "place_of_birth": "Hierusalem vel Sefforis", "place_of_burial": "Mons Oliveti", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Exaltatio Sanctae Crucis", - "places": "non pertinet", + "places": "Hierosolyma (Israel / Palaestina); Constantinopolis (hodierna Istanbul, Turcia); Roma (Italia)", "place_of_death": "non pertinet", "place_of_birth": "non pertinet", "place_of_burial": "non pertinet", diff --git a/data/i18n/nl.json b/data/i18n/nl.json index 8dfc9a0e..28c2700a 100644 --- a/data/i18n/nl.json +++ b/data/i18n/nl.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "Heiligen Pontianus, paus, en Hippolytus, priester, martelaren", "places": "Rome (Italië)", "place_of_death": "Sardinië (Italië)", - "place_of_birth": "n.v.t.", + "place_of_birth": "Rome (Italië)", "place_of_burial": "Catacomben van Callisto (Rome, Italië)", "notes": "Pontianus, paus (230-235), werd door keizer Maximinus de Thraciër gedeporteerd naar de mijnen van Sardinië en trad af om de verkiezing van een nieuwe bisschop mogelijk te maken. Samen met hem werd ook de Romeinse priester Hippolytus veroordeeld en samen stierven ze door de mishandelingen die ze ondergingen. De overbrenging van hun relieken naar Rome wordt herdacht op 13 augustus door de Depositio martyrum (336).", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martelaarschap van Sint-Jan de Doper", - "places": "n.v.t.", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israël); Macheronte (Jordanië); San Silvestro in Capite (Rome, Italië)", "place_of_death": "Machaerus, Jordanië", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palestina)", "place_of_burial": "Sebaste, Palestina; de heilige schedel (zonder de onderkaak) wordt sinds de 12e eeuw vereerd in de basiliek van San Silvestro in Capite, in Rome; de \"heilige onderkaak\" bevindt zich in Viterbo. Andere schedels: een tentoongesteld in de kathedraal van Notre-Dame de Amiens, gebracht uit Constantinopel in 1206 tijdens de vierde kruistocht; een in de Grote Moskee van Damascus. In 2012 werden enkele relikwieën geanalyseerd die in Bulgarije, nabij Sozopol, werden gevonden; de resultaten van de analyses bepaalden dat ze uit de 1e eeuw dateren, en uit de inscripties op de urn wordt aangenomen dat de relikwieën toebehoorden aan Sint-Jan de Doper.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Geboorte van de Heilige Maagd Maria", - "places": "n.v.t.", + "places": "Jeruzalem (Israël / Palestina)", "place_of_death": "Jeruzalem", "place_of_birth": "Jeruzalem of Sefforis", "place_of_burial": "Olivetberg", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Verheffing van het Heilig Kruis", - "places": "n.v.t.", + "places": "Jeruzalem (Israël / Palestina); Constantinopel (huidig Istanbul, Turkije); Rome (Italië)", "place_of_death": "n.v.t.", "place_of_birth": "n.v.t.", "place_of_burial": "n.v.t.", diff --git a/data/i18n/pt.json b/data/i18n/pt.json index 9200666a..25892e2c 100644 --- a/data/i18n/pt.json +++ b/data/i18n/pt.json @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "subject": "Santos Ponciano, papa, e Hipólito, sacerdote, mártires", "places": "Roma (Itália)", "place_of_death": "Sardenha (Itália)", - "place_of_birth": "N/D", + "place_of_birth": "Roma (Itália)", "place_of_burial": "Catacumbas de Calisto (Roma, Itália)", "notes": "Ponciano, papa (230-235), deportado pelo imperador Maximino Trácio para as minas da Sardenha, renunciou ao cargo para permitir a eleição de um novo bispo. Com ele foi condenado também o presbítero romano Hipólito e juntos morreram pelos maus-tratos sofridos. A translação de seus restos mortais para Roma é lembrada em 13 de agosto pela Depositio martyrum (336).", "patronage": "", @@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ }, "BeheadingJohnBaptist_122": { "subject": "Martírio de São João Batista", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Ein Kerem (Israel); Maqueronte (Jordânia); São Silvestre in Capite (Roma, Itália)", "place_of_death": "Macheronte, Jordânia", "place_of_birth": "Ein Kerem (Palestina)", "place_of_burial": "Sebaste, Palestina; o sagrado crânio (sem a mandíbula) é venerado na basílica de São Silvestre in Capite, em Roma, desde o século XII; a “sagrada mandíbula” está em Viterbo. Outros crânios: um exposto na catedral de Notre-Dame de Amiens, trazido de Constantinopla em 1206 durante a quarta cruzada; um na Grande Mesquita de Damasco. Em 2012, foram analisadas algumas relíquias encontradas na Bulgária, perto de Sozopol; os resultados das análises estabeleceram que datam do século I, e pelas inscrições da urna acredita-se que as relíquias pertenciam a São João Batista.", @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ }, "NativityVirginMary_124": { "subject": "Natividade da Bem-Aventurada Virgem Maria", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Jerusalém (Israel / Palestina)", "place_of_death": "Jerusalém", "place_of_birth": "Jerusalém ou Séforis", "place_of_burial": "Monte das Oliveiras", @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ }, "ExaltationCross_126": { "subject": "Exaltação da Santa Cruz", - "places": "N/D", + "places": "Jerusalém (Israel / Palestina); Constantinopla (atual Istambul, Turquia); Roma (Itália)", "place_of_death": "N/D", "place_of_birth": "N/D", "place_of_burial": "N/D", diff --git a/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index 5fe242e9..145fa417 100644 Binary files