This directory is a cookiecutter template for GLOST job directories for MIDOSS project Monte Carlo runs of MOHID. It is used by the :ref:`mohid-monte-carlo`.
The :file:`cookiecutter.json` file contains the template variables and their default values. The defaults are (mostly) overridden by values calculated by the :ref:`mohid-monte-carlo`. Sadly, comments are not allowed in JSON files, so you will have to guess the meaning of the template variables from their names and values, or read the code in the :file:`mohid_cmd/` module to learn more about them.
The :file:`{{cookiecutter.job_dir}}` directory is the temporary run directory template. The rendered temporary run directory will have the name given by the job_dir template variable.
Please see the cookiecutter docs for more details of the template structure, template variables, and how the template rendering process works.