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temas edited this page May 19, 2011 · 5 revisions

Expressing Data Set Requirements

Applications need to express their used data sets in their manifest file for authorization purposes. For example they would include a line such as:


This example would request access to all photos in the locker. The * could also be used in place of the primary type for example:


Here we request access to all facebook data, regardless of primary type. Finally, multiple service-types could be requested.

data-sets:["photo/facebook", "status/twitter", "message/*"]

We've requested access to facebook photos, twitter statuses and all messages.


These requested data sets will then be presented to the user for selection of what they will actually allow access to. The approved data sets will be saved in the access manager and a token for the pairing written to the applications me.json file during creation.

Data Usage

When the application is ready to use the authorized data sets it will use a url endpoint of the base uri + /session/auth-token where the auth-token is the one taken from the applications me.json.

This URI is then used for the query system defined in API Design. Queries are parsed, checked for authorization to the requested data store and then turned into actual data store queries. Finally, if flagged to do so the filter segment can then be used to begin listening for new events and make them available at /session/auth-token/getEvents.

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