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Artifact Evaluation Guide

This document provides a guide on how to exercise this software artifact to reproduce key results from the paper Communication-Efficient Graph Neural Networks with Probabilistic Neighborhood Expansion Analysis and Caching published at MLSys 2023. The artifact covers two classes of experiments, which are accessible through the following directories in this repository:

  • The experiments directory contains scripts that streamline the process of executing multi-GPU experiments in a distributed system and measure GNN training performance. It also includes a convenience script for replicating the communication-volume simulation experiments in the paper.
  • The caching directory contains the code for caching and communication-volume simulations, and a script for running custom simulation experiments.

This artifact attempts to streamline the process of exercising the functionality in SALIENT++ by providing pathways for users who do not have access to a distributed cluster of GPU nodes or who wish to skip time consuming data preprocessing steps. These options are discussed in more depth later in this document, but we summarize these options here so that users can determine, in advance, how they would like to exercise the artifact.

  • The distributed performance experiments in experiments can be run either on a SLURM cluster of GPU nodes or locally on a single machine with multiple GPUs. To run locally on a multi-GPU machine, pass the flag --run_local 1.
  • Helper scripts are provided for downloading (a) pre-generated partitions and (b) pre-processed partitioned datasets.
  • The simulation experiments all run on a single machine and do not use a GPU.


Outline of repository structure

The contents of this artifact repo are organized in directories as follows:

  • caching/: Code for simulated communication experiments, computing vertex inclusion probability (VIP) weights, and identifying remote vertices to be cached locally.
  • dataset/: Initially empty, this is the default location for downloading/storing GNN training datasets (raw and pre-processed) and partition label tensors.
  • driver/: Driver code for running GNN computations with SALIENT++.
  • experiments/: Scripts for performing local simulation and distributed execution experiments that reproduce the results presented in the paper, and for downloading the corresponding input datasets.
  • fast_sampler/: Code the SALIENT neighbor sampler module.
  • fast_trainer/: Code for the SALIENT++ distributed GNN training infrastructure.
  • workflows/: Additional instructions for running custom distributed experiments, running experiments on a single multi-GPU machine, and manual partitioning and pre-processing of datasets.


Install SALIENT++

Refer to for instructions on how to install SALIENT++ and all dependencies in order to exercise this artifact.

In what follows, we use ${SALIENT_ROOT} to refer to the root of your clone of this repository.

Utility scripts

We provide utility scripts for automatically configuring experiments based on your execution environment (e.g., number of cores and available disk space) and downloading pre-processed and partitioned datasets.


Use the experiments/ script to set configuration parameters:

cd ${SALIENT_ROOT}/experiments
python --max_num_nodes <N> --force_diskspace_limit <S>

The usage of this script is provided below.

usage: [-h] [--force_diskspace_limit FORCE_DISKSPACE_LIMIT] --max_num_nodes MAX_NUM_NODES

Configure SALIENT++ distributed experiments.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --force_diskspace_limit FORCE_DISKSPACE_LIMIT
                        Override normal behavior which will analyze disk space using filesystem commands. The script will attempt, but not guarantee, to
                        select a subset of datasets that will fit within the specified disk-space constraints. Specify an integer representing a soft limit on
                        the number of GB used for storage.
  --max_num_nodes MAX_NUM_NODES
                        Specify the maximum number of nodes (GPUs) you will use for experiments. This determines which preprocessed partitioned datasets are
                        downloaded --- e.g., 8-way partitioned datasets will not be downloaded if you specify a value here of less than 8.

If you plan to run experiments on up to 8 GPUs, and want to use no more than 500GB of space then you would run the following command,

python --max_num_nodes 8 --force_diskspace_limit 500

which would result in configuring your environment to download all partitioned datasets except MAG240. You can manually edit the contents of configuration_files/feasible_datasets.cfg if you wish to override the decisions made by the configuration script.

Download pre-processed datasets

The script experiments/ can be used to download preprocessed partitioned datasets.


