# Library Usage Manual
Project Design Purpose: The main objective of this project is to develop a Python library capable of simulating the OT RTUs (Remote Terminal Units) device which use the Siemens S7Comm protocol.
This component can simulate the fundamental operations of both PLC and RTU , the design is based on the core operation logic of Siemens Simatic S7-1200 PLC and SIMATIC RTU3000C, respectively. It incorporates S7Comm client and server functionalities, manages PLC/RTU memory, performs ladder logic and RTU logic simulations, and provides interfaces for connecting with real-world emulators. The program module workflow diagram is shown below:
# version: v0.1.3
# Created: 2024/02/21
# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2024 LiuYuancheng
# License: MIT License
Table of Contents
RTUs are specialized devices used primarily for remote monitoring and control of distributed assets in industrial applications, such as in oil and gas pipelines, water distribution systems, and electrical substations. They typically collect data from sensors and equipment in remote locations and transmit it to a central control system for monitoring and analysis. This library provides the software simulation solution for user to build their customized RTU by using a virtual machine, physical server or Raspberry PI, then integrated the emulation App as a bridge to link the OT level-0 components (physical field device) and level-2/3 components (HMI or remote field control console). This lib provides two main modules: rtuSimulator
and snap7Comm
A simple RTU simulation lib module to connect and control the real-world emulator via UDP (to simulate the electrical signals changes) and handle SCADA system S7Comm request. The module contents three components:
: A UDP client to fetch and parse the data from the real world simulation app and update the real world components. (i.e. Simulate fetching the electrical signal from sensors and change the switches' state, For the RTU sensor reading, the message format is{ "timestamp" : <timesstamp val>, "sensor1": [<sensor1 data>, <data1 type>], ..., "sensor N": [<sensorN data>, <dataN type>] }
: A sub-threading service to run the S7Comm server parallel with the main program thread to handle the OT system level-2/3 components request.rtuSimuInterface
: A interface class with the basic RTU function for the user to inherit it to build their RTU module.
This module will provide a packaged Siemens S7Comm client and server communication API for testing or simulating the data connection flow between PLC/RTU and SCADA system. The module is implemented based on python-snap7 lib module: https://github.com/gijzelaerr/python-snap7. Three components will be provided in this module:
ladder logic interface
: An interface class hold the ladder logic calculation algorithm. User can build their own ladder logic by inheriting this interface by overwritten theinit()
function by adding the memory info and the detail control.S7CommClient
: S7Comm client module to read source memory address's value or write destination memory address' value from/to the target PLC/RTU.S7CommServer
: S7Comm server module used by RTU/PLC module to handle the S7Comm data read/set request.
Follow the below configuration before run the program. The library folder contents 3 section in different sub folders:
S7Comm_RTU_Simulator / src
: All the python library files are under this folder, you can develop you app in this folder by import them or copy it in your project.S7Comm_RTU_Simulator / testcase
: The RTU server and client test case programs, you can follow the code to integrate the S7Comm client and server in your program.S7Comm_RTU_Simulator / example
: The detail example to use the lib to create a complex RTU simulation program.(You can follow the design in the example, but the example program may not be execute directly)
- python 3.7.2rc2+ 64bit [ Windows11 ]
- python-snap7: https://python-snap7.readthedocs.io/en/latest/, install:
pip install python-snap7
Program File | Execution Env | Description |
src/rtuSimulator.py | python 3.7 + | The main RTU simulator lib provides the simulator interface, real world emulation App connector and the S7Comm sub-threading service. |
src/snap7.dll | Windows-OS | The Windows OS platform Snap7 lib dll file. |
src/snap7Comm.py | python 3.7 + | The S7Comm protocol handling lib provides the S7Comm client, server and the RTU internal logic execution interface. |
src/udpCom.py | python 3.7 + | UDP communication handling library module. |
testcase/rtuClientTest.py | python 3.7 + | The test case of the <snap7Comm.py> lib module to test as a HMI to connect to a RTU simulator. |
testcase/rtuServerTest.py | python 3.7 + | The test case of the <snap7Comm.py> lib module to test as a RTU to handle the HMI's connection request. |
example/rtuSimulatorTrain.py | python 3.7 + | An example of how to inherit the rtuSimulator interface to build a customized RTU application. |
To create a S7comm server, follow the example in test case program rtuServerTest.py
, to create a S7Comm client to connect other RTU device follow the example in the test case program rtuClientTest.py
Run RTU server testcase program:
WinOS: python rtuServerTest.py LinuxOS: sudo python3 rtuServerTest.py
Run RTU client testcase program:
WinOS: python rtuClientTest.py LinuxOS: sudo python rtuClientTest.py
To build a customized RTU, please import the rtuSimulator
and follow the example rtuSimulatorTrain.py
with the below steps:
Step 1: Inherit the RTU simulator interface class :
class trainPowerRtu(rtuSimulator.rtuSimuInterface):
Step-2: Overwrite the private function _initRealWorldConnectionParm
if need to set special parameters:
def _initRealWorldConnectionParm(self):
self.regSRWfetchKey = gv.gRealWorldKey
As shown in the above example code, we need to set the RTU identify key to link to real world emulator.