a/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 7630e9d2..07ce8347 100644 --- a/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-10 05:11+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-08 12:20+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Weblate Admin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-19 22:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: \"John R. D'Orazio\" \n" "Language-Team: German \n" "Language: de\n" @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ msgstr "ökumenisches Konzil" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:50 msgid "encyclical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enzyklika" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:51 msgid "other" diff --git a/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index 7f46a56d..33cbb1ca 100644 Binary files a/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 8d595498..865ff201 100644 --- a/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-10 05:11+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-08 12:20+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Weblate Admin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-19 22:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: \"John R. D'Orazio\" \n" "Language-Team: Spanish \n" "Language: es\n" @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ msgstr "concilio ecuménico" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:50 msgid "encyclical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "encíclica" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:51 msgid "other" diff --git a/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index 40ed63b0..796b7210 100644 Binary files a/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index ef74905a..9ec1180f 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-10 05:11+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-08 12:20+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Weblate Admin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-19 22:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: \"John R. D'Orazio\" \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "Language: fr\n" @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ msgstr "concile œcuménique" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:50 msgid "encyclical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "encyclique" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:51 msgid "other" diff --git a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index bfb15ec6..d91e1a36 100644 Binary files a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 19cf9fe3..1596bbb7 100644 --- a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-10 05:11+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-08 12:20+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Weblate Admin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-19 22:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: \"John R. D'Orazio\" \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" "Language: it\n" @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ msgstr "concilio ecumenico" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:50 msgid "encyclical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "enciclica" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:51 msgid "other" diff --git a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index 46662240..70f5fb95 100644 Binary files a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 22fedeae..ea2499d6 100644 --- a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-10 05:11+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-08 12:20+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Weblate Admin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-19 22:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: \"John R. D'Orazio\" \n" "Language-Team: Latin \n" "Language: la\n" @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ msgstr "" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:259 #, php-format msgid "Data file %s is missing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Data file %s deest." #. translators: 1. filename, 2. error messag #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:270 #, php-format msgid "" "The following error occurred while decoding the base data file %1$s: %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sequens error occurrit dum decodebatur basis datae file %1$s: %2$s." #. translators: 1. count, 2. filename #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:280 @@ -48,12 +48,11 @@ msgstr "Fasciculus translationis %s deest." #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:303 #, php-format msgid "The following error occurred decoding the translation file %1$s: %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sequens error occurrit in decodendo translationem fasciculi %1$s: %2$s." #. translators: 1. count, 2. filename #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:313 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "%1$d localized data events loaded from translation file %2$s" +#, php-format msgid "%1$d localized data events were loaded from the translation file %2$s." msgstr "" "%1$d data eventuum localizata ex archivo translationis %2$s onusta sunt." @@ -65,6 +64,8 @@ msgid "" "The English translation file %1$s, which is needed as a backup for any " "possible missing strings in the translation for %2$s, is missing." msgstr "" +"Fasciculus translationis Anglicae %1$s, qui tamquam subsidium pro quibusvis " +"chordis in translatione pro %2$s deesse potest, deest." #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:335 #, php-format @@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ msgid "" "tranlsation file %1$s, which is needed as a backup for any possible missing " "strings in the translation for %2$s: %3$s." msgstr "" +"Error sequens productus est dum data ex translatione Anglica decodebantur %1$" +"s, quae necessaria est ut subsidium pro quibusvis stringis in translatione " +"%2$s deesse possit: %3$s." #. translators: 1. count, 2. filename, 3. language #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:347 @@ -82,6 +86,9 @@ msgid "" "is needed as a backup for any possible missing strings in the translation " "for %3$s." msgstr "" +"%1$d data eventa ex archivo translationis Anglicae %2$s onusta sunt, quod " +"necessarium est ut subsidium pro quibusvis stringis in translatione pro %3$s " +"deesse possit." #. translators: 1. filename, 2. count, 3. filename, 4. count #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:368 @@ -90,6 +97,8 @@ msgid "" "Events count from the translation file %1$s (%2$d) does not match the events " "count from the base data file %3$s (%4$d)." msgstr "" +"Numerus eventuum ex translatione lima %1$s (%2$d) non congruit cum numero " +"eventuum ex lima datae basicae %3$s (%4$d)." #. translators: 1. filename, 2. count, 3. filename, 4. count #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:386 @@ -98,12 +107,14 @@ msgid "" "Events count from the English translation file %1$s (%2$d) does not match " "the events count from the base data file %3$s (%4$d)." msgstr "" +"Numerus eventuum ex translatione Anglica %1$s (%2$d) non congruit cum numero " +"eventuum ex archivo basico %3$s (%4$d)." #. translators: 1. count, 2. year #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:451 #, php-format msgid "%1$d liturgical anniversary events were calculated for the year %2$d." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$d eventi anniversarii liturgici pro anno %2$d computati sunt." #. translators: 1. language #: src/AnniversaryCalculator.php:458 @@ -112,6 +123,8 @@ msgid "" "English translation strings were used because the translation for %1$s was " "incomplete." msgstr "" +"Translationes Anglicae adhibitae sunt quia translatio pro %1$s incompleta " +"erat." #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/AnniversaryEvent.php:68 msgid "CENTENARY" @@ -228,19 +241,19 @@ msgstr "dogma" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:47 msgid "apparition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "apparitio" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:48 msgid "pontifical incoronation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "incoronatio pontificalis" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:49 msgid "ecumenical council" -msgstr "" +msgstr "concilium oecumenicum" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:50 msgid "encyclical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "encyclica" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:51 msgid "other" @@ -279,10 +292,8 @@ msgid "diocesan" msgstr "dioecesanus" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/LitCalendar.php:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "wide_area" msgid "wide area" -msgstr "latissima_regio" +msgstr "latissima regio" #~ msgid "%d data rows calculated" #~ msgstr "%d ordinum data computata" diff --git a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index eae2842b..49f45959 100644 Binary files a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index c80b14df..335588b8 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-10 05:11+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-08 12:20+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Weblate Admin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-19 22:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: \"John R. D'Orazio\" \n" "Language-Team: Dutch \n" "Language: nl\n" @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ msgstr "oecumenisch concilie" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:50 msgid "encyclical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "encycliek" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:51 msgid "other" diff --git a/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index 93e4d864..1168c29c 100644 Binary files a/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index d00380c3..a8b9563f 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-10 05:11+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-08 12:20+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Weblate Admin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-19 22:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: \"John R. D'Orazio\" \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese \n" "Language: pt\n" @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ msgstr "concílio ecumênico" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:50 msgid "encyclical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "encíclica" #: src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php:51 msgid "other"