This process is optional, but if you choose to skip it you will need to follow additional instructions for computing graph partitions and generating reordered partitioned datasets. If you wish to generate partitioned datasets yourself, you should follow the instructions in for installing optional dependencies related to METIS and read the instructions for partitioning and reordering datasets at workflows/

This script accepts two optional flags:

  • --skip_confirmation: Do not prompt for confirmation before downloading a dataset. The datasets downloaded by this script are determined by the contents of configuration_files/feasible_datasets.cfg generated by This script downloads rather large files and may ask for confirmation before each download. Since many such large files will be downloaded by this script (e.g., the papers100M dataset will be downloaded 4 times if --max_num_nodes=8 for 1, 2, 4, and 8 partitions), you may find it useful to skip the confirmation prompts.

  • --simulation_downloads_only: If you wish to only run the simulation experiments, you do not need to download the pre-processed partitioned datasets. This flag opts out of downloading the preprocessed partitioned datasets.

Simulation experiments: caching impact on communication volume

This section provides instructions for running local GNN training simulation experiments to evaluate the inter-partition communication volume with different caching policies and replication factors.

Preset experiments with ogbn-papers100M

To perform simulation experiments with the same parameters that were used to generate the results in Figure 2 of the MLSys 2023 paper, run the provided experiments/ bash script:

bash ./

The script will run a set of caching simulation experiments, reporting progress and results along the way, and then print tables that show the average per-epoch communication volume in number of remote vertices for each experiment configuration.

NOTE: This script assumes that you have downloaded the ogbn-papers100M dataset and associated 8-way partition labels using the utility scripts described earlier. The script runs locally on CPU cores, requires approximately 160 GB of RAM, and may take a few hours to complete.

Custom simulation experiments


The script experiment/ allows you to run custom simulation experiments with a variety of options. For example, to run the simulation experiments with the ogbn-products dataset and 4 partitions (all downloaded using the utility script described earlier), using default options, execute the following:

bash ./ --dataset_name ogbn-products --dataset_dir ../dataset --partition_labels_dir ../dataset/partition-labels --num_partitions 4

This script will run a number of simulated GNN training epochs, evaluate the effectiveness of different caching policies with varying replication factor, and print and store the results. For example:

Loading 'ogbn-products', partitions=4
Path is ../dataset/ogbn-products
Simulating vertex accesses (10 epochs)
Average per-epoch communication in # of vertices
- ogbn-products, 4 partitions, 10 epochs, fanout (15,10,5), minibatch size 1024
| alpha | vip-analytical | vip-simulation | num-paths-reachable | halo-1hop | degree-reachable |
|     0 |       1.67E+07 |       1.67E+07 |            1.67E+07 |  1.67E+07 |         1.67E+07 |
|  0.01 |       1.57E+07 |       1.56E+07 |            1.60E+07 |  1.64E+07 |         1.62E+07 |
|  0.05 |       1.29E+07 |       1.29E+07 |            1.40E+07 |  1.54E+07 |         1.50E+07 |
|   0.1 |       1.07E+07 |       1.08E+07 |            1.20E+07 |  1.40E+07 |         1.39E+07 |
|   0.2 |       7.95E+06 |       8.01E+06 |            9.30E+06 |  1.16E+07 |         1.22E+07 |
|   0.5 |       3.88E+06 |       4.06E+06 |            4.94E+06 |  6.50E+06 |         8.76E+06 |
|   1.0 |       1.34E+06 |       1.62E+06 |            1.95E+06 |  5.71E+06 |         4.69E+06 |
Saving communication results (results-simulation/sim-comm-ogbn-products-partitions-4-minibatch-1024-fanout-15-10-5-epochs-10.pobj)

