Releases: LukeZGD/DDLC-LOVE
v0.3.1 Changes:
- Now compatible with LOVE 11.0 and later (this also means slightly better Switch support)
- This release fixes some issues and errors in the previous release v0.3.0
- Other minor changes and improvements (in the code)
Known issues:
- (3DS) There may be random crashes... Save often!
- There are some menu errors that prevent progress. This is fixed with updated CIA and 3DSX builds. (3DSX build in zip)
v0.3.0 Changes:
- Now playable from start to finish! (Acts 1 to 4)
- Partial Switch compatibility (it was broken in 0.2.x, and I only tested a bit in yuzu)
- Other minor changes and improvements
Known issues:
- (3DS) There still may be random crashes... Save often!
- Event errors may occur..
There may be bugs, errors and/or crashes that you may encounter.
v0.2.1 Changes:
- L button now has a use (L = A)
- New save filenames
- X and Y are now used to go to previous/next page in menus
- Better help screen/menu
- Char. animations option returns (settings)
- Fix script errors (some prevent advancing the game)
- Fix small typos
- Fix being unable to start a new game
- Fix some crashes? (Hopefully)
- Other minor changes and improvements
Known issues:
- There still may be random crashes... Save often!
Note: All save files from previous versions (v0.2.0 and below) are incompatible with this version.
You can play this version up to the beginning of Act 3.
There may be bugs, errors and/or crashes that you may encounter.
v0.2.0 Changes:
- Now progresses in Act 2!
- Should fix a lot of the issues from previous releases.
- Other minor changes and improvements
Known issues:
- There may be a lot of random crashes... Save often!
- There are script errors here that are left unfixed/prevent game progress
Note: All save files from previous versions are incompatible with this version.
You can play this version up to the beginning of Act 3.
There may be bugs, errors and/or crashes that you may encounter.
v0.1.2-1 changes:
- This should fix some game breaking issues that can prevent advancing the game.
v0.1.2 Changes:
- Poem font fixed
- Some script errors fixed
- Slightly better audio looping
- Other minor changes and improvements
Known issues:
- Intermittent crashing (tested when skipping)
- Some script errors (some misplaced sprites, and some that can prevent progress)
- Possible save issues may occur (new game, save game, load game)
You can only play this version up to the end of Act 1.
Also, there may be bugs, errors and/or crashes that you may encounter.
v0.1.1 changes:
- Changed just a few lines that prevents it from starting a new game, and other changes
You can only play this version up to the end of Act 1.
Also, there may be bugs, errors and/or crashes that you may encounter.
Known issues:
- Poems look messed up on 3DS
- Loading a save may crash the game
- Quitting in the CIA version may crash the game