This tool provides a way to send bulk data into sub-packets with MiraOS v2. It monitors incoming sub-packets and requests missing sub-packets if needed.
Mira Version requirement: 2.4.0+
Prefix mtk_bulk_data_collection_
Processes requests to send bulk data, as well as the reception of sub-packets.
Sender uses this module to send sub-packets in a paced manner, depending on how
it was requested to do so (see module mtk_bdc_request
Receiver uses this module to handle the reception of sub-packets, determine if sub-packets are missing, and re-request transmission of these missing sub-packets. Upon receiving a whole bulk data (all its sub-packets), it posts an event, which the application can use to handle the data.
runs at every reception of an UDP packet on
the defined port. This callback then dispatches handling of the content to the
modules described below.
Note: pre-processor define FAULT_RATE_PERCENT
(default at 0) allows to
simulate packet loss by discarding incoming sub-packets, in order to see the
re-request mechanism at work.
Prefix mtk_bdcsig_
This module handles signaling of new available bulk data. Sender uses this module to notify the network of a new available bulk data. The receiver uses the module to handle such incoming notifications, and posts an event (with data) to other processes, if applicable.
Prefix mtk_bdcreq_
This module handles requests for bulk data. Receiver send requests to the sender when ready to receive, asking for sub-packets of a bulk data. The request includes a bit mask, which determines which sub-packets the sender must send.
Sender uses the module to handle such requests, and posts an event (with data) to other processes, if applicable.
Prefix mtk_bdcsp_
This module handles sub-packets, transmission and reception.
To include the toolkit in your application,
- Add the .c files to SOURCE_FILES in your Makefile
- Add the mtk_bulk_data_collection folder path to the CFLAGS make variable.
- Include the relevant header files in your application