Step3: Initialize the RTU memory address you want to use to storge the data:
def _initMemoryAddrs(self):
s7commServer = self.s7Service.getS7ServerRef()
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(1, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(2, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(3, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(4, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(5, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(6, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(7, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(8, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(9, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
s7commServer.initNewMemoryAddr(10, [0, 2, 4, 6], [BOOL_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE])
As shown above example code, we want to use 10 memory addresses to store 40 parameters of the train, call the function getS7ServerRef()
to get the reference of the S7comm server then init the 64 bits memory address from 0x00000001
to 0X0000000A
. For the data each memory is 8 bytes data and for data type we provide 3 type of data storage:
Data Type | Key world | Bytes length |
Boolean | BOOL_TYPE | 2 Bytes |
Integer | INT_TYPE | 2 Bytes |
Float | REAL_TYPE | 4 Bytes |
Step4: Init the memory's default value:
def _initMemoryDefaultVals(self):
s7commServer = self.s7Service.getS7ServerRef()
s7commServer.setMemoryVal(1, 4, 3)
As shown above example code, we want to set address 0x00000001
' s byte index [ 04 ] to value int(3) as default.
Step5: Overwrite the _updateMemory()
function to process the memory changes every time RTU got the OT device data feed back.
def _updateMemory(self, result):
s7commServer = self.s7Service.getS7ServerRef()
for key, value in self.regsStateRW.items():
for idx, rstData in enumerate(result[key]):
memoryIdx = value[idx]
s7commServer.setMemoryVal(memoryIdx, 0, rstData[0])
s7commServer.setMemoryVal(memoryIdx, 2, rstData[1])
s7commServer.setMemoryVal(memoryIdx, 4, rstData[2])
s7commServer.setMemoryVal(memoryIdx, 6, rstData[3])
As shown above example code, if you want to update some other memory address' value when there is memory update happens, overwrite the _updateMemory()
function. If you need more complex execution, overwrite the function _initLadderHandler()
and pass in the complex ladder logic in this function.
If the user want to build a complex ladder logic which execute inside the RTU, they can inherit the snap7Comm.rtuLadderLogic
class. For example if speed value save on memory Idx=0, dataIdx=0 and check whether the val more than the threshold then write the result to memory Idx=0 dataIdx=2:
- Overwrite the
to set the src and dest address info. - Overwrite the
to do the value check and memory update. - Use or pass the ladder logic object in a handlerS7request() function.
This is a example to build a test ladder logic in the server test case code you can follow:
class testLadderLogic(snap7Comm.rtuLadderLogic):
def __init__(self, parent, nameStr):
super().__init__(parent, ladderName=nameStr)
def initLadderInfo(self):
self.srcAddrValInfo = {'addressIdx': 2, 'dataIdx': 4}
self.destAddrValInfo = {'addressIdx': 2, 'dataIdx': 0}
def runLadderLogic(self, inputData=None):
print(" - runLadderLogic")
addr, dataIdx, datalen = inputData
print("Received data write request: ")
print("Address: %s " %str(addr))
print("dataIdx: %s " %str(dataIdx))
print("datalen: %s" %str(datalen))
if addr == self.srcAddrValInfo['addressIdx'] and dataIdx == self.srcAddrValInfo['dataIdx']:
val = self.parent.getMemoryVal(self.srcAddrValInfo['addressIdx'],
print("dataVal: %s" %str(print))
self.destAddrValInfo['dataIdx'], val)
testRtuLL = testLadderLogic(server, 'testRtuLL')
Import the ladder logic in your customized RTU:
# The auto data handling function.
def handlerS7request(parmList):
""" ladder logic simulation function: when the user set the address Idx=2
and dataIdx = 4 value, the ladder logic will change the address Idx=2
dataIdx = 0 's value to the same value.
global testRtuLL
if server: testRtuLL.runLadderLogic(inputData=parmList)
If you the logic is very simple, you can also implement in the handler function directly as shown in the below example:
def handlerS7request_old(parmList):
""" ladder logic simulation function: when the user set the address Idx=2
and dataIdx = 4 value, the ladder logic will change the address Idx=2
dataIdx = 0 's value to the same value.
global server
addr, dataIdx, datalen = parmList
print("Received data write request: ")
print("Address: %s " %str(addr))
print("dataIdx: %s " %str(dataIdx))
print("datalen: %s" %str(datalen))
if server:
print("dataVal: %s" %str(server.getMemoryVal(addr, dataIdx)))
if addr == 2 and dataIdx == 4:
server.setMemoryVal(addr, 0, server.getMemoryVal(addr, dataIdx))
last edit by LiuYuancheng ([email protected]) by 08/04/2024 if you have any problem, please send me a message.