DART is a small-scale car-like robot that is intended for autonomous driving research. It's based on the commercially available JetracerPro AI kit available from Waveshare and features additional sensors and a few other upgrades.
Refer to our conference paper for further details: DART conference paper
This repository contains the code to set up and start driving with DART! In particular you can find:
- Build instructions to replicate the DART.
- ROS packages that can be deployed on the platform to quicky get you started on your experiments. They feature basic functionalities, low level, high level controllers and a lidar-based SLAM pipeline.
- Simulator to test and debug before heading out to the lab. It replicates the sensor readings you would get from the vehicle, so no time wasted between simulating and testing.
- System Identification code needed to build physics-based models: kinematic and dynamic bicycle model, and a data-driven Stochastic Variational Gaussian Process model.
To see the full build instructions go to Build instruction section.
To start using the robot first of all set up the operating system and ROS installation on the Jetson-Nano link. Then do the following:
- Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/Lorenzo-Lyons/DART.git
Install DART_dynamic_models python package. Navigate to the pacakge root folder DART_dynamic_models and install:
pip install dist/DART_dynamic_models-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
The Data_processing folder contains the code and data required for system identification steps and can be run as simple python scripts with your favourite code editor like Visual Studio Code. To use the simulator and other ROS packages you will need a working ROS intallation, we used ROS noetic but other ROS versions should work too. You will then need to place the packages in a catkin workspace.
To start using DART it's thus necessary to understand what happens when we provide the system with a certain input, i.e. we need to identify the system's model. The folder Data_processing cointains the code and the data to build the pysics-based kinematic and dynamic bicycle model, as well as the data-driven SVGP model.
The kinematic bicycle model is suitable for most kind of experiments that don't require to reach high speeds. Since it is simpler and computationally lighter we suggest trying it first and switching to the dynamic kinematic bicycle or data-driven SVGP model only if actually needed. Also note that the data necessary to fit the kinematic bicycle model can be collected with the on-board sensors, while the dynamic bicycle model and GP model require an external motion capture system.
To perform the system identification, run through the scripts following the numbering order, i.e. start from 1_0_fitting_friction_on_board_sensors.
The outputs of the each script are simply printed out, so to update the model parameters, the user must copy-paste them in the function dart_dynamic_models.model_functions. When running the SVGP identification script the SVGP parameters will be automatically saved in the same folder the fitting data was loaded from.
Fitting Results As a preview we show the physics-based identified sub-models.
![]() Friction Curve |
![]() Motor Curve |
![]() Steering input to steering angle map |
![]() Tire models |
To run the simulator you can use the provided launch file:
roslaunch dart_simulator_pkg dart_simulator.launch
As a quick test, you can then control the simulated vehicle using the keyboard:
rosrun racecar_pkg teleop_keyboard.py
The package racecar_pkg cointains scripts to run base functionalities, like send commands to the motors, that have been obtained by modifying the software in the github repo cytron_jetracer. It also features some low level controllers.
Reference velocity and steering angle controller This allows to conveniently control the vehicle by sending longitudinal velocity reference and steering angle inputs. This controller relies on the kinematic bicycle, so it is suitable for low-medium speeds. To use this controller run the launch file:
roslaunch racecar_pkg racecar_steer_angle_v_ref.launch
Then send commands to the topics v_ref_<car_number> and steering_angle_<car_number>. This can be done for example with the gamepad provided in the JetracerPro AI kit. Run the following script:
roslaunch racecar_pkg gamepad_steer_angle_v_ref.py
The lane following controller allows the vehicle to autonomously track a user-defined reference track (pink line in the video) at a certain reference velocity. It requires a previously built map of the environment.
To build a map of the environment first launch the file:
roslaunch localization_and_mapping_pkg mapping_controller.launch
Note that the vehicle needs to navigate the environment in order to map it. A convenient way of doing so is to run the velocity tracking controller described in the previous section. We also assume that the lidar has been properly set up as detailed in the building instructions.
To save the map type:
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map_name
To use the map in the lane following controller first make sure it is in the folder saved_maps_from_slam located in the localization_and_mapping_pkg package. Then edit the map_file parameter in the map_server.launch file to match the newly created map. Then launch the map server file.
roslaunch localization_and_mapping_pkg map_server.launch
Now launch the lane following controller.
roslaunch lane_following_controller_pkg lane_following_controller.launch
To modify the reference path edit the function produce_track located in the file functions_for_controllers.py.