Simulation experiment script options

The bash script experiment/ is simply a wrapper for the caching/ Python script. The latter supports several options that control the simulation and caching computations. These are described in the script's command-line argument documentation, which is echoed by passing the --help flag to the script:

usage: [-h] --dataset_name DATASET_NAME --dataset_dir DATASET_DIR --partition_labels_dir PARTITION_LABELS_DIR --num_partitions
                                           NUM_PARTITIONS [--fanouts FANOUTS [FANOUTS ...]] [--minibatch_size MINIBATCH_SIZE] [--num_epochs_eval NUM_EPOCHS_EVAL]
                                           [--use_sim_accesses_file USE_SIM_ACCESSES_FILE] [--cache_schemes CACHE_SCHEMES [CACHE_SCHEMES ...]]
                                           [--replication_factors REPLICATION_FACTORS [REPLICATION_FACTORS ...]] [--num_epochs_vip_sim NUM_EPOCHS_VIP_SIM]
                                           [--num_workers_sampler NUM_WORKERS_SAMPLER] [--output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX] [--store_sim_accesses STORE_SIM_ACCESSES]

Run VIP caching communication simulation experiments.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset_name DATASET_NAME
                        Dataset name (default: None)
  --dataset_dir DATASET_DIR
                        Path to the partitioned dataset directory (default: None)
  --partition_labels_dir PARTITION_LABELS_DIR
                        Path to the partition-label tensors directory (default: None)
  --num_partitions NUM_PARTITIONS
                        Number of partitions (default: None)
  --fanouts FANOUTS [FANOUTS ...]
                        Layer-wise sampling fanouts (default: [15, 10, 5])
  --minibatch_size MINIBATCH_SIZE
                        Minibatch size (default: 1024)
  --num_epochs_eval NUM_EPOCHS_EVAL
                        Number of simulated epochs for communication evaluation (default: 10)
  --cache_schemes CACHE_SCHEMES [CACHE_SCHEMES ...]
                        VIP caching scheme names (default: ['degree-reachable', 'num-paths-reachable', 'halo-1hop', 'vip-simulation', 'vip-analytical'])
                        Cache replication factors (alpha) (default: [0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0])
  --num_epochs_vip_sim NUM_EPOCHS_VIP_SIM
                        Number of epochs for simulation-based VIP weight estimation (default: 2)
  --num_workers_sampler NUM_WORKERS_SAMPLER
                        Number of CPU workers used by the SALIENT fast sampler (default: 20)
  --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix name for communication simulation results output .pobj file. (default: experiments/results-simulation/sim-comm)
  --store_sim_accesses STORE_SIM_ACCESSES
                        set to 1 to store vertex-wise access statistics after simulation. (default: False)
  --use_sim_accesses_file USE_SIM_ACCESSES_FILE
                        If specified, skip evaluation simulation and use vertex accesses from file (default: None)

The last two options, --store_sim_accesses and --use_sim_accesses_file, can be used to avoid repeating the simulation computations. This is useful, for example, if post-evaluating different caching policy configurations for a long simulation (e.g., to measure the average communication over 100 epochs).

Parsing stored results

To parse and display stored simulation experiment results, use the caching/ script:

python caching/ --path experiments/results-simulation/sim-comm-ogbn-products-partitions-4-minibatch-1024-fanout-15-10-5-epochs-10.pobj

Distributed GNN training performance experiments

This section will walk you through the process of running a specific set of prepared experiment scripts. For custom experiments, please see the instructions in workflows/

Configuration for SLURM cluster or local execution

If you are running on a SLURM cluster, the script will generate a script that will then be executed using sbatch.

You must edit the SLURM_CONFIG variable at the top of to provide cluster-specific parameters to execute your distributed experiments.

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -t 0-4:00
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --qos=high
#SBATCH --export=ALL
#SBATCH --partition=queue1

The variables {JOB_NAME}, {OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY}, and {NUM_NODES} will be populated automatically by the script. You must set the rest of the SBATCH parameters to appropriate values for your cluster. Note that that you must ensure that you configure your job so that at most one process is launched per machine, which may necessitate the use of the --exclusive flag.

Note that, our experiment helper scripts are configured to work most smoothly in two cases: (a) a cluster where there is one machine per-GPU; and (b) a single machine with multiple GPUs. If you want to run in the multi-machine multi-GPU setting, you must modify the default parameter value for --num_devices_per_node in The nomenclature these scripts use is confusing, so let us explain this case in more detail. Note that, the --num_nodes parameter in and other scripts in the experiments directory does not refer to the number of machines used in the distributed experiment when the number of devices per node is greater than 1. Instead, it will refer to the number of GPUs (and thus partitions) being used for the experiment. As such, all experiments must use a value for --num_nodes that is divisible by the number of devices per-machine.

List of prepared distributed-training experiments

There are 4 prepared experiments:

  • A. Impact of different optimizations ( Can be used to reproduce Table 1 and Figure 4.
  • B. Per-epoch runtime versus replication factor ( Can be used to reproduce Figure 5 and Figure 7.
  • C. Per-epoch runtime versus percentage of data on GPU ( Can be used to reproduce Figure 6.
  • D. Accuracy on datasets ( Can be used to verify accuracy of trained models using SALIENT++.

For all of these experiments, you can display a table of results for all experiments run so far by adding the flag --parse_results_only True. You can also run all experiments on a single machine with multiple GPUs, instead of running on a SLURM cluster, by passing the flag --run_local 1.

A. Impact of different optimizations (

You can compare the performance of SALIENT and different versions of SALIENT++ that incorporate key optimizations. The partition system version adapts SALIENT to operate on partitioned datasets, instead of fully replicating all data, but does not incorporate additional optimizations to pipeline communication or cache data. The pipeline version extends partition by incorporating a multi-stage pipeline to overlap the host-device and network communication involved with communicating feature data across machines. Finally, the vip version extends pipeline by using vertex-inclusion probability analysis to cache the feature data of frequently accessed vertices to reduce communication volume.

The following command

python --dataset_name ogbn-papers100M --dataset_dir ../dataset --num_nodes_list 8 4 2

runs the experiment on the ogbn-papers100M dataset on 8, 4 and 2 nodes. The following output is generated on a cluster of 8 AWS instances of type g5.8xlarge.

|          Dataset           | System version | Num Nodes | GPU Percent | Replication Factor | Pipeline Comm |   Per-Epoch time   |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |    salient     |     2     |     0.0     |        0.0         |      N/A      | 11407.285349486707 |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |    salient     |     4     |     0.0     |        0.0         |      N/A      | 5632.410749585575  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |    salient     |     8     |     0.0     |        0.0         |      N/A      | 3059.607648131748  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |   partition    |     2     |     0.0     |        0.0         |       No      | 41399.77080273359  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |   partition    |     4     |     0.0     |        0.0         |       No      | 17489.229134771766 |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |   partition    |     8     |     0.0     |        0.0         |       No      | 11581.732730285885 |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |    pipeline    |     2     |     0.0     |        0.0         |      Yes      | 20176.131764118767 |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |    pipeline    |     4     |     0.0     |        0.0         |      Yes      | 8787.786316200367  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |    pipeline    |     8     |     0.0     |        0.0         |      Yes      | 5801.716621940748  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |      vip       |     2     |     0.15    |        0.08        |      Yes      | 10757.24265893497  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |      vip       |     4     |     0.15    |        0.16        |      Yes      | 5724.088441804775  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |      vip       |     8     |     0.15    |        0.32        |      Yes      | 3153.999767107889  |

B. Per-epoch runtime versus replication factor (

This experiment allows you to specify a list of different replication factors and measures SALIENT++'s per-epoch runtime for each value.

For example, the command below runs SALIENT++ on the ogbn-papers100M dataset on 8 nodes with replication factors 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 (measured as percentages of the number of vertices in each local partition)

python --dataset_name ogbn-papers100M --dataset_dir ../dataset --num_nodes 8 --replication_factor_list 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64

After completion, the following table is generated.

|          Dataset           | Num Nodes | GPU Percent | Replication Factor |   Per-Epoch time   |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.0         | 7042.021358306416  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.01        | 5836.294363993427  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.02        | 5090.2936436006175 |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.04        | 4289.161108649853  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.08        | 3622.2004357820583 |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.16        | 3570.064393489104  |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.32        | 3241.3765479219664 |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.64        | 3289.4505012460672 |

You can modify the --gpu_percent parameter used for this experiment by passing the desired value as a command line argument: --gpu_percent <val>.

C. Per-epoch runtime versus percentage of data on GPU (

The script measures the per-epoch runtime of SALIENT++ when storing a different percentage of the node features in GPU memory. This script provides the option to perform a comparison between two differently ordered datasets.

Note that, presently, to save time and space our scripts do not download the non-reordered versions of different datasets. Instructions for generating a dataset that is not reordered are provided in workflows/

The command

python --dataset_name ogbn-papers100M --dataset_dir_viporder ../dataset --dataset_dir_inputorder ../dataset-4constraint-inputorder --num_nodes 4 --replication_factor 15

generates the following output

|                      Dataset                      |    System   | Num Nodes | Replication Factor | GPU Percent |   Per-Epoch time  |
|             ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M            |  VIP Order  |     4     |        0.15        |     0.0     | 6033.232439877879 |
|             ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M            |  VIP Order  |     4     |        0.15        |     0.1     | 5759.152126575303 |
|             ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M            |  VIP Order  |     4     |        0.15        |     0.25    |  5746.39854423174 |
|             ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M            |  VIP Order  |     4     |        0.15        |     0.5     | 5666.521418532564 |
|             ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M            |  VIP Order  |     4     |        0.15        |     0.75    | 5719.900165736365 |
|             ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M            |  VIP Order  |     4     |        0.15        |     1.0     | 5756.726035469419 |
| ../dataset-4constraint-inputorder/ogbn-papers100M | Input Order |     4     |        0.15        |     0.0     | 6401.780735645651 |
| ../dataset-4constraint-inputorder/ogbn-papers100M | Input Order |     4     |        0.15        |     0.1     | 6050.808943205409 |
| ../dataset-4constraint-inputorder/ogbn-papers100M | Input Order |     4     |        0.15        |     0.25    | 6097.511649903014 |
| ../dataset-4constraint-inputorder/ogbn-papers100M | Input Order |     4     |        0.15        |     0.5     | 5982.476283267244 |
| ../dataset-4constraint-inputorder/ogbn-papers100M | Input Order |     4     |        0.15        |     0.75    |  5787.13487790525 |
| ../dataset-4constraint-inputorder/ogbn-papers100M | Input Order |     4     |        0.15        |     1.0     | 5797.535189236618 |

D. Trained model accuracy (

To verify accuracy of models, you can run the script. This script accepts an optional argument --make_deterministic which will configure CUDNN and CUBLAS to use deterministic algorithms. Note that this may result in reduced performance in some cases as some deterministic algorithms introduce device-to-host data transfers that can impact the effectiveness of pipelining.

The following command can be used to generate accuracy measurements for MAG240, ogbn-papers100M, and ogbn-products for training on 8 nodes deterministically.

python --dataset_name ogbn-papers100M ogbn-products --dataset_dir ../dataset --num_nodes 8 --make_deterministic

After completion, this script generates the following output.

|          Dataset           | Num Nodes | GPU Percent | Replication Factor |   Per-Epoch time   |   Valid accuracy   |   Test accuracy    |
|     ../dataset/MAG240      |     8     |     0.15    |        0.15        | 5001.481605186866  | 0.6509510683776062 |        N/A         |
| ../dataset/ogbn-papers100M |     8     |     0.15    |        0.15        | 3653.0829548643387 | 0.6764778669221251 | 0.6467681885619909 |
|  ../dataset/ogbn-products  |     8     |     0.15    |        0.15        | 817.7131605893053  | 0.9116801871678153 | 0.7850490558228288 |


This research was sponsored by MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab and in part by the United States Air Force Research Laboratory and the United States Air Force Artificial Intelligence Accelerator and was accomplished under Cooperative Agreement Number FA8750-19-2-1000. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the United States Air Force or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation herein.